27 Complaint 1988 Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD 04P 3/ 0 AARrL /?G Date )[Z/W Time( Pr Tel Nature of Complaint y--4311 Location of Premises 27 •A->t-c_ 247-tser Owner A41t/gm F- Address Occupant Taken by i la>,,Bitr THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Northampton BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE February 4. Thomas and Susan Sweet 27 Clark Avenue, Northampton, MA 01060 1988 As occupant of 27 Clark Ave. 2nd Floor Apartment you are hereby notified to remedy the conditions named below within 24 hours of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts General Laws,Chapter III,Section 123: Strong odor permeating apartment from the presence o fntr lame dugs Pallway rarpet1ng, hathrnom and kitchen flooring require thorough cleansing and deo- dnri'inv to reduce Strang odor and vtains In addi- tion, all dog droppings accumulated outside under and arnrnd the stairwell must, he hjeaned up Vinlatinn of Pita=s rpnera1 Laws, Chapter 111 co„Hr.n 122, and State Sanitary Cnde TT, Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation, 105 OMR 410.505 and 410.602 (B) If at the expiration of time allowed remedied, such further action will be fine of 320.00 per day may be charged. Certified Mail 6 P694 762 942 these conditions have not been taken as the law requires and a By O r of the Board of Health David Kochan By FOAM 5600 A M.SVIKIN,INC.M2-5159 DEVISED 1979 POSTED ON PREMISES MARL• . 3, 1 27 CLARK AVE. 2nd FLOOR APARTMENT _ - - - • • • • • -- •Q-4'. _„- -.4 rTht tat, _ - -a r -1- c., ! • — r‘-` - -4;•- -1 b - 4 20r0% Sr:16T'72 C ..4y7r4-14"■5:. 1:" _ -L •••:•-,‘ - - — I o;r:‘,.;•i•CZ.,E ii•Z;t11,3- , • , ,.„ y„..:1,4 P. -1,7-E` 1 •F/2Z 7-::/•?.‘•.4., 4 l-••?, Cc''' teliAL;‘`"s- t;.11''^.";!'.1AVC;•••*. Ec:7fr - ,- -15ret:Ii*CEVeCtfifit ;LE7e. raFeel...VC, C'Ittfr.4 L; _ _ -c" , t‘/: N1- \ j r..>•E c -,- - "•-• 'OA tetii: / e, •. ._ • T;T, 0, eq.01 eT e„qet evrEITardeo_ D'D.I1-11:211?•.;:DE/4.Pet•`„urttt.. -4,- Pa tyllitte., tz. ,44 '• 1 • (“---'-`-`••-•'-` - •-••1.1'‘•-•"="•••• I `s•egvivall tuvog Iota;To aap.xoaq " 84\441.7 t ""^•':" r‘r: •% w.`..tr.i. on- -- nn, TO wri U2110 GAVU 01 SEM lOarQIIS ST01 m 00T00WVJEd eqq. 01. auTpaopoy -aal.;vw sIg4 01.11T. -- _-eN ire nrnPre'C INCInFNT eWnnT"- - - _. ter . . _.. ..._.__... .._. _... m _ NDRTNAAIPTON POLICE DEPARTMENT ..,;..._ RECORD• 03 .-: 72 - 71 ARREST F ., - _' INC.CODE 57 T-:: _ _iQg INITIAL : O-FOLLOW-UP GEOCODE - ?AO- ' REPORT REPORT • DID THIS INCIDENT INVOLVE `+ --- - -,:_:_,'O.BUSE"AS DEFINED IN SECTaNi -- cf CHAPTER 20DA? 'TESL r,re 31 ENT _ _.___ _ LOCATION :.. 27 Clark Ave . . .- :-. ... .-_ t�._..___ �. _ ---AnimalComplaint-:. _______._— 6 TIME OCCURRED 15/88- 0314-------- DATE & TIME REPORTED - 01/15/88 0314 --"--.._ DATE& TIME OF THIS REPORT 01/15/88 — 0 335""--- - . _. CHECK IF MORE SUPPLEMENT- ._. ': WOES TO BE USED BELOW IN BO% MARKED PAR_ . :- M RTICI O _._VNICTIM. W WITNESS P PARENL_. RP.REPORTING PARTY _: DC-DISCOVERED CRIME __ - PARTICIPANT PRINCIPAL PARTY'S(OR FIRM'S(NAME(LAST.FIRST.M.I) RESIDENCE ADDRESS -27-Clark-Ave - :-_. . ... ` RESIDENCE PHONE - _ - Sweet,Susan IPATION.I.D. --- :_ Sex RACE AGE Dale nl Birth BUSINESS ADDRESS (SCHOOL IF NNLI BUSINESS PHONE NAME.(L ST.FIRST.M-I.) Soto,Daniel H— - RESIDENCE ADDRESS RESIDENCE PHONE - IPATION.I.D. ice Offiner_.. Sea _.__ RACE _. ___ AGE - . .. . Detect Both ___- _. ___._ BUSINESS ADDRESS (SCHOOL IFNN1) -_ Northampton _ _ _ ___._._ BUSINESS PHONE 584-0205. __- _._ . NAME-(LAST.FIRST.M I - Munson, Doug RESIDENCE ADDRESS RESIDENCE PHONE I ATION.I D. 'alnedic'____ _ Sea 11-. RACE - W __ AGE . . _-. _ Dale of Berth _. _._ ._____. BUSIN SS ADO ESS ISCH001.1 NNLI 3aystate Ambulance..- BUSINESS PHONE 'ECT NO.I (LAST.FIRST.INITIAL) - Sea Race Age Hgt. Wgl. Hair Eyes Date of Birth Attested 1 RESS.CLOTHING 6 OTHER IDENTIFYING MARKS&CHARACTERISTICS 5 S.? Complexion 'ECT NO.2 ILAST.FIRST,INITIAL) Sex Race Age Hgt Wgt. Hair - Eyes _. . Dale of Binh .-. _... Attested ❑ YesOh RESS.CLOTHING&OTHER IDENTIFYING MARKS&CHARACTERISTICS 5.5., Complexion DOLOR YEAR MAKE MODEL BODY STYLE REG I STATE VIN DISPOSITION --- - IELETYPE SEN Clrls ❑Nc l'OF ENTRY 0 ROOF 0 CELLAR 0 DOOR 0 WINDOW - -_ -_-. _ _.__ (CRT O REAR ❑SIDE ❑ LATCHED ❑ UNLOCKED ❑ EXIT DIFF TYPE OF ENTRY ❑OPEN ACCESS 0 CONSTRUCTIVE ❑ NO VISIBLE FORCE ❑ FORCE TOOI❑ KEY CHECK IF PROPERTY DESCRIPTION _ . .. INSUPPLEMENT )RT:COMPLETE ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE AND DESCRIBE INCIDENT AND ACTION TAKEN.BELOW USE SUPPLEMENT IF NECESSARY hi 01/15/88 it—approximately 03:14 hrs., Baystate Ambulance-and myself responded to-- - - ?7 Clark Ave for-a report of a Female having an Asthma Attack.. Ipon our arrival ,we were met by Thomas Sweet... As Mr Sweet opened the door a very strong stench came out of this apartment. Myself and the paramedics back away for a second before entering this apartment. Upon entering , to my observation there were two dogs in the kitch and unknown number in the living room. On the floor,dog feces and urine was 'all oven, It is the opinion of this Officer and the paramedic that the Board of Health CONTINUED'' ❑ NO ❑ SUPPLEMEN E STATUS ACTIVE INACTIVE UNFOUNDED CLEARED •�• REBY CERTIFTHAATT THE NTENTS O,F{THIS REPORT ARE TRUE AND PORN N•Off ICE R'�,'e D.SOTO p1%EGON(OFFICER ECT LO T '•Fish M�(F�OWLEDGE AND BELIEF_ COMPLAIN ANT'S SIGNATURE fit SHIF1COMMANDER LT R.NICOL • I REVIEWER FURTHER ACTION(PURGE INFO) COPIES TO -Pa _OFF,