250 RAO 1994 DANIEL S.GNEENBAUM Commosmne, JOHN J. HIGGINS Regional DI,MO, Dr. Abel Ross 250 Crescent Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Ross, 3% Uorremo ..a issue,. Gaxecaeciw o ee9net erzi. Xteent 4'3 _ i Se, 4 #a& £ . Of/O3 (4'/3) 7Bi--/fO8 December 14, 1993 RE: Northampton 250 Crescent Street RTN #1-10073 RAM Plan Approval APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL The Department of Environmental Protection received a proposal on December 9, 1993 of a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) for the property located at 250 Crescent Street in Northampton, Massachusetts. The Release Abatement Measure proposal was prepared and submitted on your behalf by Paul Hatch of P.H. Hatch Consulting Engineers. The RAM consists of the removal of the UST and associated piping. After the tank is removed soils will be field screened with a Foxboro OVA analyzer. Based on field screening, any contaminated soil removed will be stockpiled on-site until disposal can be arranged. Post excavation samples will be collected upon completion of the excavation and analyzed for EPA method 8240. Based upon its review of the RAM proposal, the Department approves the work proposed. Please notify the Department 48 hours prior to initiation of the RAM. If you have any questions, please contact John Bourcier of Emergency Response at the above address at telephone number (413) 784-1100 extension 312. JSB/j sb/mr P:10073.RAM cc: zsihcerel /\ % U `iavid Slowick Section ref Emergency Response City of Northampton Fire Department City of Northampton Board of Health P.B. Hatch Consulting Engineers - Paul Hatch SSE & Associates 168 County Road.Southampton, MA 01073, 413-532-3876 P. B. Hatch, PE, LSP-57 Munn Road, Monson, MA 01057, 413-267-3696 June 27, 1994 Mr. David Slowick Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup MA Dept. of Environmental Protection 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 re: Release Tracking #1-10073 250 Crescent Street Northampton Response Action Outcome Dear Mr. Slowick In accord with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), section 310 CMR 40.1056 this is a Response Action Outcome (RAO) for an apparent #2 heating oil discharge from and underground storage tank (U5T) at 250 Crescent Street, Northampton. The responsible party (RP) is the home owner, Dr. Abel Ross. This RAO is submitted according to 310 CMR 40.0420(5)(a) with a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) completion report. Enclosed are the following documents: 1. Release Abatement Measure Completion Statement Form (ewsc-oos) 2. Summary of Release Abatement Measure Response Action Activities, Findings and Conclusions. 3. Response Action Outcome Statement Form (awsc-004) 4. Support for Response Action Outcome. 5. Locus Plan (USGS Quad) 6. Site Plan 7. Bills of Lading (ewsc-0129) 8. Laboratory Analysis Data Report We believe the enclosed documents support our opinion that a Class A-I Response Action Outcome has been achieved at this site in accord with 310 CMR 40.1036(5)(a). SSE & Associates 168 County Road, Southampton, MA 01073, 413-532-3876 P. B. Hatch, PE, LSP-57 Munn Road, Monson, MA 01057, 413-267-3696 If you have any questions regarding this matter or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, Paul B. Hatch, PE, LSP cc: Northampton Fire Dept. Northampton Board of Health Office of the Mayor, City of Northampton 22823401 auk Massachusetts Department of Environmental fe‘r.01111rt Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Protection BWSC-008 Release Bec"9 Numroc RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) COMPLETION DEP STATEMENT FORM (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0446) • J-' le 073 F. DESCRIPTION OF RAM ACTIONS: Date RAM Work Initiated: 12 i 20 93 Dale RAM Work Completed: (500 yards C4 27 94 RAM Summary(check and complete all that apply): LL Excavation and off-site disposal of cumulative cubic yards of contaminated soil E Excavation and on-or off-site treatment, recycling,or re-use of 3 cumulative cubic cubic yards maximum) of contaminated soil (1500 cubic yards maximum) ❑ Groundwater or NAPL recovery system ❑ Soil vapor extraction system or groundwater seaming system 0 Other: absorbents (1/4 cu. yd.) G. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Is a Class A RAO attached' ❑No Yes Attach the RAM Completion Repod as specified in 310 CMR 40.0446 including,but not limited to.the following documents: 1 All investigatory and monitoring data obtained during implementation of the Release Abatement Measure. 2. A succinct statement of the findings and conclusions resulting from implementation of the Release Abatement Measure, including a statement as to whether the objectives of the Release Abatement measure have been met. 3. Details and documentation on the management of any Remediation Waste handled at or transported from the disposal site as part of the Release Abatement Measure. 4. A description of any ongoing activities related to the Release Abatement Measure that will be conducted at the disposal site, including monitoring activities,and the maintenance of fences.caps.and other passive systems. H. LSP OPINION: Name of Organization: SSE & Associates LSP LSP Name: Paul_ B. Hatch Title PE, Telephone: 413 - 267 - 3496 Ext including of this regulations. out �2 �o •'�E0sfrEcac', its any and all documents to suominal complies with he IR orates. permits. and not limited to, possible fines 1m ite 10 I attest that I have personalty examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal accompanying this attestation. and in my professional judgment, he response actionls) that is the subject provisions of Mee. . 21A. {%19-19J. 309 CMR. M.G.L. 0. 21E. 310 CMR 40.0000, and an other laws. approvals notice) s cn response action(s). I am aware :hat significant penalties may result, including, and imprison .Iliiwlyy Inf w h I know to be false, inaccurate or incomplete. Seat Signatur/e:� / Grv/ Date: 7 / "y of License Number 4512 �p,LSN LN Cy PAUL HATCH w l . 4542 No. t• � ' License NUmNumber: � I. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON WHO ASSUMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR RAM: I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the Information.the material information contained herein is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete informattc Signature: (' J � C( l9µ' v L Name of Person(print AbeQ RC.d. This form rs pnnred on recycled paper Page 2 of 2 " Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-008 «M Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number. RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE (RAM) COMPLETION l� DEP STATEMENT FORM (pursuant to 310 CAR 40.0446/ - H10073 A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE (TOR) LOCATION: Release Name(optional): Street: 250 Crescent Street Location Aid- 700 ft. north of Elm St. Northampton Zip Code- 01060 _ City/Town'. Additional Release Tracking Numbers that this RAM Addressed: B. PERSON WHO ASSUMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR RAM: Name of Organization' Abel Ross home owner Name of Contact. Title' Street: 250 Crescent Street City/Town: Northampton State- NA Zip Code' 01060 - Telephone 413 - 584 - 5161 Ext C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR TOR OF PERSON WHO ASSUMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR RAM: (check one/specify) ® • C E • Specify (Owner) Operator Generator Transporter Other RP: RP (circle one): PRP Specify one): Owner Operator Generator Transporter Other PRP: (circle Fiduciary/Secured Lender Agency/Public Utility on a Right of Way Other Person: D. RAM PLAN INFORMATION: Date of Oral Approval (if applicable): / I By Whom (LRA Continuation only): _ — Date Written Plan Date Written Plan Approved 1+ °3 By Whom_ David Slowick Submitted: 11 / 26 / 93 (if applicable): 12 / - E. DESCRIPTION OF RELEASE AND SITE CONDITIONS: Is the source of release or threat of release known? Yes L'c' • No If yes,circle all that apply:( UST ) Pipe/Hose/Line Fuel Tank AST Drums Transformer Tanker Truck Boat Vehicle Other: Media/Receptors Affected(circle all that apply): Air Groundwater Surface Water Sediments ( Soil ) Storm Drain Private Well Public Water Supply Zone 2 Residence School Unknown Other: 2 HOUR NOTIFICATION• 72 HOUR NOTIFICATION• 120 DAY NOTIFICATION (check all that apply): (check all that apply): (check all that apply): Sudden Release L Subsurface Non-Aqueous Phase Li Release of Hazardous Material(s)to soil or groundwater ] 011 Sheen Liquid(NAPL) exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) ] Release of Oil to soil exceeding Reportable i]1 Release Detected in Private Well Release Underground Storage Tank(UST) DJ Hazard ] Release to Groundwater near Water Concentrations)and affecting more than 2 cubic yards Threat of Sudden Release Supply ] Release of Oil to groundwater exceeding Reportable ] Release to Groundwater near Concentration(s) Release to Storm Drain School or Residence _' Sanitary Sewer Release ] Threat of UST Release (Imminent Hazard) • Note that a RAM can be conducted in response to 1 and 72 Hour Notifications only after an Immediate Response Action(IRA)Completion Statement has been submitted to DEP. Pane I n19 Revised 10/1/93 Is Corm rs pro fed on recycled paper. SSE & Associates Release Tracking #1-10073 RAO-June 27, 1994 SUMMARY OF RESPONSE ACTIVITIES FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS [i.a.w. 310 CMR 40.0446(4): Release Abatement Measure Completion Report] (a) Description of Release, Site Conditions, and Surrounding Receptors The property owner had determined it appropriate that the 500 gallon #2 heating oil storage tank (UST) was to be removed from service at 250 Crescent Street. The tank was located immediately behind the garage where ordinary excavation and tank removal would be difficult. Limited lot size, steeply sloping yard areas, and a roof overhang made tank decommissioning by excavation and removal very difficult. Therefore inplace decommissioning was proposed to and approved by the City of Northampton Fire Department. Appropriate tank decommissioning permits were issued by the Northampton Fire Department allowing for the filling of the tank with concrete slurry after properly emptying and cleaning of the tank was complete. Southampton Sanitary Engineering Corp. (SSE) was retained by the owner to decommission the tank. After SSE emptied the tank of remaining #2 heating oil and cleaned the tank to the approval of the Northampton Fire Department, holes were cut in the bottom of the tank to obtain verification samples of soil for analysis. When these holes were cut, soil discoloration was observed. A soil sample was collected for laboratory analysis. (b) Description of Measures Completed To continue removal of contaminated soils, the tank was cut in place into pieces that could be and were "manhandled" out of the excavation. Additional soil was then hand excavated. Soil excavated was sampled and head space screened using a flame ionizing detector (RD) calibrated to benzene. Excavation was continued to a depth of approximately three below the bottom of the former tank (seven feet below surface). Soil was observed to be varved clay with some fine sand layers. Excavation was continued until field screening indicated no volatiles remaining in the excavation on December 20. On completion of excavation, groundwater began entering excavation prohibiting the obtaining of a soil sample for laboratory analysis and confirmation of field screening conducted. The excavation was then left open from December 20, 1993 through January 19, 1994 in anticipation of the groundwater receding. For the 30 day period from December 20 though January 19, the groundwater collected in the open excavation remained. On January 19, after consultation with the Springfield office of DEP, absorbent pads were placed on the groundwater standing in the excavation. As proposed, it was anticipated that if no discoloration of the pads occurred pg. I oft SSE & Associates Release Tracking #1-10073 RAO-June 27, 1994 after a period of approximately one month the pads would be removed and a sample of the groundwater would be obtained from the excavation. On April 4 the pads were observed to remain without color change, and accordingly a sample of the collected water was taken. Laboratory analysis of the sample was conducted in accord with EPA Method 418.1 with no TPH detected. lc) Monitoring Data Obtained A complete copy of laboratory data sheets are attached. The table below is a description, significance, date and concentration of each sample obtained. Sample ID Significance Sample date Concentration 1748-1 Soil sample 12" below tank bottom Nov. 19 nd 1748-2 Water sample from basement drain in house Nov. 19 nd 1748-3 Water collected in open tank excavation Nov. 23 nd 1748-4 Soil sample before additional excavation Dec. 10 1300 mg/kg 1748-5 Water collected hole after additional exec. April 4 nd (d) Findings and Conclusions Resulting from Release Abatement Measure As noted from the table above for sample id 1748-5, the final groundwater sample obtained indicates no remaining concentration of heating oil as total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in the groundwater. Sample analysis data indicates that the apparent oil sheen (TPH) observed in November was locally contained when soil from below the tank bottom was removed. Groundwater obtained in the house at the same time showed na detectable concentration of TPH. The adjoining garage foundation wall apparently downgradient of the tank excavation appears to have served effectively as a barrier to migration of the heating oil. (e) Management of Remediation Waste Attached are copies of bills of lading used for disposal of soil (to Ted Ondrick Construction) and of absorbent pads (to Vicon Recovery). Attached completed documents were forwarded previously to DEP under cover letter dated June 10. (f) Ongoing Activities With no additional water samples containing TPH and with the soil sample TPH at less than 500 mg/1 , the excavation was backfilled on May 27. No additional activities are planned for this project. pg.2 oft Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056) 1 BWSC-004 Release rraamq Number. 10073 F. RESPONSE ACTIONS COMPLETED: (Check all that apply) TYPE OF RESPONSE ACTION: Immediate Response Action' Release Abatement Measure' Utility-Related Abatement Measure' Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V COMPLETION STATEMENT PREVIOUSLY YES NO ATTACHED SUBMITTED DATE OF DOCUMENT El FS 'If multiple actions were completed at a disposal site,provide an attachment stating the date of the Completion Statement for each. G. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: Provide details on attachments,as warranted. (Check all that apply) REMOVAL OF REMEDIATION WASTE: OTHER RESPONSE ACTIONS: ❑ Contaminated Water ❑ Contaminated Soils ta (check all that apply). ❑ Excavate ❑Store ❑Treat ❑ Re-use 2 Recycle Actual Volume: 3 cubic yards ❑ Landfill Actual Volume: cubic yards Drums/Tanks/Containers NAPL Other 1/4 cu.yd absorbant pads ❑ Drainage Controls ❑ Berms/Dikes/Impoundments ❑ Temporary Covers/Caps ❑ Waste/Product Recovery ❑ Temporary Evacuation/Relocation of Residents ❑ Temporary Water Supplies ❑ Vent System ❑ Groundwater Treatment Systems ❑ Other: ❑ ASSESSMENT ONLY H. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Except where previously submitted and specified, submit all documentation, plans, and/or reports necessary to support the RAO to the Department including,without limitation,the following: • For all Class A RAOs, information documenting the extent to which levels of oil and/or hazardous material in the environment have been reduced to background, and for all Class A-2 and A-3 RAOs,the results of the feasibility evaluation conducted pursuant to 310 CMR 400860 demonstrating that the achievement of background is not feasible. • For all Class A and Class B RAOs, information supporting the conclusion that a level of No Significant Risk has been achieved or exists. • For all Class A RAOs and where applicable to Class C RAOs,a demonstration that all uncontrolled sources, as specified in 310 CMR 40.1003(5)have been eliminated or controlled. • For all Class C RAOs,information supporting the conclusion that no substantial hazards remain at the disposal site. • For all Class C RAOs,a copy of the plan, as specified in 310 CMR 40.0861(2)(h),which presents definitive and enterprising steps to be taken toward achieving a Permanent Solution at the disposal site. Revised 10/1/93 This form is printed on recycled paper Page 2 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup -10073 BWSC-004 Releem Tracbng Number DEP RESPONSE ACTION uTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056) 1 A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION : only): Release Name if Previously Assigned(classified sites 250 Crescent Street Location Aid'700 ft. north of Elm St. Street: Northampton Zip Code. 01060 - Ciry/rowm Addressed in this RAO' Additional Release Tracking Numbers Provide a clear and accurate description of the location of the site or the location and boundaries of the disposal site to which the RAO applies,as specified in 310 CMR 40.1003(4)with this submittal. site or portion of the disposal the relationship of the RAO a statement as to whether any Is or disposal site map or survey attached to this RAO Statement? • No © Yes a site Does this RAO apply to a portion of a disposal site? ® No ❑ Yes If yes,attach a statement regarding Statement to any other RAO Statements that have been filed for the disposal site. if applicable, together with additional response actions are needed for any other portions of the disposal site. B. PERSON SUBMITTING RAO STATEMENT: Name Organization' of Contact: Abel Ross Title' home owner Name of Street' 250 Crescent Street _ Northampton State: Zip Code 01060 City/rown: Telephone' 413 - 584 - 5161 Da C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON SUBMITTING (check one/specify) RAO STATEMENT: Operator Generator Transporter Other RP' ® RP Specify(circle one): Owner Operator Generator Transporter Other PRP: ❑ PRP Specify(circle one): Owner Ili Fiduciary/Secured Lender ❑ Agency/Public Utility on a Right of Way ❑ Other Person: D. RESPONSE INFORMATION: and prior to Tier Classification. © First U Revised RAO Status: ❑ No ® Yes Date- 11 / 18 / 93 Was initial notification oral? Release Notification Form(RNF)attached? B No ❑ Yes Is a ❑ No El Yes Date' 12 / 22 / 93 Was a RNF previously submitted? Is a RAO Compliance Fee attached? ❑ No © Yes A lee is required 120 days after Release Notification E. RAO INFORMATION: RISK CHARACTERIZATION GROUNDWATER RAO CLASS: METHOD: CATEGORY: ® A-1 ❑ 15-1 ❑ 1 ❑ GW-1 ❑ A-2 ❑ 8-2 ❑ 2 ❑ GW-2 ❑ A-3 ❑ C ❑ 3 ❑ GW-3 Was contamination reduced to background level(s)at a disposal site? ❑ No ® Yes Is this RAO based upon the implementation of an Activity and Use Limitation? B No ❑ Yes SOIL CATEGORY. ❑ s-1 ❑ S-2 ❑ 5-3 If yes,indicate the type of Activity and Use Limitation implemented at the disposal site Date filed with Registry of Deeds' _ /— /— Registry or Court Location Book/Page Number(or other identifier): Attach to this RAO Statement a copy of any and all Activity and Use Limitations which have been implemented under 310 CMR 40.1070 and an Activity and Use Limitation Opinion pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056(2)(g). Will Post-RAO Operation and Maintenance(O&M)be conducted at the site pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0896(for Class C RAOs only)? ❑ No ❑ Yes If yes.check one: ❑ Active 0&M ❑ Passive 0&M Attach to this RAO Statement a description of any operation, maintenance, and/or monitoring that will be required to confirm and/or maintain those conditions at the disposal site upon which the RAO is based. Revised 10/1/93 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page 1 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup RESPONSE ACTION 6UTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056) 1 BWSC-004 Release tacking Number 10073 I. LSP OPINION: Name of Organization: SSE & Associates LSP Name: Paul B. Hatch Title PE, LSP Telephone: 413 — 267 — 3696 Ex( I attest that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this attestation,and in my professional judgment,the response action(s)that is the subject of this submittal complies with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 21A, §§ 19-19J, 309 CMR, M.G.L. a 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000. and all other laws, regulations, orders, permits, and approvals applicable to such response action(s). I am aware that significant penalties may result, including,but not limited to, possible fines and imprisarQnen ilfully su rmation whit I kn to false,inaccurate or incomplete. Signature: !��/ Date: & �•Z%I� License Number 9592 Seal: ����SN CP MAss C o`' PAUL y�; CD HATCH Na. 4542 lc S��SlTE?SCt�m J. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING RAO STATEMENT: I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained herein is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties. including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information. signature. L Q, 11^ Date: _L III / Name of Person(print)' (1)6.6.0 .5.5 F Revised 10/1/93 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page 3 of 3 SSE & Associates Release Tracking #1-10073 RAO-June 27, 1994 SUPPORT FOR RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME [i.a.w. 310 CMR 40.1056(2): Response Action Outcome] (al Description of Location The site is identified as house number 250 Crescent Street, Northampton as shown on attached site plan prepared from mortgage loan survey plan prepared by Almer Huntley, Jr, & Associates, Inc., 30 Industrial Drive East, Northampton, 01061, plan dated July 12, 1993. Additional location details relative to tank were obtained from field observations during the progress of this project by SSEA. (b) Uncontrolled Source Elimination In accord with the requirements of 310 CMR 40.100315), to achieve a Class A Response Action Outcome, the heating oil storage tank at the site has been removed and soil containing heating oil discharged from the tank has been removed from the site. Soil excavated was sampled and head space screened using a flame ionizing detector (F/D). Soil was excavated until no head space readings were obtained from samples collected in the excavation bottom and side walls. No evidence of migration of the heating oil was detected as observed from groundwater samples collected from cellar parameter floor drains on the interior wall adjacent to and below the level of groundwater collected in the tank excavation. (c) Support of Conclusion of No Significant Risk Achieved Laboratory sample analysis of groundwater collected at the site indicates no detectable concentration of heating oil remains (refer to sample ID 1746-5). No soil sample could be obtained to support the field head space screening of soil remaining in the excavation. Laboratory analysis of a soil sample supporting field screening could not be obtained after groundwater rose above the bottom of the former tank bottom. However, at the time of discovery of the oil in the soil on November 13, a hand excavation was conducted to a depth of 12" below the bottom of the tank; this soil sample contained less than detectable concentrations of TPH (refer to sample id 1748- 1). It was on the finding that less than detectable concentrations existed within 12" of the bottom of the tank that soil excavation was deemed appropriate at the time of discovery. Furthermore, the four month period from December 1993 through April 1994 lapsed between the time of soil excavation and the final groundwater sampling. The April groundwater sample contained no detectable concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons {sample id 1746-5}. pg. I of 2 SSE & Associates Release Tracking #1-10073 RAO-June 27, 1994 The site is served by a public water supply, no water supply wells were located on adjoining properties to the site. (d) intentionally left blank, not applicable for Class A RAO (e) Information Documenting the Extent the Level of Oil Reduced to Background No soil sample could be obtained to support the field head space screening of soil remaining in the excavation. Laboratory analysis of a soil sample supporting field screening could not be obtained after groundwater rose above the bottom of the former tank bottom. However, the four month period from December 1993 through April 1994 lapsed between the time of soil excavation and the final groundwater sampling. The April groundwater sample contained no detectable concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons {sample id 1748-5}. (f) intentionally left blank, not applicable, no Activity and Use Limitation used this site. (g) intentionally left blank, not applicable, no Activity and Use Limitation used this site. (h) Operation, Maintenance, and/or Monitoring Required No operation, maintenance, and/or monitoring is required to confirm and/or maintain the final site conditions at the disposal site upon which the RAO is based as described hereinbefore. (i) intentionally left blank, not applicable, site RAO is Class A-1 . pg.2 of 2 LOCUS PLAN Release Tracking Number 1-10073 250 Crescent Street, Northampton May 1994 Seaoo r l _ Child /A-1 041 1/4 0 SITE ir surrIVA11:y �� - cossscBna'T+� - USGS Easthampton Quad., N4215-W7237.5/7.5 1:25,000 (1"=2083') Contour interval 10 feet -R dry masonry retaining wall lab darn prepared from fled dos. l' g fram plat be Amer Neale i.r.,g . dated 1/12/97,a Ma tgate Leal Irepectson plan Un i house Location of former 500 gal. UST garage / / / fire hyd. v catchbasin ® sanitary sewer _ storm drain cat ch basin reebelt sidewalk Consulting Engineers 57 MUNN ROAD MONSON. MA 01057 (413) 257-3595 L Ti VI V of N N Site Plan RTN # 1 - 10073 250 Crescent Street Northampton, MA Property of Abel Ross June 1994 June 10, 1994 Litt )CLitaCV1 (S tlifiteera4lAy Co ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 168 County Road • Southampton,MA 01073-9547 Phone(413)532-3876 FAX(413)534-2427 To : DEP-David Slowick RE: Dr Abel Ross Tracking # 1-10073 Location: 250 Crescent Street , Northampton, MA Bill of Lading (Ondrick ) Bill of Lading (Vicon ) Signature � J cc : P.B . Hatch Disposal date 5/27/94 Disposal date 6/0B/94 Office Manager Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 OAR 40.0030) E. RECEIVING.FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION (continued): Temporary Storage Address: `Ireet' City/Town: State: Reeve necking Number; 1 10073 Zip Code' F. DESCRIPTION OF REMEDIATION WASTE: ff((cJclh1ock all That apply) iy Contaminated Media(circle all that apply): Soil Groundwater Surface Water Other: ❑ Contaminated Debris(circle all That apply): Inorganic Absorbent Materials Other' ❑ Non-hazardous Uncontainerized Waste(circle all that apply): Non-aqueous Phase Liquid Other: ❑ Non-hazardous Containerized Waste(circle all that apply): Tank Bottoms/SIudges Containers Drums Engineered Impoundments Other: Type of Contamination(circle all that apply): Gasoline Diesel Fuel [� `(20ii} 44 Oil 46 Oil Waste Oil Kerosene Jet Fuel Other: Demolition/Construction Waste Vegetation/Organic Materials Estimated Volume of Materials: Cubic Yards: -3 Tons: Other: Contaminant Source(check one/specify); ❑ Transportation Accident IS Underground Storage Tank ❑Other: Response Action Associated with Bill of Lading(circle one): Immediate Response Action P Release Abatement Measure Utility-Related Abatement Measure Limited Removal Action(LRA) Comprehensive Response Action Other(specify): Remadiation Waste Characterization Support Documentation attached: ❑ Site History Information ❑ Sampling and Analytical Methods and Procedures If supporting Laboratory Data ❑ Field document such paorn w sprementy su is not appended,DEP. provide an attachment stating the date and in connection with what document such information was previously submitted to DEP. G. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL(LSP) OPINION: Name of Organization: • • F(1 &WC., LSP Name: ji�Fi✓c. HOrcw The Pe LS° Telephone:Y/3 - 2W - 694, Ext. I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained on and submitted with this form Opinion that the testing and assessment actions undenaken were adequate to characterize the Re CMR 40.0030,and that the facility or location can accept remediation wastes with the characterise that significant penalties including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment may result i be false.inaccurate,& aterially incomplete. Signature: Date: S //B/9/( License Number: Seal: information,it is my ordance with 310 tel. I am aware hich I know to H. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ❑ BILL OF LADING: I certify under penalties of law That I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this certification. and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained herein is,Co the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete, I am aware Incomplete information.Chore are significant penalties, including, but not limited to, possible lines and Imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate,information. Signature: 4:(114/1/��'i✓ Date: Name of Person(print): AL', KOJ.a iievisea 10/1/93 This form rs printed on recycled paper, Page 2 01 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup finMasn Nurnhoi Revised 0/1/.3 - BEP- • H I- I 00 73 BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) A. LOCATION OF SITE OR DISPOSAL SITE WHERE REMEDIATION WASTE WAS GENERATED: DR ii RE t. RO 5 S Release Name(optional): STe EFT � 4 P1 CRF5C.tWr Location Aid' Street. MA- 0/060 - Noei-NMfroA/ Zip Code. Cry/Town• DatelPeriod of Generation: — /— /— to — /— /- Additional Release Tracking Numbers Associated with this Bill of Lading' *Nota: If this Bill of Lading is the result of a Limited Removal Action(LRA) taken prior to Notification,a Release Tracking Number is not needed. B. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: � f eope-gr-j/ 0WNEti Name of Organization' h/NE.i_-+ /pI 5 S me. NoM 6 OWN E. Name Contact: DR ABEL n of 450 (-RE-scar SrRcrr Street. n/O � V - Pf Cily/Town: KO.en/A M Pri Al State: Zip Code Telephone: N/3 - SA - SI6/ Ex) -� C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: (cneck one/specify) Other RP. RP Specify(circle one): Owner Operator Generator Transporter Other PRP: ❑ ❑ ❑ • If contact PRP Specify(circle one): Owner Operator Generator Transporter Fiduciary/Secured Lender Agency/Public Utility on a Right of Way Parson: Other an owner and/or operator is not conducting the response action associated with the dill al Lading,provide on an attachment the name. person,address and telephone number,including any area code and extension,for each,if known. D. TRANSPORTER/COMMON CARRIER INFORMATION: . . ., Name' Southampton Sanitary Engineering Corp_ Transporter/Common Carrier Karl M Kuehner Title : President' Person: Contact 168 County Road Street 01073-9547- MA Southampton State: Zip Code: City/Town: Telephone' 413 - 532 - 3876 Fxt — E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: Ted Ondrick Construction - Operator/Facility Name. .. _ , Paul Mullen Title' Person: Contact 58 Industry Road Street. 01020 - MA City/Town: Chicopee Slate: Zip Code' 413 - 592 -2018 Est Telephone' Type of Facility: LV Asphalt BatcNCOld Mix ❑ Landfill/Disposal (check one) ❑ Asphalt Batch/Hot Mix ❑ Landfill/Daily Cover Fill II • ❑ Incinerator Temporary Storage Other: ❑ Thermal Processing ❑ Landfill/Structural Division al Hazardous Divisian al Solid Waste MAP0000 5280 N/A EPA Identification p' /Class A Permits: WR-25-90 Management Permit M: Waste Actual/Anticipated Period of Temporary Storage(specify dates if applicable). — /_ /_ to — /_ /- Reason for Temporary Storage(if applicable): 2 _,,.,._.. ... xis nn ream„reran naner. Paget ai Revised 0/1/.3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-01< Bureau of Waste Site Cleanuo BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) Release Tracking Mnl -I / 0073 E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION (continued): Temporary Storage Address: tree City/Town: State: Zip Code: F. DESCRIPTION OF REMEDIATION WASTE: (check all that apply) ,S, Contaminated Media(circle all that apply): Soil Groundwater Surface Water Other: ❑ Contaminated Debris(circle all that apply): Demolitlon/Construction Waste Inorganic Absorbent Materials Other: ❑ Nonhazardous Uncontainerized Waste(circle all that apply): Non-aqueous Phase Liquid Other: ❑ Non-hazardous Containerized Waste(circle all that apply): Tank Bottoms/Sludges Containers Engineered Impoundments Other: Type of Contamination(circle all that apply): Gasoline Diesel Fuel #2011 #4 oil Kerosene Jet Fuel Other: Vegetation/Organic Materials Drums #6 Oil Waste Oil Eutimated Volume of Materials: Cubic Yards: j e7 Contaminant Source(check one/specify): Tons:. Other: ❑ Transportation Accident 2 Underground Storage Tank ❑Other: Response Action Associated with Sill of Lading(circle one): Utilay-Related Abatement Measure Other(specify): Immediate Response Action Release Abatement Measure Limited Removal Action(LRA) Comprehensive Response Action Remediation Waste Characterization Support Documentation attached: ❑ Site History Information ❑ Sampling and Analytical Methods and Procedures ❑ Laboratory connection information II supporting was previously documentation is not appended.DEP. provide an attachment staling the date and in connection 'mformalion was previously submitted to DEP. ❑ Field Screening Data h what document such G. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL (UP) OPINION: r� SSE 3', LGaC. Y LSP Name: Pad in-. g rc%J Name of Organization: Telephone: y/3 — LvJ — JbDb eat I have personally examinee and am familiar with the information contained on and submitted with this form Opinion that the testing and assessment actions undertaken were adequate to characterize the Remed CMR 40.0030, and that he facility or location can accept remediation wastes with the characteristic be false,lficant penalties i including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment may result if c• kite. Signature: Title: Date: _Si // /if ysye License Number: Seal: Based on this information,it is my -'ftifttc id accordance with 310 99yrthis`submittal, I am aware • Cimagion which I know to PAUL yc� 0. ,> ATCH 16 NHo.4542 H. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BILL OF LADING: I certify under penalties of law That I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all he information,the material information contained herein is, to the best of my knowwledge and belief,true, ccurateland complete.lfoI amt aware that there are significant penalties. Including, but not limited to, possible lines and Imprisonment. for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate. or incomplete information. jl Signature: L�/fC-/" Name of Person(prim): u dct; 03s Date: ,I /9q keviseo 10/1/93 This tom is printed on recycled Paper. Page 2 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) i Release Tracking * -1 IOC 73 A. LOCATION OF SITE OR DISPOSAL SITE WHERE REMEDIATION WASTE WAS GENERATED: T Release Name(optional): z Alin Ross Street' ,2 S n CR ESr-ENT" ST R EETLocation Aid' City/Town: A/n2 T Vi A M ?TOO MA- Zip Code: (1(060 — oate/Poriod of Generation. — /— /— to — /— /- Additional Release Tracking Numbers Associated with this Bill of Lading: *Note: If this Bill of Lading Is the result of a Limited Removal Action(LRA)taken prior to Notification,•Release Tracking Number is not needed. B. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL LADING: WN6� Name of Organization' -7)le RREL ROSS Title: AAA E n WM EC Name of Contact _ Street' 5n CA STEEET OM/n� City/Town: N& NAM ern Ni State:M A- Zip Code: - Telephone: _ Ext. C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: (check one/specify) RP Specify(circle one):(Owner Operator Generator Transporter Other AP. PRP Specify(circle one): Owner Operator Generator Transporter Other PRP' ❑ Fiduciary/Secured Lender ❑ Agency/Public Utility on a Right of Way Li Other Person: II an owner andlor operator is not contact person,address and telephone unu ber,i including ng any area code and extension,,)for each.if known. on an attachment the name. D. TRANSPORTER/COMMON CARRIER INFORMATION: Southampton Sanitary Engineering Corp Transporter/Common Carrier Name: Contact Person: • Karl M Kuehner Title: Pyres iden[ Street' City/Town: Telephone: 168 County Road Southampton 413 - 532-3876 Ext. State: MA Zip Cade: 01073-9547 E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: Operator/Facility Name' V icon Recovery Contact Person: Street: City/Town: Tmephono, 411 - 443- 7373 Ext Facility:Type of P Asphalt Batch/Cold Mix ❑ Landfill/Disposal © Incinerator ❑ As P (check one) ❑ Asphalt Batch/Hot Mix ❑ Landfill/Daily Cover ❑ Temporary Storage ❑ Thermal Processing ❑ Landfill/Structural Fill ❑ Other Division of Hazardous N/A Division of Solid Waste WR-91-9 - N/A Management Permit M' EPA Identification ti.Waste/Gass A Permit p' ' Actual/Anticipated Period al Temporary Storage(specify dates if applicable) — /— /— to — /— /- Reason for Temporary Storage(il applicable). Marsha Humphries Tle, Adm Assistance-; , 500 Hubbard Avenue Pattstied MA State: Zip Code: 01701 .erased 10/1/93 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page I of 2 SPECTRUM INALY FICA,I\C. Massachusetts Certification MA 138 Connecticut Approval No.PH 0777 New Hampshire ID No. 2538 New York ID No, 11393 Southampton Sanitary 168 County goad Southampton, MA 01073 Attn: K. Kuehuer Client Project No.: 1748-1 Location: Dr. Rose November 24, 1993 Lab in Nn Client TO Analysis Requested AA12427 1798-1 AA12428 1798-2 TPH by TR (sail) TEE by rR (water) Authorized by al C. '1 ayeh Technical Director &Laboratory Manager ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES 5SS Silver Street• Agawam,Massachocus 01001 • 4134789-901R• FAX 713-739-2776 r"`ECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC Laboratory Report Client ID: 1748-1 Lab ID No: AA12427 Matrix Soil Collected: 11/199/93 QCRand Data Resew by HTG Parameter I'PH by IR(soil) % Solids Location: Dr.Ross Client Job No.: 1748-1 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by Client Total Hydrocarbons by IR EPA Method 418.1 Result (mg/Kg) MDL nd 40 NC Extracted Analyzed Analyst 11/24/93 11/24/93 HT SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report Client ID: 1748-2 Lab ID No: AA12428 Matrix; Water Collected: 11/1903 by yy QC annd Data Review by HT Parameter Location: Dr.Ross Client Job No.: 1748-1 Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Glass Soil Jar C ndcitiod nof Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered Total Hydrocarbons by IR EPA Method 418.1 Result (mg/L) MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst 'PH by IR(water) nd 0.5 112003 1120O3 TO Spectrum Analytical, Inc. Laboratory Report Supplement R_ fe e=los Methods for the Determination of Organic Compound' in Drinking Water. EPA-600/4-88/039. EMSL 1988. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes. EPA 600/4-79-020. EMSL 1983. Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater. EPA 600/482-057. EMSL 1982. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste. Physical/Chemical Methods. EPA SW-846, 1986. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastes.APHA.AWWA.WPCF. 16th Edition. 1985. Standard Methods for Comparison of Waterborne Petroleum Oils by Gas Chromatography. ASTM D 3328. 1982. Oil Spill Identification System.U.S.Coast Guard CG-D-52-77. 1917. Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories. EPA 600/4-79-019.EMSL 1979. Choosing Cost-Effective QA/QC(Quality Assurance/Quality Control)Programs for Chemical Analyses. EPA 600/4-85/056.EMSL 1985. KePgai,iatat1Ofs Not Detected, The compound was not detected at a concentration Not Det, ND or nd equal to or•above the established method detection limit. NC = Not Calculated VOA = Volatile Organic Analysis BFa 4-Bromofluorobenzene (an EPA 624 Surrogate) p-DFB = 1, 4-D1fluorobenzene (an EPA 624 Surrogate) CLB-d5 = Chlorobenzene-d5 (an EPA 629 Surrogate) BCP = 2-Bromo-l-chloropropane (an EPA 601 Surrogate) TFT - a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (an EPA 602 Surrogate) Definitions Surrogate Recovery = The recovery(expressed as a percent)of a non method analyte(see surrogates listed above) added to the sample for the purpose of monitoring system performance. Matrix Spike Recovery = The recovery(expressed as a percent)of method analytes added to the sample for the purpose of determining any effect of sample composition on analyte recovery. Laboratory Replicate = Two sample aliquots taken in the analytical laboratory and analyzed separately with identical procedures Analyses of laboratory duplicates give a measure of the precision associated with laboratory procedures,but not with sample collection,preservation,or storage procedures. Field Duplicate = Two separate samples collected at the same time and place under identical circumstances and treated exactly the same throughout field and abt preservation y pros procedures_Analysis s with l duplicates give measure of the precision associated with sample collection, Relative Percent Difference(%RPD) =The precision measurement obtained on duplicate/replicate analyses. %RPD is calculated as: %RPD= 1v h1 1-valu 21' 100% ave.value Its ANALYTICAL 'ORTS TO: CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Tel. (413) 789-9018 FAX (413) 789-2776 588 Silver Street Agawam, MA 01001 1 OJECT No: OJECT Mgr: "E LOCATION: - • SS CONTAINERS ORGANICS ,MPLE TYPE k CO MATRIX CODES: - N N r Osow9.E ni orotA1 6 =4°C 2=HCI 3=H2SO4 4=HNO3 5= OTHER OTCIP z 4 iI qE ., I li $ 1111 o dl V F, g I° O 1101 SLUDGE 5 § I 1 IO OIO I 10 0 0 = AQUEOUS 3 = OTHER x w w I ° = SOIL 4 = SEDIMENT ¢ E u 8 el RUSE a W 3 oSo A.H SAMPLE I.D. PATE TIME �' ���J///��"` '• : o 0 0 0 0 ° °mil la �� / u a . m... .. IMMISIMMIE . 111111110111011111 HEMEMIOMPI M��;11111-....1111.. �, u..uu..... _wliblai......u......l DATE TIME /-C NVOICE TO P.O. No: SAMPLER(s): OTHER = COMPOSITE G GRAB agr UNQUI SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: SPECIAL HANDLING O STANDARD O 7 BUS. DAYS O RUSH 24 HOURS DATE RESULTS NEEDED: SPECTRUM.a i:. Massachusetts Certification MA 138 Connecticut Approval No. PH 0777 Now Hampshire ID No.2538 New York ID No. 11393 Southampton Sanitary Eng. 168 County Road Southampton, MA 01073 Attn: K. Kuehner Client Project No.' November24, 1993 Location: Southampton Sanitary �ST.u_ [fit TD A 1 R ated 2798-3 EPA 624 AA12469 SPE by SR (water) Hanibal . Tayeh Manager Technical Director&Laboratory e ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES 5SS Silver Street• gcawmn.Mptsacharene 01001 • 517-789-9018• PAX 413-789.1:76 'ECTRUM ANALYTICAL,INC Laboratory Report Client ID: 1748-3 Lab ID No: AA12464 Matrix. Water Sampled on1123/93 Received on 11/23(93 ATO QC and Data Review by HT Parameter Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromomethanc Bromotornt Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Ch lore methane Dibromochlotomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichluroethee trans-1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichlorapropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethenc Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroerhhane Triehloroethene Trichlorofluornmcthane m,p-Xylenes o-Xylene Vinyl chloride Methyl-t-bury/ether BFB Surrogate Recovery(%) p-DFB Surrogate Recovery(%) CLB-d5 Surrogate Recovery(%) Location: Southampton Sanitary Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration, Container 2 VOA Vial Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by: FED-EX Volatile Organics EPA Metan&QC a24a Result(in ug/L) Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected 120 105 110 MDL 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Analyzed Analyst 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123,93 GM 11/23/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 11/23/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/)3 GM 11/23/93 GM 11(23/93 GM 11123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 11/23/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123(93 GM 11/23/93 GM 11/23/93 GM 11(23/93 GM 11/23/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 11/23/93 GM 11/23/93 GM 11(23/93 GM 1123/93 GM 11/23/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM 1123/93 GM SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report Location: Southampton Sanitary Client Job No.: Client ID: 1748-3 Lab ID No: AA12464 Preservative: Refrigeration Mater Water Container : 1 Glass Jar Received 1183199 �f Condition of SaFED-EX eceived: Satisfactory Qeceivdd nn 11@3(93 oY ATO QC and Data Review lry HT ?arameter PH by IR (water) Total Hydrocarbons by IR EPA Method 418.1 Result (mg/L) MDL Extracted Analyzed Analyst nd 0.5 1183/93 118303 TG r ANALYTICAL 4TS TO: IECT No: JECT Mgr LOCATION PIE CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Tel. (413) 789-9018 58B Silver Street Agawam, MA 01001 TYPE At MATRIX CODES ¢°G 2=HCI 3=H2SO4 4=HNO3 = COMPOSITE G = GRAB AQUEOUS 3 = SLUDGE 5 SOIL 4 = SEDIMENT USE JLY 6 = OTHER OTHER w INVOICE T0: ,`/ P.O. No SAMPLER(s): w (413) 789-2776 v .1 f2 yMII $ x _J Li U St° n S S CL VI Q Q' w ° ° 0 b b a b .AMPLE LD. D•TE TIM __ __ .-. .. ;w. i SSj �ii' ' T ululu r i:r { unIUI uuu: a� u mac :. . • � 111111111111 uMIM i�u� uu MINI_ D•TE TIM /// J INQUISHED BY: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS; SPECIAL o STANDARD o 7 BUS. DAYS o RUSH 24 HOURS DATE RESULTS NEEDED: SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL,INC. Massachusetts Certification MA.138 Connecticut Approval No.PH 0777 New Hampshire Ill No.2538 New York ID No. 11393 Southampton Sanitary Eng. Corp 168 County Road Southampton, MA 01070 Attn: Karl Kushner Client Project No.: 1748-4 -1-41211:1241._ client ID AA12893 1748-9 December 14, 1993 Location: Dr. Rosa An 1 ' R meted WI by CC (Soil) Authorized by anib: C.`I`ayeh Manager Technical Director &Laboratory ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES 5eS Silver Swat• Agawam.Massachusetts 01001 • 413-749-9018• FAX 313-7S9-1776 rPECTRUM ANALYTICAL,IN' Laboratory Report Client 1D: 1748-4 Lab ID No: AA12843 Matrix: Soil Collected: 12/10/93 by QCRand Data 12/10/93 eview by HT O Location: Dr.Ross Client Job No.: 1748.4 Preservative: Refrigeration Container • 1 Glass Soil Jar Condition of Sample as Received: Satisfactory Delivered by Client Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC Modified EPA Method 8100 'ammeter ltal Hydrocarbons (GC) ngerprint based quantification: asoline uel Oil #2 uel Oil #4 'uel Oil #6 dotor Oil igroin kviation Fuel )thcr Oil Unidentified % Solids Result (ragas) 1300 MDL Extracted Analyzed 12/10)93 12/10/93 Analyst MO Not detected 40 12/10/93 12/10/93 APO 1300 40 12110/93 12/10/93 APO Not detected 40 12/10193 12/10/93 APO Not detected 80 12/10/93 12/10/93 APO Not detected 80 12/10/93 12/10/93 APO Not detected 40 12/1093 12/10/93 APO Not detected 40 12110/93 12/10/93 APO Not detected 80 12/10/93 12/10/93 APO Not detected 12/1093 12/10/93 APO 12/10193 12/1093 TO 82.4 0.1 Petroleum identification is determined by comparing the GC fingerprint obtained from the sample with a library of OC fingerprints obtained from petroleum products. Possible match categories are as follows; Gasoline-includes regular,unleaded,premium,etc. Fuel Oil#2-includes home heating oil,#2 fuel oil and diesel. Fuel Oil#4-Includes#4 Fuel Oil Fuel Oil#6-includes#6 oil and bunker"C"oil. Motor Oil-includes virgin and waste automobile oils. & naphtha. L igroin-includes mineral spirits,petroleum naphtha,� P Aviation Fuels-includes Kerosene,Jet A and JP-4. Other Oil-includes cutting and lubricating oils. Factors such as microbial degradation,weathering and solubility generally prevent specific identification within a petroleum category. A finding of"unidentified"means that the sample fingerprint was characteristic of a petroleum product,but could not be matched to a fingerprint in the libre ar quantified using a calibration curve After fingerprint identification,the amount present in the sample 9 petroleum isrquan fed using•a petroleum calibration that t approximates he distribution offc compounds n the sample. A• in the results column indicates the petroleum calibration used to quantify unidentified samples. RTS TO r CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Tel. (413) 785-9018 588 Silver Street FAY (413) 789-2776 Agawam, MA 01001 JECT No: /7Y JECT Mgr: LOCATION: APLE TYPE do MATRIX CODES: 4°C 2-MCI 3=H2504 4=HNO3 5= OTHER = COMPOSITE G = GRAS I AQUEOUS 3 = SLUDGE SOIL 4 - SEDMENT INVOICE ----1- 7 „ S —C-P.O. No: TDB SAMPLER(s): I USE NLY SAMPLE I.D. 5 OTHER DATE TIME w E a w N 0-0_ CONTAINERS ORGANICS METALS OTHER 05ouaE O TOTAL 6 o TCLR 5 0 O u a mu mo mom man --• NININNNIMIIMON DATE Mal al— iI I SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: we-J I D B ; _�n '' —A-4 SPECIAL HANDLING O STANDARD O 7 BUS. DAYS O RUSH 24 HOURS DATE RESULTS NEEDED.— SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL,INC. Massachusetts Certification n PH 0777 Connecticut Approval Island#98&Maine#n/a New Hampshire ID#253893 New York ID#11393 Paul B. Hatch 57 Munn Rd. Mormon, MA 01057 April 8, 1994 Client Project No.: Location: Southampton Sanitary Eng. I ab ID No Client ID A 1 sr R d AA15062 1748-5 TP11 by IR (water) al C. T Technical Director &Laboratory Manager ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES 588 Silver Street• Agawam,Massachusetts 01001 •413.789-9018 •FAX 413-7894076 SPECTRUM ANALYTICAL, INC. Laboratory Report Client ID: 1748-5 Lab ID No: AA15062 Matrix: Water Collected: 04/04/94 QC and Data Review by G 'ammeter Location: Southampton Sanitary Eng. Client Job No.: Preservative: Refrigeration Container : 1 Amber Glass Liter Condition o of Sample of as Received: Satisfactory Total Hydrocarbons by 111 EPA Method 418.1 Result (mg/L) MDL 'H by IR (water) nd 0.5 Extracted Analyzed Analyst 04/06/94 04/06/94 AP SI CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 58B Silver Street Tel. (413) 789-9018 CMS ANALYTICAL Agawam, MA 01001 FAX (413) 789-2776 TO I INVOICE TO: :PORTS 0/X atiil9ae ?, ✓41 ,)73 _ra / ROJECT No: P.O. No: ROJECT Mgr: 141,„ y/ / SAMPLER(s): 4 ITE LOCATION: CONTAINERS ORGANICS METALS 1 OTHER AMPLE TYPE & MATRIX CODES: 0 ' E < 1 m o f F. o 0 0 a u 0 o O 0 0 N -r y = 0 n OSOLUBLE OTOTPL OTCLP 7 J, W ! o O o ; o °C 5= OTHER 1=4 2=HCI 3=H2SO4 4=HNO3 O O = COMPOSITE G = GRAB a LJ > > w L_ d ° y Nil 0m ! r O - O 0 0 o Y o o 0 a = AQUEOUS 3 = SLUDGE 5 = OTHER = SOIL 4 = SEDIMENT x W n 4 co Ld' gl I° i I Li- 01010 `°1-.• ° lip a d 0 iB USEG ONLY SAMPLE 1.0.1 DATE. TIME o u 0 0 c o 0 ',C 0 L /77-5 l iii/9 fig) / G - I it � I ! I I l 11 fl ! R-'_ QUISHED BY: REO.EIVED BY: DATE ! TIME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: SPECIAL HANDLING o STANDARD o 7 BUS. DAYS 0 RUSH 24 HOURS DATE RESULTS NEEDED