49 #705 Complaint 2011 d Smith om: Ed Smith Dnt: Monday, September 26, 2011 12:32 PM y, 'Housing Authority Ben Wood Abject: Query from a MacDonald House resident ttachments: pictures from balcony 705 604 &704.jpg; pictures from balcony 705 704.jpg; pictures from balcony 705#604.jpg Jon— Us question that came to us sounded like something I should write to you about and get the backstory. A tenant has Iked with you in the past about some of his neighbors,and was explicit in saying that he feels you do the best job iyone could considering the problems presented and the community that you deal with. He is concerned with the mdition of#604's(Doris Pennington's) balcony—I can attach some pictures—black plastic trash bags, plastic furniture ierturned and covered with clothing, blankets, a turned over trash can, etc. He thinks there are squirrels nesting out sere, or possibly it's a cat or cats from the apartment moving around under the debris. Ben said to ask if Doris is sober present?, if so we can directly talk to her. If not,then I suppose we will be talking to her anyway, probably soon. I'm Ping to ask fire inspector Larry Therrien if there is a fire safety egress question as well—does the balcony constitute tress that has to stay accessible for emergency exit? to balcony over Doris' has automotive fluids stored in a cardboard box, soaked in oil etc.—it looks like it may be leaking awn onto the balcony concrete which I believe could degrade the concrete. I'll ask Larry about storing these things on ie balcony as well. lease let me know if Doris is approachable at present Of you want to talk to her about the balcony that's great)— tanks, Ed imund Smith ealth Inspector oard of Health ity of Northampton 12 Main Street, Northampton MA 01060 113)587-1339; Fax: (413)587-1221 smith @northampto nma.gov \ ' 2 ` , A t « \» ® ° \ ® . . : / 11! < \ \ I - : ! , f » \ \ * f < ,a . y � ' � ; : < < \ \ . \ y . . . . . : . . \ \ � , : ,1 in 11 1' I 'I1 11' ( I ,Ill frl Itl-li'yh4 �L. Hrl•fnl Data: 9Q®® Naive of Complainant Q�� M; tlet70 'JNfl Address: 99 ist-Lo sip - Sr, Yy v 2SC-S L r M : pa:4 icy Hat) NATURE OF COMPLAINT: X41 , @S l._a.g. ,e itA W S No'F 0.LS 4P/3a}-..teN%$, titr's � hc t 41.4 P i4,ea, ESIz.Jo ,� Stan-, Co .EAgs, Yt FFOSC4c-` ?,�nre,=r�� ��' �� Coot( Location: Owner: Address: Taken by: Date of Inspection: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 5 9 eteek Q,de-c , e-r- Action Taken: a c"• rice i,eLC4. rlc Time: I,Ip111h I PJ{ilkp I.,V] Inspector Signature, - Inspection Form Northampton Board of Health,212 Main St., Northampton, MA 01060,413.587.1214 SSC 105 CMR 410.000: Chapter II, Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation 1; q/z4(/time: #Occupants: #Children <6 Years ress: Unit# City/Town: Northampton upant Name: Mw-'>✓ be to-EC Phone# I((3 2 C1 . S Z7 t_ ter Name: Phone# ter Address: City/Town: Zip Code: /veiling/Rooming Units in Dwelling: #Stories: Floor Level of Uni / 'J) eeping Rooms: #Habitable Rooms: Party ,ector: rtle: If violations are observed and checked, describe them fully on Page 3. 4rea or Element Type of Violation Use blank boxes for ones not listed Possible Section(s) ✓if Observed Responsible Party Owner Occupa nt Locks 480 Exterior, Yard & Posting, ID, Exit signs/emergency lights 481.483,484 Porch Handrails, steps, doors windows, roof 500,501,503 Rubbish—storage and collection 600.601 Maintenance of Area 602 Light,windows 253,254.501 :ommon Areas & Egress 450,451.452 Entry Handrails 503 Door 501 erior Halls & Stairs Floors, walls ceilings 500 Hallways, railings, stairs 503 Light, windows 253,254,501 edroom 1 Location (circle): Front Rear Middle Left Middle Right Floor Unit Level of Ventilation 280 height 401,402 r Windows, screen Windows,s, 501,551 Wall 500 ledroom 2 Location (circle): Front Rear Middle Left Middle Right Floor Unit Level of Ventilation 280 Ceiling height 280,a02 Windows, screen 401,551 Bathroom Toilet, sink, shower, tub, door 150 Smooth, impervious surfaces 150 Lights, outlets, ventilations 251,280 Floors/walls 504 Kitchen Sink, stove, oven; good repair, impervious and space refrig 100 smooth, Lights, outlets, ventilation, windows, screens 251,280,sot. 551 Irea or lement Type of Violation Use blank boxes for ones not listed Possible Code Section(s) ✓if Violation Observed Responsible Party Owner Occupa nt Ceiling height 401,402 .itchen, cont. Floor 504 Floors/Walls 500 ing room Lights, outlets, ventilation 250,280 d Dining Ceiling height 401,402 Room Windows/screens 501.551 Ceiling condition Sink asement Maintenance 500 Watertight 500 Lighting 253 Water Source(circle): Public Private Must be potable 180 Quantity, pressure 180 Responsible for paying MGL ch 186 S 22, metering 354 of Water Fuel Type(circle): Natural Gas Oil Electric Other Kitchen Temp.: °f Location taken: Quantity, pressure, 110 F min, 130 max 190 Venting 202 Heating Type(circle): Forced Hot Water Forced Hot Air Steam Electric No units 200 portable "Habitable room and every room with toilet, shower, tub" 201 • 68F 7 am to 11 pm,64F 11:01 pm to 6:59 am, except 6/15-9/15 • 78 F max in heating season/measure 5 feet wall,5 feet floor Venting, metering 202.354, 355 Electrical Type(circle): 110 220 Amp: Amperage,temporary wiring, metering 250,255, 354 256. Drainage, Plumbing Type(circle): Public Private Sanitary drainage required and maintained 300.351 Hoke&CO Detectors Required &operational 482 Emergency lights Pests Free of (rodents, skunks, cockroaches, insects) 550 pests Structural maintenance and elimination of harborage 550 sbestos or Paint 353.502 ad urtailment 620 ccess 810 ther « « a± _ 4k* i w± � zzm , - ao# erral: ❑ Electric ❑ Fire ❑ Plumbing ❑ Building ❑ This inspection report is signed I certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. pector Signature: :upant or Occupant's Representative Signature: nspection Date: Time: Written description of any violation(s)checked above Include Area or Element, code citation and a description of the condition(s)that constitute the violation. You may include remedies that would be an acceptable means of achieving compliance with 105 CMR 410.000. NOTE: *indicates that this housing inspection has revealed conditions which may endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of any person(s)occupying the premises Area/Element,Code Citation and Description of Violation Acceptable Remedies