167 Email Complaint 2012 ltharligrOnMall- 67ChestnutSt
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Ed Smith<esmith @rorthamptonma.gov>To: Louis Hasbrouck<Iasbrouck @northamptonma.gov>
Cc: Merridith O'Leary<moleary@narthamptonma.gov>, Heather Mcbride<hmcbride @norlhamptonma.gov>
Hi Louis-
Heather asked me to check in with you-I'd like to schedule this for Thursday morning(I'm covering in Amherst Wednesday)
not a heart surgeon^eitherr butt does sounds like a Health issue not a Building issue!tlireIXty and see if Thursday morning is available. I'm
-have you
Tue, Dec 4,2012 at 152 PM
[Owled rest hidden]
Edmund Smith
Fleath Inspector
Northampton Health Department
212 Main Street, Northampton MA 01060
Regular Schedule: Monday&Wednesday, 8-4:30;Thursday 8-12 noon.
Louis Hasbrouck<Iasbrouck @northamptonma.gov>
To: Ed Smith<esmith @northamptonma.gov>
Tue, Dec 4,2012 at 2:04 PM
I did tell her that somebody would be out tomorrow(Wednesday)but I will call her back and tell her Thursday and that
you'll call to setup the time(she said she's up early). Her neighbor/lawyer is Julie Kling;Julie would like a call so she can be there,
too.Julie's number is 584-3927.
Louis Hasbrouck
Building Commissioner
City of Northampton
Town of Williamsburg
From:Ed Smith [mailto:esmithOnorthamptonma.govi
Sent:Tuesday, December 04,2012 1:52 PM
To: Louis Hasbrouck
Cc: Merridith O'Leary; Heather Mcbride
Subject:Re: 167 Chestnut St
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Ed Smith cesmith@northamptonma gov> — - -
To. Louis Hasbrouck crhasbrouck @northamptonma.gov>
Cc: Merridth O'Leary<moleary@northamptonma.gov>, Heather Mcbride<hmcbride @northamptonma.gov>
Thanks Louis-
I'm going to meet up with Florence Kmetz and Julie Kling tomorrow at 10 a.m.
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Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 4:37 PM
12/6/2012 9:31 AM
srthampton Mail- 167 Chestnut St
167 Chestnut St
6 messages
https://rnail.googl e.comhn ail/u/0(?ui=2&ilm9954d803Zt&vtew=puzs<...
Ed Smith<esmhh@northamptonma.gov>
Louis Hasbrouck<lasbrouck @northamptonma.gov>
To: Merridith O'Leary <moleary@northamplonma.gov>
Cc: heather Mcbride<hmcbride @pwrthamptorana.gov>, Ed Smith<esmith@normamptonma gov>
Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 10:19 AM
I got a call from a resident(Florence Kmetz,k silent)who lives at 167 Chestnut Street, phone 584-6647).She complained
about a this sort of complaint but Ms.Kmetz stated that she is recuperating from heart surgery,that the vibration s)affecting rlher recovery and
that with
that the vibration made her pacemaker stop.These kinds of issues are beyond my area of expertise.
Does the Health Department deal with this sort of situation?Please let me know.Thanks. p �
Louis Hasbrouck �-`0�
u!Loki r 4. -G�
(City of Commissions[ Litt( jut !
City of Northampton l 41 �m<- G r,[- ""`-]
Town of Williamsburg � � 2 oy�-v .a�> - n�
/ 'uYt /„'.u„'_ e0
212 Main Street �f.�_- n
^� ✓< 0-1) n rn woe FO-4-4 s F
(413) 587-1240 �
Northampton, MA 01060
(City of Northampton E-mail is a public record except it falls under of the specific Statutory
ota e kept w�nen one
Heather Mcbride<hmcbride @northamptonma.gov>
To:Ed Smith<esmkh@n1oort arnpa�rteBov of nma.gov>
Cc: Merridith O'Leary< ry@
Tue, Dec 4,2012 at 1:25 PM
Lou(and MO) wants you to go and check this complaint out tomorrow morning. There is a lot of background information that you need
get from Lou before you get started on this one so check with him in the morning.
From:Louis Hasbrouck lmailt lha b0:20 @northamptonma.gov]
Sent Tuesday,December 04, AM
To:Merridith O'Leary
Cc:Heather Mcbnde; Ed Smith
Subject 167 Chestnut St
12/6/2012 9:31 AM
fNssthampton Mail- 167 Chestnut St hops://mail.google.corn/mail/u/0/7oi=2&i1=9954d8032f&view—pt&se...
Louis Hasbrouck<Ihasbrouck@northamptonma.gov>
To: Ed Smith<esmith@northamptonma.gov>
Thank YOU,Ed.Let me know if I need to deal with the neighbor at#169.
Louis Hasbrouck
Building Commissioner
City of Northampton
Town of Williamsburg
(413) 587-1240
From: Ed Smith[mailto:esmith @northamptonma.gov]
Sent Wednesday, December 05,2012 4:37 PM
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wed, Dec 5,2012 at 6:04 PM
12/6/2012 9:31 AM