504 (North King Motel) Complaint 2016 a 1 od2S Sd v 0? Fdr=z4)2 s ' ,VC)/ —lapa>d w (‘ 's? Fdicis't " 91/aL/L- pzA, - 2•c5-v,- a, )) :`^ .d 0 - iaIsawcP ? P ac v 1 25.9(3 001, ?celc biadp _ t2)/2_. ! S r ,aSS1 - /bZ/9 4-‘44--oicAt■-od f2-12J0.) — */2_, 2/2 } w � Zap `? - xt`i Ch Geo Eracird_g f E ntered 3v: i3 la Date Entered: BODYART INZISANCE SH1.0 FOOD_ FOOD ILLNESS HOUSING NAIL SALONS ODOR PESTS POOLS SEPTIC WATER/SEWER HOARDING OTIE.R CGI LELN'TANT'S E PORDL TION: Call Taker Initials: Date of Complaint: 6 /27 /70r0 Complainant's Name: Occupant's Name. Complaint Location: NATURE OF COE PL?SNT: '30toe( P. Telephone#( ) Akote\/�11.\ W{{te P4Te phone-#r( A). tihCec Animals: Y/N Child Under 6: YIN Bec-c cOmra v"v3 1trn, �� L Q 114Ce C)red &mi ;ier- OWNER'S PSFOR ATLON: Owner's Name Property Mgr./ Land Lord: Inspection Scheduled on: Complaint Unfounded: Conditions Found: Address: Telephone n( ) Address: Alternate n ( ) - ACTION TAKEN: a ac-)mn kc �ShWe'uee Pagel) e w/ tils RS-cc <- Loy(\ o3Airtci H. nt be(\ perrroreri CTcaskQ4ony) beC s t ,se((ed . (( t'2 . - to . . ,... der . ! • 1-,roue I tS Signature of Inspecting Office _6_/ 2q/J Date/Time of Inspection City of Northampton Mail-N. King Motel Page 1 of 2 asill of Northampton N. King Motel SON N t- 1 message Christopher Bishop<cbishop @northamptonma.gov> Janet P.Jorda <jpjorda @web-tactics.com> Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 8:16 AM To: healthdept @northamptonma.gov, moleary@northamptonma.gov, cbishop @northamptonma.gov Cc: Karla Youngblood <kyoungblood @smith.edu> I live on Rockland Heights Road in Northampton. The N. King Motel needs to secure their dumpster—it is not locked in any way and this morning a very large Mother Bear was laying down in our neighborhood &eating bags of garbage out of their dumpster. She was aggressive when I came upon her this morning. This has happened before and someone from your office drove to see them and made them secure it. I'm sorry to have to ask you to please go out and see them again. This Mother Bear has many young babies this year—and she and her babies have become a real problem for our neighborhood. Thank you for your help—were very appreciative. You can reach me at my number below any time. Thank you, Janel Janet P. Jorda, President Web-tactics, inc. 83 Main Street Easthampton, MA 01027 Phone: 413.341.3355 eFax: 206.984.9907 wwwweb-tactics corn Certified Women-Owned Business(WBE) hops://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&i1=23c55751 e3&view=pt&search=inbox&th=15591 c. . 6/27/2016