261 Complaints & Inspections 1990-2014 Contract Agreement Contract for asbestos removal Owner, Jeffrey Wood, 312 Leverett Road, Amherst, MA 01002, hereby contracts for Charles Shaw, 4 Milebrook School, Northfield, MA to remove asbestos from the cellar of 261 Crescent Street, Northampton. The owner has no knowledge or expertise regarding the handling of asbestos and relies entirely on the contractor to provide such expertise. Contractor agrees and warrants that he and his employees have knowledge needed to remove asbestos safely and without injury to themselves or anyone else. Contractor further warrants to owner that only the contractor will be responsible for any problems or liability arising out of the removal and disposal of the asbestos. Contractor specifically guarantees that he will dispose of the asbestos at a legal site. All of the above service will be undertaken for the amount of $75.00 paid upon completion. ontractor yet crref Att.:e 3 , 1990 Name of Complainant /!M ,ti-c c vao BOARD OF HEALTIfi CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD 'Ten_ Datx ^ p _ UX /1 /�ey Address 7( / 0/L4-!,(.l—l-f t . Tel aiaj� Address & ,^,det l e v-/ / 1 al� Nature of Complaint �'^/,l.✓ t / Location of Premises 7)2I0( — t�/�9 Owner \� .� ( � —, / Address Occupant Taken by Referred to Date of inspection (911.1q12----------Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT Act en W414 z n Action wJ"L� /t � �� a,thMyz (i-~b ,.,,,, pl O ', d- -4J e-en44.ccior Inspector non-06 (/2 »PR —Printed on Recycled Paper— „VO'E(cAL A 8 /anr+,r;, ;cm) TFAr/ Six)ticatuP • Q(Y. urGaz' $RES kz,re:rC • GWN°r` Sr*FF wcoO m•*.HOP 1 IIID OF HEALTH IOYCE.Chairman C.KENNY.M.D. EL R.PARSONS 1.McEKLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 413) S86-69$0 Ext.213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER 11 OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT : 1 125 Crescent Street --- DATE: _A nil _12,_ 1990 ORDER ADDRESSED. TO: Mr Jeffery Wood 312 LevereLL Road__ Amherst,_ MA, 010020 C OPIES OF REPORT TO 'ferry Morison _ . 3 rd Floor , 261 Crescent_Street Northampton, MA 01060_ This is an important legal document . it may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at Isto e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste document° de : Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait affecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un document° legale importante . Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di quest° modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos . lid. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: • To jest wazne legalny dokument . To maze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel a . ( 413 ) 556-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 261 Crescent Street , Northampton (assessor ' s map 31 A parcel 45 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health ,'. safety , and well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter I1I , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter lI of the State Sanitary Code , you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within 7_2 Hours _ ._ _ __ of the receipt of this order: t LATION `;IOLATION ) : 353 Evidence of improper removal of asbestos pipe insulation from the cellar with: 1 ) no plan submitted to the Board of Health. 2 ) No notification to Depart. of Environmental Protection and Division of Labor & industry . ) ) No notification to tenants , 4 ) No certified personnel an site . ' you have any ques REMEDY Provide certified asbestos removal decontamination with cleanup plan filed with D . E . P and Board of Health . Conduct air sampling following cleanup. on, please contact the Board of Health Office . ery truly yours , titer J . HcErlain ealth Agent orthampton Board of Health his inspection report enalties of perjury. is signed and :E RTIFIED MAIL # P890 362 465 :C: Terry Morison 'JM/np certified under the pains and 4 BOARD OF HEALTH )HN T.1OTCE.Chatham ETF I C.KENNY MD. OCHAEL B.PARSONS ETES 1.McERLAI N.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MANN STREET 01060 M13)5K6950 En 213 1 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER 1I OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT : 1 261 Crescent Street - DATE: April 24, 1996 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: `fir 312 Lexer=_LL iES REPORT Terry :Mot :s 3rd Floor , cent Street Northampton, MA 01060 Road This is an important legal document . It may affect your righ You may obtain a translation of this form at : _sto d um documento legal mui to important=_ que podera afec tar os seus direitcs . Podem adquirir uma tradgac deste documento de : Le suivante est un important document legate . __ pourrait affecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legale importante . _ c _ eboe avere effectto sui suet diritti . Lei pub of ter:ere 'u na `rad'uzlrine di quest;s modulo a: Este es un document° legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos . Ui . Puede adquirir una traduccidn de esta forma _n: To jest wazne Legalny dokumen t. To moze m iec wplyw na twoje uprawnienla. Mo__sz _zyskac _iumaczenie tea _okumentu w o_is__ : Lo and o _ Health {all . ___ :lair: _ ___ . orthamptc: `1 01060 Tei ? . 695'0 .__: 4 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 261 Crescent Street , Northampton ( assessor' s map 31 A parcel 45 . ) , for compliance with Chapter 1I of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safely , and well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter III , e you 127 of the Massachusetts and General Laws , a . Chapter I1 of the State Sanitary are Code , . hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to corCett the eceipt following violations within 72 Hours _ —_— of this order: REGULATION REMEDY Addendum to Board of Health Order dated April 1990 410 : 55 Improper Asbestos removal . As part of the asbestos clean up of the cellar all :material which can not be decontaminated must be disposed of in accordance with Asbestos Disposal Regulations . If you have any questions concerning this notice , please contract the Board - of Health office . Ve uly yours 3-61 Z'L Peter J . MoErlain Health Agent This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury . CERTIFIED MAIL = 390 364 190 CC: Terry Morrison PJ>1/np IND OF HEALTH .JOYCE Chairman C.KENNY,M.D. EL R.PARSONS 1.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF TAE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 12131 586-6950 Eat.213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CIHAPTER : 11 OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR --:HUMA:N HABITATION AT: 126 Crescent Street If % D ATE • ORDER ADDRESSED To: Mr Jeffery Wood 312 LevereLL Road Amherst, MA 010020 CQFI S OF REPORT TO Terry Morison 3 rd Floor 261 Crescent Street Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important, legal document . It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation: of this. form at : Isto e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir uma tradgao dente documento de : Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 peurrait affecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos . lid. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: To jest wazne legality document . To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel ( 413 ) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has preises A 261 Crescent Street parcel 45 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that, the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enouandawell-being ger orhz materially impair the health,: safety , occupants . Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter IT_ of the Stale Sanitary Code , you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within 7_2, _Hours _ of the receipt of this order: -- .G U LAT10N VIOLATION idence of improperremoval of asbestos pip insulation _m the cell. with: 1 ) no plan d to the Board of Health . �No notification to Dept- o= Environmental P.otectior, and Eivision of Labor & Industry . 3 ) No notification to tenants , 4 ) No certified personnel on site . :f you have any question , KP rov ide removal cle an :oard Heal Conduct air following clean REMEDY erti-fied asbestos d- ontamination with D . E. P of sampling please contact the Board of Health Office . /ery truly yours, Peter J . McErlain 3ealth Agent Northampton Board of Health This inspection report penalties of perjury. is signed and CERTIFIED MAIL it P890 362 465 CC : Terry Morison PJM/np certified under the pains and FM OF HEALTH .1OYCE.Chairman EL R.PARSONS L M<ERLAIN.Health Agent April 25, 1990 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF TBE BOARD OF HEALTH Mr . Jeffrey Wood 312 Leverett Road Amherst, MA 01002 RE: ASBESTOS CLEANUP, 261 CRESCENT STREET, NORTHAMPTON 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (4191 5866950 Ext.213 Dear Mr. Wood: In response to your inquiry, please be advised that the asbestos contamination of the cellar at 261 Crescent Street, Northampton (Assessors Map 31A, Lot 45) constitutes a Public Health emergency and therefore should proceed as quickly as possible. A copy of the asbestos cleanup/removal plan must be filed with the Board of Health by your licensed contractor prior to commencing the work. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Peter J. MCErrain, Health Agent Northampton Board of Health cc: Terry Morison 261 Crescent Street, 3rd Floor NORWICH LABORATORIES, INC. 750 North Pleasant Street, Rear Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 549-6884 May 2, 1990 Inspection and Air Monitoring of 261 Crescent St. , Northampton, MA. At the request of Valley Wellspring, on Wednesday, April 18, 1990, Tracy Branchaud of Norwich Laboratories, Inc. (NLI) visited the apartment building located at 261 Crescent St. , Northampton, MA. Ms. Branchaud found approximately forty feet of asbestos containing pipe-covering missing from several pipes in the basement. There was asbestos debris on this piping and on many of the objects below and near it, including tenants' belongings, which had been stored there. Five garbage bags containing the missing insulation were stored in a small closet-type area. This removal appeared to be limited to the first room at the base of the stairway, and to the room directly behind it. There was however, a padlocked room to the left of this cellar area and there was some question as to any possible removal in that area. On Thursday, April 19, 1990, a visit was made to examine the padlocked room for any possible removal or debris. No removal had been done and all insulation on both piping and boiler was still intact; although in poor condition. ' A member of the Northampton Board of Health and an inspector from the Department of Labor and Industries (Mr. Gregory Komer) were present at the time of this visit. They outlined their requirements for clean-up of the basement area and what personal belongings would be considered contaminated and have to be disposed of as asbestos waste. Any clothing, material drop cloths or other objects unable to be cleaned by either HEPA vacuuming or wet- wiping would need to be disposed of by the Massachusetts certified asbestos contractor hired to do the clean up work. At this time, two swipe samples were taken to determine if the dust on the tenants' belongings near the piping contained asbestos. On Friday, April 20, 1990, a walk-through was held for contractors who wished to bid on the clean-up of the basement. The scope of the work included cleaning/disposal of the tenants' belongings due to asbestos being found in the dust from one of the swipe samples. (see page AI) . Three pre-air samples were also done at this time to establish the fiber content prior to clean-up. (see page A2) . One of these samples was in the first floor rear apartment, due to the possibility that the tenants inadvertently tracked debris from the basement into their living area. No visible debris was found in their apartment, and none of the pre-air samples were aggressive. The low bidder was Alliance Environmental , so on Tuesday, April 24, 1990, a meeting took place between Mr. Price of Alliance Environmental contractors, Mr. Wood of Valley Wellspring, and Tracy Branchaud of NLI . This meeting was requested by Mr. Wood and Mr. Price to determine the possible scope of work for clean-up if the air tests in any of the apartments exceeded a safe level . A visual inspection of the stairways and the third floor apartment was conducted at this time and it was determined that no visible debris was tracked up from the basement. Following this meeting, Mr. Price agreed to do the job with any clean-up of the apartments being billed at an additional hourly rate. On Monday, April 30, 1990, final clearance air sampling was done in the basement following a visual inspection to check for debris. The tenants' belongings had been cleaned and the piping, floor, and walls had been well encapsulated. Air sampling was done in all of the apartments and Department of Labor & Industries final clearance levels for Phase Contrast Microscopy were reached (see page A3) . The cleanup project appears to be complete, but removal of the rest of the pipe insulation and boiler insulation is recommended as it is all in fair to poor condition. Report by: 13/144-0G44- Tracy A. Branchaud MA Cert. PM00312 cc: Valley Wellspring, Department of Labor and Industries, Northampton Board of Health NORWICH LABORATORIES, INC. 750 North Pleasant Street, Rear Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 549-6884 P.O. Box 518 Leeds, MA 01053 BULK SAMPLING ANALYSIS REPORT Page 1 of 2 Name & Address: valley wellspring Leverett Rd. Amherst. MA Report Date: 4/19/90 ,On: 261 Crescent St. , Northampton, MA Contractor: basement A-1 Analytical Results /Lab Sample Sample Location/ a No. Date Description/Color Asbestos Other Material 1st floor tenant's belongings 4/19/90 swipe sample on BBQ Chrysotile Asbestos Detected 4/19/90 swipe sample on Qtz. heater NO asbestos detected lysis by polarized light microscopy Test Method #600/M4-82-020 Watt" eka :oratdfy Manager Sampled by: Tracy Branchaud Analyzed by: Tracy Branchaud Approved by: Tracy Branchaud NORWICH LABORATORIES, INC. 750 North Pleasant Street, Rear Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 549-6884 ' AIRBORNE FIBER 1MV ONITORINQ REPORT P.O. Box 518 Leeds, MA 01053 • )cation: 261 Crescent St. , Northampton, MA Contractor: Alliance Environmental d/Lab Sample )1e No. Date Sample Description Sample Vol . (liters) Results (f/c c) pre-air )34 4-20-90 1st floor rear 1688 0.007 pre-air )35 4-20-90 basement 1563 0.003 pre-air )36 4-20-90 basement 1563 <0.003 HA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 0.2 fibers per cubic centimeter of air /cc) for occupational exposure. A recommended release criterion of 0.01 for abatement projects. mpled by: Tracy Branchaud I proved by: : Tracy Branchaud _aboratory {tanager Analyzed by: Gino Costantino NORWICH LABORATORIES, INC. 750 North Pleasant Street, Rear P.O. Box 518 Amherst, MA 01002 Leeds, MA 01053 (413) 549-6884 ' AIRBORNE FIBER MONITORINCiREPOLT (cation: 261 Crescent St. , Northampton, MA A-3 Contractor: Alliance Environmental d/Lab Sample ale No. Date Sample Description Sample Vol . (liters) Results (f/cc) 137 4-30-90 )38 4-30-90 ]39 4-30-90 040 4-30-90 041 4-30-90 .042 4-30-90 !043. 4-30-90 basement by stairs 1250 <0.004 basement by storage 1250 <0.004 3rd floor kitchen 1313 <0.004 2nd floor front kitchen 1250 <0.004 2nd floor rear kitchen 1125 <-0.004 1st floor front kitchen 2625 0.002 1st floor rear kitchen 3813 0.003 HA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 0.2 fibers per cubic centimeter of air /cc) for occupational exposure. A recommended release criterion of 0.01 for abatement projects. mpled by: Tracy Branchaud Analyzed by: Tracy Branchaud proved by: : Tracy Branchaud _aboratory Manager CbA BOARD-OF HEALTH e1 _ /A Parcel: -r- Date: S .e7-4i Time: Z:IS. PM Map: 3 , Name of Complainant /9z'/VOJ/ S o/7-# Address: Z/y /erCENTyT/Fari c3CP,/r Tel:S2rGy2/6. act NATURE OF COMPLAINT: �P •No EOFC,'.td'cg7 ' GG4r i=iP'_swNr E Location: Owner: COCVdR/' Address: 0.37TB/,,V �1/jcN r/7"9 0A-.4 c7 Taken by: (:).EX- I Date of Inspection: 3-4-0/ INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 0161- • 12077141 eoM ovAtCS -',G; F-0,4&/j SGL'.�X 19°510 e 1 sec 4rn Ns- c /V! „t ( ic? )-X( rt (w u. crpd • CC 5:0 fi qs7 ccci-:= ! v;)(,.._ rr4,4) Tel: fq, 5.3 rc S5r6 -749� Time:74'30 ) •F1''(pek' 'fC?: P'VDD..✓s' Vt. U.c/ rr/P,CH 4K. NCEt. e,en.oes csYnln'.e� w ni,POce OEM M - CrYE' PC/ : o,■(.•-0 CO, ti._ 4- c, /r e„Gr it Pr—zs E� etc tSS . QI:_e :-L"' - 5i05 PeLW.: 0,1 A06 •,? S4C-rri'2,pa, ) :4(cc.b✓Y OtZyta i CS-co eIrt Fr(Arc 'w-Ne w 'An.; rcl� S nr o•cr= L s crow n,esbY 2^SFr^// ) oaIatenetaL»raken Cheek Boa 1VES� Action Taken: /77Aoi / A 3-29 -01 1.2tAb BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS IIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair ANNE BURES,M.D. JSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N. ER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1264 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH DER "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT:SANITARY CODE 261 Crescent Street, Upstairs Rear Apt., Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: March 29, 2001 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Ed7 Main P. Goll COPYNorthampton, MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Alison 61 Crescent St., 2nd FI. Rear Apt. Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: I sto um documento legal d re tOS. Podem adquirir l importante ua y trad odeste documento de afectar os seus droitS. Vous pouvez obtenir une t aduction de cette forme a: vos Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccibn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587- 1214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 261 Crescent cent Street, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 31A parcel 45 .), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as health, safety, toccupants endanger materially impair the and well-being the ral Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 7 of the Massachusetts hereby o eneed to Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within 7 DAYS of the receipt of this order. ;ULATION 351, 500 & 504 1.482 ).500 & )501 VIOLATION Bathroom undergoing renovations. The following have not been completed: (1) Walls unfinished (2) Flooring unfinished (3) Small hole in tub area ceiling (4) Electrical wiring exposed. Smoke detector not operational. Batte missin•. The following prime windows are ill- fitted and not weathertight: (1) Kitchen - Both prime windows (2) Middle Bedroom—Left prime window (3) Back Bedroom: (a) Side prime window b Back •rime window REMEDY Complete renovation work in a timely fashion. Tenants also indicated that there was a lack of care on the part of contractor(s) to prevent dust from spreading throughout the er dust apartment. This was evidenced by plaster accumulation throughout. Extra care cleanup must be taken to prevent such dust accumulation. An approved smoke detector must be installed and o•erational at all times. Repair/replace/weather-strip these windows in a manner that will render them operable,tightfitting, lockable, and weathertight. Inspection of the premises was made on March 28, 2001 at approximately 11:30 am. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7099 3400 0003 5609 7075 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT 212 MAIN STREET-NORTHAMPTON, MA-01060-(413)-5871214 MD BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna s SailoOm hair oanne Levin, p D Suanne Smith, MPH,MD- STAFF:Merridith 0-Learq,RS,Director-Daniel Wasiuk, Inspector-Edmund Smith,Inspector-Lisa Steinbock RR Nurse CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code,Chapter 11, Minimum 4 Standards rds of Fitness for Human Habitation 105 Note: This is on important legal document that might affect your rights. Este es un documento legal importante Sue podria afectar sus derechos. August 15,2014 Northeast Enterprises(Attn: Shannon Finnesey) 237 Main Street#2,Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Property Owner/Manager: An authorized inspection was made by a designee of the Northampton Health Department of your property located at 261 Crescent Street 41F ,Northampton,MA on 8/13/2014 . You are hereby ORDERED to correct these violations within the noted time limit. Failure to comply within the allotted time period may result in a criminal complaint against you. You have a right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be made by you, in parties will be informed of the date,time,and place of the hearing,and of their request ght to hearing, nspect and copy all records concerning the matter to be heard. The petitioner has the right to be represented at the hearing. Sincerely, /' Edmund R. Smith C: occupant iJ ', 1- iPyr-r -i-e't /15/7,: '1 -Y CPi" 7 "` a1/4$704 9&oil-Q-a46Q ,(7 -7 cr.. NOTE All violations that are deemed conditions that may endanger or impair health,safety or well-being,must be corrected within the writing) time frame.a daysloftreceiving sthis order and complete repairs with 30 days ofarece ving this order with a repair person(in writing) a )riot erior mmon eas & Entry itchen xterior door) (itchen ceiling chen Sin Counter 105 CMR 410 State Sanitary Code Regulation# Description 410.500: Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Observed. Most gutter leaders are disconnected from gutters; inspected during heavy rain and gutters are overflowing along length indicating need for cleaning (little water coming out where downs out should be attached 500, 352 410.500: Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements 410.351: Owners Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities Observed: vent stack on right side rear of building has insulation sticking out of bottom/no metal plug (susceptible to animals intrusion or fallin. out, affectin• function of stack 500 410.500: Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Observed: Storm door has no closer or storm chain. 500 50 501 ving Room 500 410.501:Weathertight Elements Observed: large gap below kitchen exterior door, no threshold or transition strip. 351 iving Room and throughout unit(LR closet, both bedrooms, etc. Living Room 500 X Conditions may endanger or impair health, safety or well-bein• 410.500: Owners Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Observed. 6-8 water stained ceiling the (repair or replace chronic dampness has been original a of corrected) n 351 500 410.351: Owner's Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities Outlet to right of kitchen sink not labelled as GFI (may be in series with outlet to left which is GFI; an electrician shoul i e determine label GFI and label or make 410.500: Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Observeff chipped and falling paint from living room ceiling 410.351: Owner's Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities Observed: New plumbing to radiators and to other rooms/floors installed with no sealing of penetrations away from loose escutcheon cuet that has fallen 410.500: Owners Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Compliance Date Days from inspection date Owners responsibility to correct within 30 days Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 days Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Re- Inspection Violation Corrected Yes/No Reinspeclion: on or before 9119114 Owners responsibility to correct within 30 da s Reinspection. on or before 9/19/14 Reinspeclion. on or before 9/19/14 Reinspection'. on or before 9/19/14 Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 days Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Reinspeclioni. on or before 9/19/14 Reinspeclion'. on or before 9/19/14 Reinspeclion'. on or before 9/19/14 Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 days Owners responsibility to correct Reinspeclion: on or before 9/19/14 Reinspection. on or before 9/19/14 Observed large gap between 1/2 round molding and wall/floor/baseboard (right hand (exterior)wall] Zoom Room 410.500: Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Observed: loose (unsecured)floor boards in transition area to front bedroom 500 410.500: Owners Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Wall damage to plaster behind couch. within 30 days Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Reinspeclioni on or before 9/19/14 Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Room acent oom tlet Rear Iroom t Rear /room ont left throom ear left zthroom 351 410.351: Owners Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities GEC] Outlet tester indicates an issue with wiring of these outlets—needs assessment/correction by electrician', other outlets should be tested at same time 500 410.500: Owners Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Observed: Ceiling paint/plaster cracked &falling 500 410.500: Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Threshold to Living Room has protruding nail which won't stay when hammered (observed protruding; occupant reports hammering it down with no .ermanent effect 410.351: Owners Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities Occupant reports GFI trips easily (this outlet probably in series and a with other bathroom; check ls label 410.351: Owners Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities Shower ceiling light fixture missing lens cover Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 days Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Reinspection: on or before 9/19/14 Reinspection: on or before 9/19/14 Reinspection: on or before 9/19/14 Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 days Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s 'ront left iedroom Front left bedroom 410.351: Owner's Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities Observed: 2' black plastic pipe in front corner is cut at ceiling/seemingly not in active use? Remove or repair as appropriate. 500 410.500: Owner's Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Open gap between flooring and baseboard/wall (missing 1/4 round trim?) Owners responsibility to correct within 30 days Front left bedroom 410.500. Owner's Res Elements to Maintain Observed. falling ceiling paint Owners responsibility to correct within 30 da s Reinspeclion: an or before 9/19/14 Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Smoke & CO alarms 410.482: Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms Observed: left rear bedroom smoke detector 5 down (occupant reports malfunctioning), check all smoke and CO alarms for o.erabilit NOTE: Comp means the requirements CMR It shall mean correcting any violations bf 105 CMR 410.000 in a work pe sonlike fashion restoring all parts o the dwelling,or the condition they were in before Reinspeclioni on or before 9/19/14 Reinspectioni on or before 9/19/14 Reinspection: on or before 9/19/14 Owner's responsibility to correct within 24 hours Reinspection: on or before 9/19/14 Reinspection: on or before 9/19/14 Reinspection: on or before 8/18/14 occurrence of any such violations. Compliance shall also mean in those cases where licenses or permits are required to perform work necessary to correct the violations,such as,but not limited to building,plumbing and wiring that the appropriate officials certifies that the work has been completed n accordance with applicable laws and regulations. CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT 212 MAIN STREET-NORTHAMPTON, MA-01060 (4/3)-5874214 MD-Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS:Donna iamlHargrmheir CynhiaeSu pis, PhD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary RS,Director-Daniel Wasiu*,Inspector-Edmund Smith Inspector-Lisa Steinbock,RN,Nurse CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code, Chapter II,Minimum CM 4ta. O ards of Fitness for Human Habitation 105 This is an important legal Note: es un documenro legal importantme Sue pod la afectar sus derechos. August 20,2014 Northeast Enterprises(Attn: Shannon Finnesey) 237 Main Street#2,Northampton,MA 01060 Dear Property Owner/Manager: An authorized inspection was made by a designee of the Northampton Health Department of your property located at 261 Crescent Street#1R,Northampton,MA on 8/13/2014 . You are hereby ORDERED to correct these violations within the noted time limit. Failure to comply within the allotted time period may result in a criminal complaint against you. You have a right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be made by you, in affected writin , and filed within 7 days after the day parties t will be informed of the date,time, and place of the hearing, and of their right to inspect land copy all records concerning the matter to be heard. The petitioner has the right to be represented at the hearing. Sincerely, gEdmund R. Smith C: occupant 0-ht/!`f ' Pi fll t 014 +7) l A t D LDTE:All violations that are deemed conditions that may endanger or impair health, safety or well-being.must be corrected within 'denoted time frame violations,the landlord must begin to make the repairs or contract with a repair person(in . All other necessary writing)within five days of reviving this order and complete repairs with 30 days of reviving this order. 105 CMR 410 State Sanitary Code Regulation# 3ri0r terior ire unit Kitchen Back Hallway Exterior (area of =.ntry to Unit 1R) 500 500, 351 500 253 A&B Description 410.500: Owners Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements Observed: Most gutter leaders are disconnected from gutters; inspected during heavy rain and gutters are overflowing along lengindicating need for cleaning (little water coming out where downspout should be attached) 410.500: Owners Responsibility to Maintain Structural Elements 410.351. Owners Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities Observed: vent stack on right side rear of building has insulation sticking out of bottom/no metal plug(susceptible to animals intrusion or fallin• out, affectin• function of stack Observed,throughout entire unit:.escutcheons or other covers/filling for penetrations for heat related plumbing work were not covered/filled (fireproof foam required); all rooms, all penetrations to be checked and remedied where Observed, left rear double hung window won't ub X Conditions may endanger or impair health, safety or well-heir 410.254:Light in Passageways, Hallways,and Stairways Observed: back hallway ceiling light not working 410.253: Light Fixtures Other than in Habitable Rooms or Kitchens Reported.Occupant states that motion detector liht not in specti n/please check fixture&bulb for operability Compliance Date Days from inspection date Owners responsibility to correct within 30 days Owners responsibility to correct within 30 days Owners responsibility to correct within 30 days Re- Inspection Owners responsibility to correct within 30 da s Violation Corrected Yes/No Reinspection. on or before 9/19114 (common citation to 8/15/14 Orders for Unit IF Owner's responsibility to correct within 30 da s Reinspection: on or before 9/19/14 (common citation to 8/15/14 Orders for Unit IF) Owners responsibility to correct(if necessary) within 30 da s Reinspection on or before 9/25/2014 Reinspection on or before 9/252014 Reinspection on or before 9/25/2014 Reinspection on or before 9/25/2014 aM tf the 00. Itns. I also mean correcting rr the vnd'nlon they wer1 i5 NOTE: 0om0linna work ps son like as the re nit re tors gf all a S 4the d It g, o unit tern f, the any ion they were 1 CMR 410 000 Ina work person Bola fashion and restoring sg all p plumbing and wiring that the appropriate to correct the violations, such as, but not limited to building, before occurrence of any such violations Compliance shall also mean Icsble Iawssandwre9atlionsses or permits are regm ofdons work nevsshe leted n accordance with app officials certifies that the work has been completed at ,tor to �I Date Entered: 3 LS Geo Tracking #: ntered By. g SEPTIC HOARDING _ HOUSING POOLS_ NAIL SALONS OOD WATER/SEWER SMOKE 'ESTS NUISANCE ODOR OTHER BODYART� v :OMPLAINT FORMATION: :"ompla'nt Location: 2lc LYLscc 3 \- Nature of Complaint: P -Al vL y�c n ImJPnd W.11( Wx,ls cGlinji cll .races AI ANT'S INFORMATION: COMPLAIN 1,45 u,V2v. " t,nS Complainant/Occupant'sName: Complainant/Occupant'sAddress: 2 . Cvt L.k OWNER'S INFE O> TION: Owner's Name: tai . 0/5e1554 Property Mgt./LL: tL IF & A d L Date of Complaint:l/1/1± YIN IC Child Under 6: Z'® CA-54 ft Pn Ll NL0. Animals: k.;t.P•+. '6. , nd nit leak lJ\v�awt L Coompl ' nfounded: Conditions Found: il■ w tit5.5 d • ech \� \0•45,%,5 6n- wAU plAsk s f Q • Telephone#(103) 1,- 26-3_ $� N Alternate# ( ) ol el,p vc NJ, e1o4c yi 5 Z �41a 25165\ . N ±elephone#( �) Address: Alternate# (.1ett 1 - 311 4 A hLS c Address: AYne a3u -• � .c U^" c `5 eta\e 5 — Ye ekci c+PFS Il,n ((i w,y Date/Time of Inspection Signature Officer rcut � Northampton Health Department 2 ge SPY r 212 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 (413)5974214 Inspection Form State Sanitary Code 105 CMR 410.000: #Children<6 Years Chapter II,Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation #Occupants Z 2,0(62 OooO f-!/ a Time am/pm 2�,`�� phone# 7�3i ant Name r Citv/Town ss e' to hone# / 15rLS itY/Town r Name it Address Se" 70 Apt Zip Code (tor Possible Code �Ob eflled TYPe of Violation Section(s) O_®® ��_�� � s0o,5o�_ ® -_ 501 _-- 501,500 ___ t `+ _� 450,451,452 _ IF"ISII I____ .a 503,500 ®_ 00 _-al I i is a i s i is Flaw Level 1 en as -- _ • 501 _-- 04 -- ♦ TaiWair40•500, p � �- cvo{_ na e Pa-f2- Qh4kidE. \ „ Oescr$Ption g roo 1 Location(circle): Front Rear Middle t pN LAI Possible COtle lil Vbrttien Ma Sala Observed ISISITOMINM SISIMIII :Rr SW - IIII Effil 501.48t , 0, 5 551 80, 500 i 250 , SI e 501,480, 500, Fiellillil 551 Malli 500 ' MSS om ' 250 iiiiiSiiiiiill 501,480, 500, 551 gliiiiiiMilali 0,500 Siii m 250 lili 280 I WilliStalli SiiiiiiS 500.501 IISIIIIIIIIIInall Fuel Type(circle): Public Private _ 80,3 iliilFuel Type(circle): Natural Gas Oil Electric Other® - _ tln Type(circle): Forced Hot Water Forced Hot Air 200,201 waiSteam Electric ®- • • Min 681 7:OOam-10:59pm :■ Min 64°f 11:00-6:59am NM SI 11115"11111111111111111 111 DO ,rent ter 4- LOOSE VP'4t t ITT tEPer- r. r �. s1i-t r c LEA • n /rz Ate(1 AO b Wate ea a IecMcal Smoke& CO DeteCtal Pests Other Cooper TM99A-UL Digital Thermometer used to take temperature readings Type(circle): 110 220 Amp: eaai Iiii - 550 -■■ ZS BC_ M /n • .ei • • NOTE: *indicates that this housing inspection has revealed conditions which may endanger or materially impair the health,safety,and well-being of any person(s)occupying the premises Area/Element Code Citation and Description of Violation referral: ❑ Electric ❑ Fire ❑ Plumbing • Building ❑ Other his inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. nspector Signature )ccupant or Occupant's Representative Signature Time NOTE: *indicates that this housing inspection has revealed conditions which may endanger or materially impair the health,safety,and well-being of any person(s)occupying the premises Area/Element Code Citation and Description of Violation