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Certification of Compliance & Soil Eval 2011
4D mil poly barrier Existing pump chamber Pump manna (D..) 18ft'� altr Inspection port ("r) 451f - 4" pvc pert pipe ■ Existing SAS a Title-5 sand Existing distribution box 2" Frce main Undergroung electric line r to pump (opprox, location) PLAN NEW 4rec 39,090 90 sq I scab. I - 30 Existing 3 benrcom house Pump out man—hole L Existing sewer Existing Septic tank (2 compartments) LOUDVILLE ROAD AS-BUILT DIMENSIONS NORTH Pe rr 1 /Existing wote RTON, MASSACHUSETTS AS—BUILT PLAN upply well t SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM 55 Loudville Road Northampton, Massachusetts Owner Jeremey Ober Address: 118 Boy Road Hadley, Massachusetts 0'035 Dote: July 29, 2011 o� ty #m. I 212 % us Street 714444 4taos, W1>4 01060 let 413-587-1214 lax 413-587-1221 Title V Certification of Compliance TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE SYSTEM DESIGNER DESIGNER SIGN-OFF Pursuant to 310.CMR 15.00 of the State Environmental Code Title V,Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, Section 15.021 (3),the Designer of a system is required to sign this form as a condition for issuance of a Board of Health Certificate of Compliance for the onsite septic system. This is to eenify that the onsite sewage disposal system that 1 desinned as new construction _X repair(existing system) at 55 Loudville Road on Juts' 29, 2011 DWCI number {Addres,) 1Datei has been constructed in compliance with 310 CMR 15.00, and all local requirements.Any changes to the original approved plans have been reflected on an as-built plan that has been submitted to the Board of Health. Timothy E. Ma (Print Dc'g 70 Montaeue Road — Westhampton, MA. tdddrrcssl NOTE:This certification represents no warranty subsurface disposal system.Rather,the plan and in effect at the time of plan submittal. ressed or implied as to the functioning or longevity of the on-site nation are in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations as are • FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATION FORM Page 2 of 6 LEDGE © 69 er al r ce logic &arer y f WeepH. ` frrrr. _oC: Deotttr OrcJndw iteC Secscno ^ficr Vrcur - Noite : bserve Indicates ESTIMATED SEASONAL DISHWATER V DEP approved form - 12/07/95 Sandy loam 10YR 3/3 '..,. Friable, fine roots; DK brown, wavy boundry O - 12 . B Sandy 'oam 1OYR '/3 Friable, (in e,med roots it brown, wavy boundry � _ - 33" C-1 Sandy barn 0 4 6 Slightly hard, few stones, med roots 33"- 69 C-2 V. fine Sarin i l IOYR 5/6 moist, very fine LEDGE © 69 er al r ce logic &arer y f WeepH. ` frrrr. _oC: Deotttr OrcJndw iteC Secscno ^ficr Vrcur - Noite : bserve Indicates ESTIMATED SEASONAL DISHWATER V DEP approved form - 12/07/95 • NO 20/F S FORM 11 — SOW EVALUATION FORM Page 1 of 6 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Leeds, Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On—Site Sewage Disposal Performed by: Timothy E. Maginnis R.S. Date: May 6, 2011 Witnessed by: Daniel Wasiuk, Board of Health Agent Location Address: 55 Loudville Rood- Northampton, MA. Assessors Lot #: 55 New construction. No Repair: Yes Owner: Estate of Wesley Rauch Address: 55 Loudville Rd, Northampton, MA. 01062 C/O Jim Raucn-Tel:( 413 )535-7238 Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No Year Published'. 12/81 Publication Scale: 1/15 840 Drainage Class: Well drained Soil Limitations: Hlgh estimated seasonal water table, shallow to ledge Soil Map Unit: CnD Charlton series Surficial Geologic Report Available Year Published: Not referred to Publication Scale Geologic material: fine sandy loam, sandy loam Landform: glaciated upland Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 Year Mood boundary Wathln 530 yew :'food boundary Within 100 year fiooc boundary We Ucnd Aran National Wet and Inventory Mop ( map unit ): Not referred to Wets ands Conservancy Program Map ( map un't Cur cnt Water Resource _andtlors 1SGS): Montn - Jwy Range: Above Normal Normal Below Normal Other References Reviewed: Soil Survey, Hampshire Co. NO Yes DEP approved form - 12/07/95 FORM 11 — SOIL EVALUATION FORM Page 4 of 6 _a.,., . Clear, Miai Open store parry: 0 — 4 A Sandy loom IOYR 3/3 Friable, fine roots; Dk_ brown, wavy boun dry 4 - 24" 9 Sandy loam 10 R 4/3 Friable, fine,med roots; it brown, wavy boun dry C—t Sandy loam 10YR 4/6 Slightly Hard, few stones, med roots 33"— 64 42„ 7 C_2 V. fine Sand 1OYR 5/6 > 5% 0 42" 2.5Y 5/6 2.5Y 5/4 moist, very fine LEDGE ® 69' r ee„ , Aotter:nl ( geeing.c ravelly fl sandy io :r , Ti • frorn face: 1,1,)°, Depth None •or.nawoter — „eprh H Dedrac. Indicates ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGHWATER DEP approve° form — 12/07/95 Location Address ar Deep Hole Number # 2 FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATION FORM Page 3 of 6 55 'Soucy:he Rood Nortnornpton, A. 01062 Dote: 05/06/11 T!me: 9 < Location: ( identify on site plan) behind coop-rear of House, see pion Lend Use: Home site Slope: 1% - 37 Surface Stones: Few Vegetation: lawn, gross, upland trees slated upiond Position on Landscape ( sketch of the back ) Distances from: Open Wate Possibie Wet Are Drinking 'Water Depth irorn Surface ( ,nches) 100' + >100' Droinoge Way: > 100.± Property L; 40' hither: DEEP OBSERVAAON HOLE # 2 50ll Horizon A 1 (clArreial Soli AicGing Other ( Structure, Z Grove: Stones, Bou';tiers, Con sstenc Y. d 0 — 9" A Sandy loam 10TR 3/3 Friable, fine roots, DK. brown, wavy boundry 9" - 18' B Sandy loam 107R 4/6 Friable, fine,rned roots; It. brown, wavy boundry 18"- 72" C-I Sandy loam 10YR 4/4 Slightly hard, few stones, mec roots LEDGE O 72" Parent Muteri° ( geologic .r: Gravelly fine Bondy loom. Till Weeping from face: 38" Depth to Bedrock: Depth to Groundwater: 60" Seasonal High Groundwater - None observed Indicates ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH WATER V DER approved form — 12/07/95 FORM 11 — SOIL EVALUA HON FORM Page 6 of 6 LOCCtion Aosir-ess ss Lot No 55 Lo;.._,a, „Nie Hood Northampton, Massachusetts Oes,t,ss-slinctics Ssc#Lisisi: Wcises TaSie ilethod used: Dep:s observed storsilsc is cooservcr or hose: 50- T.P. f:a 2 — 2'6" 4 # 45, I. p # 2 S# T. # 4 Deoth to so S rrstts+s 26" isisx Vves rs.,:rssers too tor Re:sling r ., & . Does a: ■eost foL.r fee'. a.ervious rraaarr;ci on certify ttst No 1?94 I hove pczasel the so Esyss0s'.os Oo'aroriOn JsproveL: o h e aepertment at En vironment,SS Protect ion rand an dt assive the re;qa.rOct Yora/Oo expC±OoaCe Ono Faroertirre .:, Oraro)e0. by sle csnsistent. #ss the ses;u,niss] tro;0109 U sor CO 0 .3N0 0MR 15.017 u re- Trn,.;Thy E. McgH;flis DLP opcsoved form — 12/07/95 Ake., A 2011 Location Deep Hole Location: Land Use: Vegetation: Lcodiorm Position Distances Depth from o mce : inches) FORM 11 - SOIL Address or Lot No 55 Loudvale Roo° Northampton, MA. 01062 Number q 4 Dote: 05/06/71 Tme: 10 30 AM ( identify 6n site plan) behnd coop-rear o, house, Home site Slope: 1% - 3% Surface Stones: lawn, grass, upiand trees y:aclated upland on Landscape ( sketch of the back ) from: Open Water Body: > 100 T Drainage Way Possible Wet Area: < 100' - Property _ne: Drinking Water We::: >100' Other DLEF J?SERV4TION HOLE # 4 EVALUATION FORM Page 5 of 6 Weather: dear, M! a see plan Few > 100't 40' = t Grcvei ) loves, Bet:cera, rsist9nCy, Other: , StrucWre, .nr o Otter -°" Soil Nor;!on . e ( USDA ) rNinseu) M,ttIng 0 — 6" A Sandy loam 10YR 3/3 Friable, fine roots; Dk. brown, wavy boundry 6 - 26" B Sandy loam 10YR 4/3 Friable, fine,med roots; R. brown, wavy boundry 2p 26"- 60' C-1 Med/coarse sand 10YR 4/6 > 5% ® 26" 2.5Y 5/6 2.5? 5/4 Single grain, some grvl. 60"- 84" C-2 Fine Sand 10YR 5/6 Fine, damp, wavy boundry, It. brown LEDGE ® 84" Parent Material ( geolog:c ): Gravelly fine sandy loam, Till Weeping from face: 70" Depth to Be Crock: 69" Indicates ESTIMATED Depth to Groundwater: 96" SEASONAL Seasonal High Groundwater - 2n' HIGH WATER DEP approved form - 12/07/95 FORM 12 — PERCOLATION TEST Address or L ut N ) Ti? _oXadii'e ritood Northampton, Massachusetts COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Site Passed X Site Tailed Performed by: Timothy E. Maginnis R.S. Witnessed by: Daniel Wosiuk — Agent, Board of Health DEP APPROVED FORM PERCOLATION TEST Date: May 6, 2011 Time: ?, 0: 45 AM Observation Hole # # 4 Depth of Pert: 47° Start Pre—soak 10: 45 AM End Pre—soak 11 : 00 AM Time at 12" 11 : 00 AM Time at 9" 11 : 05 AM Time at 6" 11 : 12 AM Time ( 9" — 6" ) 7 minutes Rate Min. / Inch 2.33 mpi Site Passed X Site Tailed Performed by: Timothy E. Maginnis R.S. Witnessed by: Daniel Wosiuk — Agent, Board of Health DEP APPROVED FORM