64 Notice of Audit Findings 2005 tOMNEY or 'HEALEY pant Gmcrm, COMAIONWEALTH OF VIASSACHU.<t:'f'fS EXEC' TIVE OFFICE OP ENVIRON\'.h:STAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEN I'AL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436Dn"cl I Si net•Springfield die'+aachusette 0110. • Ito l-1100•FAX(413)784 1149 Pride Convenience,Inc. 246 Cottage Street Springfield, MA 01104-0000 Ann: Mr. Robert Bolduc President STEPHEN R.PRITCHARD Secretary ROBERT W.COLLEDGE.Jr. Commissioner April -. 22005 Re: Nortli.m Upton,RUN 1-10164 Form... Pride Convenience,Inc. 54 E:v d Hampton Road Remc du l Action Inspection NOTICE OF AUDIT FINDING`, AUDIT INSPECTION Dear Mr. Bolduc: On Apnl 21,2006,the Massachusetts Department of Em ironmental conducted an audit inspection at ihe location identified above. In pa. focused on the Comprehensive Response Action being implemented action currently consists of a vacuum-enhanced groundwater extract:, biosparging system. 'Ile audit a4o included a review of the inspect, reports on-file at the Department.the most recent of tr Inch was recei notice informs you of the results of the Department's audit inspection "1.nection(the Department) nular.the audit inspection it this site. The remedial .c (t'ECE)system and oxygen rid monitoring(I&M) .J on February I,2006. This DETERMINATION The Department did not identif}any violations of the requirements pplicable to the remedial action at the site Copies of the Audit Inspection Screening Check and the Remedial Systems Information Sheet are attached. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL(LSP) A copy of this notice has been sent to Mr Daniel Felten,the LSP-ol 'An rm.nennatem ..a IL almeemd b i.see,,art owN..we,at 61-.. ,. a men on Rou .a aoer d for the disposal site. NORTHAMPTON,RTN 1-10164 - U DIT INSPECTION NOAF LIMITATIONS The audit inspection did not include a compliance review of all resproac actions undertaken to date at this site. This audit was focused solely on compliance with the re,s lirements for operation, monitoring and maintenance at the site as detailed in the most recent :tVI report,and as observed on Apnl 21,2006. The Department's findings were based upon the certainty of the info. nation reviewed during the audit. These findings do not:(I I apply to actions or other aspects of the site that were not reviewed in the audit;(2)preclude future audits of past,current,or future actions at the site;(3)in any way constitute a release from any liability,obligation,action or penalty under A1_G.L.c.21 E,310 CMR 40.0000,or any other lass.regulation.or requirement:or(4)limit tilt Department's authority to take or arrange,or to require any Responsible Party or Potentially Respol It 1 arty to perform,any response action authorized by NI. t.I_c.21 F which the Department ms necessary to protect health,safety,public welfare,or the environment. If you have any questions regarding this notice,please contact Das H Bachand at 413-755-2221. Please reference Release Trackin_Number 1-10164 in any future correspondence to the Department regarding the site. Sincerely, n.ai document cup_ s 0.gdnmcm of Pn•. n on h Incncnc,Xdm pivrided to you electronically by a'Protection A signed copy of In V Once Listed on the Den id Bachand Gn rironmental At alyst A nn'ai document cop. b in Ipro%ided to wu electronically by ha uy.artm.n of Cm Inn:nvmai(Protection.A sig ed copy of thu document is on fit...-'iw DIY Orrice lived on the I IlLad. Abbv Kingman Section Chief,Audits5ite Management Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Attachments: A. Audit Inspection Screening Checklist B. Remedial Systems Information Sheet ec/cc: Daniel Felten, ECS LSP-.tt-Record(ec) Northampton Board of Scicctmen'Chief Municipal Officer(cc) Northampton Board of H.ulth/Health Department(ec) Thomas M. Potter.Audit Coordinator, DEP-Boston(ec) Wayne Feiden, Northampton Planning Department(ec) Data Entry: PHV/5NAt 1)1:AUDCOM/NAFNVD;FLRDIRLN 04.21/2006 AUDIT INSPECTION SCREENING CHECKLIST RTN: 1-10164 Tom. Northampton 9 Action Inspected ❑Phase V®ROS JP: Pride Convenience,Inc Site Name: r: MBA Realty Associates.LLC Consultant/1_3P: ECS/Lan Felten :ant vacant Site Cor tact Phone N: Robert Bolduo413731E992 Iltion Yes/No Comments(if"Yes") g ;. NAPL wan 15 feet of ground surface NO DA total VOCs<15'8 won 30 feet of scheo residence NO in surlcial soil in S-I area(school/redden-e'park) NO NO tlal for impacts to nearby receptors e wells<500 feet,Zone n,or I W PA NO Sty/Welfare slble pits/lagoons/debris related to clear- .p NO de fire/explosion hazard NO dial system not secured NO Jdusudebris/a..earance roblem _ NO . t .r,,Ap.. I 500 feet of surface water,ACEC and/or.elands YES YES Wetlands located on south side of property Documented wetlands mpacts med contamination of surface water and cwellands le sources of OHM NO le media affected(GW&surface water s &air) YES Documented sediment aid surface water impacts BS gryRequiremertts: d di Mallon Waste Issues[310 OMR 40.0030] e to remove remediation waste wen 120 cY-s NO implement BOL process NO $���t�o,�roj'�?rly Onitoting and Maintenance V OMM Requirements[310 CMR 400890] OM Plan on file with Ph.IV FIR per 40 cam-31(b)(1) n/ n plan does not Identify goals and perfomia _e criteria activities not in accordance with goals&e dna n plan not updated in response to change- onddions n/ nt OMM report not received(due every 6 sr na results not documented per 40.0892 na dy Operation Status[310 CMR 4008931 _ Mete ROS submittal not received,per 40 o:Y3(3) NO d.system not designed to achieve perma'em solution NO m not being properly operated and mainta'-... 60 surce of OHM not controlled or eliminam_ NO antral Hazard not eliminated NO nt OMM report not received(due every 6 r:-s.1 NO I results not documented per 40 0892 NC e to modify or terminate when required N; -893(5)) NO ad ial System Summary: The pnmary C 4 for this site c n s or a vamum-enhanced groundwater extraction system(VEGE)to is gasoline contaminated soil and groundwater:_this LUST site The system osiets of 9 SVE wells and 3GAC,9 gw exeacon wells, paatar.cartridge filters and LGAC An up-grue a re injection allery was in tailed at the site in 2004 and a NPDES permit teminated in Surfactant flushing has been conducted penoc . since 2004 using the gall ry with MBAS monhbdng to demonstrate gw capture. A Jary GRA addressing impacted sediments r" i zscent welts ds consists o a biosparging system consisting of four parye wells and 3cllen. The January 200€ROS I&M Report ree n ended the i Gallaher.Gallaher.of T 02 sparge wells within the source area to enhance 'Galion of COCs GM adobes s LZlude id nnu OMM NsiLS_unsnarl,grey dwater monitoring and semi-annual ROS submrffiIS. (Deleted:DRAFT Deleted: DRAFT REMEDIAL SYSTEM INFORMATION SHEET(RSIS) RTN: 1-10164 Date: 4-21-06 kme/Location:Former Pride Station/Nor bampton tor Name David Bachand 'EM INFORMATION rte all that apply: ®GW Recovery/Treatment 0 NAPL Recovery®Oi1/H2O Separator Z Liq-Ph.GAC it Strip 0 GW Discharge®Remedial Additives Z Air/Oxy Sparge®SVE 0 CATO%Z Vap.Ph.GAC m operating:®YES 0 NO System operating as designed and at proposed levels Z YES 0 NO INSTRUMENTATION AND DOCUMENTATION' im Specifics i,Applicable Present& Working Comment if not present,not working, or not done. tok present,information current YES YES Last nspection:4/20106 low/high water shut-off switch ''. YES YES Located in 011w separator and SVE moisture trap sure shut-off switcM1 NO Observed:'3.5 on 4/4 Average. collection devices(flow meter.eta) YES YES large meets permit limi s? 0 YES 0 NO ,ss&Instrumentation Diagram YES YES Downgradient monitoring well present,satisfactory condition: Z YES ❑ NO m secured YES YES P2: ig the name&telephone number of YES ct in case of system malfunction i YES awater Treatment Plant Operator I NO lions at regular intervals YES NPDES permit terminated 2005 lotions taken to prevent damage by YES ng,heat,vehicles&vandals YES Effluent .Ab vnlalmno of Mn CMR an anal if nn'nmsont ft urn kinn far remetlial wnalawater aenaralinr. RATION INFORMATION ndwater Treatment Influent Mid-Point E(Fluent BTEX 423/V.TBE 7.100 NDI3.1 ND/10 file review(pg/L): m flow rates(gpm): Design 7-10 Observed:'3.5 on 4/4 Average. volume NAPL recovered(gal)0.0 Total volume water recovered(gal 42,315 large meets permit limi s? 0 YES 0 NO Recent downtime? O YES ®NO (If yes,describe below) adlal Additives Downgradient monitoring well present,satisfactory condition: Z YES ❑ NO w Sparge Flow(dm) P1:3 scfh at O2 tanks P2: P3'. Pressure(psi): )ff-Gas)Tr ea men Influent Mid-Point Effluent file review(ppm). 00 0.0 0.0 PID reading(ppm): 00 0.0 ter influent pressure( p. Recent downtime? 0 YES ®NC (If yes,describe below) as treatment devices achieving 95%'ecuction? Z YES _ NO Percent reduction: 100% glen Summan/Highlights The primary SRA is an 02 sparge system in The wetlands with proposed expansion le source area(USTS)- A secondary CRA consist of a VEGE system which is mainly providing source control siring gw discharge to the wetlands. Groundwater pumping and discharge is cyclical controlled by floats in the camps and o/w separator. ms observed: Reading at inspection: E vacuum at manifold 1.45 Hg 2 3. Wells 1-6 on-line for SVE system. 'Four wells on-line for gw extraction system. Wetland area dry and no signs of petroleum impacts or iron fouling. 11/01