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174 Water Analysis Report & Well Completion Report
'PE OR PRINT ONLY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management Office of Water Resources Well Completion Report 100487 -.,, --w�-ro--, .. _ [-:. .<.,l.C' 1. Well Location: C _T Property Owner: /4r4 C. i.. c i. (dress at F/ , r,l` Name: Mailing Address*i t l -f•i •' ibdivision .7 fir. . City/Town. F-7( f ∎ a i,G Cif , ,. -. ty/Fown: ■ .r o sessors Map as R Assessors Lot#:!b 2 NOTE: Assessors Map and Lot # mandatory if no street address available Yes D Not Required$J Permit Number Date Issued card of Health permit obtained: WOFIN ERE TIMED,.. `- "w�' 3.PROPOSED USE' . . 4.DRILIJNG METHOD I New Well O Abandon I Deepen D Recondition I Replace D Other Domestic O I rigation D Monitoring • Municipal O Industrial ❑ Other El Cable D Auger © Air Hammer D Direct Push 0 Mud Rotary D Other Wad dOG CC > n�ezunr Unconsolidated Consolidated 6.SITE.SKETCH(Use permanent iandmarm.tm stances).' . rom (f) To (ft) ° __ r9 a w S a a 8 _ m Other. Rock Type Gee" r. ��. ,, .s+- n< \ C. .r High Low Y XX WELL CONSTRUCTION 8.CASING i otal Depth Drilled ; VC F om (ft) To (ft) Casing Type and Material Size OO/.D. (in) Well Seal Type 'ate Drilling Complete C' 2-O l f` -) C ( CTc' ' b [✓l r en 5•---< SCREEN Tom (ft) To (ft) Slot Size Screen Type and Material Screen Diameter ). FILTER PACK/GROUT/ABANDONMENT MATERIAL 11.ADDITIONAL WELL INFORMATION - 'rem (ft) To (N) Material Description Purpose Developed? ■ Yes D No Fracture Enhancement? D Yes D No Method Disinfected? cz Yes El No L WELL TEST DATA(PRODUCTION WELLS) - , ` 13.STATIC WATER LEVEL(ALL WELLS) Yield Time Pumped Drawdown to Time Recovery to Date Method (GPM) (hrs& min) (Ft. BGS) (hrs & min) (Ft. BGS) Date Measured Depth Below Ground Surface (FT) el ! ( ,- Cc / Pc di- tlr'(, ti„ / c, ( 7r)le,f 7C . 4. PERMANENT PUMP(IF AVAILABLE) 15.NAME/ADDRESS OF PUMP INSTALLATION COMPANY Description Qr, Horsepower Ut EP -,-„ q ump ,, --+. Intake Dep th S00 (ft) Nominal Pump Capacity »C. (gpm) ump 6.COMMENTS 1 7.WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT _„ IThis well was drilled and/or abandoned and r my supervision, according to applicable rules this is corset to the best of my knowledge. and regulations, and report complete and el A.l U /r� /Z /---- Registration #'I I1 1 % I rJ Iriller: r4.r.., i ,OFF Supervising Driller Signature' f / _ sm. .. (cc E 4_ 4,-, it Date G_//C�/,.. Rig Permit#: 1 I 1 i l 51 "(7 . / f NOTE. Well Completion Reports must be filed by the registered well driller within 30 days of well completion. $ampler 8246 I HOWARD LABORATORMS OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. 715C 163.1'h Pleasant Sa ut Amherst, MA 01002 Y nvr: (41 t) k# - 26O F, (413) M9_18.0 MA Lab License: M-00851 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT Analyzed For: Address: Andy C:J. !l 114 Cnrnn QY'r, cane. r . a.. f .'111:1 Telephone: I r. ^.VSETEER "ul.It r Street Northampton, MA Date' ritr-: './12191 Date Received: 6/12/0,1 "_''SULIS La. Ctintiwiktr:c Total Coliform Tlact. ria_ PH Manganese riardness Conductivity Iron C C140*sr • 7.92 pH Hans C.012 mu1 0,05 man 8e moll Na`xaf.,b U.18 mSlcm 4.8 m`n No avuald 250 man IOK 1 sCFr. IL1L: !I i nv i OK 0.01 men Sodium Nitrate Nitrite 22 men OK 28 me'1 0.1 mgn 0.007 men 10 mg1I I mgn OK OK Color 43 PCo Color units IS PCs Color amts Oil Turbidity 0.63 N•tv s NTu Recommendadons:_�e° eMla.,:•;, MP DEP irte[y'et•T°..rs altct°I:1-paramei is rwt:k:d with an asterisk. ---- ------l— This sample meets acceptable standards of po:ab lily for il:c p ira tic:as tested, except tot'Wose parame :rs marked with an asterisk C`). Analyst: BA Checked By: Laboratory Su Date: 6/13/01