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454 RYAN RD BP-2017-0435 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:29- 103 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2017-0435 Project# JS-2017-000732 Est. Cost:$35432.00 Fee:$75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS 106329 Lot Size(sa.ft.): 31450.32 Owner: CUMMINGS CLAY Zoning: Applicant: PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS AT: 454 RYAN RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 311 WELLS ST- SUITE B (413) 772-8788 Workers Compensation GREENFIELDMA01301 ISSUED ON:10/712016 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALLATION OF 6.4KW GROUND MOUNT SOLAR ARRAY IN SIDE YARD POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 10/7/2016 0:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner 6 " • • • • • P. J, AFi • . .. ..- e4 ..• File# BP-2017-0435 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS ADDRESS/PHONE 311 WELLS ST-SUITE B GREENFIELD (413)772-8788 PROPERTY LOCATION 454 RYAN RD MAP 29 PARCEL 103 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out it/16 Fee Paid Typeof Construction: INSTALLATION OF 6.4KW GROUND MOUNT SOLAR ARRAY IN SIDE YARD New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 106329 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFOSMATION PRESENTED: //Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission - Permit DPW Storm Water Management olition D- .y `a Signature of Building ditficial Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. 1,,.. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts IMMIIIMMINIMMEUMIMINERMI Board of Building Regulations and Standards MUNICIPALITYFO :` `„nRj .. Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR USE 0 co Building Permit Application To Construct,Repair,Renovate Or Demolish a Revised Mar 2011 ? _ w. One-or Two-Family Dwelling cv z This Section For Official Use Only LJJ l gist ing Permit Number: Date Applied: 1-- Cr C:' °,„ lding Official(Print Name) Signature Date SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION ' IA Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbers 454 Ryan Rd.Florence,MA 01062 1.1a Is this an accepted street?yes x no Map Number Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: — Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) • 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided 1.6 Water Supply:(M.G.L c.40,§54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Public 0 Private 0 Zone: Outside Flood Zone? Municipal 0 On site disposal system 0 Check if yes❑ SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP' 2.1 Owner'of Record: Clayton Cummings Florence,MA 01062 Name(Print) City,State,ZIP 454 Ryan Rd (413)230-8465 clayton.t.cummings@gmail.com No.and Street Telephone Email Address SECTION 3:DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK2(check all that apply) I , New Construction 0 Existing Building 0 Owner-Occupied 0 Repairs(s) 0 Alteration(s) 0 Addition 0 Demolition 0 Accessory Bldg. 0 Number of Units Other El Specify:See below Brief Description of Proposed Work2:Installation of 6.4 kW ground mounted PV Array in side yard SECTION 4:ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Costs: Official Use Only (Labor and Materials) 1. Building $35432 1. Building Permit Fee: $ Indicate how fee is determined: - 0 Standard City/Town Application Fee 2.Electrical $ _ 0 Total Project Cost3(Item 6)x multiplier x 3.Plumbing S _ 2. Other Fees: $_ 4. Mechanical (HVAC) S List: S.Mechanical (Fire $ Suppression) Total All Fees pp ) Check No.(.Vd 3�Check Amount:- moun 7S Cash Amount: 6.Total Project Cost: $35432 0 Paid in Full 0 Outstanding Balance Due: SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES • 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) CS-106329 03/14/2018 Maya Fulford License Number Expiration Date Name of CSL Holder List CSL Type(see below) LI 159 Clark Drive No.and Street Type Description U Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 cu.ft.) Guilford,MA 05301 R Restricted l&2 Family Dwelling City)Town,State,ZIP M Masonry m RC Roofing Covering / WS Window and Siding SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances 413.772.8788 INFO@PVSOUARED.COOP I Insulation Telephone Email address D Demolition 5.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(HIC) 140077 9/16/2017 PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS COOP HIC Registration Number Expiration Date HIC Company Name or HIC Registrant Name 377 WELLS STREET INFOCa+PVSOUARED.000P No.and Street Email address GREENFIELD MA 07301 413-772-8788 City/Town,State,ZIP Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152.§ 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes p No 0 SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize PHILIPPE RIGOLLAUD to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. SEE ATTACHMENT (A) SEE ATTACHMENT(A) Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date f SECTION 7b:OWNER' OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this applicati n is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. 9/28/2016 Print Owner's or Aut nze gent's Name(Electronic Signature) Date NOTES: 1. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L.c. 142A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.gov/oca information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass.aov/dps 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq. ft.)_ (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft.) Habitable room count Number of fireplaces Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms Number of half/baths Type of heating system Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system Enclosed _Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" ATTACHMENT A AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND SERVE AS AUTHORIZED AGENT I hereby agree to the Project as set out above, and I agree to pay the contract price according to the Terms of Payment. I further agree to the Terms and Conditions attached hereto as a part of this Proposal and Agreement. I hereby authorize Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative to proceed with the above-referenced Project in accordance with this Agreement. l further authorize Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooperative, or its designated representative, to obtain required permits for this project on behalf of the Owner.Any photographs or videos of this project may be used by Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative for marketing purposes. A check for the First Payment is enclosed and I am returning this Agreement within 21 days of the Proposal date. CT CoCvvtAS 7/ 15 l 16 Printed Name Date 44 AA_AA Ari Title Proposal and Agreement#00011764 Page 7 of 13 Clay Cummings-Su',y 13.2056 �1� Ce>=/mmuvituleaia 6/&44 ,,4*Ai. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation '`, _ .- 10 Park Plaza- Suite 5170 Boston. Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration -:i Registration: 140077 Type: Private Corporation --- Expiration: 9/16/2017 Tri 270458 PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICSO S_ C :•;17.2. PHILIPPE RIGOLLAUD •,-.; - —_. 311 WELLS ST SUITE B -�-� _, -.F�.. ,. GREENFIELD, MA 01301 '! ,-_-_:a - _ ``- Update Address and return card.Mark reason for change. ' s i , x+a-c511 0 Address iJ Renewal 7 Employment ❑ Lost Card n /re cfr,,,,n.onamIU n ^r e."71kic/t«r/L „...--Z\- Office of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation License or registration valid for individul use only HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. if found return to: 'd sRegistration: ••140077 Type: Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation Expiration: 9`16/2017 Private Corporation 10 Park Plaza-Suite 5170 • - '- Boston.FIA 02116 PIONEER VALLEY PHQTl�YOLTAICS COOP ' PHILIPPE RIGOL LAUD -- 311 WELLS ST SUITE B. -- { v_—_ i,e; GREENFIELD,MA 01301' Uodc»ecretary Not valid withaet r i . r • Massachusetts Department of Public Safety 17 Board of Building Regulations and Standards License: CS-106329 s Construction Supervisor •f MAYA FULFORD I`° 159 CLARK DRIVE t F: GIULFORD VT 05301 6 --�-� CA.........-....... Expiration : a. Commissioner 03/14/2018 I- AC DATE(MWDDIYYYY) ` 1i..� RD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 12/30/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER I CONTACT Linda Powers NAME: Webber & GrinnellNHo Er►1: (413)586-0111 FAX No: (413)586-6481 8 North King Street 'Aolass:lpowers@webberandgrinnell.com INSURERS)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC* Northampton MA 01060 INSURERA:Peerless/Liberty _ INSURED INSURER B:Excelsior/Liberty 11045 Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooperative, Inc. INSURER c:Peerless Indemnity/Liberty 18333 Attn: Kim Pinkham INSURER D:Liberty Mutual Insurance 24198 311 Wells Street, Suite B INSURER E:A.I.M. Mutual _ Greenfield MA 01301 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:Master Exp 1-1-2017 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I`RJ TYPE OF INSURANCE ny�Y POLICY NUMBER POLICYFF JMM/DDlYYYY)r uMITs x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A 1 CLAIMS-MADE 1_E I OCCUR PREMISESa�E�nce) $ 100,000 I) CBP8378623 1/1/2016 1/1/2017 NEDEXPIAnyone person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 1 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 x POLICY[ I PERO r� LOCI PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: $ 1 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY I COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,00o (Ee accident) B ---ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED % SCHEDULED BA8372626 1/1/2016 1/1/2017 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ i_____ AUTOS _ AUTOS ON.O PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOSUN-04YNE0 (per accident) X HIRED AUTOS g I I Underinsured motorist SI split $ 100,000 - X UMBRELLA UAB % OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 3,000,000 C ~I EXCESS LAB ��CLAIMS- MADE I AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 DED X I RETENTIONS 10,000 C08377126 1/1/2016 ` 1/1/2017 , $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY STATUTE I gr - AND PROPRIETORMandato�rY.n NH)'PARTNER/EXECUTIVE YIN NIA EL.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICE D EXCLUDED?MBER - XWS57072282 1/1/2016 1/1/2017 EL.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE 5 1,000,000 ( I'D 'yyes, IPTIONunder XWS57072282-CT E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000, DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below — i , DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORD tot,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached N more space Is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE For Information Purposes Only THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Linda Powers/LMP v,-�,C-L-- ----- ) • 01988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 1N502517r:tian, _ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ►t.'"— t!t Department of Industrial Accidents —4--. fel= 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 _ f = y Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.mass.gov/dia NIP Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business!Organization/Individual):PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS Address:311 WELLS STREET, SUITE B City/State/Zip:GREENFIELD, MA 01301 Phone #:413-772-8788 Are you an employer?Cheek the appropriate box: Type of project(required): • I.0 I am a employer with 40 employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. 0 New construction 2.01 am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. 0 Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 9. ❑Demolition 3.01 am a homeowner doing all work myself.[No workers'comp.insurance required.]' 4.01 am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will 10 El Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.0 Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. • 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions ' 5.❑I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.❑ROOFrepairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.: 14.E✓ Other SOLAR PV 6.0 We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. – 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 'Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. f Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. :Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. . I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: A.I.M. Mutual Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#: XWS 57072282 Expiration Date:01/01/2017 Job Site Address:454 Ryan Rd, City/State/Zip: Florance, MA 01062 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). s` Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 x and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. Ido hereby certify under the pains and nalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: Date: 09/23/2016 Phone#:413-772-8788 t I I Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official Li ii City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector S. Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: (PV}— CU M M I N GS - Florence Pioneer Valley PhotoVdtaics workerownedCoope'air, s la At least 20' _ from front , /( „, •,.. ." _ / ' At least 10' f� from side _ / City of Northampton Building Department 454 Ryan,Road _ - Plan Review 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 luo Clay Cummings 454 Ryan Rd Florence, MA 01062 (413)230-8465 clayton.t.cummings@gmail.com System size: 6.4 kW DC . Array: Ground Mounted Array of(20)SunPower SPR-E19-320's with a Fronius Primo 6.0-1 - r Inverter. 2 rows of 10 modules in portrait. Racking: FS Schletter racking; 4 Posts-9ft max span btwn; 35.08' long; 8.5'wide. See attached paperwork and engineer's letter Zoning: By right sized array will be located within the standard setbacks while measures taken to minimize visual impact to the surrounding area. L pv p •owe rs i ite Project Information Project Name: Cummings-Florence Design By: Cummings-Florance Project Address: 454 Ryan Rd Email: opsteamapvsquared,coop City,State,Zip: Florence, MA Date: Monday,September 26, 2026 Module Size: 60 Cell System Type: Ground Mount, FS System Schletter Sales Associate: Blaz Ruzic Engineering Report Building Code: ASCE7-10 Rack Setup: 2V X 10 Wind Speed: 130 mph Vetical Count: 2V mi Snow Load: 40 psf Horizontal Count; 10 Tilt: 35 degrees Module Thickness 46 mm Rack Count: 1 Module Count: 1046 mm Total Wattage: Installation Details - r Max Span: 9 ft Tension Force 5.81 in Shear Force: 3,98 Shaft Depth: 6.5 Billing Material Part Number Description i Quantity r 124303-06200 S1.5 Rail 6200 8 140003-005 Standard FS 35 degrees 4 • 129303-000 S1 Splice Kit 4 131001-046 Rapid2+End Clamp 8 135002-003 Grounding Rapid2+Mid Clamp Assembly 1 36 • • • rill ©FS I Schle:ter Ir.c. I (520)289-8700 I maila51n1ettecus Module Rail Arrangement & Cuts Location of Rail Rails Per Row Required Rail Length Center = 4690 Intermediate 1 6060 End 0 Cut(4)4687.7mm rail(s)from(4)6200mm stock rails. Cut(4) 6059.3mm rail(s)from(4)6200mm stock rails. ii rSCHLagTTER CFS I Schletter Inc. I (520)289-8700 I mails hl tt r.us * z X 3 9 I y. Schletter, Inc. 35°Tilt w/o Seismic Design HCV Standard FS Racking System Representative Calculations -ASCE 7-10 [SCHLETTER 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The following sections will cover the determination of forces and structural design calculations for the Schleifer, inc. FS ground mount system. 1.2 Construction Photovoltaic modules are attached to aluminum purlins using clamp fasteners. Purlins are clamped to inclined aluminum girders, which are then connected to galvanized steel posts. Each support structure is equally spaced. PV modules are required to meet the following specifications: Maximum Minimum Height = 1700 mm Height = 1550 mm Width = 1050 mm Width = 970 mm Dead Load = 3.00 psf Dead Load = 1.75 psf Modules Per Row = 2 pii0a"'Ores "" Module Tilt = 35' 111111•1111111111 Maximum Height Above Grade = 3 ft �Rd, `°�n°„ Typical loading 1.3 Technical Codes _��� conditions of the •ASCE 7-10-Chapter 26-31,Wind Loads n `- r i module dead loads, •ASCE 7-10-Chapter 7,Snow Loads snow loads, and wind •ASCE 7-10-Chapter 2,Combination of Loads toads are shown on the • International Building Code. IBC,2012,2015 2'`= left. •Aluminum Design Manual, Eighth Edition,2005 2. LOAD ACTIONS 2.1 Permanent Loads gM,x = 3.00 psf Self-weight of the PV modules. 9Miv = 1.75 psf 2.2 Snow Loads Ground Snow Load, Pg = 30.00 psf Sloped Roof Snow Load, P, = 14.43 psf (ASCE 7-10,Eq. 7.4-1) I, = 1.00 C5 = 0.64 Ce = 0.90 C1 = 1.20 2.3 Wind Loads Design Wind Speed,V = 130 mph Exposure Category=C Height < 15 ft Importance Category=ll Peak Velocity Pressure,qZ = 26.53 psf Including the gust factor, G=0.85. (ASCE 7-10, Eq. 27.3-1) Pressure Coefficients . Cf+Top = 1.2 (Pressure) Provided pressure coefficients are the result of wind tunnel Cf+BOTTOM = 2 testing done by Ruscheweyh Consult. Coefficients are Cf--op = -2.4 located in test report#1127/0510-e. Negative forces are CIBOTTOM = 1.2 (Suction) applied away from the surface. 2.4 Seismic Loads-N/A Ss = 0.00 R = 1.25 ASCE 7, Section maximum S 5 of 1.5 Sps = 0.00 Cs = 0 may be used to calculate the base shear, C s,of S, = 0.00 p = 1.3 structures under five stories and with a period, T. Sp, = 0.00 0 = 1.25 of 0.5 or less. Therefore,a S'.15 of 1.0 was used to calculate C 5. T, = 0.00 Cd = 1.25 Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35°130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 1 ESCHLETTER 2.5 Combination of Loads ASCE 7 requires that all structures be checked by specified combinations of loads. Applicable load combinations are provided below. Strength Design,LRFD Component stresses are checked using the following LRFD load combinations: 1.2D+ 1.6S+0.5W 1.2D+ 1.0W+0.5S 0.90+ 1.0W M 1.540+ 1.3E+0.2S a (ASCE 7,Eq 2.3.2-1 through 2.3.2-7)&(ASCE 7, Section 0.560+ 1.3E R 1.54D+1.25E+0.2S ° 0.56D+ 1.25E ° Allowable Stress Design,ASD Member deflection checks and foundation designs are done according to the following ASD load combinations: 1.00+ 1.0S 1.0D+0.6W 1.0D+0.75L +0.45W +0.755 0.6D+0.6W M (ASCE 7. Eq 2.4.1-1 through 2.4.1-8)&(ASCE 7. Section 1.238D+0.875E ° 1.1785D+0.65625E+0.75S ° 0.362D+0.875E ° "' Uses the minimum allowable module dead load. Include redundancy factor of 1.3. ° Includes overstrength factor of 1.25. Used to check seismic drift. 3.STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 3.1 RISA Results Appendix B.1 contains outputs from the structural analysis software package,RISA. These outputs are used to accurately determine resultant member and reaction forces from the loads seen throughout Section 2. 3.2 RISA Components A member and node list has been provided below to correlate the RISA components with the design calculations in Section 4. Items of significance have been listed. Purlins Location Posts Location M10 Top M2 Outer M11 Mid-Top M5 inner M12 Mid-Bottom M8 Outer M13 bottom Girders Location Reactions Location M1 Outer N9 Outer M4 Inner N19 Inner M7 Outer N29 Outer Struts Location M3 Outer M6 Inner M9 Outer Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35°130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 2 [SCHLETTER 4. MEMBER DESIGN CALCULATIONS `` 4.1 Purlin Design Aluminum purlins are used to transfer toads to the support structure. Purlins are designed as continous beams with cantilevers. These are considered beams with internal hinges that can be joined with splices at 25%of the support respective span. See Appendix A.1 for detailed member calculations. Section units are in(mm). Purlin Type = S1.5 Aluminum Type = 6105-T5 07 ____ FH = 35 ksi 76•4 Lb = 108 in co OFtySTRONG-axiS = 25.07 ksi 0 cAFtyWEAK_AXIS = 23.08 ksi f Sy = 1.33 03 Sx = 0.6 in3 -II t E = 10100 ksi I,. = 2.16 in` Ix = 1.07 in° o -, A = 1.25 in2 g = 1.50 lbsift NII\.. i _____ my= 1.641 k-ft MZ = 0.111 k-ft MyaIvwame = 2.779 k-ft M = 1.154 k-ft 45,50 45.50 "1 z allowable; Utilization = DETAIL VIEW 4.2 Girder Design Loads from purlins are transferred to the posts using an inclined girder,which is connected to the steel post. Loads on the girder result from the support reactions of the purlins. See Appendix A.2 for detailed member calculations. Section units are in(mm). Girder Type = T5 Aluminum Type = 6105-T5 F . = 35ksiT- Lb = 63.82 in �Fnw AXIAL = 30.80 ksi ~� �Fn,STRONG-AXIS = 30.46 ksi OF,WEAK-AXIS = 31.56 ksi AFTIIIIi Sy = 1.98 in3 S. = 1.32 in3 E = 10100 ksi l4, = 4.74 in` i, = 1.83 in4 A = 1.93 in2 g = 2.32 tbsitt 1110 .o My = 3.913 k-ft 11.1hIlkikb......„_ M, = 0.000 k-ft Milli P,. = 0.013 k r Mpallcwabie = 5.026 k-ft L35.30 35.30 a Mz allowable = 3.472 k-ft f Pn albwable = 59.439 k DETAIL VIEW Utilization = Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35"130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 3 7SCHLETTER 4.3 Strut Design The aluminum strut connects a portion of the girder to the galvanized steel post, Girder forces are then transferred down through the strut into the post. The strut is attached with single M10 bolts at each end. See Appendix A.3 for detailed member calculations. Section units are in(mm). Strut Type = 55x55 LAmmiiiki.55.00- - Aluminum Type = 6105-T5 Ft., = 35 ksi Lt = 61.00 in I (AFty AXIAL = 13.67 ksi t O CIFty BENDING = 28.22 ksi t O 1 Cili Sy = 0.60 in3 I .--1 S, = 0.60 in' I E = 10100 ksi 00 I I ll Ill I, = 0.67 in4 A = 0.98 int 9 = 1.18 lbs/ft My = 0.000 k-ft LIIIMIIMIIMLI=Or MZ = 0.285 k-ft P„ = 3.795 k gillilli . - . My allowable = 1.408 k-ft 2.00 - - Mz allowable = 1.408 k-ft Po allowable = 13.425 k DETAIL VIEW Utilization = 4.4 Post Design Galvanized steel posts are a roll formed steel section,that are either ram driven into the ground or placed in a concrete foundation at a defined depth. Embedment depths will he provided on the structural drawings or through a geotechnical testing report. See Appendix A.4 for detailed member calculations. Section units are in(mm). (676) Post Type = FG8 Steel Type = J2340 1 Fty = 60 ksi c, �� Lb = 85.68 in ,dt I X3'00 (D = 0.90 cFt,= 54.00 ksi S,,= 3.46 in3 o S, = 1.55 in3 - E = 29000 ksi l ro ly. = 10.94 in4I rg Ix = 4.31 in4 A= 2.23 in' - g = 7.59 lbs/ft My = 16.119 k-ft Mz = 0.000 k-ft �d�! P, = -4.504 k / 40 7 R 3 My allowable = 19.207 k-ft 1 J/� ria L r i _1_ Mz aB3 able = 14.389 k-ft r 1 ` Pc = 28.060 k (334)—_ '_16.61 1 t6)-"' {3a 4) - g - 400±20 67.0'05- 40.0*20---. Utilization = .. _041} DETAIL VIEW Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35'130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx l Page 4 �SCHLETTER 5. FOUNDATION DESIGN CALCULATIONS 5.1 Rammed Post Foundations The following LRFD toads include a safety factor of 1.3, and are to be used in conjunction with a Schletter,Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Report. The forces below should fall within the guidelines provided in the Geotechnical Investigation Report. if a Geotechnical Investigation Report is not present,please proceed to Section 5.2 for a concrete footing design. Maximum Tensile Load = 5.81 k Maximum Lateral Load = 3.98 k 5.2 Design of Drilled Shaft Foundations The galvanized steel post is to be embedded into a cylindrical drilled shaft foundation. For the purpose of design, the post is considered to be fixed to the ground. The applicable lateral force. uplift,and compression resistance checks are seen below. 5.3 Lateral Force Resistance The equivalent lateral force is applied at the top of the post to determine the required embedment depth. A lateral soil bearing capacity for clay is assumed. Footing is unrestrained at ground level. (IBC.Eq. 18-1) I, Lateral Force @ Top of Pole,P = 1.03 k S = LSrn (D,12 ') Height of Pole Above Grade, H = 7.14 ft l D Diameter of Pole Footing, B = 2.00 ft S, = Min -, 12 Lateral Soil Bearing Capacity,S = 0.10 ksflft Isolated Pole Factor, F = 2 A = 2.34 � B First Trial Depth,D = 3.25 ft Lateral Bearing @ Bottom = S34.36 H ' .•• ( ( Lateral Bearing @ 0(3 = S, D = 0.5 A 1 + _f 1 = A Required Depth = D �1 / . Non-Constrained Lateral Force @ Top of Pole, P = 1.03 k Height of Pole Above Grade,H = 7.14 ft Diameter of Pole Footing,B = 2.00 ft Lateral Soil Bearing Capacity,S = 0.20 ksflft 1st Trial @ D, = 3.25 ft 4th Trial @ Da = 6.34 ft Lateral Soil Bearing @ 013,S, = 0.22 ksf Lateral Soil Bearing @ 0/3,S, = 0.42 ksf Lateral Soil Bearing @ D, S3 = 0.65 ksf Lateral Soil Bearing @ D,S3 = 1.27 ksf Constant 2.34P/(S,B),A= 5.54 Constant 2.34PI(S,B),A = 2.84 Required Footing Depth, D = 9.89 ft Required Footing Depth, D = 6.33 ft 2nd Trial @ D2 = 6.57 ft 5th Trial @ D5 = 6.33 ft Lateral Soil Bearing @ D/3. S, = 0.44 ksf Lateral Soil Bearing @ D/3,Si = 0.42 ksf Lateral Soil Bearing @ D,S3 = 1.31 ksf Lateral Soil Bearing @ D,S3 = 1.27 ksf Constant 2.34P/(S,B),A = 2.74 Constant 2.34P/(S,B),A = 2.84 Required Footing Depth,D = 6.18 ft Required Footing Depth, D = 6.5: ft 3rd Trial @ D3 = 6.38 ft Lateral Soil Bearing @ D/3. S, = 0.43 ksf A 2ft diameter x 6.5ft deep footing unrestrained at ground level Lateral Soil Bearing @ D. S3 = 1.28 ksf is required for the racking structure. Constant 2.34P/(S1B),A = 2.82 Required Footing Depth, D = 6.30 ft Rev.09.25.15 F5 60 Cell 2V 35°130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 5 ESCHLETTER 5.4 Uplifting Force Resistance Uplifting forces of the racking system are checked against the uplift resistance of the soil. Clay soils are assumed. Weight of Concrete,gc.„ = 145 pcf Ite'abon z dz Qs Side Uplifting Force, N = 2.66 k 1 0.2 0.2 118.10 5.74 Footing Diameter,B = 2.00 ft 2 0.4 0.2 118.10 5.64 Factor of Safety = 2.50 3 0.6 0.2 118.10 5.53 Cohesion = 208.85 psf 4 0.8 0.2 118.10 5,43 y; = 120.43 pcf _ 1 0.2 118.10 5.32 o = 0.45 6 1.2 0.2 118.10 5,22 7 1.4 0.2 118.10 5,12 Required Concrete Weight.g = 1.72 k s 1.6 0.2 118.10 5,01 Required Concrete Volume,V = 11.84 ft3 9 1.8 0.2 118.10 4.91 Required Footing Depth,D = 4.00 ft to 2 0.2 118.10 4,81 11 2.2 0.2 118.10 4.70 12 2.4 0.2 118.10 4.60 i3 2.6 0.2 118.10 4.49 it. 2.8 0.2 118.10 4.39 A 2ft diameter x 4ft deep footing unrestrained at ground level is required 15 3 0.2 118.10 4.29 for the racking structure. 16 3.2 0.2 _118.10 4.18 N » 3.4 0.2 118.10 4.08 is 3.6 0.2 118.10 3.98 • 19 3.8 0.2 ~118.10 3.87 il 20 4 0.2 ~118.10 3.77 21 p 0.0 r 0.00 3.77 22 0 0.0 0.00 3.77 23 0 0.0 _ 0.00 3.77 24 0 0.0 0.00 3.77 . 25 0 0.0 0.00 3.77 _ 26 0 0.0 0.00 3.77 H 27 0 0.0 _ 0.00 3.77 28 0 ' 0.0 0.00 3.77 29 0 0.0 r 0.00 3.77 33 0 0.0 0.00 3.77 31'. 0 0.0 0.00 3.77 _ a o 32 0 0.0 ^ 0.00 3.77 33 0 0.0 0.00 3.77 c 34 0 0.0 , 0.00 3.77 1 c '. • Max 4 Sam 0.94 • 5.5 Compressive Force Resistance r Skin friction of the soil is checked against the compression force from the racking and the weight of the drilled shaft foundation. Skin friction starts at 3ft below grade. Clay soils are again assumed. P s; Depth Below Grade, D = 6.50 ft Skin Friction Resistance Footing Diameter,B = 2.00 ft Skin Friction = 0.15 ksf Compressive Force, P = 3.37 k Resistance = 3.30 k I Footing Area = 3.14 ft2 113 Increase for Wind = 1.33 . nCircumference = 6.28 ft Total Resistance = 10.68 k Skin Friction Area = 21.99 ft2 Applied Force = 6.33 k Concrete Weight = 0.145 kcf Utilization = 59% Bearing Pressure Bearing Area = 3.14 ft2 Bearing Capacity = 1.5 ksf Resistance = 4,71 k • A 2ft diameter footing passes at a 13 . .1 Weight of Concrete depth of 6.5ft. ° •$ Footing Volume 20,42 ft3 Weight 2.96 k e • Z. Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35'130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 6 ~SCHLETTER 6. DESIGN OF JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS 6.1 Anchorage of Modules to Purlins and Connection of Purlins to Girders Modules are secured to the purlins with Schletter, Inc. Rapid2+mounting clamps. Purlins are secured to the girders with the use of 40mm mounting clamps. The reliability of calculations is uncertain due to limited standards, therefore the strength of the clamp fasteners has been evaluated by load testing. Fastening of Modules to Purlins Fastening of Purlins to Girders Maximum Uplifting Force = 0,597 k Maximum Uplifting Forte = 1.917 k Allowable Uplift = 1.214 k Allowable Uplift = 2.180 k Utilization = Utilization = 88% f '1) ..„ ''''.'44‘.%'-‘44%144411141111114114141411'%. 1414::%144....3/4...„, / ..414i : / / 6.2 Strut Connections The aluminum struts connect the front end of girder to a center section of the steel post. Single M10 bolts are used to attach each end of the strut to the girder and post. ASTMA193/A193M-86 equivalent stainless steel bolts are used. Maximum Axial Load = 3.795 k M10 Bolt Shear Capacity = 8.894 k Bolt capacity is accounting for double shear. (ASCE 8-02,Eq. 5.3.4-1) Utilization = 43% e A strut under compression is shown to demonstrate the load transfer from the girder. Single M10 bolts are located at each end of the strut and are subjected to double shear. • 6.3 Girder to Post Connection In order to connect the girder to the post, custom extruded sections are assembled to create a post head piece. The reliability of calculations is uncertain due to limited standards,therefore the strength of the head piece has been evaluated by load testing. Maximum Tensile Load = 4.053 k Allowable Load = 5.649 k t560 I I..--1188 Utilization = 12o _Al li 114Thisieinr h+1A ill FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW 7. SEISMIC DESIGN 7.1 Seismic Drift-N/A The racking structure has been analyzed under seismic loading. The allowable story drift of the structure must fall within the limits provided by(ASCE 7, Table 12.12-1). The racking structure's Mean Height. hsx = 77.78 in reaction to seismic loads �� Allowable Story Drift for All Other 0.020hsx is shown to the right. The ` ={ deflections have been Structures,0 1.556 in magnified to provide a ''� Max Drift, Qpm,; = 0 in clear portrayal of potential story drift. Rev.09.25.15 F5 60 Cell 2V 35`130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx 1 Page 7 w rSCHLETTER APPENDIX A x A.1 Design of Aluminum Purlins-Aluminum Design Manual,2005 Edition Purlin= S1.5 Strong Axis: Weak Axis: 3.4.14 3.4.14 Lb= 108 in 4 = 108 J= 0.432 J= 0.432 298.779 190.005 B }z B lz S1- (BC 1.6Dc cyJ S1- (BC 1.6Dc�/ S1 = ((0.51461 Si = (0.51461 cS2= (TO S2= \1.6)2 S2= 1701.56 S2= 1701.56 cpFL= <pbLBc.1.6Dc"v((LbSc)/(Cb`I(I/J)/2))] "FL= cpb(Bc-1.6Dc`4((LbSc)/(Cb'4(lyJ)/2))] AFL= 27.7 ksi "FL= 28.9 3.4.16 3.4.16 b/t= 32.195 bit= 37.0588 Bp-4Fcy Bp-..p� Fcy _ Bb "b S1 1.6Dp S1= 1.6Dp S1= 12.2 S1= 122 k1Bp k1Bp __ S2 1.6Dp S2= 1.6Dp S2= 46.7 S2= 46.7 (PFC.' cb(Bp-1.6Dp`b/t] q FL= cpb[Bp-1.6Dp`b/t] PFL= 25.1 ksi 9FL= 23.1 ksi Not Used Rb/t= N/A for Weak Direction 2 Bt-1.178 Fey) S1 =\ 1.6Dt.6Dt S1 = 1.1 S2=Cr S2= 141.0 rpFL- 1.179yFcy PPFL= 38.9 ksi 3,4.18 3.4,18 h/t= 37.0588 h/t= 32.195 Bbr-B 1.3Fcy Bbr-8 1.3Fcy Sl= - mDbr Sl mDbr Si = 36.9 Si= 36.9 m = 0.65 m = 0.65 Co= 40.985 Co= 45.5 Cc= 41.015 Cc= 45.5 S2 k1Bbr S2- k1Bbr mDbr mDbr S2= 77.2 S2= 77.3 cpFL=cpb[Bbr-mDbr`h/t] cpFL= 1.3cpyFcY cpF1= 43.2 ksi cpF1= 43.2 ksi cpFLSt= 25.1 ksi cPFLWk= 23.1 ksi lx= 897074 mm4 ly= 446476 mm4 2.155 in4 1.073 in4 y= 41.015 mm x= 45.5 mm Sx= 1.335 in3 Sy= 0.599 in' AIVyaxSt= 2,788 k-ft Mrne.W k= 1.152 k-ft Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35'130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 8 !SCHLETTER Compression 3.4.9 bit= 32.195 S1 = 12.21 (See 3.4.16 above for formula) S2= 32.70(See 3.4.16 above for formula) cpFL= pc[Bp-1.6Dp'b/t] 9FL= 25.1 ksi b/t= 37.0588 S1 = 12.21 S2= 32.70 PFS= (cpck2''/(BpE))i(1.6b/t) WFC= 21.9 ksi 3.4.10 Rb/t= 0.0 (Bt-B Fcy)z S1= \ Dt S1 = 6.87 S2= 131.3 9FL= cpyFcy 9FL= 33.25 ksi pFL= 21.94 ksi A= 1215.13 mm2 1.88 in2 Pmax= 41.32 kips A.2 Design of Aluminum Girders-Aluminum Design Manual,2005 Edition Girder= T5 Strong Axis: Weak Axis: 3.4.14 3.4.14 Lb= 63.8189 in Lb= 63.8189 J= 1.98 J= 1.98 82.1278 89.1294 2 Sl= (Bc -"b Fty) rbc-B Fc�,l z 1.6Dc Sl = ` a /I 1.6Dc S1 = 0.51461 S1 = 0.514611l (( }} S2= 11.6/z S2= \((1.6/z S2= 1701.56 S2= 1701.56 9FL= 9b[Bc-1.6Dc*J((LbSc)/(Cb`J(IyJ)/2))] CPFL= gb[Bc-1.6Dc"-4((LbSc)/(Cb`J(IyJ)/2))] 9FL= 30.5 ksi 9FL= 30.3 3.4.16 3.4.16 b/t= 4.5 b/t= 16.3333 Bp-1,4 Fcy Bp-LFcy S1= Si= Bh 1.6Dp 1.6Dp S1 = 12.2 S1 = 12.2 S2 = k1Bp S2 = k1Bp 1.6D 1.6Dp S2= 46.7 S2= 46.7 g FL= cpyFcy cpFL= 9b[Bp-1.6Dp'b/t] q FL= 33.3 ksi 9FL= 31.6 ksi Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35'130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx Page 9 (SCHLETTER Used Rb/t= 20.0 N/A for Weak Direction 2 (Bt-1.17 8 Fcy-) S1 = 1.6Dt S1 = 1.1 S2=CL S2= 141.0 cpFL=q b/St-Dt''J(Rb/t)) cpF1= 30.8 ksi 3.4.18 3.4.18 halt= 16.3333 hit= 4.5 Bbr-ev 1.3Fcy Bbr- 1,3Fcy 96 _ Btr Sl = mDbr S1 mDbr S1 = 37.9 SI= 36.9 m= 0,63 m= 0.65 Co= 61.046 Co= 35 Cc= 58.954 Cc= 35 S2= k1BbrS2= k1Bbr mDbr mDbr S2= 79.4 S2= 77.3 4 FL= 1,3cpyFcy q,FL= 1.39yFcy cpFL= 432 ksi PFS= 43.2 ksi cpFLSt= 30.5 ksi WFLWk= 31.6 ksi lx= 1970917 mm4 y= 763048 mm4 4.735 in4 1.833 in4 y= 61.046 mm x= 35 mm Sx= 1.970 in' Sy= 1.330 in' A�„axSt= 5.001 k-ft M„akW k= 3.499 k-ft Compression 3.4.9 b/t= 4.5 S1 = 12.21 (See 3.4.16 above for formula) S2= 32.70(See 3.4.16 above for formula) 9FL~ ,YFcY q,FL- 33.3 ksi b/t= 16.3333 Si = 12.21 S2= 32.70 cpFz= pcjBp-1.6Dp'b/t) cpFL= 31.6 ksi 3.4.10 Rb/t= 20.0 2 Bt-8 Fcy`11 S1--( Dr / SI.7-- 6.87 S2= 131.3 9FL cpcLBt-Dt'.i(Rb/t)J cpFL--= 30.80 ksi cpFL- 30.80 ksi A= 1215.13 mm2 1.88 in2 Pm = 58.01 kips • Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35'130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 10 SCHLETTER A.3 Design of Aluminum Struts-Aluminum Design Manual,2005 Edition Strut= 55x55 Strong Axis: Weak Axis: 3.4.14 3.4.14 Lb-= 61 in Lb= 61 J= 0.942 J= 0.942 95.1963 95.1963 z(Bc_ .F .)' Bc- Y FcYl S1 - 1.6Dc S1 1.6Dc Si = 0.51461 S1 = 0.51461(( S2= 11.6!z S2= (--EC - \2 (`1.6 S2= 1701.56 S2= 1701.56 "FL= cpb[Bc-1.6Dc*J((LbSc)/(Cb*V(yJy2))] "FL= cpb[Bc-1.6Dc'J((LbSc)/(Cb*4QyJ)/2))l cFL= 30.2 ksi cpFL= 30.2 3.4.16 3.4.16 b/t= 24.5 b/t= 24.5 Bp-B Fcy Bp- Bs, Fcy Si • = 1.6Dp S1 = 1.6Dp S1 = 12.2 S1 = 12.2 k1Bp S2= k1Bp S2= 1.6Dp 1.6Dp S2= 46.7 S2= 46.7 TFL= cpb[Bp-1.6Dp*b/t] q F1= cpb[Bp-1.6Dp*b/t] cpFL= 28.2 ksi TFL= 28.2 ksi Not Used Rb/t= 0.0 WA for Weak Direction 2 Bt-1.17 8 Fcy} S1- ( b l 1.6Dt S1 = 1.1 S2=Ct S2= 141.0 (pFL= 1.17cpyFcy 9FL= 38.9 ksi 3.4.18 3.4.18 hit= 24.5 h/t= 24.5 Bbr-21.3Fcy Bbr--1.3Fcy S1= mDbr S1 = eb mDbr 51 = 36.9 51 = 36.9 m = 0.65 m = 0.65 Co= 27.5 Co= 27.5 • Cc= 27.5 Cc= 27.5 _ S2_k1Bbr k1Bbr S2 mDbr mDbr S2= 77.3 S2= 77.3 PFL= 1.3cpYFcY WFL= 1.3pyFcY (gF1= 43.2 ksi cpF1= 43.2 ksi cpF1St= 28.2 ksi cpFLWk= 28.2 ksi tx= 279836 mm4 ly= 279836 mm4 0.672 in4 0.672 in4 y= 27.5 mm x= 27.5mm Sx= 0.621 in3 Sy= 0.621 in3 M,„axSt= 1.460 k-ft P axWk= 1.460 k-ft Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35'130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 11 (SCHLETTER Compression 3.4.7 A= 1.41113 r= 0.81 in Bc—Fcy Si* = 1.6Dc- Sf= .0.33515 S2' = nc FCy/E S2= 1.23671 cpcc= 0.77756 "FL= (cpccFCY)/(A2) 9FL= 13.6667 ksi 3.4.9 bit= 24.5 S1 = 12.21 (See 3.4.16 above for formula) S2= 32.70 (See 3.4.16 above for formula) cPFL=cpc[Bp-1.6Dp'b/t] 9FL= 28.2 ksi hit= 24.5 S1 = 12.21 S2= 32.70 cpFL= cpc[Bp.1.6Dp'MJ cpFL= 28.2 ksi 3.4.10 Rb/t= 0.0 2 Bt—8 Fcy Si--( ) E Dt S1 = 6.87 S2= 131.3 cpFt.= WYFcY cpFL= 33.25 ksi cpFL= 13.67 ksi A= 663.99 mm2 1.03 in2 Pme„= 14.07 kips • Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35'130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 12 E$CHLETTER A.4 Design of Galvanized Steel Posts Post Type= FG8 Unbraced Length= 85.68 in Pr= -4.50 k (LRFD Factored Load) Mr(Strong)= 16.12 k-ft (LRFD Factored Load) Mr(Weak) = 0.00 k-ft (LRFD Factored Load) Flexural Buckling: Torsional/Flexural Torsional Buckling: kUr= 123.28 Fcr= 12.5831 ksi 4.71v(E/Fy)= 103.55 => kUr > 4.71:`(E/Fy) Fey= 48.0382 ksi Fcr= 16.52 ksi Fez = 16.1601 ksi Fe= 18.83 ksi Pn = 28.0602 k Pn= 36.831 k Bending(Strong Axis: Bending(Weak Axis): Yielding: Yielding: Mn= 21.95 k-ft Mn= 14,65 k-ft Flange Local Buckling: Flange Local Buckling: Mn= 19.207 k-ft Mn= 14,39 k-ft Pr/Pc= 0.1223 < 0.2 Pr/Pc = 0.122 < 0.2 Utilization= 0.96 < 1.0 OK Utilization= 0.00 < 1.0 OK Combined Forces Utilization= APPENDIX B B.1 The following pages will contain the results from RISA. Please refer back to Section 2 for load information and Section 4-5 for member and foundation design. Rev.09.25.15 FS 60 Cell 2V 35°130mph 30psf 9ft 7-10 NS.xlsx I Page 13 I I 2 _ 1 I A 1 •_ I • I - 1 I ■ I • I - a I Ii 1 II I 11 I u I is l- 11 I I1 . -S - - —MOM/MOM ONOMO MINS—_- MUMIST M Mu AT W4QM Man Grut IN Wm UMW VAN(WARM MOM MINOR 7MOR1. --. ra S•RUC'1R4 KV A MOR1N10N MO Nr1S.rli KU NG COOIf I Peri MIT _ Malmoou.cMMO'NOI OM d NMI•TrMMp CMQN:61.1 IMI[SOMlc.Ic MACf0M010 R1M PMTMM111R exan7D1 MAXIMUM CONCRETE nelsrrN Ol$C.nTVER ID$Ds 9nirOl •OOOL06 1ww1ft,1YN/1R so feI••r GTIpOR•.F FOUNDATION sfce, MINIMUM CONCREIP iT.00rwaei trrSrs.A.aw ssun•.TI.� 11mJlt olnwru.NV Urs Wvs•v �...i°i{ m•C. RAM P06T .aMlow•Ir Irl[Ia slat wR IO$D r-� ♦ FOUNDATION I 'tn1s01OS1 blslgl•Qrw a•LO.C-IIL CI••.r re•012 l•,I n.r5 - r -.- 1 I 115701000 SpR,ld,lU SI.I.J R•I17 MID COOT 1 I IOW M10IM1D•Sri WA r ra MUM M101MIn 1 p MO ,lC rIRG1e0rMI.1IA1f•I.M I ►.Lea mMU ill 1 - 1 NITMullO IOIINNGEI ^ I I 1 13111*UAW oiv~,n.Mrt.crrI WWII r•aw.sits 1 1 mai HMO mama IOIf•.TIM N us..r I /OST MOM Is,CIIMIKI it,NMI reCT10N I I ROST•0IIIONr110CSRM[I.10' •NU,Ill MIONMIgqufi•I fr I I OETAL G a IofMOK I 1Nblli011121 I SCALE 1:6 L M SIRLCTWie*aellaW a•00W.w.ceil*INIMCIOI(103 R I r 1111 DO ROT SOSY,n M 1E1N00 OR WNW!MavoiM13 II I) CORAKTM YW:K RIe0N011 POR MO PROVO MI WeS1.4114CESSNr TO MOTECT M MGM MYMr COOMIAMOK.GI.MURES SMII•020.01 loft Tor OF MIMS SO SWIM•OMO Mt Moe*M•TD 421•1mocaM I I 111 pMINIM FOUNDAMOL A 11tll J[/'J�1 c tains[MMS..i Tnga 1TO* stwticEN Mai Nor ic FM niac11OM Du1r oM 1 1 14.4 M'OI ■p `-•l _ 13u�D.9�r+.iMRM1$rolls rI.InI SYDCIor 11*0,MwTD WMI•MMNIeteetWIWI I I FeIIF1 16 1 .a�E!n. ie114 aae iw stw�� I LUI`Y4N.Mfp••M110NL. 111 I • • I rMOeRO•MC(•Wdrova•R4n T[IT MOW*FOR Ma•t40MS9K1I • IFOtM OdIIUMTON 66 1 -------w■.. -- — srA'NM IMAM Tull Mar SUTTON MOM MR1DA MMRMCONCRETE • MMOWMe SPLICEDETM. 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C4f�lA ■ W W1 MT On WM Ir IMMIX vet 1l,E Wane I i raSOSTOI = 2MS,R0CT0MaWOW ISNOT REVONS.l le IMP MORMIfx SYlenO 1 T 410T1CWi* I I d. IM II.••11SI• n.1ROr0T.MN.COIIBOO TIM'M rMNNMIrMr•WN11140 MrORT•rR01[10 a QOI WMCM WOW,TOtOW L1$OyO IOli ll M111MTO111 na1N•A I� LOVA PIM 740 1 1 WORT MM.COIy1 Miami IM'OIIORIMI MOIlST0,lw 1N#,DI,.. _ CONCRETE FOUNDATION musi 1 I. DpN4,1 7���I 1.11 COeMIR Sell son coo ow MMM MO/1lSFM•f d WIN NO sO M 1 I MOM OM AMO$,TM4 a WAWA* rTNCU.CO MTE$111111 WOW I _ 6CAI.EI:IO -F- 101040$oraoMrtMmMnwNO••uwata�rot AWS .0 Cm SECTION RAM POST a gaP91I WIMPYisreNIM----� I i•OaTiasun•IamASTwara .............Awrr SCALE 1.20 N W N ro/•peo'a t same I --01441-44.- -MIIPM'1 SECTION 1111111U11 • CONCRETE FOUNDATION aPiae-•1• I/wPILM SCALE 1:20 ••\NIL MAW °vArk 'MOMI R pent i Standard FS 80 Cd• um 35' Project Sib: Orewmg Number ~ SchkQer Inc. CHLETTER Racking Structure &Netter Inc. s'e 2201 North Forbes Boulevard \ 1001 Commerce Center Dr v.05 I M NI,..I'visrr 1..'r.. Ovnensro n1 and SPaG6Ce60ns Tucson,AZ 85145 •ne I My"1""'r Shelby NC 28150 I, ••••*loaf Trf•I.0 OSLID I,$041T114 PC, arra tt• 11a YMM,sGK11I M. PROM!IMI MO C06•101M11.2 Mt.I es w.rS1MIMS i l i 1 i I 4 I • 1 ii__- , 7 1 T 9 11 I 1 1 • 1 1 a I 1 1 • 1_ a I a 1 1 1 • a 1 fa L u 1 fa 1 u I a 1 11 1 y I ff A N • • �n y:44, A A �, hrtr A4.0 it -0yi 4." \� "Nis44444. c 'off N. 1 4,4, 444, .4 • I ` a ahF t /Pip* rls e ....•.0. _ ‹,-.4,,,,.40N, N r , ' r O ii.t• 0 114 00 f _88 0 a 0 OETAL € 0 L Y 1 t l SCALE 1:5 I (e DETAIL A SCALE I:S _ t 0 .t III e O 0 0 MO - DETAIL B SCALE 1:S DETAIL B r SCALE 1:S t "AllNana kNl 1 Ott' nut NM tailkW— IIUI MST Nude Mr ma,vnON 1 I4I* Ito I ata a,Opagmas 9 Pe ilia 1 ta11NIMNNt/1 1 N.1t,1Of.•1yl•la at•In2. - 7 11111MIt 1 N••••1aMr/M.A,iyr•9 7 1011111•11 _ 1 NMA.��/w I1tl R}y M1 /.a 1 MINN I 1..r/01110170,11.70 MtCs/•722222.Cs/•722222./. ) MOW= I 1 a1wr.aDG11FIM,r1.e�tattdpf•anw111 Annoy 1 140083.005•Sbrtderd.FL Rin Peel 60 C48.35'.Trio* 1100044105.SMdrd.FL Fandtim,60 C4 35'.Triodes I SCALE 1:12 SCALE 1:12 -,NM e1111� �0``rtelCMM. MINIM Chet Standard FS 60 Cel•35' - Projese Sib: OreNM g Number = 0 1rrt�o.tN Schlatter Inc. CMLETTER Racking Structure Schletter Inc. N) ,a>. 1.r an 1111111111W• ""."""D" 2201 North Forbes Boulevard ,,,; �„� w,,, Dn ensioM end 1001 Commerce Center Dr v.0 5 t — Tucson,AZ 85745 ^ ","1P"'"" Sneby,NC 28150 __ — I nail a r tn. nape IY.Kg111kING MOWN t 1041 01101•17T I a 1 11 • I T www.iO{1T1nlV! Ttfv,1ND CCNOINIW ii , 1 '19R 1I7 e02.•N1Nq 4 1 I. N Ia e al as a. IS I €a r L yZ - a 4 1 ax I 1: G ' C= �� ! CCC I& i 'J � � 0 • AA Ya a - rW T -dw`�,' �"� - ' 113'''11'1111:61glillEillizilial ,® ' i lt1i: iii:::BEITIT: iiiiiIii�G:�7IIII:Z �iri'l- iii MG „, .r. nil+ _ 1 i- - 17,, 1 F'. _ a .N '� p -�' `�R ti - I � � � � a r4rd $ ` �� Giira � A r OBI � e MINN � � - ill II ii 11 . I g - II ��� .� F -cr:trt tk �"t's=t:tk.r_ts-1 s 6s j* 1 ,�..' .. ..^t'. - ... ..w. . r:R+M, Y� r,.. . i'�.+au�o+ a;a'i:i i7�4:.w«��«« It la g f ,,, Illi Pr�r - 1 u■■i. a- P a iB 4airRn9 •fas45ara4a°aa9& 9499Emt e ion t •54s �a94aS ^. a. , 44 : 4 $ t4 •E5a9aa , _ wed : �C G . ItRkRafh7a99 ztease.. a tttt�7 Tv� ieg# s- a? ?a=:ac�$ zi: a:$:aosa: a I yt� : fJ i-i i.. . 6.7` a .•-1. ..xsxto = s_xRo• _sx,T. .a a,ao..stlot 1p ,]. �� .r� � 0 o4R R�?YYo PR � '•ao-AR?�YYe- YRae PRR4Ya eYaC R'aRY I ■ • . it . �'r�i'' ' ' Midi 1" © 4 B s n A $ R gel R'' i Y R A d I ., 1 R . ■ I • r- tri; `4r. ruC : . t _ 1 .5i rrrr i: Il i . 1 . . . I . 1 i . - , . -, r Solar Mounting Systems CHLETTER Inc. Letter of Acceptance From: Wolfgang Fritz, Vice President of Engineering; Schletter, Inc. Date: 4/12/2016 Re: Engineering Review for the Schletter, inc. Standardized Racking Systems-State of Massachusetts To whom it may concern. We have thoroughly reviewed the design calculations for the standardized racking solutions. The structures are designed to withstand effects of wind, snow, and earthquake loads, Applicable loads are provided on the attached structural drawings and calculations. These predesigned structures are compliant with the following codes. 1. 2003 international Building Code,By International Code Council. inc.,2003. 2. 2006 International Building Code, By International Code Council,inc..2006. 3. 2009 international Building Code,By International Code Council, Inc.,2009. 4. 2012 international Building Code, By International Code Council,Inc.,2012. 5. 2015 international Building Code,By International Code Council.inc.,2014. 6. 2012 North Carolina State Building Code,By International Code Council,inc.,2011. 7. 2013 California Buiidinq_Ccde,by the State of California Building Standards Commission,2013. 6. 2014 Florida State Building Code,by the State of Florida Building Commission,2014. 9. 2012 Michigan Building Code,by the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs,2012 10. 2015 Minnesota State Building Code,by international Code Council. Inc.,2015. 11. 2015 New Jersey Building Code, by the International Code Council,Inc.,2015. 12. 2010 New York State Buildina Code,by the New York State Department of State,2010. 13. 2011 Ohio Building Code,by the State of Ohio Board of Building Standards, 2011. 14. 2012 Vermont Fire&Building Safety Code,by the State of Vermont Department of Public Safety,2012. 15. 2011 Wisconsin Commercial Building Code,by the State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services,2011. 16. ASCE 7-05,by the American Society of Civil Engineers.2005. 17. ASCE 7-10.by the American Society of Civil Engineers,2010. 15. Aluminum Design Manual: Specifications and Guidelines for Aluminum Structures,by the Aluminum Association,Washington,D.C., 2005. The review is valid for the State of Massachusetts and is valid for one year from the date of this letter. 4,iiCk-k 4.31/45,4 •ff-n WJOLFGAVG U. m • f sfQ FRITZ CIVIL u)-24 Ak No.49968 2 pot\G�gT6,4��. �� SSS OM Wolfgang Fritz, Ph.D., P.E. Vice President of Engineering Schletter inc. Sohletter Inc. • 1001 Commerce Center Drive • Shelby,North Carolina 25150 • Tel:(704)595-4200 • Fax (704)595-4210 E-mail rnailaschietter.us • vAvw.schiener.us z v SUNPOWER v E-SERIES SOLAR PANELS • HIGH PERFORMANCE & EXCELLENT DURABILITY _.--_;-- �___- . . . . . . . ; 020 1 "� SERIES JJ • • 20.4%efficiency • - - - - - Ideal for roofs where space is at a premium or where future expansion might be E20 327 PANEL needed. • High performance HIGH EFFICIENCY' Delivers excellent performance in real world conditions, such as high temperatures, Generate more energy per square foot E-Series residential panels convert more sunlight to electricity producing clouds and low light.'.2.3 • Proven value 36% more power per panel,' and 60% more energy per square foot Designed for residential rooftops, E-Series over 25 years.3° panels deliver the features, value and HIGH ENERGY PRODUCTION' performance for any home. Produce more energy per rated watt ._ — High year one performance delivers 7-9% more energy per rated watt.' — _ _ This advantage increases over time, producing 20% more energy over the first 25 years to meet your needs.4 120% 20% -- 411111111111 t 3 More Energy 110% Per Rated Wait 0 Mmceone Solar Colts:Fundamentally better. 100% 1 Engineered for performance, designed for durability. SunPower E-Series 4 0 90% 1 35%more, a-.. year 25 Engineered for peace of mind , So9° J Designed to deliver consistent, trouble-free ,, 'o% Conventional energy over a very long lifetime.d,s m 60% Designed for durability >-'° 50% The SunPower Maxeon Solar Cell is the 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years only cell built on a solid copper foundation. — O 10% ,E"c4'Gy aFi, tirtually impervious to the corrosion and !Maintains High y1 4 1 :racking that degrade Conventional 8% j Power at High Temps 4. anefs.b•' .' ' No Light-}nduced PHOTON O 6% }Degradation ,:1 1 Ranked in Fraunhofer durability test,'° riot q 1 High Average Watts 00% power maintained in Atlas 25' a 4% Better law Licht and )mprehensive MI Durability test.'' w {Spectral Response 2% High-Performance Z-3 {Anti-Reflective Gloss y 0% www.sunpower.com e ' SUN PCOW E R E-SERIES SOLAR PANELS WORE cr.CRGY r.J.2 ttr:. 4. SUNPOWER OFFERS THE BEST COMBINED POWER AND PRODUCT WARRANTY POWER WARRANTY PRODUCT WARRANTY roc 95% SunPower 90% 85% Trz do:ul Traditional 80% 'vary:lP1' Warran 75% 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 '0 15 20 25 Years Years More guaranteed power:95%for first 5 years, Combined Power and Product defect 25 year coverage -0.4%/yr.to year 25.8 that includes panel replacement costs, 9 ELECTRICAL DATA OPERATING CONDITION AND MECHANICAL DATA E20.327 E19-320 Temperature -40°F to+185°F (-40°C to+85°C) Nominal Power12(Raoul) 327 W 320 W Max load Wind:50 psf,2400 Pa,245 kg/m2 front&back Power Tolerance +5/-0% +5/-0% Snow: 112 psf,5400 Pa,550 kg/m2 front Avg. Panel Efficiency s 20.4% 19.8% Impact resistance 1 inch (25mm)diameter hail at 52 mph (23 m/sj. Rated Voltage(Vmpp) 54.7 V 54.7 V Appearance Class A Rated Current(Impp) 5,98 A 5.86 A Solar Cells 96 Monocrystafline Maxeon Gen It Open-Circuit Voltage(Voc) 64.9 V 64.8 V Tempered Glass High transmission tempered Anti-Reflective Short-Circuit Current fist) 6.46 A 6.24 A Junction Box W-65 Rated Max. System Voltage 600 V UL& 1000 V IEC Connectors MC4 Compatible Connectors Maximum Series Fuse 15 A Frame Class 1 block anodized(highest AAMA rating) Power Temp Coal. -0.38%/°C Weight 41 lbs 118.6 kg) Voltage Temp Cool. -176.6 mV/°C TESTS AND CERTIFICATIONS Current Temp Coef. 3.5 mA PC Standard tests UL1703 (Type 2 Fire Rating),IEC 61215,IEC 61730 REFERENCES: Quality tests ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 1 All comparisons are SPR E20327 vs.a representative conventional panel:250W, EHS Compliance RoHS,OHSAS 18001:2007,lead free approxi 1.6 m2, 15.3%efficiency, Ammonia test IEC 62716 2 PVEvolution Labs"SunPower Shading Study,"Feb 2013. Salt Spray test IEC 61701 (passed maximum severity) 3 Typically 7-9%more energy per watt, BEW/DNV Engineering "SunPower Yield to Report" 2013. PD test Potential-Induced Degradation free: 1000V 4 SunPower 0.25%/yr degradation vs. 1.0%/yr cony. panel. Campeau, Z. et al. Available listings UL,CEC,CSA,TUV,JET,KEMCO,MCS,FSEC "SunPower Module Degradation Rate," SunPower white paper, Feb 2013;Jordan, Dirk"SunPower Test Report,"NREL,Oct 2012. 5"SunPower Module 40-Year Useful Life"SunPower white paper,Feb 2013.Useful / life is 99 out of 100 panels operating at more than 70%of rated power. 6 Second highest, after SunPower X-Series, of over 3,200 silicon solar panels, , Photon Module Survey,Feb 2014. / / 1tr 1046 mm 7 8%more energy than the average of the top 10 panel companies tested in 2012 Ir/ Q (41.2 in] (151 panels, 102 companies),Photon International,Feb 2013. . / 8 Compared with the top 15 manufacturers. SunPower Warranty Review, Feb 2013. j./..9 Some exclusions apply.See warranty for details. ' -►lf'� 10 5 of top 8 panel manufacturers from 2013 report were tested, 3 additional 46 mm � 1559 mm -►+ silicon solar panels for the 2014. Ferrara, C., et al. "Fraunhofer PV Durability (i R in] (61.4in] Initiative for Solar Modules:Part 2".Photovoltaics International,77-85. 2014. 11 Compared with the non-stress-tested control panel. Atlas 25+ Durability test report, Feb 2013.from 2013 report were tested, 3 additional silicon solar panels for the 2014. Ferrara, C., et al. "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar • Modules:Part 2'.Photovoltoics International,77-85. 2014. 12 Standard Test Conditions(1000 W/m2 irradiance,AM 1.5,25°C). 13 Based on average of measured power values during production Seo hap://www.sunpower.com/torts for more reference Ldormation. Far more delais,see extended datosheee:www.sunpower.00m/dalasheets.Read safely and installation inslncfions before using this product. www.su npower.c COecember 2014 SunPower Corporation.Alright:reserved.SUNPOWER,the SUNPOWER logo,MA)iEON,MORE ENERGY.FOR WE.,and SIGNATURE ore trademarks or registered Document e soeeeo¢..o/l' trodenwrbs of SunPower Corporation.Specification*i,d dad in this datcsteet ore ssrbjed to charge without notice. . " . } . � . . �_ 4.« /v«. . ..