270 Notification of Deleading Work 2012 12/2012 MON 9:34 FAX Northampton Board Beaitn Abide Job#12499e.. Not On:9/27/1 Sao Rev#111/1�/ & 11,, "4Pn Department of Public Health&Department of Labor NOTIFICATION OF DELEADMG WORK All sections of this form most be completed in order to comply with the notification requirements of M.G.L.C.111§197, 454 CMR 22.00 and 105 CMR 460.000,as most recently amended Contractor performing project Abide Inc. Lic #DC001619 pip.pap 8/2013 Lead Paint Inspector Eileen Manley ADDRESS OF PROJECT: Catherine Cocco street Address 270 South Street City Northampton, MA Date of Inspection 8/23/2012 "Arnie p M3305 E,p Dad TBA Apt Numha Units 1 &2 zip 01060 Property rTener Katherine Cocco Address 89 Hanson Drive, Vernon, CT 06066 Telephone Number 660-202-1808 Deleading Method:®Wet/Dry Scraping ❑Real Gun ['Liquid Encopsutont 0Remolidon ❑Caustics 3 Replacement ®Covering 0 Other If"Other"selected,please explain Check one: Dwelling is multi-fmnilyj XX Sioglc4amityJ I Other 1 Start Dam 12/3/2012 Completion Date 12/7/2012 When will work be done: AM 7 PM 5 (Specify limes oa site) wetkait? TBA Project Supervisor Name Jerry Gray up.,,,.p DS003770 Exp.Date 8/6/2013 worker',Cbmpevatiw Polley Number AWC7013278012012 came, A.I.M.Mutual Insurance In ease of emergency contact Tilli,V.P.Abide, Inc. Tel.0I 413 ) 525-0644 (Contractor's Representative) PELEADING CONTRACTOR ,main Vac The undersigned hereby states,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that he/she Si read and understood the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Ddnding Regulations,454 COOL 22.00,and the Led Pakoahg Prevention and Control Regdatione,105 Ch4R 460.000,and that the information contained In this notification h tree and correct to the bat of his/her howled and bdicf. Date //- /Z 10 /2_ Signed F_ 111, V. Company Name Abide Inc. Address P.O. Box 886,483 Shaker Road, East Longmeadow,MA 01028 Telephone Number 413-525-0644 Notified On: 9/27/2012 Abide Job#12499 Rev#1 11/12/12 OVER-a r20L2 MON 9134 FAX --- Northampton Board Health Page 2 of 2 accordance with Massacbmom General Laws C.1111197,454 CMR 22.00 and 105 CMR 460.000,notice of the date and method(s)of mount or covering of pint,plaster or otter accessible materials arontahutg daagerom levels of lead is to be provided and mast be received the following agencies,at least I {(11)days prior to the beginning efdNeadieg. OTIFICATIONS MAY BE FAXED. Department of Labor,Lead Program,Division of Occupational Safety 19 Stamford Street,In Flour,Boston,MA 02114 FAX:611-6264965 Director,Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Department of Public Raldh Donovan Restih Building,5 Randolph Street,Canton,MA 02021 FAX 711-T746700 Occupants of dwelling unit All ether occupants of the residential premises,if any Local Board of Healer/Cade Enforceneat Agency City of Northampton, MA 413-587-1221 Massachuset6 Historical Commission --220 Morrissey Blvd. Boston,MA 02202 FAX(617)7275128 (if premises are Rated on the State Register of Historic Places,this notification omit be made upon receipt of an Order to Correct Violadoas or at least 30 days prior to Initiating preventive deleadlag) IOTHM1CATIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED IN THEIR ENTIRETY,DATED AND SIGNED-INCOMPLETE NOTIFICATIONS WILL NOT E ACCEFFED AND WILL BE RETURNED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR&WORLO'ORCE DEVELOPMENT. ARTY OWNER(Downer or Wio:neeL motes agent will be performing low-risk deleadm8 work,complete the Mowing): 'roperty Owner Agent(s) darn, NOT APPLICABLE telephone Number ( )- certify that 1 have complied with the hinting requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations,105 7MR 460.175,forowner/agent low-dais abatement and containment. I further artily that/or my agentwill be perform:og the following taw-risk activities 1 have circled alt that apply): applying liquid encspsulant tapping baseboards removing doors,cabinet doors,abutters applying exterior vinyl siding coverhsg surfaces I certify that all the in/emotion coMaimed in this notification is true and cont to the bast of my knowledge and bell Date Signed Revised 12/2007 Notified On: 9272012 Abide Job#12499 Rev#1 11/12/12 2012 THU 15:36 FAX ■,4. Northampton Board neaitn dt Job#12498r- On1/27/1 �1� *fAh. Department of Public Health&Department of Tabor NOTIFICATION OF DELEADING WORK All actions of this form matt be completed in order to comply with the notification regovements of M.G.L C.1110197, 454 CMR 2200 and 105 CMR 440.010,as most recently amended ntracter performing project Abide Inc. IJceoeeg DC001619 &p.Dane 8/2013 Id palmlarptetar Eileen Manley Oscine Adrq 270 South Street ty Northampton,MA Date orl.patm 8/23/2012 IMaa,d M3305 Exp.Data TBA Apt.Number Units 1 &2 lap 01060 opMy Owner Katherine Cocco Adarw 89 Hanson Drive,Vernon,CT 06066 tepnone Number 860-202-1808 deeding Method:®Wet/Dry Scraping []Beat Gans Q Ut4uId Eecapalaat Q jDmcUrioa 0 Caustics 29 Replacement 'BCovrring ❑Other "Ogee selected,ukase explain halt one Dwelling is muki-fanily�XX Single-temily1 1 Oder nnnate 11/12/2012 Coepktk Date 11/16/2012 /ken wgl work be dove. AM7 PM5 (Spedrr limes a site) Wedmodz TBA rofeet3opmbor Name Jerry Gray IJce.n# DS003770 Exp.Date 8/6/2013 yorkera commando,Pdey Number AWC7013278012012 Frank Tilli,V.P.Abide, Inc. T�g_t 13 525-0644 El lase of emergency natant Contractor's Representative) carder A.I.M.Mutual Insurance Ile aadetYg1nd hereby Wens,order the palm and penalties of paltry,that ba4ie has read and aaderatnod the Commonwealth b of mad dasmdr.tW 2Meading RegolaIam,454 C 482101,ad dm Lead Pa soain PM/Min ad Canbti Regulations,105(MR hat as iafaemathn contained Is this notification is tree and cornet to the bat of 110ter, wledge and belief. fete 9-27-12 5gI,5 :omgnay Name Abide inc. P.O.Box 886,483 Shaker Road, East Longmeadow,MA 01028 lddress rehphme Nampa 413-525-0644 Notified On:9/27/2012 Abide Job#12499 OVER-F 2012 THU 15:37 PAX '-- Northampton Board Rearm Page S of 2 accordance with Massachusetts Genera Lawn C.1115197,454 CMR 22.00 amt 105 CMR 460A00,notice of the date sod methinks)of nova or covering of paint,plaster or otter accessible material containing daageroas levels of lead is m be provided and mint be received the flowing agencies,at least 7'H'1(1F)days poor to the begbomg of deleadbg. y27FICATIONS MAY EE FAXED. Department a Labor,Lord Program,Divbioe of Occapatbeal Safety 19 Sbalord Street,I°Floor,Burton,MA 02114 FAX:6176266%5 Director,Childhood Lad Poisoning Prevadea Program Department of Public Health,Donovan Haab Bedding,5 Randolph Street Cation,MA 02021 Occupants of dwelling unit All other oaepanb of the readada promise;If any IoW BardaseallMCaae fsdoremm<Agar City of Northampton. MA 413-587-1221 Massachusetts Histmfal Comminioe 220 Morrissey Hlyd. Berme,MA 02202 FAX(617)727-5128 FAX:761-7744700 Of premises aro listed on the State Register of Historic Pleas,this ne00ntla mast be made'pow retain of an Order to Correct Vidadas or at lent 311 days prior to W tbdog prevanve deleading) O'MICAT1ONS SHALL BE COMPLETED IN THOR MUMMY,DATED AND SII;NED-INCOMPLETE NOTIFICATIONS WILL NOT E Aar7FD AND WILL BE REIIMMED BYTE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR&WORIO*ORCE DEVE OPMIT T. ROMMILIWUR(If owner or unheated oawer's meet will be performing bw4isk dehadalg work,complete the fa9owbg): ropetty Owner AMKe1 ,gimps NOT APPLICABLE 'depose Number( )- testify that I have complied with the training rayirataaa of the C®omwakh of Mmmrtlstls Led Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations,105 MR460.175,fm oaw/agud low-risk abatement and amaomat I farther ratify the l or my aged sal be perform ing the following bwaidc activities 1 have circled all that apply): applyNg BgtM acwsWat capping baseboards ramming ing doors,cabinet doors,shutters applying exterior vinyl*Rag covering surbas mdfy that a1 the bbrmedon am®d in this eulil aim is true cord comet to the bat ofmy knowledge and belief. Date Sind Revised 122007 Notified On:9/27/2012 Abide JOb#12499