20 Complaint 1979 O: Hc:-. C . nc FOA,';D or HEALTH mror Tat (Dav ,I —L J O,;c CF .:i 1CJ F1 OF C _ s• --3i i.°-1y CUTE u5 ST-o._ S•J L - 20 Crafts. Avenue, 14orin=_mpton,_ Ma . -_- -.._ in?,i _rD OF - _-- (TIEN r- Richard & Robert Abuza . - _ DATE _ July 17 , .19'79 12 Arnold Avenue �or-themp Lou,--Ma.. 01360. - YfS JSS1J D T0: This is an important legal decurnatt. It may affect your richts_ You may obtain a trans;ation of this form at: - - Isto a urn documento le ts1 muito Imporrante qua podara▪afrectar cs sc-us direites. Podem adquirir una tjaduae deste doe-rimer-Ito de: Le su i:anta est un important Document legal. II pour;sit atf__ er vats dr ohs. Vous poucez ohtenir true traductlon de cette forme a: ' rre eU iiO u1 Ouealo z un coNmen;o 1cc=le imoor:ent_. Fctrab'ne z. _ _ suoi dir?ILi. L_=i pub oteanare una tzduzicne di quests) modulo a: Este 15 un documento le-Cal import mine. 7..r.-de qua afec.e sus dear-_'oos. � Ltd r'uede adquirir una tiaducclon de esia for ins tn: y r ? rJC.pO . 15n OGEL V¢ - L▪TO ELVnL EVO UiTVOVTLYO V0111LN0 EYY. I -- 1 r , ,. 'an ea▪ u-m.COEL TO Volstaa oar SLHato:s1TQ. M 000sLTE -' a or;ULOU a r lo - OC iE tcgrs > ;�1 ouiou =ou LYY. �= L r_ 1 .0 , > I .0 r• -2 « J L %J I J _Li--- 213 1 -_T' St-J.e t el . IlIo 5 i.- J11 20 Crafts_ .. ___e el 156 .) , for This iette.r c_ ._ tin, safety -d e:e11-beires of edce Under aunority of Cir_pt.cr 177 , --tion 1711 of �.� .�s, Article 7I of the State Sanitary Code, you are ereby ordered to ;._-:e a _god h effort to correct the fol7csing 3i oiations xithin T,:eety-font date of receipt of this order. 12 V!On Fi olati on eredv 5 . 3 No covered garbage cans for the placement Provide as many receptacles as r.ecess- of garbage and rubbish. any for proper storage garbage until collec- tion . If you have any questions., please call this office . "_'hank you , in advance , for your cooperation . Very truly yours , Richard J . Puncochar Code Enforcement Inspector Certified Nail _ #234356 1.` L P _T.iti any order has bnen - e _ r . . ' s code ( earceitt for an ca of the rsculf _r s of - �ti on- 33 . 2 have been E2t.1 ) J o\ ed soch sn mist ire 2d within seven days after ths day the e- e ct or ( °) or oi,i:er Any person .e,rr �_ered by the failure of any ir; . personnel of the board of health: ( 1) to inspect cean r doest any Premises as recuired under this code; provided , such -etf ti on must be filed within tThirty days after such inspection was requested ; or -n (2 ) povided ,a such petition mustebef filed withinethirtyh dias after the inspection; or - - Article '„'here (3 ) upon an iationtare claimed to exist or to certify that a such violation o are enda - er or mate- rially �r co:m ri r.zii on of violations may Tally impair the health or safety, and well—being of the occuuant s of she r emi sG provided , such 7etiti n must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the i s ection report; or ( 4) to issue an order as required by Regulation 33 . 1; provided, that such petition must be filed within thirty days after _ - receiot ' of the inspection report. - Any person upon whom this order has been served or any person :;grieved by the failure of the inspector to perform as enumerated above has the right toabea represented eat eati agbearing and any adverse r ;arty has a right to Public Documents All relevant inspecti information or I1 vein tine reports, the ders, notices and other documentary Health are open for inspection and may be copied for a fee . Remedies and Penalties Fart of the Inspection Report contains a brieff summary of violations -o s tenants may us in order to aet lc _1 - this order also subjects the person corrected . Failure to comply with less than ten ($10. 00) dollars nor modered to a e criminal fine 0) not ;tore t'can five hundred (5500) dollars for each day' s failure to comply with this order. - - Name of Complainant/ _ p BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL 31D- / S4 Address Nature of Complaint COMPLAINT RECORD Date Time_ Tel V Location of Premises Gam./ ed(�/ -- flag Owner e[t- vS 'te. R tdM4V (tar", 2c.) Address ^1'•v 13OX 99L teed s 0/053 Occupant Taken by Referred to Date of inspection Time_ INSPECTOR'S REPORT on( keel! 't a' 3-'/t Action Taken 4fitirgortves<ar 64N5 (t A ( , 10 CO;:`-:.T ,CES O. _.. _CI OF :DE EE 11 O. THE STLYD r . TJtY CODE " Y:J T S FOR TI4L 1 @" AT 20 Crafts Avenue, Northampton,- ?!ass. DDSTME,S_D TO: Ahmed?, /lobo-7- 4b 2.4 /7 Set - j71 1;4 S141;D4-JS SaTuel v=•- ' Goldman - - DATE - July -r- 1979 __ �;e _ e - 0. Box 291 - (Zf%2.fb4( 0103_ �l.� OW6O - [� Cr =n:SF-:71..G9 REFAGRTS ISSITED TO: This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: - Into e um documento lenal muilo importance que podera efectar os seus dir6i:os. Fodern adquiiir umata educzo des,a documento de: Le suivanta est un Important poc-Trent legal. II pour r ait effecter vos dr oils. Vous pouvez obtenir une 'reduction de cetta forme a: Ouesto e un docum emo lecale I mport ant e. Fotrebbe aver e etfetto sui su of diriri. I ei puo otttenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal imporeante.-Puede que a`•zcte sus dere-rhos. Lid. Puede adquirir una traduce-rein de es:a forma an: AUTO ELVOL EVos ti;L'QVT LHO VO!lLHO EYYPQ'70 - 7i100E, V ,a : I T-iF OOE LTE `JQ EIEDPEQOEL TOE VOiLZO Coss 5LH_QLIil'JQTQ. -inocTE +__ QUpo 1.5 71 cuT OU :ou EYOCQou Ono To - ▪ 3 .( I- ` a %r Z , 2 ,d ;t°_ 1 --c y3▪ >?� Win, %=1- 4 2:2.,_ iJ� J -f d of �, , tt 21O m n S -et - - : e1 _• :o $ '.(2 :U/ el 'ihe North 20 Crafts Avenue_ _ 156 _ .) , for carpi I =WC C a!rtr_-r,pi.cn (a:senscr s nap 31 '. 1 Article lI of the State unitary Cole . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violatirr:s, listed =lean -which are serious enorAh as to mater^ally endarEer or materially _ air the, _alth, safety, and o:ell-being, of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Vass. General Laws, id Article lI of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good with effort to correct the follo.+ing violations within 'i.;enty-four (2h) hours from he date of receipt of this order. lgu'-ation Violation _--edy 15.3 No covered garbage cans for the placerent of garbage and rubbish. If you have any questions, please call this office. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Vera my yours, Provide as many receptacles as necessary for proper storage of garbage until collection. GG2-2 i hard J. Pu ocher Code Enforcement Inspector CERTIFIED MAIL #234355 Persons have the right to seek a modification of an order. To accomplish a modification, a person must file in writing a petition for a hearing before the Board of Health. Petitions must be filed on time in accordance with the regulations below: (a) (b) Any person or persons upon whom any order has to any regulation of this code (except for an the requirements of Regulation 33 . 2 have been such petition must be filed within seven days order was served; Any person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector (s) or other personnel of the board of health: (1) to inspect upon recuest any Premises as recuired under this code; provided, such p etition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested ; or to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or _ upon an inspection to find violations of this Article where such violation are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or mate- rially impair the health or safety, and well—being of the occupants of the Premises; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report ; or to issue an order as required by Regulation 33 .1; provided, that such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt • of the inspection report. Any person upon whom this order has been served or any person aggrieved by the failure of the inspector to perform as enumerated above has the right to be represented at a hearing and any adverse party has a right to appear at said hearing. . been served pursuant order issued after satisfied) ; provided , after the day the (4) Public Documents All relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices and other documentary information in the possession of the Board of Health are open for inspection and may be copied for a fee. Remedies and Penalties Part of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary of some legal remedies tenants may use in order to get Housing Code violations corrected. Failure to comply with this order also subjects the person ordered to a criminal fine of not less than ten ($10. 00) dollars, nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars for each day' s failure to comply with this order.