508 Application & Permit 1993 No.? THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Fa>if ' o BOARD OF HEALT� C l7 OF /Jtn're fJT' Application for finponal illurkn CEnnntrurtinn rrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair (4j an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: 0 0B Sy»Jctsre RbA0 A ,, t1 gar A-e} ekr 9 "�sl- C. 'Fluty- I �iSe Installer Type of Building Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms 'f..7 Expansion Attic Other—Type of Building No. of persons Other fixtures CD 7 S 4r Address Address Size Lot Garbage Grinder (yrs Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) .ee:fSq. feet _ Design Flow 1.6 O gallons per person per day. Total dal Septic Tank—Liquid capacity.J02gallons Length /P Width Disposal Trench No Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank �1t [(y� Percolation Test Results Performed by Test Test Pit No. 1_..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit f daily flow t[..RS-__gallons s Diameter Deppth...V•J q Total leaching area l.J� sq. ft. /3A Total leaching ar ��.` q. ft. SaDbs Width !.fl` Total Length /' t 3 A51(` Description of Soil •Date Depth to gm Depth to gr Come& VAivi3 +0 deride& StAt.o: Ain t Y��Env Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable J�.. %EF=L.ACE Agreement'. The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issue, by the board of health. li Application Approved By Application Disapproved for the following reasons: Permit No. Issued THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HE LTH Tertifirde of Cnampliat4e THIS IS TO CERTIFY,That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired ( ) by V, Lity j V 1 t t fv 4 ct V li '{C r S at R(CS. .r..+9 -Er) 'el ina- pJ has been installed in accordancrj with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Environmental Code as described in the cat on for Disposal Works Construction Permit No. _ q C Z dated - /-� /s7, THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BECONStRl1ED AS A GUARAY4TEETHAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTI N SATISFACTORY. DATE 3,./553 Inspector No I —2 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH / OF L'/-t-7-F!11..b.ka...)4....l..../ Oinpnaal ,r'nth Qtaantrurtian Ihrmit Permission is hereby granted :o Construct ( ) or Repair (X) an Individual Sewage Disposal System I it No c.e..iy 3C7.{_1,4e.5 Pit Street is shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit N4.7-)(2 _ Date),_ FEE DATE T.`-J-cma /.(14 s i DRM 1259 HOBBS 8 pARREN, INC., PUBLISHERS Qr pr-iu 4i.nr! ,cz•ir-H t. r9? A 117 FA !A as)4.'vLIC'Zl COB SxLVCSr CC RO op SCALE P9 roJErrr: tism Ibooa 4.41 .{ < Pert c;1. CcUC), ']S0 GaLtr„ i_r:ri `.cv,,,-; 49' Dr. &Rglen- r ae4.;frrtr DESl6n. Cp. jtiaq cnoC"e= _. 6ro 7.A7r7 ,5 3J::GP: No en-nn yJb ZVO 0 •Sr Pr« 4 r ntAr h�to c T L=am k ,; ;,u._ y "13 'OULO re'-1 I Ir t. 414E0) 1007 Mm10110AVI'•r No1C : bcpl Pr � r SCp7IC. Fl .„v�Ry WCc r o a6 T.L1( rler, �r�� ,r.; Tr aJLjMI.f JfeJEQ Lean) 1$ FLH •