47 Asbestos Info 2001-2002 ATC A S S O C I A T E S I N C . East Longmeado 39 Spruce Street Massachusetts 01028 www.atc-enviro.com 413.525.1198 Fax 413.525.8227 December 4, 2001 Mr. Frank Tilli Abide Environmental PO Box 886 East Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01028 RE: Asbestos Air Monitoring 47 Orchard Street, Northampton, MA ATC Associates Inc. Project No. 81-00096-0571 Abide Environmental Job No. 01523 Dear Mr. Tilli: Enclosed are the air sample results for the above referenced location taken on November 7, 2001. Final air samples were at or below the EPA Standard of 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, ATC Associates Inc. Brian Williams r1- Branch Manager B WItfm Enclosure N:DA IA/1I1/81-00096/0571.D)C �K 39 Spruce Street East Longmeadow.Massachusetts 01028 413.5251198 Fax 4135258227 ASBESTOS PCM AIR SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT JAME vonmental IJOB SITE 47 Orchard St,Northampton,MA SAMPLED BY Beth Schmuter DATE SAMPLED 07-NOV-0I Alt JOB! 8100090 0571 METHOD.PHASE CO TRAST MICROSCOPY NIOSII METHOD IWI REV l AL SERVICE LICENSE 1: AAOLwWS .YST NAME. Beth SChmLter ANALYSIS 11/07/2001 ATORY STANDAIWS: CLEAR AIR AFTER ABATEMENT- -01 FIBBYS/CC OR LESS OSHA PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT- 01 FIBERS/CC SHR TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE OSHA EXCURSION LIMIT(]OMINI- 1 FIBER/CC LOCATION SMIPIE TYPE VOLUME ABEXSMIEID FBERS/CC SAMPLE Blank! Field Blank 0/100 01 Field Blankl Field Blank 0/100 02 Field NE Corner of Containment Final Air Clearance 1230 12/100 005 03 In Containment• COntalnmentCenler of Containment Final Air Clearance 1245 18/100 007 04 In ATORY STANDAIWS: CLEAR AIR AFTER ABATEMENT- -01 FIBBYS/CC OR LESS OSHA PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT- 01 FIBERS/CC SHR TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE OSHA EXCURSION LIMIT(]OMINI- 1 FIBER/CC $--vo, (7�" - " °..)k-C'C=C'`i(k" G If TEM Specify Turnaround Time Job Site: OA^h'�'o ti' y"a„ n PCM or'TEM (circle One) / �� r` bwf. Send TEM results to'. �- Analyst Signmurc'. !�". Work Aren: � �. � I Y // 7. o d Phone: Collected by: �/�.]�hl'^"�` Date of Analysis: (��� �^I Fzz'. Signature: o'f'!t `S 'lam p Sample Location Sample Pump Pump Flow Rate Time Air Volume 'Actual Results Type On Off (LPM) (Min.) (Liters) Cunt (F/CC) y p,'7 o I ,Field Blank F ••22.. Field Blank 1 Field Blank 12� �G "f' r. c . itt Cora Pa t `d 7 1 :jD IStL S -' i / Q00 y7' 1f7 *z CaIG� r1-104 (.C . . esn�0 e“.4ti, 1 J /3:5/ /44 C. .%-) Z� � /oo Q.oC7 • • IL -) Reference Slide 71 Duplicate Slide 1 Ii l I V^', I-174 rk e; - G 7) Final Air Clearance 9) Associated Work Work Phase: I) Background 3) During Prep Work 5) During Final Clean ) 2) Pre Abatement 4) During Removal 6) During Olovebag Removal 8) Personal Air Sample 10) Hazard Assessment ReIIn0UI51tCC( BY: ____--- Date __ Received By: Date: CERTIFICATION OF VISUAL INSPECTION DENT: 0 3NERAL LOCATION(bldg. Name,street,etc): y2 al-C 4,art,o sr ,44.44j✓LOJECT ER: 3ATEMENT 3ATEMENT CONTRACTOR: :CG• c, ETHOD OF ABATEMENT: (PE AND QUANTITY OF MATERIAL ABATED: JSPECT MATERIAL REMAINING IN WORK AREA: is .vr4 ( /1 M /J'4.Sc•+-4-zi 'ECRIC AREA INSPEL 1 ED: C am--iv,..-e_..,-1 tT n S4...1.44 Li- - G p / rl ERTIFICATION OF VISUAL INSPECTION ) accordance with Specification for this project and any applicable regulations the Contractor hereby ertifies that he has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes, beams, ledges, walls, eiling and floor, decontamination unit, sheet plastic, etc.) and has found no visible dust, debris r residue. Iy: (Signature) NU"'CC'li2 Date: // — / — 0 Print Name) FCYL' h 1 c Pc" u c U R Print Title) 5 up ' it Accreditation Number n .5 7O 6 /a. State: /z19S 5 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFICATION The Owner's Representative hereby certifies that he has accompanied the Contractor on his visual inspection and verifies that this inspection has been thorough and to the best of his knowledge and believes the Contractor certifi ation above is a true and honest one. By: (Signature) /• It/nt Date: 1/- 7 D/ !� --t-I SC-N ME.L I//pj Eic( Nuo..IJ\TOIL Accreditation Number J`"'�1/\ 1 7 l 61 (Print Name) (Print Title) State: ��LQ S-/- -, DATE: 1-7 HYG : ce.--cfm,,,,t, CONTRACTOR: / SUPERVISOR I La_ (Ann 1.Apia- s2z, ION: Spray-on . Plaster , Boiler Pipe. Glovebag jv ls(t c) NT: Removal Enclosure Encapsulation < cAzi ■�.i j " _ a tainment ✓fig ical Barriers Remaining as Posted on Chambers in Place AC Off/Sealed PA System :rating irk Area abatement contractor equipment removed nos waste removed a vacuumed x cleaned ea is dry con unit clean row, ceiling & walls clean ;moved surfaces clean ratification of Visual Inspection rea surface tockdown (encapsulated) inal Air Sampling mare footage area sampled olume of area _ samPled lumber of rooms Yes No Remarks ggresme sampling Yes M. of samples I.C. (�-- In of aemniae 0 r Sae Lw PAGE . -= a b i d e Abide, Inc., Environmental Contracting February 4,2002 Handyman Hank 136 Middle Street Hadley, MA 01035 ATTN: Hank Barstow RE: Documentation Report for Abide,Inc. Project#01523 Building Name: 47 Orchard Street,Northampton Abatement Date(s): 11/7/01 Amount of Waste Generated (in Cubic Yards): 2.0 CY Dear Mr. Barstow: Enclosed please find the abatement documentation report for the above referenced project. This report includes all necessary documentation as required by applicable state and federal regulations. If you have any questions,or need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Thank you. Sincerely, Frank Tilli President P.O. Box 886 East Longmeadow, MA 01028 Phone 413-525-0644 • Fax 413-525-0678 • E-mail ABIDE1@aol.com unxucrov$ 1.as e.mna a mum na m44 a4co a0m '0 m.ryaam ee DepaMaa at eaawmeaa rneIm 1mt tav0* 75( 1 pip n'MYimu PO OM mile p•aamea al loop and 616441r 04l4Ammemm5a 45300 612 (Hedy,, ma MVAMY MANS MAYY ganef( OW paler ATM: bow umuse 5411. 2 509410400 FCm m Cammanwwlt 0l Massachusetts Asbestos Program".0.Box 120087 Boston,MA 02112-008] 3.IM Mm may bossed loi mubeo Me us. Faimmeual Pmanm Ap(1g mla awatWmmhmav mo]bon lions subsea to ME5r1Ap51U CFR 540300 Fe MS Uwe" lEdlowaz Commonwealth of Massachuseffs Asbestos Notification Fenn— ANF-001 A Asbestos Abatement Description 1. Facilay taliona Rnesrust tOm West ur`il MQ,A Ensue EEXEMPT 752746 1Zu:nS Si rrr O (j a _tau Y -53YC., !.¢W ar4+V Ov room 2. Is th Iacilily occupied? 24es 2 No 3. Asbeam Con&actor. ASIDE Ira"- P.O. Pox 886 hams East Cored ddow, MA 01028 (413)525-0644 meow AC 000254 a_ 0n-Site Prole Sopinisarnweman. tom 5 &qM Monitor. nat 4400 Verbal aware Nat toeMnuO (1- t. AM aawnmr aux IX/fee'mm/ 6. 0.5005105 Anal ylKdl Lap'. .3eA � OUGISranon z P,oectsmaale)JiJW!nd alenfJf2Jspealiework hours(Mon.Fri.)—] (fiat.sun) ct P n sae):t + van ® axe 8 What type o'prolecl 6 this? (dole one). drawn, 9. Describe the asbestos ahalenent procedures to be used v10. Is the job tieing CMducted ndoors =outdoors? 0.04.4 1 1. TWA amount of e a c h tyveM?Clan Con removed,M a ndowed o e h a n d l e d d on apes or ducts(Iir ear 11) 5- or other seams(square A) 3 Fnnrngoare)eel ma a.acaw as cm Mace maws...____/ 70 Mena.soli core Ape oulabon omyamaamea'Awppe rnsallar . _J.— muOIMmred finpook —1 booeUpwo n 00:.ae1600 __J MU nlftoad ova•Nwre mnrta3 —J— 12. Describave decontan0aallon systems)m be used 'Three chamber de(.'Ontaminatron unit with shower. ibe etc comainedza iwVdisposal Inellwds toswryty WiM 310 CM8 05 and 453 CMO 6.14(2)(8) nerized 'n t • • mi 1 _ •• a•e5 t1andfill. 1a. For Emergency Asbeiles Abalemcit Operations.We DEP and OLI officials who evaluated the emergency Nee WOO Off..cw are oru.•=.to e nuwe.n old ra 15 Oo presaging wage tales apply as per M 0 L c 149.§26,2L or 21A-F to Ohs proles? -Yes 1/1; -WI L7SL Iwmlto won wo,o'nnls ou= saFa a(na J0 snun loth 101111101115th pa 01n000-th thou'Npoype oursnop I¢dOlunw Pnpq'UMnj the Iewaa2 eel +,vzl ..viuy e,ny 8ZOT0 VW 'Soul 4sPo 988 xag ,03131510 uounnou 'Len" a",oey awa,im no:os 4490-SZS-ED 'ou I '80ZflF 7UepT saSd ngssnw ,onenmpamx I P/h2Ibl ty_ l INN pve3csp sologw 1opapay1euj IuDueangy uopwrplou iryl uummnum mywepiaw Rylpue ou o Pith nth it Ainhied0poopeptJ Iaouo wwwmuo]'luuuatlagi uJ zuoyeln6atl zyesnrpersely pyyeaawpuwOaxp peal zey ays(dy Iryl'.4NIaEla sa9RyaE aVl,apun'zalels Apa,ry%uduagN aW uope3111pa3 Q, e 944L-PVC-4ZL Z49ST Hd 'u!mai hat[2ueseari- -da TTT3Puei LaTTeA :en RSods°MP e .10,10,/ •Aal ..o.m al el .pw urvaolemppn .ow .nn w,uomS H/N 015131 PPS :laaefiaae 01 eau/no put uns eaueq aznpy E aN VI!n FMuwa Ism swons met u.QNI arvel:aMa L98£-ZLZ-008 08490 ,ia 'PueT7aud :am;es0ami 44T xoa -0'd '7>�t€ e sey ONK00"I them 01 np MVOp.4uoawal/le^uua,woo wualw;AMA eurPNOas0)sapse to lnw*ue,l 'Z aoaP. am Of unypl 4490-SZS-£T4 8Z0t 1114 '%opeau15UOI ;sea 988 xog '0'd —_. '0NI 'aaiuv :DNS Rsopsip lem nl.Axessaau Marrs?onto A.emqual 01aps won Pan,apex tuvrnum-sopapss to,apae5ywl '1 lesods;,pue nopepodsueq sowsagsy I5)00004Z fu bfl Nunn 24110'magi value y ---totifb rctrtsyr4tRg 111=i1 'CO 'SW wage --iVairre=t1:.19-1.2 :+o1551510!1 Main D 5 • 7e9 ',xoeurya aIS-ua smsnp sMnnei o 000em enrol JWOO :m.°Nnnej E ON ❑ >p [zsel,O spun,11p2 ttnuapm.Opgmzo-,ewloNTxl eyl sl '2 • 3�n'30 ! s3 ) :Mpael to am'Dud Jo myths '1 . - C uopdpasajAHpaed 13 SZS 1(U MEAT drortmantal Transport,Inu wand,CT 06480 Fax:(860)342-4866 0-272-3867 120648 ASBESTOS DISPOSAL & DOCUMENTATION FORM E.P.A. AGENCY CT.MA,RI,VT,NH,ME NY GENERATORS GENERATORS EPA New England 1 Congress Street Boston,MA 02114-2023 (617)918-1111 EPA Region 2 290 Broadway,26th Floor New York,NY 10007-1866 (212)264-8770 #9963006 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TELEPHONE #1-800-272-3867 Address Ci GENERATO UILDINNG OWNER 3 :6 '.. : IL:. LTSWIIII I MI 4,4 30/ R / -90 GENERATIN L . TIC/1 ON Phone ner Del. // Date of Pickup 1/23/02 ///-� stainer (//7 0 CY F/lable Ly" •on-Friable ❑ c Drum 0 Wrapped 0 Other 0 RO, ASBESTOS, 9, NA2212, PG III we named material does not contain free liquid as defined by 40 CFR pan 260.10 or any applicable state law,is not a hazardous waste as defined by !61 or any applicable state law, has been propedy described, cla siied and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation according to lards for asbestos waste disposal found in 40 CFR pan 61.150. ification: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment a e fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are kaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in •-r condition for transport according to applicable intemational and national gulations. , e Phone Number RIZED _' •TURE r1: Signature res Registration Acknowledgement of receipt of materials. State/ e Management N.E.E.T., Inc., PO Box 144, Portland,CT 06480 1-800 272-3867 Registration# 1 a State Signature Acknowledgement of receipt of materials. Date: T I C RY STORAGE/TRANSFER FACILITY: WASTE MANAGEMENT N.E.E.T.,INC. • 203 PICKERING STREET• PORTLAND,CT06480 PHONE:(800)2724867 PERMIT#SW 1130723 earl v C/ Date: //z_ r/6z- Certification of receipt of materials covered by this manifest. Tel ph Registration#: //Kt (14 Date: / tate/# Acknowledgement of receipt of materials. me: SOUTHERN ALLEGHENIES LANDFILL Phone No: 814-479-2537 DAVIDSVILLE, PA. 15928 ,le Volume of Asbestos Received: 2.0 CY sy If Any: ay: Permit#:100081/CT/008/960716/2845 Date: 7/19/00a. Certification of receipt of materials covered by this manifest. 'arcel: TELEPHONED PLEJSE CALL CMAE TO SEE YOU WELL CALL A(MN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED RETURNED V9JR CAL SPECIAL ATTENTION me: (pwl0 •SHE c✓mc /tell) d 1 : ➢F ON ow/4k %.✓Q vrPXC/ . RE IUNMCNORi i0/vs RE.' (/CFA/,¢U n'NTjU'c rove' OILOIDIP Chock Box IVIES "Ill y2/4/0 /cods Ya 0 BOARD.OF HEALTH CITY,COMPLAINT RECORD OPY Date: S-/7-p / I Time:(cm) I Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: </[f+C &vs/ma Sh D°2G NL 50 30 Address: I Tel:SEt-tiza OfeESros kEmoVea F2�REOF COMPLAINT: 0 a-n✓E;, 9 Ck/nc N£ B%SE/�arNT /5 P1nnaNF� NANktS RS79L-ton.751gOR -Not G/tCNS<p /3C(0104 . rcSYe-7E - (e,v-fz7- gys Location: 4/7 O/C/,/nD ST4 — Owner: meet ;Q Ei970N /EDSyz4/E,xs Address: 5n -N9z9 I Tel: Taken by: Dfi( I Date of Intimation: S-.ii. o / I Time: /PS) •iPEi'r.�5Tro PNON',ry loNOw.TOR'S REPORT: 'JPOkE wives Bnp&404 5A97.N S-/g- ' SH£ Witt. NhID dFF ON c✓021( 91/p RE&NMCNOf Y/4&Av ,P5: t/Cf/✓$cJ r&iNr/Lic o/lpMJ /O[lo c/ MY 2 . BIgka I PBoto{sl Taken Check Box 11 YES Action Taken: e k: roc %5/ iCE / /10✓r 0� A»/O/ 0