245 Asbestos Notification Form 2011 LIAsbestos Notification Form ANF-001 Commonwealth of Massachusetts tportant 'hen filling out rms on the neuter.use tly the tab key move your lrsor-do not se the return ay. ISTRUCTIONS 100129894 Decal Number All sections of this ,rm must be 3mpleted in order ,comply with 'EP notification ,quirements of 310 '.MR 7.15 5. nd the Division t Occupational iafety(DOS) o afication equirements of 453 MR 6.12 A. Asbestos Abatement Description 1. a. Is this facility fee exempt-city,town, district, municipal housing authority, owner-occupied residence of four units or less9 GI Yes ❑No b. Provide blanket decal number if applicable: 2. Facility Location: SAM TAYLOR a.Name of Facility 'Northampton c.City/Town ll L Blanket Decal Number 11245 NORTH ST 1 MA d.State 3. Worksite Location: EASEMENT a.Building Name/Building Location b.Building# 4. Is the facility occupied? o l ° N a 0 0 MISIE0 0 LL 6 7 8 9 Asbestos Contractor: C Yes No b.Street Address 01060 13137209473 e.Zip Code f.Telephone Number c.Wing d.Floor e.Room ACE ASBESTOS REMOVAL&INSULATION a.Name NORTHFIELD j01360 c.City/Town d.Zip Code 1A0000006 f.DOS License Number J 1101 CROSS RD b.Address 14134980201 e.Telephone Number g. Contract Type: ,u Written ❑Verbal THOMAS SHEARER h.Facility Contact Person [THOMAS R.SHEARER a.Name of On-Site Supervisor/Foreman LNA a.Name of Project Monitor NA SUPERVISOR i.Contact Person's Title a.Name of Asbestos Analytical Lab 7/21/2011 a.Project Start Date(mm/rid/yyyy) 7-5 AS070066 b.Supervisor/Foreman DOS Certification Number 11 1 c.Work hours Mon-Fri 10. a.What type of project is this? ❑Demolition ❑Renovation ❑Repair 0 Other, please specify: 11. a.Check abatement procedures: ❑Glove bag rn Enclosure ❑Cleanup ❑Full containment 12. Is the job being conducted: anf001 ap doc•10/02 [f Encapsulation Z Disposal only ❑Other, specify: b.Project Monitor DOS Certification Number b.Asbestos Analytical Lab DOS Certification Number 7/22/2011 7 b.E nd Date(mot dd/yyyy) LNA d.Work hours Sat-Sun. DISPOSAL ONLY b.Describe b.Describe Indoors? k Outdoors? Asbestos Notification Form•Page 1 of 3 n MEM 0 MEM 0 ie 0 ado MIMLL ®.z Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 100129894 Decal Number A. Asbestos Abatement Description (cont.) 13. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to be removed, enclosed, or encapsulated: 261 a.-TOtiriwpes or ducts(linear ft) c.Boiler.breaching,duct,lank surface coatings e.Corrugated or layered paper pipe insulation g.Spray-on fireproofing i.Cloths.woven fabrics k.Thermal,solid core pipe insulation 60 1 a ofr7S Vices(squarer I —� Lin. 6q ft d.Insulating cement L 1261 I IL I t.Trowel/Sprayer coatings Lin.ft. Sq.fl. Lin.fl. Sq.ft. Lin.ft. h.Transite board,wall board 1 i other,please specify: ft mI.Specify Lin.ft. Su.ft. 14. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: L 1 i Lin.ft. _ Sq.ft. r— _ J L Lin.ft.____J fl. Lin.ft. q.ft. I 1Ir Lin.fl. Sq.ft. INA 15. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(g): IREWET ASBESTOS AND PACK IN DOUBLE, LABLED AND SEALED POLY BAGS 16. For Emergency Asbestos Operations,the DEP and DOS officials who evaluated the emergency: a.Naa PP cial I � Ib.Tie c.Date(mm/dd/yyyy)of Authorization d.DEP Waiver I* [e. Name of DOS Official L —1 1 g.Date(mm/dd/yyyy)of Authorization h DOS Waiver# 17 Do prevailing wage rates as per M.G.L. c. 149, §26,27 or 27A—F apply to this project? ❑Yes JI No f.DOS O%ical rifle B. Facility Description 1 Current or prior use of facility: 2 Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? Z Yes ❑No DWELLING SAM TAYLOR a.Facility Owner Name [NORTHAMPTON c.City/Town 245 NORTH ST b.Address [01060 d.Zip Code 4. INA a.Name of Facility Owner's On-Site Manager WMa n.City/Town d.Zip Code 13137209473 e.Telephone Number(area code and extension) b.On-Site Manager Address e.Telephone Number(area code and extension) anf00lap doc•10/02 Asbestos Notification Form•Page 2 of 3 U 1 Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Pt Transfer aliens must imply with the clid Waste ivision agitations 310 MR 19.000 eaelailiNG 0 MEMO 0 100129894 Decal Number B. Facility Description (cont.) FACE ASBESTOS REMOVAL AND INSULATIO 5. a.Name of General Contractor ;NORTHFIELD 1 101360 H c.City/Town d.Zip Code 1NA f Contractor's Workers Comp. Insurer 6. What is the size of this facility? r01 CROSS RD b.Address 14134982092 e.Telephone Number(area code and extension) I Fq.Policy Number h.Exp.Date(mn dd/yyyy) L2000 ; 2 a.Square Feet b.Number of floors 7 J C. Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing material from site to temporary storage site Of necessary): FACE ASBESTOS REMOVAL AND INSULATIO1 a.Name of Transporter INORTHFIELD J 101360 1 c.City/Town d.Zip Code 1101 CROSS RD b.Address 14134980201 e.Telephone Number 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary site to final disposal site: I TRANSWASTE INC. a.Name of Transporter WALLINGFORD ; (06492 c.City/Town d.Zip Code J 3. TINA a.Refuse Transfer Station and Owner 4. ;BFI IMPERIAL LANDFILL a.Final Disposal Site Location Name PO BOX 47.11 BOGGS ROAD c.Final Disposal Site Address `PA e State c.City/Town J ( 1 d.Zip Code 3 BARKER DR b.Address 12032698300 e.Telephone Number 15126 f.Zip Code b.Address e.Telephone Number BROWNING FERRIS IND b.Final Disposal Site Location Owners Name (IMPERIAL d.City/Town 7246950900 g.Telephone Number D. Certification The undersigned hereby states,under the penalties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations for the Removal, Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15, and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. 0 u I anf001ap.doc•10102 THOMAS R SHEARER I a.Name ;PRESIDENT C.Position/Title 4134980201 e.Telephone Number 101 CROSS RD g.Address NORTHFIELD h.City/Town J I Thomas R Shearer b.Authorized Signature 7/7/2011 d Date(mmrdd/WW) ACE ASBESTOS REMOVI f.Representing X01360 i.Zip Code Asbestos Notification Form•Page 3 of 3