30 Complaints 1977-2012 Name of Comp1ainan Address J OF HIEATI CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD id1 H.- '"�?dn TI-1 cot) 001 Date_....... Tune P•N• 30 No. Kaple St, Flo. Tel Nature of Complaint No disposal facilities, no hot water, no_fyre escauo , inadequate heat. Location of Premises 30 No Owner William Arnold Yaole St. , Flo. Address ___._$a:rdwall. St. Edw, H. hsnan Occupant Taken by Vetter C. C3aark Referred to D• Kochan H, Langdon Time3:15.P,,N. Date of inspection Feb. 25, 1977 INSPECTOR'S REPORT Complaint not justified. Conference vi th...Hill.ara_.Cttne.r) Frnold disclosed the `act that space in this building is leased (:in writing) as a studio and not as living quarters, therefore it cannot be considered a Swelling nf..hmran..habitation.._urd_er the state state sanitary code 2. No action necessary. D. Kochan /377-Case clirsea per order of 3, i;acgo ism. 6/14/77-Case cloyed, occupants moved, repairs in progress. See memo attached to complaint. Inspector C. Clark. BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of /� Complainant l_.. Address i2. - Tel- y-'Ja3 Date 421. Time Nature of Complaint i y MMI Location of Premises 0 ,v�' "'�'�- 1V 43,„-t- Gyce_e , si. Owner Address - _ Occupant ''.'" -""-'- "A `L`'-"----_ Taken by__—. la Referred to i Date of inspection � 1a" "/7 y��j, Time_ INSPECTOR'S REPORT �1 R_.C'.✓r4"� 'tt - Action Taken N -- Inspector February 1, 1979 . William. Arnold �rdwell Street .orence, t'ass. 01060 gar "r. Arnold: An inspection of the premises owned by you at 30 North `'axle Street, ',orence, conducted on Jaruary 2C, 1979 by Inspectors from the Northampton 3oard Health and the Office of ",uilding Ins;entio^s, indicated that left area of this non- ;sidential structure, leased as studios, were being used as dwelling units. This -e of the building is a violation of the Northampton Zoning Ordinances, the pro- ?rty is zoned for special business. Also, the following violations of Article II f the State Sanitary Code, "'inirum Standards of Fitness for Hu:-an Habitation", >re noted: 1. lack of shower. or bathtub 2, lack of toilet 3. lack of second exit The Northarpton Board of Health finds that these major violations are .efficiently serious to endanger or r.aterially inpair the health and ::ell-being of he occupants. The Board further finds that the lack of the above-mentioned facil- ties render the premises at 30 North Maple Street unfit for Iran habitation. Lnrefore, under authority of Chapter Ill, Section 127L of the General Laws of the orrom:ealth you are hereby ordered to immediately discontinue the use of the 30 orth ?aple Street prerLoos as a residential stureture, and remove all persons yelling therein. Please refer to the attached notice concerning your right to a hearing egarding this ratter. If you have any questions about this order, please contact the Board of 'e,alth Office. Very truly yours, Peter J '-cErlain Ecalth vent Cecil Clark, 3uilding Ins p ctor t _rart (posted) the right to seek a modification o£ n der. To er _on :: - w rl t file in riting a eti_tion ol t _h a i , _ ea hen, a o�ih; � i �f�re the ,ald of Health. Petitions a -ccolo e with the r N Petitions �.�._� be filed on � n 9 - ulaticns below: Arsy person or nnt- s upon � 2 ' older been surged of to re regulation of this core ( cgc of for an :author issued aftex of e fl 33 . 2 have peen satisfied ) ; such Petition rest be filed wi thin seven days after the cry the order i e l e d; Any person aggrieved by the failure of any rose ctor ( s) or other personnel of the board of health: (1) to inspect on redoest any Premises as recuire-d under t_,is code ; .rev i.c d such petition must be filed within th_ rty uaYs after such inspection ction was requested ; or (2 ) to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code ; provided , such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or (3 ) upon an inspection to find violations of this tArticletxhere such violation c> combination of violations may danger or mate- rially or c__ and well-being of the occupy imp of the health or safety, . occupants of the Premi se=; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report; or • (4) to issue an order as required by Regulation 33 .1 ; provided , that such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report. person cnyn pe -ten Any person upon whom this order has been served or any ri_eved by the failure to hearing and any adverse ve has the ghtht to ty has a right to appear at said hearing. Public Documents 1 otherrdocunentaryJenformationn in the possession of the Board of rlth are open for inspection and may be copied for a fee. Remedies and Penalties Part of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary m l remedies to lento _y a e in older to Housing r violations lr ct -d.. failure to comply ith this order also subjects the person Cured to a criminal fine of not less than ten ($10. 00) dollars, nor ere than five hundre d ($5 00) dollars for each day' s failure to colnn y .th this order. v larch 22, 1977 '3. William Arnold Bariwell Street Florence, }'ass. OlOGO Dear Mr. Arnold: An inspection of the premises owned by you at 30 North Maple Street, Florence, was conducted by inspectors of the Northampton housing Code Enforcement Agency, Fire Prevention Bureau and the Board of Health, in accordance with the provisions of The State Sanitary Code, as adopted under Section V, Chapter 111 of the General Laws of the Cca^cr.- wealth of Nassaohusetts. The £olnwing major violations were found at their recent inspection: 1. No shower or bathtub. 2. No toilet facilities,. 3. No kitchen. facilities. 4. Only one exit. 5. Subject to flooding string heavy r.-in. 6. Zoned for special business. The Beard of Health finds that these major violations found are sufficiently serious to endanger or materially impair the health or well-bean;", of the cecu_:arits. The_•.. le e: decision of Health that these piov�ioiona�cfrTteo State Sanitary Cod Non-compliance with this order will mean that the tBor ar Health d of eh£ Co order ls b fore d to have the Nor ->ton Police fc cibiy re ovc your will be finnldsd yet-^ t i xt lid pouted en thw de i of the pr dorm No delay will be pexzatttad. _ Your leuediatc ccr2lian is hereby enjcincd. Very traly yo'l`ae, B0177 OF Fih'.SLTH Coin nlin:3 F. O'Neil Health Agent CC : February 1, 1979 r. William Arnold ardwell Street lorence, Mass. 01060 ear "r. Arnold: An inspection of the premises owned by you at 30 North Maple Street, lorence, conducted on January 2r, 1979 by Inspectors from the Northampton 3oard if Health and the Office of :%Siding Inspections, indicated that loft area of this Men- esidential structure, leaved as etudioe, were being used as dwelling units This me of the building is a violation of the Northampton Zoning Ordinances, the pro- is Code,b"Minimum StandardseofoFitness for violations of Article Habitation", ,ere noted: 1. lack of shower or bathtub 2. lack of toilet 3. lack of second exit The Northampton Board of Health finds that these sufficiently serious to endanger or materially impai r the health and well-being of the occupants. The Board further finds that the lack of the above-mentioned facil- ities render the premises at 30 North Maple Street unfit for human habitation. Common authority Chapter wealth you arehereby ordereedto immediately disc General discontinue the use of the f300he North Maple Street premises as a residential stun:ture, and remove all persons dwelling therein. Please refer to the attached notice concerning your right to a hearing regarding this matter. If you have any questions about this order, please contact the Board of Health Office. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent cc: H%liding Inspector Cecil Clark, tenant (posted) r . _a to seek a modifieotiun of an o dr:r To pr, r a modification, a person must idle in -1 iti_na a oetition hearing before L .rd of ; ,al n retrrr - r - nu ue filed n in accordance with the regulations o loov : *y person or Tureens � r�❑ ' iT any o r, r e n served p u t 3.3 r) regulation f this code ( except for an order isuued after • ie requirements Regulation 33 e been satisfied) ; provid ed , itch --titi ,n mast be filed vnto i- _even days after the day the i artier sE rived; Any person aggrieved by the fal1UCC of any inspector ( s) or other oc ys5nnel. of the board of alth: (1) to inspect u on revue 'ttanyonremises as. leduvr'ed UnCerr his days oa code ; provided, such after such inspection was requested ; or (2 ) -required by this code; to vided a such pt on an must be a. after provided , such netitr�n huge be tiled within thirty days the inspection; or upon an inspection to find violation ; of this Article here (3 ) claimed to exist or to certify that a such tviolation o are one riser or .nate- riolly im or combination or vafety, e and r „e1l- being of the rccua impair the health or provided , =u ch petition m pe jjled.=-net on the err d afti r receipt of the inspection filed within thirty - ■ report ; or (4) to issue an order as required by Regulation 33 .1; provided , that such petition must be filed within thirty days after receiut of the inspection report. the failure of the i Any person upon whom this order has been served or any person r reved by n,spe ctor to perform a s enumerated be represented at a hearing and any adverse ty has the right to has a right to appear at said hearing. Public Documents All relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices 1 other documentary information in the possession of the Board of lth are open for inspection and may be copied for a fee. Remedies and_Peralties • Part of the Inspection Report contains a brief use in order to sets Dousing Code violations a :ary of some ccropl iwith this order r a 1 so subjects the person 1 rr-nc--cries tenants Y i0. 00) dollars, or r r Let, Failure l Y ten ('� Connor each day' s failure to Y o Cr-d to a criminal fine lJf dollars�forac „-e than five hundred ($5� ` ) th this order. _L SYLVA ssioner HIGGINS tmental Engineer //��&retain e,( `i' gurucon nmAt//'czG ��" f/Vhhnett R�en'P�l,�ta/niYLersfr7,G �tt 4 & ree zi ('%�/edtrvz O O 436 guthiAi 3u,abil m. 01903 (413,) 785.5327 A-1 Furniture Refinishing 30 North Maple Street Florence, MA 01060 Attn: Dennis Papillon August 7, 1987 Re: Northampton - RCRA A-1 Furniture Refinishing 310 CMR 30.00 Dear Mr. Papillon: Department personnel inspected on July 15, 1987 thenitu1e The Refinishing site located at '30 North Maple Street, Florence, purpose of this inspection was to determine this site's compliance status with 310 CMR 30.00, The Massachusetts Hazardous Waste Regulations. Based on this inspection and on information supplied to Department personnel, the- Department has concluded that this site generates less than 20 kilograms (approximately 44 lbs.) of hazardous wasterpers onth eandAdoes not accumulate at any one time more than 20 kg. exception of 310r CMRx30.353(1) whicherequirest that perrsons who generate s eempt from the such, this ste mannerbthatOdoes not h endanger public health, nhealth, safetyorewelfare; ore a azardous waste the environment. You are required to submit to the Department by September 14, 1987 the methods used by A-1 Furniture Refinishing to manage and dispose of its hazardous waste. SFJ:FD mtm:aliqg cc: Board of Health Hazardous Waste Coordinator Very Truly Yours, Stephen F. Joyce Deputy Regional Environmental Engineer Air, Solid and Hazardous Materials Western Region � &302 -A LL - 017 Date of Inspection: Inspector Signature BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD - C ooO // (1 plainant: Atr10tAYt'n00 S ID ROLE NATURE OF COMPLAINT: *r5 yLe TL :l-Y'� V3i� ‘ F�w�,•- Si [� .1 0-‘0- SC se- 19 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: t of Inspections: pf Final Inspection: Orders Issued?: Notice of Compliance?: Inspector Signature BOARD OF HEALTH V1 ' CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD... Date: y/y/zcillTime: IGEO: IType: Name of Complainant: 4a\o.. . c uys9 Address: Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: (32c' % ..d•� j,rw,tc k'S n- ber iv,et CD.SSE[P a... ma 1t1Rs TrT Suto$ P�ec'«c R,3n AI-E, 6W_-.1 ...:Co t s b t/ Location: '2 o a. I"tM -L- 51 , Owner: " ,LA f\P Sc-Lr, Address: Tel: SLY - 3`_1t) Taken by: S -I Date of Inspection: Q/v/vorZ Time: j:cco. INSPECTOR'S REPORT: �i k- ,o:f=e e7n? - 6oSS- — Chr-=sfc F ,f& -s , = s ar-■ Ar-at—o----584- 355t i le+-`I°rD _ Sect[. fn rot'tt afac..ii uwlte it.o-.. :-%--t'> !t""_` S( � //l/��., 'fa �0,,/e-try/ g;t cfn c._ ul I.R-f'(..a-i o-.'-�O..a JJc`.-`� ,.w� -9� "n's M clink eo.xres Total#of inspections: Orders Issued?: Oate of Final Inspection: Notice of Compliance?: Inspector Signature 0 J