75 Complaints 1988-1991 Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date Fr -62- %14,- s% - 639) Tel urn@ 7S Sawa& Nature of Complaint Location of Premises /,�/./�� n Owner 7l c +""Quit /ir'. Address � Ca9- a- Occupant Taken by Pike- si -PwNi" { S'8 eferred to �f�'�O.. ( 1u Date of inspection Tab) / J `-' � Time �/�I INSPECTOR'S REPORT Action Taken nspector ss CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE if Occupants Apt. # of Structure Occupant's Name Ik of Dwelling Units # of Stories B F M 1k Habitable Rooms Ik Bedrooms Address of Owner PQ,I o -3 - fr . Bathroom 410.15U tteguiacion ViULd dater between 1200 & 1406 .1913 - ,( itL4tz„c-C (,V-} , ^^� [�' =_t and seat .150 A(1) - 'j at a-P7,.. q ii� basin .150 A(2) ' n' er or tub .150 A(3) icient cold water .350 A r .500 s .500 ing .500 .500 t .252 A ilation .280 A or B bing connection & drains .350 Kitchen 410.100 Regulation Violations hen sink sufficient size .1QQ A(1) e and oven .100 A(2) e for refrigerator .100 A(3) tlets (electrical) .251 B electrical light fixture .251 A s .500 ing .500 T .500 ilation (window) (mechanical) .251.6 water (sufficient pressures) ,350 A water .190 lows .500 s .500 :ens (door & window) .551 & .552 thing connection & drains .350 Living Room Regulation Violations Lets (2 or one with light) .251 B sting .251 A Ls .500 Ling .500 )r .500 lows .500 Bens .551 cs (windows) - .480 E Pantry or Dining Room Regulation Violations lets (2 or one with light) .251 B hting .251 A Is .500 ling .500 or .500 dow .500 eens .551 ks .480 E Ting Room 41 ;[ natural 1 h or 1 th 1 outlet R anon .250 A 251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 Violations adequate it occupant? e•in: Room #2 ant natural lijht ing is or 1 ith outlet .250 A .251 B 251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 ,e adequate or occupant? le ]-ng Room #3 ient natural lightin ets or ith outlet .250 A .251 B .251 A are adequate for occupant? Common Area & Exit (Interior for area ted ws ns rs rwa on s bathroom clean Common Area & Exit (Exterio ne hes idation e & rubbish late ters and f d pai down s.outs hts sera' Regulation Violations ices orkin g and available ing facilities in good and 6 r 120° to 1400 es vented Ater - proper y wiring Al service adequate and rodents i sanitary scellaneous .200 700 A A A 190 107 700 R 256 755 ssn 607 & 457 Inspector y/tl Da e xt scheduled reinspection is: Title Time a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Date Time OF HEALTH 'CE,Chcitmzn SNNY, M D. . Parsons cERLAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 Tel. (4131 X 586-6950 Ext. 214 :DRRECT VIOLATIONS OP CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF Mt HUMAN HABITATION" AT RESSED TO: John Czeropawicz Frank Kuzdeba K-C Realty Trust • ... I Florence, MA 01060 INSPECTION REPORTS DATE April 5, 1988 f an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation form at: am documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direites. Podem adquirrr dusao deste documento de: ante est un important document legal. I1 pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouve une traduction de cette forme a: pad e un documento legale importance. Potreboe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Ler 'e una traduzione di questo modulo a: un documento legal importance. Puede que afecte sus derechos. lid. Puede adauir it aduccion de esta forma en: �-- t wazne legalny dokumen[. To mole mice wplyw na twoje uprawnieni a. Mozesz uzyskac zenie tego dokumentu w ofisie: Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The Northampton Board of Health has Northamptond(assessor's at sor's map uth Street 188 .), for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This [ter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, which are ,y, and well-being of Under authority Chapter II of The h effort to the date of receipt of this order. VIOLATION Excessive water ILLATION the occupants. of Chapter 111, Section State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered correct the following violations within 127 of the Mass. General Laws, to make a good twenty-four (24) hours REMEDY Adjust hot water F water temperature 156 heater so that 190 temperature does not exceed 130°F olations listed below must be corrected within 14 days of the receipt of this Provide larger supply of hot water - provide 30 i d ing peak use, large hot water tank to generate larger hot.water supply as needed. Provide additional lighting on rear p orch and provide so as to illuminate the rear exterior stairway. Provide additional storage container or more frequent refuse removal service. Inadequate supply of hot water - tank empties- during leaving only cold water. Inadequate lighting on rear t53 common porch, the only light is- operate by 1st floor tenant. No lighting on exterior stair- way to the parking lot. Inadequate. refuse storage :600 capacity - refuse over tfia two existing containers . you.hava any question concerning this notice please contac and of Healtho your anticipted cooperation. ank you for y .ry_ truly yours 1 h ARent the Northampton Certified Mail P 694762957 it is letter is to inform you that as of Jlune 1, 1988• ur rent will be $ Lh O O .0 FA- moth ,ur Security Deposit will Stay the same. you have any question , plea5e contact u5 at 369-+223 r 584-5910 fQD , /6i : April 29, 1988 hank you, Pita-a-kiworeba fohn. CzeraPowica_ 11/5/91 MCERLAIN: MARILYN HOWE 75 SOUTH ST. MA 01060 NORTHAMPTON, BJECT: HEATING SYSTEM COMPLAINT IS LETTER IS IN RESPONSE TO THE LETTERS YOU HAVE RECEIVED :OM MARILYN HOWE COMPLAINING OF THE HEAT IN HER N APARTMEN OTHER T EAST WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT THERE HAVE FROM OUR DMPLAINTS FROM ANY OF THE OTHER TENANTS. SECONDLY, NSPECTIONS OF THE BUILDING OF 11/4 AND 11/6 WE FOUND THAT [ISS HOWE HAS LEFT HER BACK PORCH WINDOW OPEN. THIS IS DONE iE PRESUME BECAUSE OF HER CATS COMING AND GOING. THIS WILL :ERTAINLY AFFECT THE LEVEL OF HEAT IN HER APARTMENT. IN THE PAST WE HAVE ALSO FOUND THE BACK PORCH DOOR LEFT OPEN WHICH WOULD ADD TO ANY LASS OF HEAT CAUSED BY LEAVING A WINDOW OPEN IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. WE HAVE ALSO S MONITORED ORED FOUND THAT THERMOSTAT SETTINGS ON A REGULAR SOMETIMES THE THERMOSTAT IS MOVED FROM THE TEMPERATURE WE HAVE IT SET AT. LETTERS HAVE GONE OUT TO ALL THE TENANTS INSTRUCTING THEM NOT TO TOUCH THE THERMOSTAT. AGAIN MAD K WOULD SURD LIKE TO SAY THAT WE ARE DOING EVERYTHING WE CAN THE SYSTEM RUNS PROPERLY, AND IT IS RUNNING PROPERLY. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT EITHER NK KUZDEBA AT 369-4223 OR MYSELF AT 564-5910. THANK YOU. .. REALTY 3N C h POWIC Name of Complainan Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date /� ' Time y.W 19/22 C<i Tel. ^– U'- /% / � . Nature of Complaint y /rALocation-of oc Premises )sremises Owner Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR' REPORT x_ i!^v:.P.+P(Z*t[ 1 4_ / I Referred to Time i AA& e / 7f Action aken en F' Idld>'ctor • -,l)�INGf� Qty-- —Printed on Reacted Paver- .u'.}:r a. nt Ana= ID. )NS I.Health A9nc1 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSAC19 SflTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (4101 5666950 En.219 TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY R "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN IiAu'.TATIOii AT : South Street, Northampton October 7= 1991 -R-...0.- Trust Realty John Czerap0wicz_ Frank Kuzdeba P.O. Box 232 Florence, MA 01060 E : PIES OFT TO Marilyn Howe Apt 1-R 75 South Street, 01060 Northampton your r:=5 " his is an important legal document . It may affect form at: bu may obtain a translation of this ortante quo podera afectar o' memento legal muito imp document° de: seas e ei os. _ it uma trades.° deste Podem adqu' r' sous direitos . I1 pourrait traduction de cette Le suivante est un important document legal . Vous pouvez obtenir une effecter -.'°s droits • forme a: Quest° e un document° legale sui suoi diritti . Lei pub m odulo a: importante . Potrebbe avere effectto ottenere una traduzione di quest° sus Puede quo afecte en: uirir una traduccidn de este forma Este es un document° le3a! imp°rtan e . d; rechos • Ud. Puede adq To moze miec wplpw na twoJe u jest wazne document. too doprawnieni a. Mozesz zesz u kumentu w ofisie :zyskac tlumaczenie legalny Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 e 14 Tel r : ( 413) 586-6950 . _ Northampton Board of has inspected the premises at et Northampton iassessor' s map :e1 lot 188 for compliance with Chap ter ii of The State .tart Code . violations ted will certify that the inspections revealed tee- serious enough as to endanger or below , which are isafety,e and well-being of the erially impair the health - up ants . of the Massachusetts Chapter III , Section 127 Code you are ;.- ler authority of ap f the State Sanitary t the ': sera. Laws , and Chapter good faith effort to correct receipt to ma a`3 24 hours of the mob ordered within.lowing violations wi this order : ION CIOL'"I ' Inadequate beat throughout Apt 1R as follows: 66°F in living room, 65°F in bedroom, 65°F in kitchen at 10:00 a.m. October 7, 1991, radiators were cold. the NOTE: at time of inspection, hall thermostat read 68°F and was set at (red) 68 and (blue) 60°F have any questions concerning this notice, please contact the Board of Health report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. REMEDY Provide a minimum temperature as follows: 68°F from 7:00 a.m- to 11:00 p.m. 64°F from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. , Repair/replace or adjust thermostat/ clock to meet code temperature require- ments. inspection IFIED MAIL: #P 890 360 480 October 16, 1991 of Chapter 11 regulation 410.201 order to correct on 10-7-91 . .s is an update re Violations believe a minimum li tors re was sent an lieve . min code tyre of are is p putting out heat nor do I afternoon/evening however tomi of 68 es erovided in am to t1 pm; ours the heat temperature of 68 from 7 evening a minimum in afternoont and 13th the heat came on the apartment fan on Sunday on. (on one instance /��� y at 10 pm. ) /]�y/pei— ,0, Realty Board Of Health Teter McErlain- I . October 30, 1991 yesterday that the landlords had been in touch •lain - thermometer in ;co your l tioge y The idea was here deter ing code violation/inadequate hoda come upaon10-2 heat. one landlord dere wife on 1d-a when 10-27 when a landlord' s rtment had come am and again on I put a thermometer they t that was withheld, ht on Monday on o d0 Sunday am I also re.landlords and they on Mle ty the landlord as thought ge re. on mug a message re. on Tuesday am. $ also I tol d called you.. I would certainlw11hal. he I left the landlord they in fact proceed gotten that when he actually be better for the them doing readings if it would the focus on was not here - to keep etc. � the wife who calle��atgg or suggestions of lying, de arranged and intimidation times. ahe °from them, they can set up am the next de violation was 62. It was 64 at 9 time I do hear further m 10-28 70 The first the temperature at the 29th it was actually s they worked something At 6:15 pm on - so perhaps - not just something lM yin afternoon/evening htthe adequate regularly it order beenl�warm heat be temperature way ups My concern is that the turn the temp on put the thermometer in what seemed an ecaisinnal instance when they loving room and not right t heat e' place apartment.: bent. I P be lower.Tree : /temperature would ddefiniteld be l wer. flue yto P taring f see what lan a• windowowwhere onitoring for now and plan. .nu.e my Sincerely' 9s Ov a--o€1 (13o1 `C/L am/7