161 Complaint 1982 Name of Complainant Address Nature of Complaint BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date 0„r- 5E5 8= h_ Time Tel Location of Premises M Owner r -- :`0 t 1- A/+;c See; -/09 / 66 W/d/TT/EA : r Address Occupant Taken by - Referred to Date of inspection Time_ INSPECTOR S REPORT Action Taken Inspector HOARD OF HEALTH OHN T. JOYCE,Cbtlnnan ETU C. KENNY, M.D. :ATHLREN OCONNELL, R.N. ETER J. MCERLAIN, Health Age* CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 110 MAIN STREET 01060 Tel.(slab 586-6950 Ext. 214 DER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF TRESS FOR HUMAN.HABITATION" AT 161 South Street Northamnton MA .DER ADDRESSED TO: Theodore p. 6 66 Whittier Street Northampton,•MA 01060 Evelyn M Towne PIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: DATE October 8, 1982 Thierry Craseioulet & Ann Miller 161 South Street Northampton MA 01060 s is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a this form at: translation o e um documento legal muito importante que podere afectar os seus direitos. tradugao deste document° de: Podem adquirl - suivante est un important document 14gal. II pourrait effecter vos droita. enir une traduction de cette forme a: sto b un document° legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto aui enere une traduzione di questo modulo a: Vous pouvez suoi diritti. Lei pub e es un documento legal important,. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir traduccion de este forma en: jest wane legalny dokument. To mole miec wplyw na maczenie tego dokumentu w ofisie: twoje uprawnienia. Soren uzyskac Hoard of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at rbl G....Lh s .....t , Northampton (assessor's map ism parcel 83 . ), for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, and Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within twenty-four (24) hours from the date of receipt of this order. REGULATION VIOLATION 410.253 & 410.254 _.( 0//Pantry/closet passageway from kitchen v_',_,Ky�' to the dining room with lights which wyA.,)`- are inoperable 410.253 Front entry stairwell light not gperational 410.480C ✓ Front entry door to the dwelling not equipped with locking mechanism 410.480E 410.452 & 410.500 ✓The following windows lack required security locks: (1) bathroom window (2) bedroom #2 right window (3) hallway window Bottom step of the rear porch stair- case rotted and deteriorated Radiator pipes which extend approxi- mately one foot above flooring in the hallway and dining room constitute a safety hazard as they are no longer a functioning component of the heating system If you have any questions, please contact Board of /alth office. r^2/ Certified Mail # P19 2391094 REMEDY Repair lights/wall switch for passage'-. Repair stairwell ceiling light Install approved security locking d, for main entry doe: Install locks for a' windows mentioned s that windows will bt capable of being reasonably secured Replace bottom step of the rear porch Lower piping which extends above floor at least down to fl level David E. Kochan, Sa} t'arian • CHAPTER II dress lG I 500TH STREET . of Occupants Apt. # STATE SANITARY CODE ANN mil ER + Occupant's Name THIERCY GRRSS/OULET # of Dwelling Units Be of Structure op F M THEgoaee 0. 1- mer E'YEL7NM . TOWNE 5 # of Stories Z # Habitable Rooms 5 0 Bedrooms Address of Owner l6 U////7TIEP SCESr Bathroom 410.150 neguiacron ...AL.. at water between 120° & 140° .19Q )ilet and seat .150 A(1) fish basin .150 A(2) _ lower or tub .150 A(3) (38-12 odw WtND&W WL-114001- Sailor/2_06k efficient cold water .350 A Loor .500 ills .500 tiling .500 )or .500 ight .252 A entilation .280 A or B lumbing connection & drains .350 Kitchen 410.100 Regulation Violations itchen sink sufficient size .1QQ A(1) Cove and oven .100 A(2) pace for refrigerator .100 A(3) Outlets (electrical) .251 B ne electrical light fixture .251 A ails .500 eiling .500 loor .500 entilation (window) (mechanical) .251.6 old water (sufficient pressures) ,350 A ot water .190 'indows .500 ioors .500 Icreens (door & window) .551 & .552 'lumbing connection & drains .350 Living Room Regulation Violations )utlets (2 or one with light) .251 B .fighting .251 A Jails .500 :eiling .500 floor .500 Jindows .500 Icreens .551 .ocks (windows) .480 E Pantry or Dining Room Regulation Violations Jutlets (2 or one with light) .251 B Lighting .251 A /pgN'Y/LOSFTPR55WelifiY L/6/1.CIYOT Galls .500 OVrer9vo Ak Ceiling .500 Floor .500 )lindow .500 Screens .551 Locks .480 E Sleeping Room #1 VI n1 Sufficient natural lighting .250 A 2 outlets or 1 .251 B Light with 1 outlet .251 A Walls .500 Ceiling .500 Floor .500 Windows .500 Screens .551 Door .500 Is there adequate space for occupant? .400 Sleeping Room #2 Sufficient natural lighting .250 A 2 outlets or 1 .251 B Light with outlet .251 A Walls .500 Ceiling .500 Floor .500 Windows .500 X UcWAl0oW WIYHoo[6 CUR17Y /ace Screens .551 Door .500 Is there adequate space for occupant? .400 Sleeping Room #3 Sufficient natural lighting .250 A 2 outlets or 1 .251 B Light with outlet .251 A Walls .500 Ceiling .500 Floor .500 Windows .500 Screens .551 Door .500 Is there adequate space for occupant? .400 Common Area & Exit (Interior Interior area illuminated properly .253 A & B KSYAIRIA/FL& J 4ffN07 nPFRAf70NN- Windows .500 Screens .551 Doors .500 �(NALLWAY WIN000 /011HCi( SECURnYtOcK Ceiling .500 Walls .500 Floors .500 Stairways .042 Common bathroom clean .151 Common Area & Exit (Exterior) Chimney .500 Porches .500 X FROM f FNJKY o00R WILL No7 C-061f Foundation .500 Stairs .500 'BIDE PARCH STf)ks WITH RO D Garbage & rubbish .601 IrSTf:, Private ways .600 Gutters and down spouts .500 Roof .500 Lead paint .502 Entry lights .253 B General All services work's' and available Are heating facilities in good re.air? Heat 680 and 64 Hot water 120 to 1400 Facilit vented S ace heater Tem•orar winn Electrical service Insects and rodents Dwelli�tar • •ro•er iscellaneous ad e uate The next scheduled reinspection is: Regulation .200 1 sannTal Date X NON- FO CicTEW c 0 Violations IN b• Title /' VG a.m. Time Time a.m. PES