13 #4 Complaint Info 2001-2006 •
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Name of Complainant iziak,eve .zedd i
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Address: C? d 4 fcj,L Pf,k
Tel: S77-3)2)
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Taken by: a44,
Dateof Inspection: G $..Di
Time: //':a-^4M
INSPECTOR'S RN rr; ,fell mc. ✓/4,2k•TAi, ! rs rn, For G-S-oi
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TER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent
13 Munroe Street, Northampton, MA 01060
DATE: June 8, 2001
Estate of Stasia Baceski
clo Walter Drabantowicz
53 Overlook Drive
Easthampton, MA 01027
Walter Talenda
13 Munroe Street, 2nd Floor
Northampton, MA 01060
This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may
obtain a translation of this form at:
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direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de:
Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos
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To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje
uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie:
City Hall, 210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Tel #: (413) 587-1214
The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at
13 Munroe Street, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 38B parcel 104 .),
for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code.
This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below,
which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the
health, safety, and well-being of the occupants.
Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General
Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code,you are hereby ordered to
make a good faith effort to correct the following violations
within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of this order.
IfP� 0
Apt. 2" Floor Left
Apt. 2° Floor Left
(1) Kitchen sink with steady drip.
(2) Bedroom with illegally wired
electrical outlet on the outside
wall....using extension cords
(1) Tenant complains that several
attempts to rectify this problem
have already been attempted
without success. Repair leaking
faucet in a permanent fashion.
replacement of the entire unit may
(2) All electrical outlets must be
hardwired according to electrical
code standards. Re-install this
outlet in an approved, code
compliant fashion.
(3) Scrape and refinish peeling &
flaking surfaces of the bathtub.
(3) Outer bathtub surfaces with
peeling &flaking paint.
or 5,4i
0i ,?
Dwelling presently is not being
reasonably secured from unlawful
entry. 1st floor main entry doors (front
and back) lack keyed locks for which
Install keyed locking mechanisms for
both doors. Provide all tenants using
these entrances/exits with keys. Both
doors must also be properly fitted so
as to easily open, close and lock.
all occupants using them have been
provided keys.
Apt. 2" Floor Left
Apt. 2nd Floor Left
(1) Bathroom outside wall (in vicinity
of the bathtub) does not meet code
requirements with regard to a non-
. absorbent, waterproof covering.
n Present peeling from ch omoisture bubbling
& chronic
(1) Install an approved wall covering
for this outside bathroom wall.
Ce (2)
no:, L�
Both apt. #9 interior entry doors
0 with large cracks in the door
Apt.#9 Bedroom
(2) Properly seal all cracks in both
apt. entry doors.
(3) The following bedroom wall areas
show deteriorated, cracking &
(3) Repair/replace all deteriorated
cracking & buckling wallpaper
D buckling surfaces (wallpaper):
surfaces in an approved manner.
Since it may not be possible to
(a) outside wall
repair these areas (in an approved
(b) inside wall above bedroom/kitchen
fashion), resurfacing of the walls
entry doorway
with an approved covering may be
(c) chimney wall covering in the
corner of the bedroom
(d) spotty areas on the other two
inside bedroom walls.
Tenant complaints of maintenance
In the future, provide all tenants with
individuals arriving to do work without
at/easta twenty-four hour advance
notice for any scheduled work repair
any prior notification or scheduled
or alteration. This shall be deemed to
be adequate notice for the purposes
of effecting housing code compliance.
The tenant, likewise, is required to
provide reasonable access upon
Inspection of the premises was made on June 6, 2001 at approximately
10:00 a.m.
If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board
of Health office.
David E. Kochan
Sanitary Inspector
Northampton Board of Health
fE-Zd$I'ELPG-9 z 15-zer iti-ci
g/( L,c,y-i25/ /vCXr JJ
This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties
of perjury.
CERTIFIED MAIL# 7099 3400 0003 5609 5330
Complaint Referral
Referred to: Geo ,p .14)ur,oier Date:
Wttriii sip. -VC/ea
Location of Comaint: a
/3 /nti-•i-A-.-e,5' Nee 4,°
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Map: 3 g'5 Lot: /Oy
Description: o,�
—71-e Cn-ra 8 ° ` G��S /l-�'-�''�°
froz.,,1 AA estAl---"16-14,,,
Complainant: 4 ,, -r ��
Address: aAl Cider Tel: 5 y-07-970
'3 /l 4//24-e. 6A
Date of B of Inspection:
a//S/Oa � �
Referred by: n A ,e`er 4-:t∎
/(0yh/ UrLral /on?cA5 f%y 02/0?ory1/7
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Date: .5:- i2 8Z '
'Time: I
I Map: see P
Name of Complainant: 7WzriESE ZEJ 1/4/-6/^/rS
Address. /? -1c6U.;EOG st , /ST. A - /C T
Tel:586 0/6
/• /_;?- 'TAf 74/F 4 'k' L5Af VG ONTO &,t ! -
1 177 fE. ct'/c7C 0'LC b/Or:
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Location: 1/7q ?A' Dt/7z2.71 -E:6 CZ- 7-4
Owner: V
Address: i
Tel:3�/-$/ Z
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Taken by: cciy I
I Date of inspection: a- /--- 0 T
Time: Z ''
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Inspector Signature
1-2 OA (u:1)5rrvi) ,VOCdAVrF
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5-1" Ac ldn.veE
ER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent
13 Munroe Street, 1'Floor Left Apt., Northampton, MA 01060
DATE: March 18, 2002
ORD�ADDRESSED O. 53 Oveerlpook Drive 01027
COPY OF REPORT TO: Therese Lee Williams
13 Munroe Street, 1n Floor Left
Northampton, MA 01060
This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights You may
obtain a translation of this form at:
Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus
direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de:
Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos
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Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui
suoi diritti. Lei pu0 ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a:
Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos.
Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccion de esta forma en:
To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje
uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie:
City Hall, 210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Tel #: (413) 587- 1214
The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at
13 Munroe Street, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 38B parcel 104 .),
for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code.
This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below,
which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the
health safety, and well-being of the occupants.
Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General
Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code,you are hereby ordered to
make a good faith effort to correct the following violations
within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of this order.
Owner name and contact information
not posted, as required under
Post owner name and information in
an approved location. (Copy of
Regulation enclosed).
10 &
(1) Exterior front gutters located
along the front and on both front sides
of the dwelling are rotted, with holes,
and in general badly deteriorated and
in need of replacement. (See
attached photos).
(2) Dining Room
(a) Left prime window sash cord
busted; window not weathertight.
Window will not stay open or in
position without being propped up.
(b) Right prime window ill-fitted
and not weathertight; outer window
panel will not stay in position without
being propped up.
(c) Interior dining room wall with
large cracks in plaster.
(d) Exterior wall with loose plaster
and hole in one area along the lower
portion of the wall in vicinity of right
(1) Replace these badly deteriorated
gutters in an approved manner.
(2) Dining Room
(a) Repair/replace left prime
window in an approved manner so that
it will be fully and easily operational.
(b) Repair/replace left prime
window in an approved manner so that
it will be fully and easily operational.
(c) Refinish cracked wall areas so
as to properly fill and seal them.
(d) Repair wall area where plaster
is loose and deteriorated.
(3) Bedroom
Left prime window sash cords
busted; window not weathertight.
Window will not stay open or In
position without being propped up.
Outside refuse receptacles lack tight-
fitting lids.
(3) Bedroom
Repair/replace left prime window
in an approved manner so that it will
be fully and easily operational.
Provide tight-fitting lids for all refuse
receptacles, as required.
Inspection of the premises was made on March 15, 2002 at approximately
9:50 a.m.
If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board
of Health office.
Very truly yours,
David E. Kochan
Sanitary Inspector
Northampton Board of Health
This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties
of perjury.
CERTIFIED MAIL# 7001 2510 0004 8173 5020
13 Munroe Street - 3-15-Zuut
13 Munroe St_Front Porch Gutter.JPG
S Munroe St-Front L Corner.JPG
nroe St- Front R Lower Corner01.JPGG..JPG
13 Munroe St- Front R Lower Corner02.J`PG
13 Munroe St-Front Upper L Corner.JPG
James Croft
13 Munroe St.Apt 4
Northampton,MA 01060
October 26,2005
Mr.Ernest J.Mathieu,ILS.,MS.,C.H.O.
Director of Public Health
City of Northampton
Board of Health
212 Main St.
Northampton,MA 01060
Dear Mr. Mathieu:
I have been a tenant at 13 Munroe St-,Apt.4 for 14 year and 9 months. I will be an
occupant of this apartment until midnight October 31,2005.
I would like to file a formal complaint ga inst the current landlords of this building
for the following health,safety,and
1.) There is
exposed asbestos on a pipe in the third floor attic next to the hot water
heater and on some pipes in the basement
2.) There are holes in the wall on the third floor stairway going up to apartment 4.
Also there is plaster falling down from the ceiling in apartment 4.
3.) There is no handrail on the third floor stairway going up to apartment 4,as
required by law.
4.) There is no electrical wall plate in the room facing Munroe St in apartment 4.
5.) There is lead paint Peeling
from the third floor porch overlooking the driveway.
6.) The overhead hall light is falling out of its socket on the second floor landing and
there is paint peeling next to it.
7.) I quest ion the structural integrity of the second floor porch,as it appears to be
coming away from the wall. This can be seen when viewing sideways the
dividing sections on this porch-
I.) There is a cracked window on the rear second floor landing with broken glass on
the overhanging porch root There is another window in the attic that is cracked
and both attic windows are not weather resistant In addition there are several
cracked windows in the second floor apartment facing South Street Also there
are cracked windows in both apartments on the Ent floor.
9.)Since the landlord does not live on the premises,be is required to have his name,
address and phone number posted at both the front and rear entrances.
The former hmdlord did this but the current one has not.
10.) The trash area has been in disorder for over a month now,with t ached the
everywhere,even though on at least two occasions I have personally four the
landlord to explain this situation to both of them. They did purchase these
containers and left them in the back and cleaned the area
raccoons wov However,thes
trasheaas are inadequate as they have just flip tops. p oere
every night and knock over the trishaws and the garbage is spread ad eve and
for the raccoons,vermin,dogs and cats to rummage through during
night What needs to be done to have trash cans with flip up handles that lock
the top down and then have the handles secured with a small bungee cord.many
11.) There is a tremendous amount of trash in the basement,including Yoe water
paint cans,also la the attic there is also a lot of trash,incudog amt wt ter
heaters. Although the garage is a separate building,there good
trash in that building also,with various paint cans. I would think in all
instances these pose potential fire hazards.
I certainly hope you will be able to schedule an inspection of the property at 13
Munroe St.so that these health and safety violations can be corrected as soon as
possible. I would also like to inform you of the urgency of this,since four or the five
apartments are being vacated as of October 31g,2005 and it would appear that the
current landlord should be in compliance with all safety and health regulations of
the City of Northampton before new tenants are allowed in.
I am enclosing approximately 24 color photos illustrating the infractions mentioned
I look forward to hearing from you and I can be reached at 1413.586-2549. I thank
you in advance for your attention to this very important matter.
Pa. A copy of this letter is being sent to Mr.Brian Wallace and Mr.Joseph Pacefa
of Sequoia properties,the present landlords of 13 Munroe St. In addition each
tenant in three remaining apartments will receive a copy of this letter. they are Mr.
Michael Kennedy,apartment 1°floor right,: Ms. Graham and Ms.Renaud,
° (who will be remaining after November 1°,2005), and Ms.
apartment Schafer 1 floor left( 2nd floor t,(2S floor left is
Jennifer Schafer and Ms.Jessica Van Steensburg,
currently vacant).
Mr.Brian Wallace and Mr.Joseph Patella may be reached at:
Sequoia Properties
18 Severn Street
Longmeadow,MA 01106
for of Public Health
Nor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector
1,R.N..Public Health Nurse
[aline Heon,Clerk
November 15,2005
Brian Wallace and Joseph Pacella
Sequoia Properties
18 Severn Street
Longmeadow,MA 01106
RE: 13 Monroe Street,Apt. 4
REASON FOR INSPECTION: Complaint by Tenant
This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may
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Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez
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Questo e un document°legate importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub
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Este es un documento legal importante.Puede que afecte sus direchos.
Ud. Puede adquirir una tradcci6n de esta forma en:
To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie
teo dokumentu w ofisie:
ian Wallace and Mr Joseph Pacella:
ative from the Northampton Board of Health conducted an inspection of your building on
2005 and November 16 2005 at the premises located at 13 Monroe Street Apt.4,
as,114.L. owned or operated by you, for compliance with CHAPTER II OF THE STATE
ES. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are
ugh as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants.
e that photos were taken durin the ins ection.
Owners name, address, and telephone number not posted in entrance hallway.
ORDER: Owners name, address and telephone number must be posted and maintained on
dwelling adjacent to the mailboxes for such dwelling or elsewhere in the interior of such
dwelling in a location visible to the residents. IT MUST BE CONSTRUCTED ON UARE
Entrance door was not secured locked upon inspection. Building must be secured and locked
at all times.
ORDER: I a mechanical locking device. (See Below)
410.480: Locks
(A) Every dwelling shall be capable of being reasonably secured against unlawful entry.
(B) Every entry door of a dwelling shall be capable of being reasonably secured from unlawful entry and
shall be properly fitted with an operating locking device.
(C) The main entry door of a dwelling containing more than three dwelling units shall be so designed or
equipped so as to close and lock automatically with a lock, including a lock with an electrically-operated
striker mechanism, a self-closing door and associated equipment. Every door of the main common
entryway is equipped as provided into said
preceding lgsentence shall be equipped with an lock.
which is egmpp P
(M.G.L. c. 143,s.3R.)(D)
and shall be fitted Every
e door
with an operating Ming unit shall
locking be deep able of being reasonably secured from unlawful entry
(E) Every openable exterior window of a dwelling shall be capable of being reasonably secured and shall be
properly fitted with an operating locking device.
Several trash containers with no lids. Containers are not watertight receptacles. Garbage,
trash and other debris scattered on ground. Several trash bags on the ground. This situation
is an attractive area for animals and it is easy for them to get in the trash and scatter it.
ORDER: Provide a sufficient amount of trash cans for tenants. ALL TRASH CANS
MUST HAVE LIDS. Clean area around trash storage site. CORRECT VIOLATION
(Please read the copy of this regulation is below: )
410.600: Storage of Garbage and Rubbish
(A) Said receptacles ptacles and comers shall be of shall metal oil err durable. rodent-proof material. Rubbish shall be
stnrd in receptacle_ of metal or ot1`r dt'rable rodent-proof,„,te rial garbage and cbhish shall he put
out for collection no earlier than the day of collection.
(B) Plastic bags shall be used to store garbage or mixed rubbish and garbage only if used as a liner in
watertight receptacles with tight-fining covers as required in 105 CMR 410.600(A). provided that the
plastic bags may be put out for collection except in those places where such practice is prohibited by local
rule or ordinance or except in those cases where the Department of Public Health determines that such
practice constitutes a health problem. For purposes of the preceding sentence,in making its determination
the Department shall consider, among other things, evidence of strewn garbage. torn garbage bags, or
evidence of rodents.
(C) The owner of any dwelling that contains three or more dwelling units,the owner of any rooming house.
and the occupant of any other dwelling place shall provide as many receptacles for the storage of garbage
shall locate them so as sufficient
he convenient to the tenant and so final
that no objectionable odors enter any
(D) garbage and Tubb sh each
thelrrecep unit,
cles rrequir d rooming 105 shall
CMRe410 600(C responsible
) or at the point of collection by
the owner.
Holes and cracks in the walls of stairway.
ORDER: Cover or seal holes in walls.
No hand railing in stairway.It appears to have been removed.
ORDER: Install hand railing as per code.
Holes and cracks in walls,peeling paint, and wallpaper is peeling.
ORDER: Scrap and repaint peeling paint. Repair and seal all holes and cracks. Re-
seal wallpaper to wall.
Light fixture is not properly secured to ceiling.
ORDER: Secure light fixture to ceiling.
Broken window pane. Missing glaze on windows (cracked,broken, and peeling)Window is
not weather tight.
ORDER: Make window weather tight. Replace broken window pane. Re-glaze window.
Ceiling has holes and cracks.
ORDER: Repair and seal ceiling holes and cracks
Ceiling has water stain and evidence of leak(s) above stove.
ORDER: Find and repair leak. Paint water stains.
Missing cover plate to electrical box.
ORDER: Replace cover.
Ceiling has holes and cracks.
ORDER: Repair and seal ceiling holes and cracks.
Holes and cracks in walls in the room and closet..
ORDER: Repair and seal all holes and cracks.
Peeling paint.
ORDER: Scrap and repaint areas were paint is peeling.
2nd Floor porch appears to be sagging/leaning forward. To be reviewed for safety by
the Building Department.
Attic has excessive clutter and conducive to a rodent and vermin and an
attractive harborage area. Some items observed were three hot water heaters,
and other objects.
ORDER: Clean attic and remove some clutter.
Friable asbestos on heating pipes along ceiling in the attic.
ORDER: Repair, replace or remove all friable asbestos in accordance with the
regulations of the Mass. Dept. of Environmental Protection(D.E.P.). All work must be done
by a licensed contractor and proper filing must be completed with the D.E.P.
Broken window pane.Window is not weather window pane.
ORDER Make window weather tight. Replace broken
Cellar has excessive clutter and conducive to a rodent and vermin and an
attractive harborage area. Some items observed were three hot water heaters,
and other objects. (ie.20+ paint cans, etc.)
ORDER: Clean attic and remove some clutter.
Friable asbestos on heating pipes along ceiling in the cellar.
ORDER: Repair. replace or remove all friable asbestos in accordance with the
regulations of the Mass. Dept. of Environmental Protection(D.E.P.). All work must be done
by a licensed contractor and proper filing must be completed with the D.E.P.
No hand railing in stairway.
ORDER: install hand railing as per code.
Some windows were observed to be cracked and some had missing screens.
ORDER: Replace broken windows and missing screens.
This section of the code states that no person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let to
another for occupancy any dwelling, dwelling unit, mobile dwelling unit, or rooming unit
for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, which does not comply with
the requirements of 105 CMR 410.000.
States that one or more of the violations listed above is or may be a Condition which may
materially impair the health or safety and well-being of the occupant as determined by 105
CMR 410.750 of Article II of the State Sanitary Code.
has excessive clutter and conducive to a rodent and vermin and an attractive harborage area.
it Clean garage and remove some clutter.
vay has broken blacktop with many holes. This situation is a trip hazard danger.
R. Repair holes in blacktop in driveway.
LACES,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following
you be aggrieved by this order,you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. A
must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven (7) days of receipt of this
kt said hearing, you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary
.e as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn. You have the right to be represented by an
y. You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation
, orders, notices and other documentary information relative to this property. If these premises are occupied
ll housing, the occupants are entitled to their statutory rights and remedies.
feel free to contact the Board of Health office, at 587-1214, if you have any questions concerning this
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. This inspection report is signed and certified
he pains and penalties of perjury.
J. Mathieu, R.S., M.S., C.H.O.
Jr of Public Health
Building Department
Fire Department
James Croft
58 Bardwell Street, Unit C
South Hadley, MA 01075
it Withholding(General Laws Chapter 239 Section 8A)
e Violations Are Not Being Corrected you may be entitled to hold back your rent payments. You can do
thout being evicted if
t) You can prove that your dwelling unit or common areas contain code violations which are serious enough to endanger or
aterially impair your health or safety and that your landlord knew about the violations before you were behind in your rent.
You did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue In live in the building.
You are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay it. (For this it is best to put the rent
coney aside in a safe place.)
a air and Deduct (General Laws Chapter 111 section 127L)
AT sometimes allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself If our local code enforcement agency
s that there are code violations which endanger or materially impair your health, safety or well-being and your
d has received written notice of the violations, you may be able to use this remedy. If the owner fails to begin
ary repairs (or to enter into a written contract to have them made) within five days after notice or to complete repairs
14 days after notice you can use up to four months' rent in any year to make the repairs.
aliatory Rent Increases or Evictions Prohibited (General Laws Chapter 186, Section 18 and Chapter
fiction 2A).
vner may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making a complaint to your local code enforcement
about code violations. If the owner raises your rent or tries to evict within six months after you have made the
aint he or she will have to show good reason for the increase or eviction, which is unrelated to your complaint. You
able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tries this.
nt Receivership (General Laws Chapter 111, Sections 127C-H).
:cupants and/or the board of health may petition the District or Superior Court to allow rent to be paid into court rather
the owner. The court may then appoint a"receiver"who may spend as much of the rent money as is needed to correct
dation. The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months' rent.
each of Warranty of Habitability.
nay be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does not meet
rum standards of habitability.
ifair and Deceptive Practices (General Laws chapter 93A).
ng an apartment with code violations is a violation of the consumer protection act and regulations for which
rnie Mathieu
rom: Ernie Mathieu
;ent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 5:18 PM
'0: 'Joseph M. Pacella'
;object: RE: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
lttachments: Code Housing Standards.doc
rvember 30, 2005
tar Mr. Pacella,
Lase be informed that your reuuest for an extension to December 20, 2005 to correct the violations in
ur letter dated November 18, 2005 has been granted. Here is the housing code in word doc form
ached to this email.
so, there is a very good website that an Attorney (A.Joseph Ross,J.D.) in Boston has that is worth
uking at. Many other landlords who have looked at it have said it was helpful to them.
is website by J. Ross for Housing information is: www,attomeyross.com
int this out and follow these directions before you open the website. After you open the site the home
ige has a table of categories to click on. Click onto "Law Info". There are many helpful documents
:re. I suggest that you click onto:"How to be a landlord and avoid legal trouble". You should also
reek out the other documents on this page.
000 LUCK!
rnie Mathieu,
371213 (Direct Line)
rom: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @egan0anagan.com]
ent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:47 PM
o: Ernie Mathieu
c Brian J. Wallace
object: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
mportance: High
/ear Director Mathieu:
I am writing as you instructed during our phone conversation on the 28th to address the issues set
brth in the Order dated 11/18/05. It took me more time that I thought to verify a work schedule with
:ontractors for the remaining work. You will be pleased to hear that much of the work you requested
Iessage Page2 of4
is already been completed prior to ever receiving any notice from your office. However, as discussed,
e will need an extension to complete all of the issues addressed in the Order, having both substantial
•novations to complete and only receiving the Order less than a week before the November 30, 2003
ate for compliance.
I will try to provide you below with some background on our ownership of this property, the
anovations we have undertaken and the timetable for the completion of all renovations, which address
of only all of the concerns that the Order states over the common areas and Apt. 4 but also completely
enovates the two other apartments that had almost never been renovated due to the temperament of
dor management as well as several tenants who had lived there for many years at a very reduced rate
ithout security deposits.
We purchased this property on or about August 31, 2005 and shortly thereafter informed tenants that
,e would begin substantial renovations. We informed them that rent would increase as a result as well. !
ad a number of conversations with Mr. Croft who relayed that he was very interested in staying but
my at the same rent. I am now surprised to hear that our inherited, former tenant, Mr. Croft had
ancems about the condition of the premises which were never even voiced to us. It seems strange in
amparison that he lived there for almost 15 years without contacting your office about these issues of
ecay in his apartment which could only have been caused over a long period of time, and he had
;marked that the property was never advertised for sale because he would have liked to purchase it.
Based on your sincere representation that you will work with us, we will not request a hearing. I trust
in you will find that we are not the root of the poor condition of the premises and that we have and will
take our best efforts to make the needed renovations.
The following is an update of the work that has and will be completed:
Five new large trash cans with attached lids have been provided and all refuse cleaned up long ago.
his was the only thing that I recall Mr. Croft complained of. We went up there at least three times
nd cleaned up and secured the old barrels (that had removable lids) only to find that they were knocked
ver or the lids were left off. It was clear to us from what we observed that much of this was caused by
amething other than animals. We hired Duseau Trucking for removal of rubbish and have paid extra so
rat the cans do not have to be put out on and brought back from the curb for the convenience of tenants
nd the neighbors.
. Four 20-40 yard dumpsters have been removed from the site,which not only removed clutter as
rdered but has virtually cleaned out all the debris from the basement, attic and garage. We bought the
roperty "as is" and these items all belonged to the former owner or tenants and had been there for many
ears. We were glad to utilize the Honor Court to help with finish loading these dumpsters in this
rocess. All that remains are some old paint cans, motor oil, etc. that could not go into the dumpster and
„ill be disposed of elsewhere.
. The third floor apartment has had all off the ceilings and walls repaired and recovered,plastered and
ainted. The water mark in the ceiling of the kitchen was extremely old and unchanged. After watching
ris areas in rain storms, there was no leak in the roof to fix, and Mr. Croft never complained of any
.taks. You should know that damage to the stairway appeared to greatly increase by Mr. Coft's move
ut and appeared to be more than reasonable wear and tear. This has all been repaired with new
heetrock, etc. Two handrails have been permanently installed on the left wall of the stairs heading up to
is apartment to provide full coverage as someone walks up.
One handrail was also installed on the left side of the basement stairs as requested. A second one
11 be in place for the next stretch of stairs well before December 20, 2005.
The company's information is being framed in an 8 '/z x 11" page facing you as you walk in through
front entrance in large font,including Brian and my telephone numbers I read the order to make this
Iuired for only one entrance. Please let me know if this is needed on the back door as well. Although
t part of the order, you should know that we also ordered 6 new, locking mail boxes for the front and
11 put a bigger number 13 for fire and police response. We will also be adding more exterior motion
nsor lighting under the porches.
New locks have already been installed on both exterior doors as well as to all exterior exits to
artments. We are making enough keys to distribute to everyone such that the building can be locked at
times. We will discuss the importance of keeping this secured with all tenants as well.
As to the upstairs hallway: I was not aware that the law provided that the aesthetics of the peeling
all paper or paint be repaired unless it posed some danger. We had, however already scheduled the
me contractor to start this work as early as December 15, 2005. He put off another job to renovate the
ree apartments for the past month to assist us prior to receiving this notice. He tells me it will take 3-5
Lys to renovate the main entrance, stairway and 2"d floor hall. The wallpaper is already off the 2"d
)or hall and we expect to completely repair the ceilings and walls. We also have already purchased
all-to-wall carpeting in place of what presently exists in the main hall and stairs and 2"11 floor hall. A
:eased electrician will be replacing the hanging fixture in the hall either today or tomorrow with a
rge flourescent fixture which is more suitable to the safety and welfare of the tenants. Although not
.dered, hallway lighting will be greatly improved with new fixtures and we also have replaced nearly
1 of the old fixtures in these apartments with new ones. Although not included on the order, the
ectrician has been directed to make sure that all necessary GFI outlets in kitchens/baths be put into
ace for the safety of occupants.
Twenty-five new windows were already installed and another 16 were ordered a few weeks ago,
hich will replace all of the windows that were not already renovated in the building (except basement).
arvey Industries has been promising these windows to us for 1-2 weeks now, but I am assured that the
indows will be ready and this will be completed before December 20, 2005.
. As discussed, our property inspector had told us and we saw that the asbestos was in"very good
andition" on the property. We may have to meet to see what you were concerned with. The pipe
overing in the 31a floor attic appears to have been the result of a person pulling on it. This was not that
'ay on inspection. As we discussed, I will contact a licensed group to have them come and view the
sbestos, fix any concerns and verify to you that there is no friable asbestos. I hope to have this
ompleted by December 20,2005 but I know that if work needs to be done,this may take more time.
0. The exterior painting of the porches cannot be done until the spring or I am told that it will simply
of hold. We are looking into the cost of jacking up the front porch. If we do not repair it, we will have
ae building department come out to verify that the present condition does not pose a risk. We are both
mply framed guys and we were out on all of the front porches and felt no concern. Our property
aspector believed that this separation from the house was superficial. I do not yet know how much time
s needed for this.
1. Driveway: A underground oil tank that leaked was properly removed as part of this sale by the
trior owner. We tried to get this patched, but apparently the companies that make tar are shut down until
he spring. We will do this as soon as we are able to in the Spring. Please let us know if there is anything
e that should be done on this.
I hope these details show you that we have and continue to work in good faith to deal with these
ues set forth in the Order. There was a lot to the Order and we have never taken on a property like
s, so if we have missed anything,please let me know, and we will address it immediately.
Please let me know if we can have an appropriate extension to continuing working on these issues at
ur earliest convenience until December 20, 2005. I presume that we will talk about the exterior issues
it we are told cannot be done until Spring at that time and probably need more time for those issues.
tanks again.
�ry truly yours,
seph M. Pacella, Manager
:quoia Properties, LLC
[essage Page 1 of 5
ram: Ernie Mathieu
ant Tuesday, December 20,2005 2:28 PM
o: 'jmpacella @eganflanagan.com
abject: FW: Request for Extension/Update re: 13 Munroe St.
rom: Ernie Mathieu
ent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:24 PM
3: 'Joseph M. Pacella'
object: RE: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
'member 19, 2005
'ear Mr.Pacella,
lease be informed that your request for a second extension to January 19, 2006 to correct the violations
i your letter dated November 18, 2005.has been granted. Here is the housing code in word doc form
tached to this email.
rnie Mathieu,
671213 (Direct Line)
rom: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganfanagan.com]
ent:Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:33 PM
o: Ernie Mathieu
ubject: RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
ear Mr. Mathieu:
As discussed,we are requesting an extension until January 19, 2005 with respect to the property located at 13
lunroe St.. The purpose of the extension is to allow for additional work to be completed as there were work
slays with contractors and additional delay caused by the incliment weather conditions.
ery truly yours,
)seph M. Pacella, Manager
equoia Properties, LLC
Original Message
From: Ernie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @northamptonma.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 5:18 PM
To: Joseph M. Pacella
Subject: RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
November 30, 2005
Dear Mr. Pacella,
Please be informed that your request for an extension to December 20, 2005 to correct the
violations in your letter dated November 18 2005,has been granted. Here is the housing code in
word doc form attached to this email.
ile://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents\Word Files CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
essage Page 2 of 5
Also, there is a very good website that an Attorney(A.Joseph Ross,J. D.) in Boston has that is
worth looking at. Many other landlords who have looked at it have said it was helpful to them.
His website by J. Ross for Housing information is www.attorneyross.com
Print this out and follow these directions before you open the website. After you open the site the
home page has a table of categories to click on. Click onto "Law Info". There are many helpful
documents here. I suggest that you click onto"How to be a landlord and avoid legal trouble".
You should also check out the other documents on this page.
Ernie Mathieu,
5871213 (Direct Line)
From: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganflanagan.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:47 PM
To: Ernie Mathieu
Cc: Brian J. Wallace
Subject: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Importance: High
Dear Director Mathieu:
I am writing as you instructed during our phone conversation on the 28th to address the issues
set forth in the Order dated 11/18/05. It took me more time that I thought to verify a work
schedule with contractors for the remaining work. You will be pleased to hear that much of the
work you requested has already been completed prior to ever receiving any notice from your
office. However, as discussed,we will need an extension to complete all of the issues addressed
in the Order,having both substantial renovations to complete and only receiving the Order less
than a week before the November 30, 2003 date for compliance.
I will try to provide you below with some background on our ownership of this property,the
renovations we have undertaken and the timetable for the completion of all renovations,which
address not only all of the concerns that the Order states over the common areas and Apt. 4 but
also completely renovates the two other apartments that had almost never been renovated due to
the temperament of prior management as well as several tenants who had lived there for many
years at a very reduced rate without security deposits.
We purchased this property on or about August 31, 2005 and shortly thereafter informed
tenants that we would begin substantial renovations. We informed them that rent would increase
as a result as well. I had a number of conversations with Mr. Croft who relayed that he was very
interested in staying but only at the same rent. I am now surprised to hear that our inherited,
former tenant, Mr. Croft had concerns about the condition of the premises which were never even
ile://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents\Word Files\CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
Page 3 of 5
voiced to us. It seems strange in comparison that he lived there for almost 15 years without
contacting your office about these issues of decay in his apartment which could only have been
caused over a long period of time, and he had remarked that the property was never advertised for
sale because he would have liked to purchase it.
Based on your sincere representation that you will work with us, we will not request a hearing. I
trust that you will find that we are not the root of the poor condition of the premises and that
we have and will make our best efforts to make the needed renovations.
The following is an update of the work that has and will be completed:
1. Five new large trash cans with attached lids have been provided and all refuse cleaned up
long ago. This was the only thing that I recall Mr. Croft complained of. We went up there at
least three times and cleaned up and secured the old barrels (that had removable lids)only to find
that they were knocked over or the lids were left off. It was clear to us from what we observed that
much of this was caused by something other than animals. We hired Duseau Trucking for removal
of rubbish and have paid extra so that the cans do not have to be put out on and brought back from
the curb for the convenience of tenants and the neighbors.
2. Four 20-40 yard dumpsters have been removed from the site,which not only removed clutter
as ordered but has virtually cleaned out all the debris from the basement, attic and garage. We
bought the property "as is" and these items all belonged to the former owner or tenants and had
been there for many years. We were glad to utilize the Honor Court to help with finish loading
these dumpsters in this process All that remains are some old paint cans, motor oil, etc. that could
not go into the dumpster and will be disposed of elsewhere.
3. The third floor apartment has had all off the ceilings and walls repaired and recovered,
plastered and painted. The water mark in the ceiling of the kitchen was extremely old and
unchanged. After watching this areas in rain storms, there was no leak in the roof to fix, and Mr.
Croft never complained of any leaks.You should know that damage to the stairway appeared to
greatly increase by Mr. Coft's move out and appeared to be more than reasonable wear and tear
This has all been repaired with new sheetrock, etc. Two handrails have been permanently installed
on the left wall of the stairs heading up to this apartment to provide full coverage as someone
walks up.
4. One handrail was also installed on the left side of the basement stairs as requested. A second
one will be in place for the next stretch of stairs well before December 20,2005.
5. The company's information is being framed in an 8 1/2 x 11" page facing you as you walk in
through the front entrance in large font,including Brian and my telephone numbers. I read the
order to make this required for only one entrance. Please let me know if this is needed on the back
door as well. Although not part of the order,you should know that we also ordered 6 new, locking
mail boxes for the front and will put a bigger number 13 for fire and police response. We will also
be adding more exterior motion sensor lighting under the porches.
6. New locks have already been installed on both exterior doors as well as to all exterior exits to
apartments. We are making enough keys to distribute to everyone such that the building can be
locked at all times. We will discuss the importance of keeping this secured with all tenants as
ile://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents Word Files\CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
Page4OI 3
7. As to the upstairs hallway: I was not aware that the law provided that the aesthetics of the
peeling wall paper or paint be repaired unless it posed some danger. We had,however,
ore adyther
scheduled the same contractor to start this work as early as December 15, He P
job to renovate the three apartments for the past month to assist us prior to receiving this notice.
He tells me it will take 3-5 days to renovate the main entrance, stairway and 2"d floor hall. The
wallpaper is already off the 2"d floor hall and we expect to completely repair the ceilings and
walls. We also have already purchased wall-to-wall carpeting in place of what presently exists in
the main hall and stairs and 2"d floor hall. A licensed electrician will be replacing the hanging
fixture in the hall either today or tomorrow with a large flourescent fixture which is more suitable
to the safety and welfare of the tenants. Although not ordered,hallway lighting will be greatly
improved with new fixtures, and we also have replaced nearly all of the old fixtures in these
apartments not included
order, electrician directed to
make sure that all necessary FI outlets in kitchens/baths beputnto place the safety of
8. Twenty-five new windows were already installed and another 16 were ordered a few weeks
ago,which will replace all of the windows that were not already renovated in the building (except
basement). Harvey Industries has been promising these windows to us for 1-2 weeks now,but I
am assured that the windows will be ready and this will be completed before December 20, 2005.
9. As discussed, our property inspector had told us and we saw that the asbestos was in "very
good condition" on the property. We may have to meet to see what you were concerned with. The
pipe covering in the 3rd floor attic appears to have been the result of a person pulling on it. This
was not that way on inspection. As we discussed, I will contact a licensed group to have them
come and view the asbestos, fix any concerns and verify to you that there is no friable asbestos.I
hope to have this completed by December 20, 2005 but I know that if work needs to be done,this
may take more time.
10. The exterior painting of the porches cannot be done until the spring or I am told that it will
simply not hold. We are looking into the cost of jacking up the front porch. If we do not repair it,
we will have the building department come out to verify that the present condition does not pose a
risk. We are both amply framed guys and we were out on all of the front porches and felt no
concern. Our property inspector believed that this separation from the house was superficial. I do
not yet know how much time is needed for this.
11. Driveway: A underground oil tank that leaked was properly removed as part of this sale by
the prior owner. We tried to get this patched,but apparently the companies that make tar are shut
down until the spring. We will do this as soon as we are able to in the Spring. Please let us know
if there is anything else that should be done on this.
I hope these details show you that we have and continue to work in good faith to deal with these
issues set forth in the Order. There was a lot to the Order and we have never taken on a property
like this, so if we have missed anything,please let me know and we will address it immediately.
Please let me know if we can have an appropriate extension to continuing working on these
issues at your earliest convenience until December 20, 2005. I presume that we will talk about the
exterior issues that we are told cannot be done until Spring at that time and probably need more
time for those issues. Thanks again.
ile://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\Ivly Documents\Word Files\CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
Page 5 of
Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Pacella,Manager
Sequoia Properties,LLC
Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version:7.0.338/Vims Database:267.11.0/103-Release Date:9/15/2005
le://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents\Word Files\CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
e Mathieu
r: Ernie Mathieu
Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:43 AM
'Joseph M. Pacella'
Oct: Request for Extension/Update re: 13 Munroe St.
ry 11, 2006
Mr. Pacella,
ebe informed that your request fora Third extension to February 19 2006 to correct the v_olatons
ur original letter dated November 18, 2005 has been eranted.
213 (Direct Line)
I: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganfianagan.com]
: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:34 AM
Ernie Mathieu
ect. RE. Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
•Mr. Mathieu:
,ugh our 2nd extension was granted until the 19th of the month, I am writing to request another extension
February 19, 2005 with respect to the property located at 13 Munroe St. The purpose of the extension is to
r for additional work to be completed as there were work delays with contractors and additional delay caused
le incliment weather conditions.
in update, I can tell you that the renovation to the wails and ceilings of all hallways are complete(we are still
ng wall-to-wall carpet down but that was not part of the order)and the rest of the new windows are in. We
s hired ABIDE at some expenses to abate any and all concerns they could possibly find with the asbestos,
;h I am certain will go beyond the concerns that we discussed. They will provide you with a letter upon
ipletion. Although not part of the order, ABIDE is also removing sufficient asbestos in the boiler room to make
• for installing a new boiler so that we can provide better and more even and efficient heat to our tenants.
,ed on
e schedule d , I s notice, informed cannot until
;abat mn willl ak ay and waassu ed that there is no ne o di t rb any of e tenants. We are
ping to have the front porch raised, repaired and inspected by close of the next extension as I have found a
'tractor that belives he can do this in the wintertime. In any event, as previously mentioned, the outside
nting and the driveway cannot be dealt with until the spring. I will keep you posted.
ase let me know that this is alright and if there is anything more that we need to address.
ry truly yours,
seph M. Pacella, Manager
quoia Properties, LLC
Original Message
From: Ernie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @northamptonma.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:28 PM
To: Joseph M. Pacella
Subject: FN: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
From: Ernie Mathieu
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:24 PM
To: 'Joseph M. Pacella'
Subject RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
December 19,2005
rage G. lit z.
Dear Mr Pacella,
Please be informed that your rearrest for a second extension to January 19 2006 to correct the
violations in your letter dated November 18,2005,has been granted. Here is the housing code in
word doc form attached to this email.
Ernie Mathieu,
5871213 (Direct Line)
From: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @e9anflanagan.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:33 PM
To: Ernie Mathieu
Subject: RE: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Dear Mr. Mathieu:
As discussed, we are requesting an extension until January 19, 2005 with respect to the property
there were twork delays with contractors ontracto s and additional delay caused bythe ncliment weather conditions.s.
Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Pacella, Manager
Sequoia Properties, LLC
Page 1 of 3
: Ernie Mathieu
Tuesday,February 07, 2006 1:57 PM
oseph M. Pacella'
:ct: RE: Request for Extension/Update re: 13 Munroe St.
ary 7, 2006
Mr. Pacella,
Please be informed that your request fora fourth extension to March 19, 2006 to correct the
remaining violations in your original letter dated November 1&2005, as described in your
re—lc nest has been granted. Please contact me on this date or within one week to schedule a re-
a Mathieu,
213 (Direct Line)
r: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganflanagan.com]
:: Monday, February 06, 2006 3:09 PM
Ernie Mathieu
3rian J. Wallace
jest. RE. Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Mr. Mathieu:
)ugh our last extension remains in effect until the 19th of this month, I am writing to request another extension
onto be completed as there were work delays with purpose and delay caused by allow
he additional exterior
Rain weather conditions.
Ise be advised that, as scheduled on the 24th,ABIDE has abated all friable asbestos. You should receive
letter this week. In addition although not part of your order,we have installed a new boiler to address what
a long-standing issue with inconsistent heat in the building. We are also installing new carpet in the common
Nays for aesthetic reasons.
have engaged a contractor to perform the necessary repairs for the front porches. I understand that in
:ntly looking under the porch at the condition of the soil, the carpenter became concerned that there could be
ler settlement in years to come if he tried to dig the holes and pour the new footings before the ground has
ipletely thawed. Therefore, when the weather permits, he will pull a permit to do this work. As such, any
property will btorpre prepare for the work to be performed. Dan Rosenthal of Rosenthal Building and Remodeling will of
P P nY P P
my event, discuss this with the Building Dept. Lastly, the driveway repairs, landscaping and exterior painting
t we have planned cannot be done until the winter is over as well. I will keep you notified of any additional
:ase let me know that this is acceptable. Thanks again.
ry truly yours,
seph M. Pacella, Manager
quoia Properties, LLC
Original Message-----
From: Ernie Mathieu [milt :e 20hi u@43 t mPtonma.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January
le://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents\Word Files\CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
Page 2 of3
To: Joseph M. Pacella
Subject: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
January 11,2006
Dear Mr. Pacella,
Please be informed that your rquest fora Third extension to Febraarl 19, 2006 to correct the
violations in your original letter dated November 18, 2005 has beenSranted.
Ernie Mathieu,
5871213 (Direct Line)
From: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganflanagan.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:34 AM
To: Ernie Mathieu
Subject: RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Dear Mr. Mathieu:
Although our 2nd extension was granted until the 19th of the month, I at 3rivingrto request nother of the
extension until February 19, 2005 with respect to the property nth
extension is to allow for additional work to be completed as there were work delays with contractors and
additional delay caused by the incliment weather conditions.
As an update, I can tell you that the renovation to the walls and ceilings of all hallways are complete (we
are still putting wall-to-wall carpet down but that was not part of the order) and the rest of the new windows
are in. We have hired ABIDE at some expenses to abate any and all concerns they could possibly find
with the asbestos,which I am certain will go beyond the concerns that we discussed. They will provide you
with a letter upon completion. Although not part of the order, ABIDE is also removing sufficient asbestos in
the boiler room to make way for installing a new boiler so that we can provide better and more even and
efficient heat to our tenants. Based on ABIDE's schedule and the need for a ten day notice, they informed
me that they cannot start until 1124. This abatement will take one day, and I was assured that there is no
need to disturb any of the tenants. We are hoping to have the front porch raised, repaired and inspected
by close of the next extension as I have found a contractor that belives he can do this in the wintertime. In
any event, as previously mentioned,the outside painting and the driveway cannot be dealt with until the
spring. I will keep you posted.
Please let me know that this is alright and if there is anything more that we need to address.
Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Pacella, Manager
Sequoia Properties, LLC
Original Message-----
From: Ernie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @noithamptonma.gov]
Sent:Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:28 PM
To: Joseph M. Pacella
Subject: FW: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
From: Ernie Mathieu
le://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents\Word Files\CODE VIOLATION... 6/5)2006
Page 3 of 3
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:24 PM
To: 'Joseph M. Pacella'
Subject: RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
December 19, 2005
Dear Mr. Pacella,
Please be informed that your request fora second extension to January 19, 2006 to correct
the violations in your letter dated November 18 2005 has been granted. Here is the housing
code in word doc form attached to this email.
Ernie Mathieu,
5871213 (Direct Line)
From: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganflanagan.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:33 PM
To: Ernie Mathieu
Subject: RE: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Dear Mr. Mathieu:
As discussed, we are requesting an extension until January 19, 2005 with respect to the property
located at 13 Munroe St.. The purpose of the extension is to allow for additional work to be
completed as there were work delays with contractors and additional delay caused by the inclement
weather conditions.
Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Pacella, Manager
Sequoia Properties, LLC
Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
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sion:7.1.375/Virus Database: 267.15.2/251 -Release Date: 214/2006
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. Ernie Mathieu
Tuesday, March 28,2006 12:49 PM
'Joseph M. Pacella'
act: RE: Request for Extension I Update re: 13 Munroe St.
28, 2006
dr. Pacella,
be informed that your request fora second extension to April 30,2006 to correct the violations in
etter dated November l& 2005,has beengrante_d. This was an agreement we made in our
;sion on March 20, 2006 regarding the progress on the repairs. Please call me on or about April
)06 to set up a re-inspection time.
213 (Direct Line)
a: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganflanagan.com]
:: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:02 PM
Ernie Mathieu
Brian J. Wallace
jet: FW: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
r Mr. Mathieu:
Der our last conversation on March 20th, I am writing to notify you that all of the violations have been corrected
ept for the complete to the two items,,wh which will result in all Ithe violations being corrected tin the original letter that
t me to completer 18, two items,
t me on November 18, 2005. Presently the painters have already started working on scraping and repainting
entire exterior including all porches(although only soaping on the 3rd floor porch was ordered)and we
re contracted to have the entire driveway torn out and replaced rather than patching, which will be done as
)n as painting is completed Please let me know if this is alright.
ry truly yours,
seph M. Pacella, Manager
iquoia Properties, LLC
--Original Message-----
:om: Joseph M. Pacella
ent: Friday, March 10, 2006 7:36 PM
o: 'Ernie Mathieu'
c: 'Brian J. Wallace' Update re: 13 Munroe St.
ubject: RE: Request for Extension / Up
)ear Mr. Mathieu.
find attached a scanned copy of the paperwork that I received today from ABIDE regarding the work that
npleted on the aesbestos as of 1/24/06. In addition to proper disposal I licensing, etc,this shows that
took care of all of your concerns through either encapsilation or removal of torn or friable areas. In fact
9s required tbyrorder. Please verify with Chris Coopee if need be aneverything
let me done, which know if nythingdmarel lot more
I on this issue.
wanted to let you know that the front porch had, among other things, virtually all of the supports replaced
g/department has been done. If not this cwill likely occur this week. Due torthe Ind an summery we are
ith the inspection
encing, we are trying to get the driveway repairs, landscaping and exterior painting done, but I am not sure
Sletmebknow if you the
would like to do so deadline.
now or if we had
can have another 30 day you
xtenson untiltApr reinspect
il 19th to so
ete exterior repairs, considering the large amount of work(and expense)that has been previously and
rly completed.
e let me know. Thanks again.
truly yours,
)h M. Pacella, Manager
oia Properties, LLC
----Original Message
From: Ernie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @northamptonma.gov]
Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2006 1:57 PM
To: Joseph M. Pacella
Subject RE: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
February 7, 2006
Dear Mr. Pacella,
Please be informed that your request for a fourth extension to March 19, 2006 to correct
the remaining violations in your original letter dated November 18, 2005, as described in
your request has been granted. Please contact me on this date or within one week to
schedule a re-inspection.
Ernie Mathieu,
5871213 (Direct Line)
From: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganflanagan.com]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 3:09 PM
To: Ernie Mathieu
Cc: Brian J. Wallace
Subject RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Dear Mr. Mathieu:
Although our iM extension
rch 19, 2006 with respect to until the 19th of
Munroe St this
The purpose of the lexxtensionu is to allow for additional until Ma work to
the inclement and uncertain weather conditions. work delays with contractors and delay caused by
Please be advised that, as scheduled on the 24th, ABIDE has abated all friable asbestos. You should
receive their letter this week. In addition although not part of your order, we have installed a new boiler to
address what was a long-standing issue with inconsistent heat in the building. We are also installing new
Carpet in the common hallways for aesthetic reasons.
We recently looking under the poorch attheocondition of the soil, the carpenter became concerned that there
could be further settlement in years to come if he tried to dig the holes and he pour will the new footings before s
the ground has completely thawed. Therefore, when the weather permits, pull a p
may sees bracing any front of the poperrty�to prepare for the work to beeperfo performed. Rosenthal�ofhat you
work.Rosenthal Building and Remodeling will, in any event, discuss this with the Building Dept. Lastly, the
over as repairs, l keep you innotified and xt any r painting we have planned cannot be done until the winter is
Please let me know that this is acceptable. Thanks again.
Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Patella, Manager
Sequoia Properties, LLC
ims found in this outgoing message.
:ked by AVG Free Edition.
ion: 7.1.375/Virus Database:268.2.1/278-Release Date:3/9/2006
irus found in this outgoing message.
eked by AVG Free Edition.
sion: 7.1.385/Virus Database: 268.3.2/294-Release Date:3/27/2006
actor of Public Health
tlR.N., ublliic Health Nurse
May 9, 2006
Brian Wallace and Joseph Pacella
Sequoia Properties
18 Severn Street
Longmeadow,MA 01106
RE: 13 Monroe Street,Apt. 4—Re- Inspection
Dear Mr. Brian Wallace and Mr. Joseph Pacella:
This notice is to inform you that a re-inspection of this property referenced above,
owned by you,was conducted on May 9,2006,as a follow up to the orders for correction
of the violations issued against you in an enforcement letter dated November 18,2005,at
the premises located at, 13 Monroe Stree[ Apt.4 Northampton MA owned or
operated by you.
Please be informed that the re-inspection has revealed that you have complied with the
correction orders issued to you in the November 18,2005 inspection report letter that
was sent to you. No other violations were noted on this day.
If you have any questions regarding this matter,please contact me at my office.
Ernest J. Mathieu,R.S.,M.S. C.H.O.
Director of Public Health
Page 1 of 4
n: Joseph M. Pacella Ujmpacella @eganflanagan-tom]
:: Saturday,May 13, 2006 4:44 PM
Ernie Mathieu
bwallmazz @comcast.net
ject: RE: Request for Extension/Update re: 13 Munroe St.
ik you for your help on this. I know that you had said to drop you a note in a week if we did not receive your
off in the mail. I am writing this a few days before the 16th, as I will likely forget this coming week. I will be
up trying a case in all next week and will be unavailable.
nted to ask if you could please mail this to us by this coming wednesday as we are putting the property on the
plaint with the realtor Health d to our review ellers d sclosures do not
to put
appreciate eot. a pending
nks again.
Original Message
From: Ernie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @northamptonma.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:55 AM
To: Joseph M. Pacella
Subject: RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Yes Joe-Confirmed
From: Joseph M. Patella [mailto:jmpacella @eganfanagan.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:43 PM
To: Ernie Mathieu
Cc: Brian Wallace
Subject: RE: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
As discussed yesterday, I am writing to confirm that we will meet you at the property at 9:00 am on
Tuesday, May 9th.
Thanks again for your assistance on this matter.
Original Message
From: Ernie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @northamptonma.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:30 PM
To: Joseph M. Pacella
Subject: FW: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
From: Ernie Mathieu
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:49 PM
To: 'Joseph M. Pacella'
Subject: RE: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
March 28, 2006
le://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents\Word Files\CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
Page 2 of 4
Dear Mr. Pacella,
Please be informed that your re nest for a second extension to April 30, 2006 to correct the
violations in your letter dated November 18, 2005,has been granted. This was an agreement
we made in our discussion on March 20, 2006 regarding the progress on the repairs. Please
call me on or about April 30 2006 to set up a re-inspection time.
Ernie Mathieu,
5871213 (Direct Line)
From: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganflanagan.coml
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:02 PM
To: Ernie Mathieu
Cc: Brian J. Wallace
Subject: FW: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Dear Mr. Mathieu:
As per our last conversation on March 20th, I am writing to notify you that all of the violations have
been corrected except for the repairs to the driveway and exterior painting. I would like to request
an additional extension to April 30, 2006 to complete these two items, which will result in all the
violations being corrected in the original letter that sent me on November 18, 2005. Presently the
painters have already started working on scraping and repainting the entire exterior including all
porches (although only soaping on the 3rd floor porch was ordered) and we have contracted to have
the entire driveway torn out and replaced rather than patching,which will be done as soon as
painting is completed. Please let me know if this is alright.
Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Pacella, Manager
Sequoia Properties, LLC
Original Message
From: Joseph M. Pacella
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 7:36 PM
To: 'Ernie Mathieu'
Cc: Brian J. Wallace'
Subject: RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Dear Mr. Mathieu:
Please find attached a scanned copy of the paperwork that I received today from ABIDE regarding
the work that was completed on the aesbestos as of 1/24/06. In addition to proper disposal/
licensing, etc, this shows that ABIDE took care of all of your concerns through either encapsilation
or removal of torn or friable areas In fact they sugested that three issues be addressed, and we
elected to have everything done, which included a lot more than was required by order. Please
verify with Chris Coopee if need be and let me know if anything more is needed on this issue.
Also, I wanted to let you know that the front porch had, among other things,virtually all of the
supports replaced and I believe that it is now complete. I will check with the carpenter as to whether
or not a final inspection with the building department has been done. If not this will likely occur this
week. Due to the Indian summer we are experiencing, we are trying to get the driveway repairs,
ile://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents\Word Files CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
essage Page 3 of 4
landscaping and exterior painting done, but I am not sure if this is possible before the March 19th
deadline. You had mentioned last time that you would like to reinspect, so please let me know if you
would like to do so now or if we can have another 30 day extension until April 19th to complete
exterior repairs, considering the large amount of work(and expense)that has been previously and
recently completed.
Please let me know. Thanks again.
Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Pacella, Manager
Sequoia Properties, LLC
Original Message
From: Ernie Mathieu [mailto:emathieu @northamptonma.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 1:57 PM
To: Joseph M. Pacella
Subject: RE: Request for Extension / Update re: 13 Munroe St.
February 7, 2006
Dear Mr. Pacella,
Please be informed that your reauest fora fourth extension to March 19 2006
to correct the remaining violations in your original letter dated November 18,
2005 as described in your request has been granted. Please contact me on this
date or within one week to schedule a re-inspection.
Ernie Mathieu,
5871213 (Direct Line)
From: Joseph M. Pacella [mailto:jmpacella @eganflanagan.com]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 3:09 PM
To: Ernie Mathieu
Cc: Brian .). Wallace
Subject: RE: Request for Extension/ Update re: 13 Munroe St.
Dear Mr. Mathieu:
Although our last extension remains in effect until the 19th of this month, I am writing to
request another extension until March 19, 2006 with respect to 13 Munroe St. The purpose
of the extension is to allow for additional exterior work to be completed as there were work
delays with contractors and delay caused by the inclement and uncertain weather conditions.
Please be advised that, as scheduled on the 24th,ABIDE has abated all friable asbestos.
You should receive their letter this week. In addition although not part of your order,we have
installed a new boiler to address what was a long-standing issue with inconsistent heat in the
building. We are also installing new carpet in the common hallways for aesthetic reasons.
We have engaged a contractor to perform the necessary repairs for the front porches. I
understand that in recently looking under the porch at the condition of the soil, the
carpenter became concerned that there could be further settlement in years to come if he
tried to dig the holes and pour the new footings before the ground has completely thawed.
Therefore, when the weather permits, he will pull a permit to do this work. As such, any
repairs will be reviewed by the building department. I wanted to let you know that you may
see bracing in front of the property to prepare for the work to be performed. Dan Rosenthal
Ie://C:\Documents and Settings\emathieu\My Documents\Word Files CODE VIOLATION... 6/5/2006
vlessage Page 4 of 4
of Rosenthal Building and Remodeling will, in any event, discuss this with the Building Dept.
Lastly, the driveway repairs, landscaping and exterior painting that we have planned cannot
be done until the winter is over as well. I will keep you notified of any additional
Please let me know that this is acceptable. Thanks again.
Very truly yours,
Joseph M. Pacella, Manager
Sequoia Properties, LLC
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