20 #410 Complaint NOTICE OF AN INITIAL SITE INVESTIGATION AND TIER II CLASSIFICATION Hampton Court Apartments 20 Hampton Avenue Northampton, MA Release Tracking No. 1-14435 Pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.04801, an Initial Site Investigation has been performed at the above referenced location. A release of oil and/or hazardous materials has occurred at this location which is a disposal site (defined by M.G.L. c. 21E, Section 21. This site has been classified as Tier II, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0500. Response actions at this site will be conducted by Hampton Court Apartments who has employed Mark C. Hellstein to manage response actions in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 4.0000). M.G.L. c. 21E and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan provide additional opportunities for public notice of and involvement in decisions regarding response actions at disposal sites: 1 ) the Chief Municipal Official and Board of Health of the community in which the site is located will be notified of major milestones and events, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1403; and 2) Upon receipt of a petition from ten or more residents of the municipality in which the disposal site is located, or of a municipality potentially affected by a disposal site, a plan for involving the public in decisions regarding response actions at the site will be prepared and implemented, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1405. To obtain more information on this disposal site and the opportunities for public involvement during its remediation, please contact Mark C. Hellstein, Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (dba ECSMarin), 588 Silver Street, Agawam, Massachusetts, 01001 , (413) 789-3530. ICS VIARIN Via Certified Mail Mayor Mary Clare Higgins 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 June 30, 2003 File No. 14687 Document No. 24495 RE: 20 Hampton Avenue Northampton,MA Release Tracking#1-14435 588 SILVER STREET AGAWAM. MA 01001 413.789.3530 FAX 413-789-2776 WWW.ECSMARIN.COM Dear Mayor Higgins: On behalf of Hampton Court Apartments, Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (dba ECSMarin) submitted a Tier II Classification and a Phase I Completion Statement to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on June 26,2003. A copy of the report can be obtained by contacting the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, 436 Dwight Street, Springfield, Massachusetts, 01103. A copy of the legal notice to be published in the Springfield Union News is attached. If you should have any questions concerning this submittal,please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SEP.A ICES, INC. Michael S.Brozek Project Manager MJBIIt cc: Board of Health-Via Certified Mail Massachusetts DEP-Via Certified Mail ADOAM, CT Bow. NH TAMPA, EL MARION. NY AGAWAM. MA PLATTSBURGH, NY SOUTHBRIDGE, MA WAKEFIELD, MA RICHMOND, VT BRATTLEBORO, VT cs Via Certified Mail Mayor Mary Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 588 SILVER STREET AGAWAM. MA 01001 41 3-789-3530 FAX: 413-789-2776 WWW.ECSCONSU LT.CO June 22, 2006 File No. 14687.05 Document No. 31292 RE: 20 Hampton Ave Northampton.MA 01060-3890 RTN 1-14435 Dear Mayor Higgins: On behalf of Hampton Housing Associates, Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (ECS) submitted a Phase II Scope of Work to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on June 21,2006. A copy of the report can be obtained by contacting the Department of Environmental Protection, 436 Dwight Street, Suite 402 Springfield, MA 01103. If you should have any questions concerning this submittal,please do not hesitate to contact our office. LG/smj Sincerely, ENVIl2f7NMENTAL •MPLIANCE SERVICES, NC. on Gilmore Level II Environmental Scientist cc: Board of Health-Via Certified Mail Massachusetts DEP-Via Certified Mail HADDAM. CT TAMPA. FL AGAWAM. MA AUBURN. MA WAKEFIELD. MA O UMB'JS_ OH ROCHESTER NY BRATTLEBORO. VT RICHMOND. V BOW. NH er 2_0 , 3 _ oDo Date: (Q/ 2-11/3 I Time: I GEO: Type: Name of Complainant:. „TA-lite s- �rV 52,4A) Address: AO-4WI / Tel s14,-0.50/7 nve 'fl0 NATURE OF COMPLAINT: aea ■ e'/ %�a �,/ / UV 4 • t0"v1,0 ,(M- fl': //' - Oft f86, a- . fa • I/ i . #19W 5 ✓ Location: 4r0 — Owner: F ,Q 3 0122/44 ' 4 Address:a0 Tel: �\ Taken by I Date of Insp tion: 'Time: (7` INSPECTOR'S ("F03 - /FS'f 'Oac.4-4x4..1 thh yil) r,.o0.Chc (ae uy9i tag(°pCQ- (1: 5a R PORT: • /-c 0(Uaw 61kh/�. y,��, ? 'a ,f,-.. . (<,.., 2 m<� El 33q ' y /0 edI . 6GQitd.4 fa 540.7 PicdaJ 67/2_y/43 _- o.. ., ay.e�`tl8re_� Total#of Inspections: 0 Orders Issued?: t.. 0 Date of Final Inspection: OR Notice of Compliance?:Ab Ea 0 Inspector Signature