Sewage Complaints 1958-1984 DY P. FEEMSTER, M.D., Dt. P.R. Commissioner g ?Ad&exedd Male Made, tAdlove, 33 Board of Health Northampton, Massachusetts Gentlemen: August 13, 1958 Re: NORTHAMPTON - Sewage Disposal Problem at Hatfield Street and Cooke Avenue The Department of Public Health, in response to your letter dated May 21, 1958, requesting advice and assistance relative to a sewage disposal problem at the locations referred to above, has caused an examination to be made by one of its engineers and has considered the information submitted. The examination shows that there are several homes located near the intersection of the above-mentioned streets which have encountered difficulty with the subsurface disposal of sewage. The soil in which the local subsurface disposal facilities have been installed consists of clay which has been found to be unsuitable for leaching purposes and has resulted in the sewage overflowing onto the surface of the ground. It was noted that other residences located along Hatfield Street were not experiencing any difficulty due to the existence of a sandy soil. It is possible that the sandy soil may underlie the clay strata where difficulties are being experienced. It is recommended that an investigation be made of the subsoil conditions at each of the locations experiencing diffi- culty to determine whether or not there is any pervious material present at a greater depth. During the examination the possi- bility of installing a central disposal system to serve all of the homes involved was discussed. It was proposed to discharge the sewage from these homes to a common drain leading to an area at one end of the development where the soil is known to be suitable for subsurface disposal of sewage. The Department is of the opinion that the use of a central disposal system to serve several homes will prove to be an unsatisfactory arrangement unless the facilities are owned, operated and maintained by the city. Respectfully, 4 Worthen H. Tay or Acting Director Division of Sanitary Engineering _/ 4 �:' f� •✓t • ,D � Oy,' t ;yet=o"e n \V'��`Cti � C196‘ 4-1 L010 9n* 'o6 a- -z7 �°J 9 Z tar rnyq "/W Ur- a >tr -22 )-` 7 ' u° a- " .. 096/ h z N ./ e , 76 Cooke Ave. Northampton, Mass. April 25, 1961 Northampton Sewer Dept. 126 Locust St. Northampton, Mass. Gentlemen% We are writing at this time in hopes that the situation that exists here on Cooke ave. regarding the Cesspool that is overflowing,ocan beac corrected. yeAsi ouD.all well ells know, this bas been going one has done anything about it, even though we have all mom• plained to City Nall. They tell us we need sewers in order to cornet this, but because of the expense it would involve, they refuse to run the up here. On the other hand, we all feel that our taxes are much too high on this avenue but we still have to pay the even though, as conditions stand at the present, not one of us could sell our hose because of this. Gentlemen, it any one of you could see the younger Child- ren playing in this water like we have, I wonder it you would still consider the expense too great. We live next door to the people who are having the trou- ble, therefore, we are getting a good deal of the oder. The water also, has started to come further into our driveway. It is very arbitraging tones people le•come to your home have the jumping to think of the mosquitoes we will again have this year. Please advise if you will do something to correct this situation, also, if you would like ti signatures the neighbors, we shall be very happy get truly your'.��� Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cleary act Mayor Wells Board of Health-Mr. Langdon ✓ Councilman-Mr. Hogan Able Corporation-Worcester, Mass. File I N o! C l 9L •—D--4 47 4WW Oia0� ,3 1 ICI X 4 PAI D 1 o 7 � O I I Y LQr I Eaf La_ dead u ( .,i) r1 C J LL— L "O MAY ;C , 1961 'A t. '-HE UNOERSISNED, PETIT ; ON THAI SEWERS tE BROUGHT TO COOKE AVENUE ANO . 'ATFI E. :iR. EL , it ORDER TO CCR?ECT THE UN;:EAL THY ANO UNSANITARY COrDli ■ _)r:S AT EXISTS THE PROBLEM SLING THAT SEWAGE WATER IS NUNk NG OVER THE TOP OF THE GROUND, TEE ABOVE ?rdil ! )rEo GQi 3: 11:.1. .1S CAUSED BY THE TYPE OF SOI-L Taar SURROUNDS THIS AREA , -w Mayor Wells es to: Sewer Dept. Board of Public Health Councilman Hogan June 12, 1961 Mr. Mark A. Papple, 311 Hatfield Street, Northampton. Mess. Dear Mr. Fapple, The Board of Health request that you attend the meeting of the Board which will be held on Friday, June 16, 1961. at 1:03 o'clock at the office of the Board of Health, City Hall, Northampton, Mass. , to iiscuss the sewage problem now existing on Cooke Avenue. Yours truly, PEP ORDER CF THE CHAIPMA BY / tit Helen C. Lo rgan (Mrg Sxecutive A'^.cretary BBIEBItl, Y. B.. Claims BAILEY firk Pee, CITY OF NORTHAMPTON acrd of .°sewer Cori atonare, :5 Locust ntreet, rrt an:'ton, Fwss. rnt.event MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH July 6. 1961 :nee again the e,e.,ter of F+e osel of sewage fry,: t o ho'eee nn Fstfield Greet ,na Cootie Avenue bse brans* a n•-rttnent caner to the of Are lth. Serge fro+ the '€nele h.nee, ',eerier of Hetfle14 :treet Frid ?..ore Avenue, running on to of the roar? down 'ooze Avenue In front of toe other twetitnga. •e en'..a?7ored to hr.ve° this nuienee, abated by trying to get ne-rrt=`Ion ro•-• e.buttcrr to .• *pit "r. 'e'tie to erne their lend to enter Vole eo,?nn line !.Soh +as€ !metalled be "r. Item end Jr. sht (4) ret±',entt fr;=r• this area Atterthd our Jun. peetira. After r enmthy sttm;si on them', *al r ,',2.rsttiln if the retrirint; isle roe net ale greet Ix.elth nuiar.noe ne tLe serege ranntnA dote:, the road. e instructed "r. I.en don. Inerector of luabing, to -Me er Ire-ration ,r t` •.;:4e erre erd report hie findings, a coey of a-•,e ie reel^ssd. The •oerd of netalth eri ::acrd ere cocninant of the feet* re tine; :- t:,r handing cif these havers. Sloveyer, we feel that three dwellings art now in vietence, a nutsencs to the public health her bean crested son tl*t it is the duty f the Poen! of health to see to it that It Ss eb+ ted in the best interests of the e.nn tP, re,fle involved. Ie our o--:inior it would he a greet kxr'thip to t}•eee ej-le to event the 1.—ter of the late in v:et-tine, these h +:eee ? nd, r such ,ircunete:nces r.ny .-.recent 'neon, to the city 'vo.::d be e'lletneted. petition, has beep flue • ith y u, this `roa.rd one to ' nyor, h:_ thee' rest::erte <'-=S:trl._ for a, public sever. The nte:te Uera-.rtment of vane %et'.ti. !.eve also recoamerded that p }vblic Bever sh+soid he !entailed in es rrucT + e the tyre of toil is ele,y F.nc ese never absorb the r-: -unt of ee ter used. IIICKIEVICL M. 1.. Chinni 1. INLET CF CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH -2- After due conrideretien, the me,bers of thin '.nerd have else cone t :he c-ssclueisn thst this is the snsver t' thie r-roblen. =e therefore *eine .ev.'ectrolly solicit your es-istenee ri;r4 th° ftneneisl resistance of tl•e pity ;overneent in irstn111n a -,ub1tc sewer in this ere* as soon se It is eit.*,in 'cur -over to lc to, 4hts is the only •:r.'eticel solution to the •1nh1■n, `.Anaing y+'u for your continue; c-r.retirt -it t}Ae department. Krei 1 • ycurs. 3.AF1i FACT cetthew S, ?°ictiewiet +.n„ Chairman Re. ikIEIIii,a I.. Maw MILE1 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Members of the Board of health, ▪ 'rntthew S. Miontewion, Chairman a. Mar; asiley, • John T. Joyce, I herewith eubnit the following retort of ry ins ction of the etas Isd for drainage of tic sentto tanks from the houses or Satfteld "treet st1 )04e Avenue SS ntr your Mellen. pprr ppaa {{ Mr. Ltlen�ShB. inencrr as member swot ori.Rion rcooneenied a on this tncection. The common line (pipe) serving this tree vas extended to the botteo f the hill into the sandy area. This line wee installed by %'r. Crsond Jr. in he iall of 1958 in t000rdRnce with the orinion end decision of a meeting of epresentetives of the Board of Bealth.. ✓ewer Comite ton ,nn 'se,te De ertsent of ublio 'desItt. It wed recompended at thie time on a teatorsry eseeur, with the elief ti:et it c..ula furnish a solution to tin nobles for a few yn.re rending be tnstellatior, of the city serer. i fsund r. l- tiro pool of voter rear the locution of the leaching re?, wee covered with green slime end giving off a very offensive odor f sewage. *rum the a*peertnce. the effluent has coated, over the e.nd which s obvious so rite t)wt it doe* net Allow prone? p^rooletion. There 1$ no d:vbt in id; mind that test aresent conditions lonstitutes not only a health hnssrd butt safety blessed es veil, it thet, s Ihili could vet:' possibly fall into this water And drown. If It void,! be roseate ;o connect tic Parole h. use to this cart*.en line, It c uld inure,se the present leneee. In my ortolan this tam-Gran drntntge pit is not working estiefectory 10 therefore it seems men''etory to iretiil a y'iblic sewer or, three street. se iron lee possible. Very truly yours, "obert +. is Edon Q Inspector of 1'lnnbtng CRT or NORY$r!rw( Bono OP REACTS E iccour NUISANCII Dab Sarah 7, 19979* LOCATION 34 Cook, Avow*. Nes tthnotora Iyi. , ]f, COW S OWNIES Nr A Na 1 BnaBusily 4 ADDRESS Coon 6 COI[PLAINC9tors Otitis flood of /honor pr'OiosEr. -, ,.e COMPLAINANT' C;tr Coua4 lor-Narlo,14ssa T. DATE or INVESTIGATION • . 9fl/Tit-"113op S CONDITIONS P'OMO outlet roar of.Big I Liquor's which has caused the floodl,M+ot:,j3,w' Busher Droosrtt across trio road. 9 ACTION TAKEN Naji ti d Bu Y aaaabr,at a.»t 4 2 day sating to }Ph., rotor NaRrlaiaj Osalill.Meat 19 can GLOEED .3 7 dOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSET _ sontiketpa BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE Bort 7. 19.11 Nr. tpu K Zo•:sevre t * Ian taut 1,y) Clow Stint aprItyrisida tea 01104 A, of map 7.e-tjat 1-34 11 Itepatty, listanptioa you are hereby notified to remedy the eonditions named below within 2 days of the service of this notice, Sundays and legal holidays excepted,or to show cause why you should not be required no to do: Lew rusenslottai •° neablait, alsortag 0■TP.,9 pallet lartier etc. Irtitat ha. blostml * lets* **ant al flora *Oa *Wet at the rest of 34 I Wows a ova. Anseg hirthropten, timaa.altiobris..trestbtabasinattaatetnart latietals is s *Um sot se• anotttioss That Ms ta stigotto. noltimmenttimu. . C."411‘4.. 4 *111 If at the expiration of time allowed theee conditions have not been remedied and no cause aforesaid be shown, seek further action will he taken as the law requires By order of the Board of Health. again toiler rant mail.a,yetz Personal Service Any objection or LIkpliTy in reference to this notice should be filed before the expiration of the time allowed for the abatement of the nuisance. Address all eotaimmications,"Board of Health Mass " FORM COO MO••• •W••••••• INC. 4- err' "a "'; - om t y _ F '' a 3 �r3 r if d xa.a>_' �Y 4_•:•y. r Lr+...A, r f C . s Acfz i ,` 2 g 3 .i x „I yi d+ $r A rycaay.w . e C- k is w 1 6%;a. R✓ _. r 2' .bI•y+ fir , ( .l f 1 ' Tip �t a y3 n•F,,i .-1••"•• v i ‘714 i r 1 �' 4 + z ski 'F`" ..- '"� Y 3 a L , •�iw.ye'p�� a'r� S • : �: , , € sf a -z m i ? ' �. �* r �2' o ) ce q,riadj3 �,3 A r .t 3i : s � 1 f , VIVA�.',..,"1/4.r SKY. G .'C• I Ak } 4 �'Q . y !t 1£- YY ,+ - 2r�r may+-+y� , wi y �` x ;t111.1/14 Y'”yvi -r �tp'�°t+4�,�'ld� tt h t � �03LHf1 � t� IYF}sHCYMG,i�Y 1 Data 2 LOCATION 8 6 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH RECORD OF NUISANCE December 26, 1979 Cooke Avenue, Northampton, Mass, OWNER Mr. Paul H. D'Amour 4 ADDRESS COMPLAINT Accumulation of rubbish etc. 44,11=41;;I. 6 COMPLAINANT DATE OF INVESTIGATION Dec. 26, 1979 8 CONDITIONS FOUND MIER Large accumulation of rubbish, shopping cart pallets, lumber, etc, has blocked a large culvert and storm water drain at the rear of B1$ Y Liquors on Cooke Avenue. Notice to abate this complaint has been mailed on Dec. 27, 1979 Peter J. Mc$rlain-Health Agent 9 ACTION TAKEN 10 CABE CLOSED te AMF: (On) _A;[ dalrth <wEALTII nF MASSACHUSC ITS NO R'!T Ke PTOi; BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE December 26, Mr. Paul H. D'Amour, P & G Love Trust 79 1330 Carew Street, Springfield, Mass. 01104 owner AsyJ AllAWMot Map 18-9, Lot 1, Big_Y. Ptoperty.. N .ton, Ma, you are hereby notified to remedy the umditlons named below within days of the sir this notice, Sundays end legal holidays excepted, or uslww cause why you .head nut he required so to du. Large accumulation of rubbish , shopping carts, pallet lumber, etc. has blocked a large culvert and storm water drain at the rear of Big Y. Liquor on Cooke Ave Northampton, Mass. Remove all debris from the above mentioned area and maintain In a clean and safe condition. ThankyoU,...ln_advance, for your cooperation. cc: Maurice LaBrecque Jahn Rapp Mr, & Mrs. Robert Bushey 1 ---r—r If ht the expinorvn of time allowed tome conditions have not been remedied unit no cause aforesaid he shown, such further actimi will be teken am the law requires. By order of the Boar of felt t. Certified ear!1 gent Mail 2341+02 Personal Service Any obleu'mu a inquiry i rerer to this nonce should be filed before rte etpdratlan of the time allowed Par ❑.e nbu4+rent of the nu sat e. Addrrd, all emnmmnlwtInn,.4 Board or n,•a'.th 210 Main St-City¢Hall Northampton addax.'- 01060 400 noun • vrAnnEry, Pi. ,. ct } G 4511 ^ • ,,. ^' t4 F 1/4, - yd' • bM`4A.rW f w�Y 1 i jyyi to 1# FOP' nai r r "arilga. sa �aVptxea+ apaiw� r 4 4, , y , € 't . .0.---..at tbi4n. «.ff IPM— P1W ` a. 4.- .. . -� S M1 4R1. P1 ry l SUMMONS D W RS RETURN CES TENM BEvIS DEC 1971 HOBBS & WARREN INC LISHERS BOSTON MASS. Zip Gi mnwtunettltl1 of 11° anzatlitffie'tta HAHR.SHIRE ss. /tl PETER MCERLAIN HEALTH AGENT CITY—HALL NORTHAMPTON , MASSACHUSETTS greeting. Vou are hereby wwmmaubtb, ist the name of The Gout to neaith of Massachusetts, to appear before the_ _.SllPER19R._. Court._ holden at _ NORTHAMPTON within and for the county of 1 day of JANUARY, 1984 a/ on the br __. _. 10: 00 o'clock in the_ forenoon, and front day to day thereafter, until the action is beard bt said Court, to give etidence of what you know relating to an action then and there to be heard and tried between U Plaintiff , and ...RQa«RT...A. 6USHEY, ET AL Defendant , and ....P..&..6...LC.Y£...TRllS.T,...«T ALS are further required to bring uith.you.-..all records of flooding from culvert gig-Y property near Cooke Avenue , in Northampton, Massachusetts HAMPSHIRE hereinafter named of lou on erruf fail lint, as sou will .nmrrr your default under the pains and penalties in the tau vn that behalf made and provided. 14trbut Spr,ingfield... A. D. 1984 . DTE: Please call Attorney artinelli before coming to ourt. 1-413-781-5311 2ctn ,...day of January L144&& f;.. ? t y , Now) Faber—HuXXX.XA XXX MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 10/22/87 . S . Thomas Martinelli , I 17 .......,HAMPSHIRE .. agent for the Bo Q3n .. PETER,MCW.-.erN Board of Health of Northampton "' City Hall, Northam . Northampton, Massachusetts -''- gPl[ are (irrriflf regiflrP�1 in the name of the COMMONWEALTH OF Greeting: fare the.......Superior ..AinSSA ....... . . ._.. .Court Hampshire us cH errs, to appear Whin and for the County o ... Ham "3' h ?P..00 of .......pshire... ...... on the. .....3°th ......da o at . ........... Idea thampton . . .........o clock in the........ .... Fore ... ..........day ... . .... ....noon, of t......he`!c?ion h ..... .. ..... and from ....... 1984 beard by said Court, to ..... day to day thereafter. until the ..... give evidence of what you know relating to an action of... ...... action hereinafter named at en and there to be heard and tried between... . . . TO.RT ROBERT D ..... .. .... _. . BUSHEYr....et al _ _ ._. i you are further required to bring with you & ahl racprdATRUST, et als ""' ..Defendant Defendant ...to Big y Market,, Northampton plaza concerning Massceu dettxefor ....................abatement of nuisance caused Jr)plaza, and for ..................._..... .................................b}'..flooding 1979 ................ ....................... .............................._and 1980. *trenf fail nut as you will answer your default under the pains and penalties in the law in that behalf 'e and provided r0 at ...... ....... ... aatbamp.Wn._......... . the..........L...Y. ...........day of...... t /'/. . �-';�y{. ���'i�i�j �/ _ .... ........... .... . .........A. D. 19.64 A 495 Hoa55 a vywBRE plrvc. PU eusHERS g ,* �'G � -�c/fd'yj%� Edward M. OoBrien-..._...._.............._.........74Y70caj.YYappprX Return to S. Thomas Martinelli, Esquire Notary Public 1387 Main Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01115 (IInmmnnmrttlfff of ti:ttssttrlfnsrifli DUCES TECUH (SHORT FORM) .-1.„ �h4