260 (Leeds Village) Complaints 1978-2014 Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD -‘- -7C' V5- Date Time Tel .5-(1‘ - -IS/ Nature of Complaint 774: ? ,6 Location of Premises -'<- - -r /2i7 z.-c_ -Pt7V,eri,5 7' Owner .---iz a t A z L., (4",„ AL. ) o, Address , „, *lei, ot Occupant ( k li.-- I (66. -/ 6 / (- Taken by /4/1 Ic- Referred to Date of inspection --/- Time/ 2- CIS; ,Ii INSPECTOR'S REPORT .edircZIA.Ckt. ,t --,e, r, J , • , f„,,,4- kcp -uLLF--, ■_7:J! -L7 r I: / '1 77:-X-, I7; .. .." ateq.k.tp.d-ALIL f 1 V.,./...,717:1 C ? k ( 127Z-s-' / ; 6 /kt-- 7/2; a• Action Taken '‘r "'inspector Pi Ai-16 z ‘e- &qt.; E:t1/ f; Li6C-ja S 122 2 54641.- /4.2 A /Eh? cL/67/ :RI) or HEAia'H T. 3ovCE. (Lam;: n 'HLEEN O'CONNE.L,R N. ER J MCExuIN,Health Agent CITY 01 NORTHAMPTON MASSACH U SETTS OFFICE OF TliE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 TEL.(913) S9-9071 lER TO CORaDJT VIOLATIONS OF ARTICLE II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE " MINDIUM STANDARDS FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT Atartment 1B, Leeds Villa>e, Main St =edc 'a. )ER ADDRESSED TO: Leeds Village Associates DATE February 6, 1978 667 Vain Street Holyoke, Ma. 01060 IES OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED 10: Anna Fibeo Apt. 1B Leeds Village Main Street, Leeds, :?ass. 01053 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradu9ao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document !Peal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme e: Questo a un documento legele importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de este forma en: AUTO ELVOL EVQ Cr1110VTLAO VOULXO eyYPGQO. EIROOEL va EnrIpEO4EL TO. VOtLLXO. CAS BLHOLWU Ta. '?IIOPELTE vet rtapETE 11ETaQpaOTl ¢UtCU TOU aYIOSC OU Gito TO 'll 4 T f� iL n' ;29, I7 fr 'F'/ : Board of Health, Northa-:pton, Mass. 210 Vain Street -- Tel. No. 5811-9071 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Apartment 1B, Leeds Village , Northampton (assessor's map 10B parcel 81 .), for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed viola=tions, listed below, which are serious enough as to materially endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General Laws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within Twenty-four (2)4) hours from the date of receipt of this order. Regulation Violation 13.1 water seeping up through kitchen floor,V living room floor also damp, evidence of water leak near kitchen ceiling li'ht Cdtc ite-w% U,cL(‘ Alia& a /7�-W. . P If you have any questions, please contact this office. Thank you for your cconeration. . Ys. Anna Fibeo 7ertified Yail # 86427h 7r Remedy repair water leak and eliminate chronic dampness Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent Persons have the right to seek a modification of an order. To accomplish a modification, a person must file in writing a petition for a hearing before the Board of Health. Petitions must be filed on time in accordance with the regulations below: (a) Any person or persons upon whom any order' has been served pursuant to any regulation of this code (except for an order issued after the requirements of Regulation 33 . 2 have been satisfied) ; provided, such petition must be filed within seven days after the day the order s-as served; (b) Any person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector ( s) or other personnel of the board of health: (1) to inspect upon renuest any premises as recuired under this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested ; or (2) to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or (3 ) upon an inspection to find violations of this Article where such violation are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or mate- rially impair the health or safety, and well—being of the occupants of the -;remises; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report; or ((y) to issue an order as reeuired by Regulation 33 .1; provided, that such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report. Any person upon whom this order has been served or any person aggrieved by the failure of the -inspector to perform as enumerated above has the right to be represented at a hearing and any adverse party has a right -to appear at said hearing. Public Documents All relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices and other documentary information in the possession of the Board of Health are open for inspection and may be copied for a fee. - Remedies and Penalties • Part of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary of some legal remedies tenants may use in order to get Housing Code violations corrected. Failure to comply with this order also subjects the person ordered to a criminal fine of not less than ten ($10. 00) dollars, nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars for each day' s failure to comply with this order. BOARD OF HEALTH. CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Tifl - Date---- D Name of Complainant _Cid.C._..27. Tel Add Nature of Corop1 aint- -..;-- 1.]:.Y.L.1-at-- : ... Location of Premises Owner 2.11.L11: Taken Referred to.-- occupant - 77 /Date of inspection .... INSPECTOR:VIE-PORT ......... No tr7—":7 /A ACtiO Taken ----. ll ln.spector OF HEALTH YCE,Chairman RES, H.D. ,PARSONS cERLAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14101 5866950 Ext.213 ODER"MINIMUME STANDARDS IOFS FITNESS PFOR HUMAN H SANITARY AT:TO CORRCT t. 3A 260 Main Street, Leeds November 22, 1994 LITE: )RDER ADDRESSED TO: :OP_IES OF REPORT TO: Leeds Village Association 665 Main Street Holyoke, HA 01040 Trent Shirley 260 Main Street, Apt. 3A Leeds, MA 01053 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal . 11 pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir one traduction de cette forme A: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere ffec to sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di q modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. ad: Puede adquirir una traducci6n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny do omen . k t To mote miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Te 4 . The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises Apt. 3A. 260 Main Street (Leeds) Northampton (assessor's map parcel for 81 • ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The Sanitary Code. at 1018 State This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within five (5) days of the receipt of this order: ULATION .180 VIOLATION Intermittant and variable quality of potable water. Water, especially hot water in bathtub has been very dirty, sometimes dark brown in color, often with visable debris in it. Water is not always usable for bathing. Water in kitchen sink has also been dirty. REMEDY Check water distribution system, flush water heater. Provide to all fixtures, water which meets the ordinary needs of the occupants and which does not endanger the health of any potential users. nk you, in advance, for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. ase contact the Board of Health office if you have any questions concerning this ter. -y truly yours, ter J. NcErlain alth Agent HcE/cdh BTIFIED NAIL- # Z 343 788 669 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: tom (Time: 3,,3CJ I Map: (Parcel: Address: 3A -0-Co 0 Name of Complainant —%jt0 , 4 e�S- 8d78 X) lhtai_s 5 ITeli 4 is-FrS' Ex y3 Nature of P1 /1„ , pi `-Lc it i_ i 0(-121- i,� gee- Location: Owner: M F1(1 n/� - h-�-�-� V�` 'I Address• (alas , o..c ,5-b m:lU, '%ioyGlTeL• Time: Taken by: /� Date of Inspection: �l �‘s, /Cj�{ ,�'�S /// ,‘ INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Thi f 41 - L t uts O-F'rla���i Coca )e"A' L44 Action Taken: ec �. Inspec r Signature npton Board of Health dl tin Street mpton, MA 01060 .: Peter McErlain LEEDS VILLAGE ASSOCIATES Gerard Way Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040 Telephone (413) 532-3709 FAX (413) 536-0454 TDD (413) 533-0729 December 8, 1994 Ar. McErlain: Per our phone conversation I am writing to inform you of the work that was done at 260 St, Apt 3A in Leeds. Enclosed you will find a work order indicating that the boiler was .d on November 26th and eliminated(removed from the circulation) on November 28th. We so scheduling a time with the tenant to inspect his water to determine if the problem is zed. If it is not we will be checking the faucets, shower fluid master, and other possibilities we resolve the problem. If you require further information, feel free to contact me at the above number. pppartan Sincerely, ' t n�k Laura Varney / Property Manager 'IT IS ILLEGAL TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY PERSON BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX,OU HAVE D SCRIM NATEEDSAGAIN T, YOU FAMILIAL MAY STATUS, ALL CALL THE 0 IF 504 COORDINATOR AT (41) 539 9500 YEXXTENSION BEEN 1 S7. Housing tirley n St., Apt 3A CIA 01053 LEEDS VILLAGE ASSOCIATES Gerard Way Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040 Telephone (413) 532-3709 FAX (413) 536-0454 TDD (413) 533-0729 January 13, 1995 ent: I am writing to inform you of the actions we have taken to correct the problem you flushed d with your water. On November 26, 1994 the water tank for your building a November 28th that tank was disconnected from circulation. The city installed n ne 1995. neter on January 3, 1995 and flushed the hydrant as outside the status building n problem Jan and 6, 199 .if ve also sent you a letter asking you to notify us r gain access to your apartment to do tests on your water to determine if further action is 1. I believe the problem has been resolved since I have not heard otherwise from you. fore I have scheduled an inspection by the Northampton Board of Health for Thursday', )5 at 2:30pm. If this is an inconvenient time for you, please on fct the office er�udiately. do not hear from you we will assume you have given permission nent at the time specified. Please be advised that continued failure to cooperate with our attempts to resolve this em will leave us no alternative but to seek legal action to collect the unpaid rent. Northampton Board of Health Sergio Ferreira also sent via U.S. Mail Sincerely, // hea an,/ Laura Varney Property Manager HT IS ILLEGAL TO DI FAMILIAL STATUS, PERSON IFAYOU FEEL COLOR, RELIGION, SEX,BEEN HANDICAP, ED DISABILITY,GAIN DISCRIMINATED AGAINST, YOU MAY CALL THE 504 COORDINATOR AT (413) 539-9500, EXTENSION 157. Opportum BOARD OF AL ' ' CITY Hcop COMPLAINT RE /i7 n4Kh^1 erapea11E5 lm;r✓nc<., l C>6 rrn,,/ sr., llaybi«, M+ INSPECTOR'S REPORT:no Ey/aNee or P7vectm APrrr,ru'.o Er- fig s %AY1F• h 't &R, 64Cq 7c'N of. rfb*weV leer- ee m:✓ BfOROan [VI.'DCO COULD 8±A&miLeM L✓Ne^/ W/N0/s. e+"viN6 roivni2D L7//60/4C /nt7eo-m eNDEO Ms R,8/NrcN CSC.. WA+N 8MP/et op ODOR Ct OI5r:so/POLE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Parcel: G� joria fr r Tel: Address: Time: //-'2)4 INSPECTOR'S REPORT:0 coNF/amPO WAS V/ZA/estne1 (5soi) (9 SroJF Suf$MS Nfco etPS< 1350 gNno✓cM °'T 3 msµ.. toff a(ea Slr9WV Sr6nsnF WAr'PK PfMn&G (smMNG,) (Soot ( (W t0.cc - sVA turP PPOil/Vkt) cot/ ��% (+" 1-c6. Nbciatie 94hc, & ca'r of e'Ar� (3.:I) (9 en7V4OeT VIN"./1 St44S) SHUT 010�*� ✓o..T PAN NEktl (pee,& fn,mT sae I Action Taken: (jay dl'y - 7‘ 41A25/V6- API 76' ID OF HEALTH MEMBERS r.JOYCE,Chairman NE BURES,M.D. DOURMASHKIN,R.N. AcERLAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)586-6850 Ext.213 i "MINIMUM STANDARDS OFOFITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITAT ON AT:SANITARY CODE Apt. 4B, 260 Main Street, leeds, MA 01053 DATE: May 1, 1996 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Leeds Street eAssociates 665 Holyoke, MA 01040 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Erik 60 Main Street, Apt. 4B Leeds, MA 01053 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: vos Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importance. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 586- 6950 x217 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at #4B, 260 Main Street, Leeds, MA (assessor's map 10B parcel Si .), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health safety, and well-being of the occupants Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of this order. LATION i0 & 10 51 JO & 31 VIOLATION Bathroom with ceiling paint starting to peel....Windows sealed shut and no means of ventilation provided. (1) Owner-provided stove with defective burners. (2) Telephone hookup hanging loosely from wall. Signs of excessive moisture seepage from above noted throughout the loft area of the apt (Staining, drips) REMEDY Install an approved ventilating fn to help eliminate condensate problem in bathroom. 50 Insect infestation (wasps) confirmed in this apartment. (1) Repair, or otherwise, replace defective elements, and/or stove. (2) Attach telephone hookup in a permanent fashion. Locate and repair source(s) of all moisture seepage problems. Then refinish stained areas in an approved manner. Contract with a licensed exterminator to locate and eliminate this infestation. Inspection of premises was made on May 1, 1996 at approximately 11.:00 a.m. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly you David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# P 489 932 273 COtiAA Date:6_17 , 1997 Time: Map: /05 Parcel / Name of Complainant: Lucrmarep Miranda rn(00N1. Address: Leeds Village Apt. bb ,. - - Tel: 584-623; 260 Main St. Leeds MA NATURE OF COMPLAINT: 1 Washing Machine Broke - water stagnniht for in machine for one month c - iM,cawe tivFrN 2 . Common Hallways not clean Pe4r6m arc -c(4 ss 3. Rodents in apartment 4 . Roaches in apartment Location: Owner: t-fn- U/1-0'3 a BSSncinrtr Address 6&5, lint 3ti sr 6u&so ' ITel:532-37D9 arsA ea (oa x«r n„im.rw) o•as //DIED/ u, /vA o/o y� caRA,cn Taken by: nsp (Date of Inspection: G -23•4 7 (Time://.aa4A1 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: LAUNrrli4oem !sr JM ui As/warn) w/S rile'M.✓r 24//0715k - - ' ,.usn S fliSfMF Action Taken: 9 '/{ A4-. 3-.54.,-/- 6l= fj Inspector S'e n. Pre /77 . , � � .w °�, D OF HEALTH 'EMBERS JOYCE,Chairman E SURES,M.D. DOURMASHKIN,R.N. 0ERLAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)586-6950 Ext.213 ER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY DE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: Leeds Village Apts., 260 Main Street, Leeds, MA 01053 DATE: June 23, 1997 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Leeds Village Associates COPY Gerard Way Holyoke, MA 01040 COPIES OF REPORT TO: This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: lsto urn documento d re tos. Podem adquirir l uma �trad o deste documento de:afectar os seus Le suivante est un droits. Vous pouvez obt nir une traduction de cette forme a: vos Questo a un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 586 - 6950 x217 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 260 Main Street Leeds, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 10B parcel 81 .), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS of the receipt of this violations thisorder. 4TION (D) VIOLATION Basement Laundry Area (1) 1" clotheswasher on left is not operational; Unit filled with stagnating water. (2) Laundry area housekeeping very poor...floor littered with debris. REMEDY (1) Repair down clotheswasher in an approved manner. (2) Maintain laundry room is a clean, sanitary condition by increasing the cleanin• schedule of this area. Inspection of premises was made on June 23, 1997, 1997 at approximately 11:00 am. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly you David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# P 573 708 964 D OF HEALTH 1EMBERS JOYCE,Chairman IE BURES,M.D. DOURMASHKIN,R.N. cERtAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)587-1213 FAX (413)587-1264 t TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: Leeds Village Apts., 260 Main Street, Leeds MA 01053 DATE: August 22 1997 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Leeds Village Associates Gerard Way Holyoke MA 01040 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Jackie Robinson Apt 3D 260 Main Street Leeds MA 01053 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: 1st° 6 urn documento legal d Lei os. Podem adquirir uma mat adcao deste documento de: tar os seus Le suivante est un droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une t aduction de cette forme attar vos Questo a un documento legate importance. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccien de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje, uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel#: (413) 586 - 6950 x217 the Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Leeds Viler p Northampton, MA(assessor's map 10B parcel 81 )7 for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts e huse order to Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Y make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within -seven (7) days of the receipt of this order. 1710 (A) & VIOLATION Fault Furnace/Boiler causing eriodic white smoke /fumes emissions from chimney adjacent to Apt. 3D, which filtrating Apt 3D even when the windows are closed. This is a relatively new problem, several months old not previously seen b the occu•ants in •nor ears. REMEDY Repair furnacelboiler to eliminate visible smoke and fumes and prevent air pollution If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# P 082 853171 ,nom.. BOARD OF HFA CITY HAL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: 10-23-97 'Time Name of Complainant: Fire Departmen PY Map: 'Parcel: Eat 1035 - Steve Corbett Address: Jacquline Robinson 20 Leedsai�S[reet ( Leeds Village(Apartment NATURE OF COMPLAINT: High Carbon Monoxide poison count on moni or that was given to Jacqueline by apartment managers. Mr Corbert felt Ms Robinson had classic symptons of Carbon Monoxide 9aie-ing• .1), 15%v9 f�vf. sb TeI:584-5757 Location: Owner: Address: (Tel: Taken by: nsp Action Taken: Date of Inspection: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Inspector Signature to OF HEALTH AEMBERS T.JOYCE,Chairman INE SURES,M.D. DOURMASHKIN,R.N. NEERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 (413)567-1284 )ecember 2, 1997 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 LA.P. :0 Hampton Avenue, Suite 185 ■ rthampton, MA 01060 Ile Northampton Board of Health is in receipt of a medical report from Dr. Samuel 3ladstone concerning Ms. Jackalyn Robinson of 260 Main Street, Apt. 3-D, Leeds, MA. Dr. Gladstone's report indicates that Ms. Robinson's serious respiratory condition is aggravated By exposure to smoke and fumes. Previously, excessive smoke/fumes were being emitted from the boiler room chimney adjacent to Ms. Robinson's apartment,which aggravate her condition. A June 23,1997 Board of Health inspection confirmed that an emissions hazard existed in and around her apartment. I am therefore recommending, on behalf of the Board of Health, that Ms. Robinson be relocated to another apartment when available, where she will be better able to avoid exposure to smoke/fumes. Please feel free to contact the Board of Health office if you have any questions concerning this recommendation. Ve truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent BoH/PMc/Cade Vic 260 Main Leeds tandi1NN I NRN 1 L. Winniman,Esquire Las R.Winniman,Esquire PHONE N0. 14137321123 Low Offices of Winniman & Winniman 55 State Street Springfield, MA 01103 Nov. 24 1997 05:24PM PS Tel (413)737-4840 Fax (413) 732-1123 Dated: N ASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWINGS_PAGES (INCLUDING COVER St1EET) TO: E: PETER MACE BLAJNE L'ANY: Northampton Board of Health NUMBER: (413)587-1264 tM: Steven L.Winniman/Rebecca .eeteeseeeeete eeeeeeeeJaieeeeee,eeeeeeeesweewe.t v.eie*.**$* *eeeswer.e sess*fl*] $*+* Jackalyn Robinson,260 Main Street,Apt.3-D,Leeds,MA Peter, this is the report from Dr. Gladstone that we discussed. Please forward a opused letter for MAX.; their address is 20 Hampton Avenue, Suite 185, Northampton 060. you do not receive all of the pages,please call back as so00 as potaable. Please contact me at(413)737-4846. Fens ,. (413)732-1123. „, prcrl id—=N°1g accompanying fax transmission contains informa°w'�o�ewe offices of Winniman named above.The dama axoeg ly on is intended only action ed ab ve. rd The information or tiling any hich is confidential," and/or kgxih➢ai spy notified that diselosmg,copying,distributing Yoe are not the ihls axd acids you. and tbedowaro tshould be renamed to this firm immediately.�d'�regar us at no we received of is fax in is error, se telepho us immediately so that we can arrange for the return 1 the we received this fax in uroy➢lease telephone ost to you JaruIWINNIMRN PHONE NO. : 14137321123 Samuel Gladstone, M.D. Nov. 24 1997 05:24PM P2 T 18, 1997 MAN & WINNIMAN KEYS AT LAW ATE STREET ISFIELD, MA 01103 JACQUELINE ROBINSON MS. SARA WINNIMAN ROSSMAN, ACQUELINE ROBINSON WAS SEEN 37 TIMES SINCE SEPTEMBER 1995. IMNEYROUTSOIDEROFH HERRBEDROOMEWIND . HER APERK MF OLOWSHAVE BEEN STMA C AS 250. HER OF PER WNM K FIOAXIMUM IS 510. SHE HAS REQUIRED HIS PATIENT WAS ADMITTED TO COOLEY DICKINSON HOSPITAL WITH FUS ASTHMATICUS ON 2/2233/96 AND DISCHARGED ON 2/25/96. 3HE WAS LAST SEEN IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM FOR HER ASTHMA ON 1/97. AT THAT TIME HER COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT WAS ESSENTIALLY MAL EXCEPT FOR A HIGH EOSINOPHIL COUNT OFTEN ASSOCIATED W.TH ERGIES AND ASTHMA. A CHEST X—RAY ON 4/28/97 WAS NORMAL. HER PROGNOSIS IS GOOD IF SHE TAKES HER MEDICATIIONNS, WHICHOL, RRENTLY INCLUDE PREDNISONE, SERCVENT, FLOVENT, AND 7 IF SHE AVOIDS FUMES AND SMOKE. IN MY OPINION MS. ROBINSON' S ASTHMA IS AGGRAVATED BY THE FUMES D SMOKE SHE INHALES. 1MUEL- GLADSTONE, M. D. /em CONED UNDER THE PAINS AND PENALTIES OF PERJURY AMNLO.CT MA 01002•(478)M13)2532300 SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS tMPSHIRE, ss. TO: David E. Rockall Office of the Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, MA OIU60 You are hereby required, in the name of The Commonwealth of assachusetts, to appear before the Northampton District Court al 13 Gothic reef, Northampton, Massachusetts on the 30th day of October, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. the forenoon, and from day to day thereafter, until the action hereinafter imed is heard by said Court, to give evidence of what you know relating to an lion of Leeds Village Apartments v. Jacqueline Robinson then and there to heard and tried between Leeds Village Apartments, Plaintiff and Jacqueline obinson, Defendant id you are further required to bring with you: Any and all documents relating to your inspection of the premises at 260 lain Street, Apartment 3D, Leeds, MA at any time from January 1995 through IC date of the hearing and any and all notices given to the owner of the remises related to your inspection. For a failure to attend you may be deemed guilty of a contempt of this lepartment, and liable for such penalties as are provided by law. Hereof fall not, as you will answer your default under the pains and tenalties in the law in that behalf made and provided. Dated at $Urinefielq the 27th day of October A.D. 192.2. , Notary Public My Cou: ntsston Lxp¢cs: /_.� POLICE OFFICER, CONSTABLE, DEPUTY SHERIFF Subscribed and sworn to before me This __—_ day of f 19 : , Notary Pubic Ni) Gommuston Expires: SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS VPSHIRE, as. TO: Peter McEdain Office of the Board of Health + .%• ?6' 210 Maln Street Northampton, MA 01060 ti E c'... C311 .. You are hereby required, in the name of The Commonwealth of Isachusetts, to appear before the Northampton District Court at IS Gothic ,et, Northampton, Massachusetts on the 30th day of October, 1997 at 1:00 p.at. the forenoon, and from day to day thereafter, until the action hereinafter ted is heard by said Court, to give evidence of what you know relating to an on of Leeds Village Apartments v. Jacqueline Robinson then and there to heard and tried between Leeds Village Apartments, Plaintiff and Jacqueline binson, Defendant I you are further required to bring with you: Any and all documents relating to your inspection of the premises at 260 Street, Apartment 3D, Leeds, MA at any time from January 1995 through date of the bearing and any and all notices given to the owner of the :mists related to your inspection. For a failure to attend you may be deemed guilty of a contempt of this apartment, and liable for such penalties as are provided by law. Hereof fall not, as you will answer your default under the pains and .Haloes in the law in that behalf made and provided. Dated at Corinefteld the I/01 day of October A.D. 19, Notary Public My Commission bnp,rco: - %)',, POLICE OFFICER, CONSTABLE, DEPUTY SHERIFF Subscribed and sworn to before me - -- day of _ 19_ This _-- —'— , Natal y ?urine My Commission EA pires: PY Date: (.,-/q-(b ITime: 3-Y-5 I Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant] Eta]; heda Aces 4 qCa-.1,s Tel:587-056 NATURE OF COMP INT h-oa-m .C,CeR.- = Co-rxgad -1 vn 994) Location Owner. LEFOS \Iwo* ' fisszoTE$ Address: C r`ILO'y Na.YOKC,m1 01840 A �7!�X.dgQJL I Tel:53z-37 Taken by: IDate of Inspection: -Zo-z000 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: LFaks NoflCC.9 7-19/I0Ondlir fifer cf1.YLS ?/e40 £l,nlD /9ud K,r. 7•nti 9p<'")' 90111 /JGS O F s1c LI4n i s aN Ct/uIlGa/ermi,y 4" '& cEino6tE'rn, /Y °Yews 6Jt' n q/Zzq • (-Dort. A9C IIi Ma”fd.j,(Leer ur ti (✓ALL(SMMIO ce{f OP ,p/yrff • ac...C*+N Sou- btjt)sxrwno) ul oa-il L ) ▪ fdl4tis GNGf0» £'v9 4444".r Si" 6s.✓/)SS ▪Na Stger/1 for BArmoom tre4+ wl✓oo uJ � I i ITime: 1-rp roar , 5kr,arlr�•r e rime Swnuf: ALMS (1/49•iA*1501) Action Taken: /1/DA/ /98,41notivr ojfEA stir G"ZO-zoo P Air //—/ s areigg /bas/N6 !o jvM1080 IARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS ilA DOURMASHKIN,R.N., Chairman ANNE RURES,M.D. BRIE KARPARIS,R.N.,M.P.H. J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)567-1214 FAX(413)587-1264 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH ER "M NDM M STANDARDS OF NESS FOR HUMANE HABITATION AT: CODE Apt. #413, 260 Main Street, Leeds, MA 010153 DATE: June 20, 2000 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: clo Leeds sailladoyas Property Associates Manager COPY Gerald Way Holyoke, MA 01040 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Heidi 60 Main Street,IApt. #4B Leeds, MA 01053 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: lsto e urn documento legal d re tos. Podem adquiiri r l importante umat aer d o deste documento de afectar os seus droits. Vous pouvez obt nir une traduction de cette forme attar vos Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradcci6n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587 - 1214 Leeds, MA (assessor's map 106 parcel 81 .), The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at for Main lancet with #48,ha ter II of the State Sanitary Code. for compliance with Chap This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger ng r or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of o ter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to g Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chap make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within FOURTH of the receipt of this order. ATION 10 & 11 (1) Excessive moisture seepage from above in various areas throughout the dwelling unit....coming through deteriorated slate roof above. Peeling, staining, and damaged wall and ceiling surfaces were noted in the following areas: (a) Center stationary skylight. (a) Along and on ceiling I beams on both sides of the center stationary skylight. (a) Along ceiling I beam in the back right area of the dwelling unit(Child's bedroom he area). (a) Ceiling (left) stairwell I loft area. (a) Wall area beneath the small openable skylight window. (a) Back left corner wall (to the right of the washing machine). (1)Deteriorated areas noted, in general, cover the entire roofing area of the apartment. Take immediate action to repair roof in a permanent and approved manner which will completely eliminate this chronic moisture seepage problem. (2) Bathroom prime win no areas reass.with peeling &flaking p a (2) r surfaces ound the bathroom window. a Bathroom storm d n window fitreeand lacks an approved properly fitted and fully functional. Provide vidperly provide an approved window screen for this window. Note that expandable screens do not meet code re•uirements. Inspection of the premises was made on June 20, 2000 at approximately 10:45 a.m. problems and leakage were noted in this apartment 6 after a NOTE: Roofing gp e9rtater Northampton Board of Health Abatement Order sent on May complaint was received from the same occupants. It would appear measure repairs worsened Inspector repairs have not been successful in bati abating as the problem. You are hereby ordered to respond, in writin ,to the Board of Health and within fourteen days of the receipt of this notice, with information as to in at course of action will be taken so as to eliminate these roofing problems lasting fashion. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yo David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health pains and penalties This inspection report is signed and certified under the p of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7099 3220 0009 9338 9553 LEEDS VILLAGE ASSOCIATES GERARD WAY HOLYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS 01040 Telephone (413) 532-3709 atOU ! rA JJ4 2 T M ADD RTNAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH ne 23,2000 do &Heidi Matanski . O. Box 45 .. 60 Main Street Ie `{B ,eeds,MA 01053 2E: Schedule of repairs to be done Dear Eric and Heidi: On Tuesday,June 20, 2000 at approximately 10:00 am,I received your note stating you wanted to reschedule the maintenance work for when you would be present at home and that you would call me back on Thursday June 22,2000. I have not yet received a phone call from you. I am scheduling once again another appointment to have ve the 2e maintenance tna man come to your unit to complete the necessary work, for Thursday, 0a It is of the utmost importance that you be home fntment. We have tiled apartment,this,we intmet address your for this app numerous times unsuccessfully to gain entry in your ap complaints if we cannot enter your unit. feel free to call me at the above Should you have any other questions or concerns, number. Elizabeth BedtSya Property Manager cc .r.�rrrr or DISABILITY, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. If YOU FEEL YOU HAVE BEEN YT IS ILLEGAL TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY PERSON BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, DISCRIMINATED AP, MAY CALL THE 504 COORDINATOR AT HIM 39-9504 EXTENSION 1511 DISCRIMINATED AGAINST. YOU MAY • 1 LEEDS VILLAGE ASSOCIATES Gerard Way Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040 Telephone (413) 532-3709 FAX (413) 536-0454 TDD (413) 533-0729 00 orthampton Health Kochan, Sanitary Inspector 1, 210 Main Street pton,MA 01060 reeds Village Apartments Associates Teidi & Eric Matanski r. Kochan: This letter shall serve as notice that all repairs that were noted on your June 20, 2000 code violations has )rrected. Please note as follows: lation I00 & 501 500 & 501 551 Violation Excessive moisture ... coming from slate roof. Bathroom window peeling and flaking. Bathroom storm window ill- fitted and lacks approved window screen. ®I I Repair roof Paint window Repair/ replace storm window Work done: Roof was replaced by Lyle Roofing and completed by June 21,2000. Window was scraped/Patched/painted by June 29, 2000 Window was completed replaced with new window/storm/screen. If there are any further questions or concerns, feel free to call me at the above number. :erely, zabeth Be oya )perty Manager Heidi &Eric Matanski Attorney Jeffrey Morris 'IT IS ILLEGAL TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY PERSON BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR. RELIGION, SEX, DISCRIMINATED AGAIINST, YOU FAMILIAL MAY CALL THE 0504 COORDINATOR AT (413)539 9500 YOU TENSION 61571 fl J L. . W OFFICES OF SEP 2 1 2000 LIAM ST. JAMES iL OF HEALTH R ST JAMES ATTORNEY NC'n!i!,AMPrON BOARD ATTORNN EY AT LAW September 19,2000 ty of Northampton Dud of Health ity Hall, 210 Main Street orthampton,MA 01060 Re- Tenants: Heidi and Eric Matanski Apartments s: Unit No.: Unit 4B 82%MAPLE STREET FLORENCE,MASSACHUSETTS 01062 TELEPHONE FAX(4 13)686-94403341 EMAIL wstjamesajavanetrum Dear Sir or Madam: against I represent Heidi and Eric Matanski in connection with eviction proceedings filed them by their landlord,Leeds Village Associates. There is a hearing scheduled in this eviction on October 5th at 1:30 p.m. In connection with the hearing,I would appreciate receiving all notices sent to the landlord following your inspection of the premises on June 20,2000. Please send all pertinent documentation to my office as soon as possible. ton inspected this apartment on May 16, Additionally, I understand the City ofNorthamp 1996, and March 7, 2000. I would appreciate it if you could send me all documentation you may have concerning these inspections as well. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Ve In LAW OFFICES OF CARLOS M. GOMEZ, P.C. ONE FINANCIAL PLAZA 1350 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD.MASSACHUSETTS 01103 TELEPHONE:(413)781-6300 FAX:(413)739-1757 E-MAIL cmgomez@.Iavaneccom NOF9-41AMMON BOARD Of H!M POI HIGH STREET HOLYOKE MP 01040 TEL 14131 536-6300 October 4, 2000 1r. David E. Kochran 'itv of Northampton Board of Health iry Hail 10 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re. Leeds Village Associates v.Heidi and Eric Metakanski Dear Mr. Kochran. process eviction hearing was continued by agreement of the parties form This letter will serve to confirm our conversation earlier today whereby I informed you that the above summary p 2000 at 1:30 P.M. As you have been subpoenaed top testify in October 5, er, you u November must be t 2, in this matter, you mu be at Court on the new hearing date. Please contact me should Vou have any questions. Thank you. Ye truly your . Ernest Sene al ESlme —Fair BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECOUt Date: 3 -2z-0/ PY Time: /o/SO flM 1 Map: FOR Parcel:00 Name of Complainant: Cie 2/9 All 4-1/9 GOS Address: LErP V/zz' Pr-Ts ¥{B 1671/72/71 .i f 7:%, L<%ED S TeI: 7-n:g7 NATURE OF COMPLAINT: P.^'o ere/S.5 1/,//4 71, Sfc PAN iNry %'T A;Arne-ors aI a✓t GOA5 07J/t/S Location: Owner: /- Address: Taken by: I Tel:SS' -mod? Date of Inspection: 'Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: n�P,.�, cc;k=« r.. .N :(etl1 HF rG'T 1 rc/<c?� Ai k�-` / 4,1P1141F jpn r: AI= cicbc'c LC) CC(' A Al 'ICSG n II/ '‘C. fniYk dlj7frliV 5k G CcrhM1 (N liAIt W'', aEPC', o° —C.) o�eua FnoIoi.Irn.n [waee.,ry s� Action Taken: 7,40'-a,.°1 ye,475theiv &f2 sM/r / Inspector S) ndture RD OF HEALTH MEMBERS 1URMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair NE BURES,M.D. ARM KARPARIS,R.N. AGERLAIN,Health Agent 313)587-1214 K(413)587-1264 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 2 "MINIMUM STANDARDS OFOFITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: CODE 260 Main Street, Apts. 48 &4C, Leeds, MA 01053 DATE: March 26, 2001 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: COPY Leeds Village Associates Gerard Way Holyoke, MA 01040 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Joann 60 Main Street, Apt. #4B Leeds, MA 01053 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: lsto � um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme e: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccien de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To more miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587-1214 the Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at ?60 Main Street, 4B &4C, Leeds, MA (assessor's map 10B parcel 81 .), 'or compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of this order. TION VIOLATION Ongoing Problem in Apt. 4B Excessive moisture seepageldripping through the roof into the dwelling unit in the following areas: (1) Though large skylight(temporarily covered with a tarp) (2) Along the ceiling support beam which runs inward from the apt entry door; staining noted on this support beam. (3) Above the apt. interior stairwell near the middle. Apt #4C Moisture seepage down one of the ceiling hanging light fixtures; some ceiling damage and staining noted above this light fixture. 4`" Floor Hallway Staining noted on ceiling support beam between Apts. 4B & 4C....Water accumulation in pot placed beneath this area. REMEDY Take immediate action (weather permitting)to repair roofing in a permanent and approved manner so as to eliminate any chronic moisture seepage problems. Inspection of the premises was made on March 26, 2001 at approximately 11:20 am. f you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board A Health office. Very truly yo s, David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL St 7099 3400 0003 5609 7105 cc Joanne Cardell 260 Main Street, Apt. #4C Leeds, MA 01053 BOARD OF HEALTH s. CITY HALL .1 . COMPLAINT RECORD 1 - - Date: //7/tea I Time: �/ �I Map: I Parcel: - -- Nameof 'C/omplainant �+'v"T ' Tel: Address: / NATURE OF CO` d� . � Location: , ,(_oO Q0--`Vat, "`- 1 y!( Owner: L� 11,c Address: ITe1:Sj1-527 _ Iq", /( X04.44/ 4 Taken by: pl _ I Date of Inspection: V/ 7/e ITime: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 1 kit w/� �,v�� �s%� 1/4 '4 ` _ fli ,N Action Taken: /Ai BOARD OF ALL CITY HALL I COMPLAINT REC RD OPY Date: 3,$5/o T- I Time: It qC t l I Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: a ,i 1-a+ 9_, C t} / Address: 3D W`,-t`i- S f p-a-d-,— Tel: Sy4:on NATURE OF CO� �MPLAINT: ,. Location: I,',re,„yr r .,_/ op� itt At Owner: Aojc,, r*ee1'+.t%^ / cf( / II Address: _ins vi C14 A;`ern icev Tel:' 44.2-374 06a /N sr Taken by: I Date of Inspection: 3/2&/o z- Time: /0:3o INSPECTOR'S REPORT: y ---v spy .44,- en 4 ,LLr°r 6-c-iti_ , Ca"ii- 4. 51 z 7/ I :/ i7 4n, 1'Ar a,t,:". (1 -J' ,di t...1; Imo. P� t s f-9 a. :7- (=- -.. -Li A om,,ai Phan,Tak.. Crk m..YESI Action Taken: W U A 4 d - 01'y-- Inspector Signature h■e ry p•,4 RD OF HEALTH MEMBERS I P.BRUNSWICK,M.D., MPH,Chair IE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH FIEITMAN,M.D. McERLATN,Health Agent 413)5B7-1214 C(413)587—1264 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE ® COPY ADDRESS Leeds Village Associates c/o Paige Anderson, Marken Properties Gerard Way Holyoke MA 01040 As owners of 260 Main Street Leeds you are hereby notified to take action to remedy the conditions named below within (7) days of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 111, ion: Several bags of trash, two tires and other assorted refuse have been thrown s 122 - 125: he fence,partment building t(260 Main n St., Leeds) adjacent to the entrance of the ground Ipartment. dy: Clean up and properly dispose of the refuse. ie expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, or are not in the of being remedied, such further action will be taken as the law requires and a fine of .00 for each offense ma be charred. DATE: May 20, 2003 MAP: 10B PARCEL: 81 B order of the Northam ton Board of Health abatement order is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Peter 3. McErlain, Health Agent Northampton Board of Health rIFIED MAIL # 7001 1940 0005 1331 4520 ;hales Clines, DEP, Western Regional Office,436 Dwight St., Springfield, MA 01103 �� BO„,1RMOF�,'aHEALW 4 ... • COMPLAINIRECORD II Date: ,S"//� ITime:� IMap: IParrc�ell:: " o Name of Complainant: HP, Y rw'. a'[? Address: ITeI:OB'' .32C•4 NATURE OF COMPLAINT: _ Location: Aim 4414-i 54 y Owner: / L / Address: � ITel: Taken by: I Date of Inspecting/ : I Time: " INSPECTOR'S REPORT: r. _ ✓�,t BLS /0 Action Taken: f Date: )01Jyjo3 ITime: 9;40,4ri I Map: Name of Complainant 5-ka,„+, D Address: 6 o /1L-l., e , 6.12it HL NATURE OF COMPLAINT: Location: -r J frt 5 t Parcel: yC) Tel:S-'6 Wyy Owner: /7a-J, ,. r/W7ht-w Address: J,�y„c.+Q�W�uoo 77 IV-D to of Inspection: I Time: Taken by: I Tel: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 9_,044- 1To k tL a,f tet- - 5%`" ii/Go /03 Action Taken: 04,4_9„..01 e t2� M' 2 Inspecto Signature RD OF HEALTH MEMBERS BRUNSWICK,M.D.,Chair FLEITMAN,M.D. A,RIE KARPARIS,R.N. AcERLAIN,Health Agent 713)587-1214 ((413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET,ROOM 48 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: Leeds Village , Apt 4C ,260 Main St, Leeds 01053 I DATE: November 10, 2003 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Leeds Village Associates clo Julia Clinton Gerad Way, Holyoke MA 01040 COPY OF REPORT TO: Shawn 60 Main Street, Apartment. 4c Leeds, Ma 01053 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Ilsto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei put)ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradcci6n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To mote miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587-1214 the Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 260 Main Street, Apt.4C, Leeds MA 01053, (assessor's map 10B parcel 81.), For compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within 14 of the receipt of this order. CTION VIOLATION The skylight in the living room is leaking water badly. The bathroom ceiling is leaking water from the roof. The ceiling looks like it is about to collapse. The entire bedroom is covered with water that is leaking from the roof. The entire roof above the apartment appears to be leaking. REMEDY Repair the leak in the skylight in the living room. Repair the ceiling in the bath room. Repair or replace the roof so there are no leaks whatsoever in the building. Inspection of the premises was made on October 29, 2003, at approximately11:00 am. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, Richard Mec}.bwor Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7001 1940 00051331 7996 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD NATURE OF COMPLAINT: �ntancmw- W no+ way l-fri • a{l {Leu.-• 3 Wl+-}ad. nom 5hs.. has- e ti"' 'Patna ncL amd ii. pt,-Gi ino Jupoirk,c1 . S thAobUcL . 2E)OF HEATH MEMBERS FLEITMAN,M.D. IMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES NNE SMITH,M.D. IcERLAIN,Health Agent 113)587-1214 (413)587-1264 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01080 NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE DATE: April 23 2008 ADDRESS Leeds Village Associates c/o Paige Anderson, Marken Properties Gerard Way, Holyoke, MA 01040 As owners of 260 Main Street, Leeds t are hereby notified to take action to remedy the conditions named below within 3) days of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts General Laws, r 111, Sections 122- 125: m: Litter and assorted refuse has been thrown/blown over the fence, down onto )er embankment of the Mill River behind the dumpsters in your parking lot, at the left your apartment building at 260 Main St., Leeds. ly: Clean up and properly dispose of the refuse within three (3) days of the receipt notice expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, or are not in the is of being remedied, such further action will be taken as the law requires and a fine of 00 for each offense ma be char•ed. MAP: 10B PARCEL: 81 By order of the Northampton Board of Health batement order is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Peter J. McErlain, Health Agent lorthampton Board of Health rIFIED MAIL# 70062760000522430059 Inspector Signature 0 Date: y _H -og ITime: y:5 -PM IMap: IParcel: Name of Complainant: aonon. 2/re en Address Wtaen. 5+., beds, ITeI: 589 -1989 NATURE OF COMPLAINT: T hr d..izmpst,., cam+. J-6 o -ma:,., 3+u.# u& 0.l.l1)111,v 0 t.a to toil and dune, u.hash o-0 (mound. m+- +lu- pound_ c)+ blows down Hu mia.sn- wnd .aonu of +Iw. +rash 5+ar vv flu. rn✓.0 . Th '^u'e-'t'b+--DO^asJ4hina thad' con 6sw, done. kb- called_ a. yeti ca 5.a 6u+ me)4-11 in} Lusa, dew. Would appue; o- c QS b a oil- Location: }L0 %YlaLw 5+ 7.0 dn , Owner: add V; Ilage Qp± Address: I Tel: Taken by: I Date of Inspection: //i( 94.).-- I Time: A, M - INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Bu / oaiarnamimraw. >tn�aeo�wiss ` 7O ��� Action Taken: - / 1.Qp..6-v` jr.-64` t�LI • Inspector Signature 0 J• 2 eI N Thne: omplaInane s Zid brd rerucce )J !S NATURE OF COMPLAINT: Dae"ina INSPECTOR, Owner: AP c.•i„ I.J AS on M5.5 on on I0I1ol tvr S or Signature, otal#of Inspections: Date of Final Inspection: Orders Issued?: Notice of Compliance?: Inspector Signature 7J_ L' (-AmN ( r - ''� y go/ 5 ' �e S Date Entered: 7 (racking #: 00001 '3 Entered By: WATERISEWER HOUSING °Y SEPTIC ODOR _ SMOKE_ POOLS BODYART yINT INFORMATION: Location: ,�:�9 Viec -/K°t Complaint: HOARDING NAIL SALONS_- OTHER Date of Complaint:_/_/- Animals: Y/N Child Under 6: YM ,AINTANT'S INFORMATIONN: inant/Occupant's Name: -S inant/Occupant's Address: '.R'S INFORMATION: s Name: :y Mgr./LL: dint Unfounded lions Found: 4 c Address: Address: SAS Telephone# (1/1))5”- OD VG, Alternate# ( )_ Telephone #( )_ Alternate # ( )_ VC :TION TAKEN: j ' CCU 1 nature oflnsp Q. Officer Date/Time of Inspection