249 Complaint 1980 6RD OF HEALTH JOYCE.Chairman C.ANY M.D. EL A PARSONS L MeERLAIN.Swath Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OFT E BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE T O ABATE A NUISANCE ADDRESS : Alan L. Scheinman DATE: September 11 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14131 5864950 Ext.213 MAP: 3ID 7 Pleasant Street PARCEL: Northampton, MA 01060 As owner of 249 Main Street , Northampton MA 01060 you are hereby notified to remedy the conditions named below within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS of the service of this notice , according to Massachusetts General Laws , Chapter 111 , Section 123 : Deteriorated asbestos insulation on boiler and piping through- out the basement area of Bart ' s Ice Cream at 249 Main Street . Said conditions were noted on a Board of Health food service inspection report dated 2/22/39 and again on 7/24/89 . As this basement area is regularly frequented by employees , a serious health risk exists and immediate action is required to remove this hazard. All asbestos removal and/or containment must be done by a certified firm and must comply with Dept . of Labor :? Industries Regulation 453 CMR 6. 00 . If at the expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, such further action will be taken as the law re- quires and a fine of $20 . 00 per day may be charged. CERTIFIED MAIL =P 890 362 406 By Order of,jrhe Board of Health INSPE . OR David-E. Kochan CIR CO NE Director gust 22, 1989 , .OP ge�tw4nenta/ and fnela4liea =0iveaiarz a�Cccela&na/Xifiene 1001 9,6'ilegke ,A4ee1 Q./L eurtono diais 02165 regory Yawner, Inspector a apartment of labor and Industries ivision of Industrial Safety 65 Liberty Street pringfield, MA 01103 Par Mr Kamer: In Your Reply Refer m File 90A-0064 n August 4, 1989 the Massachusetts Division of Occupational Hygiene Asbestos rogram received three bulk samples via certified mail from Baits Ice Cream at 49 Main Street in Northampton, MA. The samples, as dr rribed by you, were aken from the basement The location listed below was taken verbatim faun the ample bags received. he EPA recommended polarized light microscopy with dispersion staining echnigue was used to analyze the samples for asbestos The materials analyzed ere grossly different. Sample 90B-0184 was a thin, soiled, fairly solid sheet aterial. Sample 90B-0185 was piece of soiled, white corrugated paper aterial. The last sample, 90B-0186 was a tan, packed, friable material. The esults are documented baclow. The completed chain of custody form is attached. ample No. OB-0184 08-0185 OB-0186 Location Results Baits Ice Cream 249 Main Street Northampton "ACI1 from boiler in basement, #1" Baits Ice Cream 249 Main Street Northampton "from piping next to boiler in basement, #2" Baits Ice Cream 249 Main Street Northampton "from piping in restroom in basement, #3" Chrysotile Asbestos 35-45% Chrysotile Ashrrtos 60-70% Chrysotile Asbestos 50-60% artrnent of labor and Industries -0064 re 2 you have any questions pertaining to this report please contact this office (617) 727-3982. irerely, Lie C. Jones iustrial Hygiene Engineer Droved, ricia Circone -ing Director 7/nipb ;losure: Completed Chain of Custody Form „a MAIM StRaT Olga 141Z SWIM tn.2.t1 Northampton Board of Health FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT W-ENT NAME r jT,, NAME TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT, Food Service Retail d Residential Kitchen mobile Unit emporary Food Service DATE 2 b.d.p't-/ TIME PURPOSE: Routine Potato-UP Complaint Investigation Other n an nsp ec do today, the items checked below indicate the violated pray isiuns of 105 CPR 590.000. Each tern is followed by licable section of the Massachusetts regulation. Non-critical violations are marked under column "N" and critical violations ked under column "C". Descriptions of each ittm appear on the back of this f rm. Each violation checks explana- the narrative area below. This report serves official notice of violated provisions and official noti e too rc ect said ons. Failure to comply with any time limits Tor correction may result in revocation or t e 0 d Establishment and cessation of food Establishment operations. Therpermit holder is hereby notified or his right to a he r ng before the f Health, which must be requested. in writing, within 10 days or this notice. NC Supply .002 (($p Food Contact Surfaces Clean :onta rners .002 (II/. Non11one Contact Surfaces Clean 21. Wiping Cloths ectinn 22. Dish/Warewashing Facilities :mpera Lures .004 23. Pre-Scraped,Soaked ities,Hot d Cold Storage .004 24. Nash/Rinse Water - .005 25. Thermometers/Test Kits ad/Damaged Foods utected Thermometers Contamination thawed,cooked 8 cooled dandling 'sing Utensils yee Infections yee Hygiene yee Clothing 6 Utensils C'tent/Utensil Clean d San ntact Surfaces ood Contact Surfaces .003 26. Equipment/Utensil Storage .003 27. Single Service Articles .004 29. Single Service Re-Use .005 .005 .005 .006 Sanitary Facilities 29. Water Source 30. Sewage Cross-Connections Toilets/Handwashing .018 Insects/Rodents Plumbing Toilet Rooms Handwashing Areas Garbage/Refuse Outside Disposal Outer Openings Pesticide/Rodenticide Application 31. 32. .009 33. .009 34. .010 35. 36. 37. red.013 3e. .013 39. .013 40. N C Physical Facilities ,�]]13 Floors L13 4242�J a-i M• r..:; "A00 .013 43. Lighting .013 44. Ventilation .013 45. Dressing Rooms .013 .013 Other .014 46. Press .012 47. Premises .012 48. Living Areas 50. Linen 50. Pets B 51. Sala Foods B 2. Salad ears .015 .016 .017 .019 .021 .017 .018 .019 .020 .020 .021 .021 NC .022 (.022 _ .02 .02 .026 .02] .027 .027 .027 .031 .032 d O T L f 1 irths renu:.e i enm diate atty[won in the space below describe 11 violations checked above. ifno a n. - 9<....y,w .__-,� >,v f , . -:v n; 4 :IN Ur', . . -l544 /95F-_ ,'S 1N:9er--;/l NA; 49.--r...., /9 2 n0 ,v5 Gv/_e. ..-rt G; L 39r_ "P/?<./E/YI //✓ T i p_ cP-r/r< 'Jr- l c,- ,_ ^° Pi,i"Er- o-- vl�r:.f ., • (r..,v fl ; P//'-es Pk /r> -- A V,Al _ i./ C✓d'-ne 4,41 a -7,NOr Li , . : %_Pi /Te l' /4A. ,./ai / T}/_ ro I/4w.Acc. ',A -apt fn e. t /T-":F • Ao- , .... .- NAS .eroer /'c-_Frn, ,c-f- ., , n... .- -/ob$ Q/=rass CE/m"/l fr,..'_ r;Nf` ,V" f16 '4"1 - 1- 7W T//c E-l/iGe./41C PcVN.<'R /9/LC /22,/,_-, 7//c Au Io - oP POT/Ei',;N . ac on; . -7 -4, c. A Sn : - - 9 1F Orr/ N L✓/ee e-a q.r-N fo /-.. ,:r "4,///2/ Coprer/T ---_ . t' r/nt NF,.e:/,/ne . -'s-i- /"Ore : Ae< As,,;e.E 7. , i,,1A,. mz. Ac CO.': sV / '. ... .. _ " ei F A 2K2-Ns::_-n f9PM • APIY?./9e v/ P/?A/r /s .e.-0.4,..-.9 . a nnt1 it-i_::r :.z . ,> Wi •- v rc - e < -Y :- li."' svr:-< rcn:r J25 = fir ;J., _.>r, ' . de A RECEIVED 9Y G a IVSP BY 21 HWPNSTEET P,r44a10 bd.ne Northampton - 1 Board of Health FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT SN4E T NAME f! /Y/A-' ,i' _ , - /Z1/7 1.:1/21.41 S7/--,7-` i NAME r;-.. l-7,1/, Lv/G • TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT: Food Service Retail Food Residential Kitchen Mobile Unit Temporary Food Service DATE 76/1//43,7 TIE /Q;/$GM PURPOSE: Routine Folow-up Complaint Investigation Other on an Inspection today, the items checked below indicate the violated provisions of 105 CPR 590.000. Each item is followed y iplicable section of the Massachusetts regulation. Non-critical violations are column narked under column "N" and titical violations irked under column "C". Descriptions of each item appear on the back of this form. Each violation checked equates an explana- n the narrative area below. This report serves official notice of violated provisions and official noti e to correct said Failure to comply with any time limits for scorrection may result in suspension or revocation of the o d Estab lisrmen and cessation of food Establishment operations. The permit holder is hereby notified of his right to a hear ng before the of Health, which must be requested, in writing, within 10 days of this notice. Supply Containers tection temperatures lities,Hot 4 Cold Storage Re-service led/Damaged Foods Protected • Thermometers s Contamination s thawed,cooked d cooled Handling en sing Utensils oyee Infections oyee Hygiene oyee Clothing NC .002LF 19. .00 19. 21. 22. .004 .004 .005 .003 .003 .004 .005 .005 .005E 29. .006 30. 31. 32. .009 34. .009 34. .010 35. 36. 37. 36. 39. 40. 27. 20. San k Utensils pment/Utensil Clean It Sanitized.013 I Contact Surfaces .013 Food Contact Surfaces .013 Food Contact Surfaces Clean Non-Food Contact Surfaces Clean Wiping Cloths Dish/Warewashing Facilities Pre-Scraped.Soaked Wash/Rinse Water Thermometers/Test Kits Equipment/Utensil Storage Single Service Articles Single Service Re-Use Wav Facilities ter Source Sewage Cross-Connections Toilets/Handwashing Insects/Rodents Plumbing Toilet Rooms Handwashing Areas Garbage/Refuse Outside Disposal outer Coeninvs N C Physical Facilities .01`( Al. Floors .013E 42. Walls,Ceilings 43. Lighting 44. Ventilation 45. Dressing Rooms 0 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 015 016 017 .018 6 .019 021 .017 .018 .019 .020 .020 .021 Pesticide/Rocenticide Application .021 Other 46. taxies 47. Premises 4B. Living Areas 49. Linen 50. Pets 51. Bulk Foods 52. Salad Bars NC .022 .022 .023 .024 .025 .026 .027 .027 .027 .027 .031 .032 No. of Critical Items Violated These items require immediate attention RECEIVED BY -` ' TNSPECTF6 By v In the soace below describe 11 violations checked above. A-7,} . a#6 in -Y, . - ow r, - . w 142/7 /5S rzS Y/42/43770A/ /4/ E'H ! - LW - r • Ai oh-J(1 =a >c(7N FE ' ✓ s.:y ze, /rig . 77 Lf-_c7.n-5' D 4 r)o, rr / 1149 0: /lam _TG. PA;;r-<.,_ 2 rH. ..,r,‘%-c - f1."(' C„r.. ,,,k. :• E/ 4;n =/vr 1114_. n°/,, , /c • :f _ . .. . . (Ira 1.- NI E , , , . . f .. /1 73 c: - _: f-'l%/v- C2•✓,/ 71- : N U/;--,/-, l o'IC y2t_ _N V /NO:/ c-r/:. • r 4rYe ,: ./cz Mir" 1 41 4-r ;. ;. r. he GNr, r -T1= F /_ i 'V t>FC9f=Y f 2)-firt_-r _-s /4' O?G['? TO Oxr r;;/^.,c- fk''i•._,f ffeJCn.(ne. 5 -r Jr -•.. , 3 3 3 3.. r -, , G//7 R/_E/J,e t r e) r c 4;NNJ;NT an- 44 t/A G ? .; r wen ., _ _ /r._ OF,97. ec_7.: • el 'F. 173 D5%-5, />/di1//41E HN. £Cc,v OI4 er /Wife i1.9.5 teC.c�rr • .... . _, _ .. 37F 7751-e Oq(CD Pic,q±--41rH c'raW 1-0,44-.?C:zA% BY m>/. : -. .,�, c 9) ir= THE C.i.f./4,5A' - r-n,.c Ls Corn ,- < -,V 3 ' Poo=R ,7,ttc Oe=ti.5ige e9wS 77'/F ,5-‘,-...Len (v/,r-,v '-. -, /„e,,, vI (///L t /w o e %N A r e,1 7-e/y 7-z e r ii/QOgg ro 71/E N-7 v•-- - ., , /37::-)Z7 9cvNER • A CoPY OF 171 IS (21e0.5.4* Ci/u- sF SW/7- To 111.1)vrS ICE CPEANI On/c/o ) of 64_3or f sHbA-:z>LL prua A[saec AJ 77 iSO • RECEIVED BY -` ' TNSPECTF6 By v