91 Complaints 1978-2003 'A D. a O'CONNELL, R.N. VicFatAIN, Pea(th Agent CFEY of NORTIH/CV:V MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN *1H r 01060 TEL(913) 694-9071 TO CORII T VIOLATIONS OF ARTICLE II OF THE STATE SA:'ITARY CODE " MINIMUM STANDARDS NESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT 91 South Street, Northampton, Ma. ADDRESSED TO: Edward P. Goll, Inc. North Hatfield Realty 237 Mwi„u Street Nort ar�'.,on Ma. Otr .0 OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: DATE July 11, 1978 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma traduceo deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos drain. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Quasto e un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: AUTO CLVOL EVa OTI11aVTLHO VOULXO EYYPQV'O. nnocIEL Va ertfpcaoEL Ta. VOt}LHa octg EtxatwuctIa. MaopetTE Va D rtaDETE UETaLopaaTI UUTOU TOU EYYPU `VOU OTLO TO l Board of Health, Northampton, Mass. 210 vain Street -- Tel. No. $8:-9071 ices at -t`.-1pten ^.o a:�d of ';e alth '.:_s inspected the n. c...._ The '•�� So- fa-pton (assessor's reap , _t= 1.0 _.) , for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed which are serious enough as to materially endanger or materially impair the safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General Taws, ,icle II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good ?ffort to correct the following violations within Twenty-four (24) hours from to of receipt of this order. - - tion Violation Common Bathroom is not being maintained in a sanitary condition. Bathtub, washbasin, floor and toilet are extremely dirty. Inadequate and inoperative lighting through- out the building.. Reined Clean bathroom and fixtures every 24 hours. provide & maintain sufficient light for all hallways, foyers, staircases: and rooms contain- ing toilets, wash- basins, and shower: Please note that this is the second notice of this violation. As of neglect a 0 P.M. Monday, July 10, the violations had not been corrected. Any ring beforewthe Clerk of the Health ofsHampshire aCount. X11 order .ring If you have any questions, feel free to call this office. Thank ydu, in advance, for your cooperation. :rtified e'gik;igi#I Mail # 234431 Very truly yours, Richard J. Puncochar Housing inspector Rear' ne sins n v � To .odf cs t i� > _ - r - a petition �,n have the right orrson must file in t be led .,n .,n a modification,then, a Health. p t_ti - accai before the Board of accordance with the regulations below: rhas been served pursuant except for an eenr issued after ono hpsn whom any provided , person me persons this code (except have been satisfied) ; p- ,ry riulatt5 Regulation 33 . 2 s after the day the requirements of be filed within seven day net ition must er vas served; (s) or other person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector =_onnel of the board of health: st any premises as required underr this�n ruche. be filed � to inspect u��- such -=etition must n or code; provided,section was requested ;ete ; code; after issue ins as required by this days after to vided a report on an inspection ri within thirty daY ) »rovided , such petition must be filed the inspection; or violations of this Article where to exist or to certify that a S ) such an inspection are claimed find endanger at or mate- rially violation or mbe atiomed of the combination of violatioandma may rialltiin ar safety, such petition must be occupy is of the health or provided, filed of the trediye s; t of the inspection filed within thirty days after receipt or Regulation 33 .1; provided, euired by g ionr33 1; p after ve ,4) an order as ust be filed within to issue that such petition receipt of the inspection report. or any person person upon whom this order has been served the failure of the -inspector to perform as aenumeraed Any hearing eved by right to be represented at a has the rig at said hearing. r has a right to appear Public Documents All relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices other documentary information in the possession of the Board of th are are open for inspection and may be copied for a fee. Remedies ands the Inspection Report contains brief Housing summary of some Code violations order subjects the person Part of use in this order also nor with than ten ($10. 00) dollars,comply al remedies tenants may not less rected. Failure to s fat lered to a criminal f($500) dollars for each day _e than five hundred (55 :,h this order. SLTH LL,R.N. , Health Agent i T VIOLATIONS OF ARTICLE II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE " MINIMUM STANDARDS JR HUMAN HABITATION" AT 91 South Street, Northampton, Ma. DATE June 0 1 8 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 TEL.(413)584.9071 SED TO: Edward P. Coll Inc. North Hatfield Re alt 237 Main street 01060 5-947-53,10 Northam ton Ma- NSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED T0: ortant legal documept. It may affect your rights. You may This is an imp obtain a translation of this form at: odes afectar os sous 1st° a um documento legal muito importante q ue P direitos. Podem adquirir uma traducrao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Quest° a un document° legate imPortanta• Potrebbe avere effetto sui ub ottenere una traduzione di quest° modulo a: suoi diritti. Lei p Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afacte sus derechos. Lid. Puede adquirir una traduction de este forma en: aVZLXO VO{1Lx0 EYYPa�O• I1noOCL Va Y AUTO ELV0.L E'0. OTIR ' • ta. AfrtOPE./ Va 5 L xa L Wlul ETLTIPE�EL Ta VOl1LHa - -' ' • ' ROPEZE }1E Ta pP6O =T o° Too EYYPacpooy art° TO O � 9 - /5 .A y �i • ) ; - ..% � � Y y :%r --1- i 1. � 1 �, t�� fro: ,11 a L j , a' 1 I 1 ty , Board of Health, Northampton, -ss. `r LIT J 4- 210 Math Street -- Tel. No. 5' 4 The Northampton Board of th Street Health has inspected the premises at Northapton (assessor' s map 91 Sou •) , For compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary This letter will certify that the inspections serious enough as to materially endanger or materially impair the revealed violations, listed iich are safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General pod, State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good to correct the following violations within e of receipt of this order.- - - .cle II of the Twenty-four (24) hours from Violation Common bathroom is not being maintained in a sanitary condition. x Iatthtt b, washbasin, floor and toilet are e Inadequate and inoperative lighting through- out 7.7 out the building. Remed Clean bathroom and fixtures every 24 hours. Provide & maintain sufficient light for all hallways, foyers, staircases, and rooms containing s/Oiab washbasins, and showers If you have any questions, feel free to call this office. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Richard J. Puncochar Housing Inspector Hearin!" To seek a modification of an order. a petition Bona modification,the right to mngt be filed on ar a mbeforeathe apeofoH must file in sh acing before the Board of Health. accordance with the regulations below: served pursuant whom any order has been issued after except for an order provided, person or Persons u?on been of this code ( 2 have satisfied) ; p ovi y sp regulation of Regulation 3i• seven days after the day requirements u must be filed within net it ter (s) other ,,.as served; inspector (s or or �person aggrieved by the failure of any sonnel of the board of health: premises as recuired under this -:etition must be filed within thirty days to inspect upon request any provided, such or code; P section was requested ; this code; after such ins_ is s after to issue a such on an inspection e filed as required t it ) provided, such petition must be filed within thirty Y violations of this Article where the inspection; or that a to find certify mate- ` ) upon vi inspection claimed to exist or to endanger that such violation roe mbe violations may bang of the combination health or safety, and well-being violation or the helth provided, such petition must be really impair Premises; of the inspection fileda wit of the days after receipt filed within thirty Y report; or Regulation 33 .1; Provided, such petition must be filed within an order as required by g ern thirty days after e 'b) suc to issue that receipt of the inspection report- served or any person upon whom this order has been as any Any person P ins ector toepr perform any adverse ted .ehad by the failure of represented at a has a right appear at said hearing.� has a right to app Publics notices inspection or investigation reports, orders, information in the possession of the Board of All relevant and may be copied for a fee. other dopumeftrry th are open for inspection a. Remedies and Penalties of some contains a brief summary Report in order to get Housing Code violations of the Inspection subjects the person Part tenants to may use in order also tslt e person al remedies comply with this ten ($10. 00) comply �rected. Failure to Ofine of not less than + s failure � to le ltd than a five criminal ($500) dollars for each day -e t7.an ordernundred (55 th this .,,,,-----' ) i . - SHY _...----) _...------- 1/ .--------- __„...-------'----- .-.---- _,-.------'"-..)" ____ in7 , 0 losasta 0 ''' --- 3,soa ___ -----riatiar vacito 511\ I° alga „----C--77/ -II- „---,---, 7frz — 11 . --SA ttni31 _._...------ --- ----ol V ARV ---------,, - --- -------- ________T..--...—. --------2— ' ' _----,--gg- __..------i;T:)- ' --- ---rlc'elp C'rar ' , , totlswari -- ...-------- gaglutala ° • alnIVA ------------ - Itiveld'ai°D 10 /„......„--_--..---- A.. i , tssldw°3 - -. .„-- -7,iif ttre io Vitt+ -----A91 „_-------- .--,/ - /----- SSIVria. 0035:8- Trill IS° . card OS . n AO 113:11.3 'BOARD OF I-MALT% CITY emu' co cetmt T RECORD Date:---•' • Name of t _/'"...._..-_ Tel..-�"-� Complainant Nature of �aplamt Location of Premises Owner - ddress —" _ B --(I . '., - Referred ta., Occupant r .__, ._ u Tittle-- Taken f rose.-. _— _J--� Date of inspection INSPECTORS REPORT - Action Taken -- Inspector c Or ..(Jr. . ,='---, tTON NSF C;_I.S.-.;TS D. n F Hr - OFF- OF T N. _ AL }4 _O%.ii LD OF I-= .T 21O ]'.a1;< ST '}60 r 556-6950 E>.t . 214 VIOLATIONS Or CHAPTER 11 OF TEE STATE SANITARY CODE °I11N101 STANDARDS OF INAS1TAII(N" AT 91 South St. , Northampton, Ma. 01060 TO: 237 Magnet Northam ton Ma. 01060 ECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: DATE August 21 _1980___ Donna Ruder 91 South Street tn„r s ntn6n portant legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation umento legal muito inportante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir at: deste documento de: sst vn ouvez pourrait affecter vos dr oa is. Vous p important taut document T traduction 8e 'cette forme ae legal. I1 documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi drr ttr. Le pub traduzione di queSto modulo a: locumento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir esta forma en: .on de e-= ;io z e sz two e upraimienia. ne 7egal ny dokument. To mote mi ec wp15 na ] tego dokumentu w ofisie: uzyskac Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, lass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The For t':.e pi on Eoald of 7'-' aith 1cas inspected the p : e : •CS at 1:o rth:-ngt on (a sscS5" ' S nap 31D_____.- 91 South Stree t� Northampton _ 138 _. ), for compliance with Chapter 11 of The State- Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations , listed ich are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, nd well-being of the occupants . 6Eneral Laws , Under authority of Chapter 111 , Section 127 of the 'ass. er 11 of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the y repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete on, within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this order, the follow- ations: REMEDY VIOLATION ON A(1) handles to faucet at kitchen replace sink are broken refrigerator leaks fluid repair cover platemissing off replace electric switch in kitchen 2 cracked windows in apartment repair _ 3 electric plugs not functioning repair 1 in apartment ray be of any further assistance do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, . ca .L4) Richard A. Comely Code Enforcement Inspector 'pied Mail # 864357 nts Cure Apt. ik m 410.150 een 1200 S 14 CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE Occupant's Name # of Dwelling Units__ P M Ik Habitable Rooms_ Address of Owner # of Stories li Bedrooms Violations old Ovate ains Violations en 410.100 u£ficient size rator ectrical light fixture ndow) (mechanical) 'f icient •ressures door & windo connection & drains Violations ith light Violations or Dinin_ Room or one with light) ag Loom oral 1 utlet Re:ulat Violations uate upant? Room #2 Mt Mral 'Letti 1 utlet equate ccu pant? Rom natural lighting s adequate occupant? on Area & Exit (Inter io area Illuminated 'a iathroom ,non Area & Exit (Exter ion ain hts ork'ng and available acilities in good r th_ nted ulation Violations ry rodents ita aneous Inspector Date cheduled reinspection is: Date Title Time Time • BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Complainant -01.t.i---11 /1.—.k.. .L-- ' Name of Address .1...---_-....-.--,-2-----;-- Tel. Nature of Complaint .---= ------- • 4-7-,. / Location of Premises .. /-.--_- Owner _ Address o Taken Referred to.------ Date of inspection - Time- INSPECTOR'S Action Taken Inspector C;9LSi TS or:)r= or 7HE 5OARD OF Y.EeLTH 21 C' .0 _T..=ET isnoo Tet Fti.l$_. a 586-6950 Ext . 214 lOLAT70NS OF CHAF1ER 11 OF THE STATE Ek aTAR? CODE ° %1NIYUM STE' .RDS OF Mass. ,-_B1 T°`- 7O ° .4T. __ _-91 South_St. ,. Northamgton�._ �di Goll-- • h..n •. w 11.1 PION REPORTS ISSUED TO: DATE__Aagu ?1,-1960.---'- Mary coffbla _ 91 South Street I rtant legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation odera afectar os seus air eitos . Podem adquirir onto legal molt° impor tome q ue P ste document° de: - Vous pouv ez un important document legal. II P ourrait effecter vos droits. eduction ae cette forme a: pub :umento 7egale importante Potrebbe avere effetto sua suoi dir ittl. Lei raduzi ene di quest° modulo a: umento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir de esta forma en: legalnY dokument. To mole maec wply" na Tuoje vpr awnieni a. =go dobumentu v=Piste: `iozesz uzyskac Board of Health 210 Bain Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 ie Northampton ?oand of health has inspected the premises at Northampton (assessor's z la--St— --FL °rchampcon , for compliance with Chapter lI of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations , lasted :h are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, d well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111 , Section 127 of the Mass . GeGeral Laws, II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to ma1e a good art to correct the following violations within twenty-four (24) hours date of receipt of this order. REMEDY VIOLATION N _ watercloset not working 1st floor rear repair soil pipe leaking in shower stall 1st repair floor rear The gcr;'..anpi on Eool d of '.= a) th has ins ccted the )a eri es at ):or thanpi on (riser sor' s *ap _31,D—__— ith_.Stseete,_ Nnrthampton — L9i , ), for conpliance with Chapter 11 of The Stale- Saritary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed ich are serious enough as to endanger or r.aterially impair the health, nd well-being of the occupants. Under Under authority of Chapter 111 , Section 727 of the 'lass . General Laws, er 11 of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete on, within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this order, the follow- a ti ons: ON L 0 10 50 REMEDY VIOLATION door bell not working due to open wires in common hall repair sash cord in room jammed so repair window will not operate paint chipping in hall ceiling and woodwork and in bathroom sink in common bath 1st floor midway repair down hall leaks tiles missing off walls in tub area 1st replace floor bath midway down hall hole in wall foot of tub for plumbing cover hole. remove chipping faucet to sink in rear 1st floor bathroom leaks continuously repack faucets 5' DO light in ceiling in 1st floor repair bathroom rear of building not working may be of any further assistance do not hesitate to notify this office. Very truly yours Richard Comely Code Enforcement Inspector ified Mail ii 864357 I ntS :turn n 410.150 t ea Apt. 41 CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE Occupant's Name_ # of Dwelling Units_ E M # Habitable Rooms_ Address of Owner_ Nc ) een 1200 Regulation .19Q .150 A 1 .150 A 2 .150 A 3 ib :old .350 A # of Stories__ # Bedrooms Violet ons .280 A or B nnection Violations :n 410.100 icient size ik .1QQ A 1 .100 A 2 wen refr erato electrical li:ht fixture ical rn (window) mechanical es (sufficient .ressu .251.6 door connect ng Room indo on 6 drains Violations th li:ht) rindo Violations It or Dinin: Room (2 or one with li:ht) .480E C Loom ura Re_ulat ton Violations li•hti utlet .2518 uate upant? Room #2 Mural lightin 1 atlet .250A .251 B :quate :cupant? ng Room #3 natural lighting outlet .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 .250 A dequate occ cupant? in Area & Exit (Interio area Illuminated .500 .500 .042 ath clean mon Area Exit (Exterto LOU rubbish wa s and down stouts Lint hts .253B o king and available is ilitres in good 64 t nted It ulation Vio at ons trvice ade rodents Lta aneous Inspector Date :heduled reinspection is: Date Title Time Time a.m. o.m. m. BOARD OF HEALTH 3 /P CITY HALL PBr t 98 COMPLAINT RECORD Name of n,Pijc Complainant /11 5.C-r? Address Nature si Comp aint/°x,/ NtZCrVAYS at/lsvc zY Em 0,471"Location of Premises /GfffJt L- Owner Address /5 - Da e laAy,F�f' <Atz9 Time J n eF+ Av' Tel. /r Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT CJrN cc eniac ea ecim so.o ,r Cy CL) tst F«CC enlNRS kk ANeo i G,;-Nait c-'t7s Referred to Time Action Taken (3/LPG PE/ BJH�prey(OJ GE7•i O✓�P t0,4'/m0 el:lc m �mN�omvo aRY RP. ) - v CFJ e6 ( c r oj4rrnaca (corer vr<n ne..E Insp Cy) attic I1At /rs;Alp wsc LAO e rs Aze Nor. CetRAOC",rA`- st b'0E EA, r £.c—rCioR con[pi A✓O ivt EP,e2 L.i7 / </-`niS 9R_` CG) PC A✓r t^"t/"c'e EPIIY L(c r" ii .oaf 151E/7 7/PNA& b) ERG ET Egic-p OR ENf.2Y LRCK S CC-tit.// FP e e cc,Cir c=8 Nn%E i R/P/v r. 00 r=No-- f/cc it(i eF'cCe :Ctrr"YAM CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 aavman MD. SONS OFFICE OF THE N. isalth Aym BOARD OF HEALTH ER"MINIMUMR STANDARDS T OF FITNESS FOR EHUNAN O HABITATION E.A 4'TO CORECT T�\ITAR 91 South Streets Northampton, MA 91066_. ---- rE: OctobSS DER TO: Michael. A. Pushkin. Jr_ ----- - 15 Leenc Terrace - -- - - --'"-- Florence, MA UlOti _.-------- 210 MAIN STEW' 01060 (413)5866950 Ext.213 iPIES OF REPORT TO his is an important legal document . It may affect your rights . ou may obtain a translation of this form a ;eus direidtos . Podeme adquirir uma t radgao deste documentoc der os be suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait effecter cos droits . Vous poucez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: _ ---- Questo e un documento legale importante . Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei p "uu ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante . Puede que afecte sus direchos . lid. Puede adquirir una traducci6n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalnY dokument . To moze miec wplyw na twoJe uprawnienia . Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie : Northampton JBoardi of Street Health City Hall , MA 01060 Northampton, Tel ( 413 ) 386-6950 > 2l4 Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 31D 91 South Street _, Northampton ( assessor' s map el 198 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State .tary Code . letter will which are serious enough as to endanger or ted eri below, and well-being of the erially impair the health , safety, upants . er authority of Chapter Ili , Section 127 of the Massachusetts era( Laws , and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code , you are thy ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the .lowing violations within TWENTY FOUR HOURS of the receipt this order : CON LOWING VIOLATIONS MUST BE CORRECTED WITHIN TWENTY FOUR HOURS - Both 1st & 2nd floor common shared by occupants of more cf% bathrooms at are insanitary .oi , ains , than one dwelling or rooming „,w. Accumulation of soil , unit must be cleaned & main- )F & dust indicate inadequate tamed by the owner. Fixtures maintenance . must be cleaned at least once every twenty four hours . VIOLATION REMEDY Hallways , stairwells , and ,(.n laundry room show accumula- tion of soil/dust which indi- cate a lack of maintenance . Owner responsible for mainte- nance of all common areas . These areas must be cleaned as often as is necessary to keep these areas sanitary. d_LOWING VIOLATIONS MUST BE CORRECTED WITHIN FOURTEEN DAYS : exterior Install an approved 53 ht entry light for the front entry . Repair all light fix- tures noted that are not operational at this time . -( 1 ) Front exterior entry lacks an approved entry y li . ( 2 ) Front interior entry light is not operational . ( 3 ) Side exterior entry light is not operational . ( 4 ) Side interior entry light is not operational . 14) ( 5 ) Back hallway & stairwell interior lights are not opera- tional . .1 ( 1 ) 1st floor bathroom shower „`� ceiling with peeling paint . (2 ) Bathroom tiles along -°°j walls around the toilet and on pa the outside shower wail lmaree loose and detaching wall surface. /44 ( 31 Y shower wall on which exposes L the plumbing lines. Ca ( 4 ) Fiberglass wall ( Right) is loose and separating from the wall itself. ( 5 ) Laundry room flooring tiles are deteriortated and in need of repair in front of the laundry units . C'% ( 61 Laundry room ceiling tiles show excessive vem damage from water seepage ( 11 Scrape and refinish th shower ceiling . ( 2 ) Repair deteriorating areas of these walls . s ( 3 ) Repair this hole so that plumbing is covered and wall is waterproof . ( 1 ) Repair wall area where the fiberglass is separating . should have any questions regarding 3rd of Health office . r❑k}• yours', //5 R. Kocher(' try Inspector zmpton Board of Health fed Mail P if 688 859 732 ( 5 ) Repair deteriorated area of the laundry room floor . ( 61 Locate & repair source of water seepage . Then nsle- place damaged ceiling his abatement order, contact Name of "C Complainant p,rc es Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date 14' Time Nature of Complaint Location of Premises Owner Address Occupant z 6 tS/')T P.O Taken by Date of inspection r Referred Yo //3)/i7/ 77 Time z �'O M (12 INSPECTOR'S REPORT RFTFIGftf7GR 1•N/[.1ii,'G 7/,y; Action Taken .._ c<Lilll/Fi Inspect /l"V! T. SE}/7- ZA�9/ IL/OdS/nlc (2 —Printed on Recycled Paper— j6N r D OF HEALTH OYCE.Chairman EENNY.MD. .R.PARSONS McEP.LADI.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01050 (4131 5866950 Ext.213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: i 91 South Street. Northampton, DATE: February 1 . 1991 MA 01060 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Michael A. Pushkin. Jr . COPIES OF REPORT TO: 2 Burts Pit Road Northampton , MA 01060 Deborah Horton 91 South Street Apt. 42 Northampton. MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podere afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel # : ( 413 ) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 91 South Street , Northampton (assessor' s map 31D parcel 198 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough dase enanger or materially impair the health, safety, g occupants. Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code , you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within TWENTY FOUR HOURS of the receipt of this order: ATION VIOLATION 51 Owner supplied refrigerator in Apartment #2 is not maintain- ing acceptable refrigeration. Temperature reading of 63 °F ( 45 °F or less required) 81 No notice posted anywhere on premises indicating owner( s) name, address, and telephone number. truly yours , i E. Kochan Lary Inspector hampton Board of Health inspect' n report lties perjury. is signed and IFIED ORD # P 890 359 819 REMEDY Repair or otherwise replace this refrigerator so that acceptable temperature is maintained within the unit . Properly post a notice on the premises which adheres to 410.481 requirements and which offers tenants an immediate response contact in case of emergency. Answering services do not meet this requirement. (A copy of this regulation is included) certified under the pains and April 10, 2003 Board of Health City of Northampton Northampton,MA 01060 Sir: Ref: 1) 105 CMR 410.000: Minimum standards of fitness for human habitation 2)National Electrical Code(NEC) On March 31, 2003, I was helping a person move out of 91 South Street, Apt 2 when I noticed the following building code violations: The protective railing o the porch landing was loose. (105 CMR 410.503) Windows screens(105 CMR 410.482) on the first floor that open directly to the outside were missing. Smoke Detectors(105 CMR 410.482) in apartment 2 were missing the body/inner pieces. When looking at the control panel fro the smoke detector that was located out in the hallway, the power light was on. I followed the primary smoke detector wire that led into apartment 2, and noticed that the wire came into the closet attached with wire lugs and more wire was just hanging loosely. There should have been a standard (junction)box in accordance with(NEC Article 370, and the wire should be inside a raceway. The wire came back into the inoperative smoke detector. Around the kitchen sink,the outlet did not have a circuit-fault circuit-interrupter(GFCI). I also observed the bathroom with no GFCI(NEC, Article 210-8). The name of the building owner is not posted in the hallway(105 CMR 410 481). The main door stays open and is not equipped to close and lock automatically with a lock. The person that lived at apartment#2 for over 12 years told other items to me, but I could not confirm them: A) Bathroom door jury-rigged so it will not lock the person in. B) Mold down cellar near the electrical control panel. C) Back door will not lick, allowing other persons inside the house. `�avro Ki nrfu� Massachusetts Environmental Police Officer P(3) 3‘-7-00/1 3/6 Tarxt / 414 1401.74%ur, IW- 0/301 I BOARD OF HEAD � r4�0�� CITY HALL u © ,1dWr COMPLAINT RECORD Date:;e7///G3 Time: el-:c'c" :," I Map:3/D Parcel: i cj? Name of Complainant: 0n O t/ibti/.' (11/A a-mA fri65J/3G7 // Address: 3/G 7-w/,,zit:My s ge'h'J Tel: /).e/tr9e-eg„M„7 0 'sG/ NATURE OF COMPLAINT: Luis'/Ne,StseEn,l.a, flletne. fSVSS- 3-EEGb77te - Location: 9/ SC,2-7//St,,tc, y/7z' Owner: , 1?JrWREt- H . /-Z'SflXIV Address: 2 do.;-y Pit Xc*D TeCSFi/-c-ra/ Atafirnrirjafr,4 CAcc-a Taken by: DL5e I Date of Inspection: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: .., 4i ,& .i. iLN: r. fV z S "A.LC u/ cvM G fe25 AC ? fC /7O OA[SSn//6/' R'5/„( A-C-Ai (L:/C :n) Cgr/2A, °'AA't n4 ii c.....< 0,27”iSsLCS -W/u Ln,e- hi Acpc/✓re rtY'_°SCT tEr«,: a/,t ,,.,v/,-etc' MOI S Pho,onnr.n even B.„YES Action Taken: Inspector Sign tire ,.//i/51.:G hji s c