65 Complaints 1978-2005 D. CITY r:r 91( OF-ICE OP ,HE IS BOARD OF HEALTH .i 01060 vTOTATIC:S OF ARTICLE II OF TH STATE - .ILAR.Y CODE It YS LuM ST _•DS __..73S FOR HIMIAN P dr.. ?ION" AT 65 South __.. Aot6 ESSED TO: Mr, Richard Shea 137 Elm Street Northampton, ;ass, 01060 JFIES OF INSPECTION EEFOR S ISSUED TO: D+TE June_L 197B Elizabeth S. Scott 65 South Street Northampton. Mass. oin6o This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma traducao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Duesto e un documento lecale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una treduccidn de esta forma en: U,TO EL :^L 'c`:6 GlU'VTLxo VoULao EYYPaQO• flOOEL VG I i I E T;IOEC-G L TQ VO}2L7r(O. Gag 5LxaLup.aTO. M_OPELTE VQ i.= -:T QU T.OU _-.. _ � �_iOU GTO TO c♦ ✓L - 1 L — K Y J %-r-1 i i ,�jj.� t 1 , '!i �'1 '9 _� 17 J �� ] IJ i;� ern, ill' v :2- 4 i .�:9 and of 1th, r o. i--y n, ass. - _ i?� rJT JT — -t 9 - 4 210 n Street el. 0 5Su-9371 parcel 1337 •) , for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. letter viii certify that the rr_sp-ct ors revealed violations, listed belay, zhich are serials enough as to materially endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and -cell-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, S rtion 127L of the Mass. General Laws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to rake a good faith effort to correct the following violations ,.cithin Twenty-four (214) hours from the date of receipt of this order. `e;-,aLtion Violation Remedy 13.1 Kitchen ceiling fallen in due to water damage from urstairs arartment. Any further questions can be referred to this office. Thank you, in advance, for your co-operation. Veyy truly yours Richard d.. Pumtecher Housing inspector Repair ceiling-replace ceiling tile where necessary. (a) r . nt _ a _si _ f :K11 7tio , _ . _ l _i_ .9t file in wriblex ,slue etitr r cance with the rpgulaticps below: o_r persons upon whom any order- has 7 n served pursuant _ regulation of this code ( except for an order issued aftbr tire ctt er °n of Regulation 33 .2 have e - en satisfied) ; proaniad , each must be filed wi thin seven days after the day the otter inn d ; person aggrieved by the failure of any it Spector ( s) or other _el of the bard of health: to inspect uton request any premises as recuired under this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested; or n (2 ) oivisdsuede such petition musteber ofn i dias the inspection; or upon an inspection to find violations of this Article where such violation are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or mate- rially impair the health or safety, and cwell—well—being of the Occupants of the =rremays receipt of the inspection filed within thirty days after P report ; or to issue an order as required by Regulation 33 .1; provided, that such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report. - Any person upon whom this order has been served or any person aggrieved by the 'failure of the- inspector to perform as enumerated above has tarty- has a ee rig hhtio opbearepre said edhearing. earing and any adverse ( 1) (3 ) (4) Fpblic Documents All relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices and other in a the.Board of Health are open for - - - -rd Feralt re: the t e Spe d en Repo on t i a brief sum-ary of some di _ to nay axe i :der to net Housing Code violations {on s c, to - 1 y , this Dreier also subjects the person ' -. ,d to _ �cr1i 0i c � � n ten ($10. 00) dollars, nor five ttrp n , d (B.gJO) oo . s for each day' s far' ure to comply „it', this pater. _— ITY OWN DEPARTMENT __— ADDRESS TELEPHONE This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importance que podera afectar os sets direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradugao deste document() de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccidn de este forma en: AUTO ELVaL Eva 0TI¢aVTLh0 VO}SLxO cyyoaP0. MUOOEL Va EnnpEaaEL TOE vouixa aaS bLxaLwuaTa. MrzopELTE Va rzapETE }1ETaPPa0T1 aUTOU TOU EYYP P 0U alto O ii It - Ea. % s ,a s= - 0r, 2C 4 G .iiii 3�: A, 14 I ij Iii J.ro, J1- d 4 lit_ t f (WRITE IN BOARD OF HEALTH ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER ASOVE1 ARTICLE II STATE /- /�}fl�1�SANITARY CODE ADDRESS:__ � % �-i� ----____ � CCAPTNNO. FLOOR: _ NO ROOMING UNITS: BASEMENT: _—__------------_—__— NO.STORIES: __—_ _----------- DETACHED:______ TYPE STRUCTURE: ___ FRAME:_—_BRICK L.—SEMIDETACHED:_- ROO1 S: ___ _NO. OF SLEEPING ROOMS: _—____---- NO. OF HABITABl�6� � OWNER: �/ GAL.-I� a..f i _ �___ --- !j__ OCCUPANT: _ _4 NO. DWELLING UNITS: ___—_--- ADDRESS: _--1�!-F- X= VIOLATION YES NO -- aerit 5 and sanitary condition? I -- REGULATION BATHROOM 3. A(a) 3.18(a 3.1A(b) 3.18(b) 3.1A(c) 3.1BIc) imperviou 3.1 D 3.2 Are the facilities in a clean, smooth, 4.1 (9 1 &9 2) Is cold water for facilities available (with sufficient quantity)? EMS 5 1 (9. & 9 2) I Is hot water for facilities available (120 F - 140 F) ? 9.1 & 9.2 Are the facilities properly connected to drain line? Mal&9.3 Is there at least one light fixture in good repair? 7.4&9.3 Is there an electrical outlet in good repair at washbasin? 13.1 & 13.1 A Are the windows in aood repair weathertignt and fit for the use intended? IIIIIIIIIII 13.1 Are the doors in good repair and fit for the use intenaed? MS 13.1 & 13.6 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 & 13.6 8.1A&8.18 ® s Are the and walls of nonabsorbent Is I. ®� Are the exterior openings properly screened? REGULATION KITCHEN 21 Is the room suitable? e�feOiwI�INRA} Is cold water for the sink available (with sufficient quantity and pressure)? Is hot water for sink available (120 F - 140 F)? Is sink properly connected to drain lines? Is there a working stove and oven? Is the stove and oven properly connected and v=ntea? 41(9.1 &9.2) 5.1 (9.1 &9.2) 2.11b) MSS -7.2(a) 7.2(c) Are the windows (if kitchen exceeds 70 sq. ft.) equal to at teat 10%of the floor area? Are the windows in good repair,weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 & 13.1A 14.5 Are the exterior openings properly screened? 13® Are the doors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 I Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the (. - II I }iuTll�li�7���� 13.6 Is the floor imcervio and eas ly cleanable? ) I Is there adequate space and faci litres for instating of Refrigerator? I 2.11c1 � I Is there one light fixture in goad repair? I 8.1 A,8.1 B lal Is there sufficient ventilation. 9.3(a) 9.3(b) Are all owner installed appliances properly installed? Are all occupant installed appliances properly installed? 9,4 GULATION (a) i(b) I(bl 1A, 8.18(e) L1 A 3.1 3 1 3.1 4.5 REGULATION 7.1(a) 7.1(b) 7 lb) 8.1A, 8.18(e) 13.1A 13.1 13.1 13.1 14.5 11 REGULATION 7.1(a) 7.1(bl 7.1(b1 LIVING ROOM Is there sufficient natural 'l ght? Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair ixture in good repair Is there one outlet and one lign Is there proper ventilation ? Are the windows in good repalr, weather tight and fit for the use intended Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are all exterior openings screened? SLEEPING ROOM 1 {Identify) Is there sufficient natural light? A the e two separate electrical outl n good repai e er ? Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repau. Is there proper ventii ation? h w ndows in good repair, .veathertngh. and fit for the use e intended? Are t e Are the walls in good repair and it for the use intended? I Are the ceilings in good repair ana Are the floors in good repair and fit for 1 Are all exterior openings screened? 1 Is there adequate space for the number of occupa SLEEPING ROOM # 2 (Identify) Is there sufficient natural lignt? for the us he use intended? Are the two separate electrical outlets in good repair? Is there one outlet and one lignt fixture in good repair? 13 4.5 REGULATION Is there sufficient natural light? 7.1(al 7.1(b1 Are there two separate electrical outlets in good reoalr, Is there one outlet and one fight fixture in good repair? L1A1 13.1 8.181e1 AIs re e there proper s igooventilation? qre the windows in good repar,weathertight and fit for the use intended 13.1A 13.1 1 Are the walls In good repair and it for the use intended? 13.1 1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are all exterior openngs screened? Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? X=VIOLATION YES NO mended -- Is there proper ventilation! - Are the windows In good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use Intended? Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are all exterior openings screened? Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? SLEEPING ROOM 3 (IdentifY) 1 1 ;ULATIONS COMMON AREA AND EXITS common areas properly luminated at all times. X=VIOLATIONS YES iI NO Are interior Are there operational and sufficient and prooerly located light 1A 1B 5 Are the windo n good repel Are the doors in good repot tones and fixtures? weathertight and fit for the use intended? eathertight and fit for the use intended. Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? 3.3& 3.5 X8.4 18.3 18.6 a2 12.1 & 12.2 REGULATIONS 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.5 13.4 Are all common areas clean? Are the stairways in good repair and fit for the use intended Are handrails in good repair and it for the use intended? Are all required balusters or other dev lock? Is every entry door of a dwelling unit fitted with a proper Does the main entry door of a dwelling close and lock automatically. Is the building properly posted with the name of owner? Are the common bathroom facilities clean? Are there sufficient and properly maintained exits? ices In place? r,daP = WIN a- EXTERIOR Is the foundation in good repair Are the structural e,ements in good repair? Are all required hand railings and balusters in place and in good repair? Are there all or protective railings as required? Is the storage of rubbish and garbage proper (occupants)? 15.10 Are there sufficient and prooerly located recep clean and sanitary? Are the private passageways or rignts of way Are the gutters and down spouts in goad repair and fit for the use intended? .GULATIONS 1 2 1 3(al 5 .9 .8 4A 5.7 X.VIOLATIONS YES NO GENERAL -- ■�w�wt Is heat being supplied at proper terperatures. 68 F -78 FI? - Are all required facilities properly installed and ve t d? MIMI All space heaters in use meet the proper requirements? - Is there no temporary wiring in use? Location? - � , e dwelling is free at insect/rodent presence? 4.2& 14.3 The the dwelling unit maintained Ina clean and sanitary condition by the occupants? REGULATION OTHER ONE OR MORE OF THE VIOLATIONS CHECKED ABOVE IS A CONDITION `WHICH MAY MATERIALLY IMPAIR THE HEALTH OR SAFETY AND WELL—BEING OF THE DETERMWED BY REGULATION 29.2 OF THE CODE OR THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR. OCCUPANT AS DATE HE NEXT SCHEDULED REINSPECTION IS: TITLE / TIME DATE A.M. P.M. TIME (S ' f Gs /7 der Date: 1-5 ..0.5 BOARD Or HEALTH CITY HALL \__ COMPLAINT RECORD somerlierIMEEMI NATURE OF COMPLAI ¶t co. tsv poll. -pram, 62101s1 n-J . 1hs - " am_ bad, thsw r,v no v n4-;-o#I..-. T1w� —,10.vs, w La.o )rs bo.6 wnd Cc 'cu "d- owner: CZ_ C. Address: cjt z>2/.6 Est Date of Inspection: Taken by fY C5 1/.30 INSPECTOR S(REI3ORT: L�� i. fiet " ! ( ;ga3;gam p I ,1 u S9� dame^' - ryl eJ 7'�S/°� � � / yn 161�n1a141♦: `n i45(ei li l Time p4 bp,„ % Ifr- a Inspector signature /tttL ,+ s Mathieu Michael Degener [degener @bu.edu] Thursday, January 06, 2005 12:03 PM Ernie Mathieu RE: 55 South St-polyurethane fumes Earnest, you for this carbon. We very much appreciate your assistance in this matter. regards, ae -Original Message : Ernie Mathieu (mailto:2Uath11:26 A northampton.ma.us] : Thursday, January 06, Michelle Kaskey degener @bu.edu o_ urethane fumes cot: RE: 55 South St-polyurethane ember 6, 2004 r Michelle, hael called me today at 10:35am. He stated that last evening he observed the widows in the o w o n yoal completely approximately to. apartment confcts with what you told me in u email. also conflicts with my orders p them completely open during the entire time of work until the floor is dry. .refore, The Board of Health acting under M.G.L. , CHAPTER 111, SECTIONS 122 TO 125, CEMENT OF NUISANCES, hereby issues you the following orders: All windows in any apartments were polyurethane will be applied to floors must be fully =_ned at the time that the application starts and until the application dries (including enings) . the application polyurethane in any That t least Hours prior to starting tP lication of polyurethane -srtmen t,, all tenants in the building must be notified in writing and delivered to them -sting that such work will be taking place and were. application That a minimum of 4 fans be placed in the windows at the time that the app .arts and until the application dries (including evenings) . o urethane is being All dcor(s) (which exit the hallway) in the apartment were p l Relied shall be tapped around the 4 seams to prevent fumes frcm entering the hallways. am attaching you a copy of the State Housing Code for your information. Also, uhick outmthisnwebsite bbeca as landlords.smuch good information for landlords to help and ut he website is: www.lawyeratattorneyross.com Tease let me know if this website is informative. Thank you for your anticipated eratton. sincerely, Ernest Mathieu Dir. of Public Health --Original Message—-- Michelle Kaskey (mailto:mask @comcast.net] Wednesday, January 05, 2005 9:46 PM nie Mathieu eve Wolfberg; Russell Jopson 55 South St athLeu, tenon: in 55 South , I to of an email you will probably get from Michael Degener, would like o exprain how we responded today to his concerns about the rethane appl ication on floors in 55 #2. also instructed, we opened all windows in the apartment and ran 4 window fans. We also and sealed off the front door of the apartment, as you advised us to do. When we into the apartment to put the fans in the approx 5PM, we walked the floors were nearly dry. At the end of the work day, at app ;s s, and also closed the windows most of the way, Dt s the dry floors and removed the fans, for a few inches left open at the tops. alize that these steps should have been taken at the start of the applicatioc first g, and we will surely do it this way every time we nish floors anywhere in the building in the future. porch Degener just called me (9PM) to say he can still smell polyurethane on the back p hat he expected the windows to be left wide open all •. 1 t h they are no longer t. He said the windows were closed, which is incorrect, (although a open) . which is up 2 floors and He said he was concerned that if he could smell the polyurethane outside on s back porch, that there would be fumes in his apartment, wh. a hotel tonight if in a t hotel. zss the ned, I ultimately t ouldg suggested up to $100 for one night (tonight)him ooncern concerned, and that r ase know that I am taking this very seriously, but I think Mr. ener is more alarmed this evening than the situation now warrants. Please call me on Thursday we need ly discuss this matter in more detail. ventilating according to your `wetneede to, because we walked across ehd floors today before they were completely dry, front door sealed off, the smells in the building won't be so will be doing another application tomorrow. Hopefully by :tractions an keeping -hersome to the tenants. realize that the work we are doing in the building disruptive and disconcerting to but has lots of need for renovations. I am is P- e tenants. Its a beautiful old yubestntto be yi ng and will continue to try my spectful and sensitive to the people who live there. There is a certain amount smoothly we get a better understanding of the building things wi arnina as we are just starting on this project (we bought the building Oct 28, 2004 pefu lly as ll g ;r everyone. Lncere_y, __belle Haskey oath Square, LLC 2 1 e Mathieu ,ect: Michelle Kaskey[mkask©comcast.net1 Thursday, January 06,2005 12:00 PM Ernie Mathieu Russell Jopson; Steve Wolfberg Re: 55 South St-polyurethane fumes tg you. We will definitely comply with these orders. when the windows were closed at approx SPM. y were res were dry yesterday e� b.. left open a little bit at to Michael. ctoplthroughout the apa r¢e-yt, looked like they were closed ill definitely check out the web site and see what .infcrmaricn is there. s-a vov later today at 1: 30 at the building. bk Yo: Kaskey ath Square L _— original Message 2�i�v.sort hzmpton.ma.us> "Ernie Mathieu" <emathieu_ :belle Kaskey" <mkask @ccmcast.net> : <dege_ner @bur edu> 2005 11:25 PE_ Thursday, January 0€, • t: RE: 53 South St-polyurethane fumes cecber or Michelle, chael called me today_the apartment He stated the that was done inubhea_1 the widows in - - _ l you closed at approximately 30pm. This conflicts it them unpletely Did me your email. i also conflicts w h my orders to keep ympietely open during the entire time of work until the floor is dry. Se, The Board of Health acting under E CHAPTER 111, -CT• ION 122 TO 125, ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES, hereby issues you the he ollowing orders: eindows in any apartments were polyurethane will be applied nust be fully opened at the 'me that the application starts and : ti- the application dries (including evenings) _ _ at least 48 _Hours prior to starting the application of That fi ethane any apartment, all tenants in the building 7:157,7:157, be ctifed in writing and delivered to them stating that such work will be .eking place and were. That a minimum of 4 fans be placed in the windows s e time tine that the :e application starts and until the application dries (in uding eveningsl . - - th I 'ng exit pt he hallway) in n he a partm- : t were polyurethane is being applied shall be tapped around the 4 a = � = o prevent fumes from entering the hallways. copy of the to Housing Code for your __ o s much attaching Also, �_aE check out this website because it _ `ion for landlords to help and guide Cher- along �h- bobs good ^-=-;gym=- _ es _= .__orbs. website is: www.lawyerata'_torneyross.com yste let me know if this website is informative. Thank you for your oopera '_se Mathieu . of Public Health Original Message pu Michelle Kaskey [mailtc:mxask @ccmcast • Wednesday, January 05, 2005 9:46 PM Ernie Mathieu Steve Wolfberg; Russell Jocson jest: 55 South St et Mathieu, anticipation of an email you uld will ike obaexplain t how wMichaelnDegener,tody =an_ 55 South St @1, I concerns about the polyurethane application on floors in 55 F2. you instructed, we opened all windows in the apartment and ran 4 -.dud :s. We also taped and sealed off the front door of the apartment, as vLsed us to do. When we went into the apartment to pat the fans in the ndows, the floors were nearly dry. At the end of the work day, at walked a.moo_ the =-'7 floors and removed the fans, and also sled few left open at the _ „i-idows most of the way, except for =ew inches P realize that these steps should have been taken at the start of the se we .___l..n first thing, and we will surely do it this way every efinish floors anywhere in the building in the future. . le aener just called me )9PM) to say he can still smell polyurethane back porch and that he expected the windows to be left wide open all. _ He said the windows were closed, which is incorrect, :although ney• no longer wide open) . He said he was concerned that if he could med- the that there would be fumes -- o._yurethane outside on the back porch, • p• floors _ ultimately i s z up 2 loor= and across the hall . u=t iuggestea and o him that stay in a hotel tonight if he was that concerned, :h . could pay uc to $100 for one night (tonight) in a hotel. =lease know that - am taking this very seriously, but i think Degene: - situation now warrants. =lease say mfr a'_ med tthis evening than the sat.._ Thursday if aa need discuss this matter in m id on e detail. Unfortunately, p=cse we walk ed across the _oore today before they completely 01.17 we will be doing another application tomorrow. Hopefully 2 Listing according to your instructions an keeping the front door ea tenants. the smells in the building won't be so bothersome to the alize that the work we are doing in the building is disruptive and __ the ter an's a.. a beautiful old building, but has lots __ti ng to � `� . ior renovations. I am trying and will continue to try my best to be ,ectful and sensitive to the people who live there. There is a ain starting on this w project , e bought nt of learning as we are just :ding Oct 28, 20C9' . Hopefully as we get a better 'understanding of _dinghings will go more smoothly for everyone. cerely, belie 3askey th Square, 110 Aathieu Ernie Mathieu Monday, January 10,2005 2:41 PM Michelle Kaskey RE: 55 South St-polyurethane fumes )riginal Message- Michelle Kaskey Monday, January rnie Mathieu ct: Re: 55 South [mailto:mkask @comcast.net] 10, 2005 9:09 AM St-polyurethane fumes :s for the copy of the State Housing Code. ed to get on the web site you reccommended, but it wouldn't open. Could you re-check ;end me the site address again? , could you cc me the email (s) that Michael sent you Last week? I am keeping a file of tenant complaints. re sending out notices to everyone about the back porches this week. fully they will comply and we won't need any help from the Board of Health. :'ks, ie1le kaskey -- Original Message <emathieu @city.northampton.ma.us> °' "Ernie Mathieu" "Michelle Kaskey" <mkask @comcast.net> <degener @bu.edu> 1'_:25 AM Thursday, January 06, 20 005 11: fumes RE: 55 South St-polyurethane :ember 6, 2004 r Michelle, crael called me today at 10:35am.. He stated that last evening he served the widows in the apartment were the work was done to be all mpletely closed at approximately 8:30pm. This conflicts with what you Id me in your email. It also conflicts with my orders to keep them mnletely open during the entire time of work until the floor is dry. :erefore, The Board of Health acting under M.G.L. , CHAPTER 111, ICTIONS 122 TO 125, ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES, hereby issues you the ._'owing orders: '.ed to windows in any apartments were polyurethane will be apply A" _t opened at the rime that the application starts and ors must be fully p ;r; i the application dries (including evenings) . That at least 48 Pours prior to starting the application of ,olyurethane in any apartment, all tenants in the building must be ,otified in writing and delivered to them stating that such work will be .aktng place and were. minimum of 4 fans be placed in the windows at the time that the ion starts and until the application dries (including evenings; . ioor(s) (which exit the hallway) in the apartment were -Thane is being applied shall be tapped around the 4 seams to fumes from entering the hallways. taching you a copy of the State Housing Code for your PLESE check out this website because it has so much tion. Also, and guide them along there jobs f ormation for landlords to help )lords. site is www.lawyeratattorneyross.com Let me know if this website is informative. Thank you for your rated cooperation. eiy, Mathieu ,f Public Health lriginal Message- mailto:mkas k @comcast.net] Michelle Ka January 05, 2005 9:46 PM Wednesday, rule Mathieu teve W0lol£ber g. Russell Jopson ct: 55 South St lathieu, i,.ioation of an email you will probably get from Michael Degener, ft in 55 South St 47, I would like to explain how we responded today concerns about the polyurethane application on floors in 55 42. o u instructed, we opened all windows in the apartment and ran 4 low and sealed off the front door of the apartment, as We also taped Lsed us to do. When we went into the apartment to out the fans in the d ews, the floors were nearly dry. At the end of the work day, at rox floors and removed the fans, and also we walked across the dry few inches left open at the sec of the way, except for a windows most realize that these steps should have been taken at t he start of the e' icti on first thing, and Wwill surely do it this way every tine we finish floors anywhere in the building in the future. . Degener just called me (9PM) to say he can still smell polyurethane le back porch and that he expected the windows to be left wide open all He said the windows were closed, which is incorrect, (although �^y h`. he could ray pen) , He said he was concerned that if re no longer wide o_ fumes in hey-, orch, that there would be po Lyu rethane outside on the back p s 2 floors and across the hall. I ultimately M- *_m ar eat, which is up and ing hilt td in a hotel tonight if he was that concerned, .o him that he stay 2 ay up to $100 for one night (tonight) in a hotel. know that I am taking this very seriously, but I think Mr. is than the situation now warrants. Please e alarmed this evening hursday if we need to discuss this matter in more detail . inately, because we walked across the floors today before they rely dry, we will be doing another application tomorrow. Hopefully ating according to your instructions an keeping the front door he smells in the building won' t be so bothersome to the tenants. i ze hat the work we are doing in the building is disruptive and s ertin g to the tenants. I_s a beautiful old building, but has `or renovations . I am trying and will continue to try my best to be otful and sensitive to the people who live there. There is a t of learning as we are j ust starting on this project (we bought in ing Oct 28, 2004) . Hopefully as we get a better understanding of Ting things will go more smoothly for everyone. e r e Iy, elle Kaskey • Square, LLC thieu Ernie Mathieu 2005 2:44 PM Monday, January 10, 'mkask @comcast.net' FW 55 South St-polyurethane fumes what I sent him. J . Mathieu iginal Message- - :rnie Mathieu enuary 06, 2005 12:02 PM 'hursday, >gener @bu.edu' urethane fumes • FW: 55 South St-Poly u information. Mathieu Michelle Kaskey fmailto:mkask @comcast.netl aig_nal Message---- Thursday, January 06, 2005 12:00 PM rnie Mathieu ussell Jopson; Steve Wolfberg _: Re: 55 South St-polyurethane fumes comply with these orders. you We will definitely SPM when the windows were wer closed at apartment,5PM. rox 'PM. ;Moors were dry yesterday the top little bit at Michael. were left open a were closed to sure that they looked like they 11 definitely check out the web site and see what information is there. see you later today at 1:30 at the building. k you, :elle Kaskey th Square LLC -- Original Message ----- orth ampton.ma.us> m: "Ernie Mathieu" <emathreu @city.w "Michelle Kaskey" <mkask @comcast.net> <degener @bu.edu> 06, 2005 11:25 AM Thursday, January 't' South 5t-polyurethane fumes ;jest: Rc_: 55 comber 6, 2004 a_r Michelle, last evening he at 10:35am. He stated that oak was done to be all _eyvs called do today what you apartment were the conflicts with served the widows in the P 8:30 m. This to keep them d at approximately_o P my orders omp'_et ely close It also conflicts with k until the floor is dry. , p et in your during time of omp'-et ely oper. during the entire 'c erefor e, The Board of Health acting under M.G.L. , CHAPTER 111, NUISANCES, hereby issues you the ABATEMENT OF 1 ;PCTTONS 122 TO 125, i orders: ed to indows in any apartments were polyurethane will illabeo pgllieds and ust be fully opened at the time that the app e application dries (including evenings) . 48 Hours prior to starting the application of at all tenants in the building must be least apartment, them stating that such work will be Mane in any ap vered to in writing and deli >lace and were. a minimum of 1 fans be placed linathenwindoss (at the t imevthitg that the e riot. starts and until the app door (s) (which exit the hallway) in the apartment were thane is being applied shall be tapped around the 4 seams to fumes from entering the hallways. _caching you a copy of the State Housing Code for your aticn. Also, so much PLESE check out this website because it hase so jobs of crmat icn for landlords to help and guide them along diords. bsite is www.lawyeratattorneyross.com let me know if this website is informative. Thank you for your ,gated cooperation. re iy • Mathiec of public Health -Original Message—_ Michelle Kaskey Cmailto:mkaskk @46mcast.net, : Wednesday, January 05, 2005 _rnie Mathieu Russell Sop son Steve Wolfberg: 55 South St Mathieu, ene r, .nticipation of an email you will probably get from Michael Deg' mt. in 55 South St #2, l would like to explain how we responded today concerns about the polyurethane application on floors in 55 #2. ycu instructed, we opened all windows in the apartment and ran 1 ac'w s . and sealed off the front door of the apartment, as Me also taped put the fans in the apartment to p ,i std us to do. When we went into the P ,, c doves, the floors were nearly dry. At the end of the work day• pros M, we walked across the dry floors and removed the fans, and also the osed-.,� except for a few inches left open at • windows most of the way, ,os. start of the should have been taken at the way every time we realize that these steps and we will surely do it this wa y co libation first thing, rich floors anywhere in the building in the future. �+ M . De gene to say he can still smell. polyurethane just called me (9PM1 2 porch and that he expected the windows to be left wide open all said the windows were closed, which is incorrect, (although cnger wide open) . He said he was concerned that if he could urethane outside on the back porch, that there would be fumes in t, which is up 2 floors and across the hall. I ultimately hotel to if he was that concerned, and :hat he stay in a � a hotel. :y up to $100 for one night (tonight) -„ know that I am taking this very seriously, but I think Mr. is e -alarmed this evening than the situation now warrants. Please detail. :irately, we need to discuss this h the in today before the rmtelyY walked across ately, because we Te1y dry, we will be doing another application tomorrow. Hopefully acing according to your instructions an keeping the front door he smells in the building won't be so bothersome to the tenants. doing in the building is disruptive and c beautiful old building, but has lots ize that the work we are 9 ierting to the tenants. Its a best to be for renovations . I am trying and will continue to try my ct`_cl and sensitive to the people who live there. There is a in as we are j ust starting on this project (we bought t of learning ' ring Oct_ 28, 2004) . Hopefully as we get a better understanding of Tina things will go more smoothly for everyone. erely, elle Kaskey h Square, ILO 77-7.-ThAt t c47-ce -R•tcy-P-•141"1:7-111-9 -745t+4 r d -. ,, 3 o rktif / 4) >'c_.� BOARD OP HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD NATURE OF COMPLAINT: » eft.; �' Ate CC',A ,t Cs-774i ---T6 I /y1A-e -1- _ t Time i bY: Date of Inspection: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ii P m: SS _ jI uslo-x toot w mom do Taken: Inspector Signature �f� ie Mathieu m: Michelle Kaskey[mkask @comcast.netj rt: Friday, January 14,2005 9:37 AM Ernie Mathieu bject: Re: 6519 tthe message. Thanks. ve called and left message(s)for Dave LaValley, from L Enterprise, but have not heard back fro him yet about product information. ,y do porcelain & fiberglass refinishing (commercial/residential) in the area...Springfield, :sfield, Sturbridge,Windsor CT. --Original Message tom: Ernie Mathieu tMichelle Frida y.Re;ent: 14,2005 9:16 AM ienL' iubject: RE: 6519 Michelle, I left you a message on you cell phone when I arrived at my office at about 5:15 after visiting his apartment to check odors. Ernie From: Michelle Kaskey [mailt:mkask16 o cast.net] Sent:Thursday, January 13, PM To: Ernie Mathieu Subject: Re: 65/9 Ernie, As its 7:15 on Thurs evening and I haven't heard from you or Brian Robertson, I am hoping you found that things were ok in his apartment. happened when you went over I will call him tomorrow, but I would like to hear from you what happ (there before I call him. Could you please give a call (586-3319) or reply with a quick email and update me? Thanks, Michelle Kaskey -----Original Message ---- From: Ernie Mathieu To: Michelle Kaskey 11 2005 12:17 PM Sent: Tuesday, January Subject:website Hi Michele 1/14/2005 vs is the correct website. Joseph Ross,J. D. wu'w.attomeyross.com DM tho one. you geonto this site k onto " AWS" and you will see all the about he Also check outother ones you ccli click on. Crnie 1/14/2005