Inspection 2016 Offices CONTROL Bathroom Closet MALE STAFF LOCKER Staff Gym No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted ADMINISTRATION HALLWAY Offices No Violations Noted Bathroom 105 CMR 451.123* Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling Vent Cleaned 5/25116 CONTROL, Bathroom SALLY PORT/INTAKE Control Cells Shower Bathroom (outside control) Storage Closet 105 CMR 451.353 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Light shields missing Light shield added WO#1633783 6/20/16 451-16(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 2 c :S D.BAKER vernor I E.POLITO int Governor The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health Bureau of Environmental Health Community Sanitation Program 23 Service Center Road, Northampton, MA 01060 Phone: 413-586-7525 Fax: 413 784-1037 TTY 800 769-9991 June 3, 2016 J. Garvey, Sheriff lire County Jail and House of Correction cky Hill Road npton,MA 01060 ility Inspection-Hampshire County Jail and House of Correction,Northampton teriff Garvey: MARYLOU SUDDERS Secretary MONICA DHAREL,MD,MP Commissioner Tel:617-624-6000 www.mass.govldph rdance with M.G.L. c. 111, §§ 5, 20, and 21, as well as Massachusetts Department of Public Health (Department) ions 105 CMR 451.000: Minimum Health and Sanitation Standards and Inspection Procedures for Correctional ;s; 105 CMR 480.000: Minimum Requirements for the Management of Medical or Biological Waste (State t Code, Chapter VIII); 105 CMR 590.000: Minimum Sanitation Standards for Food Establishments (State Sanitary 'hapter X); the 1999 Food Code; 105 CMR 520.000 Labeling; and 105 CMR 205.000 Minimum Standards ing Medical Records and the Conduct of Physical Examinations in Correctional Facilities; I conducted an on of the Hampshire County Jail and House of Correction on May 24, 2016 accompanied by Sergeant Christopher EHSO, Captain Robert Hodgen, and Paul Halfmann, Community Sanitation Program. Violations noted during the on are listed below including 113 repeat violations: CH AND SAFETY VIOLATIONS ates conditions documented on previous inspection reports) r uhroom Bathroom lance Closet C ADMINISTRATION sak Room throom No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted R 451.123* Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling Vent Cleaned 5/25/16 uhroom )-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 1 of 17 Medical Waste Log Book 105 CMR 480.500(A)(3) No Violations Noted Procedures; Records; Record-Keeping Log: Generator had no written documentatio blood borne pathogen training Blood-borne pathogen training (Universal precautions) is included in the current lesson plan for Responder training. The specific requirements to meet the OSHA Blood-borne Pathogen Training been included in the HSO In-Service Curriculum. A training roster of personnel that have received Responder training is available. MEDICAL I-ALLWAY Interview Room No Violations Noted Maintenance Closet No Violations Noted SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT Control A BLOCK Cells Upper Shower Storage Closet(upper) Lower Shower Storage Closet(lower) B BI,OCK Cells Upper Shower Storage Closet(upper) Lower Shower Storage Closet(lower) No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Unable to Inspect Not in Use No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Unable to Inspect—Not in Use No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 451-16(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 4 LEVEL HOUSING 9set )t. atliroom No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower cleaned 5/24/16 451.123* Maintenance: Wall tiles damaged Request for Service submitted for damaged tiles 7/2016 WO#1633781 'nee Closet 451353* Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in bucket Mop properly stored 5124/16 No Violations Noted 3 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower# 1 Shower cleaned 5/24/16 AL Waste Storage Room 'hroom m lam im No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Room J-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 3 of 17 Maintenance Closet 105 CMR 451.353* 105 CMR 451.353 Bathroom 105 CMR 451.123* VISITING AREA No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in bucket Mop wrung out and stored correctly Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty No Violations Noted 5/25/16 Storage Room 105 CMR 451.353 Interior Maintenance: Light shields missing Light Shield added 7/2016 Bathroom 105 CMR 451.126 Hot Water: Hot water temperature recorded at 99°F Request for Service to adjust sink temperature range of 110-120 degrees 6/2016 Captain's Office No Violations Noted Inmate Bathroom (after Captain's Office) No Violations Noted Barber Shop Training Room LAUNDRY Bathroom KITCHEN Barrel Room StaffBathroom Pot Room Area outside Pot Room Walk-in Cooler#2 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 451-16(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 6 ILDING GYM met ooms om throom ice Closet No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 't STAFF LOCKER ROOM No Violations Noted AM HALLWAY op op Bathroom 81 op Bathroom #2 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 'LEARNING CENTER No Violations Noted throom Bathroom IR 451.123* SEARCH ROOM Unable to Inspect—In Use Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned 1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 5125116 Page 5 of 17 Staff Bathroom Offices Dentist's Office Culinary Arts Kitchen Dishwashing Area No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Prep Tables FC 4-903.11(13)(2)* Protection of Clean Items, Storing: Uncovered equipment not protected from contaminations,pots and pans not stored in an inverted/self-draining position Equipment covered with plastic bag and pots and pans stored correctly 5/25/16 Handwash Sink FC 5-202.12(A) Plumbing System, Design: Handwashing sinks water temperature recorded at 67°F Request for Service submitted for temp change to range of 110-120 deg 6/2016 Freezer Cooler CONTROL FC 4-602.12(B)* Staff Bathroom NORTH Bathroom 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Cleaning of Equipment and Utensils; Frequency: Interior of microwave oven dirty Microwave cleaned 5/25/16 No Violations Noted Maintenance: Plumbing chase behind toilets has rotted wall studs, floor joists and sil plate Structural repair— DCAMM Project Maintenance: Hole in floor behind toilets# 1 and 2, covered with plywood Structur repair— DCAMM Project Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Vent cleaned Maintenance: Floor dirty throughout bathroom Structural repair— DCAMM Proji Maintenance: Floor and wall beginning to separate between toilet stall#3 and 4 Structural repair— DCAMM Project Maintenance: Toilet partition dirty in stall# 6 Structural repair— DCAMM Proje Maintenance: Handwash sink#9 dirty Structural repair— DCAMM Project Maintenance: Handwash sink fixtures not easily cleanable finish worn Structural repair— DCAMM Project Utility Sink 105 CMR 451.123* Maintenance: Plywood covering hole in floor Structural repair—DCAMM Projec Showers 451-16(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 8 c Toler tt 3 .eezer#I Sink and 3-Bay Sink ne No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted ring Sink(near dishwashing area) 12(A) Plumbing System,Design: Handwashing sinks water temperature recorded at 135°F Request for Service submitted for adjust temperature to 110 to 120 degrees 712016 ing Area r (behind juice n Hood Area .15(B) ge ezer# 6 .11(A) 7othing Storage athroom No Violations Noted achine) No Violations Noted Plumbing System,Operations and Maintenance: Plumbing system not maintained in good repair, spray arm leaking near Combination oven Fixed 5/2516 No Violations Noted Maintenance and Operation,Equipment: Equipment not maintained in a state of good repair, ice build-up observed on walls and ceilings Freezer was defrosted and excess ice buildup removed 611116 No Violations Noted 2 451.123 Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty 5125116 Ceiling vent cleaned 1 Storage TER No Violations Noted No Violations Noted LAR UNITS nine Area, Case Workers Office Area No Violations Noted .)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 7 of 17 Room # 10 105 CMR 451.350* 105 CMR 451.353* SOUTH Bathroom 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.353 Showers Day Room 105 CMR 451.350* 105 CMR 451.353* Room #1 105 CMR 451.350* Room if 2 105 CMR 451.353* 105 CMR 451.353* Staictural Maintenance: Hole in wall Structural repair— DCAMM Project Interior Maintenance: Wall board separating from wall Structural repair— DCP Project Maintenance: Floor worn and no longer easily cleanable in all toilet stalls Structu repair— DCAMM Project Maintenance: Floor damaged at entrance to bathroom Structural repair— DCAI Project Maintenance: Comer of wall cracked in toilet stall# 1 Structural repair— DCAI Project Maintenance: Wall dirty in toilet stall#5 and 6 Structural repair— DCAMM Pr Maintenance: Hole in wall around flusher in toilet stall#4 Structural repair— DCAMM Project Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in bucket Mop removed from bucket an stored properly. Unable to Inspect—In Use Structural Maintenance: Floor damaged near water bubbler Structural repair— DCAMM Project Interior Maintenance: Several couch cushions ripped Request for Service: Rem and replace furniture with ripped cushions. Structural Maintenance: Wall damaged near entrance Structural repair— DCAMI Project Interior Maintenance:Ceiling vent rusted Structural repair— DCAMM Project Interior Maintenance: Wall board divider broken Structural repair— DCAMM Project Roma# 3 105 CMR 451.353* Interior Maintenance: Wall board divider broken Structural repair— DCAMM Project 105 CMR 451.353* Interior Maintenance: Hole in wall Structural repair— DCAMM Project Room #4 105 CMR 451353* Interior Maintenance: all board divider broken Structural repair— DCAMM Project Room #5 105 CMR 451.353* 105 CMR 451.353 105 CMR 451.353 Room N 6 Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent rusted Structural repair— DCAMM Project Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned. 6/28/16 Interior Maintenance: Wall board divider broken Structural repair— DCAMM Project 105 CMR 451353* Interior Maintenance: Gap between wall and ceiling above window Structural repa DCAMM Project 451-16(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 10< ;51.123* Maintenance: Floor damaged in shower#2 Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.123' Maintenance: Floor paint damaged in shower# 1-8 Structural repair—DCAMM Project 451.123* Maintenance: Floor cracked at shower divider's support beam in shower# 1-8 Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.123* Maintenance: Shower wall hoard cracked in shower#3,4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.123* Maintenance: Wall board in shower not moisture proof, wall bulging in shower#4, 5, 6, 7,and 8 Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.123* Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower#2,3, 5,6, 7,and 8 Structural repair—' DCAMM Project 451.123* Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower#2, 3, 5, 6,7, and 8 Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower#4 Shower cleaned 451.123* Maintenance: Wall behind showers dirty in shower# 1-8 Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.123* Maintenance: Ceiling vents dusty Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.123* Maintenance: Ceiling light rusted Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.124 Water Supply: Insufficient water supply in quantity and pressure at water bubbler //2016 Request for Service: Remove water bubbler No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 11 451353* Interior Maintenance: Floor tiles damaged Structural repair—DCAMM Project No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Door 2 451.350* Structural Maintenance: Door not rodent and weather tight Structural repair— DCAMM Project 1451.353* Interior Maintenance: Door damaged and beginning to rot Structural repair— DCAMM Project 6 R 451353* Interior Maintenance:Wall board damaged Structural repair— DCAMM Project 7 8 R 451.353 No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned. 6/28/16 9 IR 451.353* Interior Maintenance: Far right ceiling grille rusted Structural repair— DCAMM Project 1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 9 of 17 Storage Closet UNIT 3 Cells Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 Storage Closet(upper) Lower Shower Storage Closet(lower) UNIT 4 Cells 105 CMR 451.353* Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 Storage Closet(upper) Lower Shower 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123 Storage Closet (lower) 105 CMR 451353 UNIT 5 Cells 105 CMR 451.140 Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned Unable to Inspect—Not in Use Unable to Inspect—Not in Use No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in bucket Wet mop wrung out and stored properly Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower wall cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned Unable to Inspect—Not in Use Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower wall cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned Maintenance:Mold observed on ceiling Ceiling mold cleaned/sanitized Maintenance: Floor damaged, epoxy coating peeling Request for Service and vendor contacted for warranty on floor 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/24/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 6/# Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in bucket Wet mop wrung out and properly stored 5/24/16 Adequate Ventilation: Inadequate ventilation,wall vent blocked in cell#C46 Paper blocking vent was removed 5/24/16 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned 5/25/16 451-16(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 12 451.353' Interior Maintenance: Gap between wall and ceiling stuffed with paper Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.141* Screens: Screen not tight fitting in window Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.353* Interior Maintenance: Wall board divider broken Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.353* Interior Maintenance: Wall board divider broken Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.353* Interior Maintenance: Wall board divider broken Structural repair— DCAMM Project 451.353* Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent rusted Structural repair— DCAMM Project No Violations Noted NE SHOP 451353* Interior Maintenance:Floor tiles damaged throughout building Structural repair— DCAMM Project No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 'oom IG UNITS 3athroom flower No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Closet R 451353* Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in bucket Mop removed from bucket 5125116 ihower No Violations Noted [R 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower cleaned I)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 5125116 Page 11 of 17 Lower Shower 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 Request 105 CMR 451.123 Storage Closet(lower) 105 CMR 451.353 UNIT 8 Cells Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 Storage Closet(upper) Lower Shower 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123* Storage Closet(lower) 105 CMR 451.353* 105 CMR 451.353 105 CMR 451.353 MINIMUMN HOUSING Main Utility Room 105 CMR 451.353 Staff Bathroom 105 CMR 451.353 Day Room Kitchen FC 4-904.13(A) Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned Maintenance:Floor damaged, epoxy coating peeling for Service submitted also vendor contacted for warranty on floor Maintenance: Mold observed on ceiling Ceiling mold cleaned and sanitized Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned No Violations Noted Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned 105 CMR 451.123*Maintenance: Wall tiles damaged Request for Service submitted for damaged tiles Unable to Inspect—Not in Use Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower wall cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on curtain in shower Shower curtain replaced Maintenance: Floor paint damaged Interior Maintenance: Wall vent dusty Wall vent cleaned Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in bucket Wet mop wrung out and properly stored Interior Maintenance: Ceiling damaged Request for Service submitted for damaged ceiling Interior Maintenance:Wet mop stored in bucket Wet mop wrung out and properly stored Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned No Violations Noted 5/25/16 5/25/16 7 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 7/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 7/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 Protection of Clean Items, Ilandling: Tableware not protected from contamination, no stored in the inverted position 451-16(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 14 c 151_123 oset(upper) Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned 5/25/16 Unable to Inspect-Not in Use wer 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned 5/25116 oset(lower) 451.353 Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in bucket Wet mop wrung out and stored properly 451.353* Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned No Violations Noted >wer 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned 'loset(upper) Unable to Inspect-Not in Use 5/25/16 5/24/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 5/25/16 wer .451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower wall cleaned 5125116 7oset(lower) DL BOOTH 'ORKERS OFFICE .11(A)* L 451.140 No Violations Noted Unable to Inspect-Not in Use Maintenance and Operation,Equipment: Microwave oven not functioning properly Microwave replaced 6/16 Adequate Ventilation: Inadequate ventilation, all vent blocked in cell#C72 Paper blocking vent removed 5/24/16 lower 2 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower 5/25116 Shower walls cleaned 2 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower 5/25/16 Shower floor cleaned 2 451.123 Maintenance: Floor damaged, epoxy coating peeling Request for Service submitted also vendor contacted for warranty on floor 7116 Et 451.123* Maintenance: Floor tiles damaged Request for Service submitted for damaged tiles 7116 Closet(upper) Unable to Inspect-Not in Use )-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 13 of 17 105 CMR 451_l 1 0(A) Storage Closet F BLOCK Cells Shower 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* Janitor's Closet Weight Room Storage Closet# l Storage Closet#2 105 CMR 451.353 105 CMR 451.353 Laundry REGIONAL LOCKUP Hygiene Supplies at Toilet and Handwash Sink: No paper towels at handwash sink Paper towel supply re-filled 5/25/16 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 5/25/16 5/25/16 Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned 5/25/16 Interior Maintenance: Drain cover loose in mop basin Request for Service submitted to re-secure drain cover 6/16 No Violations Noted Entrance Bathroom 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned 5/25/16 Main Desk Stuff Bathroom A BLOCK B BLOCK C BLOCK KITCHENETTE No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted D BLOCK 105 CMR 451.103 Mattresses: Mattress damaged in cell#3 Mattress replaced 6/16 451-16(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 16■ ntaminated tableware disposed of and replaced with new properly stored 5/25116 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower 5/25/16 Shower walls cleaned 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower 5/25116 Shower floor cleaned 451.110(A) Hygiene Supplies at Toilet and Handwash Sink:No paper towels at handwash sink Paper towel supply re-filled 5125/16 451.123* 451.123 K No Violations Noted Maintenance: Shower head dirty Shower head cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned No Violations Noted 5/25/16 5/25/16 :451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower 5/25/16 Shower walls cleaned L 451.110(A) Hygiene Supplies at Toilet and Handwash Sink:No paper towels at handwash sin Paper towel supply re-filled t 451.123 Maintenance: Floor dirty under sink 5/25/16 Floor cleaned 'K No Violations Noted R 451.123* Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned R 451.123* Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned )-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 5/25/16 5125/16 Page 15 of 17 Hallway No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted ons and Recommendations to inmate population was 209 at the time of inspection. re Department asks to be kept apprised of any report updates from the Department of Public Safety and :AMM associated with the North and South Modular units. Sty does not comply with the Department's Regulations cited above. In accordance with 105 CMR 451.404, emit a plan of correction within 10 working days of receipt of this notice, indicating the specific corrective steps n, a timetable for such steps, and the date by which correction will be achieved. The plan should be signed by ntendent or Administrator and submitted to my attention,at the address listed above. v the specific regulatory requirements please visit our website at ww and click on teal Facilities" (available in both PDF and RTF formats). v the Food Establishment regulations please visit the Food Protection website at www.mass.gov/dph/fPP and Food Protection Regulations".Then under"Retail" click"105 CMR 590.000 - State Sanitary Code Chapter X— i Sanitation Standards for Food Establishments"and"1999 Food Code". e the Labeling regulations please visit the Food Protection website at www.mass.gov/dph/fpp and click on"Food a Regulations". Then under"General Food Regulations" click"105 CMR 520.000: Labeling." ection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Sincerely, Scott Koczela Environmental Analyst, CSP,BEH fan Sullivan, Acting Director, BEH Steven Hughes,Director,CSP, BEH Timothy Miley, Director of Government Affairs Marylou Sudders, Secretary,Executive Office of Health and Human Services Carol Higgins O'Brien,Commissioner, DOC Patrick Cahillane, Assistant Superintendent Captain Robert Hodgen, Compliance Officer Sergeant Christopher Austin, EHSO Merridith O'Leary, RS, Health Director,Northampton Board of Health Clerk, Massachusetts House of Representatives Clerk,Massachusetts Senate Daniel Bennett, Secretary,EOPSS Jennifer Gaffney, Director,Policy Development and Compliance Unit 1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-3-16 Page 17 of 17 ROBERT J.GARVEY putt'Superintendent PATRICK 1.CAHILLANE THE COMMONWEALTH OF OF MASSACHUSETTS C.4arn ifitrE �IZE '1 Cif/ice P.O.BOX 7000 NORTHAMPTON,MASSACHUSETTS 01061-7000 Scott Koczela ironmental Analyst,CSP,BEH imonwealth of Massachusetts rutive Office Health&Human Services artment of Public Health mu of Environmental Health imunity Sanitation Program service Center Road :hampton,MA 01060 Hampshire County Jail&HOC Inspection May 24,2016 ntion: Scott Koczela Environmental Analyst,CSP,BEH lune 29,2016 TELEPHONE (413)584-5911 FAX (413)584-2695 r Mr.Koczela. our request the following items have been addressed,please refer to the enclosed documentation for the corrective actions that e been taken: HSO has received the Modular Building Assessment and PREA Improvements, Massachusetts State Project No. HSD1302- HS I,from the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance(DCAMM). G:ct closure Jan Sullivan,Acting Director,BEH Steven Hughes,Director,CSP,BEH Timothy Miley,Director of Government Affairs Marylou Sudders,Secretary,Executive Office of Health and Human Services Carol Higgins O'Brien,Commissioner,DOC Patrick Cahillane,Assistant Superintendent Sincerely yours, Captain Robert Hodgen.Compliance Officer Meredith O'Leary, RS, Health Director. Northampton Board of Health Clerk,Massachusetts House of Representatives Clerk,Massachusetts Senate Daniel Bennett.Secretary, EOPS Jennifer Gaffney,Director.Policy Development and Compliance Unit