78 Condemnation 2014 1 1 ss • I y) i s VV ruNkn--) �c « J `u\L&t-Thvc. I C,MV\3/4,-til � �`�.'n� � 4rtr-•�--� ‘'‘-r< Cam" d ! \A.^\ TZC\YN/ \Z 4n nn h\ \CN� 147€ ro r3l+ry cc f.Q) 91" ✓3--rJ4,/ �A %CD4,5p./ -= 4 ,-e'•3C S (530037 7'3z .1h/ ! /„/p'/ sM.407 r3.nw?21 ->ien izhve9 vJnwNip 1,14 • ‘c•Ae- y\ cam°) nC, nro3y 9J'Q J'&" O35f/g 0-3rs' /--, <r-pr—n Ctt* ) 'IZ3w3 _.'! h157 �,i�-E•3J/ e .-wkxnn^i _-ri o.T3?l Vis'S .a„-o /7 in/Qi .�,y� '.u'e'3z' 1r'sc •�N' `�r'ir-«+r:J Cdry ..ca2'� Grnt99 xt,9 h'J'/ J ' pr3C a CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair—Joanne Levin, MD—Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD William Hargraves—Cynthia Suopis, PhD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary, RS Director Daniel Wasiuk Inspector—Edmund Smith,Inspector—Jennifer Brown, RN,Nurse EMERGENCY CONDEMNATION AND ORDER TO VACATE Finding of Unfitness for Human Habitation and Determination of Immediate Danger rdance with M.G.L. C. I11, §§ 127A and 127B, 105 CMR 400.000: State Sanitary Code, Chapter I: General strative Procedures and 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code, Chapter II: Minimum Standards of Fitness for Habitation, The Northampton Health Department issues this condemnation order and order to vacate of a dwelling intended for human habitation located at 78 Cahillane Terrace,Florence,Massachusetts. m a notice of hazards from the Northampton Police Department on 3/01/2014,the Northampton Board of Health finds dwelling is unfit for human habitation. Pursuant to M.G.L. C. 127 B and 105 CMR 410.831 (D), the Board further at the conditions within the dwelling are such that the danger to life or health of the occupants of the subject dwelling 'mediate that no delay may be permitted in making this finding. ons found within the dwelling,which give rise to the emergency finding of unfitness and determination of immediate include,but are not limited to: compelling evidence of unsanitary conditions,based on the Notice of Hazards he Northampton Police Dept(see attached Incident Report#14-458-OF).The aforementioned dwelling is bitable due to excessive squalor,filth,and the obstruction of exits and passageways caused by objects and an of possessions,which prevent egress in case of an emergency; the dwelling is uninhabitable until such time that re determined by physical inspection that these conditions do not exist. upon these findings, any and all occupants are hereby ordered to vacate, and the landlord/owner is ordered to the subject dwelling within 24 hours of receipt of this order. Entry is only permissible during the hours of 7:00 > 5:00 P.M. for the purpose of cleaning and repairing the dwelling. You are hereby notified that any person is found in the dwelling other than the hours specified herein are subject to removal and may be charged with ssing. person refuses to leave a dwelling or portion thereof, which was ordered condemned and vacated they may be y removed by the local Board of Health (MGL. c. I11, §127B), or by local police authorities at request of the of Health. Once vacated, this building may not be occupied and the placard shall not be removed without the approval of the Board of Health we the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be made by you,in writing,and vithin 7 days after the day this order was served. You have the right to be represented by counsel and any 'd party has a right to appear at said hearing. rmore, anyone who fails to comply with any order of the Board of Health may be subject to fines ranging from $10- Each day's failure to comply with an order shall constitute a separate violation. iith O'Leary,Dire 14 hampton Health Department NPD, DPW,City Solicitor, siding Commissioner ied Return Receipt Requested rasi ekt ear) Artat glee etititc-A-C "As- fo Bt 0.-m- s/moo, y 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 3/2014 14:32 413btluie, �—Northampton Police Department NARRATIVE FOR PATROL OFFICER SCOTT T GREGORY-4963 Ref: 14-458-OF Entered: 03/01/2014 @ 1151 Entry ID: 217 Modified: 03/01/2014 @ 1419 Modified ID: 217 Page: 1 4 at approximately 1100 hours Northampton Fire Department and I,Officer Gregory,responded to 78 e Terrace for a female having a diabetic issue. Upon arrival,I entered the house and imn'tediatly i piles of clothes,trash,uneaten food,dirty dishes,and other various items strewn throughout the house, it difficult to move around. When I entered the kitchen,I noticed dirty dishes piled on the counters,table r throughout,many with food still on them. As I went into the back of the house,there were two rs that were too piled with items for anyone to enter them. The bathroom was covered in dirt,soil and at appeared to have feces on it on the floor. The bath tub was filled with what I believed was dirt and over the floor and walls. The water in the toilet looked as though the sewer had backed up into it- I rit the homeowner,Claude Bell,and advised him that 1 would be notifying the Board of Health. oximately 1200 hours I notified Ed Smith the on i inspector who office stated that it would be followed up at inning of the week. A copy of this report Palmately 1400 hours I notified Elder Services as to the above. 1/2814 14:112 4I3no:LL3( Northampton Police Department Page: 1 Incident Report 03/01/2014 Incident 8: 14-458-OF Call 4: 14-5787 ne Reported: t Date/Time: Status: ing Officer: 03/01/2014 1.035 03/01/2014 1139 No Crime Involved Patrol Officer Scott Gregory-4863 Signature: L, CIASDN E 7ARILLRNE TER 3ENCE MA 01062 : Active Duty: N BODY: NOT AVAIL. DOE: 02/25/1946 :CENSE NUMBER: MA 238709336 Home Phone Cell Phone .L, .7ANICE CANILLANE TER )FENCE MA 01062 y Active Duty: BODY: NOT AVAIL. 000• 10/31/1950 LICENSE NUMBER: NOT AVAIL. M N 68 COMPLEXION: NOT AVAIL. PLACE OF BIRTH: NOT AVAIL. ETHNICITY: NOT HISPANIC [CONTACT INFORMATION] 413-5E6-4996 (Primary) 413-575-2917 F W 63 413-575-2817 COMPLEXION: NOT AVAIL. ?LACE OF BIRTH: NOT AVAIL. ETHNICITY: NOT HISPANIC [CONTACT 1N2c MATLONI 413-506-4996 CallBack Number (Primary) 413-566-4996 CATION TYPE: Residence/Home/Apt./Condo CANILLANE TER ORENCE MA 01062 ARD OF HEALTH NOTIFIED Zone: Area 3 Northampton Police Department Images Associated with 14-458-OF r Northampton Police Department Images Associated with 14-458-OF Northampton Police Department Images Associated with 14-458-OF Northampton Police Department Images Associated with 14-458-OF CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair-Joanne Levin, MD-Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD William Hargraves-Cynthia Suopis, PhD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary,RS Director Daniel Wasiuk Inspector—Edmund Smith, Inspector—Lisa Seinbock RN.Muse ,2014 3e11 [lane Terrace e,MA 01062 Bell, :h 4, 2014 the Health Department received a Notice of Hazards for the property located at 78 Cahillane . The report describes the dwelling to be in an unsanitary condition and have an excessive amount of lated stuff piled throughout, making it difficult for first responders to give necessary care and navigate out the rooms safely. if the aforementioned report,the Health Department is obligated to condemn the property and give an order :e (see attached). These orders are to remain intact until a designee from the Health Department does a I inspection of the property and declares it safe for human habitation. ild like to set up a time with you so we may set up an inspection to help resolve the situation. :all Merridith O'Leary or Ed Smith at 413-587-1214 as soon as possible so we may set up a time to meet or to the matter at hand. point we are delaying posting the exterior of the dwelling until we hear from you. ly, 7� ��h d Smith, Health Inspector mpton Health Department 3/sfroz4 - %Zt/ 01904 Ut4sZ. D core-4 -1 4- o peg'to 1 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 h 14, 2014 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair_Joanne Levin, MD-Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD William Hargraves-Cynthia Suopis, PhD STAFF Merridith O'Leary, RS, Director—Daniel Wasiuk, Inspector—Edmund Smith Inspector Lisa Steinbock RN,Nurse le Bell ihillane Terrace nce,MA 01062 Property Owner/Manager: ;e consider this a letter of compliance for a violation notice sent to you by the Northampton Health rtment dated March 5, 2014 for property located at 78 Cahillane Terrace, Northampton, MA. are the owner/manager of record and are therefore responsible for maintaining the property in accordance state and local law. This office will continue to monitor the property to ensure it continues to be cleaned, tamed and does not represent any public health and safety threat. You are mandated to do the same. ik you for your cooperation. 'rely, \ � A , c��e-`� laicn 0' �'.S. J is Health Director Note: This is an important legal document that might affect your rights. Este es un documento legal importante que podria afectar sus derechos.. 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221