84-91 Asbestos Notification Form 2013 nportant: Alen filling out urns on the omputer,use my the tab key move your nor-do not se the return ISTRUCno S Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 100184533 oars& Decal Number p(icr :5909M A. Asbestos Abatement Description 1. a. Is this facility fee exempt-citytown, district, municipal housing authority, owner-occupied residence of four units or less? Al Yes ❑No b. Provide blanket decal number if applicable: 2. Facility Location: 3 All sections 1 dis nn must be mpleted in rder comply with 4. EP notificati n puirements f 310 MR715 5. id the Diesi n Occupation I defy(DOS) tification puirements 1453 Ali 6.12 6. NHA-FORSANDER APARTMENTS, BUILDIN a. Name of Facility Northampton a City/Town Worksite Location: NHA-FORSANDER APTS. a.Building Name/Building Location Is the facility occupied? Asbestos Contractor: MA d State J b.Building# Yes ❑No ABIDE INC a.Name EAST LONGMEADOW c.City/Town 01028 d.Zip Code AC000254 f.DOS License Number BILL CELATKA/B-G MECHANICAL SERVICE, h.Facility Contact Person CHRISTOPHER J.COOPEE a.Name of On-Site Supervisor/Foreman ITBA T a.Name of Project Monitor 8. 9 0 0 0 LL Z TBA a.Name of Asbestos Analytical Lab 19/16/2013 a.Project Start Date(mm/ddyyyy) AM-5PM c.Work hours Mon-Fn. 10 a What type of project is this? ❑ Demolition ❑ Repair 17 Renovation Blanket Decal Number 84-91 HIGH STREET b Street Address 01062 e.Zip Code c.Wing f Telephone Number d.Floor MECHANICA e Room 483 SHAKER ROAD b.Address 14135250644 e.Telephone Number g. Contract Type: ❑Written 12 Verbal GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1.Contact Person's Title AS070247 b.Supervisor/Foreman DOS Certification Number IN/A b.Project Monitor DOS Certification Number IN/A b.Asbestos Analytical Lab DOS Certification Number 9/16/2013 b.End Date(mm/dd/yyyy) d Work hours Sat-Sun. ❑Other, please specify: b.Describe 11. a. Check abatement procedures: 1 Glove bag ❑ Enclosure ❑Cleanup Full containment Q ❑ Encapsulation ❑ Disposal only ❑Other, specify: b.Describe 12. Is the job being conducted: IN Indoors? ❑Outdoors? anf001 ap.doc•10/02 Asbestos Notification Form•Page 1 of 3 • 1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 0 0 o 1. Current or prior use of facility: • 100184533 Decal Number A. Asbestos Abatement Description (cont.) 13. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)to be removed, enclosed, or encapsulated: 6 a.Total pipes or duds(linear ft) c Boiler,breaching,duct,tank surface coatings e.Corrugated or layered paper pipe insulation g.Spray-on fireproofing i.Cloths,woven fabrics k.Thermal,solid core pipe insulation 166 b. l otal other surfaces(square fl) Lin.1t Lin.ft. Lin.ft. Lin.ft. 6 Sq.ft. 5q.ft. Lin.11. d.Insulating cement f Trowel/Sprayer coatings h Transits board,wall board j.Other,please specify: CAULK Sq.ft. I.Specify 14. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: Lin.ft. Lin.ft. Lin.ft. 6 Lin.ft. 100 Sq.ft. Sq.fl. (60 Sq.ft. Sq.fl. REMOTE AND/OR CONTIGUOUS THREE STAGE DECONTAMINATION UNIT W/SHOWER 15, Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(g): ACM ADEQUATELY WETTED, DOUBLE BAGGED, SEALED AND LABELED 16. For Emergency Asbestos Operations,the DEP and DOS officials who evaluated the emergency: a.N a.Name of DEP Official c.Date(mm/dd/yyyy)of Authorization IN/A e Name of DOS Official g.Date(mm/tltltyyyy)of Authorization b TNe IN/A d.DEP waiver# f.DOS Official Title N/A h.DOS Waiver# 17. Do prevailing wage rates as per M.G.L. c, 149, §26, 27 or 27A—F apply to this project? Yes❑ No B. Facility Description 0 HOUSING 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units 3. 0 u. 4 Z (NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY a.Facility Owner Name NORTHAMPTON c.City/Town 01060 d.Zip Code BILL CELATKA/B-G MECHANICAL SERVICE, a.Name of Feebly Owners On-Site Manager 'CHICOPEE c.City/Town anf001 ap.doc•10/02 01020 d.Zip Code or less? ❑Yes No 49 OLD SOUTH STREET b.Address 413-584.4030 e.Telephone Number(area code and extension) 12 SECOND AVENUE b.On-Site Manager Address 413.888-1500 e.Telephone Number(area code and extension) Asbestos Notification Form•Page 2 of 3 1. Li Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 ote:Transfer [aliens must Amply with the olid Waste ivision egulations 310 MR 19.000 100184533 Decal Number B. Facility Description (cont.) 5' a.Name of General Contractor BILL CELATKA/B-G MECHANICAL SERVICE, CHICOPEE c.City/Town 01020 d.Zip Code f.Contractors Worker's Comp.Insurer 6. What is the size of this facility? 12 SECOND AVENUE b.Address 413-888-1500 e.Telephone Number(area cod and extension) g.Policy Number h.Exp.Date(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Number of floors 1800 a Square Feet C. Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary): ABIDE, INC. a.Name of Transporter (EAST LONGMEADOW c.City/Town 01028 d.Zip Code P.O. BOX 886 b.Address 4135250644 e.Telephone Number 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary site to final disposal site: TRANSWASTE, INC. a.Name of Transporter IWALLINGFORD,CT c.City/Town 3. IN/A a.Refuse Transfer Station and Owner 4. 06492 d.Zip Code c Citvrrown d.Zip Code MINERVA ENTERPRISES INC a Final Disposal Site Location Name 19000 MINERVA ROAD c.Final Disposal Site Address OH e.State eo ° D. Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the p It f perjury,that he/she has read the C o Ith f M h tt g let s for the Removal, Containment or r Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15,and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct ° to the best of his/her knowledge f. nowledge and belief °(�� l`Q�. z 44688 f.Zip Code 3 BARKER DRIVE b.Address 2032697300 e.Telephone Number b.Address e.Telephone Number b.Final Disposal Site Location Owners Name IWAYNESBURG d.City/Town g Telephone Number an10D1 ap.doc•10/02 MARIA TILL( a.Name PRESIDENT c.Position/Title 4135250644 e.Telephone Number IP.O. BOX 886 q.Address (EAST LONGMEADOW 1 h.City/Town Maria Tilli b.Authorized Signature 8/30/2013 d.Date(mm/dd/vwv) (ABIDE, INC. L Representing 01028 i.Zip Code Asbestos Notification Form•Page 3 of 3 IN