25 Complaint I � e ( BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT REE fr\ U '1A O LA Date::[ S 7.01 17 Time: 12 GEO: Type: / V Nameo C•mplainant: S8'<cve-g_ti)C, Address: •-an3E dA 77 - 32.7 Out f..JCPItEt.p ROAD TeI:- �Ll I 5 ww.rie+J "3 ?i ,i NATURE OF COMPLAINT: '1i -'t ' FsV Z-0 A-A Location: I F all— o\ c) sn. . 1_ eia (3 UU Owner: IRE,A€ KdU KOtpJLt ��""'1F Address: ZS SA.Viw ttEtb�� Tel: / k\ H��NI HA- O10) \1 \' Taker b \Y/' Date of Inspection: Time: �______/ INSPECTOR'S REPORT: V/73'3 3 / "w Col e 63-111-‘ qn'✓et.. �'") c.4/-ce /aie.� d GC'GC retest C WRitz t— eA3tt4E_ mmkn Pi,.'.(,)..ke° ..k e..It rest Total#of Inspections: s y,,) Orders Issued?: Date of Final Inspection Notice of Compliance?: O Inspector Signature iesidential l rash/Rubbish.Open 17-327 Old S.nn•field Road Northampton, MA 01060, USA Show on Map JePORT R as Olive Issue ID: 452534 Viewed: 2 times Neighborhood: Northampton Reported via: mobile application Reported: on 2013-03-29 Tagged: trash, trash Description No description provided. City of Northampton also asked... Q. Please provide your name. Your name will not be available to the public. A. Scott Daniels Q Please provide your telephone number in case we need to reach you. Your telephone number will not be available to the public. A.4133413814 Q. Is this issue in public or private property? A. No Answer Given Q. Please enter the details about your complaint. A.TV, computer, etc S tesidential Trash/Rubbish.Open 7-327 Old S.rin.field Road Northampton, MA 01060, USA Show on Ma !EVUN'I'ER teve Sau ssue ID: 152490 hiewed: a times Neighborhood: Northampton Reported via: mobile application Reported: cn 2013-03-29 Tagged: :rash,trash Description No description provided. City of Northampton also asked... Q. Please provide your name.Your name will not be available to the public. A. No Answer Given Q. Please provide your telephone number in case we need to reach you. Your telephone number will not be available to the public. A.4136950869 Q. Is this issue in public or private property? A. No Answer Given Q. Please enter the details about your complaint. A.Television console and stand )Id Springfield Road Residential Trash/Rubbish #452534 ry: ial Trash/Rubbish Rion: cription given. nts: e has been received by a Health ant Inspector. Reported 03/29/2013 by J&S Olive Acknowledged 04/01/2013 by Northampton Health Department Assigned SLA Expires No SLA 0 77-327 Old Springfield Road Northampton, MA 01060, USA `I''m. as e°` ti Pop data®2ffItgale Internal Notes: No Notes Questions: Q:Please provide your name. Your name will not be available to the public. A:Scott Daniels Q:Please provide your telephone number in case we need to reach you. Your telephone number will not be available to the public. A:4133413814 Q:ls this issue in public or private property?A: Q:Please enter the details about your complaint. A:TV, computer, etc Field Notes: '34 77-327 Old Springfield Road Page 1 of I Website Disclaimer Tips Help Northampton Public Works Address Search Print 1'.5,337 [ Go I G, :A tim t < xi M Results p t.d ✓ 38D-071-001 (parcels_asr) 10661 C.:] 07: - pt . a [r 38D-071-001 I++II � p� 6 D 1-i I 381).071-001 (parcels_asr) O 'J r i. OBJECTID {OBJECTID} ' 4 lit .__ PARCEL ID 38D-071-001 Map Contents Co Lot_ID, 38D-071 Unit ID. 001 9 r citymap _ IN utilities (provisional) GIS_ACres 12.627465 I+l 'J roads PROP_ADDR OLD SPRINGFIELD RD a J Parcels PROP_NUM SI k hydrography b OLD SPRINGFIELD 9 I/northampton et PROP_STR RD CU I elevation li PROP_APT al `"demography rr OWNR_1 KULIKOWSKI IRENE 51 zoning Q ' O NR— 7 ; del ml photo 2011 0 Sc. 11e 336 354 an Feet °utylnap>p`3rcr-air _. tW rd- ', i _ - CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS:Donna Salloem, Chair—Joanne Levin, MD Suzanne— Smith, MD STAFF: Merridith O'Leary, RS Director Daniel Wasiuk Inspector—Edmund Smith, Inspector—Jennifer Brown, RN, Nurse e: 4/3/2013 Irene Kulikowski,owner Tress: Between 77 - 327 Old Springfield Road, Northampton MA Discarded electronic trash and furniture cabinet (smashed arcade game) FEE OF NON-COMPLIANCE WITH ONE OR MORE LAWS is an important legal document that might affect your rights. e um document legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. r Property Owner(s): nrding to the records at the Assessor's Office,you are the owner of the property of the above ress. inspection conducted by this department on 4/1/2013 has revealed violations with one or 'e of the following laws. The Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 111, Sections 122, 123, and 125, Abatement of Nuisances; Northampton Code of Ordinances, Chapter 74, Solid ;te; or Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. ed below is a description of the violation(s): tears to be a broken and discarded video arcade game (electronic waste and wooden Met; reported to us by citizen complaint via Commonwealth Connect (SeeClickFix dication) on 4/1/2013. are hereby ordered to correct the violations no later than 4/19/2013 . A re-inspection for ipliance with this order will be conducted at that time. IF THE VIOLATIONS ARE NOT tRECTED BY THIS DEADLINE DATE,YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO RECEIVING A VIOLATION KET WITH A FINE. The fine will not be less than $25.00 and not more than $300.00 per ation, per day. Each day's failure not to comply with this ordinance or any other order shall stitute a separate violation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Health artment at (413) 587-1214. :erely, ¢•. 014 .matt- nund Smith.Health Inspector 413.587.1339 or email esmith(adnorthamptonma.gov with any questions 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 02421 0—C° iN20-03 Z5 syt iA ngiaaa3 FYAOICrrr4 61Ds5—