30 Complaint 2012 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: 12/I Ilv Time: ty ' -, GEO: Type: Name of Co plainant: CLLC Address: c - Tel: 14E3 Spey &.r e t 1 NATURE OF COMPLAINT� "`� T� � (: JU`.�c.n.ti v..� C YIw,'t - �C�L Lo...=—Z f5 i 1 -∎ U i Location: go L c, (✓LA<3 aD Te_ty, Mfo G 1/44aLyn fr Owner: 1-A1, z c m t Address: C 62g_,,gC2 tP`f Tel: 5-32 - HOLYeir.-rG, NA 337017 Taken by: 69 Date of Inspection: Time: S ' r1& INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ppot - F,c it reap. HM1 MsEZ 7J1_11ct 1.klry -ru3e€ I;/"in- _ 'Pal — P.cacoP Esrey TntJRS'DAY - HAIrJrs Arum ?a cED A?IA -9* J,Lt, po-pa.TML. S•T.)Meses3 MBE cuyyiC1 ar Cs ED • Cretpall main„Pnao,.}T.k.. CF..k ao.If YES t Total It of Inspections: Z Orders Issued?: 1.,36 Date of Final Inspection: /211//7.--- Notice of Compliance?: NYO ,. Fi/1 al — L Inspector Signature t trthampton Mail -#30 New South Street ht tps:Umaitgoogle.coMmail/u/09?ui 2&ik=9954d8032f&view-pt&q=... #30 New South Street 3 messages Ed Smith<esmhh@northamptonma.gov> Edmund Smith<esmith @northamptonma.gov> Mon, Dec 10,2012 at 12:31 PM To: "juliacmhm @hotmail.com"<juliacmhm @hotmail.com> Taken about 1 hour ago Sent from my'Phone photo.JPG 147K Julia Clinton<juliacmhm @hotmail.com> To: Ed Smith<esmitt@norlhamptonma.go o Hi Ed, I am sorry that I didn't get back to you yesterday. I spoke with my maintenance Alex in regards the overflowing dumpster.He told me that from time to time the dumpster gets an overflow of trash from outside trash but that does not happen on a daily basis. He went today and cleaned the surrounding area.The pickup date is every Thursday, unless I call for an extra pick up. Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 1:36 PM I will be monitoring the situation closely. Julia Clinton Mount Holyoke Management LLC. 5 Gerard Way Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040 Telephone: (413)532-3709 Fax: (536-0454) Subject:#30 New South Street From:esmith @northamptonma.gov Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 12:31.55-0500 To:I uliacmhm @hotmail.corn Taken about 1 hour ago Sent from my Phone(City of Northampton E-mail is a public record except when it falls under one of the specific statutory exemptions.) 12/12/2012 12:42 PM 1 yirthampton Mail-#30 New South Street https://mail,google.con'nail/WO/?ui=2&ik=9954d8032f&view pt&q=... Sent from my iPhone(City of Northampton E-mail is a public record except when it falls under one of the specific statutory exemptions.) Sent from my Phone(City of Northampton E-mail is a public record except when it falls under one of the specific statutory exemptions.) 2 attachments ATT00001 1K phato,JPG 147K Ed Smith<esmith@northamptonma.gov> Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:17 PM To:Julia Clinton<luliacmhm @hotmail.com> Thanks Julia I'll try to keep an eye on the area- I'm in the lot Mondays,Tuesdays.and Thursdays. Thanks for sending someone right out- Ed ]ported text hidden] Edmund Smith Health Inspector Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street, Northampton MA 01060 (413)587-1339 Regular Schedule: Monday 8 Wednesday, 8-4:30, Thursday 8-12 noon. 12/12/2012 12:42 PM