103 Orders to Correct & Inspections ComplaintDetail Report Printed On:Mon fan 06,2014 Complaint#: CT-2014-000163 Status: '.BOH-open GI5#: 9849 Violator: s Address: 103 SOUTH ST Map: 31D Address: Date Recvd.: tan-06-2014 Time Recvd.: 1I01.17 PM Block: 209 , I_ Category: Housing Lot: 001 Type: GeoTMS Module: Board of Health District: 30200 Trade: ~ e, t uny: 'Heather McBride Zoning: URC(100)/ Structure: '4-E a Tisaw Description:;A pt 101 Complaint: Walls crumbling-mice coming though walls electrical outlets 2 pronged-power circuits trip Comments: Inspector Assigned to Complaint::'. Contacts Contact Type Date lime Name Phone Rest Time l Reach Recorded By Response caller Jan-06-2014 1 17 PM Nathan Myers (734)771-7323 0 heather McBride Actions Taken GeoTMS Module Status Dale lime Response Type Action taken Comments Hoard or Health RLFERRAI. GeoTMS®2014 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Page I of I BOARD OFHEALTH C TV HALL COMPLAINTRECO kx Owner: Taken by: Date of Inspection: / g Time: a: eta Total#of Inspections: Date of Final Inspection: that° ES Orders Issued?: Notice of Compliance?: CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair Joanne Levin, MD—Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD William Hargraves—Cynthia Suopis, PhD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary RS,Director-Daniel Wasiuk,Inspector-Edmund Smith,Inspector-Jennifer Brown,RN,Nurse CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code,Chapter II,Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation 105 CM Note: This is an important legal document that might affect your rights. Este es un documento legal importante que podria afectar sus derechos. January 9,2014 Maple Heights Realty Trust, 313 Maple Street Springfield, MA 01105 /tit` tint-re-IC 31 Dear Property Owner/Manager: An authorized inspection was made by a designee of the Northampton Health Department of your property located at 103 South Street#101 ,Northampton,MA on,29437— i/3n/Zo<Y'k You are hereby ORDERED to correct these violations within the noted time limit. Failure to comply within the allotted time period may result in a criminal complaint against you. You have a right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be made by you, in writing, and filed within 7 days after the violation has been corrected. If you request a hearing, all affected parties will be informed of the date, time, and place of the hearing, and of their right to inspect and copy all records concerning the matter to be heard. The petitioner has the right to be represented at the hearing. Sincerely, Edmund Smith I: occupant Health Inspector,Northampton Health Department (S-rk, 7 fr-co,u2-( cut 0 Q I `�J+J NOTE:All violations that are deemed conditions that may endanger or impair health,safety or well-being,must be corrected within the landlord must begin to make the repairs or contract with a repair person On wrigng) time frame.days All of other ivcethis order and writing)within fee tl of receiving this oNer antl complete repairs with 30 days of receiving this order. 105 CMR 410 State Sanitary Code Description Compliance Date Regulation# Conditions may endanger or impair health, safety or well-being Re- Inspection Violation Corrected Yes/No Driveway side common entrance not closing completely and as a result is not secured;appears to work annunciator system in place and app but maintenance assessment strongly recommended. Driveway drainage appears to be not working— pooled water has frozen solid with no salt or sand difficult spring, sand/salt for safety is is diffic necessa Observed numerous squirrels coming in and out of dumpster, dumpster is overfull/needs emptying more often; evidence of raccoons on porch being fed by tenants; active role in discouraging pests is required (tenant education, repairs to penetrations throughout building (interior& exterior are required Hot leaking mixing ut installed improperly and not leaking ay ) creates difficulty for cleaning vd h and ;h 500, 550 Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days /m DM at tom Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days French doors to bedroom missing 2 knobs on left door(entering room), also missing slide bolt on left door, also doors m letel are fitting and don't close Large plaster cracks, unfinished patches on ceiling, poorly hung ceiling electrical fixture, closet door passage set doesn't catch on door lamb hardware missin. Tub and shower surround—caulk in poor condition Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days ]Om Ceiling light fixture: glass cover broken Owners responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s Dorn Toilet is loose and not secured properly to floor flange (toilet was removed to access burst pipe in wall behind toilet) room Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s Ventilation: small operable screened window appears insufficient for ventilating bathroom: requested ceiling light be replaced by fan/light fixture vented to outside (see light issue above) Request to owner for improvement based on history of chronic dam•Floss Wall light fixtures flanking mirror: left hand fixture doesn't work(switch failure?) Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s 500, 550 Wall issues: taped areas of loose plaster and/or penetrations into wall cavity—observed holes under sink, to right of vanity, behind and near toilet, plywood patch behind toilet is unpainted, more .enetrations left and right of tub surround Door handles on passage set: occupant "repaired with will last or can improved pr ved on if repair owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days Thermostat appears to have issues: dial at top set at 72, temperature in room measured by this inspector at 72, but room temperature s 4 indicated Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days 1s floor washer/dryer: Lint screen on dryer is torn, allows lint to enter ducting; ducting appears to need cleaning (clean same Stair carpet(1s to 4 floors)in poor condition: torn at nose of tread in several places; also filthy. Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 days Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s Common areas not clean in vicinity of pipe chase in center of stairwell (much dust, obebs etc. observed). Dryer on 3'' floor: distinct odor of gas observed when doors to washer/dryer area opened(note: this violation called in at time of inspection and plumber arrived within the hour to shut off gas, re airs scheduled ASAP Bedroom: battery smoke alarm dead has battery or doesn't work; 9 area batteries; hardwired smoke in LRIDining area has bad connection/doesn't work consistently (note:this violation called in at time of inspection, handyman on his way with batteries, alarm company will come and repair hardwired unit ASAP to the condition they were in NOTE: Compliance ae work means person like all the requirements re tors of all CMR of w It shall also mean f,correcting the any ithviolations e 105 Hance shall also mean in those cases where licenses ands or permits s the appropriate CMR 410.000 in a work person like fashion and restoring all parts of the dwelling, or unit thereof, to before work of any such violations.violations,Compliance as, but not limited laws and regulations.mbin n perform work necessary to correct the violations, officials certifies that the work has been completed n accordance with app Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 24 hours. ABATED 1/8114 Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 24 hours ABATED 1/8114 htlpsilmail.google.com/mail/9110/A9=2&shva=19search/opmeyersl_. *8 jpg 1/222014 9:05 AM MV 658 410ZIZZI t •••vmd-molANIZ£OSP4566-31! E Hni.I0In0!ew/woa'a0ooturtul(sdAy 1s41nosLot 101 alepdG-I!aW Northampton Health Department p/0�E0 /AJ 212 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 (413)597-1214 - Inspection Form State Sanitary Code 105 CMR 410.000: Chapter 11,Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation i Mfrs 0 SUM 6i- 't /0 ne Mktg E l a'r'S /L64r� Tress Type of violation striker mechanism(4 or more .J7 P ig,ID,Exit signs/emergency Title phone# City/Town 7 ' p hone# City/Town 734- 9 - z nerit tairtn f Apt 4(3 "-kit / 1 o^J `-r5 51sT /O 2z/-O-c99 Zip Code Description Observed allIIIIIIIIIIIIII o.laeoc AelSOINI yes/emergenrylx ® �_MI IN I rams mins Is salle ass ma um rails,step door tight elements ndow oof maintenance ish-storage and llettlon ��ay� FtEV. r d� debris, e vegetation' - Nd'r aid-rtGrsl I maintenance-tra. (t-0444 tenance of area uz,lights,windows eather tight maintenance ess-means,obstructed,safe idrails-provided,maintenance h pop walls,ceiling-maintenance iilings,sta tors,winds eather tight,maintenance ocation(circle): Front 500,503 414 Jt. a- 501 600,601 602 500 501,500 450,451.452 503,500 u 503,500 Saga AIM e s etc r/f v � � Rear Middle Floor Level of Unit 1111�MI ®_-- _- ove,oven-good repair,impervious -Fair.E, pBTSyr-aiS loor,walls,ceiling-maintenance efrigerato nd smooth )u Ilgh Windows,screens provided Nan-absorbent Boo Floo Ils,ceilings Outlets,Ilgh Windows,screens provided eathertight,lock,maintenance, lock,weather tight,maintenance, 500 501,480,500, 551 504 501,480,SOO, 50 �55J GJD ivf cc JPs-+ Ww.K= pe of violation ails,ceiling S — f- lights s,screens—weather tight locks a r Pir aintenance h s 7�y_ beFs4 e r C4 vs,screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, lig walls,cei „lights screen ed ho a ng eather tight,locks,maintenance, er Impervious, -intenance utle) Li 4 Possible Cede Section(s) Jifviolation Observed ISM S 5 natura tenance, ing Type(circle): Public Private athertigh ble,qua pressure sonsible for paying Mach 186 s 22,metering d Type(circle): Natural Gas Oil E up.: °f Location taken: 0°f min-130 ma pe(circle) eam Electric portable um or e biaown_ • nation 01.480, 500, _-- wirtmair WOMPIE Nol las 00 u - so 501,480, 500, -- 51 00 250 501.480. 500, 551 150,500 280 500.501 lectric Other Forced Hot Air labitable room and every room with toilet,shower, b" • Min 68°f 7:00am-10:59pm Min 64°f 11:00-6:59am 78 F max in heating season/measure 5 feet wall,5 feet floor Cooper TM99A-UL Digital Thermometer used to take temperature readings type(circle): 110 no Amp Amperage,temporary wiring,metering Required& Note CO • pera erector not needed for all electric! ion G y of Sv O� 7015 talvaci A- lee- sea e• lter:et 'e-pr-_, 200,201 4C- ro Jc. S-- NM■.al Jrta, .4 3e- AtSi ® CLFYiN P`1c- 4 r 43, ga"t rtar, th4° /, g4oern 73- o. "5 Free of pests/harborage Bedbugs/cockroaches/rodents-evidence .nF ate - EMO CatiaE<71 e l Xf-restE.✓`V'Co - .1 ev rose war ❑ Electric ❑ Fire ❑ Plumbing ❑ Building ❑ Other on report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. ;nature •Occupant's Representative Signature m Date *indicates that this housing ousin inspection Lion hhas s)eveale revealed conditions which may endanger or materially impair Ith,safety,and Time Code Citation and Description of Violation men CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT 212 MAIN STREET-NORTHAMPTON,MA-01060-(413)-5874214 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Cynthia Joanne Levin,, PhD Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD- STAFF:Merridith O'Leary,RS.[Brea.-Barnet W siuk,Inspector-Edmund Smith.Inspector-Jenn f r Brown.RN,Nurse CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code,Chapter ❑,Minimum Ch a m Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation 105 Note: This is an important legal document that might affect your rights. Este es un document°legal importante que podrla elector sus derechos. ebruary 3,2014 laple Heights Realty Trust 13 Maple Street Springfield, MA 01105 )ear Property Owner/Manager: An authorized inspection was made by a designee of the Northampton Health Department of your property located at 103 South Street,Unit 206,Northampton,MA on February 3, You are hereby ORDERED to correct these violations within the noted time limit. Failure to comply within the allotted time period may result in a criminal complaint against you. You have a right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be made by you, in writing, and filed within 7 days after the vimeonnhaslace been corn htedd. If and of tquer right hearing,inspect affected parties will be informed of the date, place copy all records concerning the matter to be heard. The petitioner has the right to be represented at the hearing. Sincerely, 32v-„1)2 Edmund Smith,Smith,Health Inspector C:Servicenet, Occupant TE'.All violations that are deemed conditions that may endanger or impair health,safety or well-being,must be corrected within toted time frame. All other necessary violations,the landlord must begin to make the repairs or contract with a repair person(in ling)within five days of receiving this order and complete repairs with 30 days of receiving this order. 105 CMR 410 State Sanitary Code Description Compliance Date Regulation# conditions may endanger or impair health, safety or well-bein! Days from inspection date Re- Inspection Violation Corrected Yes/No 500, 351 Pipe penetrations large and easily passed by rodents—repair in such a way to block rodents and to be fireproof 500, 351 Owners responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s Broken toilet paper holder; broken or loose toilet seat fasteners; shower curtain rod bracket poorly fastented Owners responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s 500, 351 Ceiling light fixture missing shade Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30 da s Window sashes in poor condition—won't lock without great difficulty; poor seal and operation. Screen torn also. Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 30da s 450, 451, 452 Fire escape ladder from 2°' to 1s floor—attached to left of porch near driveway: poorly fastened, broken rungs, rusted everywhere. On north side of building, fire escape ladder detached from buildin. and I in on •round. No response to thermostat(room temperature 68 degrees,turned thermostat to 75, no heat to baseboard units, no improvement 1 hour later— per phone call to resident) Owners responsibility to repair or replace within 24 hours Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 24 hours Smoke detector found and functioning in unit; no CO detector found. Owner's responsibility to repair or replace within 24 hours. NOTE: Compliance means person like all the requirements nit re s of all CMR of the dwelling,It shall, o unit mean corroding the condition they were in CMR 410.000 in a work psuchn te ions and restoring shall a parts a ton those cases or unit thereof,l or before occurrence of ryy such re violations. Compliance s. but not limited loo build building, plumbing and licenses permits at the appropriate perform work necessary to correct the violations, officials certifies that the work has been completed n accordance with applicable laws and regulations.