94 Complaint Records & Letters GREEN, LIPTON, WHITE Se FITZ-GIBBON ATTORNEYS AT LAW HAMPTON AVENUE, THE PLAZA BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 210 NORTILLMPPON, MASSACHUSETTS 01001-0.210 (413) 586-8210 FAX(418) 584-0278 GREEN„112. P. LIPTON TV B. WHITE 1. EIIZ 11mION V J. SCHMIDT A. NICASTRO David Couchon lard of Health ,ty of Northampton '.ty Hall .0 Main Street )rthampton, MA 01060 :at Mr. Couchon: September 18, 1992 0HEE NFlELH OFFICE IIT FORT STREET I' ST OFFICE BOX tl t; REENFIELD,MA 01002 JOIN R.MASON,.IR. tis letter is to follow up on our telephone conversation of Iptember 17th with regard to the property at 94-96 Straw 'enue, Northampton, MA, owned by Mr. Nadolski. Thank you for Fur assistance in helping us to begin to address the problem ich was uncovered by virtue of your inspection of the ilding. is my understanding that Mr. Nadolski has spoken directly th Mr. McErlain regarding the matter. It is also my derstanding that arrangements have been made for estimates to obtained from at least two licensed and certified asbestos moval containment companies with regard to a remedy of the oblem. We will keep your department posted of further ogress in that regard. ould you have any concerns, questions or advice, by all means ease feel free to contact me. pcerely, se h A. Nicastro 8:cb losure Mr. Richard Nadolski Mr. Peter McErlain BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALLS /7:0 COMPLAINT RECORD Pitere 56, Date 9'"/O-9 {ime CO Name of Complainant Deb c7,-H/'1 0; /&Jo Address 9 1C "ri-. /9ai Ate-, Tel / X96 , Nature of Complaint La A$11C42 I IJ clime\it r (SUG_fG'C ba c,Fme7.i-I - LgvdoEy /' ctc^g 1 q of Location.f Premises Owner �qq � V CIC%1�1 A ' A Ad(/IL; /V 1' . Address 16 57 290.'4 VE 12U1 m mN Occupant Taken by Referred to Date of inspection 9- // -4Z Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT OE7,Se/G 42J7 ./5e//96(C HS86s7PL ON 84' , '&LT .42P/>s 4N4:1 Bo./seas Action Taken -'=/f4/�E' 4.fl SE++Y —47--7Z (EJ742 erUSUI< - ;,-A Nnee. VC79/ d''r?" :1)9 Is/ —Printed on Recycled Payer— pop 'R TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY ' "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: HEALTH Chairman Y.M.D. BSONS .AIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (4101 5866950 Ext.213 i - 96 Straw Avenue, Northampton, MA 01060 • September 14 1992 'R ADDRESSED TO: Richard T. Nadolski 96 Straw Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 ES OF REPORT TO: Deborah Wilson 94 Straw Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 is an important legal document . It may affect your rights. may obtain a translation of this form at : 1 e um documento legal muito importante gue podera afectar os direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: (uivante est un important document legal . II pourrait cter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette le a: to a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto suoi diritti . Lei pub. ottenere una traduzione di questo lo a: as un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus chos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: lest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje wnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 586-6950 x214 ie Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at - 96 Straw Avenue , Northampton (assessor's map 17D rcel 50 .) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State nitary Code. is letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations sted below, which are serious enough as to endanger or terially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the cupan ts. der authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts ❑eral Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are reby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the !lowing violations within TWENTY FOUR HOURS of the receipt this order: AN VIOLATION Deteriorated friable asbestos on basement pipes and boilers. Je aware that all setts Division of ent firm which is d of Health has a ce in City Hall. REMEDY Contain and/or remove friable asbestos as needed to bring area into compliance with Housing Code Regulation 410.353. repair or removal of asbestos must be done by a Labor & Industries certified asbestos removal/ currently licensed by the Commonweath of Mass. list of licensed firms available upon request at ive any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of ffice. ly r4'urs, Socha Inspector on Board of Health a an) ection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties Y. MAIL # P 749 251 844 b I • _ pe T} " -P OJ)4 L3s1, Via n St. ChiCOpee; MA 01021— 1"- 413-737-3133 `"- ): 2) ,9-dr .f'061/8 / Town. or City Board of Health .. . . ET: zntlemen: Fca' /9/ /f93 Please be advised, asbestos removal operations for the address of: ill commence on: 1/,j/ 93 )a Ye of Removal y� i�0 a 4°77, 6-� A' de vorman Morn cite '-' Environmental Engineer i A� Name of 12:)lr3nP.(Iy Complainant + *'4E pi/GS 04) BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date g'/-Z Time - Address 9g 57709 et/Fr/54/0f Tel 527Y— Nature of ComplaintwAtrs V/pggri0NS Davnofj,>rrp-• •/M5 RECEIVED EVZerlov Nl7c6 fpm azuAee Location of Premises Owner ,/cAAcC hail/ tSK/ Address 9< S,Typ/ ,9}'F/U[i Occupant Taken by Date of inspection g -/3-93 Referred to - Time 7:3Oom INSPECTOR'S REPORT (%) &or0. uvu c noon Fao -'r v1100ou+s (9 &£QUIy?E SCREENS (ss/) LIio N_fi_[[com 5/OP. WIUD, two ti rynI' :WY UP (lac' w wu) (grMODInaccrl -9P 0f7( w(NOp" BtT6'f7 5Pd)/ 0C7EY710M77) ' sn,fll c/ F4 J ct!f, PROptmp sta„t6 ROLIc lHXADDeM W f-I/I ID Li< �yye) ion Taken �% P6rsoM c roar s B1a(Ie,4C Ac cErs ]o r learn 0114kL AND e,or 00. inraz /r¢v,Re --. 0 NnvDPr0 Se 3) c / BmdpO^M lit' OE1tbe,•r:v oI S)Jck 1 '106 (A/477- /sr0 rstyi A /iJ oily A, p ,EN 7- fir-/6 -93 —Printed on Recycled Paper— Inspector, 6001 /NG /0 Auk 93 prM 2ttot NOidWVig 6/-2_8 -2n) N9 s2,19 CND < y L,1‘,.z2J9 .n NNah A888/,-28t8 ,! 3G'ihn 'NoLgil /fg- A.U9 i ITN u4m® 4.0. 3315 1.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 18191 586-6950 En.213 2 TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: i Straw Avenue, Northampton, MA 01060 August 16. 1993 R ADDRESSED TO: Richard T. Nadolski 96 Straw Avenue \Y./Li Northampton, MA 01060 ES OF REPORT TO: Deborah Wilson 94 Straw Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. may obtain a translation of this form at: i e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: suivante est un important document legal. 11 pourrait ?cter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette 9e a: ;to e un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto suoi diritti. Lei pub- ottenere una traduzione di questo ilo a: es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus achos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccidn de esta forma en: jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje awnienia . Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 586-6950 x214 Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at straw Avenue , Northampton (assessor's map 17D !el 50 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State nary Code. v letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations :ed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or ?rially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the :pants. =r authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts ?ral Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are ?by ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the lowing violations within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt this order: 7N VIOLATION • Basement interior door to the bulk head is not properly secured to prevent unlawful entry. No sign posted listing name; address, and telephone number of owner, manager, or agent. (1 ) Living room side prime window - Upper section will not stay up when the window is unlocked. (2) Middle "dining" room prime window - Upper window sash with lower sash rail deteriorated and in need of repair. Bathroom tiles deteriorated/ missing along the short tub wall . Side porch exterior steps require an approved handrail . Both front living room windows require screens. Items stored in the basement are presently blocking access to the electrical panels. • REMEDY Install an approved locking device for this door. Post a visible sign as required under 410.481 . (1) Repair window in an approved manner. (2) Repair window sash rail in an approved manner. Repair deteriorated/missing tub tiles. Install an approved handrail for these steps. Install approved screens for both of the front living room windows. Store items away from panels so as to allow access to this area. 1 of Health is aware that an eviction process is currently in pro- Lny settlement with, or eviction of the present tenant will not re need to correct all violations noted. Said violations will have .rected prior to any reoccupancy of this dwelling unit by another ve any questions regard this inspection report contact the Board of 'fice. y yours, Xochan Inspector :on Board of Health rection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties y. 7 MAIL # P 749 251 449 John Green August 20, 1993 94 Staw Avenue Florence, MA 01060 rney John J. Green Rich & Eileen Nadolski Attorney Green, ceived your notice for work to be done on the apartment. Tuesday, August 1993 will not be a good day. I have made previous arrangements for that and will be working late into the evening. esday August 25, and Thursday August 26 between 3:30 and 5:30 would be right to repair the middle window sash and rail. exterior screens can be put up anytime between Sam and 6pm. I assume workers will not need to enter the apartment, therefor they can do the whether or not I am here. bathroom, if it cannot be completed between 3:30 - 5:30 should be iuled for a Saturday when the job can be completed in one day. I will be available for these next two Saturdays. pe to be out of the apartment in September, barring any further ssment, obstacles, and demands on my time from your clients. and Eileen have known of these problems for well over a year. This :went was available for work to be done after 3:30 or anytime Saturdays ig 1991 and 1992. This apartment was also empty for one week in February and three days a week in March and April '93. Then it was vacant Sunday rough Friday pm during the entire month of July '92. Work could have completed during any of those times had your clients been so inclined. now I am working and need the use of my apartment. ;e get notice to me regarding these times. r.-= -( - ircq- ,�(,v� - lh B. Wilson )P1111 rrn 11 211993 Y 0u �V August 27, 1993 A HAND DELIVERY D FIRST CLASS MAIL . Deborah Wilson Straw Avenue orence, MA 01060 Nadolski v. Wilson ar Ms. Wilson: .e purpose of this letter is to request a time on Saturday, .gust 28, 1993, that Mr. Larry Divinere, our workman, can go L to the premises and estimate the cost of repairing the throom. so, we would like to obtain access to the property to begin Lis work next week. Therefore, we respectfully request that ma supply us with new dates and times that we may enter the Lartment. .ease call my attorney at (413) 586-8218 no later than 3 :00 m. today, August 27, 1993 , to discuss this matter. Or, if :u prefer, we have no objection to your arranging convenient Ames for you directly with Mr. Divinere at (413) 585-5741. ary truly yours, Abp . ha-d,-e,4w ileen Nadolski