Registered Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers
Hoard of Health
City Hall
Northempton, Mass.
Feb.273,190 _
I have performed a percolation test in the cellar of a home on
Hickory Drive in Florence, which is under construction by Mr. Leo Shepard.
This test was performed about four feet below the natural ground level,
and I feel that it should be considered as a valid test. The soil is a gravel,
with the usual coarse sand end pebbles, and stones. Percolation rate was
one inch in two and one-half minutes.
Very truly yours,
Almer Huntley, Jr. V
Reg. Santa"l en
March 11, 1963
Mr. Warren Sullivan,
Building Inspector,
City Hall, Northampton, Mass.
Deer Mr. Sullivan:
The Davis ?ngineering Co. has submitted results
of a percolation test made °or Ur. Leo Shepard for a house
under construction on Hickory Drive.
These teats cannot be accented as valid because
they were made in the cellar of the house.
We have informed Mr. Leo Shepard that we expect
him to have a percolation test performed at the location of
the sentic tank as soon as weather permits.
Yours very truly,
Robert W. Langdon
Inspector of Plumbing
March 11, 1963
Mr. Leo Shepard,
80 Fox Farms Road,
Florence, Mass.
Dear Sir:
The Board of Health has received a report of p
percolation test performed by the Davis Engineering Co.
in the cellar of a home, under construction by you, on
Hickory Drive. We cannot accept this test as it was
not performed at the site of the septic tank installation.
We shall expect you to have a percolation test
performed at the location of the septic tank as soon as
weather rermits.
It is the rule of the Board of Bealth that a
percolation test be made on each individual lot et the
proposed location of the septic tank and results approved
before a building may be constructed.
We ask that you comply with this rule in the future.
Yours very truly,
Robert W. Lencion
Insnector of lumbing
March 11 , 1963
Davie ?ngtnrering Co. ,
?8 Main St. ,
Dorthem.ton, Flees.
Attention: Mr. Almer Huntley Jr.
Dear Mr. Huntley:
Pege.rding the percolation test that you performed for
Mr. Leo Phepard on Hickory Dr. the Board of Health will not
accept this is a valid test. The test must be done on the site
of the septic tank installation — not in the cellar of the house.
We have informed yr. Leo Shepard that we expect him
to have a percolation test performed at the location of the septic
tank as soon as weather termite.
Yours very truly,
Pobert W. Langdon
Inenector of Plumbing