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179 (Upstairs back side apt) Complaint 2016
`\- Zt 16-dOO/9S Geo Tracking #: Entered By: C Date Entered: /S� 1 BODYART NUISANCE SMOKE FOOD ODOR WATER/SEWER FOOD ILLNESS PESTS HOARDING HOUSING POOLS 17 NAIL SALONS SEPTIC OTHER COMPLAINTANT'S INFORMATION: Call Taker Initials:CR V Date of Complaint: 3 / 30/ I(""2 Complainant/Occupant's Name: (; ;jt i(-)LU K1 VLQL Mailing. Address: Complaint Location: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: Telephone # €.4B) 707'- 706 6 Alternate# ( ) tc-r(r,[ien ea 04)4,'LS Animals: Y/N Child Under 6: Y/N CCI\ ( ned a r Sx 1- -r 1I11(teui S ar 0 g. - ne1\ A •o 3 eiee „C , acr(Ta n,cs, Pciircrage 4g.mekte csr OWNER'S INFORMATION: Owners Name: lj Ire Bee k1 Address: Address: Property Mgr./LL: Telephone#( ) - Alternate# ( ) Inspection Scheduled on: - 4�6 Complaint Unfounded: C -6 :0'6//((a0'� %sG )arN` — ,mow�^wR `"7 a� Conditions Found: See �l y`E'Ise dl ACTION TAKEN: ( �pt,S\Utik - Q� .(l o 2%) . a M GO Si nature of Inspech e Officer 3 / 31 / loth Date/Time of Inspection Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 (413)597-1214 Inspection Form State Sanitary Code 105 CMR 410.000: Chapter II,Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation ;e Time am/pm #Occupants #Children<6 Years :upant Name Phone# City/Town Apt# dress mer Name Phone# mer Address City/Town Zip Code ipector Title - c\- Lt pat TYPe of Violation Possible Code Section(s) /if Violation Observed Responsible Party Owner Our pant Desrripnan Locks,striker mechanism(4 or more units) 480 Posting,ID,Exit signs/emergency lights 481,483,484 Handrails,steps,doors,windows,roof-maintenance 500,503 Weather tight elements 501 Rubbish-storage and collection Yard maintenance-trash,debris,vegetation Maintenance of area Doors,lights,windows—weather tight,maintenance Egress—means,obstructed,safe Handrails—provided,maintenance Lights 600,601 602 500 501,500 450,451,452 503.500 254 v�1\ erdeer�9 h45 f nn s3LA al`ea feSs off y* c eCC Floor,walls,ceiling-maintenance 500 Railings,stairs 503,500 Doors,windows—weather tight,maintenance 501,500 en MOM Location(circle): Front Rear Middle Refrigerator,sink,stove,oven-good repair,impervious Floor Level of Unit and smooth Floor,walls,ceiling-maintenance Outlets,lights Windows,screens—weather tight,lock,maintenance, provided Non-absorbent floor Floor,walls,ceilings 5 y— -neD0e/] bw \� Nn•A- -faC {u.e.Sf7,,c e. Outlets,lights 250 Windows,screens-lock,weather tight,maintenance, provided 501,480,500, I 551 Violatia loors,walls,ceiling Outlets,lights Possible Code Section(S) Id Violation observed Responsible Party 500 Windows,screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, provided Floors,walls,ceiling Outlets,lights Window%screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, provided Floors,walls,ceiling Outlets,lights Windows,screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, provided Sink,shower,tub pervious,maintenance 250 501,480, 500, 551 500 250 500 Malay MEM- Occupant Desorption 501,480, 500, 551 Lights,outlets ica to Ventilation—natural,mechanical Floors,walls,ceiling—maintenance ler Maintenance,weathertight 150,500 250 280 Lighting uel Type(circle): Public Private ISM 253 Potable,quantity,pressure Responsible for paying MGL ch 186 s 22,metering 180.354 MIN Fuel Type(circle): Natural Gas Oil Electric Other 190 Temp. °f Location taken: "110°f min-130 max°t Type(circle): Forced Hot Water Forced Hot Air Steam Electric No portable units 200,20 Bathroom °f "Habitable room and every room with toilet,shower, tub" • Min 681 7:00am-10:59pm Min 64°f 11:00-6:59am Kitchen Living Room Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 °f °f 1 °I INNS RIM • 78 F max in heating season/measure 5 feet wall,5 feet floor Cooper TM99A-UL Digital Thermometer used to take temperature readings Type(circle): 110 220 Amp: _ Amperage,temporary wiring,metering 250.255,256,354 V SS C 0 yes • n lee(\\ Note:CO detector not needed for all electric! Free of pests/harborage Bedbugs/cockroaches/rodents-evidence 550 550 4 bl: ❑ Electric ❑ Fire ❑ Plumbing ❑ Building ❑ Other rspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. ctor Signature ,ant or Occupant's Representative Signature spection Date Time IOTE: *indicates that this housing inspection has revealed c conditions which may endanger or materially impair he health, safety,and well-being of any person(s)occupying the ea/Element Code Citation and Description of Violation 410.990: continued THE FO EG IS A BRIFI ARY OF C THE EGAL REh IED1ES TENANTS INLAY 1:SE EN ORDER TO GET CODE O CORRECTED. L L Rent Withholding(General Law Chapter_39 Section SAl. If Code Alma/IOT6 Are No;Being Corrected you may be enti d le hold bock Iona in P4rmea. lo ucur do this without being mined if A. end can prove unpaid your ealth ortsafety and that contain our landlord knew an—bout serious violations endanger yr or .or before you were behind in your rear. You did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to the m the building. You are prepared to pay any portion of the tent into court if a judge orders you to pay for it. for this it is best to put the rent money aside in a safe place.1 2. Repair and Deduct(General Laws lL Chapter 111 Section 1 'L). This law sometimes allows you to your t money to make the rya - yo It If yom health.local fen enforcement agency certifies that there we code violations 'I 1 endanger ,mat materially impair your remedy.and landlord) received wntte of of the violations.y them made)within rein after If wellbeing - nreoeortoadst lee' necessary wth repair;4 s mazy- r a written contract . .east nuke the notice or to complete within lbdaysnkar notice you cm use wpmfow orbs ' C repairs. 3. Retaliatory Rent bicteases or Eviction Prohibited(General Laws Chapter 186.Section 18 and Chapter 39 Section 2A). The corner mar norino ease eat or err r you in retaliation for making a rpl t t o local code enforcement agency about code ve 1 t in . If the owner es you rent tires to evict Ain months ire you have made the compIa nt y r s e e the show good for the increase eviction which is t t ytin ;ory complaint. You may be a ble to will the landlord for dainage if he oi she ores the 4. Rent Receivership(General Laws Chapter t11Sections 127C-113 low id The occupants mrdtor the board of health n may petition the D t t or Superior rior coo°p to ale lunch of therein into court rather than to the owner. The court may rhea appoivt a c who as is needed to correct the violation. The receiver is nor subject to a spending limitation offory months rent. 5. Search of Warranty ofHobitability- You maybe entitled to sue you landlord to have all or some of your rent retuned if your dwelling wit does net meet minimum standards of habitability. 6. Unfair and Deceptive Practices(General Laws Chapter 93A1 Renting an aparnuent with code a iolatiOns is a violation of the cuumner Protection act and ieznlatious for which you may sue an owner. THE TO WITHHOLINFORMATION OUR RENT OR TAKE lsl LEG.. ACTION. IT ISS ADVISABLE THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY,YOU SHOULD COILIACT THE NEAREST LEGAL SERVICES OFFICE ukTI CH IS: (NAME) (ADDRESS) (TELEPHONE NUMBER} 0n <no �n 0,3-(26 - teom ctdjccetc t (pc-re 1\ --)-(9J ,30 7cp 1 - v-no 1S, 13-7 c; c'T1=.. d1cam`. et j p \ ; ` % •± V \ i Ir , 1 IC. 3 „.off f k ' 9 ? sO 7 « cg V1 © < i\ V» \ � \ \»dam . : - : y § 1 . . , al\arc, D 2g \ Slagle \ av uc )9l3O3 �� .. LL1*\ \. , : « » . \ � 4