20 Complaint - Air Conditioning Parcel: Address: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: �hll ( n - ne a , ( (,)21 1A3-- - tip. Location: Owner: Address: Taken b .�l Action Taken: Date of Inspection: Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 0 ai Time: (U`co Name of Complainant: Address: 3 e/ 585 -00 b Location: Owner: Address: Taken by: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Action Taken: IF, wi i1,1,11r1oi to i5 L, /CI Inspector Signature, • Parcel: Location: Owner: Address: Date of Inspection: Tel: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: OA 13 MOEN Action Taken: Inspector Signature. Date: , / III&. I ITime�:A�" 1I � Map: 1 P Parcel: Name of Compl n � M Address: / • NATURE O /) ^ N Cet1S - -Jim - OF COMPLAI T G « T: r i Location: �M U y C< - -S L Inspector Signature. Date: MIMS Map: Parcel: Name of Gomel ant: Address: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: cv ki 'Co C n GO Cen4itc i + ; opeckArthi Location: Owner: Address: Tel: Date of Inspection: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 74p sp,.0 Mayon'.' .. c b1011.0Wanlelt.AH Action Taken:Ac, ry 3" on 4' t5e^ mouLaA Its warA e Inspector Signature O •• .:r we. b9 iMi`Irl ow* we .To, i a. eak .--aaiM■ n • Air Conditioning I;pdatc The office has already started to receive inquiries regarding the air conditioning. At this time the air conditioning is not turned on. Massachusetts law mandates all landlords to provide heat from September 15 - June 15 event' year. Unfortunately, we are not set up to have both the air conditioning and heat on at the same time. We realize that we have already had some 80 degree days, and that Mother Nature does not always agree with the law; however we must obey the law. Fortunately, we do allow you to use your own window air conditioning units to get you through this season more comfortably. There is one quick form you need to fill out. If you are interested please contact the office. Once the air conditioning has been turned on we will post notices immediately. Your patience will be greatly appreciated. Thank You - Hampton Court Stall- 1 /Ns C_I 1R SLI ' A ' 1 - It F/t/: Way yr Benz f'jawits very I-Or' //C5,4 ,» .y . /95 an-19C h/5) / %S °ic a orI,Je/yf Of �3 f?/�/ / � 71k'> /-f uOa u/al be 0 cS'ooal iQ1e4 hafre `yu or (Jo /neon& cs71op 17 '`v ,�y fy c r°XCr2sS7 r� 71efVIDP� r S iy2 r✓ S %ura.S. Or Rico! cite/7)1- . prea/(c i 4c:ef`71- & a vr° 7_7/ CQ// yo c! di? ////o'xVy h42L � 2 /?(CC° CSiiX'P�� / /Via uri>i Ueet/er www , sutterfoto . com ) 559-7762 cell 20 Hampton Avenue #413 Northampton, MA 01060 SS' - 9-5'3 9 —home Nood ct: Kaniecki, Charlie (DPH) [Charlie.Kaniecki @state.ma.us) Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:22 AM Ben Wood FW: No air conditioning and heat problems x your record. es Kaniecki,District Health Officer Dept.of Public Health n Regional Office vice Ctr Rd. minion,MA. 01060 586 7525 x1167 784 1037 fax 9 3237 cell HTTP://PUB LIC H EALTH.BLOG.STATE.MA.US : Sarti, Claudia (DPH) [mailto:Claudia.Sarti @state.ma.us] Tuesday, June 01, 2010 8:56 AM aniecki, Charlie (DPH); 'Paul.Halfmann @state.ma.us' act: No air conditioning and heat problems eived a voice message from Maureen Setter(?)who has called to report what she considers a life ttening situation regarding high temperatures and no air conditioning within the apartments in her ,lex. She states that in one woman's apartment, the ambient air temperature inside the apartment 97 degrees at 9:00pm. She says that she has been looking at the state Sanitary Code and needs some fication. She is wondering why the Northampton BOH did not grant a variance on this building to mmodate air conditioning in the summer months. The woman is quite concerned about this issue is looking for some sort of guidance as she claims that the high temperatures are unsafe for the Ile living in her building, particularly for the elderly folk living there. can be reached at 413 586-7762 or 413 559-7762. tdia Sarti PH Western Regional Office earch Analyst, BEHA ne: (413) 586-7525 ext. 1192 Idia.sarti(a)state.ma.us ARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS IA C.SALLOOM, CHAIR ZANNE SMITH, M.D. )ANNE LEVIN,M.D. STAFF injamin Wood, MPH actor of Public Health Cott,R.N., Public Health Nurse 'etrosky, Health Inspector ather Mcbride, Clerk J Vershon on Court Apartments npton Avenue Impton, MA 01060 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 rshon: orthampton Health Department has received a copy of a memo titled "Air Conditioning es" written by Hampton Court Staff. The purpose of this letter is to clarify the law that you rice in the memo. 105 CMR 410.000 (Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code) does stipulate that the period other than June 19' to September 19 dwellings need to be provided with heat. The of this regulation is to ensure that temperatures do not fall below a certain threshold (68 es during the day and 64 degrees during the night). The regulation further states that :ratures will not exceed 78 degrees during this time period. 105 CMR 410 should not be used to at the heat needs to be on continuously throughout this time period but rather that adequate ;ratures need to be maintained. If the heat is on, as the memo states, temperatures in individual should not exceed 78 degrees. c you for your cooperation. / Gzrx.." Nood, MPH tor, Northampton Health Department ft:(/uOn// q cog ' / O WSJ a �sC/ A2C1 �{ -A WWI 1 s ��J/b)S �-S (7/ 9 / I (3 0 0) G-72 -5(_-(76w2/ ke7o yo ("1-70C 7ip ks/ n)/v57) � (/ co U Q/1 — 7/./Qt O (/ b2/ / 4 uoo/ J 4 -19'67 �9 }Q 7/ oz (� e ft MEMO TO: HAMPTON COURT RESIDENTS FROM: DIANA VERSHON — PROPERTY MANAGER DATE: May 25, 2010 RE: AIR CONDITIONING At this time we would like to take the opportunity to clarify the air conditioning status. As you may be aware,the law states that landlords must provide heat during the heating season. which they have defined as September I S through June 15.(Please note that there is no law regarding a"cooling season"and landlords providing air conditioning. Air conditioning is considered an amenity.) Last week, in anticipation of the warm weather, I initiated a conger ation with the Northampton Board of Health to inquire as to how we can comply w ith the heating late while keeping our residents comfortable in unseasonable heat. I specifically requested perm lssion to turn the air conditioning on sooner than June 15. The result of our discussion, which w yesterday_was this. While we are required to provide heat until June 15ih, it is not necessary to have the heat on at all times. However, we are required by law to he able to turn the heating system back on if the temperatures are expected to get below 68 during the day and 64 at night. The issue is simply this:our heating and cooling system is not equipped to provide both heat and air conditioning at the same time and the law requires that landlords provide heat until June 15. Additionally,working within the heating and cooling system is not a simple process. In order to switch from heat to cool, we must do a fair amount of onsite prep work, which has already begun. When the onsite work is finished, we require an outside vendor,as many other building in the area do, to complete the conversion. We will get this work scheduled as soon as allowed. The fact that our systems are incapable of running concurrently makes it impossible to comply with the law and turn on the air conditioning.What we are permitted to do under the law is turn the heat off, which is also a cumbersome and time consuming process. However, in an effort to make residents more comfortable,we turned the building heat oft yesterday. Please note that the current forecast calls for temperatures in the sixties on Friday. which would require us to turn the heat back on. We will monitor the temperatures and if we need to, the heat will be turned back on and without discussic ompl iance with the law. We understand that Mother Nature does not always agree with the Board of Health heating season,but please understand that although Hampton Court and Federal Management do not makes these laws and policies, we are required to follow them. Further, because we do not hate a heating and cooling system that run concurrently, we are quite limited in what we call do. Al2 recommend that Hampton Court residents open the windows and use fans in your apartments You are also permitted and encouraged to use your own window air conditioners, which management is happy to install for you. At this time, Hampton court is fully complaint with the Board of Health regulations and we are not required to take any further action.We will monitor the temperatures moving forward and yye are working toward switching the heating system to cooling in the coming weeks. We hope you will understand the situation and be patient and respectful of the staff as we deal with the early heat as best we can. .9,2014 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS:Donna Salloom, Chair—Joanne Levin, MD—Suzanne.Smith, MPH, MD— William Hargraves—Cynthia.Suopis, PhD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary, RS, Director-Daniel Wasiuk Inspector-Edmund Smith Inspector-Lisa Steinbock, RN, Nurse het Companies iana Vershon impden Avenue tamp of n,MA 01060 tpproved Variance Request Property Owner, rordance to 105 CMR 410.840 and 105 CMR 410.201, on May 15th, 2014, the Northampton Board of th approved (5-0) your request for a variance to change the heating season from June 15th to May 31st lampton Court Property located at 20 Hampton Avenue,Northampton,MA. ',F R410.210 Temperature Requirements miner shall provide heat in every habitable room and every room containing a toilet,shower,or bathtub to at least 68°F C) between 7:00 A.M. and 11:00 P.M.and at least 64°F (17° C) between 11:01 P.M. and 6:59 A.M.every day other than ig the period from lune 15th to September 15th, both inclusive, in each year except and to the extent the occupant is fired to provide the fuel under a written letting agreement.The temperature shall at no time exceed 78°F (25° C) during eating season.The temperature may be read and the requirement shall be met at a height of five feet above floor level on II any point more than five feet from the exterior wall.The number of days per year during which heat must be provided :cordance with 105 CMR 410.000 may be increased or decreased through a variance granted in accordance with the isions of 105 CMR 410.840 notwithstanding the prohibitions of the first clause of the first sentence of 105 CMR 840(A). CMR 410.840 Except for those conditions enumerated under 105 CMR 410.750(4) through (0), the board of health may vary the ication of any provision of 105 CMR 410.000 with respect to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement eof would do manifest injustice;provided that the decision of the board of health shall not conflict with the spirit of these imum standards or any other applicable statute,code or regulation,and provided further,such variances may be granted after notice is given to all affected occupants and after a hearing is held.Any variance granted by the board of health shall n writing and shall not be in effect unless it is filed by the owner in the registry of deeds for the county, or appropriate rict thereof, in which the dwelling is located. A copy of any such variance shall, while it is in effect, be available to the lic at all reasonable hours in the office of the clerk of the city or town,or in the office of the board of health. e variance will be effective immediately after filing said document with the Hampshire County Registry of eds and proof of filing is submitted to the Northampton Board of Health. :ase retain a copy of this letter for your record. mu or your representative has any questions,please do not hesitate to contact this office. spectfully, erri t A O'Leary, R.S. iblic Health Director 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 City of Northampton • Building Department 'nIj 212 Main Street I ii Room 100 CI' 2 8 2013 Northampton, MA 01060 ph one 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 .robing&GESES ln_pecspea ]a�tp-i kip-+^6a APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING /ION 1-SITE INFORMATION Tooeriv Address. IC; WslAT 5C) J RN t1 OAP. Q\0lc 0 This section to be completed by office Map Lot Unit_ Zone Overlay District Elm tit District CS Wtlkt TION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT Tyner of Record: - 3C4\0C St rc iti0\1.ST\vr) VEOEr.,PI, ZWTEi00 a(Pri�n�t)�, Cure 4Al Mdps_s p c BB., �OYI G.G\ Telephone '-SS sure uthorized Agent: &SO2x* C, \stne e(Pont / ature 1029 i�'(�11R. :\�e,S}�i�f�C�,�• 01085 Current Mailing Address; 4f3 u$S 733 Telepho MON 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS 3ui.iing Electrical Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be completed by permit applicant Official Use Only a)Building Permit Fee (b)Estimated Total Cost of Construction from(6) Numbing Nec animal(14VAC) 'ire Protection Tatal=(1 +2+3+4+5) Building Permit Fee �2 z4 g - W Cher(Number /6.19 This Section For Ofrclal Use Only ding Permit Number Date Issued: (nature: Building Commissioner/Inspector of Guiding' Date Schochet Companies>Portfolio Sschochet companies the schochet companies portfolio Vain n<nomabieHo,,sing a Propels.Detail. Hampton Court Access to great shopping,fine dining and a fantastic art and music scene Family I 77 Units,1&2&3&4 Bedroom Hampton Court 20 Hampton Avenue Northampton,Massachusetts 01060 Main phone number 413-585-0020 Fax number 413-585-5137 Manager Diana Vershon search _......_.. Page 1 of 1 development , property management • divestments home envisions about us Conveniently located one block from Main Street.Hampton Court provides you with access to great shopping,fine dining and a fantastic art and music scene. Hampton Court residents enjoy spacious,luxurious apartments with abundant closet space and large windows that provide great natural sunlight.Apartments range from one,two,three, and four bedrooms,while the courtyard fountain,grills,and picnic tables offer beautiful and relaxing outdoor space.Located near all major routes and highways,Hampton Court also offers central heat and air conditioning,and free off-street parking.Come in and see why Hampton Court is the most sought out address in Northamptonl. Google Map eS Arm MS PM l■4 Pottle portloto news contact us rip://wwws chochetcom/Portfoliohabid/94/agentTyperView/PropertylD/ISMampton-Courhaspx 4/16/2014