208 Complaints BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD L NATURE OF COMPLAINT: ec�M1� /JJme-ke,.-s ( tf asse'S(z % „ bec..we Zrc o(0 c.-:69 /¢.f+ ler c.re . Cte""'I:«es5 650es , Hea Ifs RIle.a re$uec - I INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 3//# — e+-SuLa o— C�< t M.,0 01 . Phoc« Ee.9-Q HOLE, T-+nt o-res ft 3�1a 1we 3)13 gyp..,_. f� ._- ,eoftYu m W , vs- Able firm-se ,+„-.. £OefoSt", Frf led o-r —frce " ,f h. iL ;..�.,..r� 7 s..e✓, . /Jo no h'ce..hfz. "'j many Pnma,ir.wn .•x B*%n. $ Total#of Inspections: Date of Final Inspection: https://www.google.com/calendar/printevent?eidebzZwaW9mMEllz... esmith@ northampton ma.gov `i^7e Housing Inspection Created by: Ed Smith • Your response: ,Yes, I'm going llam - 12pm (Eastern Time) Wed Mar 6, 2013 wn� 20111North Elm Street Desc ■ot,on. referral from Fire; young child in daytime care of grandmother, concerns about living conditions My ofes Guests v Ed Smith Merridith O'Leary smithe @amherstma.gov 3/6/2013 1:27 PM Date: 12Iu [r4 Time: 2'• 10 IGEO: IType: EtSCr Name of Complainant: ELIZOicer- LOCAS Address: 2t.an..,yr� J, Tel: 109 - 1gv9 NATURE OF COMPLyA,ItNpT�: el 61e-7i f CC.• _ — Y .Q,d.M.. (1“23_,c-✓i�> Lid t u z Yti— — 7 rY� a Location: 1-O6 IJ. C...i-r"ii. ST. Owner: Jp.eke S<«-p5e--1 7LISA JcJ 5 - 38'?-5-14"7 Address: 58\1-17 7ar Tel: Taken by: Date of Inspection: Time: � � INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 1 A C f-2 .. . ` i) ttla s Ca-f252,240 - N A 1 c a> • a c ( ; cp_ 1 [hilt.,PLdI 019 T n4 _c1dP9ed YE9 Total#of Inspections: Orders Issued?: Date of Final Inspection: Notice of Compliance?: O Inspector Signature