15 Police Report 1986 POLICE OFFICER'S INCIDENT REPORT —1— RI 1 NORTHAMPTON POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORD 03 — 05 —18 INC CODE 37 GEOCODE 40 ARREST I A — BINnhL REPORT FOLLOW-UP REPORT INCIDENT City Ordinance Violation LOCATION 15 School St. Northampton Mass. DATE &TIME OCCURRED 6/28/86 10:30 AM DATE & TIME REPORTED 6/28/86 10:46 AM DATE & TIME OF THIS REPORT 6/28/86 1104 AM CHECK IF MORE IN SUPPLEMENT CODES�LTyEODBE USE VICTIMOW IN WITNESS MARKED PARTICIPANT RP-REPORTING PARTY DC-DISCOVERED CRIME Cole RP PRINCIPAL PARTY'S(OR FIRM'S)NAME(LAST FIRST MI Stidler , Joseph RESIDENCE ADDRESS 32 Clarke Ave. N'ton,Ma. RESIDENCE PHONE 584 1809 OCCUPATION,I D Sea RACE AGE OFIFP'B,NN BUSINESS ADDRESS /SCHOOL IF NNL I BUSINESS PHONE Coda I NAME-ILAST,FIRST M II !Making , Donald RESIDENCE ADDRESS /7 N.Prospect St. Amherst RESIDENCE PHONE OCCUPATION_ID Sea lM RACE I V AGE 35 Dale of BIFIN 8/9/50 BUSINESS ADDRESS (SCHOOL IF MIL■ 15 School St. Northampton BUSINESS PHONE 586 4115 Cot NAME-BAST.FIRSTM I I RESIDENCE ADDRESS RESIDENCE PHONE OCCU AnON I D Se. RACE AGE Dale of B HT BUSINESS ADDRESS /SCHOOL IF NNL I BUSINESS PHONE SUSPECT NO I (LAST.FIRST,INITIAL) Floro , Mike Sea Race Ape Hg! VaTI Hal, Eyes Daleol B.477 Ar,t ec 0 Yes n No ADDRESS C.OTHINGa OTHER IDENTIFYING MAR.'S&CHARACTERISTICS 15 School Street Northampton,Ma. SS I CvroeaKc SUSPECT NC 2 BAST.FAST INITIAL/ Sex Race Age H91 Wg7 Haig Eve= DaleWan- A ese ❑ Ye: 0m ADDRESS ac HINGE OTHER I DEN TIFViNO MARKS S CHARACTERISTICS 5 5 A Comarr AR COLOR YEAR MAKE MODE. BODY STYLE REG I STATE VIN DISPOSITION ;ELC■[ v+' O-Le EN! POINT OFENTR 0 FRONT❑ REM 0 ROOF ❑ CELLAR 0 DOOR ❑ WINDOV. ITVPE OF ENTRY 0 OPEN ACCESS ❑ CONSTRUCTaEI ❑ SIDE ❑ LATCHED C UNLOCKED ❑ EXIT O FF I❑ NO VISIBLE FORCE 0 FORCE TOO'. ❑ KEV CHECK IF POPEPTV DESCRIADON IN SUPPLEMENT I— REPORT DjMP YE AL' APPROPRIATEITEMSABOVE AND DESCRIBE IN C+DENT AND ACT ION TAN EN BELOW USE SUWLt : In regards to a co,np'.a`nt called into the Police Department by Mr. Stidler of Mike Floro painting at his place of business on 15 School St. N'ton in violation of some type of restraining order. Ar riving at 15 School St. it was obvious that someone was painting inside the garage As I valkid up to the garage I observed that there was an exhaust fan in the lover section of one of sne garage noon. inflicted at she aznaims coming from the fan vas fine spray TAT US 7ACT NE ❑ INACTIVE f D UNFOUNDED O CLEARED BE 'J MY LESDGE AID BELIEF METPUE AND COMPLAIN ANT S SIGNATUR SECOND OF F ICER FURTHER ACTION IPURGE INFO/ COPIES TO ANDER i entered the building and spoke to Donald Meaking 77 N. Propsect St. Amherst,Ma. and that his subject was painting primer on a horse trailer he owns. This subject is the bother-in-law f Mike Plppo . He was informed that we had received a complaint from a subject on Clarke Ave. n regards to someone painting at this location, He told me he has spoken to Mike about spraying to van and he didn't say anything about restrictions at all. Mr.Meaking was told I would call aim back ii there was a restraining order for such activity and he would have to stop. An I left Lhe 5aa age I a Ah. Pluiu,su I askec rim ii tnere was any land of restraining order and ho 4nld ..a nand M,,+ ha knr•.oa told that I world ee11 leek is .. shert tisk.. :o inform them of any restraining orders which were in effect. Cant Lafrancs rherked with leveret people and nothing was found in regards to restraining orders. 12:05 PM Called Mr. }leaking and advised him that khere were no restraining orders that we mow of at this time Asked him to please use common sense while working in garage. 11IGE Northampton Police Department = 05 =/ �� e POLICE OFFICER'S REPORT SUPPLEMENT ARREST F UPPLEMENTAL REPORT A FOLLOW UP REPORT / ul / ❑❑aT[[OF THIS LOCATION pEPoRT INCIDENT City Ordinance Violation 15 School St.. . City 6/2885 Steidler,ler,IORohn NAME LAST.FIRST.INRiAL ADDRESS PHONE 6teidler, John 32 Clark Ave„ City 584-1809 D.OR SERIAL NO. HOw ESTABLISHED I 'POPERY YIVPE MFG OA TRADE NAME ®® LID ORSERIKNO HOWESTABUSHEO TYPE 4FG.OR TRADE NAME Mr. Steidler called the department to complain that a Michael Florio, Jr. . o REPORT 15 School Street was spray paintn_',g on his property in violation of an alleged court order obtain by our local Board of Health. Mr. Steidler elle Ithat the strong odor of the paint being used in the spraying operation was a health hazard. The complainant also alleged that his father has a health problem, respiratory in nature, and the spraying activity makes it impossible or his father to stay outside the house. Off. K. Nichols was dispatched tc the School Street address to investigate Steidler's complaint. The officer' s investigation revealed that a horse trailer was in fact being spray painted with lacquer. The individual doing the spraying was not Michael Florio, Jr. , 'I but a relative by the name of DONALD rEAKING, 7? N. Prospect Street, Amherst , Mass. Off. Nichols noted that an exhaust fan was in operation in the garage located at 15 School Street . Precautions had been taken to eliminate any possibility of "over-spray" drifting onto nearby property by causing a shower) of water to be directed over the exhaust fan outlet . Furthermore since the I paint was lacquer, it would dry almost instantly, once it was exposed to the air. What Mr. Steidler was complaining about would be the odor of thee�Nle que:1 CUR } ` + Peter McErlain at his home in Easthampton OSOPPLEMEA itself. 1 cont �' 1•F COLIaA1N ANT'S SIGNATURE cif NT T ARE TRUE AND ru 4 ,, / GOND OFFICER FURTHER ACTiON(PURGE CORES TO / • . ,t 1056 hours regarding Steidler's complaint. Mr. McEriain was not fariliar Frith any court order that his department might have obtained against Florio, but did not rule out the possibility that the Building Inspector might have obtained such an order.. Mr. McErlain stated he was not aware of any complaint coming in to his office regarding any unlawful or health threatening activities being conducted at 15 School Street for a number of years. I was not able to contact any member of the Building Inspector's Office reg=rding Steidler'S complaint. I called Mr. Steidler back twice and briefed the man on just what action our department had taken on his complaint. and what action he_m3gbt expect from the Board of Health and the Building Inspector, who would be following through on his complaint . I tried to contact Mr. Betaking at the School Street address, but I received no answers. Copies of my report and Off. Nichol's report will be forwarded to the Board of Health and the Building Inspector Monday morning, June 30, 1986.