97 Project Revision Notifications 2010-2011 mportant: Nben filling out orms on the nmputer,use mly the tab key o move your :ursor-do not me the return ey. T a VSTRUCTIONS This form is my available for nline filing of roject date ;visions. Enter project ecal number. Validate that re project motion is correct v the entered ecal. Enter your new "(Oct dates. Certify your obhcation. ubmit date langes. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention —Air Quality Project Revision Notification For Asbestos Notification ANF-001 and AQ 06 100114909 Decal Number A. Facility Location HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS 1.Name of Facility 7 HAWLEY STREET 2.Street Address NORTHAMPTON 3.City 4077372000 6.Telephone Number MA 4.State 5.Zip Code B. Project Cancelled Check here if this project is/was cancelled. C. Project Dates 1/10/2011 L Original Start Date(mrTdd/yyyy) 1/24/2011 3.Latest Revised Start Date(mm/dd/yyyy) 1/10/2011 2.Original End Date(mm/ddryyyy) 1/24/2011 4.Latest Revised End Date(mm/dd/yyyy) D. Revised Project Dates 12/3/2011 1-Revised Start Date(mm)ddryyyy) 12/3/2011 2.Revised End Dale Date(mmldd/yyyy) E. Other Project Revisions F. Revision History EDEP:01/06/2011 10:37:10 AM nfO6pdmdoc•rev.2/5/04 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention—Air Quality Project Revision Notification For Asbestos Notification ANF-001 and AQ 06 1100114909 Decal Number 1 G. Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations for the Removal, Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos.453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,and that the information contained in this notification is t - and • rect tot best• his/he'knowledge and belief. 'OP - (FAITH LEMAY 1. Name IADMIN ASSIST 2. Position/Title IACCUTECH INSULATION &CONTRACTING, II 4. Representing 1100 STATE ST. BLDG 119, PO BOX 376 6. Address (LUDLOW 7 City/Town it06pdrndoc•rev.2/5/04 aith LeMay Authorized Signature 1/2412011 3 Date mmldc [4135835500 S. Telephone_. LA 1 (01056 8 Zip Code Int: ;Ming out in the ter,use e tab key e your -do not return Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention —Air Quality Project Revision Notification For Asbestos Notification ANF-001 and AQ 06 A. Facility Location 'HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS 1.Name of Facility 197 HAWLEY STREET 2.Street Address ;NORTHAMPTON 3.City a14077372000 6.Telephone Number 100114909 Decal Number MA 4.State 5.Zip Code tUCTIDNS B. Project Cancelled is form is vaiiable for I I Check here if this project is as cancelled. filing of 1 date ans. ter protect number C. Project Dates - 1 tidate that roject ;1110!2011 2 p"o nal End Date(mmldid yam_ on is correct 1.original Start Date(mmadd/ym) -- e entered 4.Latest Revised End Date(mldlyyyy) 3 Latest Revised Start Date(mmlddlyyyy) md nter your new dates. ertity your cation D. Revised Project Dates it date --� — - "--" %1124/2011 I Iges 11/24/2011— . I ---- 2 Revised Start Date ly ( mlddyyy) Revised End Date D t ( m/dd/yyity) E. Other Project Revisions F. Revision History L_------ antospdmdoc•rev.2)5/04 --1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention —Air Quality Project Revision Notification For Asbestos Notification ANF-001 and AQ 06 G. Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the CMCommo 6 nw 0 and 310 of Massachusetts regulations for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 715,and that the information contained in this notification Is tr nd corr t tothy best his/11er knowledge and belief. % , h LeMay d Signature 1/6/2011 o to t Idol wl 1,1001 01 94949 Decal Number FAITH LEMAY 1. Name ADMIN ASSIST 2. Position/Title 4135835500 ACCUTECH INSULATION &CONTRACTING,II 4135835500 5 Telephone 4 Re STATE 19 PO BOX 376 100 STATE ST. BLDG 119, LUDLOW [ 1 6. Address 01056 --__. _—_ .___.__. --- B. Zip Code ]. CiryROwn anf06pdm doc rev.2/5/04 I out se key not im Massachusetts Del. it of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Preve. —Air Quality Project Revisio Notification For Asbestos Notification a.NF-001 and AQ 06 A. Facility Loca ion HAMPSHIRE NONS rm is able for g of to project nber. he that ct s correct itered your new Fates. Pi your pn. date 1.Name of Facility 97 HAWLEY STREET -- .Street Address NORTHAMPTON MA MAState 3.City 4. 4077372000 6.Telephone Number 100114915 Decal Number B. Project Cancelled Check here if this project is/was cancelled. C. Project Dates 121912010 I.On ma Start oat mmlel 5.Zip Code Latest Revised Start Date(mmiddl y) D. Revised Project Dates 1213012010 — --- 1.Revised Start Date(mm /ddlyyyy) E. Oth Project Revisions 2 O t E tl9-- NwY) __ 12/31/2010 4.Latest Revised End Date(rimlddlyy)y) 2.Revised Date (mmiddiwyy) F. Revision History EDEP: 12109/2010 04:44:09 PM OTHERPROREV: CUSTOMER NOT READY. 1106pdrn.doc•rev.2/5104 i Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention —Air Quality Project Revision Notification For Asbestos Notification ANF-001 and AQ 06 G. Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the om ono nwealth 310 of Massachusetts regulations for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos. CMR 7.15,and that the information contained in this notification is tr e and c rr t to the e his/her knowledge and belief. —� �17�,�GG�!�G// FAITH LEMAY Name ADMIN ASSIST 100114915 Decal Number Authorized i nature 12/29/2010 3. Date mmlddr 4135835500 2 PosttionfTitle ACCUTECH INSULATION &CONTRACTING, I 4 Re•resentin• 00 STATE ST. BLDG 119, PO BOX 376 6. Address LUDLOW 1, Cirylrown d06pdrn.doc•rev.95/04 5. Tele•hone 01056 Zip Code Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention — Air Quality Project Revision o Notification For A. Facility Location HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS ______ ,ry 1.Name of Facility HANLEY STREET EET 2.Street NORTHAMPTON ----_, — --� 3.City 4077372000 _ 6.Telephone Number 00114915 Decal Number ONS 1 is Ile for of oiect Der. that correct erect four new des. your in. ate B. Project B. Check here if this project islwas cancelled. C. Project Dates 121912010 --- 3.Latest Revised Sled Date(mmldtllyyyy) D. Revised Project Dates 1.Revised Start Date(mml4dlyyyY) E. Other Pro .e-_ctRevisions CUSTOMER NOT READY. F. Revision History 406pdm.doc•rev.215104 MA tate 4 I 121912010 — — - --.. 2.On al End Date mmlddl As 4.Latest Revised End Date(mmlddlyyyy) [a:172010'p.Revised End Date Dale(mmlddlyyyy) Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention — Air Quality Project Revision Notification For Asbestos Notification ANF-001 and AQ 06 G. Certification under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 The undersigned hereby states, CMR 7.15,and that he inf for the Removal,min CMR 7.15,and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. ADMIN ASST_ FAITH LEMAY___ _ _ --- _-'_. 'l i Lem ay 1. Nam Autlan4ed arum_ _ ____ 1219/2010 121912010 _ "ate I m I ACCUTECH INSULATION C_IN 41358355 2 P a 5 T le hone _ ___ _— � 1. Re STATE 100 STATE STREET BUILDING#119 -P.O. BOX 376 6. Address _-- — 01056 LUDLOW _ —_""-- B. Zip Code 100114915 Decal Number 7. City/Town d06pdrn doe•rev.2/5/04 11/1012011 t Original Start Date(mmIddlwyY) 1213/2011 3.Latest Revised Start Date(mmlddlyyyy) [1(10(2011 2.Original End Date(mmlddlyyrv) [ 121312011 4.Latest Revised End Date(mmlddlyyyy) I • g out ne use lb key our o not turn Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention—Air Quality Project Revision Notification For Asbestos Notification ANF-001 and AQ 06 100114909 Decal Number A. Facility Location 3TiONS arm is table for ng of ate project mbar. ate that tct is correct rntered r your new dates. iy your lion. date [HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS 1.Name of Facility 7 HAWLEY STREET 2.Street Address NORTHAMPTON 3.City 14077372000 6.Telephone Number 5.Zip Code B. Project Cancelled n Check here if this project is/was cancelled. C. Project Dates [ [ D. Revised Project Dates 1/31/2011 1.Revised Start Date(mmlddlyyyy) 1/3112011 2 Revised End Date Date(mmlddlyyyy) E. Other Project Revisions F. Revision History EDEP:01(06/2011 10:37:10 AM EDEP: 01/24/2011 11:00:20 AM O6pdrn doc•rev.2/5/04 1ADMIN ASSIST 2. Position/Title 1ACCUTECH INSULATION &CONTRACTING, 4. Representing 100 STATE ST. BLDG 119,PO BOX 376 6. Address 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention —Air Quality Project Revision Notification For Asbestos Notification ANF-001 and AQ 06 1100114909 Decal Number G. Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the C Commonwealth 6 nw and 310 of Massachusetts regulations for the Removal,Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos, CMR 7.15,and that the information contained in this notification is trucand col-motto the best his/her knowledge and belief. (FAITH LEMAY 1. Name 11 C?" ' LeMay 11/2812011 3. Date fmm/dd/anv) 14135835500 5. Telephone uthorized Signature (LUDLOW 7. City/Town O6pdm.doc•rev.2/5104 11056 8. Zip Code