74 Complaints 1987-1989 Name of Complainant '/• Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD ELnr 32 c- /-9/.; _ /30 Date 7//‘ = Time RYl Nature of Complaint Tel. Location of Premises 74/ <W -'% Owner Address 7-7 ((tFA2rcr) Occupant Taken by Referred to Date of inspection - . Time Zoo"r;:✓) INSPECTOR'S REPORT f»tir/pl"''' Y/O/4 Action Taken "% !23/ "✓(4 Inspector lbnOa j laso a la i/17Hly as ad/ag vatd;uri//lerv✓✓ Ya.422d5,0 /y'6 . C7,5 (4/7 , o/tea air ssairai✓r 7; aZ1cy sera/1Fiyo/4 oaLcna / J 0"11 o'd Sa6U�0 S6'/// Y3ivmq (N1r'a-1g N3ryd31S cLAWfv aa?(T) ((J/J✓r(YOld6✓(//r:ocAi (13,„suS z/✓oJ I,G/ . X8- SSZ f 7c •L&6/ Q2 /70 r Na at/ ao:z e'od o37a43ry)S "4Tf3U3f/ 3S4&'J 1}1(7.15. 73JNC-1J 3Sd37 / etVI Z/G "CATION G ADULT )MPLAINT ❑ JUVENILE HEART NUMBER G ,_ SUMMONS — WARRANT n named complainant requests that a complaint issue against the within Pendant.charging said defendant with the ottense(s)listed below. PPLICATION DATE OF OFFENSE PLACE OF OFFENSE ( 4/8/87 74 Conz St.(Front A.t. ) Trial Court of Massachusetts District Court Department COURT DIVISION OMPLAINANT E. Kochan, Sanitary Inspecto AND ZIP CODE OF COMPLAINANT ampton Board of Health City Hall ain Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Northampton District Court 15 Gothic Street Northampton, MA. 01060 'DRESS AND ZIP CODE OF DEFENDANT ten Brown )nz Street (Rear apt.) Eampton, MA 01060 i USE OFFENSE Failure to correct various violations of 105 CMR 400.00 Code G . Oh. and Sec Chap. 111, S.3 and127 DATE OF HEARING TIME OF HEARING A hearing upon this complaint application S will be held at the above court address on CASE PARTICULARS — BE SPECIFIC VALUE OF PROPERTY ESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Goods stolen, or under stolen,wnat $100. NAME OF VICTIM Owner of property. Person assaulted.etc. DESCRIPTION etc. COURT USE . ONLY TYPE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE OR WEAPON Marijuana.gun.etc. ER REMARKS: Failure to correct various violations noted in the attached abatement order dated April 9, 1987. SIGNATUR OFed MPLAINANT DEFENDANT IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION — Complete data below if known. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SEX RACE HEIGHT WEIGHT EYES JF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH PATION EMPLOYERISCHOOL MOTHER'S NAME(MAIDEN} FATHERS NAME COURT USE ONLY + DISPOSITION AUTHORIZED BY NO PROCESS TO ISSUE IS At request of complainant E Complainant failed to prosecute _= Insufficient evidence having been presented TYPE OF PROCESS ❑ Warrant • Summons returnable PROCESS TO ISSUE E Sufficient evidence presented E. Defendant failed to appear Continuedto )MMENTS G. L F BOARD OF HEALTH FIN T. JOYCE,Chairman TER C. KENNY, M.D. :chael R. Parsons TER J. MCERLAIN, Eralh Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 Te. (ii315.[a-f 586-6950 Ext. 214 DER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF 7t Conz Street (front apt.) , Northampton., MA TNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT ,DER ADDRESSED TO: Stephen Brown DATE April 9, 19187 74 Conz Street (rear ant.) Northampton, NA 01060 OPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: Saves Onodhart 74 Conz Street (front ant.) Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e um documento legal muito importance que poderz afectar os seas direitos. Podem adquiri uma tradugao dente documento de: Vous ouvez Le suivan[e est un important document Segal. 11 pourrai[ effecter von droits. p obtenir une [reduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legale importance. Potreobe avert effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere une [raduzione di questa modulo a: Este es un documento legal importan[e. Puede cue afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquir it una traduccion de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To mole miec wplyw na tTunaczenie tego dokumen[u w ofisie: oje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskaC Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Northampton (assessor's map 12C 74 Conz Street (front apt.) , ), for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the parcel 110 and Chapter II of necessary repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- ceipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete (14) days of the receipt of this order, the follow- , correction, within fourteen ing violations: REGULATION 410.251 /(iii 181 Yrf" c dca - 410.151A VIOLATION No entry light for the front exterior porch and steps. The following electrical ? violations were noted: (1) Downstairs bedroom with ex- -/ posed wiring where ceiling light fixture should be attached . ,;j. (2) Upstairs bedroom with ex- posed wiring where ceiling , light fixture should be attached . / .49(3) Upstairs bedroom wall outlet! cover not properly installed . Interior stairwell to the second floor with ceiling light fixture hanging loosely. c.(4-65) Upstairs hallway with ex- ✓ posed wiring- wall outlet/ 'ate switch not attached. /W >!'� (6) Stairwell ceiling light Nv I 00 fixture to the basement �yj hanging loosely. ✓' 410.351A vl.` ' Bathroom handwa sh basin ill- /415g n2p4 fitting: not properly attached N° y to wall/floor . 1/1q41-' (4) (4) N/(0 Ivj REMEDY Install an exterior light so - that adenuete illumination of porch and steps is provided. Correct all electrical violations. Attach basin firmly to the wall to eliminate movement i tephen frown ■pril 9, 1987 'age 3 3FOULATION 41o.50O 11��8'/ 2. A Gf\ : 410.551 410.553 z'1 19-' ly,# i's <0'3 410.600 & 410.601 VIOLATION Exterior entry steps with handrail loose. The following openable ' windows lack required screens: / (1) fa[broom window 'p (2) All kitchen windows:) (3) All living room windows! I .d (4) All bedrooms windows 4: (5) All stairwell/hallways" windows �(l) No refuse receptacles / provided by owner. ---(2) No refuse collection/ provided by owner. f FMEDy Firm.ly secure hand mil. Install nnnrmved screens. Screens must he in place from April 1st to October 30th inclusive. Note: Expandable, temporary '_ screens do not satisfy these reoulatinns. (1) The owner of a dwel lino con- taining three or more dwelling units must provide sufficient receptacles to hold refuse Prior to final collection. (2) Owner is also responsible for final collection or ultimate disposal or refuse. If you have any nuestions concerning this notice, please contact our office. yours ye David F. Vochan Sanitary Inspector DFK/ec certified mail P525 163 175 FlIVAL SNSPEcr'%'N 77 l s'ysnmf LL y,"L9vinP/S Lziere=c e0 c hE Cia4!Fre 15•77/447A1725 15•77/447A1725/17.//e7/17.//e7 o1 l /'EMou.n CI)71Na 4,45 BETA/ co?R Sir /� TENE>✓<s AGE VfcR�,Nn 7N= "74%2775.7 S A77j1D END a «011 SPP7557 is OCVI✓ERS CA7HTR uNo 1VFaea7D1) /DE 7-779-R51//)v7i6 0.4v t077 IDDE ES4 ro>r1 E ld/Nna 4s Apr arN pRpERDL 4DD Ace LOF/N.. S 512a4-6.57777t -7-44-5 e //-715/771 R£nAvu-NG ✓i P:e-noes of /Z �7? � e o7 H`Y vlmnv,✓ EC Ii b ' t 7 ne r >or IS 74 CA'? STIeEF; i Occupants 3 Apt. 6 Fg Ir it of Dwelling Units 3 6 of Stories_z of Structure F H $ Habitable Rooms 4 # Bedrooms a- B (� CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE Occupant's Name ,3-4(955 (:;, ,2pgf//iY MyP 3zc OHP f /3P 3T PHEN &'a'N 5KG-(76y� Address of Owner 7y 60NZ 57REC7- leAk H%) Bathroom 410.150 Regulation Violations ater between 1200 & 140° .19Q I l/.150 A(1) 9 .150 A(2) y[ ,WAcN €AS N «�-E tr N .> Jor Pnaafe< ' Af,>ce to .150 A(3) / /via-ss>n) .350 A t and seat basin .r or tub cient cold water .500 .500 ing .500 .500 t ilation bing connection & drains Kitchen 410.100 her, sink sufficient size e and oven e for refrigerator ttlets (electrical) electrical light fixture .s Ling .252 A V .280 A or B/ .350 Regulation .1QQ A(1) .100 A(2) .100 A(3) .251 B .251 A .500 NO SCegt)j FpZwijWUi Pito- Ss/ fi553J Violations .500 n :ilation (window) (mechanical) f water (sufficient pressures) water .500 doves .251.6 .350 A .190 .500 ra eens (door & window) mbing connection & drains Living Room lets (2 or one with light) kiting .500 .551 & .55 .350 Regulation .251 B .251 A he No ;j )J4JI ScRF°U: /1-00• S5IT CS-3) Violations is ding .500 .500 .500 t dows re ens cks (windows) Pantry or Dining Room tlets (2 or one with light) ghting lls .500 .551 .480 E Ado wlvoowsee�=Ns y/c- SS/ 1-553 Regulation .251 B .251 A .500 iling .500 Violations .500 oar .ndow :teens .500 .551 >cks .480 E 'lee•in_ Room Re_ulat ion ent natural is or 1 1 outlet .250 A .251 B 2 1 A .500 .500 .500 Violations ns sere adequate for occupant? Slee•in_ Room icient natural lightin tlets o t with outlet OfsilViS s ing r .250 A .251 B .251 A .500 tC Cb/lt 'r d<. ->svcrr - oLIGf< s$, 1 55 ens There adequate :e for occupant? Sleeping Room #3 Eicient natural lightin itlets or 1 It Is or doves eens ith outlet .250 A .251 B .251 A there adequate Ice for occupant? Common Area & Exit (Interior :erior area illuminated •ro•erl Idows Teens ors lls oors at .253 A & B mmon bathroom clean .500 .500 .042 .151 ,d e ) 5C 1Z Li"' •tip (%, ssi 1-5-53) Conlon Area & Exit (Exterio ,undat to rbate & rubbish r iva to utte oa s and down spouts ead paint ntr li:hts .253 B General .rvices s workin g and available .ating facilities in good .9 58° and 64' iter 120° to 140° ities vented heater - .ro.er rar rice is in Re Marion Violations it in• service ade,uate and rodents sanitar Miscellaneous WO-Goo 9/k��7 Date next scheduled reinspection is: 5 Ylr// tY ayrr224 Title a.m. 2,"3l' PM p-m. Time a.m. p.m. Date Time OD OF HEALTH C.JOYCE-Chairman LEL R.PARSONS 1.McEALAIN,Health Agent May 4 , 19F7 tr . Stephen Brown 74 Conz Street Northampton , '1A 01060 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 M13) 586-6950 Ext.213 Dear Mr . Brown: At your request, an inspection of the basement was made at 76 Conz Street (front ana rtment1 to determine whether this area can be considered a habitable space under existing codes and regul rtions. This space, as it exists, is in violation of the following sections of the State Sanitary Code, Chapter II: 1. 410.250A - natural lighting 2. 410.2R0 - natural and mechanical ventilation 3 . 410.402 - grade level 4 . 410.450 - safe egress Further, the State Pudding Code does not allow for bedrooms below gr Me under any circumstances. yours ve7S' truly, David F. Y.ochary Sanitary Inspector ec cc: Kimo Wall Name Of o((,m, o on pldress Nature of compfatnt comptpx.a. RECORD Date Time �=1 Location of?term Owner Address Rafe occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTORSREPORT Action Taken d to it Inspector ss f Occupants Apt. of Structure _B CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE Occupant's Name V11-44A 1(1A-4 # of Welling Units to f sties F M # Habitable Rooms Address of Owner Regulation Bathroom 410.150 ater between 12020 . ° & 140' 150 A(1) t and seat basin r or tub er r s cold water .350 A .500 .500 it :ilation abin: connection & drain Kitchen 410.100 sink sufficient size "hen v ce e and oven e for refri:erator utlets electrical electrical li:ht fixture s li for itilation window) (mechanical) ressures Ld water (sufficient ater 1do ors reens (doo umbin connection S drains s & windo • tle Living Room is (2 or one with ligh •httn: ills i l ing Loor indows Teens ocks (windows Panty or Dinin ut lets (2 or one with li sighting falls Room ht) veiling ?loo Jindo icreens Locks .500 .500 .252 A .280 A or B .350 # Bedrooms Violations Regulation 100 A .251 B .251 A .500 .500 .500 .251.6 .350A .190 .500 .500 .551 & .552 .350 Regulation .251 B Violations It Violat alallir IMP-A; Mal Sanaa .251 A .500 .500 .551 .480 E EMI .251 B .251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .480 E s Violations leepin: Room #1 ient natural li•htin or 1 ets ith 1 outlet Re:ulat ion .250 A ✓s IS 251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 vi lat ons ere adequate for occupant? .ing Room #2 .dent natural liinti lets or 1 with outlet Slee r owS ns e .250 A .251 B .251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 here adequate e for occupant? Sleep g Room #3 Eicient natural lighting itlets or 1 it Is lin or doveS eens .250 A ith outlet .251 B .251 A there adequate ice for occupant? Common Area & Exit (Interior terior area ted •ro•erl ndows eens ors !Ilan ills Loors La W 'O a s bathroom clean amaon Common Area & Exit (Exterio himn orches oundation itairs ;arba:e & rubbish rivate Wa s rs and down s.outs Jutte Roof Lead a Entr li s .253B General Regulation . 1 2rvices working and available eating facilities rn good r? 680 and 64 ater 1200 to 1400 ities vented heater - proper nary wiring :rical service adequate :ts and rodents Ling sanitary Violations .200 Miscellaneous 7n0 A 756 755 50 607 fi 452 Vt next scheduled reinspection is: Time a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Date Time RD OF HEALTH JOYCE.Chairman KENNY.M.D. a.R.PARSONS I.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14101566-6950 Eat 213 ORDER TO CORRECT V IOL a TONS OF CHAFE-ER 1f G1 TILL STATE a.'�ITARY O CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS 1'C FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT : 74 Conz Street D.ATE:. S eptember 18 , 198'd ORDER Steven tlr...aDfd SOLD . _ owr. 71 Conz Street MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT TO Wendy Lass -- _l Conz Street Northampton_, MA 01060 This is an important legal document . It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at : seus legal � importante direitos . Podem adquirir uma tt p adgao destedocumentoc der os Le suivante est un important document legal . Il pourrait affecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un document° legale importante . Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a : Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus este forma en: dir ;:!acs . . .. . Puede a :,:_iirir una traduccid❑ de _� To jest wazne legalny document . To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie : Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 MD OF HEALTH IOTCE.Chairman C.KENNY.M.D. EL R.PARSONS 1.McERLAIN.Health Agent The Northampton Board 74 Conz Street__parcel 130 . 1 , for Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that .0 inspections reveal olations listed below , which are serious enough as to endanger ',lie the ...1 e . , and , materials impel; .,�, .. � occupants . of Chapter III Section 127 of the are au Laws,tp f the State Sanitary Code , you are Chapter CI :�1 �1 �. State �correct - herebal Laws , and Cmap good faith effort to c_ following ordered to make a of the receipt following viclatio as within 1-'. Days of this order ' CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14131 586-6950 Ext.211 of Health has inspected the premises at ..orthampton ( assessor ' s map compliance with Chapter 11 of The CL IO): Cellar bedroom lacks windows : 2801 dl( A ) and is below street grade and subject to chronic dampness , - and is unsuitable for use as a bedroom. ) : 351 Cellar ceiling fixture has loose wires/ improper ccn- nection to electric .)unction box. Various electric outlet covers missing in cellar area. ViOLYmIev 0 : 500 Floor tiles living room floor tiles holes through the cellar . missing from floor, several cracked with the floor into 104808 Laundry room door into not cellar area is secure . ( cannot be locked) Prohibit the cellar as a ( bedroom) . use of the abitable space Provide cover plates for all outlets in the dwelling and fi\ loose wires and, improper connection to junction box. Replace missing ..i ies and fill holes!crac:s in existing tile . Install a secure lock on the apartment side of the door . 01 Refuse storage bin is open on Secure the refuse storage bin the far end and accessible to by enclosing the entire unit . animals . ou have any questions concerning this notice please contact the Board ealth Office . truly tZeitAede r J . Erlein .th ?gent .ified Mail P890352411 Wendy Lass S,kU 1 OF HEALTH 71ICE.Chairman KENNY.M.D. R.PARSONS McEALA1N.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 1419 566.6950 Ext.213 inspected the premises at Jn he Northampton Board of Health has iampt ( a__esso. ' _� map Northampton Stain ,1 el CI_2E2 II of The 1 , for compliance\ with Chaptez. )arcel lop fog ianitary Code . that the i:;spectict list d letter will certify which are serious enough as listed beluh. the a;;`• ,.e Materially impair ••� occupants . _ tts 127 of the Mass_uhuse �- of Chapter II ='-tic•', _ � •• ,. � t you are Under au Laws ,t: of the State Sanitary Code , General Laws , and Chapter II c } to correct the hereby ordered to make a good fait.. effort of the receipt of this following violations within _14 ha—�---�— 4.! s order : revealed o endanger 1 -hein'g of ,TIC`: 250( A) Cellar bedroom lacks windows , 280 ( A) and is below street grade and subjec ct to chronic dampness z0"- and is unsuitable for use as a bedroom. 351 Cellar ceiling fixture has loose Fires/improper con- nection to electric junction box. Various electric outlet covers missing in cellar area. from : 500 Floor tiles missing several living room floor , floor tiles cracked with holes through the floor into the cellar. F IOL=.TItr.`: 04806 Laundry room door into cellar area is secure . icannot be locked) REHED`: Prohibit the Prohi use of the cellar as a habitable spa ce ( bedroom„), Provide cover plates for all outlets in the dwell s ng and fix loose wires and improper connection to junction box. Replace mcack_ tiles and fill holes/cracks racks in existing tile . the Install a secure lock on the not apartment side of the door. c ¢_S< k i., eLl. / <_/2 �.ct fa << < c al e,9„« <F h� , �J % < = Q.ti C1c >(C /441 7L./1. ,Ara/ El ,E_c d/ i A c!v.Ica, -,`' 01 Refuse storage bin is open on Secure urel t the refuseestirage bin far end and accessible to by animals . ou have any questions concerning this notice please contact the Board ealth Office . truly J . Erlain Agent :ified Mail P890362411 Wendy Lass Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Nature nof Complaint 1r-rr.. elf G CNh Location of Premises Cavlw1 Date 7063 Time Tel. 7I Owner Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection Sd C /3D INSPECTOR'S REPORT WI 60/36/ Referred to Time D6 F /Action Taken LL — ) 44)■-•_ JJ- Inspector • lID OF HEALTH .JOYCE.Chairman C.KENNY M.D. EL A PARSONS 1.McEHLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 M13)5866950 Ext.213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT : I 4 Conz Street DA E: October 31 , 1959 ORDER ADDRESSED TO : Ste en Brour 74 Cons Street _ Northam_pton, MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT' TO Wendy Lass 71 Conz Street Northampton_ MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at : Isto e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de : Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait affecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legale importante . Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante . Puede que afecte sus direchos . Ud. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument . To maze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel ( 413) 586-6950 X214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 74 Conz Street , Northampton ( assessor ' s map 32 C parcel 130 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health , safety , and well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code , you are hereb,■ ordered to make a good faith effort to corfecta treceipt following violations within _flours _ of this order : 2LATION : 190 VIOLATION Inadequate supply of hot water . Hater temperature drops from 120 F to 80 F in 2 minutes of use . ( 3 : 14-3 : 16 pm, 10/30/89 ) Minimum of 110 is required . REMEDY Adjust water ( repair/replace as insure continuous hot water . ( 110 F temperature. ) violations listed below must be corrected within this notice . ) : 351A Electric light fixture in laundry area has exposed wires . 0 :480A The door at the base of the stairs in the cellar is not secure : it lacks a locking mechanism. 0 : 500 econd rtice/ ev iously .ted '15/89 Floor tiles have not yet been replace in the living room. heater needed) to supply of Minimum 7 days of the receipt Repair/install proper electrical convection . Install se curity lock . ( slide bolt) Replace missing floor tiles as needed. Fill holes/cracks in tiles floor . • op have any question concerning this notice please contact the Board of th Office . truly yours , r J . McErlain th Agent ified Mail #P890362426 Wendy Lass E/np