185 Complaints & Inspections Name of Complainant Address A Q 5 SCJ • S - Tel GBH-4 IA Nature of Complaint Smow d°d^`I"" / L'.e-�•�t Vni I n.s Q(«vi/, �'&si .m�..it� JTIsp-1 fQri t flora -CP) P‘o.-Fa:v.y 1ac%'ci 5ca Ie�,K yea NJ zn4 4lo,r W5 5o_Ati. Si . k �, Location of Premises Mn oof Amer Owner 1Z oAp'F-Foc-V-e ER) 5r4-879G/ BOARD OF HEALTH 3 g 8 CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD A F7S ;;n • 99 Date r.b 1 lH`e''I"Pime , 27 Vr,:' 1 bi+) Address Occupant :n..\.. � . \ bil, t ��t \ Referred to Taken by Date of inspection n Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT V/097-/o.4s CaA'ftPlED -SFE CNAP7& ///agcrma/RF,DR"r 9:vs*e Action Taken 4' ,749en T OeRFC Inspec BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T. JOYCE,Chairman PETER C. KENNY, MD. Michael R. Parsons PETER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 110 MAIN STREET 01060 Td.mu)g , X 586-6950 Ext. 214 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT 2nd Floor Apt. 185 South Street ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Robert T. Foote, Jr. DATE February 3, 1988 185 South Street Northampton, MA 01060 COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: David Tibbits 2nd Floor Apt. 185 South Street Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquiri uma [radusao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une [reduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effecto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importance. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una craduccion de este forma en: To jest wane legalny dokument. To mole miee wplyw na [woje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac trumaczenie tego dokumentu w ofisie: Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-6950 Ext. 214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 2nd Floor Apt. , 185 South Street , Northampton (assessor's map 38B parcel 79 . ), for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, and Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violation within twenty-four (24) hours from the date of receipt of this order: REGULATION VIOLATION REMEDY 410-201 B Heating supply for the 2nd floor apart- c 3�5 1' P.{ a' tent (Feb inadequate 1988; aate9:45eof.)nspec- :4 ttion 64°F 6e400 IS9 Living Room 63°F `PO f e✓f 2nd Floor Back Right Bedroom 64°F 2nd Floor Back Left Bedroom 64°F 3rd Floor Right Room 57°F 3rd Floor Left Room Provide adequate heat to all. habitable rooms (1) 68°F Between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. (2) 64°F between 11:01 pm and 6:59 pm WITHIN 14 DAYS, CORRECT THE FOLLOWING VIOLATIONS: 410-351 3131$- (1) Bathroom shower faucet spout leaks 910.Sa°6. (2) 2nd fuy floor hallway wall light not - �pbr"0�, operational at this time. 410-4 80 3 )31. Al) 2nd floor back right bedroom ,. WSJ C�0 right side window locking mechanism 46,0 is not operational ` en a QtP (2) Front main entry door to the Dwelling '�v 0?P�' without an approved locking 3141o0tomechanism for which all tenants, F 0? are provided with access keys. 00-(3) Bathroom window locking mechan- asFti Pd. ism is not operational. ,LJ t (1) Repair shower faucet (2) Repair hallway wall light (1) Repair locking . mechanism (2) ' Provide an approved locking'mechanism- for which all tenants are provided with access Keys (3) Repair locking mechanism Ris -=ia$f Ec-rlo : (3/gig? at r:re eM)lNsPrc>/cV M»DE<Orli iMef T r POOre,,JR..) aworic eF bwELLIS : , zt V/0607/<N£ A/P ten on ORDER OA:e0 2/3%81 NAYE aseEN CoRfiecreo re s'!/E'S'9r✓srscrc, y .r TH.c° BiOtO OF Nt447N- c REGULATION 410-482 `9 l$45 i�'ciE-0_ 5071 01 OC nFt r�ern o uc C. T s' 410-500 s 410-501 VIOLATION No approvedsmoke detector outside the tad floor back right bedroom. Smoke detector in the 2nd floor back left bedroom is not operational at this time. 3rd floor has no approved smoke detectors. (1) Kitchen wall with an open hole (formerly a pipe exit) . oo£'B ,1/2H, v/(2) 2nd floor back right bedroom - �Edfp, rc middle and right side prime µGq".'icde windows are not weathertight. ct 31415:3007(3) Back exit door window to the R 2nd floor porch is 311-fitted and ncop not weathertight. 410-250 4� The 3rd floor rooms are presently 410-450 j\$Ic,?'io not habitable as they do not meet 410-482 nao n ;,'e numerous code requirements 410-500 �o an�sc,R ts)C Regarding: Smoke detectors, safe 410-501 � CR ;o u R"Itight,windows, or maintenance ofer fgNtfoclatNn structural elements 3P CFO V.Lt' Without a written leasing policy, access and use of these rooms by the 2nd floor occupants is vague at best. REMEDY Provide smoke detectors at all locations, Re- quired under city ordinance Article IV II-49 for three to five apartments. (1) Cover or other- wise seal offthis opening (2) Repair windows so as to be weather- tight or Provide back- up weathertight storm windows. (3) Repair door window so as to be weather- tight. If the 3rd floor area:is not to be included with the 2nd floor apartment, a written lease should be provided which spells this out and a secure locking mechanism must be installed to restict access to this 3rd floor area. be If rooms are to.included as part of the 2nd floor apartment then they must meet all code require- ments If you should have any questions regarding this abatement order, please contact the Northampton Board of Health Office Very truly ,8Ours David E. Gochan Sanitary Inspector DEG/np Enclosure Certified Nail P 694 762 999 CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE 04Y/DS-77&/5 zA° itnoR /K5 50 i 57 Occupant's Name M /CHA�L 272 350VS occupants L Apt. # # of Dwelling Units 3 11 of Stories d. 4 # Bedrooms L ry # Habitable Rooms a dooms (zan K°°'e ND% f Structure 'B /�% oprr&r.r(1nti Tian Address of Owner o � St � OUP 5 L? PnR�Ec 79 --Jr /n0 Bt . F't'Z v 3athroom 410.150 een 1200 & 14 ater e b r c and seat sin or tub en t cold water Regulation .19Q .150 A 1 Violations SPot' u a s,� NJ Jot LDct ilation bin: connection & drains Kitchen 410.100 he sink sufficient size Violations and oven e for refri:erator tlets electrical electrical li:ht fixture is 1 or tilation d Ovate ater Ido )rs reens umb wind uffic echanical ressures door & window connection & drains Violations Livin: Room lets •htin ills ilin: loot indows t creens ocks 2 or one th li:ht indows Violations iut Panty le[s (2 htin: falls ei ?loo 4indo Screens or Dinin: Room or one with li:ht .480E Violations Re:ulation lee•in. Room fl �sn A lent natural 1 ets or 1 ith I outlet as ns ere adequate for occupant? HDO. , (flip. coof501 lee.int Room #2 ((31' to icient natural ltin: :lets or 1 C with outlet —_ S s ing r o ens :here adequate :e for occupant? Sle Room @3 1fi1RV1 ficient natural lights utlets or ht Is li i0 h outlet MISS r.a •pNR� <•. Id oWS -eens Dr there adequate ace for occupant? 9p0OM 17�� 166 UMt COLD PA€0o oL?L% Common Area & Exit (Interio tenor area illuminated ndows eens )ors ailin ails loors tai Mar1J irez �70R U'rIMl7✓1 /1 PPn trig rr sc 1 c/ Yttn FROM' (jr G Hood PA ommon bathroom clean Common Area & Exit (Exterior ,himne 'orches oundat Ste garb Priv Gut a:e & rubbish ate Wa s ers and down stouts Roof Lead paint En tr li hts .253 B General mrvices working and available seating facilities in good ir? 680 and 640 water 120° to 1400 lities vented Regulation .200 Violations 700 A F. B iqn 707 -//o. 70/ e heater - proper orary wiring trical service adequate cts and rodents ling sanitary Miscellaneous Inn R 756 755 550 607 & 457 Inspec Cf4p6HpY 2) /9 Date a next scheduled reinspection is: 410 N%z a:R cc nnrtG,£ig •too SMOCt D tcTo2S (3Rp Ft i T__yq tame cmOK.= Di7EctoR (HACK r�.R8-x Okodnl uONKA2lc NUT opEM"{UMat A, -9{151/0F) [10e7A,Qs ?tin ?WAR HALL,IV'Y SM&c; p&-rKRC op8M7+ON^L bo•+rLmc 1st F AA 0.1^Y 5A.w1<t et(V.Cieht DOEIVI10 Sf&ALV777tY YdSPEtW /V Title 7:4/5" Time p.m. a.m. p.m. Date Time BOARD OF HEALTH EIN T.IOYCE.Chairman CHAEL A PARSONS TER 1.McERLAIN.Health Agent Robert T. Foote , Jr . 185 South Street Northampton , MA 01060 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH March 3 , 1988 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (410)566-6950 Ext.213 Re : Housin Sou Violations th Street (2nd t fl .185 apt . ) Dear Mr. Footer Housing Code violations noted in the Board of Health correction order dated February 8 , 1988 were corrected to the satisfaction of this office as of March 8 , 1988 . On this date , a final reinspection was conducted and the complaint case was officially closed . Since fde 2,777 David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector DEK/mr cc : David Tibbits 2nd Floor Apartment 185 South Street Sign under penalty of pain;/and perju y i I was the inspect/sir._ David E . 'o cnan