23B Complaint 1980 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date_�9-Pb Name of T'me,----,- Complainant __, � `'' '...-_— /H / Y/Of iZ� Address •�� /�_.._.t vti' � ' 7 12 _ 1 Y'� p TAY " / Nature of Com taint /i:0�t.y._,.��� ; . , . Lio: ----._'__�_� _. /k Location of Premises Owner LS�2=—ate Address Occu pant Taken by_______ "" -- Referred to._ Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT _, Action Taken ._ IOl Al :DNS OF ( AN'PR lI OF __S s ESSED 30: 23_ 3 Market Street Donal.Dunphy, Pres. Endive Inc. 26 Main Street Northampton Massy_ 01060 INSPECTION REPORTS 1SSUED TO: DATE April 4, 1930 Isabelle Taylor 23 B Market Street Northampton, `ass. 01060 Cid important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation ,:T at: documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir ,ao deste docutento de: - :e est vn important document legal . I1 pour Tait affecter vas dray ts. Vous pow ez le trcductien de cette forme a: in docuneni olega]e 1r 20 - ante. Poi Tebbe *ere e fetto sui tuoi dr rrtCr. Lea pul Ina traduzione di questo modulo a: , documento legal importante. _cion de esta forma en: Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir -i ne legal ny dok.-.,went. To maze mi ec vp1yw na twoje uprae.ni en Y.ozesz uzyskac ie Lego dorumentu w ofisie: Board of Pealth 210 `lain Street Northampton, Mass. Tel . No. (413) 556-5950 Ext. 214 . The Neitlirrpton Board of health Las spectrd file prC-->es at 233 Market v s St=eet ti_— i =rtpton (ae SCEsor' s rap 32A_ _ 99- - _ _.__ - , ) , for coo liance soth Chapter II of Ste State Sa_iitrry Code. This letter will certify that the insp:ctio:;s revealed viclat ) ons , lis a, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially iapair the health, ty, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter ill, Section 127 of the Mass. Ccneral Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to rake a good h effort to correct the following violations within t-..enty-four (24) hours the date of receipt of this order. VIOLATION REMEDY RATION 1.10.500 Hole in wall in the bedroom, bare electrical Repair hole, cap wire and il-'-.yyt+ire in hole, place in junction box. 110.500 No window in bedroom. Provide proper natural light and vent, or do not use as a habitable room. of 111, „n 127 Caepter it of Tic SI ste `=ni ' . 'ode , ., ._re h eirby urn -. ,.c to }:.:.gin the in end faith effort to _� al '.y c . o et apt of [his coder and to sake a - e;pt of 11..is order, the lo]lo-..- rrection, within fourteen (14) days of tLe a - s - g v,clations_ 1 AJ fS7, T10N --i C T -10,150 A.(1) -.csi `:andie to toilet h.rC;en in ha .hroom. Nil'' n f snu s 7 ^•500 _-ce in .___ _irt x+]0.500 repair of lock +:ito-`:en window nerds _ ___ ef-2 r and sash cord. The window won't stay shut. 410.500 Kitchen calu net fell from wall. a _ further pence, =on't h._.at If _ eY be of any »_ to call o_iioe. Very truly yours, PJ.td .2 5'.-. _r,d A. GormAy Code Enforcepent inspector CCRIIFIED <.i eiS6Lid1 U D _.E KIFT CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE Occupant's Name Occupants ¶ Apt. # I # of Dwelling Units # of Stories ■f Structure B F M # Habitable Rooms ii Bedrooms Address of Owner fathroom 410.150 tteguiacron . .- rter between 120° & 140° .19Q and seat .150 A(1) 4,,41e 3aot«,. rasin .150 A(2) sip t- .. w wea( r or tub .150 A(3) Tent cold water .350 A .500 Note (u Floor- .500 ig .500 .500 .252 A lation .280 A or B wwlo... 0o sas,cee.d t )-e..K. ing connection & drains .350 Kitchen 410.100 Regulation Violations en sink sufficient size .1QQ A(1) CAeiapu <e-t( cEF w*L1 and oven .100 A(2) for refrigerator .100 A(3) lets (electrical) .251 B lectrical light fixture .251 A .500 Wolf- l,-) ti41t ng .500 .500 lation (window) (mechanical) .251.6 . water (sufficient pressures) ,350 A rater .190 >ws .500 3 .500 ms (door 6 window) .551 & .552 )ing connection & drains .350 Living Room Regulation Violations ets (2 or one with light) .251 B ting .251 A s .500 ing .500 r .500 ows .500 ens .551 s (windows) - .480 E Pantry or Dining Room Regulation Violations ets (2 or one with light) .251 B Ling .251 A s .500 .500 .ing n' .500 tow .500 ?ens .551 :5 .480 E nt in Room #1 Re:ulation natural li•htin s or th .250 A 1 .251 B 1 outlet 251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 Violations adequate a occupant? Room #2 ent natural 1. is or 1 ith outle tin: .250 A .251 B .251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 -e adequate Eor occupant? leaping Room #3 Tent natural li:htin ets or 1 with outlet .250 A .251 B .251 A Is is ?re adequate for occupant? 3onmion Area & Exit (Interio for area illuminated pro.erl s ns n •s n ba hroom clean .500 .500 .042 .151 Common Area & Exit (Exterior ae hes dat rs a ate e & rubbish wa s s and down spouts aint lihts .253 B Violations .enema rvices working and available - - 670 - ating facilities in good v .200 8-0-- ° and bZb 700 A & B ter 120° to 1400 190 ties vented 707 heater - proper 200 B ary wiring 256 ical service adequate 755 s and rodents 550 ng sanitary 607 & 452 fiscellaneous Inspector Date ext scheduled reinspection is: Title a.m. p.m. Time a.m. p.m. Date Time KARAM SYSTEMS, INC. 193 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MASSACHUSETTS 01060 (413)5562611 Mr. Richard Gormely Board of Health City of Northampton City Hall Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 April 29 , 1980 Dear Mr. Gormely: This letter is to inform you that the rear room in the apartment known as 23B, 23 Market Street, North- ampton, is rented as a storage room for the apartment. This apartment is rented as a studio apartment, not requiring the rear room in question to be used for anything more than storage. The use of the room for any other purposes is against the intent and without the knowledge of ENDIVE, Inc. , the owning entity for that property. I trust this clears up any misunderstanding. If you have any other questions, please contact me. Thank you. MMP/mp Sincerely, Matthew M. Pitoniak for ENDIVE, Inc.