Cost Estimates Department of Pull lc Works 125 Locust Street Peter J. McErlain Health Agent Board of Health City Hall Northampton, Mass. Dear Mr. McErlain: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 December 13, 1984 Enclosed for your review is an inventory of hazardous waste products stored at the Department of Public Works. If you have any questions, please contact me at ext. 274. Very truly yours, Peter J, Mcnulty,,Sr. Acting Director of Public Works PJM/pl Enc. (1) :CA CHEMICAL SLHVICES (MAI INC. Her MACSAC,IrLJ IS I r64 PHI,NL 161 ]'849 PALL' JLr TO SHIPPING DATE 'i/ La.r ,.'1 RI/CODE t -. CUSTOMER ORDER NO }CA Page CHEMICAL WORK SERVICES ORDER NO INVOICE G %; 9f3 SHIPPINGADDRESS/GENERATOR !TERMS Net 30 U�g6 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION DCL.Ps Lot 221 J_1 NIT PPICF of SALESMAN A TIN In f Z.G . J' 27 ). 2 J. Jc . 64 . 00 SUB TOTAL . jU DRUM PURCHASE LAB FEE OFF SPECIFICATION TRANSPORTATION OE MMURAGE TOTAL •— . 4hr'C . LE CERT!FICA TE ')F DISPOSAL An material or thrs order!or disposal has been treated on slle or is being held in storage for shipment to a licensed 'bsposal far -ty u 'WI compliance with apprlr opir Federal State and local pollution control laws regulations and ordinances ORIGINAL BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T. JOYCE,Chairman PETER C. KENNY, H.D. KATMLEME(56110aCtUlti OFFICE OF THE PETER J. MCERLAIN, Health Agent Michael R. Parsons CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BOARD OF HEALTH The Honorable David B. Musante, Mayor of Northampton Northampton City Councillors Peter J. McErlain , Agent Board of Health December 12, 1984 Appropriation Request - Municipal Hazardous Waste Disposal The chemical inventory required by the Right-to-Know law revealed large accumulations of hazardous materials in several City Departments. The materials include old out-of-date or banned pesticides, old solvents/ cleaners, lead-based paint thinner and corrosive products. The Board of Health has been asked to coordinate the disposal of these materials and therefore requests the transfer of four thousand three hundred dollars ($4,300) from Surplus Revenue and the appropriation to the Board of Health, Other than Ordinary Maintenance account (32-0032/ 36901) . 210 MAIN STREET 01060 3113)5864950 Est.213 A licensed dispose of materials. If you have of Health. Thank you. PJMc/ec hazardous waste disposal firm most be hired to collect and the approximate eight hundred gallons of mixed hazardous any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Board HOARD OP HEALTH JOHN T. JOYCE,Cba4mau PETER C. KENNY, Y.D. EEIMMEW OFFICE OP THE PETER J. MCERLAIN Nulty A9ut Michael R. Parsons CITY OF NORTHAMPTON matCHUEETTg TO: HOARD OF HEALTH The Honorable David B. Musante, Mayor of Northampton and 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)5866950 Eat 319 FROM: Peter J. McErlain, Agent Board of Health DATE: December 12, 1984 SUBJECT: Appropriation of Funds for Supplies - Right-to-Know Law Compliance The Board of Health has been given the task of implementing the Right-to-Know Law for various City Departments. To date, the Board of Health has expended approximately two hundred dollars ($200.00) from its laboratory supplies account for labels and other materials needed for compliance with the law. It is expected that an additional one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) will be expended for that purpose during the remainder of the current fiscal year. The Board of Health therefore respectfully requests the transfer of three hun- dred and fifty dollars ($350.00) from Surplus Revenue and appropriation to the Board of Health Ordinary Maintenance, Laboratory Supplies Account (32-0032/232B1). It should be noted that the Right-to-Know Law has provisions for reimbursement of municipalities by the state for costs of implementing the law. While all of the details of reimbursement have not yet been worked out, it is expected that the costs of supplies and personal services will be included in the re- payment. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Board of Health Office. Thank you. /mr HOARD OF HEALTH JOHN It JOYCE,Chalrma0 PETER C. KENNY. M.D. tEAENYGEX%KN. OFFICE OF THE PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent Michael R. Parsons CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH TO: The Honorable David B. Musante, Mayor of Northampton and Northampton City Councillors FROM: Peter J . McErlain, Agent Board of Health idk 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (4131586-6950 Eat 213 DATE: December 12, 1984 SUBJECT: Revenue Appropriation Request - Household Hazardous Waste Collection As you know, in April of 1984, the Board of Health sponsored a Household/Wastedous Collection Day. Citizen response to the project was overwhelming as the volume of hazardous wastes brought to the collection site far exceeded that anticipated by the Hazardous Waste Disposal Firm. Many residents had to be turned away with a promise that the Board of Health would try to sponsor another Collection Day next year. The Board of Hea disposal of hous of four thousand Waste Collection Therefore, the B dollars be trans priation, Board Waste Collection The Board of Hea Thank you. /mr lth continues to support the concept of collection and proper ehold hazardous wastes and has voted to seek the appropriation dollars ($4,000.00) to cover the cost of a Household Hazardous Day in the spring of 1985. oard of Health respectfully requests that four thousand ($4,000.00, ferred from Surplus Revenue and be appropriated to Revenue Appro- of Health, Other than Ordinary Maintenance, Household Hazardous Project (32-0032/36901). lth will be happy to meet with you to discuss this matter further. MS. DIANE BRADY (312) 621-4797 SCA Chemical Services, Inc. 385 Quincy Avenue Braintree, MA 02184 NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY A X L0000560 12/31/84 12/31/85 5,000, 5,000, MLLECDION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTES 3OLLECIION, TRANSPORTATION, TREATMENT, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF LIQUID WASTES ILL AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT OWNED AND/OR OPERATED BY THE INSURED bard of Health )ity of Northampton no Main Street Iorthampton, MA 01060 Department kURLSTRY/HUR1'1CULTUKE DEPARTMENT pp Report compiled by Stephen Root extension 436 �b)< C t S e — tor IS_ gal iZ-71 t / _ ! Container �� Item Volume or o Quantity or gas Description of Waste: type of material normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, U'h'Pd Os"' /D . SOIII( corrisive etc.Mal 4eo yuJ. e ---- Ne.� -rdl'�L FcvnAsc. �2it,� Sd l�� �� ct 't stall q,n ,JSjy Ia►!�I � �1V419( •> S/iyl�/ �'Y`� (coc i/GN _ `- '—IMSPfTIC(� Sow in 1181211111 - _r� clati is - c7/4 % /.4 ch '< ��v ,a 1Ac pl'ictd an,_ : e / . y5a4/ 3/- rJ i/Arn e/f? 4 Y? •.hc caauAo+v • vic'dc.. Sayc Ca(Ct..of ecilI\ raillut p ( /(c✓ Sb a / l 5 /'y4T7 )7))(1(._ S0.uT ON) SCoti 5-0W It, a // s/i,GT/ 7OYQ caul/4„ kW(ettij ® Slc/0; 70(ft(Ca uTioyn (71 le/ar( G%4 // spy art Oh( (cau7�. r'P LK'l( / 7' ' yo, ie(s,ART t ( -774------- Powd Pawtly -_-_-- --_.R / —__._--_ L , . Vr/1//,7'/ Yv ,( ra h 'aim. GitE1^ if • • Fb4'd(A so ■ • rc+.Mo-n L( 61) y trzi Thu4/- , 'E: Only truly hazardous wastes should be included in this report. Department Foxe s7 fr y— V j? 'kV()lc LA Report compiled by S , /C[nd� extension 436 Container Sol id,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, 'W a.�i„n15,T a am,?ule) c T rr 'Wy 1 -r TPAde R[a Ni / X. , Sohd welt.- corriaiVe, etc.u 750 6450 am.6 DDOau/ slb 3 ---l 6 - / SoIId- ---- Cd.aT�or _ 1„saltIAc �4oc1 de . 514 /o /4 sold -Toxic - Rod e.,tc,d C--.._ . ._---. _ . iaL &sll.,l0 /C 7/ � o 1 4 7U X � /{oclewteidn a,„., Flue, P I ,5-4, „loh d -3/6 SDIC TGXi( 46Ae�Trr, 1[ Cqa jr‘ a9as) lel�rlrlAu ° / bp r old /lam- SL'lI CI Wa✓nw5 - /ti sP[T!( rp .�. . loTc�ro`^P 30I7 7/ CQ uric^ _ 1Ntr [ ! - . . . .'_ u}�u✓(l7asr 57)16 5t)4 NCN T7JYi( F-Quir tO I!- tscdm sefra) _�A % �y t,t,,,d + crysTnG el Alf / �b_ _ 1CTPiT �( --�-- -- ---- i. PpaP , core 6 c6T, aJ it) /Q /4 So//1--- - - ro xi C i G/d 914>`7(; 1 4-1 s+r�w, --, /,ptue / /3 L[tu /�( 7-C4/IC --- ._ E: Only truly hazardous wastes should be included in this report. Lead AS-5PN al"e ✓ 7/4 yeti Po4„ 7DVtL 1so7u1‘ ,°Y /o, eirii,it‘ s- w7ox;co,„„..y/ semi, o yaz, tip) sshQGTi To )6e- _. _ M..4'° ”- Ac \ � ; ft Gi(et,ld • CRU571L nrn%L - ------ ---- •- co("re/ 5a I art / NI� Ire-, 6 , 7`Ox , L t. e4 Ac:co-\e ✓ //(J / I6 Au) iv. 7-MCN (, PAO, soil 'Ty , // aYa� p7y(!T/ Die/€ 1 � {A $/rq(T4 in,,... Cau rh Pa a cl1clnlo.iS,C„, a 0j a , Cr 57UAi se74r'y /vkiL — (- loci se J 1 1 1 / Gr�uld�nriu� S�rgl+r h iG (au/ utd Sit,Grh 7XK,L (c auYirem- u wYt + r Huth � s/rqu cd� do f wecKtltt„ cc saa,,,w. A,«,,7 rR r g 5 tiofucd TOY 1c._ JaC u � it, g 3 ; y- Ci6uici r5 wendk, le-, C"� Nevhcolt I / ems /1 L,Dutd ?ax lL A LISTING OF LICENSED HAZARDOUS WASTE TRANSPORTERS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS* Waste Authorization Key:** . 1. Transportation of all types of hazardous waste. 2. Spill clean-up authorization. - (a) All types of hazardous waste. (b) Waste oil only. • 3. Servicing of Small Quantity Generators (transporter may service ONLY those generators whose wastes they are licensed to transport i.e., codes 1, 4, 5, 6). 4. Transportation of waste oil ONLY. 5. Transportation of waste oil ana PCBs ONLY. 6. Transportation of oil and gasoline contaminated water and soil - (encountered in the routine servicing of inground gasoline or oil storage tanks) ONLY. - - 7. Transporters currently under review, yet who retain a valid license. For specific wastes authorization codes, contact DEQE. - The expiration dates of these licenses are designated "VALID" until further review. (a) Contact Boston Office for waste authorization. (b) Waste authorization is shown on transporter list. 8. Transporter is also a licensed treatment, storage, or disposal facility (listing is not inclusive). 9. Transporters who only handle their own waste. *This list is subject to change. **For further explanation of waste authorization conditions, see 310 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 30.400. S. Russell Sylva Commissioner execu & �/��cc& c/f ' • " f gef s nn�eizlevUacurr,vneiz4z`rGaa% evizycvaeescig, . 1,5Pchz at id.jeL, ai-gi k £e .-?/;; teK 7G.-eez1 ��c itc�r,. ✓/g7 02/08 December 1985 Re: Massachusetts Hazardous Waste Transporter Listing Dear Interested Party: Enclosed is a list of hazardous waste transporters licensed in Massachusetts . The waste authorization codes outlined on the following page provide the information you will need to determine which waste(s) each licensed transporter is authorized to transport. Please be aware that several licenses are currently under review by the Licensing and Engineering Branch, yet remain valid (indicated by waste authori- zation code 7 on the enclosed list). The Massachusetts Division of Hazardous Waste cannot recommend a transport company. If you would like to learn the current compliance status of a specific hauler, or have other questions , please contact the Division at (617) 292-5851. SD/PEF/dmd Enclosure Sincerel'/ Ste en Dreeszen, Chief _ Licensing and Engineering Branch Name/Address of Co. A & A WASTE OIL 307 Warren Street Waltham, MA 02154 ANTON'S CLEANERS, INC. 500 Clark Road Tewksbury, MA 01876 AQUA KLEEN, INC. 318 Reservoir Street Needham, MA 02194 ASHLAND INDUSTRIAL FUEL DIL CORP. '.0. Box 263 Ashland, MA 01721 AUTOBODY SOLVENT REC. CORP. 338 Russell Street 801 ;LEAN HARBORS OF NATICK, INC. 3 Strathmore Road L4tick, MA 01760 MET/BOS - NORTHEASTERN REGION Contact Person John Giordano 617/899-3348 Charles A. Anton 617/851-3721 License #/ EPA ID # 77 MAD980584486 256 MA D980733265 Patrick V. Canonica 13 617/567-3447 617/567-4536 John Glynn 617/881-5522 John F. Saleme 617/933-8283 es 617/431-7942 :LEAN INDUSTRY, INC. .70 Border Street :ast Boston, MA 02128 RAFTSMEN CONSTRUCTION CORP . .0. Box 548 linchester, MA 01890 FEPENDABLE WASTE OIL SERVICE 'F MERRIMAC VALLEY .0. Box 659 tkinson, N.H. 03811 ASTERN CHEM-LAC CORP. 080 Eastern Avenue, Box 266 alden, MA 02148 NPRO SERVICES, INC. 2 Mulkien Way ewburyport, MA 01950 Ken Nugent 617/567-6500 John Parsons 617/729-4197 James Taranto 603/382-4515 Burton Leibman 617/322-8000 John Davey 617/465-1595 - Page 1 - MAD069355261 210 MA0980579213 272 MAD980672125 98 MAD980523203 247 MAD980669345 82 MAD019719194 200 MA0991302456 199 MAD001027697 261 MAD980670004 Waste Authorization Expiration 4 1 7 12/31/87 12/31/88 Valid 1 12/31/85 8(storage) 1, 3 12/31/85 7(a) Valid 8 (storage) 1, 2(a),3 Valid 6 7(b) 4 1 8 1,2(a),3 7(b) Valid 12/31/85 12/31/87 Valid Name/Address of Co. GENERAL CHEMICAL CORP . 133 Leland Street Framingham, MA 01701 GEOCHEM, INC. 263 Howard Street Lowell , MA 01824 JAMES G. GRANT CO. , INC. Rear 28 Wolcott Street Readville, MA 02136 INLAND POLLUTION CONTROL INC. 345 Quincy Avenue Braintree, MA 02184 1CKESSON CHEMICAL CO. 241 Corporation Road Bedford, MA 02155 SILL MURPHY'S WASTE OIL .0 Millyan Road ioburn, MA 01801 IURPHY'S WASTE OIL SERVICE, INC. 6 Harriet Avenue ;urlington, MA 01803 ORTHEAST SOLVENTS ECLAMATION CORP. 21 Sutton Street orth Andover, MA 01845 EIRCE BROTHERS OIL ERVICE, INC. 29 Waverly Oaks Road altham, MA 02254 & T CONTAINER SERVICE 37 Marston Street awrence, MA 01841 Contact Person John Gillis 617/872-5000 George Haggerty 617/256-7766 James Grant Jr. David A. Grant 617/361-2716 Joseph Polsinello 617/843-7110 Bill Bundy 617/395-6560 William F. Murphy 617/933-4928 John F. Murphy 617/272-4211 �,tiw� IyIOQM - "A) ephen Weiner 617/683-1002 Walter L. Peirce 617/894-0251 Baynard Paul 617/682-5226 License #/ EPA ID # - Page 2 - 9 MADO19371079 108 MAD047075734 212 MA0019212331 163 MAD095869459 244 MA0057816803 15 MAD000358655 14 MAD066588005 53 MAD000604447 18 MAD062187455 63 MAD065170771 Waste Authorization Expiration 1 8(storage, treatment) 7 8(storage, treatment) 7(a) 12/31/86 Valid Valid 1,2(a),3 12/31/87 1 7(b) Valid 4 12/31/87 8(storage) 4 12/31/86 8(storage) 1,3 12/31/85 8(storage) 4 12/31/86 Solid and 12/31/85 semi-solid hazardous wastes ONLY Name/Address of Co. Contact Person SUFFOLK SERVICES, INC. 98 Taylor Street Boston, MA 02122 THREE-C ELECTRICAL TESTING CO. 190 Pleasant Street Ashland, MA 01721 WALTON, J.F. & CO. , INC. 201 Marginal Street Chelsea, MA 02150 WHITNEY, EDWARD C. & SON, INC. 488 Woburn Street Wilmington, MA 01887 ZANNI, JOHN INC. 22 Lakeview Avenue leading, MA 01867 Rick Shaffer 617/825-9040 Alex Piccioli 617/881-3911 J.F. Walton 617/884-0350 License #/ EPA ID # 41 MADO49440951 Waste Authorization Expiration 7(a) Valid 119 3,5,7(b) Valid MAD092195854 8(storage) 236 MA D045913423 Ed Whitney, Jr. 133 617/658-8154 MAD053479804 Domenick Zanni, Jr. 95 617/944-0149 MAD990685158 - Page 3 - 1 12/31/85 1 12/31/87 6 12/31/86 Name/Address of Co. ADVANCED POLLUTION CONTROL :ORP. 274 North Central Street East Bridgewater, MA 02333 :LEAN HARBORS OF (INGSTON, INC. I.O. Box 193 (00 Joseph Street ;ingston, MA 02364 :OMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC CO. !124 Cranberry Highway iareham, MA 02571 :YN OIL CORP. .771 Washington Street Stoughton, MA 02072 ALE DENNISON I/b/a DENNISON OIL 39 West Street ingston, MA 02364 RANKLIN PUMPING SERVICE ndustrial Road rentham, MA 02090 ET LINE SERVICES, INC. 41R Canton Street .0. Box 180 toughton , MA 02072 AYFLOWER SALVAGE CO. , INC. 90 South Street ayntham, MA 02767 EW ENGLAND SANITATION 1 Jiggs Street estport, MA 02790 AMSON OIL SERVICE 34 May Street D. Attleboro, MA 02760 SOUTHEASTERN REGION Contact Person Michael Flaherty 617/843-8881 Dennis Farrell Alan McKim 617/585-5111 Stephen Wood 617/291-0950 William Kaylor 617/344-0265 Dale Oennison 617/585-4309 Jeffrey Franklin 617/384-3134 Al Marzelli 800/538-5463 617/344-2510 License #/ EPA ID # Waste Authorization Expiration 104 1,2(b) 12/31/86 MA0980732598 172 MAD039322250 241 MA0000220954 40 MAD082303777 279 MAD980733794 1,2(a),3 12/31/86 8(storage, treatment) 5 7(b) Valid 1,2(b),3 12/31/86 8(storage) 4 12/31/85 71 1,2(a),3 12/31/86 MAD084814136 12 MAD062179890 Clive Olson 171 617/822-7949 MAD000846188 Damase A. Giguere 61 617/678-8455 MAD000189555 Samuel Battaglia 28 617/761-6545 MAD075693572 7 12/31/86 8(storage, treatment, disposal ) 4 12/31/87 1 12/31/87 7 Valid Name/Address of Co. 4XT0N CROSS :ross Street iolliston, MA 01746 JAMES RIVER-MASS. , INC. 701 Westminster Street '.0. Box 310 =itchburg, MA 01420 CENTRAL REGION Contact Person Karen Ferraro 617/429-6766 Dan Ballan 617/343-3051 (EW ENGLAND POWER SERVICE CO. Charles Powers 15 Research Drive 617/366-9011 4estboro, MA 01581 ;ERVICE STATION MAINTENANCE :ORP. '7 Rockdale Street lorcester, MA ROMBETTA, INC. 5 Broadmeadow Road larlboro, MA 01752 ECCO, INC. 45 W. Main Street orthboro, MA 01532 Leonard M. Doyle 617/853-8771 License #/ EPA ID # 2 MA0059706937 165 MA D075365650 248 MAD019237668 125 MAD 980734792 Charles Trombetta 55 617/485-6429 Patrick Zecco 617/393-2537 - Page 5 - MAD019474691 Waste Authorization Expiration 1 12/31/87 1 12/31/85 9 5 12/31/89 6 7(b) Valid 7(b) Valid 8(storage, treatment, disposal ) 60 1,2(a),7(b) Valid MAD052924495 8(storage) ame/Address of Co. SHLAND CHEMICAL CO. • estfield Industrial Park estfield, MA 01085 WESTERN REGION License #/ tact Pe n. EPA ID # 262 413/568-1258 MAD066978370 OMMERCIAL DISPOSAL CO. ,INC. Nancy Fratoni .0. Box 304 413/737-3244 or Eringfield, MA 01089 413/734-1129 ENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 00 Woodlawn Avenue ittsfield, MA 01201 AMPDEN COLOR AND CHEMCIALS 26 Memorial Drive .0. Box 558 pringfield, MA 01101 AXYMILLIAN, J.H. INC. 901 East Street ittsfield, MA 01201 IL RECOVERY CORP . .0. Box 1065 . Springfield, MA 01105 TROLEUM SOLVENTS REC. Maple Street Dringfield, MA 01105 .R. SANDRI, INC. )0 Chapman Street "eenfield, MA 01302 )UTHAMPTON SANITARY VGINEERING CO. , INC. 58 County Road )uthampton , MA 01073 \STE TAMER DIVISION CALDUW00D ENTERPRISES Main Street lorence, MA 01060 J.H. Thayer 413/494-3729 Frank Lary 413/732-2112 413/737-1129 78 MAD002791515 93 MAD002084093 Waste Authorization Expiration 1,3 12/31/89 1,3 12/31/86 8(storage) 1 12/31/87 8(storage) (incineration of PCBs) 153 7(a),8 Valid MAD001114214 (storage, treatment) James H. Maxymillian 180 413/499-3050 MA0049327026 Jonathan Gagnon 413/533-1405 Mark Hellstein 413/739-7616 E.W. Bitzer 413/773-3658 Karl Kjehner 413/532-3876 Armand J. Duseau 413/584-2250 - Page 6 - 110 MA D079224341 258 MA D980523849 239 MAD980525364 36 MAD991288549 51 MAD990738171 1,2(a) 1 12/31/87 12/31/86 1,2(a),3 Valid 7(b) 7(b) Valid Waste ignitable solvents used in parts-cleaning machines ONLY 8(storage) 12/31/87 1,2,3 4 12/31/86 Name/Address of Co. A-1 DISPOSAL CORP . P.O. Box 218 Plainwell , MI 49080 AMERICAN WASTE OIL 551 Weeden Street 'awtucket, RI 00260 ASHLAND CHEMICAL CO. 'South Street iensselaer, NY 12144 3AYLIS, T.H. CO. , INC. it Glenham Avenue Jarwick, RI 02886 iEE0E WASTE OIL CORP. :elley Road 'lainstow, NH 03865 WFFALO FUEL CORP. '445 Allen Avenue liagara Falls, NY 14303 :ALGON CARBON CORP. C. Box 1346 ittsburg, PA 15230 EGOS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 321 Kenmore Avenue uffalo, NY 14207 ECOS TREATMENT CORP. 1 Broderick Road ristol , CT 06010 HEMICAL WASTE DISPOSAL ORP. 2-14 19th Avenue storia, NY 11103 OUT-OF-STATE Contact Person William Anderson 616-685-9801 Robert L. Prosser 401/861-6243 Edward Frieberg 518/465-7531 Jim Wilkie 401/739-8110 Leo LaRochelle 603/382-5761 August Iacovitti 716/285-9101 Joseph Puleo 412/787-6700 Ernest Gedeon 716/282-2676 716/873-4200 (office) Brian D. Hart 203/583-8917 Morris Levy 718/274-3339 License #/ EPA ID # - Page 7 - 235 MI005965452 157 RI0000652255 263 NY D046877775 198 RID001962190 3 NH0018958140 218 NYD051809952 224 PAD004319810 135 NYD080336241 223 CT0000604488 282 NYDO77444263 Waste Authorization Expiration 1 7(b) 4 1,3 7(a) 5 1 7(b) 1 1 1,3 1 Valid 12/31/86 12/31/88 Valid 12/31/88 Valid 12/31/87 12/31/86 12/31/89 12/31/85 lame/Address of Co. :HEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT '.0. Box 55, Highway 17 Emelle, AL 35459 :.M. LABORATORIES, INC. '.0. Box 8002 'ortland, ME 04101 :GATING SYSTEMS, INC. i5 Crown Street lashua, NH 03060 :ONNECTICUT LIGHT & POWER CO. '.0. Box 270 lartford, CT 06101 :ONNECTICUT WASTE OIL, INC. .0. Box 179 leriden, CT 06450 ELAWARE CONTAINER I. 11th Ave. & Valley Rd. 'oatsville, PA 19320 & J TRANSPORATION PECIALISTS, INC. 27 Solar Street yracuse, NY 13204 AST BAY WASTE OIL CO. 00 Arlington Avenue arren , RI 02885 AST COAST ENVIRONMENTAL ERVICE CORP. 54 Quinnipiac Avenue ew Haven, CT 06513 ASTERN UTILITIES ASSOC. .0. Box 212 incoln, RI 02865 MERGENCY TECHNICAL SERVICES ORP. .0. Box 96 ewfoundland, N.J. 07435 OUT-OF-STATE Contact Person Larry Norton 205/652-9721 Eugene McGurl 207/772-3689 Robert Benson 603/882-0422 W.G. Counsil Jim Ingala 203/665-5000 Joseph Peruti 203/235-8889 William J. Ries 215/383-6600 Jack Miller 315/475-5989 William Pevin 401/245-0690 Leo Tanscreti 203/469-2376 David Mannion 401/333-1400 Joan Calvino 201/697-4424 License #/ EPA ID # - Page 8 - 150 AL D000622464 185 MED083179945 170 NH0056331077 222 CTD052543980 88 CTD0018844050 289 PAD064375470 191 NYD088658646 264 RID980568172 252 CTD089631956 140 RID980525265 268 NJD000692053 Waste Authorization Expiration 1 1 7(b) 1 1 4 1 1 4 1,2(a),3 7(b) 5 1 12/31/89 Valid 12/31/87 12/31/87 12/31/87 12/31/86 12/31/87 12/31/90 Valid 12/31/85 12/31/85 Vame/Address of Co. ENVIRITE CORP. lld Waterbury Road Thomaston, CT 06787 ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSFER CORP. ;oldmine Road handers, NJ 07836 :NV IRONMENTAL TRANSPORT ROUP, INC. '.0. Box 296 'landers, NJ 07836 NVIRONMENTAL WASTE IEMOVAL, INC. 30 Freight Street laterbury, CT 06702 .M. GANNON CO. , INC. .0. Box 7151 134 Post Road 'arwick, RI 02887 OLD SHIELD SOLVENTS DIV. etrex Chemcial Industries, nc. 60 Chapel Road o. Windsor, CT 06074 ACK GRAY TRANSPORT, INC. 600 East 15th Street ary, IN 46403 SX SERVICES, INC. 527 Whiskey Bottom Rd. aurel , MD 20707 UERRERA, R.J. 1 Elm Street augatuck, CT 06770 JLBRANDSEN CO. , INC. .0. Box 508 7 Bridge Street ilford, NJ 08848 1ZARDOUS MATERIALS 2ANSPORTATION, INC. 1101 Masteller Street incinnati , Ohio 45241 OUT-OF-STATE License #1 EPA ID # Contact Person Philip Smith 79 203/283-8235 CTD093616613 William C. Ehrhardt 205 201/347-7111 NJD991291584 E.R. Collioud 221 201/347-8200 NJ0000692061 Marcel Verronneau 187 203/755-2283 Henry J. Walsh 401/738-2200 Glenn Jacobus 203/528-4471 CTDO72138969 285 RID051508034 182 CTD010168870 John S. Gray 273 219/938-7020 IND042534875 Elizabeth Morgan 286 301/953-9583 MAD980554653 Richard Guerrera 246 203/723-7471 GT0067080648 Peter Gulbrandsen 265 201/995-7759 NJ0049616832 Monte Gorham 513/772-6372 - Page 9 - 253 OHD980681670 Waste Authorization Expiration 1 1 1 1,3 7(b) 1 1 1 12/31/87 12/31/86 12/31/87 Valid 12/31/86 12/31/86 12/31/85 1,2,3 12/31/86 1 7(b) 1 5 7(b) Valid 12/31/87 Valid lame/Address of Co. AZCO INT., INC. 301 Lee Highway irlington, VA 22207 IITCHCOCK GAS ENGINE CO. litchcock Ind. Waste Div. 0 Cross Street tidgeport, CT 06610 IUBBARD HALL CHEMICAL CO. 63 So. Leonard Street laterbury, CT 06608 OUT-OF-STATE Contact Person John Nolan 800/237-1333 Rich Brown John Brown 203/334-4812 Andrew Skipp 203/756-5521 ULME TRANSPORTATION CO. ,INC. Richard MacNeil .0. Box 4510 401/454-5727 . Providence, RI 02914 HILLIP A.HUNT CHEMICAL CORP. 00 Roosevelt Place alisades Park, NJ 07650 NLAND PUMPING & DREDGING CORP. .0. Box 140 61 Norwood Road owningtown, PA 19335 RAJACK TANK LINES, INC. 80 E. Westfield Avenueq oselle Park , NJ 07204 & S PROCESSING CO. 01 W. 10th Street arcus Hook, PA 19061 James Crifasi 201/977-6000 Dale Yeager 215/269-3900 License #/ EPA ID # 277 VAD980831580 10 CTD002593887 192 CTD055310759 242 RI0084146000 194 NJD001318294 283 PAD049613045 John Ready 57 201/352-2093 NJ0004857853 Kurt Schrevermann 278 215/494-4606 PAD980691737 INCOLN ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Eugene Benoit 362 Mendon Road 401/769-3033 umberland, RI 02864 ACDERMID, INC. 0 Brookside Road aterbury, CT 06720 ACDONALD & WATSON WASTE IL CO, INC. eep Toad Road o. Scituate, RI 02857 266 RID099422768 William H. Toiler 193 203/754-6161 CTD001164599 Eugene D'Allesandro 59 401/232-2800 RID093214260 - Page 10 - Waste Authorization Expiration 1,3 12/31/85 1,2(b) 12/31/85 1 1 7(b) 1 1 1 1 6 12/31/87 Valid 12/31/86 12/31/86 12/31/86 12/31/85 12/31/87 Etchants & 12/31/87 Solutions 1,2,3 12/31/87 (ame/Address of Co. IARISOL, INC. '.25 Factory Lane liddlesex, NJ 08846 1ERRILL TRANSPORTATION CO. .037 Forrest Avenue 'ortland, ME 04104 IILLER, C.W. CO. Hodsell Street :ranston, RI 02910 R. FRANK INDUSTRIAL ISPOSAL, INC. 01 W. 155th Street outh Holland, IL 60473 ATIONAL ELECTRIC CO. .0. Box 820 akeville, MN 55044 ATIONAL OIL SERVICE .0. Box 2145 ranford, CT 06405 EW ENGLAND MARINE ONTRACTORS, INC. 3 Dorset Lane illiston , VT 05495 EW ENGLAND POLLUTION DNTROL CO. , INC. Edgewater Place ast Norwalk, CT 06855 1 MATERIALS CO. , DIV. OF .B. I. CORP . 5406 State Street t. 224 East, P.O. Box 551 indlay, OH 45840 2ICE TRUCKING CORPORATION 7 Beacon Street iffalo, NY 14220 OUT-OF-STATE Contact Person License #/ EPA ID # Robert S. Czeropski 94 201/469-5100 James Mountain 207/797-7611 Rene J. Roger 401/461-7330 NJ0002454544 251 ME D079955632 91 RID063908974 Mehendra Sandesara 267 312/596-3377 ILD069506160 Chris Logelin 280 612/469-3475 MND980791321 Robert W. Pattison 84 203/488-4888 CTD097221436 Charles E. Peterson 142 802/879-8800 VT0980672687 Vincent J. Brigante 249 203/853-1990 Joseph Kirk 419/423-3526 K.J. Kelkenbery 716/822-1414 CTD991288747 233 OHD069106400 217 N Y00467655 74 - Page 11 - Waste Authorization Expiration 1 1 7(b) 1 1 1,3 4 12/31/86 Valid 12/31/86 12/31/85 12/31/85 12/31/85 1,2(a),3 12/31/86 1,2(a) 12/31/90 1,2(a) 12/31/86 1 12/31/86 lame/Address of Co. ADIAC RESEARCH CORP. 61 Kent Avenue rooklyn, NY 11211 ESOURCE TECHNOLOGY ERVICES, INC. Berkeley Road evon, PA 19333 OLLINS ENVIRONMENTAL ERVICES (NJ) INC. .0. Box 337, Route 322 ridgeport, NJ 08014 OSS TRANSPORATION ERVICES, INC. 94 Giles Road rafton , OH 04044 .S. LIQUID WASTE ISPOSAL INC. .0. Box 3289-09 rovidence, RI 02909 RFE TRANSPORT, INC. Belver Avenue Jonset Point D. Kingston, RI 02852 \FETY-KLEEN CORP. 77 Big Timber Road 'gin, IL 60120 I. JOSEPH MOTOR LINES 724 New Peachtree Road :lanta, GA 30341 ;A CHEMICAL SERVICES, INC. 150 Balmer Road )del City, NY 14107 OUT-OF-STATE Contact Person Keith Foley 718/963-2233 William Minnick 215/687-4592 Donald Matter 609/467-3100 William Cromling 216/748-2171 License #/ EPA ID # 260 NYD049178296 284 PAD980550479 21 NJ0053288239 161 OHD980614374 Raymond Silvestri 162 401/831-4320 RID000769711 Charles Sullivan 287 401/294-6320 RID980669477 Jeffrey E. Simpson 276 312/697-8460 ILD000805911 Virginia Eastwood 271 404/452-1744 GAD042097261 Arlie V. Kirkpatrick 46 716/754-8231 NYD049836679 - Page 12 - Waste Authorization Expiration 1 1 1 1 7(b) 1 7(b) 1,3 1,3 1 1 12/31/87 12/31/86 12/31/87 Valid Valid 12/31/86 12/31//85 12/31/85 12/31/86 Jame/Address of Co. iCHNEIDER TANK LINES, INC. '.0. Box 2356 ;reen Bay, WI 54306 ;EALAND ENVIRONMENTAL ;ERVICES, INC. K26 Derby Avenue )erby, CT 06418 OUT-OF-STATE License #/ Contact Person EPA ID # Kathy Shapkaross 240 800/638-1847 WI0980904742 James Blatchely 257 203/735-1817 CTD980521280 Waste Authorization Expiration 1 12/31/89 1 7(b) Valid ;ERVICES SANITAIRES Normand Martin 288 1 12/31/86 {LAINVILLE 514/626-5484 NYD980762140 156 Cote St.- Louis East l lainville, Quebec, 17E4H5, Canada ;-J TRANSPORATION CO. S.H. Jones, Jr. 189 1 12/31/85 Milbrooke Avenue 609/769-2741 NJD071629976 '.0. Box 91 loodstown, NJ 08098 IOLVENTS RECOVERY SERVICE IF NEW ENGLAND, INC. .0. Box 362 azy Lane outhington, CT 06489 Dale Bliss 203/628-8084 & W WASTE, INC. Robert Fixter 15 Jacobus Avenue 201/344-4004 o. Kearney, NJ 07032 50 1 12/31/87 CTD009717604 237 1 12/31/86 NJ0991291105 ONAWANDA TANK TRANSPORT Paul Polina 183 1 12/31/86 ERV ICE, INC. 716/873-9703 NYD097644901 .0. Box H 140 Military Road uffalo, NY 14217 OTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT Donald Littlefield 229 1 arade Mall 603/431-2420 NHD980521843 7(b) ortsmouth, NH 03801 TRANSFORMER SERVICES, INC. Richard George .0. Box 1077 603/224-4006 egional Drive oncord, NH 03301 143 NHD018902874 - Page 13 - 2,3,5 7(b) Valid Valid OUT-OF-STATE ame/Address of Co. Contact Person License N/ EPA ID # Waste Authorization Expiration RICIL QUEBEC, INC. Zina Dickson 275 1 12/31/85 785 Route 132, 416/270-8280 NYD980773675 .P. 5900 ille Ste-Catherine, uebec JOL 150 RI-S, INC. Frank S. Pappalardo 274 5 Pinney Street 203/875-2110 CTD000636498 llington, CT 06029 1,3 12/31/85 RI-STATE MOTOR TRANSIT Eugene Whitaker 269 1 12/31/85 0., INC. 417/624-3131 M00095038998 .0. Box 113 . 7th Street oplin, MO 64801 .S. POLLUTION CONTROL, INC. Jack N. Parks 270 5 12/31/85 000 Classen Center 405/528-8371 OKD410010474 uite 320 South klahoma City, OK 73106 ESTERN OIL, INC. 33 Cottage Street awtucket, RI 02860 Paul Raftery 400/245-2061 52 RID089356505 4 12/31/86 AZMAT ENVIRONMENTAL Robert Oleszko 291 1 12/31/86 ROUP, INC. 716/877-5533 NYD980769947 69 Parkside Avenue uffalo, N.Y. 14214 NLAND WATERS POLLUTION Jennifer Baker 290 1 12/31/86 ONTROL, INC. 313/479-0440 MID000820365 4354 Kings Road omulus, MI 48174 ASTE CONSERVATION, INC. Mark Alsentzer 292 1 12/31/86 869 Sandstone Drive 215/822-8996 PAD085690592 atfield, PA 19440 - Page 14 - FILE #G2716B DATE: 2/8/85 SCA CHEMICAL SERVICES (MA) INC. AN SCA SERVICES CO. 385 Quincy Avenue Braintree,Massachusetts 02184 (617)849-1800 1-800-225-1883 Company Address City State/Zip Contact Telephone EPA ID# QUOTATION AND INSTRUCTIONS CUSTOMER Town of Nort ampton 210 Main Street Northampton MA 01060 Peter McErlain (413) 586-6950 CONTRACT EFFECTIVE DATE: Codes and prices based on : ►SCA\ CHEMICAL SERVICES GENERATOR/TITLE/INSTRUCTIONS Sales Rep : Jeff Dill Material/Specitications/Description (Includes DOT Shipping Name if available) :ab C emicals to be packed by CWM )ersonnel - Estimated quantity excluding lesticides - 4 x 55 gallon. Disposal : Materials : D21 Labor (includes travel time/est . l3hrs) olvents , paints in 5 gallon pails L D001 A21/CCE etroleum solvent - 3 x 30 1 x 55 L D001 A21 acquer Thinner - 3 x 55 L D001 A21 L D001 Sint , lacquer - 2 x 55 SS D001 CBD/SSO Alkaline parts cleaner - 2 x 55 L D002 GBB2750 h Phys . State EPA HW # Reviewed by r SCA Code 2strcfdes to be containerized for incineration at S AA Cto, irrently accept the 2, 4-D weed Kill d C Price (See price lists noted) $165. 00/ea . -% $40. 00/ea. $45. 00/hr . $50. 00/ea . $50. 00/ea . $50. 00/ea . r , $50. 00/ea. 15,. $175. 00/ea . $90. 00/ea . I$ We cannot roper management of probable 2, 3, 7, 8 TCDD (dioxin) contaminated materials . 1 other listed pesticides : Packaging : $45. 00/each Disposal : $250. 00/each bor for this includes in labor ansportation : $450. 00 er ue to lack of EPA direction for Estimate 4 x 50 gallon drums : for P.L.C. segment of the job . Prices on 5 gallon through 55 gallon bulk drums assumes correct D.O. T. packaging and NO leaking drums. Repackaging cost will be additional if necessary. MINIMUM DISPOSAL BILLING (excluding solvent credits) . LABORATORY FEE on drum s 1pments o less t an 25 drums. $500 5 . 25. 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Prices firm for 30 days, may be revised by distribution of price sheets . TERMS: Net 30 days, after credit is approved . 2. Materials subject to additional charges if not per the listed or attached specifications. 3 . Materials not listed above cannot be shipped . Please discuss other materials with customer service or your sales representative. lean Harbo OF NATICK, INC. Board of Health 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, Ma. 01060 Attn: Peter J. McErL in Dear Mr . McErlain, January 16, 1987 I am pleased to quote a price of $ 4575 .00 for the disposal of materials per your list dated 10/24/86. This price includes labor, materials, packaging, transportation, and disposal . If you have any questions regarding this quote, or our services, please contact me. NATICK 617-655-6663 Sinc rely, Tony Ponao& s General Manager Clean Harbors of Na tic; BOSTON 10 MERCER ROAD• NATICK. MA 01760 617.4317942 MEMORANDUM BOARD OF HEALTH 210 Main Street - City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 TO: Brad yeGrath , Smith School - Paul Hadsel , Director BPW , Brian Elliott , Superintendent Look Park FROM: Peter J . McErlain , Agent Board of Healt SUBJECT: Disposal of Hazardous Waste DATE: January 23 , 1987 I have not forgotten about the hazardous waste you have accumulated and need to dispose of. I have finally received a favorable reply from Clean Harbors , Inc . for the collection , packaging and disposal of the material listed on the attached sheets . Please review the items from your department , cross out any you have already disposed of and if possible provide additional description of those items highlighted in yellow and return the list to me by Friday , January 30th . If a better description (e .g . ingredients , etc . ) cannot be obtained for the checked items , they will have to be left out of this cleanup project . If you have any questions , please call me. Thank you . /mr . Deportment � J � \ I/ w Report compiled by 4 . Container Ouantity Solid, liquid Description of Waste: type of material , Volume normal use, hazard (e.p • toxic, flammable, or gas corrosive, etc .) �- Valumc 30 gal. 30 gal. Liquid Department of Public Works Dodge � Unknown 35 gal. 35 gal. Liquid Petroleum Product Unknown 35 gal. 35 gal. Liquid Petroleum Product Gas Additive 30 gal. 29 gal. Liquid Petroleum Product u Diesel Additive 50 gal. 50 gal. Liquid Petroleum Product Solvent, paint 1 gal. cans & 36 gal. Liquid Look Memorial Park 5 gal. pails n u 20 gal. drum 24 gal. Liquid t� 2-4-D Killer R 2 4_D b small can Paint 5 gal. pails 24 gal. Liquid a 'I & 2-1 gal. cans Fly Spray Z 1 gal. glass 14 gal. Liquid " u • jugs Dur aweld ,"C" 5 gal. pail 4 gal. Liquid , . Muriatic Acid 5 gal. pail 3 gal. Liquid " " ` Hydrochloric Aci. 3 gal. glass 1 gal. Liquid u " jug _ 5 Department Report compiled by ---- ir fluan t i.ty Solid , liquid Description of baste: type of material , Item Contane or pas normal use, hazard (e.p • tosi c , Flammable, Volume corrosive, etc.) Fenocll Weed— 20 gal. drum 2 gal. Liquid Look Memorial Park killer Carbolineum ? 1 gal. glass 1 qt. Liquid n u jug Chloridane qt. plastic 1 qt. Liquid " o bottle Malathion glass bottle 6 oz. Liquid ° n o o Unknown 2 1 gal. glass 7 gal. Liquid o dugs 1 4 . 4.6-0-k- Report compiled by Deportment -- Container Quantity Solid, liquid Description of Paste: type of material , •Stem normal use, hazard (e.g . toxic, flammable, Volume or gas corrosive, etc .) Dodge ? 30 gal. 30 gal. Liquid Department of Public Works Unknown 35 gal . 35 gal. Liquid " Petroleum Product Unknown 35 gal. 35 gal. Liquid „ Petroleum Product Gas Additive 30 gal. 29 gal. Liquid H Petroleum Product Diesel Additive 50 gal. 50 gal. Liquid " Petroleum Product Solvent, paint 1 gal. cans & 36 gal. Liquid Look Memorial Park 5 gal. pails Weed Killer 20 gal. drum 24 gal. Liquid u is „ 2.4-D 6 small can " u s Paint 5 gal. pails 24 gal. Liquid S 2-1 gal. cans e///$ly `Spray 1 gal. glass 14 gal. Liquid " ', 11 /% jugs Duraweld- "C" 5 gal. pail 4 gal. Liquid ", Muriatic Acid 5 gal. pail 3 gal. Liquid " H ' hydrochloric Aci. 3 gal. glass 1 gal. Liquid " „ jug 5. Report compiled by Department -___ ' i Duan tity Solid, liquid Description of Caste: type of material , Item Container or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic, flammable, Volume corrosive, etc.) Fenocil Weed- 20 gal. drum 2 gal. Liquid Look Memorial Park kil er arbolineum ? 1 gal. glass 1 qt. Liquid jug Chloridane qt. plastic 1 qt. Liquid ° H mr bottle Makethion glass bottle 6 oz. Liquid ° n St Unknown ? 1 gal. glass 7 gal. Liquid " u op . jugs . > 1. dliF/ �. i Report compiled by _ Depar tmen[ __ i - •• Item - Container Quantity Solid , liquid Description of 4'astn: type of material , or ga s normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic, flammable, Volume ccorrnel.ve ) , etc_�---- S41 '' Liquid Smith School Auto Body Lacquer thinner 50 gal. �• & Reducer Lacquer paint 100 Smith School Auto Body Enamel Paint 2 parts Liquid Smith School Automotive Magnus parts 75 Ral • cleaner leaner 2 1 gal. 1 1/2 Liquid Smith School Electrical lfu ric acid e. pint 4 Liquid Nickel Pentrate 55 gal . 55 gal. Liquid Smith School Machine Shop Waste thinner 55 gal. 2 drums Liquid Smith School Maintenance 1 lb. 10 oz. Solid Smith School Forestry/Rorticulture Department Powdered Rosin „ Green Garde 1 lb. 1/2 lb. Solid fertilizer „ n Mal athion 25W 5 lb. 8 lb. Solid n n n��Solid " „ Lindane 25W Methoxychlor 50WP 4 lb. 13 lb. „ 1 lb. 1/2 lb. Solid �� ��Cap tan SOW „ 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Solid U "Dilcar „ „ o 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Solid'y „ Sev In SOW :.. 5 lb. 1 lb. Solid �� 1 lb. Solid 5 lb. /ultra BOWS „ „ Solid ,' Zerlate 5 lb. 6 lb. It 2. . t Report compiled by De�nr Unen[ — --- • Ounntlty Solid , liquid Description of Waste: type of material, T[em Container gas normal use, hazard (e.p. toxic, flammable, Volume or g corrosive, Liquid Smith School Forestry/NOrticulture Department rip-L-Kill 1 gal. 4 az. Formaldehyde 202 5 lb. 4 1/2 lb. Liquid 1 '1; 1 Basic Slag 1 lb. 1 lb. Powder 1 1 Coppersulfate 1 lb. 1 lb. Powder Sevin 4F 1 gal. ' 2 oz. Liquid „ " tyafiis Green 4 oz. 4 oz. Powder 4 oz. 4 oz. Powder u Fermate lOrination Kit 100 ampules 6 9 kits Solid u o �� / Type I, FFSN ( testing treat- 6850.270.6225 . ment u o DDD 50W 5 lb. 35 lb. Solid n St Ocide - ? 5 lb. 10 lb. Solid ° n " as n Zinc Phosphide 1 oz. 7 oz. Solid " ' •Sodium Flouride 5 lb. 10 lb. Solid " " ' Calcium Cyanide 5 lb. 2-3 lb. Solid " Dield vin SOWP 2 1/2 lb. 1 lb. Solid n n SI " Farm garden dust 50 lb. 30 lb. Solid It IS Rotenone.;: �� Sulfur (dust) 50 lb. 50 lb. Solid " " Potassium Rhos- 5 lb. 1/2 lb. Liquid 6 " abate K21IP04 Crystals 3 . . l Report compiled by ' Department Ounntity Solid, liquid Description of Waste: type of material , .Ttem Container normal use, hazard (e.p. toxic, flammable, as or g Volume corrosive, etc. l Testing 7 oi 1 lb. 1 oz. Powder Smith School Forestry/horticulture Department Powder Zinc Phosphide 20 lbs. 10 lb. Solid " " " Treated Oats Ammonia Waste 1 gal. 1 pt. Liquid " Clorodane 8 oz. 3 oz. Liquid " " Lead Arsenate 1/2 lb. 1/4 lb. Powder " Sr Bordeaux 1/2 lb. 1/2 lb. Powder " " Isotox 1 pt. 1 oz. Liquid ' u Spray 011 4 oz. 4 oz. Liquid v " v Muriatic Acid pt. 1/2 pt. Liquid ' Copper Sulfate 4 oz. 4 oz. Powder I� Lead Acetate 1 lb. 1 lb. Powder ° SI „ 1.541-ex Soil ? 24 oz. 24 oz. Dried up x Sr 55 Treatment Paradichloro 2 oz. 2 oz. Crystals n I) " Benzene „ . Liquid Sevin 1 qt. 1 qt. Liquid a (dried up) • Malathion 50, 1 qt. 1 qt. Liquid " " II /WA1[e Fly Spray? 1 pt. 3/4 pt. Liquid ° II It ,f VVV 5! DDUCER Iminex Insurance Agency, Inc. 1 HIgh Streit stwood, MA 02090 URED lean Harbors of Kingston, Inc. Et. Al ?5 Wood Road ^aintree, MA 02184 SSUE DATE 01 23/87 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANY A LETTER COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE United National Ins. Co. COMPANY B LETTER COMPANY `. LETTER COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETTER Royal INs. Co. Insurance COrp. of America Travelers Insurance Co. New England International Surety l'HIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, VOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT CONDITION OF CONTRACT OTHER ELT WHICH CERTIFICATE MAY 3E ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY POLICIES HEREIN S SUBJECT TO ALL TERMS EXCLUS ONS AND COND- TYPE CF *ISJPANCE POLiC"NUMBER ,OC ALL LIM TS IN THOUSANDS GENERAL LIABILITY x COMMERCAL GENE GENEPAU LAP. T'' SMP18954 1/1/87 1/1/88 "PE $1000 J-'P eAE ...-E $1 000 s ,:T Aj. . $1 000 I _- r P $1 000 $ 50, -., SE 41..]AE PE, 3E P2Pwv $1 000 _Indemnity AUTOMOBILE x x x LIABILITY A•;<AJTO J :'�Eg AHTJTS SC',EO..LEB AU-DS HI u as T G aE�ao—os PHMx04681 1/1/87 1/1/88 5,000 J L - x„ ec , - ,nj $ aa®,+ R. $ EXCESS x LIABILITY GTHR THAN JMSaE_A=OR\ ICA1002-UM 1/1/87 1/1/88 ACE'_F $ 5,000 A,SREGAT_ $ 5,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY 6Ub129J1524 1/1/87 1/1/87 1/1/88 sATUTOPY $ lon $ 100 o,euEPOLIC'LMI $ 500 D EASE EACH ENP_S LH 1/1/88 $$4,000 per occurence $4,000 aggregate OTHER excess Liability CR1053PL SCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS,VEHICLES'RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS 9iI [Kii1:[•14i4: ity of North Hampton Mass. Ity Hall 10 Main Street orth Hampton, MA 01060 RD 26-S(11/85) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX. PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL1O DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IIRIACORO CORPORATION 188 HOARD OP HEALTH [OHM T. JOYCE,Chairman PETER C. KENNY, M.D. N. PETER J. McERLAIN. Health Aunt Michael R. Parsons TO: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH FROM: Peter J. McErlain, Agent Board of Health DATE: January 29, 1985 RE: List of Hazardous Wastes for Cost Estimates 910 MAIN STREET 01060 (413) 586-6950 Ext.213 The City of Northampton would like to obtain an estimate of the cost of disposing of the hazardous wastes on the attached lists. These materials have accumulated in various City Departments over the years and have just recently been discovered during Right to Know inventories . The wastes will be collected and stored at the Public Works Garage for ulti- mate pickup and disposal. We have already obtained an emergency generator number from EPA and need only a cost estimate in order to get an okay for disposal from the City Council. If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Thomas S.Leue Energy Conservation Consultant City of Northampton City Hall,210 Main St.,Northampton,MA (413)5864950 MEMORANDUM To: Peter McErlain,Board of Health, City of Northampton From. Thomas S. Leue, Energy Consultant TA_ Date: January 18, 1990 Re: Waste Oil Handling With the start-up of the waste oil facility at the BPW, we should ensure that all of the components of the RCRA rules are in place. Various departments around the City wish to store and transport waste oil to the oil burner. I,,working towards getting them into compliance so that they legally can do so. All of these facilities need to have storage facilities as per regulations. Since I do not have a budget, as such, I am asking the Board of Health to purchase the necessary labels for the waste oil containers. Attached is the appropriate label on an order form. This quantity of 25 labels is sufficient to meet projected needs for several years. In addition, the 'Flammable' label you have in stock would complete the label requirements. Are you able to purchase these labels for the City departments? I could see to it that the labels were installed. Please let me know. FOR FASTEST SERV/CE ORDER AND FAX FORM 1 -800-433-4848 ==- •' LOBAL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY FAX 516 485 1123 N..s NATIONAL ORDER PROCESSING CENTER 7105 Hemlock Drive, Hempstead. NY 11550-6620 NY 516-486-4242 FOR ADDED CONVENIENCE. WE ACCEPT YOUR ORDER NO. __ . _ _ _ ___ DATE VISA MASTER CHARGE AMERICAN EXPRESS DINERS CLUB TELEPHONE THIS IONl be A TELEPHO _ _ --._ - - _ I DOES THIS CONFIRM A RSTOOD THE E TEAM YES NO ACCT HOLDER NAME -- I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE LERME AND CONDITIONS Of SALE CONTAINED HEREIN gLCf.NO. — ESP DATE SIGNATURE _ - - - -- ISSUING BANK Ror Visa and Masie,Charge; BILL T0: CUSTOMER F a 0535 AMBITS NUWER Ha1 � i .:0 :iS . l•/ 109 40 COMPANY DIVISION OF ___ STREET ADDRESS _. CITY ___ __ STATE ZIP CHECK this is Be Ship rs adbes Silt le Addtess CHECK tna is rM Ship to aidlm- H,A to Adbess MODEL DESCRIPTION SIZE COLOR L G PRICE�TOTAL QTY I I I ■ TOTAL AMOUNT nhs in Yen oast i Catalog Manager NY.GA R or CA TAX NEW ACCOUNT INFORMATION YOUR BANK .__BANK ACCOUNT --.. _- -_-__ - - - - AMOUNT kNCI. STREET - _ _... . CITY __ __.. _ _. .. STATE._ .._.ZIP PLEASE SUPPLY TWO TRADE REFERENCES _ _ _ _ ZIP COMPANY _—. _ _STREET _— _ PTV.. _ _ _ _ _ STATE COMPANY _.. STREET C I T Y _- _ _ _ _ _ STATE ZIP...._. • EQUIPMENT CONTAINS , • THIS■ PCB ..._ - CAUTION PC6= ��pyyAST p�oWAST _ --- -_ — - % m+w-....,..+ CAPACITOR(R) `°` L4956 Hazardous/ Non-Hazardous Waste Material Labels Federal regulations require use of these pressure-sensitive vinyl labels when off-site transportation of hazardous materials is involv- ed. Labels blank space allow you to fill-in specific chemical information. 6"x 6". 512.95 Pkg.of 25 L4958 5001R011$59.95 L0953(SOLID) 1.4950 D.O.T. Labels Comply with mandatory labeling reeeeeeqqqggquuuuuuirements for all hazardous material shipme 4•'x 4". Description Suffix Price Pressure Sensitive Vinyl (V) $11.95/pkg.25 Pressure Sensitive Paper (P) 18.95/roll 500 Specify type of label by adding suffix-to model no.:M Vinyl (P)Paper S [MRll SitI LOANER-) DO NOT OPERATE L4959* / o (BANBET]) OUT OF ORDER DO NOT START L4960 / o \ (NANGEO DO NOT START CO NOT OPEN VALVE DO NOT CLOSE VALVE L4961 L4962 o \ / 0 \ 'WS �DAN6ER� DO NOT OPERATE MEN WORKING WI MAOIWIE L4963 L4964 L4965' L4966 FREE EMPLOYEE GUIDE TO: HAZARDOUS WASTE REGULAT IONS AND YOU ORDER MODEL I7A 79 Equipment Lockout Tags Rigid vinyl plastic DANGER tags warn workers not to start or operate equipment. 3" x 6", .015" thick. Except as noted, back of tag reads,"DANGER:Do not remove this tag.To do so without authority will result in immediate discharge.It is here for a purpose.See other side." Includes sett-locking nylon fasteners. Pkg.of 25 514.50 'Back of tag reads,"DANGER.Do not remove this lag.See other side" HAZARDOUS WASTE a.. _ �_ .:. . cam aN.e a.. HAZARDOUS WASTE HAZARDOUS WASTE HAZARDOUS WASTE MINIM We CAR! NAM WTI GRP - NAX9lf Willi CAW °°�- _ ��•m.-••• ifrlf WIIX CGf! L4958 5001R011$59.95 L0953(SOLID) 1.4950 D.O.T. Labels Comply with mandatory labeling reeeeeeqqqggquuuuuuirements for all hazardous material shipme 4•'x 4". Description Suffix Price Pressure Sensitive Vinyl (V) $11.95/pkg.25 Pressure Sensitive Paper (P) 18.95/roll 500 Specify type of label by adding suffix-to model no.:M Vinyl (P)Paper S [MRll SitI LOANER-) DO NOT OPERATE L4959* / o (BANBET]) OUT OF ORDER DO NOT START L4960 / o \ (NANGEO DO NOT START CO NOT OPEN VALVE DO NOT CLOSE VALVE L4961 L4962 o \ / 0 \ 'WS �DAN6ER� DO NOT OPERATE MEN WORKING WI MAOIWIE L4963 L4964 L4965' L4966 FREE EMPLOYEE GUIDE TO: HAZARDOUS WASTE REGULAT IONS AND YOU ORDER MODEL I7A 79 Equipment Lockout Tags Rigid vinyl plastic DANGER tags warn workers not to start or operate equipment. 3" x 6", .015" thick. Except as noted, back of tag reads,"DANGER:Do not remove this tag.To do so without authority will result in immediate discharge.It is here for a purpose.See other side." Includes sett-locking nylon fasteners. Pkg.of 25 514.50 'Back of tag reads,"DANGER.Do not remove this lag.See other side" FOR FASTEST SERVICE ORDER AND FAX FORM 1 -800-433.4848 a OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY FAX 516485-1123 `=. NV 516486-4242 NATIONAL ORDER PROCESSING CENTER 7105 Hemlock Drive, Hempstead. NY 11550:6620 _ DATE FOR ADDED CONVENIENCE,WE ACCEPT AMEPIGAU EXPRESS DINERS CLUB YOUR ORDER ND . - y VISA MASTER CHARGE TELEPHONE CONFIRM be a 1193,OR R',5C-C,. N0 fit- 3 CARD HOLDER NAME _ -- DOES THIS RSD ONrPU TELEPHONE ST THE YES NO EW.DATE.SIGNATURE URE AND UNDERSTOOD iNE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE CONTAINED HEREIN ACCT ryO. . _._- ISSUING BANK OJI Visa and Mafle�CNerycl SIGNAiu Pa BILL TO: CUSTOMER NUMBER F i E 0'_553351 L PRIOrRITYY,COMPANY J■ F10.ti61 L'a 1096-�40 DrvrsonO _Gi. Cc WD i I a - -" - STREET ADDRESS / a2 IC 'M - y CITY_ A/Qr-P// aii" - 51 ATE V'1'- ZIP 0 /060 CHECK this n the SAC addle z.I4.'II to A ,es LHf I'K !Ns o He Shp naan.zs &II m pabm J JJ PRICE TOTAL OTY MODEL DESCRIPTION SIZE SIZE COLOR PKG. — EA. /2' - te 4'50 .. a . - 11 / LL TOTAL AMOUNT "Mania tot goat east Catalog Manager Y D L r CA TAY NEW ACCOUNT INFORMATION __ AMOUNT ENCL _ - ---- YOU R BANK _ _. _ -..-. -__ _ BANK ACCOUNT — . " STATE_. _ - ZIP_ .— STREET _ ____ _..-. --CIO( __ STpiFZIP__ PLEASE SUPPLY TWO TRADE REFERENCES - —" COMPANY _ - -- - -- -STREET STATE—..ZIP—_— STREET CITY COMPANY - __ - __.—. _._. _ ___ _.. _ _ __- 'Department FORESTRY/HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT Report compiled by Stephen Root extension 436 t/ 4cpytk S Cil-c-x-(7 Container Solid,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, Lhroed PO4,- / /1, /Oc7 solid Nei, _)7y,c corrisive, etc. Qey. ydfda� //t, /3-4 sd "d rei �/.zU �� — �8'lh sl,gl,77 70X,C (Cacti/64) —I!7 sto, ( ., 1alaTG,cr Jai / -/ L_ gyp. Sown^ y1/S _ 7/ S l4 '� —g_ s�yz� Yc c urian /i4sec/TrckA • i(yield,"y. c4 --- -j "79-t47/4 �.J /y // TU A I C (Waeln/N1 r ASef,l`IC I d..'\ /' f d %4 // ill? 41- ."bhc ( ,cauy'cN v,arla Says ca.ct�,o/ern a %y/4 'l s n t•Ti -_ - ,� I /(.G✓r. . _. . 5 /� q • 1 Tf],rl C_ fc0.uT/GN �h / / , __ 6Cw� 5�G1 rl S'/lyGTl 7OXtC �Csu7-/c�„ �1 reT TG� g i� / //o SHgkTytokIiccccuTav, Zar/ C (/g 77 5//7 Lt/ 1,c (Pc'aut -- i rIP-1,K,/( / %4 'Icy � rff0/d 5//q67-ri Ta .C6 @ur/aH erpnakle6y� 6 /h ii.%i7h G ---t - _- ---- �`r 0 c rd - —`'"O X L 4as,, 510' 11.h 14 rhlvd ,,,. _ e,ere,s.IRrl / / ` j/y Pow(IA 70k u — Se ,� 4r ! gW Lit., TT 5/�l > l TD r rar rte -Cal,; -teft^ ._ . ,4' / N _ 1�b41 Y'5-01-‘k l7 NOTE: Only truly hazardous wastes should be included in this report. y POu „ TOY, c Lead A �ssfu<.rf / /6 /ti L3cva€ctu‘c % )h % l POAAA JD k,t- - S07v 1. / /'r teri allitil .64770k,c(kn✓N/Ny SProu 011 ii 'ail t/071 tfJslrgLit, ro c- C !B uT(d7, I IuI,a" - AC4 / I'T- l ,tud dust \ e .e6A Aceto- e /� J 1/l & u. ' . YiAel. Soil ` iPa 0yu-y ay -& Dv,E u 511q L7 it iC Cat /o'L? a- a / Cry5 i shroty �7Jkic gi Pau d,c�n u � �oa (�orr„� tip f SP o n l G , u ld(�itT f S/ .47-h 1/47-okiC Ce-ca Mo.I art(m CO — 7 '1 ,Ye iLISQf° I PT a r �� Lr/A , t & e5/94. -1 / lc s( Department �GYeS ,,y— Kt{T1cu (T4, Report compiled by S . /1?( y extension 436 un Container Solid,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,fla®able, Or corrisive, etc. m,rTi„al4.T /td -6rmPl le. w/ y K ', Seep (�:aler 73��• r�uT 4,-, �l, 1•c - (2$ Nn,.y 7 ,11e 1 Red P6 ki (aB5o.3x.Or 004) Sow 5--!6 37/6 solid y— CauTiCA - lasere'dt _.-s0/ih -_ _._ slti i� /h To x.,_ a�dp�T,<,at D‘,ocl z L IOC F7(yy:,11,p1f icy pal _ �� ���Icl Taxu 4?c,d�7-)r, b (Cv ayas) cOcuit^^ y6�IA-1 S-- a - 34) DlelgI,i0‘P0.146 ) 0th / 14:5 5e / Id to 6Yn'vy 114SEcriei •. - . // 1 'a�.. ye�denD+>' SCih ____________ C ' — r/ Racw,4e J? Sa Sa14J(0,0 ., NCti Yck,( - wOrrror,Cd if-760 - 1N<C e !/ - - NaNPe7 e"7"'— II6 / -- ?,ACYe 40 //0 /6 /4 so //a _. tux' s Ad PM'her i -1 cw._/ C ..F — —. Ails, " 'egi`' /7c / rje L. // TGy ( --.61611-0 Aau Q. 7 cr) --_ e MATV. m-1.. ♦r..1.. ha.Fardn.m ...aarua ahnnlA ha .nrindaA in hhia rpnnrt - i 71-1 --eA---i Department 15//i/t/' .Y;I Y1"`c:,VjUrui,-(-4.. Report compiled by )/fi'I /(e:1-40V —`' 9-27 Container Solid,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, /I corrisive, etc. Pi h' � 55��Q a drums flee/ dodo 4-rcOn r Jo eat c) c ..nmr. n_... ■_.n.. l.e..e_A....a ...ne.ve thn„lA hp inrluded in this report. Department 5/11/Ti fG,fOd) f1/441 X'1CAL Report compiled by -t:1-1-- t i 937 , Container Solid,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, corrisive, etc. /- SAL /Y L ,4ui`v� c c)-7/,r/c- e' Ici .l 114,7- Ly1/ 4 i ) • vnmc. n_l.. .�..1.. 1...�..�A...... ....e... .hn..1A ha inn1..Aad in thin rennrt . Department V--^^ C ")'"4"-' S !Y^'-Il` S &A 11 port compiled by q�J F EV 0 -/ g. y3y Container Solid,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, corrisive, etc. 7.. —S 95 0, L(o,a3 ' ?tiers Liyv. d 44 .l,,.. < ).A r.,izc -Lt,+/✓c/Z GGenNC.Z /'4o sPA ,x-,...S ■ Department CLCLtJ 3 Report compiled by LI n_cn,)- V)l Container Solid,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, corrisive, etc. Act ccscy- ?,n ,Er SO la( j /wit ! m / k q- Ecuc€ h �p G (IC _ USCaa71 j/ Fl7 /XE'1 wr / K /a cGC @' � /hrnr @'r name( �u u9� �C a oramC( rc=dot ter Report compi Led by d"*.n Ai faIrDar is , Container Solid,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic ,flasmable, corrisive, etc. 5o/ven7eini /5,4€ear, a 36 f, „/ tin,' / aID #7,24.1— rN'.vvte A yd frac Peg q/f£oo d'/cc E/2 40 pmfl el .2y ..,Q ✓ �� l f j i--c'-v�-C, 21-0 t S.N- un y PA/Ni 6-t4Qa.h t- e Q ✓ r 0 GO Pow 1 a _ /9a Co NJ V/ /y ✓ aa- jcYSVZAY ni5PRAY /ydykss y jvys // / 1 �cncre� DOnJn9 a fen DVCgW£L4 G' 5-76-9 a Q y9.c Q / / eVVW/A7/c Ac/A £—p../9ucr .3 fg// `/ 0'//4 etc . iratrod 19 re - i 1—trace .[/i/1 '?Otter �vua/ .2 ya e ✓ `e 04/ tre-ea/ /�// ✓ . . c YGOSO/-[.. cAC66 4n. /nevm /74J7%ss%7 1r // // /�� V r. GA//nLia H-G- c %/or/done- 8,—�.PJ,SC�./ pyea.47Atern- 74 ss ds/7T-e e 01 • ✓ • olf a.0../,7..,-` (/W 1tcam/ /'se,/ass/vii 7702 Y` oesCre ee + / ✓e ^ touO"/-�rC_ 7s1+. eft_ NOTE: Only truly hazardous wastes should be included in this report. O/ co�a:„7 " Department `(YnAGn 0.41 Report compiled by VrvF.G�„AB- * A1. Y71r� \ e EY2__ !/ Container Solid,tiquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, 1 1 2 �coorrisive, etc. 4\CkCI c- 606 &S + LiC Ulp use - ?LWCtL.' C�Jm `�16t1 uSL? gt Some. col t9� ( ahwyhwv��scoc � nwe-r& L ' Qui0 Department J7:..0..4-, Report compiled by C V wrP ,Cu e --'j '/3<S) Container Solid,liquid Description of Waste: type of material Item Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, corrisive, etc. .w.( - c2 "nr7 -0"1°r`'`vi -°'t" -tR... .evvn-c- 2744.{- .ZI“ .�jq-70w-2-{ _l -e f/ - o µ0444- 1. • Report compiled by Department _—_ Solid, liquid Description of Waste: type of material, pimnti[r . toxic, flammable, l tem Container or gas normal use, hazard (e.P etc.) ' Volume .ecqu er thinner 50 gal . $,. ,S '• Liquid Smith School Auto Body i Reducer 100 Smith School Auto Body Lacquer paint Enamel Paint 75 gal. 2 parts Liquid Smith School Automotive Magnus parts cleaner 7 cleaner 1 1/2 Liquid Smith School Electrice l a. pint t Sulfuric acid 1 n 4 Liquid 55 P.al. Liquid Smith School Machine Shop Nickel Pentrate 55 gal. Smith School Maintenance Powdered Rosin 1 lb. 10 oz.gal. 2 drums Liquid Solid Smith School Forestry/horticulture Department 1 �� Green Garde 1 lb. 1/2 lb. Solid „ ,� fertilizer " " " 8 lb Solid Malathion 25W 5 lb. . „ " " 13 lb. Solid Methoxychlor SOWP 4 lb. " u Dilcar „ „ " " 1/2 lb. Solid Lindane 25W 1 lb. .� 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Solid „ Captan SOW „ �� " 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Solid „ Solid „ 0 " �� Sevin SOW 1 lb.:.. 5 lb. " „ �. " 1 lb. Solid Aatrex 80W' ' 5 lb. " „ Zerlate 5 lb. 6 lb. Solid 2. • Report compiled by __ Department ---'-- type of mnter{a1 , Solid, liquid Description of haste' type if , flammable, Ouan ti.ty normal use, hazard (e.g. etc.)e item Container or gas corrosive_,,____-----�- • Volume �--- w "Liquid Smith School Forestry/Horticulture Department rrip-L-Kill ? 1 gal. 4 oz. �� „ �� 4 1/2 lb. Liquid Formaldehyde 20Y. 5 lb. '„ „ �� 1 lb. Powder „ Basic Slag 1 lb. �� „ �� " 1 lb. Powder „ Copper gulf ate 1 lb. . �� „ �� " 2 oz. Liquid , Sevin 4F 1 gal. ' �� „ �� 4 Powder Paris Green Z oz.4 oz. "„ „ �� " 4 oz. Powder „ Fermate 4 oz. � , ,� Chlorination Kit testing"treat 9 kits Solid Type 1, FFSN 6850.270.6225 . ment ,� �� �� 35 lb. Solid „ DDD SOW 5 lb. �� „ �� " 2 10 lb. Solid „ Duocide 5 lb. �� „ 7 oz. Solid „ Zinc Phosphide 1 oz. 1$ 11 o " 10 lb. Solid „ Sodium Flouride 5 lb. Solid 5 lb. 2-3 lb. „ " Calcium Cyanide Solid 2 1/2 lb. 1 lb. " ' Dieldvin SOWP Solid 30 lb. Farm garden dust 50 lb. „ Rotenone .. 50 lb.lb.b 50 l Solid Sulfur (dust) „ " Potassium 1/2 lb. Liquid &Phos- 5 lb. Crystals 3. Report compiled by __._--- Pepa[Cment �__-----�- Snlid , liquid Description of Vastet type toxic,mflammable, Ouanti ty normal use, hazard (e.p. e[ble .Ttem Container °r pas corrosive, --- Volume --_ 1 lb. 1 oz. Powder Smith School Forestry/Horticulture Department ;oil Testing k `owder „ u " inc L Phosphide 20 lbs. 10 lb. Solid Treated Oats „ 1 pt. Liquid II 1 gal. `� ' Ammonia Waste „ n �� 3 oz. Liquid �� Clorodane 8 oz. „ „ `� 1/4 lb. Powder Lead Arsenate 1/2 lb. �� „ u " 1/2 lb. Powder Bordeaux 1/2 lb . u " 1 oz. Liquid Isotox 1 pt' n u �� 4 oz. Liquid St Spray Oil 4 oz. „ u 1/2 pt. Liquid Muriatic Acid P[• . „ �� 4 oz. Powder u Copper Sulfate 4 oz. „ �' 1 lb Powder Lead Acetate 1 lb. " • �� 11 Fulex Soil ? 24 oz. 24 oz. Dried up Treatment .1 pi " 2 Crystals Par ad ichloro 2 oz. oz „ Benzene „ u " Liquid Sevin 1 qt. 1 qt. Liquid(dried up) 1 qt. Liquid Malathion 50, 1 qt. „ ” 3/4 pt. Liquid white Fly Spray 'J 1 pt. 1. Report compiled by __.__. r Department --____-- -- Solid, liquid Description of Haste: type of material , Volume Container Quantity normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic, flammable,_ Yea or gas corrosive, etc.) _________-- :quer thinner 50 gal . 50 gal. Liquid Smith School Auto Body teducer :quer paint 100 Smith School Auto Body emel Paint 75 gal. 2 parts Liquid Smith School Automotive eaner a parts cleaner 1 1/2 Liquid Smith School Electrical lfuric acid 1 gal. Liquid 4 iquid .ckel Pentr ate 55 gal. 55 gal. Liquid Smith School Machine Shop late thinner 55 gal. 2 drums Liquid Smith School Maintenance 10 oz. Solid Smith School Forestry/Horticulture Department >wd ezed Rosin 1 lb. teen Garde 1 lb. 1/2 lb. Solid ertilizer 8 lb. Solid I� �� „ �� alathion 25W 5 lb. �� „ 13 lb. Solid n „ n ethoxychlor SOWP 4 lb. " „ 1 lb. 1/2 lb. Solid ' Sndane 25W „ �� :aptan 50W 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Solid �� )ilcar 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Solid 5 lb. 1 1b. Solid " >evin SOW � „ �� 5 lb. 1 lb. Solid 4a[rex BOWS „ " Zerlate 5 lb. 6 lb. Solid 2. Report compiled by _ Department _ - Solid, liquid Description of Waste: type of material, Volume Container Ouan ti ty normal use, hazard (e.p. toxic, flammable, Item or gas corrosive, etc.) -- __ 4 oz. Liquid Smith School Forestry/Horticulture Department -ip-L-Kill 1 gal. �� ,rmald ehyde 20% 5 lb. 4 1/2 lb. Liquid alit Slag „ �� 1 lb. 1 lb. Powder „ „ „ „ „ 1 lb. oppersulfate 1 lb. Powder evin 4F gal. ' "'„ �� 1 l. ' 2 oz. Liquid �� 4 oz. Powder aria Green 4 oz. 1 „ it oz. 4 oz. Powder 'erma[e „ „ ,� ;hlor ination Kit 100 ampules & 9 kits Solid Type 1, FFSN testing treat 5850.270.6225 ment DDD SOW 1 „ .� 5 lb. 35 lb. Solid Duocide 5 lb. „ .1 �� " 10 lb. Solid „ " Solid Zinc Phosphide 1 oz. 7 oz. „ " Sodium Flou ride 5 lb. 10 lb. Solid 2-3 lb. „ u Solid Calcium Cyanide 5 lb. 2- " 2 1/2 lb. 1 lb. Solid Dieldvin SOWP „ it Farm garden dust 50 lb. 30 lb. Solid Rotenone. .1 Sulfur 50 lb. 50 lb. Solid Sulfur (drat) „ " " 1/2 lb. Liquid & Potassium Phos- 5 lb. Crystals 3. Report compiled by ____�----- Department __ _.------- Quantity Solid, liquid Description of 1nste: type of material , item Container or gas __ normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic , Volume corrosive, etc.) it Testing 1 lb. 1 oz. Powder Smith School Forestry/Horticulture Department .,der „ „ „ „ „ .nc Phosphide 20 lbs. 10 lb. Solid seated Oats Liquid " „ mmonla Waste 1 gal. 1 pt. lorodane /1 8 oz. 3 oz. Liquid „ " 1, ,� sad Arsenate 1/2 lb. 1/4 lb. Powder �� ordeaux 1/2 lb. 1/2 lb. Powder 1 oz. Liquid " �� 91 II 1 pt. sotoz �� 4 oz. 4 oz. Liquid " „ �� pray Oil " ,� 1/2 pt. Liquid „ W riatic Acid pt. Powder „ topper Sulfate 4 oz. 4 oz. Powder „ .ead Acetate 1 lb. 1 lb. „ ?ulez Soil 24 oz. 24 oz. Dried up treatment „ Paradichloro 2 oz. 2 oz. Crystals ” u Benzene „ 0.1 qt. 1 qt. Liquid „ „ II Liquid Sevin (dried up) Malathion 50 1 qt. 1 qt. Liquid 1„ " „ ' , tn.i ra Fly Snrav 1 pt. 3/4 pt. Liquid ” , 4 . _ Report compiled by Department __ Quantity Solid , liquid — Description of Paste: type of material , tem Container or gas toxic, flammable, — normal use, hazard (e•F' corrosive, etc.) Volume 30 gal. Liquid Department of Public Works edge 30 gal. nknown 35 gal. 35 gal. Liquid „ etroleum roduct „ nknown 35 gal. 35 gal. Liquid n 'etroleum . 'roduct „ n as Additive 30 gal. 29 gal. Liquid 'etroleum ?roduct " „ " )iesel Additive 50 gal. 50 gal. Liquid Petroleum Product Solvent, paint 1 gal. cans & 36 gal. Liquid Look Memorial Park 5 gal. pails Weed Killer 20 gal. can 24 gal. Liquid " 2-4-D „ „ Paint 5 gal. pails 24 gal. Liquid & 2-1 gal. cans Fly Spray 1 gal. glass 14 gal. Liquid " jugs Dur aweld "C�� „ ,� �� 5 gal. pail 4 gal. Liquid I 1 , , Muriatic Acid 5 gal. pail 3 gal. Liquid Hydrochloric Aci 3 gal. glass 1 gal. Liquid • 5. Report compiled by ______ Department ___ ---� liquid - --- Ouan[1 tw Solid, Description of Caste. type of material, (e. toxic, flammable, -tea Container or gas normal use, hazard g• Volume corrosive, etc.) _---- - Li uid Look Memorial Park nocil Weed- 20 gal. drum 2 gal. q ller „ .rbo lineum 1 gal. glass 1 qt. Liquid jug Ilor idane qt. plastic 1 qt. Liquid bottle „ n It ala Chico glass bottle 6 oz. Liquid , nknown 1 gal. glass 7 gal. Liquid �� jugs Y *'rank. `!alinowski Smith School. Auto Body _ Report cemnil el __ -- a u' ste: tune of material. 1 Quantity I Solid , 1inuidI nescr lotion e a Container (e.g. toxic , flammable, ?tem I I II normal use, hazard - _ Volume I or gas — —_ __ corrosive, etc .) ' acauer thinner � 50 gal . 50 gal . 1 Mould Reducer meaner paint I 100 Pnamel paint II I I I I I I I I I I II ' I I � II _ ? ---- ---- " ae^nrtneet smith Rcbool. Au tomoiive___Automotive___ _ _ Senor comp by John Fil1nek----- ---' / _ 1 I Sal id, linuidl Description of waste: type of material Container Mean ti ty oxic, flammable, Ttem ( normal use, hazard (e.g.P -- _ - or gas Volume I I corrosive, etc .)___ 75 cal lots 2 parts liquid ease parts cleaner i :leaner I I I I I I I i I v uppflrtuect Smith School Electrical PPPOTL CUm PII Cd F. Martin l — ---- Description of waste: type of material Solid , liquid item II Container Duan ti ty normal use, hazard (e.F . toxic, flammable, Volume or gas corrosive, etc.) I 1 gal . 1/2 Limdd vulfi 1 rcic acid Pint Liquid I I i i I I I I I lI 1 I i I I recartment Machine --__-._..---__-_- Report conniled by Machine Pent. read Tim Tessier quantity 1 Cn11d , linuidl Description of caste: tyre of material. r,pm Container normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic , flammable, Volume 1 ; or gas _ _corrosive, etc .) Nickel 1 55 pal. 55 pal. I liquid Pentrate 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 l 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 Sam compiled Ic' . am 'Ke1.logr - —-- -- --- "egara^��c[ Smith School Maintenance intenanc e _____. - ! Solid, liquid Description of waste: type of material Item Container 1 p,:an[ity i flammable, Volume I or ens normal use, hazard (e.¢ • corrosive,ive, etc•1_______ .______--. 'aste thinner 1 1 55 gal. 2 drums I Liquid ■ I I 1 I I II 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 II 1 I / ar12eY.t Forestry/1?orticulture Dept. (Smith Rennet compiled by Stenhen Root - . Solid , liquid Description of Waste: tope of material em Container Duanti[y normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic , flammable, Volume or gas corrosive, etc ./_ __ - II 'owdered Rosin 1 lb. 10 oz. solid Y een garde 1 lb. 1/2 lb. Fertilizer „ ralathion 25W 5 lb. P. lb. Methoxychlor 504m 4 lb. 19 lb. „ Lind ape 2511 I 1 lb. 1/2 lb. Captor SD50W 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Dilcar , 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. ,. Sevin 50W 5 lb. 1 lb. Aatrex 80W 15 lb. 1 lb. 7 er7 ace . 5 lb. 6 lb. 1 gal . 4 oz. l.inuid Trip-L-Kill „ Formaldehyde 207 5 lb. 4 1/2 lb. I lb. Powder Basic slag ', 1 lb. Copnersulf ate 1 lb. 1 lb. 2 Oz, i Id°u id Sevin 4F �I 1 gal. I saris Creep 4 oz. ! 4 oz. Powder 4 oz. 4 oz. Fermate I !i ' Chlorination Kit 100 ampules & I 0 kits Solid Type 1, FF511 testing treat-1 Fenrrtmect Forestry/Horticulture Dept. (Sm ith Sch_) gevort compiled nape 2 wv Stephen Root Container Ou antSty Solid , liquid Description of caste: type of material. item or as normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic, flammable, . Volume corrosive, etc .) --I MD 50W 5 lb. 35 lb.—_— Solid luoc ide 5 lb . 10 lb. iinc Phosphide j 1 oz. 7 Oz. Sodium Flouride 5 lb. 10 lb. Calcium Cyanide 5 lb. 2-1 lb. Dieldvin 501.*P 2 1./2 lb. 1 lb. Farm garden dust ii 50 lb. 10 lb. Rotenone 50 lb. Sulfur (dust) 50 lb. 1/2 lb. liquid & Potassium Phosphate 5 lb. 1/ . crystals K2HPO4 �� Soil Testing ii 1 lb. 1 oz. Powder Powder i Solid lb. Zinc Phosphide 20 lbs. 10 treated oats 1 gal. 1 pt. Liquid Ammonia waste Liquid Clorodane S oz. 3 oz. Lead Arsenate 1/2 lb. 1/4 lb. Powder i I II Bordeaux 1/2 lb. I 1/2 lb. Tso tox 1 pt. 1 oz. Mould Spray oil i 4 oz . 4 oz. pane 3__ Report ceoniled e Stephen Boot __ ____—.—- -- - Le 2+na rtme::t L4Ze5YZYL1!Qr-�4azl tyre R?P.�_ m1 th Sch,] _ Solid , liquid Description of Waste: type of material. Item Container Ouanti[y Volume or gas normal use, hazard (e.y. corro , flammable, corrosive, etc .) uriatic acid pt. 1/2 Pt. Liquid upper sulfate 4 oz. 4 oz. Powder .ead acetate 1 lb . 1 lb. 'u]ex soil 4 oz. 24 oz. Pried up T 2- reatment 'ar ad ichloro 2 oz. 2 oz. Crystals Benzene 1 at 1 at Mould (dried Liquid Sevin up) 2",ala thinn 50 1 at. 1 at. I Iiouid 4?hite fly spray I. nt. 1/4 pt. Linuid ' I i i I i Department Department of Public Works Report compiled by Peter J. McNulty, Sr.1934 December 13 , Container Solid,liquid Dezcription of Waste: type of material Volume Quantity or gas normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic,flammable, Item. corrisive, etc. Contents unknown - possibly a Dodge 30 Gal. 30 Gal. Liquid pesticide Unkown 35 Gal. 35 Gal. Liquid Petroleum product Unkown 35 Gal. 35 Gal. Liquid Petroleum product Gas 30 Gal. 29 Gal. Liquid Petroleum product Additive Diesel 50 Gal. 50 Gal. Liquid Petroleum product Additive Department _ Deport compiled by _pri_n ^_nl.l int t_, yunt_____._--.- ____----------' 'item Contni ncr 1 Volume Duanti ty Solid , 7i mdd or pas Uescrintion of 'ante t ne of material normal use hazard (e toxic, Flammable, corrosive, etc_)_____ ilvent, paint Leal. cans & 16 pal. lieuid 5 pal . pails Bed killer 20 pal . drum ?g pal . t 1,_0 fi small can aint 5 pai. pails 2h eal. � S 7-1 gal.can ly spray 1 pal . Blass 1 14 nal. inns )urweld "C" 1 5 "al. pail 4 nal• �I 1uriatic acid 1 5 gal . pail 1 Cal. lydrochl uric acid 1 nal.. class 1 sal . ills Pennell weedkiller 20 gal. drum 2 Cal. Carbelineum 4 1 pal. . class II et. jun p I Chloridane et. plastic 1 nt. bottle *' class bottle f, oz.. 4. alath ion Unknnwn 1 sal.. class 7 pal. 1, lupe I II I 1 1. Report compiled by ____----�- Department _�- - Solid, liquid Description of Waste: type of material, Ouanti.ty . toxic , Item Container or gas normal use, hazard �e•p corrosive, etC.) �---- Volume --�— Lacquer thinner 50 gal. 50 gal. Liquid Smith School Auto Body 6 Reducer . Lacquer paint Smith School Auto Body 100 Enamel Paint Magnus parts 75 gal. 2 parts Liquid Smith School Automotive cleaner cleaner 1 1/2 Liquid Smith School Electrical Sulfuric acid 1 gal . Liquid 4 iquid Nickel Pentrate 55 gal. 55 gal. Liquid Smith School Machine Shop Waste thinner 55 gal. 2 drums Liquid Smith School Maintenance Powdered Rosin 1 lb. 10 oz. Solid Smith School Forestry/Horticulture Department Solid 1/2 lb. " " " Green Garde 1 lb. 1/ fertilizer lb. II „ Solid Malathion 25W 5 lb. 8 13 lb. „ „ " Solid Methoxychlor SDWP 4 lb. 1 Lindane 25W „ " 1 lb. 1/2 lb. Solid o 11 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Solid „ Captan SOW „ „ " " 5 lb. 2 1/2 lb. Solid Dilcar „ n " 1 lb. Solid Sevin SOW , 5 lb. �� " 1 lb. Solid Aatrex BOW' 5 lb. " „ e " Zerlate 5 lb. 6 lb. Solid 2. Report compiled by ____ Department - Snlid, liquid Description of Waste: type of material , Ouanti.ty toxic, Item Container or gas normal use, hazard (e.g.Volume _ corrosive, stn.) _- -- Liquid Smith School Forestry/Horticulture Department 1 gal. 4 oz. �� Trip-L-Kill „ „ �� 4 1/2 lb. Liquid Formaldehyde 20% 5 lb. „ �� 1 lb. Powder Basic Slag 1 lb. „ „ " 1 lb Powder Capper aulf ate 1 lb. . „ '' " 2 oz Liquid Sevin 4F 1 gel. ' „ 0 4 oz. Powder , Paris Green 4 oz. „ „ u ' 4 oz. Powder Fermate 4 oz. �� Chlorination Kit testing treat 9 kits Solid Type I, FFSN „ 6850.270.6225 ment Solid lb.lb 35 „ o DDD SOW 5 lb. „ �� " 10 lb. Solid Duocide 5 lb. " 7 oz. Solid Zinc Phosphide 1 oz. " .� � " 10 lb Solid Sodium Flouride 5 lb. . " 2-3 lb. Solid Calcium Cyanide 5 lb. " ➢1eldvin50WP �� .� 2 1/2 lb. 1 lb. Solid Farm garden dust 50 lb. 30 lb. Solid .. Rotenone., it �� " 50 lb. Solid Sulfur (dust) 50 lb. „ " 1/2 lb Liquid & Potassium .Yhoe- 5 lb. Crystals 3. Report compiled by __ _-- Department Solid, liquid Description of Waste: type of mflammable, • Container Ouan it Cy normal use, hazard (e.g. toxic, Item or gas corro_ive, etc .) � -- Volume __ Soil Testing 1 lb. 1 oz. Powder Smith School Forestry/Horticulture Department Powder „ 11 u u Zinc Phosphide 20 lbs. 10 lb. Solid Treated Oats „ „ „ 1 pt. Liquid Ammonia Waste 1 gal. Sr " " 3 oz. Liquid Clorodane 8 oz. „ 11 " lb. Powder Lead Arsenate 1/2 lb. 1/4 . „ " Powder Bordeaux 1/2 lb. 1/2 lb. „ „ 11 1 oz. Liquid Motto( 1 pt. „ " " " „ Liquid Spray Oil 4 oz. 4 oz. Muriatic Acid pt. ' „ „ " 1/2 pt. Liquid „ " Sr 4 oz. Powder ' Copper Sulfate 4 oz. „ „ " 1 lb. Powder Lead Acetate 1 lb. • • „ Sr Fulex Soil 24 oz. 24 oz. Dried up Treatment „ �� " Paradichloro 2 oz. 2 oz. Crystals Benzene „ „ " " Liquid Sevin 1 qt. 1 qt. Liquid(dried up) 1 qt. Liquid �� ' Malathion 50, 1 qt. „ „ „ " White Fly Spray 1 pt. 3/4 pt. Liquid 4 . Report compiled by Department ___ —- Solid , liquid Description of Waste: type of material , Container Ouanti ty toxic, flammable, normal use, hazard (e•e' corrosive_etc_) Item or gas __ Volume -- -- 30 gal. Liquid Department of Public Works Dodge 30 gal. „ Unknown 35 gal. 35 gal. Liquid Petroleum Product „ �� ” Unknown 35 gal. 35 gal. Liquid Petroleum . Product „ �� " Gas Additive 30 gal. 29 gal. Liquid Petroleum Product s " Diesel Additive 50 gal. 50 gal. Liquid Petroleum Product Solvent, paint 5 1 gal. pails 36 gal. Liquid Look Memorial Park Weed Killer 20 gal. drum 24 gal. Liquid 2-4_D 6 small can " Paint 5 gal. Pails 24 gal. Liquid 6 2-1 gal. cans „ F1Y Spray 1 gal. glass 14 gal. Liquid Jugs „ „ Liquid Dur aweld--"C" 5 gal. pail 4 gal. o Muriatic Acid 5 gal. pail 3 gal. Liquid ' Hydrochloric AcL 3 gal. glass 1 gal. Liquid 5. Report compiled by Department ____.---- "-- �,a Gte; type of material, � . _-- Solid , liquid normal of - Container fluanti ty normal use, hazard (e.g . toxic, flammable, 11 item or (!a5 corrosive, etc.) �---- Volume 20 gal. drum 2 gal. Liquid Look Memorial Park Fenocil Weed- killer „ " Carbo lineum 1 gal. glass 1 qt. Liquid jug „ „ Chlor idane qt. plastic 1 qt. Liquid bottle „ „ Malathion glass bottle 6 oz. Liquid Unknown 1 gal. glass 7 gal. Liquid jugs • I I