412 Perc Test Letter 1964 14ER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Successsors to Davis Engineering Co. Established 1870 Registered Land Surveyors & Civil Engineers Board of Health City Hall Northampton, Mass. Attn : Robert Langdon Gentlemen.: 3o CRAFTS AVE., NORTHAMPTON, MASS. TEL. (413) 584-7444 May 12, 1964 I have made a percolation test at the home of Angelo Vachelli, Jr. , of Sylvester Road. There is an existing house on the lot, and the Vachelli's would like to put an addition on the house and with the addition, a bathroom. The only facilities there now are evidently a kitchen sink, which drains out to the rear of the house. There are no other sewage facilities at thistime. I have examined the soil to the rear of the house for the possibility of placing a septic tank and leaching field there. Due to a large difference in grade between the front of the house , and the rear of the house , and the fact that there is ledge not far below the surface, it would be very dificult to place a normal septic tank installation at that point. The soil to the far rear, especially under the garden is of a coarse sand. The percolation rate there is 1 inhes per minute, a very good rate. Ledge is about 3- feet to 4 feet below the surface, and somewhat lower as one gets closer to the rear of the garden. There seems to be a bowl like depression filled with the sand and gravel. The existing water supply well is also in this area, to the rear of the garden. The home of Angelo Vachelli, father of the applicant also takes water from this well. It is a shallow well , perhaps 10 or 12 feet deep. The property line between the two houses go along the edge of the garden and to the center of the well. To the left of the house as one faces it is a small brook. It is claimed that this brook runs only in the spring. This brook feeds a small pond to the left rear of the house. The drain from the sink eyries into the brook. After an examination of the site, and a percolation test, I am submitting a proposal to the Board of Health to take into consideration for granting a permit to the Vachelli family. (1 ) . Dig an artesian well to the right side of the house as it now exists , and hook both houses into this new well. (2) . Abandon the existing well. (3) . Place a septic tank to the left side of the house as it now exists. Since an addition will be put on the house , this can be filled over and covered quite easily. Some of the internal plumbibg in the house will have to be altered. r (4) . Obtain land or an easement from Mr. Vachelli, Sr. , to place A. leaching bed on his property under the garden area. A lawyer will have to draw up the necessary papers. (5) . Move the brook on the left side of the house over closer to the Property line on the left. This can be done with a bulldozer with little dificulty. (6) . Do whatever necessary grading that may be necessary to pr4erly cover the septic tank, piping, and leaching bed. If the above suggestions are carried out, with the proper spacing between the well and the sewage facilities, this should work out. Thank you fo r your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, Almer H:ntley, Jr7 // Registered Sanitarian i HUNTLEY, Jr., & ASSOCIATES, INC. egistered Lend Surveyors & Civil Engineers 30 Crafts Avenue Northampton, Mass. Telephone (Area 413) 589-7444 Lou MA ,ESNY A2Ea n rs T,ti'G sNELLOU-) ELL f 2-9c •i,VG [SED tr V• 13 rx SyuVESTE,2 RORD V tkl kkk May 15, 1964 Mr. Angelo J. Vacchelll 412 Sylvester Road, Northampton, Mass. Dear Sir: Mr. Almer Huntley Jr. , Engineer, has submitted a resort to this Board of Health of his evaluation of your property for correction of your sanitation problem, including a plan for same: The Board of Health approves Mr. Huntley's plan on condition that you proceed according to the following manner: 1. Move brook and drain pond. 2. Install an artesian well 3. Fill in old well 4. Install a 903 gal. septic tank and drain field 12 feet x 20 feet ae per sketch, obtaining an easement from 61r. Vacchelli Sr. for drain field location. Do not use area over drain field for garden purposes. 5. Install plumbing to conforn with the plumbing code. The above work shall be done in accordance with the plan enclosed. Yours truly, 2OARD OF HEALTH BY Enc. plan Robert W. Iangdon Inspector of plumbing