33 Complaint & Inspection 1985 HOARD OF I-IEALTH • • JOHN T. JOYCE,Chairman PETER C KENNY MD Michael R. Parsons PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 Tel(41MXMIKX 586-6950 Ext. 214 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIM: STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUNAN HABITATION" AT 2nd ORDER ADDRESSED TO: floor apartment, 33 Renshaw Avenue, Northampton Mr. Bruce Fogel DATE November 21, 1985 16 Forbes Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: This is an important legal document. of this form at: Nancy Messerly 33 Renshaw Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translati Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adqui uma tradusao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. I1 pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez . obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: _ . Questo b un documento legale importance. Potrebbe ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una [reduction de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To mole miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac ttumaczenie tego dokumentu w ofisie: - Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. . Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 2nd floor apartment, 33 Henshaw Avenue , Northampton (assessor's map 31B parcel 17 . ), for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, and Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the necessary repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- ceipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete correction, within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this order, the follow- ing violations: REGULATION VIOLATION REMEDY 410.501 broken panes of glass in the repair broken windows following windows• by replacing broken panes of glass living room right side window, bottom half front porch (windows numbered left to right) front window 41, top half front window #2, bottom half front window #4, bottom half side window #6, bottom half Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent P.7Mc/ec Certified mail ffP 417862457 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date #/t ime Name of G Complainant ' r" "y���h�i�-�g���Q/Q� (Si'hi /b"77� Address ;r -`�""'�"64tT Tel. !a(eCf- os5i /6578 Nature of Complaint -4'"^'""4-°` 114j18. 1 g•,_._, A / / 4 / . Location of o%/P�r�emises - Owner /'rl`>'''f t.- - CCt 4„, 4Y14tec, 4.-,,,c, Address Occupant Taken by `J(/ Referred to Date of inspection */44 f� TimCe�, ($�4::33/ea — INSPECTOR'S REPORT r64���q,,�t,6 �” 3/9 7 Action Taken ctiof Spector 11730 01 //al /rs CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE ss .?.?/ 1c5/: Occupant 's Name .G f Occupants Apt. # # of Dwelling Units # Stories of Structure B- F`' ,MM # Habitable Rooms `n Bathroom 410.150 Address of Owner Regulation # Bedrooms Violations rater between 1200 & 1400 .19Q t and seat .150 A(1) basin .150 A(2) or tub .150 A(3) cient cold water .350 A .500 .500 ng .500 .500 .252 A lation .280 A or B :lug connection & drains .350 Kitchen 410.100 Regulation Violations 'en sink sufficient size .1QQ A(1) : and oven .100 A(2) : for refrigerator .100 A(3) :lets (electrical) .251 B :lectrical light fixture .251 A 3 .500 mg .500 r .500 ilation (window) (mechanical) .251.6 water (sufficient pressures) ,350 A dater .190 )WS .500 s .500 ens (door & window) .551 & .552 bing connection & drains .350 Regulation Violations in Roo ets (2 or one with light) .251 B /] tin ting .251 A , 'o t s s .500 /y^�"�v pi ..A:3-4.' ing .500 RAJy((`,/ .� - r ..500 ows C.50P) ens .551 s (windows) .480 E Pantry or Dining Room Regulation Violations ets (2 or one with light) .251 B ting .251 A s .500 jug .500 ,r .500 ow .500 ens .551 s .480 E Regulation Violations cient natural li•htin: .250 A ets or 1 .251 B with 1 outlet 251 A .500 .500 .500 >ws Mfrirtrial MO 41c17-1-*- :its - .500 sere adequate _. for occupant? Sleeping Room lP2 .400 icient natural li•hting .250 A tlets or 1 .251 B t with outlet .251 A .500 in: .500 .500 ows .500 ens .551 .500 here adequate e for occupant? .400 Sleeping Room #3 icient natural li:hting .250 A tlets or 1 .251 B t with outlet .251 A s .500 in• .500 It .500 ows .500 ens .551 .500 here adequate e for occupant? .400 Common Area & Exit (Interior .2 _ A & Bap le.500' I a 5,_ / !rior area illuminated proper]. lows ens .551 Mine ^q s .500 .500 r -r', �.� u Lin• Is .500 .500 �_ ,. . ors irwa s .042 � non bathroom clean Common Area & Exit (Exterior nn e .151 .500 ches .500 ndation .500 irs .500 b & rubbish .601 vate wa s .600 ters and down spouts - .500 f .500 d paint .502 r li•hts .253 B Regulation ervices working and available • s eating facilities in good rY .200 680 and 64' I0 . pater 12e° to 140° ities vented � heater - •ro.er tar wirin: �� ninill rical service ade.uate .ts and rodents nil= 1111111nn in: sanitar Miscellaneous Ins--r pector next scheduled reinspection is: Title e rmev a.m. p.m. Date Time