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208-211 Complaints 1980-2007
Name of Complainant BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date-5110— Time- i:2611LA \s,&.4-rjactii- -V St Address Te. Nature of Complaint id-42 SL4-1, ino-pL-, Location of Premises Owner Address ---al- Occupant --.— Taken by----- —_ Referred to- / Date of inspection ---VS.,47,11L___ Tim INSPECTORS REPORT _-44—A/Citli' _ Action Taken rspector R N. c.F -PTE. OF THE I n:uo 556-6950 Fyt. 214 ET ATE . .a ".-.r2 CODE 1. 122:; < t7._25 OF -22-CT t�70,- .'I70':5 OF CHATTER 71 OF THE .. qT 207-211 Main Street, Northampton, Vass, SSED TO: 3a1d v Singh. 211 Taj,n Street—_--- Northampton Mass, 010 INspECTI ON RETORTS ISSUED T0: DSTE.. . MdY 29._1980 _ Sc - _ O�PY 3ost ed_ 211.;;ain .Street--- - -- - n important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation orm at: ---- _- documento legal muito importante que podera afectar as seus direitos. Podem a dquirir Sao deste documento de: --- _____ ----.- — ite est un important document legal. II pourrait affect Er vos droits. Vous pouvez me trzduction de cette forme a. un eoc umen to legale i -.pc rt ante 7otrebbe avere effe -to sui suet diritti. Lei pub una traduziene di questo modulo a: un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ed. Puede adquirir ucnon de este forma en: ----- ---_-_-- - waine ]egalny niTo noze mi e � pyw r i i a Hozesz uzy skac dokumentu w ofisie: --- - -- mie Lego Board of health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 - std of Health has :r_ ,.:-c : �L : ..e lam. . :es ai Tic ;;or tl�a-�pt cn .-�. - 207-711_Main Street _ . _ . __ ___ North-au ton (� sensor 's -ap 31D _ ! eel 136 . ) , for cc-.pliance with Chapter 11 of The Slate Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations , listed low, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially i-pair the health, fety, and 'wall -being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111 , Section 177 of tlie 7.ass . General Laws, d Chapter lI of The State Sanitary Code , you are hereby ordered to make a good ith effort to correct the following violations within twenty-four (24 ) hours om the date of receipt of this order. SG ULA TI ON _ VIOLATION REMEDY 110.350 Drain (soil) pipe broken between 2nd and Repair the pipe and sanitize 3rd floors, leaking into 1st floor jewelry the affected areas. shop and cellar. Please note that this condition is a serious public health hazard and must be remedied immediately. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions please contact the Board of Health Office. RECEIVED BY Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent DELIVERED BY / 0; ' 2 V DATE 5 a 'J /Odd AM DATE OARD OF HEALTH T. JOYCE.Chairman C. KENNY, MD. UN O'CONNELL, R.N. t J. Me.ERLAIN, Health Arent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 Tel. (IflARMERE 586-6950 Ext. 21. TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF iS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT 3rd floor left apartment, 209 Main St. , Northampton, MA ADDRESSED TO: Raldev Singh 209 Main St. DATE October 18, 1984 Northampton, MA 01060 S OP INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: is an important legal document. is form at: David Powell 209 Main St. Northampton, MA 01060 It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translat e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar raduti6 deste documento de: os seua direitos. Podem adqu ivante eat un important document legal. I1 pourrait effecter voa droita. Vous pouvez it une traduction de cette forme a: o ! un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effetto out 'ere une traduzione di questo modulo a: suoi diritti. Lei pub es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. :raducc ion de este forma en: Ud. Puede adquirir !st waine legalny dokument. To mote miec wplyw na twoje ',prawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tctenie tego dokument', w ofisie: Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel . No. (411) 4i4-695oo '�:xt . 214 The Northampton Nodrd of Health has inspected the premises at lyd floor left apartment, 209 Main Street parcel 136 , Northampton (assessor 's map 11D . ) , (or compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety , and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws , and Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within twenty-four (24) hours from the date of receipt of this order. REGULATION VIOLATION REMEDY r 410.190 no hot water due to a malfunctioning repair/replace water heater water supply The violations listed below must be corrected within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. 410.501 handrail on stairway to second make handrail secure floor is loose, pulling free from the wall 410.602 (D) an accumulation of old construction materials and two old water heaters are stored in the second and third floor hallways floor tiles are broken and/or miss- ing in many locations in the second and third floor hallways; floor is uneven and a safety hazard If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the Board of Health office. 410.500 remove and properly dispose of these materials replace missing floor tiles and make the floor smooth Ver tru}yyouys, P ter J. Mcvrlain Health Agent PJMc/ee Delivered by Received by r —dace i//J-- / date 1 /). / Y 4TE FILED APPLICATION M*: SHOW CAUSE - CRIMINAL COMPLAINT CCEPTED HY No. OMPLAINANT: DEFENDANT: TAME: Peter J. McErlain, Health Agent NAME: Foldev Singh wDRESS: N10tMamntSn Board of Health ADDRESS: 209 Main Street Northampton, MA 210 Main Street Northampton, MA IEL NO 586-6950, ext. 213 TEL. NO. ATTORNEY ATTORNEY WHEN CRIME COMMITTED October 20, 1984* WHERE CRIME COMMITTED 209 thaint Street REPORTED TO POLICE N/A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CRIME: SanitaryhCode(ChaptermIT,MinimumwStandardsdof Fitness for Human iHabitation,State 105 C.M.R. 410.000) at his property at 209 Main Street, Northampton, MA.* *Copy of written notice is attached. (Signed) DATE November 5, 1984 Complain Slit Peter J. McFrlain, Health Agent iOARD OF HEALTH T. JOYCE.Canaan R C. KENNY. MD. LEEN O'CONNELL. R.N. R J. McERLAIN, Health Men[ CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 110 MAIN STREET 01060 Tel. Nl3)t SERE 586-6950 Ext. 21L . TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF SS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT 3rd floor left apartment, 209 Main St. , Northampton, MA ADDRESSED TO: Baldev Singh 209 Main St. DATE October 18, ]9R4 Northampton, MA 01060 ES OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: David Powell 209 Main St. Northampton, MA 01060 is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translat his form et: e um documento legal muito importante que podere afectar os seus direitos. Podem adqu tradurrao deste documento de: uivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez une [reduction de cette forme a: ito un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effet[o sui suoi diritti. Lei pub :mere una traduzione di questo modulo a: es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir traduccion de este forma en: jest wane le ge lny dokument. To mole mist wplyw no naczenie tego dokumentu w ofisie: twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 5ib-6950 Ext . 214 The Northampton Board of Health has left apartment, 209 Main Street inspected the premises at 1rd floor Northampton (assessor's map 11D parcel 136 • ), for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, and Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within twenty-four (24) hours from the date of receipt of this REGULATION 410.190 order. VIOLATION no hot water due to a malfunctionlnv water heater REMEDY renair/replace water heater and restore hot water supply The violations listed below must be corrected within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. 410.503 410.602 (D) handrail on stairway to second floor is loose, Pulling free from the wall an accumulation of old construction materials and two old water heaters are stored in the second and third floor hallways 410.500 floor tiles are broken and/or miss- ing in many locations in the second and third floor hallways; floor is uneven and a safety hazard If you have any nuestions regarding this notice, please contact the Board office. make handrail secure remove and properly dispose of these materials replace missing floor tiles and make the floor smooth Very��trulyyyyou s, ter TicErlain Health Agent PJMc/ec Delivered by Received by of Health CHAPTER II Occupants f Structure Apt. It B F STATE SANITARY CODE. ,.���X�//L Occupant's Name° " " 4 of Dwelling Units M # Habitable Rooms Address of Owner ;IC' tathroom 410.150 'ter between 1200 & 14 and seat ,a sin r ii of Stories Regulation .19Q 50 A(1) # Bedrooms__ Violations cient cold water .350 A .252 A .280 A or B )tng Kitchen 410.100 per. sink sufficient size and oven e [lets electr s Regulation Violations efrigerator electrical cal light fixture .251 B .251 A :ilat ion (w 1 water (su water io rs een mb ndow) (mechanical) ficient .ressures .251.6 .551 & .552 Living Room lets (2 or one with light) kiting ding )or ido reens ck Regulation .251 B .251 A Violations (windows .480 E Pantr or Dinin: Room tlets (2 or one with light) tint Loo indo :reens )cks Regulation .251 B .251 A Violations .480 E lge•ip:"Room #1 ient natural lighting ets or 1 Re lotion Violations w .250 A .251 B 251 A .500 .500 as SS ere adequate or occupant? Sleeping Room #2 .cient natural lighting :lets or 1 with outlet _ .250 A .251 B .251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 here adequate e for occupant? Sleeping Room #3 :icient natural lighting itlets or I It wi Is lin or doves eens r there adequate ce for occupant? Common Area & Exit (In :erior area illuminated Idows reens .250 A h outlet .251 B .251 A ors iii lls erior open s al immon b hroom clean .500 .500 .042 .151 Common Area & Exit (Exterio umne arches oundat airs aria r ivate u WO ,ead paint ubb i sh s ters and down s.outs ntr 1 .253B WinntarriAnir y,/ % General rvic s work's' and available facilities in good ating q 80 and 64 kter 120° to 1400 .ties vented heater car - .ro•er ir1 neat service ad e uate is and rodents in sanitar Miscellaneous Regulation • 1 .200 roils WIREi re Violations ( W t Date next scheduled reinspection is: Title /730 Time a.m. p.m. Date Time Vame of Complainant 4R��Address Nature o BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date//7 Time Tel.-S)7 H7i 7/ Complaint Location of Premises OTC Owner Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT Referred to it 3o Action Taken PPe BOA OF HEALTH T. JOYCE,Chairman 'vR C. KENNY, M.D. heel R. Parsons LR J. McERLAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 110 MAIN STREET 01050 Tel. !41318, 7( 586-6950 Ext. 214 R TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF 209 Main Street, Northampton, MA ESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT :R ADDRESSED TO: Boldev Sineh 209 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 DATE IES OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: Sanu ay 15, 1987 .s is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation this form at: :o e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquiri: tradupao deste documento de: suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos drops. Vous pouvez tenir une traduction de cette forme a: esto a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effecto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub tenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Ce es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir a traduccion de esta forma en: jest wazne legalny dokument. To mote miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac umaczenie tego dokumentu w ofisie: Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Northampton (assessor's map 310 209 Main Street reel 136 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed low, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, Ifety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, nd Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good aith effort to correct the following violations within twenty-four (24) hours rom the date of receipt of this order. EGULATION VIOLATION REMEDY D.503 Handrails loose and/or falling on the stairways to second and third floors. 0.254 Liehtbulbs burned out or missing from hallway light fixtures. you have any questions concerning this matter, please contanct the Board of Health fine. Repair the handrails and make secure. Provide operable light bulbs in all hallway light fixtures. ry truly yours, =_ter J. McErlain ealth Agent iMclec ertified mail #P525 163 086 c : Ted Tewhill, Building Inspector Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date ime Nature of Complaint Location Owner Address of Premises Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT J Referred to `/ D7 i a- me O Action Taken I r Inspector P Name of Complainant • A dressaC ��'j BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Nature of Complaint u Location of Premises Owner /mac Address Occupant Taken by t�"y(• Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT Referred to Time 3r•.1 i/ilk . 0 IAi Action Taken RR s.___ •.WI' ••. " 2411 /At �� �kL� d uo ' .," A _,A,_ars.ettAAfrk, !M IOARD OF HEALTH T. JOYCE,Chairman 2 C. KENNY, MD. ael R. Parsons 2 J. McERLAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH cc 210 MAIN STREET 01060 Tel (4131pfla 586-6950 Ext. 214 TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MIND= STANDARDS OF Apt. 2C, 209 Main Street, Northamnton, MA 01060 SS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT ADDRESSED TO: Baldev Singh - DATE January 2E, 1989 C/0 Cima 227 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 S OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: is an important legal document. 'is form at: Dennis Ryan Apt. 2C , 209 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation e um documents legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir :raduSao deste documento de: livante est un important document legal. I1 pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez iir une [reduction de cette forme a: :o b un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub were una traduzione di questo modulo a: es un documento legal importante. traduccion de esta forma en: Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir est wazne legalny dokument. To more miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac aczenie tego dokumentu w ofisie: Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The Northampton Board Apartment 2C, 209 Main Street of Health has inspected the premises at parcel Northampton (assessor's map it D 136 .), for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws and Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to correct the violations listed below within 24 hours 44 of the receipt of this order. REGULATION VIOLATION 410-201 Inadequate heat temperature at 3:10 P.M. 1/25/89, were as follows: Kitchen 63°F Livingroom 60°F Rear Bedroom 59°F Side Bedroom 59°F • REMEDY Provide minimum temp- erature in every habit- able room as followes: 68°F from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 n.N. and 64°F from 11:01 D.M. to 6:59 A.M. The violation listed below must be corrected within seven(7) of this notice. q 410:351 missies or, hallway light switch cover 410:351 Faulty light switch/fixtures in the living room 410:351 Kitchen faucet leaks 410:351 Heating unit fan in the kitchen ceiling is faulty, runs constantly 410:503 Stairway handrail (upper portion) has been remove from front stair- way. days of the receint Provide cover nlate Repair/replace as needed Renair/renlace the faucet. Repair the fan and make it function properly. Replace the handrail Failure to correct these violations in the time specified will result in further action being taken against you. If you have any questions please contact the Northampton Board of Health Office. Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PSMcE/nn Certified Mail 688 859 774 CC: Dennis Ryan BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD 4v-L, 6 D.t e 4'h rime Name of Complainant �/✓,^^'�`"'tit/ Add ess 2L ca.C y VV`Q�'t- • Tel„ 514 �°�/ Nature of Complaint Location of Premises Owner Address 02<.,9 "`"""fir Occupant ,yq,'/ Taken by Referred to // C Date of inspection INSPECTOR' / Z//1/ ty Time REPORT Action Taken (JO . 1 Inspector /'/ioos/NG —Printed on Recycled Paper cc AD OF '.iEAL:d IOYCE.Chaim® Z. i."TN % M.D. PAASONS McraL 1N. Health .agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 orF!CE OF:YE BOARD OF HEALTH no MAO snaro 01060 14131`86.;350 2sv. =12 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER 11 OF THE STATE SAJt_TA:RY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF . _TNESS FOR HUMAN IAC .ATIO?i AT : Apartment 2C, 209 Main Street, Northampton December 19, 1991 COPES OF REPORT TO Baldev Singh 209 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Camilla Metal and Kevin Grady Apartment L6 209 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important __ document . It may affect your rights . o tain a tans?a, - f this form at : You may �� - __.,.. �_ Le -__ .ante est un i:ntcrtant document __gal . __ pou_ ral _ forme a : s ccuvez obtenir une traduction de cette Quest° _ L__ document mod'u_o moortan ottener Poure'nce avere na __ _Out_on_ d_ Ete es un document° 'legal importante . Puede que a• sus direchos . Ud . Puede adcuirir una traduccion de esta forma en: mote mien. -vl_.:v na Taoje t_.. __.<'_ment'u w c_ _s_e : Northam?: ' oar_ of .._a_ _. LC !Cain Street The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Apartment 2C, 209 Main Street , Northampton ( assessor ' s mat 31D parcel lot 136 , ) , for compliance with Chapter Ii of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety , and well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachuoe General Laws , and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code , you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within 24 hours of the ' pt of this order : LA. ION . :.ED ��IpL_Trp�; R_.. . 201 Inadequate heat at the time of Provide minimum inspection (9:00 a.m. , Dec. 19, 1991) . temperatures as The following temperatures were observed: follows: kitchen - 51.9°F 7 :00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. 68°F living room - 55.9°F 11 :01 p.m. 6:59 a.m. 64°F rear bedroom - 54.3°F #1. The property owner adjusted the thermostat and started the heating system during the inspection. #2. While it has only a slight effect on the low temperature problem, it should also be noted that several windows int he apartment were not tightly shut and locked. ase contact the Board of Health if you have any questions concerning this notice. ruly your er J. McErlain lth Agent cE/c dh '.TIFIED MAIL # P 890 360 498 ^ - P Date: 6 III S ITime: 9f3gam Map: 3/ D Parcel: /3G Name of Complainant fdA//54' //).5VZ 5zoOset Address: q 69/9/4/�r,et T fi so Tel:C-3WS NATURE OF COMPLAINT: ./CE/L/NG AND 14/A Lc- QANi96F_ P5'm /tDOF///osig//j'/ '('Xi TLeri"c0VF.S25)MISS//VG % Gpyocifv/n CE ZMYM74C Location: Owner: $AGO£✓ 5/NO// Address: C/o 9775 ON✓/D lil N1L•E'cESS F PINUPS wer 5IG/ /71A O/✓{ZO I Tel:778-71/2- 4/_ 9 6 FTG Taken b e Date of Inspection: G-/Z-C/B Time: 7:30em 0 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 0 L/v/A/c/e-iitrt9V Ls/rMerEA (4/ CEk/N& etJE,CD/ACO se- //v v4/E ads 4n-s4s FyeM Mo/Stein Sar 'iLE; c,n»# Pete/1t/ 97H/UED SLtZF4CES /Soniself 0 c-i n Wi4z46 OAnA6ap F/KM /)r'JST/R2 g/Porc/RE✓ �PEkZ/N61 pW//ING,S74Nto)(SUO%sFI) / 0 (.o7 Baa/t»02 4 E&L/N4 o'itN SrSny/j/�s EM/-�.y�'. ison iso I) (9 rBAiHMPM 77.49 i7t/Na QE% EO .- /,v,fa pi£&2*€N/- /mPm C9fl4C lea,f so4/ Glyp,,lfw�G/Ng�DntOm Cp oN6 A,'U LcerM/NSpniS f,-orsae).- CO pc4Cgj cr,t'7S '4Z3t1 - ^06F7 .O P oPM (350V Action Taken: /'4 Oj9/f%O. Sr.Vf G-/Z-9ec- Inspec •. ig atere 'Si4 w i;is' DARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS HN T.JOYCE,Chairman ANNE BURES,M.D. HIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N. J.McERLAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)567-1214 )ER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 209 Main Street, Apt. # 3C, Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: June 12, 1998 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: COPY COPIES OF REPORT TO: Baldev Singh c/o Att. David M. Nickless 495 Main Street Fitchburg, MA 01420 Noah Sax 209 Main Street,#3C Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto 6 um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradcao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo 6 un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587-1214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 209 Main Street, #3c, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 31D parcel 136 .) for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of this order. ILATION VIOLATION REMEDY 51 Loft bedroom—Two electrical receptacles lack outlet covers. Provide approved outlet covers for both electrical receptacles noted. 00 & 01 (1) Living & kitchen area ceiling deteriorated from prior chronic moisture exposure....peeling, cracking and stained surfaces noted. (2) Loft bedroom ceiling with spotty cracking and peeling surfaces. (3) Living & kitchen area outer walls with deteriorated areas from chronic moisture exposure peeling,flaking and stained surfaces noted. (1)through (3) Repair all deteriorated surfaces noted In an approved manner. ■00& •04 (1) Bathroom tiles around bathtub are deteriorated and in need of repair; cracking, not waterproof; tub area needs re-caulking. (2) Kitchen linoleum deteriorated and in need of replacement; curling and worn /pitted surfaces noted. (1) Repair tile area and cauking around the bathtub in an approved manner. (2) Install an approved flooring surface for the kitchen area. Inspection of the premises was made on June 12, 1998 at approximately 9:40 am. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# P 573 708182 AVID M.NICKLESS DEBORAH PHILLIPS \KEN A MEYER )SEPH S FORTE,)R ldev Singh 3. Box 1035 lrthampton, MA 01060 :ar Mr. Singh: ffCfwED SCR NICKLESS AND PHILLIPS GL/� ATTORNEYS AT LAW 495 MAIN STREET FITCHBURG,MASSACHUSETTS 01420 (978)342-4590(TEL) (978)343-6383 (FAX) September 9, 1998 Enclosed you will find a copy of the Notice of Violation of State Sanitary Code received this office on September 3, 1998. I expect, on or before September 14, 1998, estimates and a letter from you outlining what :ps you are taking to ameliorate these problems. If you have any questions do not hesitate to Il me. Very ruly your. Ibseph S. Forte, Jr. F/ses 'closure David E. Kochan, Sanitary Agent Northampton Board of Health Northampton City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Fred A. McCoy, Esq. 6 Burt Lane Wilbraham, MA 01095 DARE)OF HEALTH MEMBERS iN T.JOYCE,Chairman ANNE SURES,M.D. HIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N. d McERLAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)587-1214 ER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 209 Main Street, Apt. #3A, Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: September 2, 1998 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Baldev Singh c/o Atty. Joseph S. Forte, Jr. _.. 495 Main Street Fitchburg, MA 01420 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Joanne Gray 209 Main Street, Apt. #3A Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradcci6n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587- 1214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 209 Main Street, #3A, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 31D parcel 136 .) for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of this order. LATION VIOLATION REMEDY 10 Both loft bedrooms lack heating facilities/heating units. Install approved heating facilities for both loft bedrooms. i1 Loft Area (1) install an approved diffuser or cover for this light fixture. (1) Loft hallway light fixture missing diffuser cover/shield. 10 & (2) Loft hallway stairwell handrail (2) Repair handrail in an approved 13 loose and unsafe. manner. 10 (3) Bedroom #2 roof exit hatch lacks (3) Provide and approved locking an approved locking mechanism. mechanism for roof exit hatch. 10 (4) Bedroom #2 lacks required means (4) Provide approved means of of ventilation. ventilation for this bedroom. 10 (5) Bedroom #2 lacks required natural (5) Provide approved natural lighting lighting. for this bedroom. 10 & (6) Bedroom#2 roof exit hatch is not (6) Finish all hatch surfaces and seal 11 weathertight opening surfaces are unfinished. opening so as to be weathertight. )0 & (7) Bedroom#2 ceiling shows signs of (7) Repair damaged bedroom ceiling )1 moisture problems....hole in ceiling and other spongy surfaces. surfaces in an approved manner. 51 Laundry room wall switch is not Repair switch and light fixture in an operational....Closet light fixture lacks approved means of turning light on/off Defective switch may be for this light fixture. approved manner. Notify Board of Health, in writing, and as soon as possible, as to what action will be taken to provide a suitable second means of egress from this apartment. If not corrected in the very near future, the apartment will have to be declared unsuitable for human habitation and further legal action will be taken. Inspection of the premises was made on September 1, 1998 at approximately 9:40 am. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, David E. Koch Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# P 573 708199 cc: Nothampton Building Inspector Main Entry Halls & Stairwells 1 (1) 2" level hall landing ceiling light (1) Provide adequate lighting for this fixture is not operational....Bulb? landing area at all times. 0 (2) Hallways & stairwells with holes and spotty peeling surfaces. (2) Repair holes & peeling surfaces. 0 (3) 3r"floor hall landing flooring (3) Refinish or re-cover flooring in an rough; unfinished. approved manner. 0 (4) Unfinished wall area to the left of (4) Refinish rough surfaces and area Apt. 3A door frame is rough; with around the entry door frame in an sharp cutting edges exposed; area around door frame unfinished. approved manner. 0 & (5) 2" to 3r"floor stairwell railing is (5) Repair railing in an approved 3 loose at top of stairs and is unsafe manner. 1 Complaint that water heater must be Water heating unit should be checked re-set practically every other day. out by a qualified technician, and This would indicate defective heater unit operation. repaired as might be necessary. 0 NO ADEQUATE, APPROVED SECOND Provide an approved second means of MEANS OF EGRESS FROM THIS egress from this apartment. All work APARTMENT. must be cleared and approved by the Northampton Building Inspector's Office prior to installation. Notify Board of Health, in writing, and as soon as possible, as to what action will be taken to provide a suitable second means of egress from this apartment. If not corrected in the very near future, the apartment will have to be declared unsuitable for human habitation and further legal action will be taken. Inspection of the premises was made on September 1, 1998 at approximately 9:40 am. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, David E. Koch Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# P 573 708199 cc: Nothampton Building Inspector HEARING -sons have the right to seek a modification of an order. To accomplish a dification, a person must file in writing a petition for a hearing before the Board of alth. Petitions must be filed on time in accordance with the regulations below: Any person or persons upon whom any order has been served pursuant to any regulation of this code (except for an order issued after the requirements of Regulation 33.2 have been satisfied); provided, such petition must be filed within seven days after the day the ordered was served; Any person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector(s) or other personnel of the Board of Health: 1 . to inspect upon request any premises as required under this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested; or 2. to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or 3. upon an inspection to find violations of this Article where such violations are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or materially impair the health or safety and well- being of the occupant(s) of the premises; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report; or t' i 4. to issue an order as required by Regulation 33.1; provided, that such petition must be filed within thirty days after the receipt of the inspection report. person upon whom this order has been served, or any person aggrieved by the ire of the inspector to perform as enumerated above, has the right to be resented at a hearing and any adverse party has a right to appear atsaid hearing. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices, and other :umentary information in the possession of the Board of Health are open for Dection and may be copied for a fee. REMEDIES AND PENALTIES t of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary of some legal remedies tenants y use in order to get Housing Code violations corrected. Failure to comply with this er also subjects the person ordered to a criminal fine of not less than ten ($10.00) lars, nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each day's failure to comply this order. THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE LEGAL REMEDIES TENANTS MAY USE TO GET HOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS CORRECTED: I. RENT WITHHOLDING(GENERAL LAWS,CHAPTER 239,SECTION 8A) H Code Violations are not being corrected you may be entitled to hold back your rent payments. You can do this without being evicted if: A. You can prove that your dwelling unit or common areas contain code violations which are serious enough to endanger or materially impair your health or safety and that your landlord knew about the violations before you were behind in rent. B. You did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to live in the building or apartment. C. You are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay it. (For this it is best to put rent money aside in a safe place.) 2. REPAIR AND DEDUCT(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111,SECTION 12M) The law sometimes allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If your local code enforcement agency certifies that there are code violations which seriously endanger or materially impair your health,safety or well-being and your landlord has received written notice of the violations,you may be able to use this remedy. H the owner fails to begin necessary repairs(or to enter into a written contract to have them made) within five days after notice or to complete repairs within fourteen days after the notice you can use up to four months' rent in any one year to make the repairs. 3. RETALIATORY RENT INCREASES OR EVICTIONS PROHIBITED (GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 186,SECTION 18 AND CHAPTER 239,SECTION 2A) The owner may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making a complaint to the local enforcement agency about code violations. lithe owner raises your rent or tries to evict within six months after you have made the complaint he or she will have to show a good reason for the increase or eviction which is unrelated to your complaint. You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tried this. 4. RENT RECEIVERSHIP(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111,SECTIONS C-H) The occupants and/or the Board of Health may petition the District or Superior Court to allow rent to be paid into court rather than to the owner. The court may appoint a"receiver" who may spend as much of the rent money as is needed to correct the violation(s). The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months' rent 5. BREACH OF WARRANTY OR HABITABILITY You may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does not meet minimum standards of human habitability. 6. UNFAIR AND DECEPTIVE PRACTICES(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 93A) Renting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the Consumer Protection Regulations for which you may sue an owner. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ABOVE IS JUST A SUMMARY OF THE LAW. BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO WITHHOLD YOUR RENT OR TAKE OTHER LEGAL ACTION, IT IS ADVISABLE THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD AT ATTORNEY, YOU SHOULD CONTACT 1'Iih NEAREST LEGAL SERVICES OFFICE WHICH IS: WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS LEGAL SERVICES 584 - 4034 20 HAMPTON AVENUE, SUITE 100, NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 /10 12:42 FAX 6176541755 re: BALDEV SINGE HOPEI-HAW ANpAI GE PC UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS Proceeding Memorandum/Order of court 45002/002 Searing Date! May 22, 2000 Case¢: 95-44101 ch: 11 1NT/APPLICANT/PARTIES1 •145 MOTION By Debtor For Final Decree And order Discharging Trustee. OBJECTIONS By: - LR2A-VJ Ltd. Partnership - City .Of Northampton Joseph S. Forte, Jr. , Esq. Thomas W. Tavenner, Jr., Esq. Brian W. Riley, Esq. COME: Granted- nied-Approved-Denied Without Prejudice-Withdrawn in Open Court CCCAtsn ed To Date Due Forr.31 order/Stipulation to be Submitted By: _Separate order/Judgment Entered and incorporated by Reference. .c: _Findings and conclusions Dictated at close of Hearing Incorporated by Refererce. Taken Under Advisement: Brief(e) Due From Respon0*(0) Due From Fees Allowed in the Amount Of: To: '_Expenses Allowed in the Amount Of: To DECISION SET OUT MORE FULLY BY COURT AS FOLLOWS: IS SO NOTED: Rurtroom Deputy 074:8:_ey7%;;I: cse-C ) an 3f �✓ l IT- S Is 5 oaD£xHD: . Qusenan, .S Bankruptcy Judge ated: $ /e2 a� m ENT3RED or.COCIXt CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE CITY SOLICITOR Janet M. Sheppard, Esq. City Solicitor FINAL NOTICE VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT#7099 3400 0001 4594 6102 June 7, 2000 Baldev Singh P.O. Box 1035 Northampton, MA 01061 RE: Tax Title Account for Property at 207 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Units 1 thru 8 and Bankruptcy Order Chapter 11, Case No. 95-44101-JFQ Amount Due City of Northampton Tax Title $99,786.60 Personal Property Tax $3,609.10 Dear Mr. Singh: It is my understanding that the Trustee in Bankruptcy in the above-captioned Bankruptcy case has filed a request for Motion for Final Decree in the Bankruptcy and Discharge of Trustee, which was allowed by the Bankruptcy Court on May 22, 2000 (a copy of which is enclosed). The Bankruptcy Court has indicated on this Motion, that this case is closed. This is to inform you that as of June 1, 2000, you are in default of your Agreement with the City to pay the taxes on the above units. I have attached a schedule of the amounts due for each of the eight (8) units at 207 Main Street, Northampton, Massachusetts. These payments are due immediately. 76 Masonic Street, Northampton MA 01060 (413) 585-5889 FAX: (413) 586-2937 Please consider this letter a final demand for payment on all eight (8) units. If the City does not receive final payment on or before July 1, 2000, I will advise the city to take appropriate legal action, including but not limited to • Tax Title Foreclosure; • Attachment for Failure to Pay under Bankruptcy Order which payment schedule is now in default. Please be advised that I have already advised the City to take the following actions: 1) The Building Commissioner has been instructed not to issue any building permits for any units at 207 Main Street, Northampton, pursuant to State and Local law; 2) Appropriate City Departments have been instructed not to issue any City permits for any units, including instructions not to issue permits to tenants at 207 Main Street, Northampton; 3) The City Treasurer will assess interest at the rate of 16% as of July 1, 2000 on all tax title accounts, as allowed by Massachusetts law. 4) The City Collector will begin to assess interest at the rate of 14% as of July 1, 2000 on all overdue tax accounts, as allowed by Massachusetts law. I have advised the City of the other appropriate legal actions which may be taken as of July 1, 2000. This is your final notice to make payment, before final action is taken. Janet M. Sheppard, Esq JMS:msg Enclosure cc: Mayor Mary Clare Higgins John Musante, Finance Director Joanne Lobdell, Collector Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector LR2A-JV Limited Partnership, Mortgage Holder Brian Riley, Esq. Helen Marusek, Treasurer Wayne Feiden, Director, Planning Dept. Peter McErlain, Director, Board of Health Fred A. McCoy, Esq. Singh, Baldev Property located at: 207 Main Street Northampton, MA Unit # 1 Unit # 2 Unit # 3 Unit # 4 Unit # 5 Unit # 6 Unit # 7 Unit # 8 Allocation of tax amount due $40,547.57 Allocation of tax amount due $0.00 thru 07/01/00 Allocation of tax amount due $0.00 thru 07/01/00 Allocation of tax amount due $2,935.31 Allocation of tax amount due $8,521.92 Allocation of tax amount due $17,627.22 Allocation of tax amount due $12,156.74 Allocation of tax amount due $14,987.11 Total Due under Bankruptcy Order $ 99,786.60 Personal Property Tax Due on Unit#1 $ 3,609.10 Total Due City of Northampton $103,395.70 PY Date: 51/0 Time: I Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: Address: Ag 3 $ -4-k- a0 ,Yla-'-.e-Street Tel:5-X - -W NATURE O CR OMPLAINT: ., . Qo i1 p-„- n°U U-cs-C Location: 3oc/ LL,t�✓C.&. /+ 104 35 N ` -1„ . Owner: {-a-rz--&-e - -e \ 2,.c- - 0 Address: - " Tel:SF4 obi ,/�/� Taken by: r Y Date of Inspection: fa/ (zt Time:8r3°- S. x k No INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ZWsp✓cr/ON /✓/srgN(e-cA,s of,) r N b LNO nmiv 3 d F E6j€ESS (4Se) 'JNrebrat<q,p. NGADfc F4ot(pvs yop) ` EOF1 $ )L v Lars E.(seew ) (Spa) Action Taken: �/4L fJ19�/,.,2 5vvT // /9 8Z/-7ppd A WFSSA /Mix, ( S figoZeo S a 9pllgal49 oL hde, Ins °sift 20014 yw nfwil (-no -83 7 . f/ ($ la c/wor•dJ? (a*dois NVMOON O/4Vd :MU 44z 17 rza t54/7 iYlo-.p 1S'0/�19rVIN 3'A7 LQ 3.J1Ja3d4ay dSi -r prEAN 4021 cri.11nai-myyto ysoon J/�9s19yow Ad00 ���� 9Nlf 92Z 000z - 983 Y39ffN8 GV 7J/yd0J/d (?pjl/se o Ngftj$'1g (JNL9y 3Aa?97 CA3 3 NI70a, 01390- bRg - c/b "90(0 frov Sei9/ )c Od 179N/S ,( c 7d692 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS YNTHIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair ANNE BURES,M.D. ROSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N. PETER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1264 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 209 Main Street, Apt. #3B, Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: August21, 2000 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: COPY COPIES OF REPORT TO: Baldev Singh P.O. Box 1035 Northampton, MA 01061 Philix Hanible 209 Main Street, Apt. 3B Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme A: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587- 1214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 209 Main Street, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 31D parcel 136 .), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of this order. EGULATION VIOLATION REMEDY 0.200 Lack of adequate heating facilities for Apt. #3B. Only one small vent above the refrigerator provided to heat the entire two level loft apartment. Provide adequate heating facilities which are capable of heating the entire apartment space to approved seasonal levels. 0.450 No approved 2ntl means of egress from Apt. #3B. (The ladder provided to exit to the roof in an emergency situation is not an approved means of egress.) Provide an approved 2' means of egress from this apartment. All construction work must be monitored and approved by the Northampton Building Inspector's Office. * 0.503 Upper spiral staircase railing is loose. The attachment screws are not properly secured, causing movement in the railing when grabbed. Secure upper spiral staircase railing in an approved manner. Inspection of the premises was made on August 21, 2000 at approximately 9:45 am, accompanied by Stanley Szewczyk, Assistant Building Inspector. * It also appears likely that other front street side apartments(s) in this building also lack an approved 2ntl means of egress I strongly recommend that all apartments in violation of this regulation be addressed at the same time in order to bring the entire dwelling up to code requirements. Left uncorrected, those apartments in violation could be declared uninhabitable. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly your David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7099 3220 0009 9338 9591 cc: • 209 Main Street, LLC • Atty. David J. Noonan • Goggins Real Estate Agency • Stanley Szewczyk, Asst. Building Inspector THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE LEGAL REMEDIES TENANTS MAY USE TO GET HOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS CORRECTED: 1. RENT WITHHOLDING (GENERAL LAWS, CHAPTER 239,SECTION 8A) If Code Violations are not being corrected you may beentitled to hold back your rent payments. You can do this without being evicted if: A. You can prove that your dwelling unit or common areas contain code violations which are serious enough to endanger or materially impair your health or safety and that your landlord knew about the violations before you were behind in rent. B. You did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to live in the building or apartment. C. You are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay it. (For this it is best to put rent money aside in a safe place.) 2. REPAIR AND DEDUCT(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111, SECTION 127L) The law sometimes allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If your local code enforcement agency certifies that there are code violations which seriously endanger or materially impair your health, safety or well-being and your landlord has received written notice of the violations,you may be able to use this remedy. If the owner fails to begin necessary repairs (or to enter into a written contract to have them made) within five days after notice or to complete repairs within fourteen days after the notice you can use up to four months' rent in any one year to make the repairs. 3. RETALIATORY RENT INCREASES OR EVICTIONS PROHIBITED (GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 186, SECTION 18 AND CHAPTER 239 SECTION 2A) The owner may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making a complaint to the local enforcement agency about code violations. If the owner raises your rent or tries to evict . within six months after you have made the complaint he or she will have to show a good reason for the increase or eviction which is unrelated to your complaint. You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tried this. 4. RENT RECEIVERSHIP(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111,SECTIONS C -H) The occupants andfor the Board of Health may petition the District or Superior Court to allow rent to be paid into court rather than to the owner. The court may appoint a "receiver"who may spend as much of the rent money as is needed to correct the violation(s). The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months' rent. 5. BREACH OF WARRANTY OR HABITABILITY You may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does not meet minimum standards of human habitability. 6. UNFAIR AND DECEPTIVE PRACTICES(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 93A) Renting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the Consumer Protection Regulations for which you may sue an owner. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ABOVE IS JUST A SUMMARY OF THE LAW. BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO WITHHOLD YOUR RENT OR TAKE OTHER LEGAL ACTION, IT IS ADVISABLE THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD AT ATTORNEY, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE NEAREST LEGAL SERVICES OFFICE WHICH IS: WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS LEGAL SERVICES 584 -4034 20 HAMPTON AVENUE, SUITE 100, NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 HEARING Persons have the right to seek a modification of an order. To accomplish a modification, a person must file in writing a petition for a hearing before the Board of Health. Petitions must be filed on time in accordance with the regulations below: A. Any person or persons upon whom any order has been served pursuant to any regulation of this code (except for an order issued after the requirements of Regulation 33.2 have been satisfied); provided, such petition must be filed within seven days after the day the ordered was served; B: Any person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector(s) or other personnel of the Board of Health: 1. to inspect upon request any premises as required under this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested; or 2. to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or 3. upon an inspection to find violations of this Article where such violations are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or materially impair the health or safety and well- being of the occupant(s) of the premises; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report; or 4. to issue an order as required by Regulation 33.1; provided, that such • petition must be filed within thirty days after the receipt of the inspection report. Any person upon whom this order has been served, or any person aggrieved by the failure of the inspector to perform as enumerated above, has the right to be represented at a hearing and any adverse party has a right to appear at said hearing. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS All relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices, and other documentary information in the possession of the Board of Health are open for inspection and may be copied for a fee. REMEDIES AND PENALTIES Part of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary of some legal remedies tenants may use in order to get Housing Code violations corrected. Failure to comply with this order also subjects the person ordered to a criminal fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each day's failure to comply with this order. IUr2 -tea 11:1;101 .2RLJ r1-0Ic.cR w. I ... David J. Noonan, Esq. 32 Tanglewood Rd. Amherst, MA 01002 Tel: 413-478-8441 Fax: 413-253-6776 noon2000@aol.com August28, 2000 By Fax: 413-587-1221 Northampton Board of Health City Hall 210 Main St. Northampton, MA 01060 Re: 209 Main St. Apt. #3B Northampton, MA Notice of Appeal Dear Board Members By and through this letter, Mr. Baldev Singh the owner of the above referenced property, gives formal notice of his intention to appeal from the Order issued by the Board of Health, dated August 21, 2000 ("Order"). Pursuant to prior discussions with both Mr. Peter McEdain and Mr. David Kochan and due to a previously scheduled vacation, I am reserving Mr. Singh's rights to, at a later point in time, supplement this Notice of Appeal and respond more specifically to each section of the Order. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. TOTAL P.02 RUG-28-2888 1608 HhNU 1-HSItNtn LA). • INI. David J. Noonan, Esq. 32 Tanglewood Rd. Amherst, MA 01002 Tel. No. 413476-8441 Fax No.413.253-6776 noon2000tWaol.eom Fax: Transmittal Sheet To: Northampton Board of Health From: David J. Noonan Pages Included: 2 Message: Date: Aug. 28th, 2000 Fax No. 413-587-1221 Re: Notice of Appeal 209 Main St#3B Northampton, MA Dear Sir/Madame Attached hereto please find a Notice of Appeal with respect to an order issued by the Board of Health, dated August 21,2000, and concerning the above referenced property. David J. Noonan, Esq. 32 Tanglewood Rd. Amherst, MA 01002 Tel: 413-478-8441 Fax: 413-253-6776 noon2000 @aol.com OCTI D o,^Mf,■O pE HEALTV October 6, 2000 Mr. David Kochan Northampton Board of Health City Hall 210 Main St. Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Baldev Singh 209 Main St. Apt. #3B Northampton, MA Notice Dated August 21, 2000 Dear David By and through this letter and as per your request I am documenting what steps Mr. Singh either has or will take in order to comply with the above referenced Notice. With respect to the first noticed violation, Mr. Singh has obtained a quote from a contractor to install an additional heating vent in the existing heat duct system. This work will be completed by November 15, 2000. With respect to the second noticed violation, Mr. Singh has purchased a metal fireproof emergency escape ladder, which will replace the existing ladder, which was not fire proof. You may inspect the new replacement ladder at your convenience. With respect to the third and final noticed violation, Mr. Singh has reattached the "loose railing and the same may be re-inspected at your convenience. Based on our discussions I believe that Mr. Singh's response to the above referenced notices is satisfactory. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Cc: S. Szewczyk, Asst. Building Inspector B. Singh BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: //401 Time: Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: R.D/ / Address: ems- TS o5 )4,'-L t $-f- Tel:06'116 o NATURE OF COMPLAINT: `• )4 p 0 J _ D-���-% - > Location: �-,f9c a.c_,L, Owner: �J✓/� Address: / Tel: Taken by: Phi Date of Inspection: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ,... 4)7(c t mem PhSosTaaao 1 c K.B.a YES Action Taken: f .�t(,,,,, l3✓fc•"� 1 1144 `.Inspector Signature O Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 (413) 748-7838 Curtis L . Shaird William H. Abrashkin Clerk Magistrate First Justice Date : March 05 , 2002 Re : Board of Health Vs : Baldev Singh No: 02-PC-00192 NOTICE OF SHOW CAUSE HEARING A request for criminal complaint naming you as the defendant has been filed in this Court , and a copy of the proposed complaint is enclosed. Before any criminal process issues, the Clerk of the Court will hold a show cause hearing to determine if there is sufficient evidence to require that you be charged with the offense alleged. A clerk' s hearing to determine whether criminal proceedings will be commenced against you will be held at the Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, . at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 10 : 00 o ' clock, Monday, March 25, 2002 . At the hearing you may present your side of the matter, bring witnesses, and be represented by an attorney, if you so choose . OurtimmLL s Shari' Clerk Magistrate ECMS : SCH-SCAUSE FLJCAIION lit ADULT COMPLAINT ❑ JUVENILE NUMBER Trial Corot cf Massachusetts District Court Department EST X HEARING ❑ SUMMONS ❑ WARRANT thin named complainant requests that a a complaint issue against the within defendant,charging said defendant with the offense(s) listed below. COURT DIVISION Northampton District Court 15 Gothic Street Northampton, MA. 01060-0657 u APPLICATION 26, 2002 i DATE OF OFFENSE Feb. 28, 2002 PLACE OF OFFENSE Northampton, MA :COMPLAINANT and lteczywor, Sanitary Inspector NO. OFFENSE G.L. Ch. end Sec S AND ZIP CODE CFCOMPLAMANT d of Health Lain Street, Room 8 hamptaa,.MA_ 0106073167_ t. Failure to correct various violations of 105CMR 410.000, Chap. II State Sanitary Code M.C.L. Ch. 111, Secs.12744 OGRESS AND ZIP CODE OF DEFENDANT Tdev Singh D. Box 1035 rthampton, MA 01061 B' a. r USE a. A hearing upon this complaint application I DATE OF HEARING TIME OF HEARING will be held at the above court address on f AT COURT USE kk—ONLY CASE PARTICULARS — BE SPECIFIC NAME OF VICTIM Owner of property. perso assaulted,etc DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Goods stolen,what destroyed,etc- VALUE OR PROPERTY Over or under S250. TYPE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE OR WEAPON Marijuana,gun,etc. iREIMARKS: Failure to correct various housing code violations in multiple dwelling at tin Street, Northampton, MA, including: failure to repair or replace broken toilet, 1 lock on living room window, remove obstructions in common areas repair or replace to light switch, repair garbage grinder, and repair water leak and damaged ceiling tiles ring room. x SIGNATURE OF COMPLAINANT DEFENDANT IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION — Complete data below if known. IRTH I PLACE OF BIRTH SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SEX RACE HEIGHT WEIGHT EYES HAIR ON EMPLOYER/SCHOOL MOTHER'S NAME(MAIDEN) FATHER'5 NAME TE DISPOSITION AUTHORIZED BY NO PROCESS TO ISSUE At request of complainant ❑ Complainant failed to prosecute Li Insufficient evidence having been presented PROCESS TO ISSUE TYPE OF PROCESS — Sufficient evidence presented ❑ Warrant ❑- Defendant failed to appear ❑ Summons returnable ❑ Continued to ENTS If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, h Richard 34. Meywor, RS Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL # 7001 2510 0004 $173 4900- `)ase t se4T feel . CERTIFIEQ IMILRECEIPT` ;.(cfam ershcVI iI Vary;N¢fnsurance;GaveragePrravided) _ r B - Of;YI�J1L t '209m m Portage M1 Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) C 'minted Delivery Fee C (Endorsement Reguvea), C C Total Postage&Fen $ ent To J Baldev Sire 'a.k.. `,vodBoa 1035 c lai Cl ampton, }IX._0106'1 ri I f% ' 1, init4.4 BOARD OF HEALTH le''-'-'11‘111,4\707414 dlttmt^scClnlv4._,---1.::z rd.v';,'',.. 4 ,‘" 7,k, 4,!wi,-,•,- City Hall - 210 Main Street I I I I 0' e r II,\IL-V,, ., 46 ? ,e,gli(ti el ' ' j .T41'1' Northampton, MA 01060 1 Htti A t 11"0,i, 1:15;s'ap,/:00:4gh4t: `.11,41111)1/0 2510 D004 2175 4900 ,- goke. It c/neifieff,,,, ' 1 un bt r"b4,1 '4/relit'? '''^vani -wn 70 °lentAdd Bald v •ingit . vett,CettN Pets 0 Unolairn,d 9Add fr•ss Q 4"enieterf,„,Q Retaseq No -thaipton, MA 01061 ( --) 0 Nosuchst ,wortrocwo 1-1 ci vaez 41 'el'oniu, No mai Nr.9476 lli7op / CI efo ' neco -'I e/o Prmete On sed-N Mi °Ome 0p ter e. n r °sned iege oue eye,Aerketl Y 1 Printed on Recycled Paper ...,_ - I + + SENDER:COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPFETE THIS SECTION ON OEyvERY • Complete Items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Received by(Please Print Clearly) B. Date of Delivery item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse C. Signature that we can return the card to you. El Agent f • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, )( ❑Addressee or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? 0 Yes I Article Addressed to If YES enter delivery address below. ❑No `4 Baldev Singh P.O. Box 1035 Northampton, NA 01061 3, Service Type ) .Certified Mail ❑Express Mail 0 Registered ❑ Return Receipt or Merchandise D Insured Mall ❑C.OD. 4 Restrict gd O llNery?(Extra Feet ❑Yes�� 7001 2510 0004 6173 4900 ,2C' /jl .C� t`Y U / �(: PS Form 3811,July 1999 Domestic Return Recent 102595 0o M-0952 BOARD OF Frei CITY HA LL COMPLAINT R RDim , Date: '/io/o;L (Time: Name of Complainant: Address: b Ji Z%ze. C'r'y . — -u-" Lie p IParcel: Tel: =3 Sc 7 iL NATURE 8P COMPLAINT: Location: Owner: e.4z,.;/ `/g„`f/ Address: Taken by: - I Date of Inspection: ; it INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ITel: Time ugdaikhomisi Action Taken: ,. =x 2 ea CNV£Bmierks Inspector Signature • ti? ° P••••Zrt Gv + 'f'F r .' ; I 11 I c ( - [ a � I 3 ' 1'1'2'1 r�k. r "r - - 4 "¢ yr )4 or r, '..•rY t( Lr 1 1,_( BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS THIA DOURMASHKIN, R.N.,Chair (CHARD p.BRUNSWICK,M.D. EMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,M.P.H. TER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 COPY OF ABATEMENT ORDER n COPY CERTIFIED MAIL ORDER # 7001 2510 0004 8173 4900 AND DATED JANUARY 28, 2002 POSTED AT 209 MAIN STREET, APT # 2C NORTHAMPTON , MA 01060 ON Tuesday, February 19, 2002 TIME: BY RICHARD J. MECZYWOR, RS SANITARY INSPECTOR NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH SIGNED: ti 9 ;� , BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS CHARD P. BRUNSWICK,M.D. tOSEMARIE KARPARIS, R.N. "ER 1. McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587—1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 )ER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 209 Main Street, Apt. #2C, Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: January 28, 2002 ORD ADDRESSED TO: Baldev Singh P.O. Box 1035 0 Northampton, MA 01060 COPY OF REPORT TO: Melissa Graves and Marc Diemand 209 Main Street Apt #2C Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: listo e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: ILe suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pue ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccidn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To maze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587 - 1214 I The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 209 Main Street t Apt #2C, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 31D parcel 136), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within Fourteen days of the receipt of this order. ,TION (B) VIOLATION Toilet is broken. It will not shut off when flushed and runs continuous! . Lock missin on ni.ht Mn.l room window. Common hallways are obstructed because the are use for stora.e. Li ht switch in kitchen broken. Garbage grinder has something stuck in the mechanism possibly glass creating a hazard to the o.erator. Water stains on ceiling tiles in bedroom next to kitchen and living room indicating possible water leak below 3`d floor bathroom. REMEDY Repair or replace toilet. Install lock on window. Remove all obstructions in common areas in order to insure safe .assa.e. Repair or replace Ii.ht switch. Repair or replace garbage grinder. Find source of leak and repair. Also, repair damaged ceiling tiles. nspection of the premises was made on JANUARY 28, 2002 at approximately 9:30 im. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION BOARD OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 02-PC-00192 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 10 : 00 o'clock, Monday, April 08 , 2002 . Curtwt@7 ' ha d Clerk Magistrate Date : April 01, 2002 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Mailing date : April 01, 2002 P1 Board of Health Richard Meczywor, Sanitary Inspector 210 Main Street Rm S Northampton, MA 01060 inn lust Mg SMl A0 p utdduro»y 00 I.Sf1W spout.pou'rya0 pup stump 11V __- - 0 .01 7 k..- - C-- ituraW/1 " 3Q¢ - - ahf a - � l - _ 75 eFrVW Ra, OTI �f� G� E I I II II1 P:` ,1111.. iI)t) Y- i) \/V\1 ail-1° 1"V 1 Hi 31111.1(1 ()I !T Ye I nrit'c'D 9 i lllWW )ISl t? 72-i Inca % , r� [ I 1 r. L I �7i jit !i`u.J 1L), I L hn1,i .mob ! [;: The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 209 Main Street Apt #2C, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 31D parcel 136), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within Fourteen days of the receipt of this order. nION VIOLATION REMEDY V Toilet is broken. It will not shut off when flushed and runs continuously. toilet. 0 Repair or replace toileI , USN oil Ind p v01 'sti4 (E) Lock missing on right living room window. Install lock on window. gent- TA & Common hallways are obstructed because they are use for storage. Remove all obstructions in common areas in order to insure safe passage. 094-7/4" Light switch in kitchen broken. Repair or replace light switch. 0.2o4`Yt (B) Garbage grinder has something stuck in the mechanism possibly glass creating a hazard to the operator. Repair or replace garbage grinder. eK Water stains on ceiling tiles in bedroom next to kitchen and living room indicating possible water leak below 3`d floor bathroom. Find source of leak and repair. Also, , repair damaged ceiling tiles. n��.Y i Inspection of the premises was made on JANUARY 28, 2002 at approximately 9:30 am. JMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS JUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION 3OARD OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 02-CR-00135 4LDEV SINGH Defendant CRIMINAL SUMMONS You are hereby summoned in the name of the Commonwealth of 3ssachusetts to appear before the Housing Court Western Division rich will hold a session for the transaction of criminal business t Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, crthampton, MA 01060 at 10 : 00 o ' clock, Monday, April 29, 2002 . 11 to answer to a Complaint made on oath this day before this Court, copy of which accompanies this Summons . Please be advised that a efault Warrant will issue for your arrest if you fail to appear in ourt at the time and place above mentioned. WITNESS, William H. Abrashkin, Judge of the Housing Court Western ivision, on April 09, 2002 . S Word, CMrx. Curtis L. Shaird Clerk Magistrate OTIFICACION PARA LAS PERSONAS DE HABLA HISPANA: SI USTED NO PUEDE LEER INGLES, TENGA ESTE DOCUMENTO LEGAL TRADUCIDO CUANTO ANTES. NOTICE TO OFFICER SERVING SUMMONS To any Officer who is authorized to serve criminal process in he Commonwealth, and to the Court Officers of this Court, Greeting: We command you in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, orthwith to serve this Summons and accompanying Complaint, in hand o the person listed herein at the address listed above, or by eaving an attested copy hereof at the Defendant ' s dwelling or usual lace of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then esiding therein, in any case at least twenty-four hours prior to the eturn hour specified in this Summons. MRCrP Rule 6 (c) (3) . Please ake your return of service pursuant to the reverse of this Summons . CMS : SUMMONS-CR Mailing date : April 09, 2002 P] Board of Health Richard Meczywor, Sanitary Inspector 210 Main Street Rm 8 Northampton, MA 01060 209 Main Street, Northampton, MA 3-209 Main St-2nd Floor Small Corridor 4-209 Main St-3rd Floor Hallway Thursday, April 25, 2002 209 Main Street, Northampton, MA -209 Main St- Front Entrance 2-209 Main St-2nd Floor Hall Thursday, April 25, 2002 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION BOARD OF HEALTH Plaintiff - v. - No. 02-CR-00135 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street , Northampton, MA 01060 at 10 : 00 o ' clock, Monday, June 17 , 2002 . Date : April 29, 2002 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW CurehSrtd s LI3h�r� Cler Magistrate The parties are to appear in court on U.Ue /2z.Z/D Z at /0'm o'clock review on compliance with this agreeme . * FAILUR€of the Plaintiff to appear for this revi. May Result in the Dismissal of this case. "FAILURE of the Defendant to appear for tl review May Result in the Issuance of an Eviction Order. IF EITHER PARTY alleges that the other party has failed to comply with the terms and conditic of this Agreement, s/he may schedule a court hearing after serving a seven business days writi notice to the other party and immediately filing a copy of that notice with the court. The seven c period begins when the other side receives notice. Once Approved By The Judge, TI Agreement Becomes A Court Order And Both Parties Are Legally Required To Follow It. questions arise, please direct them to the mediator. I Understand That I Have a Right a Trial Before a Judge, but Instead I Choose to Sign this Agreement. 6)(4A,T. ft ) /date t�� d Udate PRINT NAME PRINT NAME Telephone Telephone Plaintiffs Attorney Defendant's Attorney diator Clerk-Magistrate / Asst. Clerk-Magistrs William H. Abrashkin, First Justice Dina E. Fein, Associate Justice agree.6 5/22101 (cis) (Copies were given to the parties COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION 37 ELM STREET - P.O. BOX 559 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01102-0559 TELEPHONE (413) 748-7838 FAX (413) 732-4607 LLIAM H. ABRASNKIN FIRST JUSTICE DINA E. FEIN ASSOCIATE JUSTICE No. C Cie - /�7J 7eb 6 ( / Id rf/heTSRyiae/ LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF CURTIS L. SHAIRD CLERK MAGGTRATE ROBERT G. FIELDS FIRST ASSISTANT CLERK MAGISTRATE KAREN-ANN HUNTOON ASSISTANT CLERK MAGISTRATE Date &/I/l �? ?ao 2 ti fti TENANT/DEF NDANT AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES E PARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AS A RESOLUTION OF THIS CASE a -6// se by Vu<-/7 el)? � DHi4) O C6 20 1 / Rid 41. ,,TA/ rec7 ou , it S.A.ca iv in r Ant ) Co A.A/.I%( Fi// (f%! ) \4,((/�et .�� // /i��v,. 1, Tti.l fEp ,( 1.1r ° 73o' y TJ <1;) P 964 / 4v4 AJ CbNPJ7eA JU% .vaT TNjPe-ie.Q 4 U oar i) rt(7, U EVER Ir I BOARD OF HE ci ?HALl] COMPLAINT RECCd Date( al 0 Time: Map:- Parcel: Address: o2O n �P'3'4 Tel: 5'g3 NATURE F COMPLAINT: i0 V Location: i=aC . U Owner: Address: Tel: 5W-0 S • sat vT-.. Date of Inspection: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 2n. 21,0/c3 oswi>mmnnx.,, then Box if VES Action Taken: 4n r,4l.,,....5} fa? � ti Inspect r Signature c< fl I RDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: IOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS A DOURMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair 1ARD P.BRUNSWICK,M.D. SEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N. 2J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 209 Main Street, Apt. #3A, Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: February 10, 2003 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: COPY OF REPORT TO: Baldev Singh 135 Crescent Street Northampton, MA 01060 Betsy Kelly 209 Main Street Apt#3A Northampton, MA 01060 a COPY This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto � urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. 12udem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. VoUS pouvez ebtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: tTo jest wazne legalny dokument. To maze meet wptyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel 8: (413) 567-1214 The Northampton Doard of Health has inspected the premises at 209 Main Street Apt;f3A,Northampton, MA (assessor's map 31D parcel 136), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations Fisted below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair th health safety, and well-being of the occupants Under authority of ,r ?I?, Suction 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter fief the State Sanita,y Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the fallowing violations within days of the receipt of this order. LAT13 )1 VIOL A nON i REMEDY Apartniont hteakiag units cannot maintain an adequate temperature. At the time of the inspection stairs living area was 59 dogrries F and the upstairs hadroon i loft area was 55 degrees F. air or in g=all an aCkNtia1.0 heating system. Inspection of the premises was made on JANUARY 22, 2003 at approximately 3:80 am. if you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, Richard . Mec WOr, RS Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7001 1940 00051331 7163 gt ti " kc ARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS ?.BRUNSWICK,M.D.,Chair 1V FLEITMAN,M.D. MARIE KARPARIS,R.N. .MCERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 4X(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH c COPY 210 MAIN STREET.ROOM M8 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 May 8, 2003 by certify that the attached copy is a true copy of the complaint record pertaining Jovember 25, 2002 complaint regarding 209 Main Street, Apt. #3, Northampton, )1060 and investigated by Richard J. Meczywor, Board of Health Sanitary ctor. 'd and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. afry David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health Inspector Signature Date: j/ 513 I Time: I Map: I Parcel: Name of Complainant:l` 6c'-1--TM""u-•' &-i'na-" c1-e-P-i t-' 3D n9 /1/7&-`4.-) -c2 2cf». _. ��3 $ Address: �2�/ Tel:4s t7di0 /2—C' .$24t) /'^%1 . 443 fn 95-3OVS.C. NATURE OF COMPLAINT: a; 9r /�r94..1 Ztn wtq .�1.. C.1 Rent.-'% I `i f✓Alt AW—f '-e tLw.2 t<ti'. -ct:-c-Uc' -:te t'i. s rte .... 4d to -/ c i :�,CL�:41 Location: {ub Si s �o-C nc�l=pa.t,, , pp ' Owner: /iF/1 _c%'Z U-n :,,i Address: Tel: Taken by: jL I Date of Inspection: 'aI>lok I Time: 11:;C:41. t� INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ,1r+v1 F4 /'G.. sic cc-„+-y C:,.,T^y .11,4 /.znf .. _. tv. n,-. s^-=*t-cv..- L-L1:4✓", l i d"-`f- ,,l- _it"; W`_ M o,g,taI Pnawim Taken Check BOX If YES I Action Taken: Inspector Signature Mailing date: April 29, 2002 Board of Health Richard Meczywor, Sanitary Inspector 210 Main Street Rm 8 Northampton, MA 01060 P1 URN USES !ECU SCR OES 19 71 HOBBS a wAn PEN INC PUBLISHERS B0570 N MASS 04r QZnutuwtuurattll of plat ltarlluliet1s Hampshire 55. (0U Richard 3. Meczywor Board of Health, City of Northampton 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA greeting. Vim an lerrbg cnuuuanbrb, in the name of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to appear before the PistCiCG Court Northampton Division holden at 15 Gothic Streetwithin and for the courtly of Hampshire on the 9th day of December at 9:00 o'clock in the fore_-noon, and front day to day thereafter, until the action hereinafter named is heard by said Court, to give evidence of what you know relating to an action of contract then and there to be heard and tried between Baldev Singh Plaintiff , and Defendant , and Corinne Bon eau {ou are further required to bring uilh.you all records of the Northampton Board of Health relating to Baldev Singh and the premises at 209 Main Street, Northampton, MA. rrenf fail nut, as on uill ansac r your default under the pains and penalties in the law in that behalf made and provided. 2nd December Northampton the day of Data at ., A. D. 2003. Data mo„,r Public ucna Francis . Collins r r - 939Th CRY OF NORTHAMPTON NOTIC RR OF ORLATION REGULATION OF CRY OROINANCE D.TE / ZSez 7, Nut OF OFENDER x n A e v N//O hi �a id%Sr- /J ',vs eta.- VEHCI£PFG1STRA ON NUMBER OFFENDER GDR r AT LOC G 2S I /,Js- I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF E& FOREGO ING CRADON Date Mated g tabe m#nln stream ot dhows THE MMSRI/INALFINE FOR IMS OFFENSE 155 NAvETa FOLLOWING ALTEP1(ARVES IN SKS mATTCR calomel ramY_ FMK Mffori (II YOU RA a+ 6aaa hee by aOIeaNt a mna^or M Meet DAY a0THEe by_M1 m_A money order or postal note rmmMzr DAYS CF THE DATE O F THIS NmrC tot w l Cary CMS zia Stoat Ronne Ntom MA maw m It wa amt..to anamleessonanet. w mite „ T a WTw Deanne and eneosw ts d €e 21 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS xonCE Se:alan m ne eeon mead Cowl G Gone Stoat Northampton.kA im n you fad n Fry the above Ne or to Imes a Heating anln�am,n .of If Yoo m Sweet d men or to pay any .enem.Iaa at aenlabm may be issuaa mane you. ❑1 HERESY ELECT THE FlRST OPTION Move:crams to anew atW e and svuSe payment nMe amount U ❑i HERESY REDDEST A NONCRIMINAL NEARING on tees matter. SpMne_ SERVING OFFICER'S COPY Vet, ` _' 70° F.3003 01 3.nOVNE * 3.7,1S=';... ' e"a"=_ SrVSSHC,t350:0,1 Et0::SS E 3;1153;q0::=SC CITY OF NORTHAMPTON NOTICE OF VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCE RULE OP REGULATION NAME OE OFFENOEP t. MY OPERATOR UOEnSE NUMBER 91 oArtrE eimx OF nF-_rDER VEHICLE REGLSTNATON NUMBER TAW ATE OE VpUTOI}°' IA M5 ST GMT?' -10F O CI P BGN I ENFORGINH,DER. U I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE FOREGOING CITATION 6_U artisans.of mender. Crate Maned This OFFENSE IS$ :CAJ TYOU HAVE THE FOOD OWING ALTERNATIVES IN THIS MATTER mooed Ether Man Dln wm+0 MY donate as a Aral Wpsaw ,T�ant M ntsulorq Iu Tor .w m�m w the M postal wow!, a cyst .H owed went or N massa o,xL money Mo-, WTBIN 21 BATS OF TTE DATE OE This NOTICE tor NornvnoW Cay clerk 210 Mon Swat al n yw desire to contest enclosing a mar do so mo a. WRHIN z1 ol DAYS OF THE OATH F HOE aNO NOTCH to Clerk-MagistTato Northampton Otostet Court IT Wats West M)n w.WI to pay to eswe We s�a were tN 21 days,re m.. a��rem .I may be:seed apace yo. s Ss mN or tO pay arry ❑I HEREBY ELECT THE HOST OPTION ate,codes the me...&arra.and enclose payment in aa worn al S ❑I HEREBY REOIEST A NONCRIMINAL HEAPING on MM matter Signature SERVING OFFICER'S COPY CITY OF NORTHAMPTON NOTICE OF VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCE RULE OR REGULATION DATE OF THIS NOTICE /.�- _ NAME OF OFFENDER ADDRESS OF OFFEND co� mSTAII P3C°DE cFPeux wv OPE ATOR LICENSE NUMBER VEHICLE REGISTRATION NUMBER DaATtZE'9t'ON J _ AT O ATxw.OF r S P NAri1e5EJHJE9FC F Mme—. a u—ar asrwRMEA7 I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE FOREGOING ORATION x ' patnadeto Nne or orlenda. Date.w. . . THE NONCRIMINAL FINF FOR THIS OFFENSE IS 3 E.Mer woo,m a HAVE TEE aMdn m FOLLOWING ALTERNATIVES o THIS ,n Man., P] You eats p zcmm m Person through a duty awv¢M avant or ma money older a DPP yore W OH W xL DAYS CF ME DATE THE NOT CE okM 210 Mein Sae& NarthnamPloo.WA 01060 RI if you Pam to cornea Mts owner. u may do to by mum] a Amen DAYS OE THE DATE OE MIS NOTICE ro NomtvplAn GomaaCow IS Gothic Street Nomungttn,MA 131 II you Ma To pay me above fine�Nt Hrryus a hewing mmin 21 days.a a ennm/°FEaM a ass Wawa Wvu fine Wawa me nearm9 m be due. ❑I HEREBY ELECT THE FIRST OPTION above.mdea me Mende charged.and wawa woad ❑I nEREB REQUEST A HEARING on mN matter. Sig A SERVING OFFICER'S COPY BOARD OF HEALTH • MEMBERS OFFICE OF THE ROSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH XANTHI SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF Ernest J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health hard Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector dricia Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Heon,Clerk BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AND CHAPTER 111, SECTION 27, ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS AT: January 21,2005 Baldev Singh, Owner P.O. Box 1035 Northampton, MA 01060 RE: 209 Main Street REASON FOR INSPECTION: Request by Building Department This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at. Isto e urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradyao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. Il pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvezT obtenir une traduction de cette forme a. Questo e un documento legale imponante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pud ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccidn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: AGE 2 representative from the Northampton Board of Health accompanied by The Building Inspector inducted an inspection of several apartments on January 18, 2005. at the premises located at 209 MM Street, Northampton,MA owned or operated by you, for compliance with Chapter II of the ate Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which e serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety and well-being of the ;cupants. RTICLE H 410.000 VIOLATIONS RONT ENTRANCE, HALLWAY AND STAIRWAY: 81 PARTMENT 2-A Owners name, address, and telephone number not posted in entrance hallway. ORDER: Owners name, address, and telephone number must be posted and maintained on dwelling adjacent to the mailboxes for such dwelling or elsewhere in the interior of such dwelling in a location visible to the residents. IT MUST BE CONSTRUCTED ON NOTICE OF DURABLE MATERIAL,NOT LESS THAN 20 SQUARE INCHES IN SIZE,BEARING HIS NAME,ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER. 50 Appears to have no 2"means of egress. You are hereby ordered to install 2"d means of egress a building permit must be obtained from the Building Department. ORDER: Install a 2"means of egress no later than no later than April 25,2005. PARTMENT 2-B (UNOCUPPIED) 50 Appears to have no 2" means of egress. You are hereby ordered to install 2" means of egress a building permit must be obtained from the Building Department. ORDER: Install a 2"means of egress no later than no later than April 25,2005. 00, 82 00 Hole in the wall near entrance. ORDER: Cover or seal holes in wall. Smoke detector is not working. ORDER: Repair or replace smoke detector. Thermostat wires exposed. ORDER: Install thermostat or cover wires with cover plate. kGE 3 PARTM ENT 2-C )0 Closet door is off the tracks. ORDER: Repair/replace door to open properly. )0 Hole in bedroom. ORDER: Cover or seal holes in wall. )0 Cover plate missing on electrical receptacle in living room. ORDER: Replace plate. 30 Cover plate missing on electrical receptacle in bedroom. ORDER: Replace plate. 00 Broken window pane. ORDER: Replace plate broken window pane. 51 PARTMENT 3-A 2°a means of egress is blocked/obstructed by a kitchen counters. ORDER: Remove kitchen counters to make egress accessible no later than April 25 2005. DO Cover plate missing on electrical receptacle in kitchen. ORDER: Replace plate. DO Cover plate missing on electrical receptacle in living room. ORDER: Replace plate. DO Hole in living room. ORDER: Cover or seal holes in wall. 00 Some kitchen cabinet doors are off or broken. ORDER: Replace/repair kitchen cabinet doors. 00 Closet door is off the hinges in the bathroom. ORDER: Repair/replace door to open properly. 50 Appears to have no 2"d means of egress. You are hereby ordered to install 2nd means of egress. A building permit must be obtained from the Building Department. ORDER: Install a 2" means of egress no later than no later than April 25, 2005. 00 Electrical wires exposed in electrical box in the bathroom. ORDER: Replace outlet and cover wires with cover plate. 00 Bathroom cabinet drawer are off or broken. ORDER: Replace/repair cabinet drawer. ,GE 4 'ARTMENT 3-B 0 'ARTMENT 3-C ;1 Appears to have no 2"d means of egress. You are hereby ordered to install 2"d means of egress. A building permit must be obtained from the Building Department. ORDER: Install a 2nd means of egress no later than no later than April 25, 2005. 2°d means of egress is blocked/obstructed by a kitchen counters. ORDER: Remove kitchen counters to make egress accessible no later than April 25, 2005. Cover plate missing on electrical receptacle in bedroom. ORDER: Replace plate. _L APARTMENTS LISTED ABOVE: 0 )0 A re-inspection of each apartment is required by the Board of Health prior to renting or occupying any of these apartments. ORDER: No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy any dwelling, dwelling unit, mobile dwelling unit, or rooming unit for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, which does not comply with the requirements of 105 CMR 410.000. All apartments are not maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and have excessive clutter. ORDER: Clean all rooms and remove all excessive clutter in all apartments. 750 States that one or more of the violations listed above is or may be a Condition which may materially impair the health or safety and well-being of the occupant as determined by 105 CMR 410.750 of Article II of the State Sanitary Code. JE5 ler authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, Abatement of lances, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code,you are hereby ordered to make a good a effort to correct the following violations IMMEDIATELY BY FEBRUARY 15, 2005 OR INDICATED IN THE ORDER AND NOTIFY THIS OFFICE AT 587-1214 WHEN ALL ILATIOS ARE CORRECTED. uld you be aggrieved by this order, you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. A lest must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven(7) days of receipt of this ;r. At said hearing, you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary fence as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn. You have the right to be represented by an mey. You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation tits, orders, notices and other documentary information relative to this property. If these premises are occupied ental housing, the occupants are entitled to their statutory rights and remedies. ive enclosed a copy of"CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE"MINIMUM STANDARDS OF NESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" for your review in order for you to become familiar with the housing s that you must follow and adhere to as a landlord, since you related to me that you were not familiar with this ase feel free to contact the Board of Health office, at 587-1215, if you have any questions concerning this tter. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. This inspection report is signed and certified ler the pains and penalties of perjury. Icerely, rest J. Ma hieu, R.S., M.S., C.H.O. rector of Public Health Building Department Fire Department INSPECTOR January 24, 2005 Baldev Singh Owner P.O. Box 1035 Northampton, Ma 01060 City of Northampton %tlnadprsftts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street • Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 RE: 209 Main Street Hazardous Means of Egress, insufficient number Dear Mr. Singh, On January 17, 2005 there was a fire in Starbuck as you are aware. During the course of this event it was necessary to evacuate the two floors located above Starbuck because of the possibility of fire spreading to upper floors. I was called to the scene at 4:30am and during inspection of building I observed that several of the apartments only had one means of egress. There are to be six units located on the two floors, two of the units were occupied and one unit had boxes and furniture inside the remainder were unoccupied. The two apartments that had access to fire escape had that access blocked by kitchen counters, those apartments 3C and 2C must have the counters removed so as to provide clear path to fire escape. The remainder of the apartments 2B 2A, 3A,3C, do not have two means of egress, they lead directly to a corridor which leads to one staircase that goes to grade, this is a violation of 780 CMR 1010.2 which requires two means of egress. The second code violation is the lack of a notification alarm horns and strobes on the common areas at each landing on the staircase. The alarms should be tied into alarm from Starbuck to go off in the event of an emergency. If they had been in place the tenants on second floor would have been alerted of the fire. You have 30 days in which to install alarm system. You have 90 days in which to install second means of egress for apartments 2B,2A,3A,3C.As per Board of Health order you may not rent those apartments until receive a re-inspection from Board of Health for compliance with the states health and sanitation code. Failure on your part to comply will result in fines of up to $1000 per day for each day violation continues and or court action. You have right of appeal through Building Board of Regulation and Standards. If you have any questions please contact me at 587-1240. Sincerely Anthony Patillo Building Commissioner City of Northampton CC: Board of Health,Northampton Fire Department BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS MARIE HARPARIS,R.N.,MPH,CHAIR XANTHI SCRIMGEAUR JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF -nest J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health ud Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector Icia Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Neon,Clerk OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF MGL, CHAPTER 111, SECTION 127,ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS AT: I :bruary 3, 2005 ildev Singh, Owner O. Box 1035 orthampton,MA 01060 E: 209 Main Street EASON FOR INSPECTION: COMPLAINT 1This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: IIsto � urn document° legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradpao deste documento de: 1Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diri ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Lei pub Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: 1 To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie'. E2 Mr. Singh: ;e be advised that the Board of Health and Building Department has received a complaint regarding unregistered vehicle in the Crackerbarrel Alley. On January 3, 2005, a representative from this office he Building Department conducted an inspection in the Crackerbarrel Alley as a result of a complaint :ding an unregistered vehicle, and acting under the M.G.L. CHAPTER 111 SECTIONS 122 TO S ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES. This letter will certify that the inspection revealed violation(s) ;h are listed below, which are or could be serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, ty, and well-being of the public. SCRIPTION OF NUISANCE AND VIOLATIONS: re is an unregistered vehicle, Mercedes model, known to belong to you in the Crackerbarrel Alleyway. vehicle has broken windows and an ,ersons have access to enter this vehicle and could be at of in'ur . It is also a fire hazard. The Board of Health and Buildin De•ailment deems this icle to be an attractive nuisance to the ublic as well as a fire hazard. PRRECTI ONO ORDER: Hove vehicle on or before February 6 2005 by 2:OOp_ u are hereby ordered to correct or eliminate these violation(s) in accordance with M.G.L. Cam HAPTER 111 CTIONS 122 TO 125A ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES.The conditions, which exist, may permit the :upant or the owner of the dwelling or business to exercise one or more statutory remedies. FAILURE TO )MPLY WITH THIS ()ORDER WIL RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION. ease feel free to contact me at 587-1214, if you have any questions. ncerely, Anthony Patillo mest J. Mathieu,RS., M.S., C.H.O. Building Commissioner hector of Public Health e: Fire Department Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate Housing Court Western Division 37 Elm Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 (413) 748-7838 William H. Abrashkin First Justice Date: February 10, 2005 Re : Northampton Bd. of Health Vs: Baldev Singh No: 05-PC-00235 NOTICE OF SHOW CAUSE HEARING ant A request for criminal complaint mnamingtyoupasptheddefendantt has been filed in this Court, a copy is enclosed. Before any criminal process issues, the Clerk of the Court will hold a show cause hearing to determine if there is sufficient evidence to require that you be charged with the offense alleged. A clerk' s hearing to determine whether criminal proceedings will be commenced against you will be held at the Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 : 30 o' clock, Monday, February 28 , 2005 . At the hearing you may present your side of the matter, bring witnesses, and be represented by an attorney, if you so choose . ECMS : SCH-SCAUSE Robert G fields Clerk Ma trate • 1 • • • a • i • • r • •x a COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD . OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00235 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will beacalledOforc review eviewtatNC Courtroom mn2 MA the Housing Court Northampton, 2005 . 01060 at 09 :30 o'clock, Monday, April 11, Date- March 30, 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. FiMds Clerk Magistrate The parties are to appear in court on review on compliance with this agreement. • FAIL RE of the Plaintiff to appear at for Mav Result in the Dismissal-BSe "F L RE of the Defendan to pp this review this review May Result in the Issuance of an Eviction rder. appear for this IF EITHER PARTY alleges that the other party has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, s/he may schedule a court hearing after serving a seven business da s writte notice to the other party and immediately filing a copy of that notice with the court. The seven day period begins when the other side receives notice. Once Approved By The Judae This Agreement Becomes A Court Order And Both Parties Are Legally Required To Follow It. If questions arise, please direct them to the mediator.I Understand That I Have a RI ht to a Trial Before a Jud•e but Instead I Choose to Si•n this A•reement. .%..d I4aralfrirk i .ri`;77 h149 'ez/, & e PRINT NAME Telephone Ply' tiff's Attorney /Y{/U� Z Mediator William H. Abrashkin First Justice agree.6 5/22/01 (cis) PRINT NAME 5-8 -0.-S- Telephone Defendant's Attorney Clerk-Magistrate / Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Dina E. Fein, Associate Justice ( ) Copies were given to the parties COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION 37 ELM STREET • P.O. BOX 559 SPRINGFIELD, MA 011020559 TELEPHONE(413)748-7838 FAX (413)7324607 WILLIAM K. ABRASHKIN FIRST JUSTICE DINA E. FEIN ASSOCIATE JUSTICE Case NO• /i r �C -a023s ,4a7 AGREEMENT Date CURTIS L. SKAIRD CLERK MAGISTRATE ROBERT G. FIELDS FIRST ASSISTANT CLERK MAGISTRATE KAREN-ANN HUNTOON SSISTANT CLERK MAGISTRATE dz /zj/es' /3/1GD6t/ S/Zr6/f F THE PARTIES THE PARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AS A RESOLUTION OF THIS CASE /Mae/ 3/ 244r 64 / /lr. :.iii, ��'_.o,, fdA ,uA-• 4A ✓� N /L) C The parties are to appear in court on at o'clock for review on compliance with this agreement. * FAILURE of the Plaintiff to appear for this review May Result in the Dismissal of this case. "FAILURE of the Defendant to appear for this review May Result in the Issuance of an Eviction Order. IF EITHER PARTY alleges that the other party has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, s/he may schedule a court hearing after serving a seven business days written notice to the other party and immediately filing a copy of that notice with the court. The seven day period begins when the other side receives notice. Once Approved By The Judge, This Agreement Becomes A Court Order And Both Parties Are Legally Required To Follow It. If questions arise, please direct them to the mediator. I Understand That I Have a Right to a Trial Before a Judge. but Instead I Choose to Sian this Agreement. cr-7 /44- ei, Eke ///42 770%141,70.0 /421 off. PRINT NAME 113"-,5—£, 7—(Z/V Telephone At tiff's Attorney C.:s rVi-P-- Z/ Ze/6r/ Mediator William H. Abrashkin, First Justice agree.6 5/22/01 (cis) PRINT NAME 584/-o5So Telephone Defendant's Attorney Clerk-Magistrate / Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Dina E. Fein, Associate Justice ( ) Copies were given to the parties COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-CR-00028 - v. - BALDEV SINGH Defendant CRIMINAL SUMMONS You are hereby summoned in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to appear before the Housing Court Western Division which will hold a session for the transaction of criminal business at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 : 30 o' clock, Monday, April 25 , 2005 . all to answer to a Complaint made on oath this day before this Court, a copy of which accompanies this Summons . Please be advised that a Default Warrant will issue for your arrest if you fail to appear in Court at the time and place above mentioned. Housing Court WITNESS, William H. Abrashkin, Judge of Western Division, on April 12 , 2005 . Roberti G. Fields Clerk Magistrate NOTIFICACION PARA PERSONAS DE HA HISPANA: SI USTED NO PUEDE TRADUCIDO CUANTO INGLES, ANTES . LEER NOTICE TO OFFICER SERVING SUMMONS To any Officer who is authorized to serve criminal process in the Greeting :and to the Court Officers of this Court, g : We command you in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts forthwith to serve this Summons and accompanying Complaint, to the person listed herein at the address listed above, or by leaving an attested copy hereof at the Defendant ' s dwelling or usual place of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, in any case at least twenty-four hours prior to the return hour specified in this Summons . MRCrP Rule 6 (c) (3) . Please make your return of service pursuant to the reverse of this Summons . ECMS : SUMMONS-CR Mailing date: April 12 , 2005 Ernest J. Mathieu, Dir. Northampton Bd. of Health 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 P1 THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampden, ss: No. 05-CR-00028 Northampton Board of Health, v. Baldev Singh, Plaintiff Defendant enter: Western Division Housing Court Department ORDER After hearing on April 25,2005 for which both parties appeared, the following order is to 1. The City of Northampton is authorized to remove the subject vehicle,the cost of removal to be born by the defendant(owner). 2. The defendant is ordered to pay the cost of removal within thirty days of the below date. 3. If the defendant fails to pay the costs the City of Northampton is authorized to sell the vehicle and utilize the proceeds for the cost of removal and storage. 4. Implementation of this order is suspended until Thursday,April 28, 2005 @ 12:00 (noon)to allow the defendant to remove the vehicle voluntarily. So ordered this9 5 day of April, 2005. t)xu Th.. _ t"P4(1. William H. Abras Justice Mailing date : April 26 , 2005 Ernest J. Mathieu, Dir. Northampton Bd. of Health 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 P1 lie Mathieu m: Karen Bellavance-Grace it Monday, February 07, 2005 10:58 AM Anthony Patillo; Ernie Mathieu eject: Meeting tomorrow? Tony and Ernie, = Mayor is out of town today, but she just checked in. Would you both be available to r.e in tomorrow around 3:00 for a brief meeting regarding inspections, and the attention paper has given the Rust building recently. tease let me know if your schedules will allow this. anks, rem BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH (NTHI SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF rnest J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health ird Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector icia Abbott, R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Neon,Clerk binary, 11,2005 ddev Singh 0. Box 1035 )rthampton. MA 01060 ?: 209 Main Street CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 ear Mr. Singh: ae deadline to correct the violations that this office has ordered you to do in the letter sent to you ited January 21, 2005 is Tuesday.January 15,2005. Please contact me at 587-1214 immediately to :t up an appointment for a re-inspection. hank You. incerely. .mest J. Mathieu, R.S., M.S., C.H.O. )irector of Public Health BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH iSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH ITHI SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF lest J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health d Meczywor,R.5.,Sanitary Inspector :ia Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline!Mon,Clerk CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 DER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY IDE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AND/OR [E MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, CHAPTER 111, SECTION 122-127, TISANCES AT: February 17,2005 Baldev Singh, Owner P.O. Box 1035 Northampton, MA 01060 RE: 209 Main Street REASON FOR INSPECTION: Request by Building Department This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma trad9ao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. 11 pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pud ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: 'Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccion de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: E2 Mr. Singh: 3resentative from the Northampton Board of Health conducted a Re-inspection of several ments on February 17,2005,at the premises located at 209 Main Street,Northampton, MA. al or operated by you, for compliance with CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE )/OR THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, CHAPTER 111, SECTION 122-127, SANCES.This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are ius enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. TICLE H 410.000 VIOLATIONS )NT ENTRANCE,HALLWAY AND STAIRWAY: Owners name, address, and telephone number not posted in entrance hallway. ORDER: Owners name, address and telephone number must be posted and maintained on dwelling adjacent to the mailboxes for such dwelling or elsewhere in the interior of such dwelling in a location visible to the residents. IT MUST BE CONSTRUCTED-ON NOTICE OF DURABLE MATERIAL,NOT LESS THAN 20 SQUARE INCHES IN SIZE,BEARING HIS NAME,ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER. ARTMENT 2-A (OCCUPIED) 0 Appears to have no 2"d means of egress. You are hereby ordered to install 2"d means of egress. A building permit must be obtained from the Building Department. ORDER: Install a 2"d means of egress no later than no later than April 25,2005. 'ARTMENT 2-B (UNOCUPPIED) 0 Appears to have no 2nd means of egress. You are hereby ordered to install 2nd means of egress. A building permit must be obtained from the Building Department. ORDER: Install a 2°d means of egress no later than no later than April 25,2005. l0 Hole in the wall near entrance. Work in progress,but not completed. ORDER: Cover or seal holes in wall. PARTMENT 2-C (UNOCUPPIED) )0 Closet door is off the tracks. ORDER: Repair/replace door to open properly. 00 Hole in bedroom. ORDER: Cover or seal holes in wall. 00 Cover plate missing on electrical receptacle in living room. ORDER: Replace plate. X00 Cover plate missing on electrical receptacle in bedroom. ORDER: Replace plate. E 3 RTMENT 2-C (UNOCUPPIED) (con't) Broken window pane. ORDER: Replace plate broken window pane. 2nd means of egress is blockediobstructed by a kitchen counters. ORDER: Remove kitchen counters to make egress accessible no later than April 25, 2005. The apartment is not maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and has excessive clutter in halls, rooms, doorways, and passageways, etc. ORDER: Clean all rooms and remove all excessive clutter in apartment. 1RTMENT 3-A (UNOCUPPIED) Hole in living room. ORDER: Cover or seal holes in wall. Some kitchen cabinet doors are off or broken. ORDER: Replace/repair kitchen cabinet doors. Closet door is off the hinges in the bathroom. ORDER: Repair/replace door to open properly. 0 Appears to have no .2"d means of egress. You are hereby ordered to install 2"d means of egress. A building permit must be obtained from the Building Department. ORDER: Install a 2"d means of egress no later than no later than April 25, 2005. 0 Electrical wires exposed in electrical box in the bathroom. ORDER: Replace outlet and cover wires with cover plate. i0 Bathroom cabinet drawer are off or broken. ORDER: Replace/repair cabinet drawer. ( The apartment is not maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and has excessive clutter in halls,rooms, doorways, and passageways, etc. ORDER: Clean all rooms and remove all excessive clutter in apartment. ;E 4 )RTMENT 3-C (UNOCUPPIED) 2nd means of egress is blocked/obstructed by a kitchen counters. ORDER: Remove kitchen counters to make egress accessible no later than April 25, 2005. Several holes in living room walls. ORDER: Cover or seal holes in wall. Hole in bathroom door. ORDER: Cover or seal hole. L APARTMENTS LISTED ABOVE THAT ARE UNOCUPPIED: A re-inspection of each unoccupied apartment as noted above is required by the Board of Health prior to renting or occupying any of these apartments. ORDER: No nerson shall occupy as owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy any dwelling, dwelling unit, mobile dwelling unit or rooming unit for the purpose of living, sleeping cooking or eatingtherein;which does not comply with the requirements of 105 CMR 410.000. 50 States that one or more of the violations listed above is or may be a Condition which may materially impair the health or safety and well-being of the occupant as determined by 105 CMR 410.750 of Article II of the State Sanitary Code. der authority of Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code and/or the Massachusetts General ws, Chapter 111, Section 122-127,Nuisances,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith rrt to correct the remaining violations. A complaint and a request for a show-cause hearing in Hampshire District Housing Court has been fried by this office and you will be receiving a ice from the Court stating the date and time of the hearing. tuld you be aggrieved by this order, you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. A nest must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven (7)days of receipt of this ler. At said hearing, you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary dence as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn. You have the right to be represented by an )rney. You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation ,orts, orders,notices and other documentary information relative to this property. If these premises are occupied rental housing,the occupants are entitled to their statutory rights and remedies. 3E 5 se feel free to contact the Board of Health office, at 587-1214, if you have any questions concerning this ter.Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. This inspection report is signed and certified er the pains and penalties of perjury. ;erely, est J. Mathieu, R.S.,M.S., C.H.O. actor of Public Health Building Department Fire Department )ern ° / BOARD Or 1IL'AIJ Girt HALL COMPLAINT R NATURE OF Inspe 4 if :OMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at NCourtm tmn2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, P 01060 at 09 :30 o' clock, Monday, April 11, jQ05. Date : March 31, 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate b te-ea ze Mathieu ct: e, Anthony Patillo Wednesday,April 13, 2005 7:56 AM Ernie Mathieu FW: 207-211 Main Street Update -Original Message : Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmm @hpmgnoho.com] : Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:55 AM Anthony Patillo; Ernie Mathieu ect: 207-211 Main Street Update .ave completed installation of the fire banal and have addressed the numerous :trica] violations. Beaulieu Electric completed repairs yesterday. I am expecting an )ice with approximately 40 hours of electrical work. next code violation to be addressed will be the fire escape. I will go out to bid it next few weeks but do not expect to have the work completed by the April 25th iliac. The fire escape will be located where Mr. Singh is currently parking his tole. Can you advise as the the status of when this vehicle will be r emoved? It' s ,_ematic to bid the job with the car parked where the base of the fire escape will be. addition, there is concerned about the brick pointing on the building and I will have a ;n (Randy Watson) take a closer look at the integrity of the mortar. terms of the tenant base - we are evicting three of the four residents in the building. mold like to start to lease-up a couple of apartment units in the building starting a a second floor unit. Can I lease-up apartment units in the building without the fire ape being in place? arcs, h COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No . 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 : 30 o' clock, Monday, April 25, 2005 . Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate Date : April 11, 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DUSING COURT DEPARTMENT ASE NO. 65" /2c `do)V// WESTERN DIVISION ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT /MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO:L/i 0tS AT .__ ] MOTION TO DISMISS ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT ] OTHER: )n behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be ake j in this case for the followi;reason(s): AdiA AL. DD { Z Dated: c �9,1A� J 7 Signature ] ALLOWED XS: 10-5-00 [ ] DENIED Title or - pacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS )USING COURT DEPARTMENT ■SE NO. 45-7967 -6d c2Yr WESTERN DIVISION gaziLr Defends s) ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT 4 MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: 10 ! °be 5 AT 30 ] MOTION TO DISMISS ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT ] OTHER: n behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be ken in this case for the following reason(s): A L °te' .aa ,E'A �7N.-0-U� G�. ,Gehl f' d dy. Piurluc 0,4.7 ated: otjc)sI 03 Signature kdeid ] ALLOWED [ ] DENIED :LS: 10-5-00 Title or Capacity ClerldAsst. Clerk-Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No . 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 :30 o'clock, Monday, May 09 , 2005 . Date : April 25, 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. 'Fields Clerk Magistrate Mathieu ict: Anthony Patillo Wednesday,April 27,2005 6:42 AM Richard M. Madowitz Ernie Mathieu RE: singh car ks Rich, ve to speak to clerk magistrate next week as it is also on his radar screen from Board ealths duplicate complaint. 11 need something in writting regarding schedule of proposed events (pointing then truction of egress to present to court so that I can ask for a continuance. -Original Message : Richard M. Madowitz Imailto:rmm @hpmgnoho.coml Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4: 20 PM Anthony Patillo ect: Re: singh car - e a verbal quote from Randy Watson our mason to repoint the fire escape brick wall prior to the installation of the fire escape. Randy strongly recommended that the L be repainted prior to the fire escape being installed. Getting his car removed will :ainly speed the process as it is difficult to draw/spec the fire escape and bid the out _errs of the second means of egress, Mr. Singh does not control the building operations this point. I am the property management agent for the lender that is acting as tgagee-in-possession. Hence, I suspect that Mr. Singh will correctly represent that he longer controls the building operations. FYI, Mr. Singh does not have access to parts the building even though her is the owner of the property as HPMG has rekeyed the ire building. _? AM 4/25/2005 -0400, you wrote: ch, just got back from court, Singh did not show. Judge odered that the ty tow car and he has thirty days to repay city or city can sell car to recover costs. ect that it will be towed sometime today. will have Mr. Singh in court next week for failure to comply with my ler to install second means cf egress. (that dead line ends this Wed) Mathieu ct: :s Rich Ernie Mathieu Thursday,April 28,2005 11:29 AM Richard M. Madowitz' RE: singh car -Original Message : Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmm @hpmgnoho.com] : Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:43 AM 2rnie Mathieu ect: RE: singh car shire Property Management Group will take care of the trash either today tOM=ro 8:52 AM 4/28/2005 -0400, you wrote: Tony and Rich, hecked behind Singh's building today at 3:00pm and the car was gone. h, there is a lot of trash; litter and debris on the ground were the was. It's a mess and an eyesore. Who should I be talking to clean up----you or Mr. Singh? ue -1213 ---Original Message n: Anthony Patillo it : Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:52 AM : Richard M. Madowitz : Ernie Mathieu eject: RE: singh car arks Rich, have to speak to clerk magistrate next week as it is also on his dar screen from Board of Healths duplicate complaint. mil], need something in writting regarding schedule of proposed events outing then construction of egress to present to court so that I can k for a continuance. ny ---Original Message on: Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmm @hpmgnoho cam] nt: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:20 PM o Anthony Patillo ,b-ect: Re: singh car have a verbal quote from Randy Watson our mason to repoint the fire :cape brick wall only prior to the installation of the fire escape. andy :rongly recommended that the wall be repainted prior to the fire scape being installed. Getting his car removed will certainly speed to process as it is difficult to draw/spec the fire escape and bid the oh out. n terms of the second means of egress, Mr. Singh does not control the Gilding operations at this point. I am the property management agent or the lender that is acting as mortgagee-in-possession. Hence, uspect that Mr. Singh will correctly represent that he no longer ontro_s the building operations. FYI, Mr. Singh does not have access o parts of the building even though her is the owner of the property 1 Ri,G has rekeyed the entire building. 10:37 AM 4/25/2005 -0400, you wrote: 'h, Oust got back from court, Singh did not show. Judge odered that the r few car and he has thirty days to repay city or city can sell car recover costs. T_ expect that it will be towed sometime today. till have Mr. Singh in court next week for failure to comply with my sr to install second means of egress. (that dead line ends this Wed) ny Ernie Mathieu From: Ernie Mathieu Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 8:16 AM To: Anthony Patillo Subject: RE: singh car Tony, OE- Please let me know when they are completed and I will contact Richard for my final inspections of the apartments and sign off on them so the can rent them. Ernie Original Message From: Anthony Patillo sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 7:35 AM To: Ernie Mathieu Subject: FW: singh car Ernie, The progress they are making is satisfactory to me not to take them to court are not occupied and they are moving to to install fire escape. Tony Pa e Original Message From: Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmrr.@hpmgnoho.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 7:06 PM To: Anthony Patillo Subject: RE: singh car We did receive a price quote from Randy Watson for a portion of the brick pointing work for the wall where the proposed fire escape will be installed. Due to the legal situation, I have received instructions from the mortgage holder to obtain three bids for the pointing work. In the meantime, we have not released any apartments per your instructions until we have the and second be back in the office by 11:30 have AM an If appointment need met—FI canyber reached by cell phone 250-7665. At 07.42 AM 4/27/2005 -0400, you wrote: >Thanks Rich, >I have to speak to clerk magistrate next week as it is also on his >radar screen from Board of Healths duplicate complaint. >I will need something in writting regarding schedule of proposed events ask for a icointing then construction of egress to present to court so that continuance. >Tony > Original Message >Srom: Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmm @hpmgnoho.com] >Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4 :20 PM +ic : Anthony Patillo >Subject: Re: singh car >I have a verbal quote from Randy Watson our mason to repoint the fire >escape brick wall only prior to the installation of the fire escape. >Randy strongly recommended that the wall be repainted prior to the fire >escape being installed. Getting his car removed will certainly speed >the process as it is difficult to draw/spec the fire escape and bid the job out. 1 >ln terms of the second means of egress, Mr. Singh does not control the >building operations at this point. I am the property management agent >for the lender that is acting as mortgagee-in-possession. Hence, _ r >suspect that Mr. Singh will correctly represent that he no longer >controls the building operations. FYI, Mr. Singh does not have access >_o parts of the building even though her is the owner of the property >as 119MG has rekeyed the entire building. >Rich >At 10:37 %N 4/25/2005 -0400, you wrote: »Rich, »I just got back from court, Singh did not show. Judge odered that the »city >can tow car and he has thirty days to repay city or city can sell car otc recover costs. I expect that it will be towed sometime today. »1 will have Mr. Singh in court next week for failure to comply with my >order to install second means of egress. (that dead line ends this Wed) »Tony COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 :30 o ' clock, Monday, June 13 , 2005 . Date : May 09, 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. wields Clerk Magistrate Ernie Mathieu From: Ernie Mathieu Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 1:12 PM To: 'rmm @hpmgnoho.com' Subject: 209 Main St. Attachments: 209 Main Street Re inspec 021705.doc June 2, 2003 Dear Richard, As you well know Baldev Singh who is the owner on record of 209 Main Street, is under an enforcement order to correct code violations in several apartments in this building. The State Code holds the owner on record responsible to comply with any orders issued by this Department. In my conversation with him on Tuesday, he told me that he does not have any keys to the apartments, therefore how can he comply with my orders. He said your comply tisituation.presented dilemma for me and the courts getting him to or adm administering fines and penalties,lfi s, knowing his Enclosed is a copy of the re-inspection report with the remaining violations that need to be corrected. Please make the necessary arrangements to comply with the orders in this letter and notify me when the work is finished so that I can set up a re-inspection time with you. Please email me back ASAP with your intensions. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. Ernest Mathieu Health Director-City of Northampton 7/7/2005 ® .. _ — d i 1' d m&i I = ,,,,,1[]IGZid a _ S a a4d 3 .0 Ernie Mathieu From: Richard M. Madowitz[rmm @hpmgnoho.com] Sent Friday, June 03, 2005 6:16 AM To: Ernie Mathieu Subject: Re: 209 Main St. Ernie, for over thernextt few weeks - thHampshire nstallationt of the second Omeansw of egress is still a ways off as we need an architectural design and bid specs that we have not completed at this time. Rich At 02: 11 PM 6/2/2005 -0400, you wrote: > June 2, 2003 Dear Richard, As you well know Baldev Singh >who is the owner on record of 209 Main Street, is under an enforcement >order to correct code violations in several apartments in this: building rate Code holds the owner on record responsible to comply wy • e - >orders issued by this Department.not my conversation with him on > esday, he told me that he does not have any keys to the apartments, >therefore how can he comply with my orders. He said your company has >taken the apartment keys away ettingn him to comply or administering fines and penalties, >f or me and the courts in g 9 knowing his >situation. with your intensions. Please call me if you have any ;estions. Thank you. Ernest Mathieu Health Director-City of Northampton Attachment Converted: "c: \program >*Gus\qualcommVeudora\attach\209 Main Street Re inspec 021705.doc" COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-CR-00028 BALDEV SINGH Defendant TRACKING ORDER "CR" Please take notice pursuant to Standing Order 1-04 that the above entitled matter is assigned to the CRIMINAL "CR" TRACK and that the following deadlines apply: Arraignment 30 days 07/01/2005 Discovery completed 90 days 08/30/2005 Firm trial date set 120 days 09/29/2005 Case disposed 180 days 11/28/2005 The plaintiff is required to serve a copy of this tracking order on all defendants before the deadline for filing return of service. 11 Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate Date: June 01, 2005 ECMS : TRACK-CR COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, 00eA Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 :30 o ' clock, Monday, June 20, Date : June 13 , 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate ■ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-CR-00028 - v. - BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15JGot Gothic i0,Street, Northampton, MA Monday,01060 at 09 :30 o' clock, y, Date: June 15, 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. elds Clerk Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 :30 o 'clock, Monday, July 11, 2005 . Date: June 20, 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff BALDEV SINGH Defendant No. 05-CR-00023 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housig 01060 n at Northampton, at Monday, Gothic S Robert G. Fi°ds Clerk Magistrate Date : June 20, 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT CASE NO. 0 / / Plaintiff(s) WESTERN DIVISION [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [ vl MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS I ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR ( ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken in this case for the following reason(s): PD �a / • / Dated: 5 I l ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 INILIL [ ] DENIED Clerk/As Clerk-Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DIVISION HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT CASE NO. Alliktion P intiff(s) s�i�{�.✓�iltGf/JL Defe ant(s) [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AT [ ] M TION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: I MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken in this case for the fo •wing reason(s): Dated: I ] ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 I ] DENIED AIM Signature Title o apacity Clerk/As rk agistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT CASE NO. l,95-_ — 60o 29 vs. WESTERN DIVISION Plaintiff(s) Defen••nt(s) [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [J] MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken in this case for the following reason(s): Dated: [ ] ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 [ ] DENIED Clerk/As Clerk-Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT !� CASE NO. 4)5,- it _4a°2 �I It vs. At Defends t(s) WESTERN DIVISION [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT ��33 [V MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: /g 2� 7- .5 AT rot-,` [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken In this case for the following reason(s): Z'0'3> [ ] ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 [ ] DENIED Signature 'lj, /L tle or Capacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff BALDEV SINGH Defendant No. 05-PC-00244 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing C09 :30 Northampton,' clock Monday, August OB , 2005 . 01060 at 09 :30 o' clock, A Date : July 18 , 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert iel Clerk Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT CASE NO. c — /261 -Dp L V9' t. a&a . ,Liv. L. vs. Plaintiff(s) WESTERN DIVISION T igetur Defend t(s) MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [ ] MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken in this case for the following reason(s): .a ,-axo.-) .a-dZ.' ef Dated: i'G� - i k5 249-0 [ ] ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 [ ] DENIED Signature Title or apacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate E HAMPSHIRE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. July 25,2005 Anthony Patillo Building Commissioner City of Northampton 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Ernest J. Mathieu Director of Board of Health City of Northampton 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: 207-211 Main Street Dear Tony and Ernie: As you aware of 207-211 Main Street, TLC has been acting as mortgagee-in-possession of the above referenced property. I would like to update you on the physical progress and required improvements as you have requested in our meeting last week. In terms of physical improvements, a new fire system along with a new ten zone fire panel has been installed by Industrial Residential Security. Beaulieu Electric spent in excess of a solid week in the building addressing a multitude of electrical issues. We are proceeding on four separate evictions in the building. Upon receipt on the judgment for eviction, Hampshire Property Management will proceed with cleaning up the seemingly abandoned personal property in several units. Per your instructions.we will not lease-up any residential units until resolution of all egress issues. You have indicated a serious concern about the condition of the brick pointing. We are in the process of bidding out the pointing work to Fleury Masonry Company, Sullivan &Naray Construction Company as well as one or two more contractors. Once the brick pointing on the building has been stabilized and restored, we will focus on installation of a fire escape on the side of the building to provide a second means of egress. As you know, contractors are very busy right now and we are trying to expedite the bidding process and complete the brick pointing and installation of the fire escape as quickly as possible. I understand the urgency in resolving the various infrastructure deficiencies. We are methodically working through the various physical requirement of this poorly maintained building. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 582-9970 ext. #101 or via email at rmm@hpmgnoho.com. Respectfully yours, Richard M. Madowu President T,:u. g PO Box 186• NORTH. \ V]5 1-1]o o abl > ALS,582 J90 • F. 'su1.11 :821973 • ENIAll l � CH ¢ �- - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff BALDEV SINGH Defendant No. 05-PC-00244 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE called for review at Courtroom 2 of A the The above case will beat 15 Gothic Street,5 01060 Court Northampton,' lc Monday, August 29, 01060 at 09:30 o' clock, i Date: August 09, 2005 ECMS: SCH-REVIEW Robert tJlds Clerk Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DMSION IC Defendant(s) AT n_ HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT D8��'/ CASE NO. ©5 Y Plaintiff(s) [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMP AI; [14/ V] MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: ( ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s),the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken in this cage for the following reason(s): / Zpp Dated: Signature [ ] ALLOWED e. to-5-00 [ ] DENIED Title or Capacity ClerklAsst. Clerk-Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff BALDEV SINGH Defendant No. 05-PC-00244 NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of Monday, f the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic ceStre Street, Northampton, 01060 at 09 :30 o' clock, y, 5Goth Robert Gelds Clerk Magistrate Date: August 30, 2005 ECMS: SCH-REVIEW /' / THE TRIAL COURT (" 1165 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS g HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DMSI J/ CASE NO. U ice A2275/ a 0��, A- ,� l�ea�6 vs. a""e"" Plaintiff(s)' Defen ant [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [X MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: Cgi1/4-6° 77/cZ 5- AT [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action taken in this case for the following reason(s): 7Yrt&n<J (�-gra' 4/ cayl '� Viled j2".0 / Dated: '� y 0 2ot2S Si nature Title or Capacity [ ] ALLOWED [ ] DENIED Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate CLS: 10-5-00 o /� /1i ..i 57'A' RQ6 N 14i4 n..l �•I OFF""ie/ DEFE 404A/ 12 ADDRESS 0{*'PROff$R � � �� �' f WdTIFFy k:7' ^C! a S ..\ PROBABLE CAUSE •` + "' a + / n yle , * KGb, oGa " "' C c dJ 4c)� � Zw. " • � s°i. k a n t, � , ie `; ' a 9Mp A. l N S Z. d" G � . C OFHEARING w + 11 e4 "+,w -Nan", ';',' up .,NaNA , ON a9t7 < 'Y .w.nE ,w�. Aoa ae5' 's Address ps° pISPOSITION''SUMMARY _ city. 4.4,.'' DATE a OF VIOLATING' , gN7RY '� " `"�`,rt i IDANT IS ACGU$ED• c $ , BmY r,. <" d nii mg _ LI ds .' ii"" xsk4! r•a.0 ' 6y• /w I■ i+` fi ^•y 2 ryY .�tyu 5i r it,ry n J1 A� .ps x 4 2b05- ' ro, `v m2` . . 0 ✓'�" . - f � � YIl ,, �•, •i��IW.a�IY,Y�iSa +�ae�r+.i'e14GX.�..+"°.�uuY►i 0 "H ,gyp,. 4� .. . COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH 5P'-a6SA Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 : 30 o' clock, Monday, October 17, 2005. Date : September 27, 2005 ECMS: SCH-REVIEW Robert . Fields Clerk Magistrate Mathieu ct: Richard M. Madowitz[rmm @hpmgnoho.com] Friday, September 30,2005 3:29 PM Ernie Mathieu Anthony Patillo; RMM @hpmgnoho.com 207-211 Main Street )wing—up our meeting today, I expect the following schedule to be obtainable. sect the brick pointing r equired to commence no later than the week of October 17th. out to bid on the fire escape which will be completed by no later than November 15th In_y has requested. i on our discussion this morning, I will attend the housing court hearing on Monday, per 3rd. In my opinion, I do not believe that citing a criminal charge against Mr. 1 is warranted or productive at this point . :he required work will be completed by November 15th. ectfully, Madowitz Mathieu ct: and Ernie, Richard M. Madowitz[rmm @hpmgnoho.com] Thursday, October 13, 2005 1:58 PM Anthony Petillo; Ernie Mathieu RSHPE@crocker.com 207-211 Main Street Update se installation of the fire escape, here's a quick update prior to the court hearing on Monday, October 17th. neasurements and existing elevations for the side of the building where the re will be located have been completed by American Measuring Service. Ryan le process of drawing plans for the fire escape and will be in contact with sal questions over the next few days. ie_ brick pointing, I have received a bid from Randy Watson Contracting and are sting a bid from John Dickinson who has the scope of work. I am trying to get a third from Sullivan and Narey - Peter and I have traded telephone calls for the Last week <e missed hooking-up on an appointment last week. e metal fabrication, I have a preliminary quote from Ralph's Blacksmith. I have meet Jodi with Deerfield Valley, Russ with Accufab and will meet with John at Arc Welding c_y. ipect the pointing work to start hopefully next week or the -e building, we have removed a considerably amount of trash have abandoned their former residences. We had to wait cn evictions were completed. fire Heliwig is Tony on following week. and debris of two tenants this removal work until Meta& Co., Inc d/b/a 36 Smith Street Northampton, MA olo60 Phone 413-586-3535 Fax 413-5851673 October 4, 2005 Richard M. Madowitz, President ement Group, Inc. The Hampshire Property S 15 Brewster Court Post Office Box 686 Northampton,MA 01601 PROPOSAL Starbucks Spiral Fabricate and install 471-0" spiral with 3 landings and security screens at top. Finish to be primed and industrial enamel. Total 534,490.00 Excludes: taxes, police traffic officers, permits 5 2,200.00 Add for galvanizing Authorized signature: Arthur D. Grodd PRICE T WRITTEN CONTRACCT OR PURCHASE ORDER HAS BEEN RECEIVED. A RECEIVED. WRI lam/ 342i°e r Z) i.✓s ct 4- f2b---ESC'/7Ot A'S A- Zug atietwavio Er F i} /1/4s54c.4u e7%S CO2.-p,yerD gar,c eA'+G "tut, /,v pj . efri oe/**Nee" /J/TFf 7f 4tt2/ Tee- user 11 enz ten Iwo Czo , l yJ iii dePez25 . D/ice i.1srArec arrf' tar Sec Cnioi o z> 4' &- 3 o QS. The parties are to appear in court on J,e• /2, 2.003- at %1,3dria o'clock f review on compliance with this agreement. * FAILURE of the Plaintiff to appear for this revie May Result in the Dismissal of this case. "FAILURE of the Defendant to appear for th, review May Result in the Issuance of an Eviction Order. IF EITHER PARTY alleges that the other party has failed to comply with the terms and condition of this Agreement, s/he may schedule a court hearing after serving a seven business days writte notice to the other party and immediately filing a copy of that notice with the court. The seven da period begins when the other side receives notice. Once Approved By The Judge, Thi. Agreement Becomes A Court Order And Both Parties Are Legally Required To Follow It. I questions arise, please direct them to the mediator.I Understand That I Have a Right t� a Trial Before a Judge, but Instead I Choose to Sign this Agreement. >< VwkAsck PRINT NAME PRINT NAME C�(r / 70 iy2. Telephone Telephone Defend: 's Atto Clerk-Magistrate sst. Clerk-Magistrate William H. Abrashkin, First Justice Dina E. Fein, Associate Justice agree.6 5/22/01 (cis) ( ) Copies were given to the parties COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION 37 ELM STREET - P.O. BOX 559 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01102-0559 TELEPHONE (413) 748=7838 FAX (413) 732-4607 SIAM H. ABRASI4KIN FIRST JUSTICE DINA E. FEIN ASSOCIATE JUSTICE ?No. DSf2 D02-'!V CURTIS L. SHAIRD CLERK MAGISTRATE ROBERT G. FIELDS FIRST ASSISTANT CLERK MAGISTRATE KAREN-ANN HUNTOON ASSISTANT CLERK MAGISTRATE Date /D-- Puwz w ?2'PV SAO it/fettle- v. 207- Oil AfAiNSr. LLC LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF TENANT/DEFENDANT AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES iE PARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AS A RESOLUTION OF THIS CASE tne3 Anil 7b /FO.D d 207- 2i( A-s !N 8175 CA-s E, 45 C_O-Dt- c'o) 1-€A7 A-1 (5-T, GLC eX�fie.us/e(.e 7M S A-btaT 77) Caar +tt-L inoL-4—ne ' Cd7E2) %J AA0722 iAltoa/) ' £am /i‘r4-YW- Ica S z-/7 us i "'ten m .✓f »e ine 6t/c% 41/1,77/49 rN 7772*- e-rtes>cea" 'ivem,416 dentedd/S6/ate. OVER COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 : 30 o ' clock, Monday, January 23 , 200 Date : December 13 , 2005 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION 37 ELM STREET - P.O. BOX 559 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01102-0559 TELEPHONE (4I 3) 7467838 FAX (413) 732-4607 WILLIAM H. ABRASHKIN FIRST JUSTICE DINA E. FEIN ASSOCIATE JUSTICE Case No. 0 r 002-eV CURTIS L. SHAIRD CLERK MAGISTPATE ROBERT G. FIELDS FIRST ASSISTANT CLERK IAGISTgq KAREN-ANN HUNTOOP ASSISTANT CLERK MAGISTRATE Date /O- ( - 01' /i/0raPl3vl/ B/TA71D 4r%at v. Z07-20 f/Ain/sr LLC LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF TENANT/DEFENDANT AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES THE PARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AS A RESOLUTION OF THIS CASE fig-zT7c3 ¢- 72) "kW S 2•07- 2// ms-r. sr 'cam- sF // 06- ))F 7vJ>,, JT /N nits arse, 645 it- CO-De 207- 2/ 1 Lein"J ST GLC AM-t &E Pr3fDALS,e e fx- 77-/e- 0 z-L-o-24/..s& /72 S Az eo ZD Cie:viz-at-L +t->:c // Al-flx.. J a CdTeri) /J Afenzi f7verAyirAi g2a772a^aa,%tz-.W- Lea S z-C CS) fiv2a'- 7D /k✓YAke Azt mac.- Fd n/nn6 nL/ RE a r rett ne[�/L-De ✓6 L%.$ / et5t-i .fl 64 7 �L�L7717i�ef ALl6 C.v'72ae swa/d-D2, OVER di cnr /JvD /•vc wze. If t72Egar'ili'cs ,q- 2uj ?Yit/S ' , EgS PC3!/'v11 4WD /rvs77neszcALO e- i n cfreinsoni FP .4 441s5noruse77Y C apfierD 921{0-20g d,c 1 6-4/- JD /N t L C_O%k.oc/9w« 4-)/77-1 7f, £2 r-, me Wreas6i7S iikk/t/)/do Carr:. .111. 2e98725 Aa!D/f2 /NS!Mz—. fleW5 mar Be oPhPGGb 4' //• 30 � parties are to appear in court on OR. /4 206-1S at 2'...36,9>a o'clock for ew on compliance with this agreement. * FAILURE of the Plaintiff to appear for this review ( Result in the Dismissal of this case. "FAILURE of the Defendant to appear for this lew May Result in the Issuance of an Eviction Order. TITHER PARTY alleges that the other party has failed to comply with the terms and conditions its Agreement, s/he may schedule a court hearing after serving a seven business days written ce to the other party and immediately filing a copy of that notice with the court. The seven day iod begins when the other side receives notice. Once Approved By The Judge, This eement Becomes A Court Order And Both Parties Are Legally Required To Follow It. If stions arise, please direct them to the mediator.I Understand That I Have a Right to rial Before a Judge, but Instead I Choose to Skin this Agreement. tL- //L.it/` c_�S 3 at- /4-1 PcGi /1l yrl t/date PRINT NAME PRINT NAME Cq(3) % 970 iyo/ Telephone Telephone tiLM Defendant's Attorney Clerk-Magistrate / Asst. Clerk-Magistrate William H. Abrashkin, First Justice Dina E. Fein, Associate Justice ee.6 5/22/01 (cis) ( ) Copies were given to the parties M PSHI RE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. te: December 21, 2005 Ralph's Blacksmith Shop Attention: Arthur Grogg Jeffrey Payne 36 Smith Street Northampton, MA 01060 om: Rich Madowitz -. 207 Main Street fire escape )7-211 Main Street LLC is requesting proposals for the installation of a fire escape. Enclosed a copy of the fire escape plan. The cement pad seems adequate, however, the vendor will be responsible for the foundation that the fire escape will rest upon. The fire escape will be constructed of galvanized steel. Windows of the second and third floor residential units are to remain unobstructed. One parking space under the fire escape must be retained. All bids are due by January 13th at 5:00 p.m. for Option I and Option 2. Vendor must submit the time of completion after being awarded the contract. Vendor should submit any recommendations to save costs. 10% of the contract cost will be retained until final inspections and approvals are received from the building department the owner of the building. he vendor is responsible for the following: • Ensuring the contract is building code compliant. • Submitting a current insurance certificate with a minimum of S and naming 207-211 LLC a named insured. • Procuring all building/construction permits • Proper disposal of all construction debris :c: Eric Suher Doug Kohl Ryan Heliwig G nwav a E.l Coeur• I'.11 It.,v 1181 l Illu\I. II T.-582 I1y70• I\ \111.1. II II • Vul<nun11-ru.. %I\\ m •I I'IS 011nn x119,11 • E\ .. nu.i.ol MPSHIRE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. :cember 22. 2005 hn Mitch t Welding Lawrence Plain Road Kiley,MA 01035 .: 207 Main Street fire escape ear John: esterday, I mailed you a request for bid proposal and the structural engineer's drawing for the re escape at 207-211 Main Street,Northampton. oday, Ryan S. Hellwig, PE, the structural engineer informed me that there is a minor consistency in his drawing. In Option 2.the elevation view incorrectly shows the right-hand 4umn near the back corner of the building. and as such it does not match the plan. The plan is )rrect: the column should be at the base of the stair, and in the elevation view it would be lifted over to the left. The railing at the second level would stop at this column and return to Ic building wall. lease adjust your bid proposal accordingly. In addition, I would be very interested in your noughts on which Option would work best for the one parking space. hould you have any questions. please contact me at(413) 582-9970 extension 101 or by email t rmm mhpmenoho.conn. ,incerely. tichard Madowitz inc. ,.. BItI s £t C.( IC • I O. n ()HI)• V .i N AI lal_r .Is UplLl IT.I+.rm�s V. I I I.l .d1-`lLp• ICU.nt -. i I It 581-')U73 • EMAiL [ t t.N^ I V., )t .MPSHIRE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. :cember 21.2005 hn Mitch x Welding Lawrence Plain Road adley, MA 01035 +e i""c": F _.wmnc A'V"tk' 207 Main Street fire escape ear John: J7-211 Main Street LLC is requesting proposals for the installation of a fire escape. Enclosed a copy of the fire escape plan. The cement pad seems adequate, however, the contractor will be responsible for all foundation footing required for the fire escape. The fire escape will be constructed of galvanized steel. Windows of the second and third floor residential units are to be unobstructed as much as possible. The goal is to retain the parking space under the fire escape. All bids are due by January 13th for Option 1 and Option 2. Contractor must submit the time of completion after being awarded the contract. Contractor should submit any recommendations to save costs. 10% of the contract cost will be retained until final inspections and approvals are received from the building department and 207-211 Main Street, LLC. fhe contractor is responsible for the following: Ensuring the building specifications and construction are building code compliant Submitting an acceptable insurance certificate with a minimum of$1.000.000 liability coverage and adequate workers compensation insurance and naming 207-211 LLC a named insured. • Procuring all building/construction permits • Proper disposal of all construction debris 1 appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Should you have any questions please contact me at (413) 582-9970 extension 101 or by email at rmmr hpmgnoho.com. Respectfully yours. Richard M. Madowitz Cc: Eric Suher Doug Kohl Ryan S. Hellwig, PE (.) elu,vrrnl,CUL EU • PO. R“ Ills• Ni narll nnI1'11) AI 11111 Ht \ .4113 .s2 [MTh • I Si.182 'M.'S • E■ ■Il t llll'Y� 1U111 VelPSHIRE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. ember 21, 2005 ss Laroche cufab Ironworks 5 Berkshire Trail E. ). Box 328 lshen,MA 01032 207 Main Street fire escape iar Russ: 7-211 7-211 Main Street LLC is requesting proposals for the installation of a fire escape. Enclosed a copy of the fire escape plan. The cement pad seems adequate, however, the contractor will be responsible for all foundation footing required for the fire escape. The fire escape will be constructed of galvanized steel. Windows of the second and third floor residential units are to be unobstructed as much as possible. The goal is to retain the parking space under the fire escape. All bids are due by January 13Th for Option 1 and Option 2. Contractor must submit the time of completion after being awarded the contract. Contractor should submit any recommendations to save costs. 10% of the contract cost will be retained until final inspections and approvals are received from the building department and 207-211 Main Street LLC. he contractor is responsible for the following: • Ensuring the building specifications and construction are building code compliant • Submitting an acceptable insurance certificate with a minimum of$1,000.000 liability coverage and adequate workers compensation insurance and naming 207-21 1 LLC a named insured. • Procuring all building/construction permits • Proper disposal of all construction debris appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Should you have any questions. please contact ne at (413) 582-9970 extension 101 or by email at mim'ichpmenoho.com. Respectfully yours. Richard M. Madowitz Cc: Eric Suher Doug Kohl Ryan S. Hellwig, PE I. lihm.. C. rt,er • PO Bo x {,8 • N .. AI ill' 1 , 1111. h' .1.) n Per. 418 2 097 5• 1.A1%11_I WAR !IP MPSHIRE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. .cember 22. 2005 iss Laroche :cufab Ironworks 5 Berkshire Trail E. a. Box 328 )shen, MA 01032 ): 207 Main Street fire escape .sar Russ: %PPS/1170r— aAwflOVI IM4 esterday, I mailed you a request for bid proposal and the structural engineer's drawing for the -e escape at 207-211 Main Street,Northampton. )day. Ryan S. Hellwig, PE. the structural engineer informed me that there is a minor consistency in his drawing. In Option 2. the elevation view incorrectly shows the right-hand )lumn near the back corner of the building. and as such it does not match the plan. The plan is )rreet: the column should be at the base of the stair, and in the elevation view it would be lifted over to the left. The railing at the second level would stop at this column and return to ie building wall. lease adjust your bid proposal accordingly. In addition. I would be very interested in your [oughts on which Option would work best for the one parking space. hould you have any questions, please contact me at(413) 582-9970 extension 101 or be email t rmm-ia hpmgnoho.com. incerely. tichard Madowitz ?me. II it %\sti R L • 1'O It■ I unx • Niiarnnvrro>_\I u ,a_J) fl • n¢. I I'd` .182 1'J73 • 2au11. 1 ro,,igli' I. .MPSHIRE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. :cember 21,2005 ed Skalski eerfield Valley Fabrication North Street Deerfield, MA 01373 )7 Main Street fire escape ear Fred, NN, 401011VNATNN111 )7-211 Main Street LLC is requesting bid proposals for the installation of a fire escape. The cement pad seems adequate, however, the contractor will be responsible for all foundation footing required for the fire escape. The fire escape will be constructed of galvanized steel. Windows of the second and third floor residential units are to be unobstructed as much as possible. The goal is to retain the parking space under the fire escape. All bids are due by January 1301 for Option I and Option 2. Contractor must submit the time of completion after being awarded the contract. Contractor should submit any recommendations to save costs. 10% of the contract cost will be retained until final inspections and approvals are received from the building department and 207-211 Main Street, LLC. -he contractor is responsible for the following: • Ensuring the building specifications and construction are building code compliant • Submitting an acceptable insurance certificate with a minimum of 51.000.000 liability coverage and adequate workers compensation insurance and naming 207-211 LLC a named insured. • Procuring all building/construction permits • Proper disposal of all construction debris I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Should you have any questions-please contact :nc at (413) 582-9970 extension 101 or by email at nnnt nhpmenoho.corn. Respectfully yours. Richard M. Madowitz Cc: Eric Suher Doug Kohl Ryan S. Hellwig, PE .] x111■[NI I:R 101 It! • I'll ac iui .,. I1. -,82 ( i7n • Pa • No, NI •r�.�.'11 \MPSHIRE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. ecember 22, 2005 -ed Skalski eerfield Valley Fabrication North Street . Deerfield, MA 01373 37 Main Street fire escape 'ear Fred, 'esterday, I mailed you a request for bid proposal for the fire escape at 207-211 Main Street, lorthampton. Doug Kohl informed me that he had given you a copy of the structural engineer's rawing. 'oday. Ryan S. Hellwig, PE. the structural engineer informed me that there is a minor iconsistency in his drawing. In Option 2, the elevation view incorrectly shows the right-hand olumn near the back corner of the building. and as such it does not match the plan. The plan is orrect: the column should be at the base of the stair, and in the elevation view it would be hilted over to the left. The railing at the second level would stop at this column and return to he building wall. 'lease adjust your bid proposal accordingly. In addition, I would be very interested in our houghts on which Option would work best for the one parking space. ihould you have any questions.please contact me at(413) 582-9970 extension 101 or by email a rmm ahpmenoho.com. Sincerely. 3.ichard Madowitz Eric. 1, Tai.,!vcpi.. n}:82 IN! Hi nW. 2005 BID-PROPOSAL This fonn complies with professional standards in effect January 1-December 31,2005 DATE:01/03/06 PROPOSAL NO:MA1136 PROPOSAL SUBMIT TO: WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT: Name: 207-211 Main Street,LLC. Name: 207-211 Main Street,LLC -Address: PO Box 686 Address: 207 Main Street City: :Northampton State: MA Zip: 01061 City: Northampton State: MA - -:-Zip: ;:'01060 Telephone: 413-582-9970 Fax: 413-582-9973 Telephone: - Fax: _. . . Construction To Begin: TBD Contract Completion Date: TBD Date Of Plans: 01-03-06 neer: We hereby propose to furnish all materials and necessary equipment,and perform all labor necessary to complete the following work (Describe Labor,Material And Equipment To Be Furnished): Fabricate and install one fire escape assembly as shown on drawing S-I dated act 25,2005 and complete with stringers,platform framing,columns,railings,bar grating treads,bar grating platforms and spiral stair. _ Furnish only: five pipe bollards. All material to receive a hot dip galvanized finish. Includes:Insurance requirements,field measuring,hoisting,bolts,epoxy anchors and hardware for a complete installation. Excludes:engineering„building permits,carpentry,concrete, and painting. Option# I or option#2 Allow six to eight weeks with signed contract for completion assuming no delays due to weather or other trades. All material is guaranteed to be as specified,and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications Submitted for above work and substantially completed in a professional manner for the sum of: Thirty three thousand three hundred fifty dollars (S 33,350.00+sales tax)with payments to be made as follows: 33%with signed contract-33%upon delivery and balance upon completion. Should you have any questions please contact Russell Laroche at 413-268-7133. Sincerely yours, Contractor's Name: / orks. Inc. Bv: Russell Laroche.Treasurer Address: PO Box 328 City/St: Goshen, MA 01032 Phone: 413-268-7133 NOTE: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 20 days. Fax: 413-268-7105 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL You are hereby authorized to furnish all material,equipment and labor required to complete the work described in the above proposal. for which the undersigned agrees to pay the amount stated in said proposal and according to the terms thereof. Signature: Date: / /05 Signature: ©2005 ABCAForms.com Date: / /05 TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. CHANGES IN THE WORK. Should the owner, construction lender,or any public body or inspector direct any modification or addition to the work covered by this contract, the contract price shall be adjusted accordingly. Modification or addition to the work shall be executed only when both the Owner and the Contractor have signed a contract Change Order. The change in the contract price caused by such contract Change Order shall be as agreed to in writing or if the parties are not - in agreement as to the change in contract price, the Contractor's actual cost of all labor,equipment,subcontracts and materials,plus a Contractor's fee of 15 V.shall be the change in contract price. The Change Order may also increase the time within which the contract is to be completed. - Contractor shall promptly notify the Owner of (a) latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those indicated in the contract, or (b) unknown physical conditions differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in this contract. Owner as added work shall pay for any expenses incurred due to such conditions. II. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES. Owner agrees to allow and provide Contractor and his/her equipment access to the property. III. DELAYS. Contractor agrees to start and diligently pursue work through to completion, but shall not be responsible for delays for any of the following reasons: failure of the issuance of all necessary building permits within a reasonable length of time. funding of loans disbursement of funds into funding control or escrow, acts of neglect or omission of Owner or Owner's employees or Owner's agent, acts of God,stormy or inclement weather,strikes lockouts,boycotts,or other labor union activities,extra work ordered by Owner,acts of public enemy,riots or civil commotion,inability to secure material through regular recognized channels, imposition of Government priority or allocation of materials, failure of Owner to make payments when due,or delays caused by inspection or changes ordered by the inspectors of authorized governmental bodies or for acts of independent contractors. or holidays. or other causes beyond Contractor's reasonable control. IV. SUBCONTRACTS. The Contractor may subcontract portions of this work to properly licensed and qualified subcontractors. V. TAXES AND ASSESMENTS. Owner will pay for taxes and assessments of all descriptions. VI. INSURANCE AND DEPOSITS. Contractor shall cam Worker's Compensation Insurance for the protection of Contractor's employees during the progress of the work. Contractor shall carry liability insurance to cover any damages to Owner's property resulting ow of the acts of Contractor. Owner shall obtain and pay for insurance against injury to his own employees and persons under persons on the job site at Owner's invitation. Owner shall also procure at own expense and before the commencement of work hereunder"all-risk"insurance with course of construction, theft vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements attached, the insurance to be in a sum at least equal to the contract price. The insurance shall name the Contractor and am subcontractors as additional insureds, and will be written to protect owner,Contractor and subcontractors as their interests may appear. Should Owner fail to procure such insurance,Contractor may do so at the expense of Owner, but is not required to do so. Owner and Contractor waive rights of subrogation against each other to the extent that any loss is covered by valid and collectible insurance. If the project is destroyed or damaged by accident,disaster,or calamity such as fire,storm,flood,landslide,subsidence or earthquake,owner as extra work Shall pay for work done by Contractor in rebuilding or restoring the project VU. RIGHT TO STOP WORK. Contractor shall have the right to stop work if any payment shall not be made,when due,to Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor may keep the job idle until all payments due are received. Failure to make payment,within five(5) days of the due date,is a material breach of this Agreement and shall entitle contractor to cease any further work. VIII. CLEAN UP. Contractor will remove from Owner's property debris and surplus material created by the operation and leave it in a neat and broom condition. IX. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. In connection with the performance by Contractor of his/her duties pursuant to this Agreement, Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits and comply with all federal,state,county and local laws,ordinances and regulations. X. ARBITRATION, VALIDITY AND DAMAGES. Any controversy or claim arising out of or related to this contract or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. and judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s)may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof XI. ASBESTOS AND HAZARDOUS WASTE. Unless the contract specifically calls for the removal, disturbance, or transportation of asbestos or other hazardous substances. the parties acknowledge that such work requires special procedures.precautions. and/or licenses. Therefore. unless the contract specifically calls for same. if Contractor encounters such substances. Contractor shall immediately stop work and allow the Owner to obtain a dub qualified asbestos and/or hazardous material contractor to perform the work or do the work at contractor's option. Said work shall be treated as an extra under the contract. XII. LIMITED WARRANTY, Contractor hereby warrants its work for one year after completion against any defects in workmanship or material. This limited warranty is in lieu of any other warranty express or implied. XIII. ATTORNEY FEES. In the event legal action or arbitration instituted for the enforcement of any term or condition of this contract the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorneys fees in said action or arbitration. in addition to costs and reasonable expenses incurred in the prosecution or defense of said action or arbitration. 01/23/2006 11: 18 4135829973 . _ in p. `. - ureester t_durt - i'.U. i1ox 086 6- 18.,....- . . .8... .. �. p. Northampton -- MA —OI061-06$6 pars hpmgnohp corn Fax Cover Sheet DATE: / - 0 3 '- 06 o tin; -e 141A, et coMP.ANYk, vaF, v. ,.y/ FROM. Pat Taylor COMPANY. Hampshire Property Management Group RE: )4 7 - I I Air.v 5r f, '- C L( YP^p Ate_ Fax: i67 - i��� Phone: (413) 582-9970 ext lot, Fax: (413) 582-99"3 5d" - 4j9 x /G/ REPLY REQUEST: Yes: No This transmission contains page(s), which includes [his corer page_ If you have am yuesnons, please:all Hampshire Property Management Group at(413) 582-9970 x 100---: _ JAN 2 3 200E .D1/23/2036 ii:i aiinn[77 3 THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION CASE NO. arge pdxgy l % vs. £-tJw" — "lMs) Defendan s) [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [1.4.-MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: . t o AT 2f 30 [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR I I MQILONFOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s),the undersigned asks that the above Indicated action be taken to this ease for the following reason(s): N.z ice....- am.,_ _ A' Dated: 4,2//.4/10 [ ] ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 RECEIVED JAN 2 3 2006 HOUSING COURT [ WESTERN DIVISION Pmaimatz Signature 014dee-S /1110 ),44-14( Title or Capacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 : 30 o ' clock, Monday, February 06, 2006 . Date : January 25 , 2006 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert d.VFields Clerk Magistrate SMJ Metals Company, Inc. d/b/a RALPH'S BLACKSMITH SHOP 36 Smith Street Northampton, MA 01060 (413)586-3535 Fax (413)585-0234 TO Jaunty 12,2006 Mut Richard Madowitz Hampshire Property Mngt. :5 Brewster Court Northampton,Mass. Re: Starbucks 2207 Main Se Northampton,Muss Based on drawings'and speclicabons supplied to our office,we propose to tumish labor and nuterals necessary to complete work as outlined below on the aforemenconeI project. We sued16call\ include the following as Fo rhkes/&Insudied item'xi Bollards • Stair w/rails • Spiral was vit rails • Beans .channels and columns Alt Add Modify two doors and perform C.C.Gies For the sum a1 S 59.700 No to in_l. Add the son of S 3,006! Tx bu'I. Specifically excluded and not included in price No sings for stairs Cost for bonds Sales taxes Overtime including n.wh.s.nder weekends Denmiigor of any rent: Hoisting or sta6ing Temporary shoring And/or bracing Finish painting of material Items show:in spectticanots but not found on dm.v mgs and not included in once Gcnc:al dotes: pwte is valid for 30 Daa=a Raw m tten1 subject to it-pricing at the time ofpurcoase due to volatility of steel prices Payment terra to be ncgotu:M Open shop wages awl;. All nu real galvanized. We look fox ad to the posiibiliry of workng with you on the project.Shuc:d you have questions regarding this project anger quote,please contact me at the above n¢rbcr. Sincerely, A:t.ur Grodi Patrick Lpu9 OunevOocrator Cluet Estimator S"biZli CMS PEZOSESCITn en:ST 908ZRTt'TO J N-13 5805 11 ,r011 <■1C_! LLCT C YIJ 0c7 770c Dc4& Vic & Rs-f4, t . 9 N.4 Stua 5.41 DaipAU, H. 01373 Ple..r (413)«s-7054 F» (413) 66-17692 aB Ws mg 44 444 Aiat«s 1. a6 PROPOSAL January 13, 2008 Richard M. Madowltz The Hampshire Property Management Group, Inc. 15 Brewster Court PO Box 686 Northampton, MA 01081 RE Proposal for 207-211 Main Street LLC for Installation of fire escape Provide labor and materials to install one fire escape as per drawing and specifications, Note galvanized construction (no paint). Masonry openings, windows and doors by others. Option#1 Option#2 Sincerely, $48,237.00 $47,237.00 oseph L. Skalski Deerfield Valley Re-Fab, Inc. THE .TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT CASE NO. 0i 'PC— Oa ZYV Plaintiff(s) L ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT WESTERN DIVISION Defendant-is) R./MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: 1/ 3 AT AT 71 30 [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR ( ]_ MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken in this case for the following reason(s): O2MD Zlinj■ Ala A4 Z ./-i�a 34, .2006 ft/ rn c ) on as fls / , 11 .e0 A _11 Dated: 41143/ [ ] ALLOWED [ ] DENIED CLS: 10-5-00 PmsehnottiD Signature dal Afte4Atbie Title or Capacity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT CASE NO. OS - PC - 00,1 'P' WESTERN DIVISION Nn Rtmd.r+P bry RD of lieA / TF/ vs. RAI- 0 F V._- :S IN g- 1-1 Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) [ ] EMOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT , L 13 2001 t U.OO(p NI MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: ,"1 [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THEISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken in this case for the following reason(s): Dated: <3J6/6L [ ] ALLOWED [ ] DENIED CLS: 10-5-00 0n-) J1 Signature Title or C acRy Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate rage I oI z ■ Ernie Mathieu From: Anthony Patillo Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 10:04 AM To: Richard M. Madowitz Cc: Ernie Mathieu Subject: RE: [SPAM] RE: [SPAM]207-211 Main Street I spoke with parking commission, they need some lead time and then it would place saw horses across entry, police requested to know if it were a public street if so you would have to petition DPW to close street. I spoke with DPW and they are going to get back to me. Initial feeling is that it is public access to parking area. I wilt let you know. Tony Original Message From: Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmm @hpmgnoho.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 8:47 AM To: Anthony Patillo Subject: [SPAM] RE: [SPAM] 207-211 Main Street Due to long lead times for fabrication, my guess would be work would start sometime between mid-March - early April. Thank you for your assistance, Rich From: Anthony Patillo [mailto:apatillo @northamptonma.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 8:18 AM To: Richard M. Madowitz Subject: RE: [SPAM] 207-211 Main Street Rich, I will talk to Police department and parking commission today to see what is required, will get back to you today.Do you have approx. dates work will begin? Tony Original Message From: Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmm @hpmgnoho.com] Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2006 4:26 PM To: Anthony Patillo Cc: Doug Kohl Subject: [SPAM] 207-211 Main Street Contractors are asking us if they will be able to shut down Cracker Barrel Way during the fire escape installation. It seems likely a lift will be need during the installation of the fire escape. Do you envision there being a problem shutting down Cracker Barrel during the construction of the fire escape? 2/8/2006 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 10 : 00 o' clock, Monday, March 13 , 2006 . Date : February 06 , 2006 ECMS : SCH-REVIEW Robert G. Fields Clerk Magistrate Ernie Mathieu From: Anthony Patillo Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 1:52 PM To: Richard M. Madowitz(E-mail) Cc: Ernie Mathieu Subject: starbuck building Rich, I spoke with Ernie. I told him you had received bids for work.The court is reaching a point that this must end. I suggested that you would bring in bids and this would be last continuance that would be asked for. I left a message on your voice mail. Tony r COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT WESTERN DIVISION NORTHAMPTON BD. OF HEALTH Plaintiff No. 05-PC-00244 BALDEV SINGH Defendant NOTICE OF REVIEW DATE The above case will be called for review at Courtroom 2 of the Housing Court Northampton, at 15 Gothic Street, Northampton, MA 01060 at 09 : 30 o ' clock, Monday, May 01 , 2006 . Date: March 13 , 2006 ECMS: SCH-REVIEW Robert d.�Fields Clerk Magistrate Ernie Mathieu From: Richard M. Madowitz[rmm @hpmgnoho.com] Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 2:25 PM To: Anthony Patillo Cc: Ernie Mathieu Subject: RE: starbuck building Tony, I will bring in the bids to court on Monday. Doug Kohl is working on finalizing the contract and it is our intention to let the bid next week. Managing this building has been a very involved project from both a tenant related evictions (4) and the physical improvements required to stabilize the property including three new heating units, extensive brick pointing on two walls, installation of a new fire safety system and electrical upgrades to address building code violations. I do understand that this work needs to be completed and completed relatively quickly. As you know, fabricating the steel for the fire escape will take several weeks prior to installation. Rich Original Message From: Anthony Patillo [mailto:apatillo @northamptonma.gov] Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 1:52 PM To: Richard M. Madowitz (E-mail) Cc: Ernie Mathieu Subject: starbuck building Rich, I spoke with Ernie. I told him you had received bids for work. The court is reaching a point that this must end. I suggested that you would bring in bids and this would be last continuance that would be asked for. I left a message on your voice mail. Tony THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION CASE NO. /5 o -A —42a,2151 aintiff(s) Defend`5nt(s) [ ] MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [34 MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO. / 0''6 AT1- [ ] MOTION TO DISMISS [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR [ ] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be taken in this case for the following reason(s): ild,b q/ . Dated: /3/3/d [ ] ALLOWED [ ] DENIED CLS: 10-5-00 Signature 0,711/1) Title or Ccity Clerk/Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Ernie Mathieu From: Anthony Patillo Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 8:09 AM To: Richard M. Madowitz(E-mail) Cc: Doug Kohl (E-mail); Ernie Mathieu Subject: starbucks building Rich, As May 1st approaches(court date for fire escape)we still have no permit application for proposed work. I will not ask Ernie to obtain another continuance but will ask court to act. Please take the necessary steps to prevent this. Tony 1 P-2008 1133 N Kohl Construcron PANT/CON ONAC'I PERSON o EY (413)26-0321 ESS/PIfONE 31 Campus Plea Rd HAUL ERTY LOCATION 207 MAIN S P DUI OG 3lD PARCEL 136 001 ZONE CB j \; 1 _ APR 2 2 716 [NG FORMOUTT 'aid lip Permit Filled out 'aid L NEW STEEL FLRE ESCAPE 'of Construction' INS TAL>_--�� Constmctlon Non Structural renovations Addi • to Ex!stir.' so wucture ldin:Plar_/ciuded. --- wrier,!Statement Ar erase 078992 3 sets of Plans I Plot Plan IE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS Ft ATION PRESENTED: _Approved__Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDE Site Plan AND DI R_ Speeial Permit With Site Plan Site Plan AND'OR__— _ Iosed THIS SECTION C.ION FOR OFFICIAL USE O NL Y-. ?UNIT APPLICATION CHECKL IST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE APPLICATION BASED ON lal Permit With Site Plan Spec Intermediate Major Project r f t ;Major Project__ ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER. Ffinding _ Special Permit Received Sc Recorded at Registry of Deeds Pro0fEnc. _Other Permits Required: Sewer Availability Curb Cut from DPW _Water Availability WaterPotability Board of Health Septic Approval Board of Health _ __Well Penult from Conservation Commssion Permit from CB Architecture Committee fC9 TAL 74,47 /nett C� ////S /S / Pl Slid./`o c-z o5t' LYj Permit from Elm Street C. %� ,issio —moo° Signature of Building Official Department Note'. Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission, P of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. •Variances are_ranted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MCL 40A. Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. Date 3, K 3E THE TRIAL COURT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN DIVISION HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT CASE NO. s. laintiff(s) I I MOTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [ ] MOTION TO CONTINUE THIS CASE TO: �— 1>1 MOTION TO DISMISS [ *] MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCEOF A NOTICE OF WARRANT FOR 1 ] _MOW OR OF A WARRANT [ ] OTHER: On behalf of the Plaintiff(s), the undersigned asks that the above indicated action be lak%n in this case for the following reason(s): ' // tifil, rfill , is= I. We L�- 1 tale 011 7uA a � i P • fir , if i DateGd Signature Title or pacity Defendant(s) AT [ ] ALLOWED CLS: 10-5-00 [ ] DENIED ClerldAs—Magistrate ie Mathieu n: Anthony Patillo t: Monday,June 19, 2006 1:12 PM Ernie Mathieu Oct: 207 main ie, you informed as to progress, )nted to ape and gas luck would he a it they ht escape buried undisclosed puhnknown oiiltank. I will k keep y They dug footings for fire that is what delay is. .y e Mathieu lect: Anthony Patillo Tuesday, September 12,2006 9:52 AM Ernie Mathieu FW'. --Original Message to Richard M. Madowitz tm ilto:r0:38p AMnoho.co 2006 Tuesday, September 12, Anthony Patillo 'Doug Kohl' ; Eric Suher Dject: RE: are is no lack of clarity in your email. I will report back to you at the end of this ek with a more definitive response. spectfully, ch --Original Message :om: Anthony Patillo m ilto20o6tillo0nMrthamptonma.gov rsnt: Tuesday, September ): Richard M. Madowitz ibject: RE: which they did at my request. I ich, word this work asked u BmH to withdraw complaint in court this spring, are put myself in a very awkward position as I have taken you and Doug' s o back to court the consequences aid be completed before cold weather has set in. am very concerned about the timeline. I£ I have to g M11 be severe. :ony -----Original Message---- noho.com] From: Richard M. Madowitz [mailt 3r 9 @PMmg Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 To: Anthony Patillo Subject: RE: do apologize for not getting back to you. As you are aware of, this is not a I do understand that you warn the fire escape straightforward situation on our end. I am meeting with Eric and Doug on Thursday morning and will respond back after the meeting. work completed in the fall. Rich -----Original Message---- From: Anthony Patillo tmailto:apatillo @northamptonma.gov Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 9:14 AM To: rmm@hpmgnoho.com Subject: RE: Rich, What is the status of fire escape construction? Tony -----Original Message---- noho.com] From: rmm@hpmgnoho.com [m ilt :rm18hAMg Sent: Monday, August 21, t Anthony Patillo sect: out of the office until August 28th. If you need immediate assistance, please contact ron at (413) 582-99/0 x101 or via email at Sharon @hpmgnoho.com. I do check my emails voice messages while on vacation. 2 de Mathieu m: it: ,ject: Anthony Patillo Friday, September 15, 2006 7:03 AM Richard M. Madowitz Ernie Mathieu RE: eying Richard, at was the outcome of your meeting? ny ---Original Message---- om: Richard M. Madowitz [mai00o:r :_@hpAMnoho.com] nt: Tuesday, September 12, c Anthony Patillo 'Doug Kohl' ; Eric Suher abject: RE: Jere is no lack of clarity in your email. I will report back to you at the end of this sek with a more definitive response. esoectfully, ich ----Original Message tom: Anthony Patillo [mailto:apatillo @northamptonma.gov ent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:01 AM 'o Richard M. Madowitz :object: RE: 2i ch, [ asked BOH to withdraw complaint in court this spring, which they didgat lave put myself in a very awkward position as I have taken you ,ould be completed before cold weather has set in. I am very concerned about the timeline. If I have to go back to court the will be severe. Tony my request. I word this work consequences Original Message From: Richard September Madowitz ll[mailt 3:59 @pMmgnoho.com]2006 Sent: Monday, To: Anthony Patillo Subject: RE: I do apologize for not getting back to you. As you are aware of, this is not a straightforward situation on our end. I am meeting with Eric and Doug on Thursday morning and will respond back after the meeting. I do understand that you want the fire escape work completed in the fall. Rich Original Message From: Anthony Patillo [mailt2006 t llo 1 rthamptonma.gov Sent: Friday, September 08, To: rmm @hpmgnoho.com Subject: RE: Rich, What is the status of fire escape construction? Tony --Original Message .m: rmm @hpmgnoho.com [mailto: rmm @hpmgnoho.com] it: Monday, August 21, 2006 10:18 AM Anthony Patillo )ject: aron�atf (413)0582-99701 x101n ors via6 email at S sr haron @hp gnoho.com.assistance, I do checke my e contact emails d voice messages while on vacation. 2 tie Mathieu m: Anthony Patillo tt: Friday, September 15, 2006 1:55 PM Richard M. Madowitz(E-mail) Ernie Mathieu bject: MAIN ST FIRE-ESCAPE ;hard, ave not heard from you as promised. I spoke with Ernie and the actions you have left us are bring you back into court ksof ffollow hru on ccommunicationscwith me.This h s left a very bad taste i how disappointed I am at your Ernie to start in my mouth. ebony Patillo Acting Commissioner CBO ty of Northampton ,2 Main Street Room 100 nrthampton, MA 01060 one 413-587-1240 fax 413-587-1272 nie Mathieu 3m: Richard M. Madowitz[rmmQa hpmgnoho.com] nt: Friday, September 15, 2006 2:36 PM Ernie Mathieu abject: FW: MAIN ST FIRE-ESCAPE ---Original Message rcm: Richard M. Madowitz fmailto3 @hpmgnoho.com] an:: Friday, September 15, ,. 'Anthony Patillo' Steve Weiss; 'Doug Kohl' ; Eric Suher abject: RE: MAIN ST FIRE-ESCAPE tom a legal perspective, we are in a quandary right now. Please allow me to explain. ast week, I was approached by agents for a Boston based attorney who apparently epresents a Singh creditor. He requested entry into the building and attempted tc serve illy Singh. The agent indicating that the creditor was planning a Sheriff's sale in dish case, a sale of the property could take place in October. yr legal counsel, Steve Weiss is trying to find out what exactly is going on with this ew legal development. I have left two calls with Steve and I assume that he has been Enable to contact the other lawyer involved in this situation. My hesitation in replying :ac'k to you is that we simply do not have enough information to give you an accurate response. Eric, Doug and I recognize that we need to install the fire escape. How we '.andLe the UST and associated environmental issues and what are legal obligations would be somewhat unclear at this present time. ]pug and I met with Ryan Hellwig on Thursday on site to discuss fire escape alternatives. Zric, Doug and I met yesterday and your position is absolutely crystal clear to us . iowever, please recognize that this has become a somewhat complex set of circumstances Nith the UST adding a twist that requires a thoughtful approach. Do keep in mind that our legal status is that of a bank or lender which places some legal and/or business constraints on what we can and can't do. remove can assure Tyoudthataasup nerss site e the rproperty,of if that is the eventual outcome, will necessary and promptly install the fire escape. Until we hear back from Steve Weiss, we're not in position to comment back to you other than to say that we are very much aware of our requirement to get the fire escape erected this fall. Respectfully, Rich Original Message Srcr: Anthony Patillo [mailto:apatillo@@n rthamptonma.gov] Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 2:55 PM To: Richard M. Madowitz (E-mail) Cc: Ernie Mathieu Subject: MAIN ST FIRE-ESCAPE Richard, I have not heard from you as pr omised. I spoke with Ernie and the actions you have left us are bring you back into court not Singh. I am asking Ernie to start actions upon my return on the 25th. I cannot tell you how disappointed I am at your lack of follow thru on communications with me. This has left a very bad taste in my mouth. Anthony Patillo Building Commissioner CBO ity of Northampton 12 Main Street Room 100 orthampton, MA 01060 one 413-587-1240 fax 413-587-1272 2 lie Mathieu ,m; Anthony Patillo Monday, February 05, 2007 7:52 AM Richard M. Madowitz Ernie Mathieu bject: RE: fireescape anksl undestand the process. . .talk to you later. ---Original Message cm: Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmm @hpmgnoho.com] nt : Sunday, February 04, 2007 10: 17 AM : Anthony Patillo 'Richard M. Madowitz' ; 'Doug Kohl' ; esuher @essports.com bject: RE: fireescape ny, rst off, I want to apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Our decision making ocess is often dictated by our legal status as mortgagee-in-possession and is often nct straightforward as one would naturally assume. c has contracted with Bay State Welding and we expect to have the fire escape completed ' 4/30/2007 . For any updates on this project, please feel free to contact either Eric or self. :ay Warm, oh ---Original Message roc: Anthony Patillo [mailto:apatillo @northamptonma.gov] ent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:09 AM J: Richard M. Madowitz _bject: RE: fireescape sllo Rich, at is the story? any --Original Message rem: Richard M. Madowitz [mailto:rmm @hpmgnoho.com] ent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 5:09 PM c: Anthony Patillo ubject: RE: fireescape will reply back to your email next week - there are a number of factors that are under onsideration with respect to installation of the fire escape. egards, ich ----Original Message Yoe: Anthony Patillo [mailto:apatillo @northamptonma.gov] ent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:43 AM a: Richard M. Madowitz (E-mail) Icbjec`_: fireescape 1_o, now that you are back could you respond to my previous e-mail garding installation of fire escape and or my return to court. anks ny thony Patillo tiding Commissioner CPO ty of Northampton 2 Main Street Room 100 rrhampton, MA 01060 one 413-587-1240 fax 413-587-1272 To the editor: Browsing through George Will's Jan. 31 column, "The Homestead Act and George Bush," I was caught by a quo- tation from Bush's second inaugural.He said we are "preparing our people for the challenges of life in a free society" I think it's important to keep in mind that when Republicans say"free society" they mean "society free from any regu- lation of business." Thus, when I try to understand this comment of Bush's, I visualize children being prepared to breathe air polluted by toxins from industrial plants and util- ities, sick people being prepared to take medicines that have not been rigorous- ly tested for safety or efficacy and voters being prepared to honor an election process based on voting machines that are manufactured by partisans and that have no paper receipts. Such a free society does indeed pose challenges to"We the People." How can we be prepared for them? Perhaps instead of trying to learn to breathe polluted air, we should be changing the challenges and what "free society" means so that it doesn't mean "free from health and safety regulations." Virginia Schulman Northampton National organization should determine need Click on"Best Practices."You can do a search,using"HCCS"(for the Hilitown Cooperative Charter Public School), to read of three different practices that have worked well in this local school. The Massachusetts Charter School Association offers an annual conference to be held March 31-April 1 this year Among other resources, the conference focuses on disseminating best practices. You can get registration information from their Web site also. Speaking as an individual d happen to be a charter school teacher),I believe that charter schools, as a percentage of the mix of public schools, can be among the test-beds and the incubators of innovative practices for everyone's benefit.I applaud your efforts to encourage communication among all groups to foster this. William Farkas Florence and fund disbursement To the editor: I imow that all of us are being bothered by—and yes,feeling guilty about—all those requests from different charities. Most of us can't afford to contribute to all of them, but we are not sure which ones are the most worthy,neediest char- ities. This is where fair appropriations need building in January. to be established By"fair"I mean accord- The building commissioner, on the ing to the seriousness of the situation other hand,by state law, must conduct and the numbers of people affected. inspections every five years on apart- The United Way was established to ment buildings with three or more units, help communities determine which local However, building inspectors can only charities were the most deserving of con- check on common areas such as stair- cases, hallways, communal dining and living rooms in large-scale apartment houses. They need a search warrant to enter private quarters. The common areas (stairwells and hallways) at 209 Main St. did not have the fire alarm system required under law. Clarification rpi " ..v" &EtsyoJ. rD2w5 ,, VASp1,iaNpolr OT AMP Robot soldiers ma` NORTHAMPTON - The editorial last Friday regarding health and safety code at violations at the apartment building at 209 Main St., Northampton, make clear the different responsibili- ties of the health and building inspectors.The building,with six apart- ment units.was cited for code violations in 1998,2000 and again this past January when a fire in Starbucks on the first Boor brought inspectors to the scene. The Board of Health is charged with responding to tenant complaints of unsafe living conditions. Health inspec- tors can enter private apartments on the request of tenants to determine the extent of problems. Orders issued by health inspectors in 1998 and 2000 to correct violations at 209 Main St. were never followed up. Some of the same safety violations were found at the tdbutions. We need such an organization on the national level to help us review the legit- imate national charities and set up fair appropriations. This organization would also serve to raise and send money for unfortunate incidents and situations such as the recent Tsunami. Sewell Frank Granby Charter schools are breaking ground To the editor: I'm writing in response to your edito- rial"Schools must cooperate."For those teachers who are intrigued about what chaser schools have found successful in Correction CUMMINGTON - Caption information for photos taken at a fund-raiser fo tsunami-relief efforts in Sri Lanka that appeared in the weekend Gazette omitte the name of the school. Students at th Berkshire frail Elementary School i Cummington sold items to raise $500 to help fishermen replace their boat through the Friends of Sri Lanka Fluid. DAVID L. ULIN Late last week, in a parking lot in New Jersey, the U.S. Army unveiled what may be the future of war: 3-foot- tall robotic "soldiers," outfitted with tank tracks, night vision and mounted automatic weapons capable of firing more than 300 rounds at a burst.Known as SWORDS (Special Weapons Obser- vation Reconnaissance Detection Systems), these battle bots are on the leading edge of a new kind of warfare, in which — or so the argument goes —our troops will one day remain hidden (and, presumably, protected) while engaging the enemy by remote control. The Army intends to deploy 18 SWORDS units to Iraq in the spring,marking the first time robots have been used to fight and kill human beings one on one. If, like me, you grew up on science fiction,the idea of robot soldiers strikes a chilling chord. Killer droids, after all, have long been speculative-universe staples, potent symbols of the dangers of technology, of what happens when machines go wrong. In Karel Capek's 1920 play"R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)" — which introduced "robot" to the vernacular — automatons rise up to wipe out the human race. In "Blade Runner," renegade cyborgs stage a bloody mutiny and flee to Earth. Robotic armies rampage by the screen- ful in George Lucas "Star Wars" films. And then,of course,there is the"Ter- minator" series, in which robots d designed to look and smell like people infiltrate human encampments to execute rebel leaders without mercy or remorse. This is the cybernetic future at its most apocalyptic:a world in which our high-tech weapons turn on us,just ...sontethi. is at wort disassoc enough c remove 01 as we always f The fear res SWORDS desij reassure us,as their robots.ar minators, but command of lax targets via vide, tronic OK to st. On a certain SWORDS make. are not smart w for soldiers in quarrel with an our soldiers saf a robot warrior about inadequat Yet something work, a sense o as if, with enou remove ourselw Here too the n wood. For "St reported, storyti hots to take the screen killing questions moot. A similar logic. of flag-draped co them, they're no stretch to sugge, other high-tech " 9 � aaLVOS ll son'ut.1 -pgisuo mo ol8 of m8aq uaaq St amp 111 IeuogeU aqy 'ar -esuoa jo lsaa aSEa e esnge 1 you sex ono pu amds do t(s 1 saagiU 'pua al gleol a pin m, Sag; V asagJ, -.MAO 00 MP of 2uU aaom uogdu ale a,1 fo ah how some of the guys are looking at it." I find it disturbing that your paper would print a quote based on the spec- ulation of someone in a position of authority. I question how Chief Croake could determine how the firefighters feel about call firefighters coming to Easthampton? At no time has the chief come forward openly to discuss this matter with his firefighters and the use of words such as"strikebreakers"and"scabs"placed into the mouths of the Easthampton firefighters is unacceptable! If your paper wants to know how the fire- fighters feel about a call force of firefighters, I suggest in the future you use quotes from the firefighters and not the speculation of another. William Trohon Easthampton Vice President Local 1876 International Association of Firefighters Give real support to troops, not lip service To the editor: George Bush mouths words of support for our soldiers,but his admin- istration cuts veteran benefits, leaves military vehicles unarmored,and forces soldiers to stay in Iraq far beyond their original tours of duty ("Extending Service in Iraq", January 22-23). It is time for us, as patriotic Americans, to make sure our troops get real support, because they lay down their lives for us. Real support means a commitment far beyond the display of yellow ribbons. America must: • Restore and expand veteran benefits, especially for wounded veterans and the widows and orphans of soldiers who gave their lives. • Provide our soldiers with proper equipment in the battlefield. • Honor the contracts our loyal return. • Be sure there is a clear exit strategy from Iraq. • Elect officials who can be trusted. • Let the Bush administration know we will no longer tolerate their abuses. It is clear that supporting the troops does not mean supporting George Bush and his hypocritical rhetoric. Dianna Schulte McMenamin South Hadley ay/fis City can't keep up with its current priorities To the editor: The reports of health and safety vio- lations in the Rust Block building in downtown Northampton raise troubling issues. Many of us share the progressive ambitions of Mayor Higgins and other city officials, for such things as a new senior center and parking improve- ments, and some even support tax increases to improve city services. It seems, however, that the city is cur- rently unable to provide basic services that citizens pay dearly for already. People live in unsafe apartments while their landlord ingnores repeated citations for code violations with apparent impunity. The expensive city offices and employees (across the street!) sit on their hands. If the city government can't do what it has undertaken to do already any better than this,perhaps it should take stock before taking on even greater responsibilities. Paul Cherulnik Leeds Correction AMHERST - A story in Thursday's Gazette about a.student fund-raising project in Amherst was incorrect. The deadline for bidding on the quilts ends today at 3 p.m. HOW TO SUBMIT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Gazette encourages letters from you, our readers. Please send letters by electronic mail to opinion @gazettenetcom or by U.S.mail to Letters,Daily Hamp- shire Gazette, 115 Conz Street, Northampton MA 01060. Guidelines are as follows: • All letters must be signed,with a return address and a phone number where we can reach you between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.to confirm author- ship. Addresses and phone numbers are not published. Please put "Letter to the Gazette" in the subject line of e-mail. • Letters should not exceed 300 words. They should be of general interest and in good taste and meet legal standards. • Letters become the property of the Gazette. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any submissions. Writers are limited to one letter in a 30-day period. We may not be able to publish or respond to every letter submitted. • The Gazette publishes no poetry or specific consumer complaints. 94 Re By ANNE WASHIN Waldheim, general, t served in may have c his repute elected pre bidden to Shunned b nity, he e politics. History month whe to the Brit costume pa wrath of thi else—cam "Harry the r Sun in its t called for h Jewish grou Prince Char visit Auschu In betweer who actually and Prince royal family': range of cele pathies hay disgrace. Ch time the moss retired from I II because he the Nazi goy( poet who hell James Joyce asylum for t because he broadcasts for Heidegger,the temporarily p after the war joined the Naz His work, like under a moral It seems like Take,for exam died last week marking the 60 eration of Anse: New York Time "architecture's Post proclaim figure." Both a ,MPSHIRE GAZETTE { HAMPSHIRE B�ETTE Founded September led Daily,Except Sundays and Christmas,In Print andOnlMA 01061 &Sons,Inc., 115 Conz St.,P.O.Box 299,Northampton, Publisher.Peter L.DeRose Editor lames Foudy Controller:Priscilla Flynn Circulation Director:Dennis Skoglund Advertising and Marketing Director:Mark Elliott inspection gap OPINION War in Iraq: We ari By DANTE ZAPPALA Since that day, i Last week, the White House a loved one. We announced,with little fanfare, that the have gazed at tl destruct search for had finally fe ended, its fn destruction in Iraq and it acknowledged that time such weapons existed there at the time of tration sitting safely the U.S. invasion in 2003. a story of only For many,this may d my in Washington,was s passing interest. But for me an family,it resonates Sgt. Baker. atop his Humvee,se My brother was Sot. year ago Baghdad. But as sal He was a member of the Pennsylvania ter in front of a ealdo and building code inspections e violations were not ult u and National Guard deployed a y it exploded; apartment the violations in the Rust Building ,nth his unit out of Wilkes-Barre. He building, debris in the hoc a a downtown aP said goodbye to his wife and his 9-year- is still not known S ' e gone uncorrected for continued.after N.J., to be hastily d went to. His neck,debr hat the bac ors because Ntly ampd Only aftan a car rammed into Di , NJ,boarded oast yndwenttdF His by forward observer ofr u d training worth-a lived with the , my ficials app again come to seven yeas of Guard training as a kil apparently failed Starbucks and caused a fire on Jan. a, through i on information th did the situation con ag less because he would not face combat. one. We haves strum one We of have scone Department then discovered that apartments in MI he needed to do was learn how to death to his son. e already in their hands. the attention of city officials. was wonder of its .We Health Dep not die. inspections in 19 and the building still lacked second He received a crascaetice h r convoy rmmg catharsis with God. security, including P I hose moved from uses revealed violations a exits. 30 landlord ys to inst been some over cardboard cutouts of children.We appointment to aim Building nt Main problems,system 30 days 90 install to n a fire place t s to install bought him a GPS unit and �te� arrived at a p uses the ptedbubks cafe talkies because he wasn't supplied arrived but of hope -b aparenters, the ncom shooufdotailtoa City e Cer inspec-inspectors Sherwood was assigned ing change. t ins, that t prompted by to the Iraq Survey Group and joined will Iraq Survey ram renters, the landlord should not fail to make their inneeds theseareh for weapons of mass destruc- which was filed e U coed that the city would lions this time. the city uninhabitable More importantly, Lion. rou until only last Bled in . , the building an effective system for David Kay, who led the g P only chew all aleng. noble exits were provided to set up deadlines on critical January 2004, had already stated that econd per-story apartments and tracking they did not exist.Former U.N.weapons cried in the Idtchen problems were corrected. buildfngrePan'slnspection services I am left now w in Northampton may be under- inspector did Hans BM had expressed blinked. cons' r, failed to follow through, serious doubts about their In expressed a seared e into eer my than but the Rust Building violations date during prewar inspections. r, to ensure that the staffed due to recent budget cuts, cadre of farmer U.N. inspectors and ability. administration's fee m were corrected. aIi . But what nl gling across safety street from back to before the recent makes fiscal als h dbeen saying for ye passed. ratio s who e ;filing across the street(four problems. Lack of staff lthats pre U.S.Iraq generals had threat saying Group, impost;. it is not an excuse-for.-.On.April 2s,2004 he Iraq Y at the behest of the stubborn adminis- down our ability to ifl wentimcorrectedfar four oritizi¢g and efficiency all that more that a tr years, e•th. confidence ot other f n- failing to protect lives and a property. its haves that situations P In our opinion, dequa eus sdressed? are procedures in adequately,addressed? City Council should institute a Board of ssioneth and the thorough review of partment and commissioner's office rig Commissioner have clear- both the Health commissioner's ocedures to resolve se prece- to make asure that flagrant and life- shnsidtfollow these P threatening health and building I consistently le, inspec- code violations are no Amherst, for are example, -- -The public needs assurance-that deadlines are'..entered on a allowed to con m sufficient steps to ardent.auCalendar,ti ly scheduled.hdulup is taking to s are automatically happen in Northamp- protect the lives of Northampton's should happen uent apartment dwellers. but in fact subseq TIERS ) to the source to .•,,.-mina nnininn scheduled soldiers made with the government by bringing them home in a timely manner.aten • Never send any NO Daily HamPSe Gazette et gazettenatcoai NT t-----N ickets, war 1 ___ Car gone after man t _ or properties. Commissioner i For months, Building ,s sinner By DAN CttOWL For L. Patine, the city's zoning Stall Waster enforcement officer, m remove the — Now you see it. ces to get Singh covered the '- NORTHAMPTON ceasfullY attempt Now You don't. vehicle. Singh es co er +^. Mare Street resident ster ev Singh Mercedes several rim vandals had tered l Alley m comply with caning but van "a has removed an unregistered be said ,- on Main year of defying lee the covers, St., , V Mercedes from Crof derbarn,ty ofi- stolen be covers,be Main ✓ after nearly Agent a Ye said Singh,Rust's Block '7 c Health secure Ernest J. Mathieu on also known of dollars - y., d a court order aueby pati0o bad issued hundreds But r ., �!] Monday secure a tickets dating back to last away year. hut. (,�, rizinr the city to remove the vehicle by T, 1 s expense s�. r,. T� noon today at Singh the Mercedes the car could on towed property eP y't 7. Singh athat eadbeen tough uar because it s ccoourt order also gave the .. rt ,' He said Wednesday r city thhright m sell the vehicle d Singh mpton 'NeThis c m recent months. i" e :ems' ng Married k� and needed work and lh?tdhad d th s did not pay the costs of removal and X g sided w apply m fmd a mechenil park,and that's mY storage cake a to days. short, I rot _o. . r ft ,, *, '- + `rt CHARLES ABEL alpton Pride parking spot," Singh be a said by phone tu To he make a long story ealth Ag in tickets, this Its of dollars of the cac out of there." week" hundreds ckerbarrel Alley Tuesday. 1lumero has been ece seat was a Ernest J.Mathieu said this After many months and al entry form, The car because fr p teW of t e gone. can be reached at many car was removed from ds _— o explanation Witting g numeroushey complaints n one. ;o get married violation of city from pump of the dcrowley @hue Crowley unregistered ��� : ay pride rally cars must be abutting Public ways ___- k n ? utttng Public H they are �'— � �. � been P _ _--� - k n start a 1 'yy , �`'� ty f to share our -�—'-- l ' r i the , e lation so r a le wrote. . , t •t'Str � M .a ' g,F ,f the march ,` y1t'I, p;" � J ,7 !£ e VIA nmittee that + Ira their initial i �"w ,.�; i e randomly l z r -- hcatioes that t they said 'we i '� g • a is our home; .` M, a steering qp – .b and _ s• t°,winter.' DAILY HAMPSHIRE npton, Massachusetts • Saturday-Sunday, January 29-30, 2005 • Locally owned since 1786 • 44 Pages • 75 cents Red top and Cem 63-E SP0 Loch PeHe , building's troubled pass 1st's Block has history uncorrected violations N CROWLEY Vriter [HAMPTON — For the fourth r six years, city officials have Main Street property owner reral building and health code ons, some of which have red uncorrected since the 1990s. sections following a car crash eek revealed hazardous living irs in all six residential units at 1 Main St.,also known as Rust's ie of the violations, such as lack and exits,had been cited by local as years ago,but apparently had through the cracks until last , the vgcords show. e building is owned by Baldev. I,who bought it in 1979. He now stringent deadlines to bring it code. cated next to Crackerharrel Alley, h's property came under scrutiny week when a driver rammed a hrough the plate glass window of bucks Coffee Jan. 17. The crash off a fire and the evacuation of rots upstairs. n. years, Rust's Block has been subject of various financial A BUILO1NG'SlPage A3 nspections foil wing a car crash last wee revealed hazardous living quarters in all six residential units at 207-211 Main St., also known as Rust's Block. state building and sanitary codes,the records show. health offi- cials example, in 1998, inspected the building on two separate occasions after tenants com- plained about conditions in third-floor units. One of those units, 3A,was written up for having no second exit,and was among the units cited last week for the same building code violation according to records. Asked why the second exit was never built for that unit, Singh, the owner, said Wednesday: "1 have no idea." Casey Bruno, of South Hadley,was a tenant living in unit 3A in 1998. Bruno said she and her roommates, lings, while continuing to violate I• See _ —.-- ----------- CHARLES This building at 207-211 Main St. in Northampton has been ci with numerous building code violations over many years. A building's troubled pa • Continued from Page Al Unregistered car collecting tickets I what city'S hq one of whom fled the complaint, set InSpCCtI' I'tSVI up an escrow account and withheld as it sits alongQ Crackerbarrel Alley rent for about a year. along NORTHAMPTON — Al "They didn't come in and fix anything By DAN CROWLEY lk of the Building Depart that was on the list," Bruno said by Staff Writer , e•_.. 1 officials inspected sb phone this week. "We kept our money units at 209 Main St. and moved out." NORTHAMPTON -The city is grap- they found In 2000,health and building officials piing with an unregistered brown I inspectedanother third-story unit after Mercedes in Crackerbarrel Alley that l � t r .; Apartment 2-A , receiving a complaint They cited no local officials say belongs to Baldev I ; LL ■No second means; second exit in the unit, among other Singh, owner of the adjacent Rust's - exit hazardous conditions, according to Block building. ip gg -r7 inspection records. In a letter to Singh dated Oct 24, ' p a Apartment 2-B At the time, city officials stated that Building Commissioner Anthony L S °'°^f° ') Fir • No second mean$ other residential units in the building Patillo wrote that he had asked Singh 1 - exit appeared to lack second exits. They 'face to face" on several occasions �g^:* ;'�ti{ �{ .'e ''._ •• Hole in Wall narI warned that if the violations were left over a period of six months to remove s»:.v'4't -r-`: ■Smoke detector no uncorrected, those units could be register, or cover the Mercedes as Hr I :r ■Exposed thermosK declared uninhabitable, according to required by the city's zoning law for an August 2000 inspection report. storage of unregistered motor 'x i t n Apartment 2-C , Four years later, that's precisely vehicles. ,,,,,,, �,u, -! - ■Missing cover p1db what happened. The car is parked on Singh's ,° cal receptacles Health and building officials property at 207-211 Main St.,and there- ■Broken windowpt declared four of the building's six res- fore cannot be towed away, Patillo '4‘ • `Hole in bedrdam idential units uninhabitable last week, said. Mayor Clare Higgins said '°" •Closet door off ti'a citing no second exits, an inadequate Tuesday that her office has received , , t fire alarm system, and exposed elec- complaints about the vehicle. Patillo, 1 ;:, . ;_,. Apartment 3-A trical wiring,to name only some of the the city's zoning enforcement officer, - CHARLES ABEL • No second means violations. said he has issued $300 in tickets to Though Baldev Singh, owner of I exit , Boxes and furniture blocked access Singh, which have gone unpaid. this car, parked next to Rust's ■ •:Exposed electrical to fire escapes in the remaining two Under the city's zoning, unregis- Block building in Crackerbafrel trical box.. units, according to the Building tered motor vehicles must be screened Alley has been fined re atedl , •Missing covet plat Department. from view of the public, if the are y y cat receptacles, i `. Two of the units have saunas,but it p y the car remains. Because the •Bole,in'living rbo: parked abutting public ways and prop- is not clear when they were built, city erties. vehicle is parked on Singh's • Broken kitchen lea officials said. Dan Crowley can be reached at property it can't be towed away, ■Closet door off fib The wiring for the saunas did not dcrowley @gazettenet.com. according to the city. appear to be up to code,"said Deputy -- — - - - — - — -__-- Apartment 3-C Fire Chief of Operations Duane A. through past records," said Mathieu another, especially when it was in tax •No second means Nichols. who became health agent in December title. The building also has been a I exit Singh,who lives in the building and 2003, well after the building's last magnet for attorneys, banks, courts, , is Missing cover pia is listed as the owner of the condo- inspection. financial institutions and real estate cal receptacle miniums,said by phone this week that "We're so busy addressing the things investors. , he plans to comply with the city and that are coming up on a daily basis," In 2000,the property was more than All apartments correct the code violations. He said Mathieu said during an interview $103,000 in arrears on real estate taxes, • Not maintained ii the building is old and that laws have earlier this week. which has since been paid up,accord- sanitary condition, changed over the years. 11 Mathieu said housing inspections by ing to city officials. The building has clutter "It's kind of tough," Singh said. "It the Board of Health are done on a been involved in bankruptcy proceed- costs money" complaint basis.Beyond that,he said, ings and on the brink of foreclosure i Building For years, tenants have come and "we have no legal right to go into an twice in the past decade,including last , •No fire alarm cyst gone from the second-and third-story apartment to do an inspection." year. areas at each stairs units, one most recently through A building permit to install replace- Singh would not comment on the r eviction. ment windows was taken out for 209 matter when pressed for comment this ------ --- At least five tenants evacuated the Main St.last summer,but no one called week. Jr., of Hampshire Pr building Jan. 17 when a car burst into in for a final inspection, said Building "I don't have much to say," Singh ment Group Inc.at 15 fames at ground level,though city offi- Commissioner Anthony L. Patillo. said "I'm just trying to get moving according to state fill cials said it was hard to determine how The Board of Health and Building and do whatever needs to be done." The recent transact many people were living upstairs.The Department have set firm deadlines In March 2004, Florence Savings PeoplesBank in l incident put Starbucks out of business to correct the violations —Singh has Bank,one of a long line of lenders and declined to comment for nearly a week. 30 days to install a fire alarm system, financial entities involved with the financial status or th' The Fire Department has no records and 90 days to install second egresses. building, moved to foreclose on the Contacted Wedn of safety inspections on file for 207-211 Other violations must be corrected property after granting Singh a deferred questions ab Main St., though health and building by Feb. 15. The Board of Health must $675,000 mortgage for 207-211 Main St. St. and the LLC officials have inspected units in the re-inspect the building before the four in 2000,according to financial records. Madowitz,co-owner< building at various times over the rental units that were shut down can "Today, we have absolutely no Property Manage years. be reoccupied. interest in that property whatsoever," Madowitz,in turn, de Health Agent Ernest J.Mathieu said said Robert G. Koch,senior vice-pres- the company's intere: Tuesday that he was not aware of past Financial labyrinth ident at Florence Savings Bank earlier Street property violations at 207-211 Main St.and would Along with its poor inspection - this week. "On the advice of r.., .oi,,,.t...,i fn or nt Aw axtensinns history. Rust's Block has a complicat- The FSB mortgage was apparently can't comment," Mai