Complaint Records 1991-1993 Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date al»/f/Timee 444 Nature of Complaint Location of Premises Owner Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT ti/ Time JLcj3j_lil_ _ U Action Taken nspector 4 M / 7, Mousavc- -Printed on Recycled Paper— Jn F 3 BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE Chairman PETER C.KENNY.M.D. MICHAEL FL PARSONS PETER f.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 2t0 MAIN STREET 01060 MI3)586-6950 Ext. 213 IORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 14D HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS i DATE: March 12, 1991 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Aleja Canales 14D Hampshire Heights Northampton, MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT TO Norihamptcln Hausine Authority George O'Brien, Director 49 Old South Street Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document . It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at : Isto _ um document° legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir uma tradqao deste documento de : Le suivante est un important document iegai . Il pourrait affecter cos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme A : Questo e un document° legale importante . Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un document° legal importante . Puede que afecte sus direchos . Ud. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument . To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie : Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton , MA 01060 Tel = : ( 413 ) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at * 14D Hampshire Heights , Northampton ( assessor's map * 18D parcel * 38 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the ,. . - occupants. - Under authority of Chapter III General Laws , and Chapter II of hereby ordered to make a good following violations within * of this order: , Section 127 of the Massachusetts the State Sanitary Code, you are faith effort to correct the 24 hours of the receipt REGULATION VIOLATION 410.602 (B) Unsanitary condition noted in kitchen: food waste scattered about the kitchen area; garbage in bags left in kitchen; floor, counter tops, stovetops, etc. need thorough cleaning. This condition contributes to the cockroach infestation! ! Very, truly yqur$;J /7 Peter J.U4,MccEErrllain Health Agent Certified Mail: # P 890 359 827 REMEDY Thoroughly clean entire kitchen area and maintain kitchen in a clean, sanitary condition. BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE.Chat:maa PETER C.KENNY M.D MICHAEL R.PARSONS PETER J.McERLARI. Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 1412)566-6950 Ext. 213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT APT. 14D, HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS DATE : March 12, 1991 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Northampton Housing Authority George O'Brien, Director 49 Old South Street Northampton, MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT TO Aleja Canales 14D Hampshire Heights Northampton, MA 01060 Thi= is an important legal document . It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at : Isto _ um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir uma tradqao deste documento de : Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait affecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo z un document° legate importante . Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di quest° modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante . Puede que afecte sus direchos . Ud. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument . To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia . Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie : Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton , MA 01060 Tel ( 412 ) 586-6950 0214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Apt. 14D Hampshire Heights , Northampton ( assessor ' s map 18D parcel 38 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety , and well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code , you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within 24 hours of the receipt of this order : REGULATION . VIOLATION REMEDY 410.550 Light cockroach infestation in Exterminate the Apartment #14D.* entire building. * NOTE: No evidence of heavy cockroach infestation was found at time of inspection (8:30 am, March 8, 1991). Ver• truly your L�¢---J Peter S. McErlain Health Agent CERTIFIED HAIL: P 890 359 826 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date 2/511/41 t�;GY ime Name of Complainant-7E'VP/ y//T=�19AJ .5sr r v'c?erP/ Address /f9"DDS//.//Sim TeL Nature of Complaint/t-: /i/✓E'%%l, wt/O+c/IISHj//;,Y€V&/t,A2% //,:'L/4 ' {/! frefacrg�e 9r �,O h%.J i:;Cc/ear- Are;-Z+Mr CnMPCyer Csnp/,p (ftcEV 8�6/j>) Location of Premises Sly/;-)C�7"Cira %S Owner //•/ Address •Cilla �> Occupant --57-07?/ .//t/S Taken by/7 �` ' Referred to Date of inspection 3ti://9✓ Time d'?nP/7//1 INSPECTOR'S REPORT 59NIr4?/O✓✓ S RflL+NE& fr/r8�:6T/ sekeIe fkmcN byiztsr/Incw N7T€O ONE` kjcae■ Hkk'AM A7fYC css;/Apn4c swr+l6°y 4h'r''vS i Action Taken eV i)IV,C 1464 fM&Vr OtO or I %if2USt Pr —Printed on Recycled Paper— ri7i it ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE.Chairman PETER C.KENNY MD. MICHAEL IL PARSONS PETER 1.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 00)586-6950E4.213 5B Hampshire Heights Northampton , MA 01060 DATE: March 15 , 1991 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Northampton Housing Authority ATTN: George O'Brien, Director 49 Old South Street Northampton, MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Susan M. Francis 5B Hampshire Heights Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal . Il pourrait effecter vos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme A: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny document . To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel 1: ( 413 ) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the prem 5B Hampshire Heights , Northampton ( assessor's parcel 38 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of Sanitary Code. ises at map 18D The State This letter will certify that the inspections revealed listed below, which are serious enough as to endange materially impair the health, safety, and well-being o occupants. violations r or f the Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code , you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within TWENTY FOUR HOURS of the receipt of this order: REGULATION . VIOLATION REMEDY 410. 550 Severe cockroach infestation throughout the apartment. Exterminate the premises at 5B Hampshire Heights at once. Continue treatment followups until cockroach problem has been controlled. Notify the tenants prior to treatment dates so that satisfactory preparation of premises can be made. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of •erjury. CERTIFIED OR P 890 359 828 �Cfic boo 29 R< < vrcl 3 Pei I R \Th \ B N ,fv\-s ■c_ ';-\ Bv [ Roc) c \-1E oPLE . rtc Lvc) 4 i HE0_ 6 WATT- v\-a6_ eAti 0 wo,v i Do c p oo� � t,uG oR LE i ��U1 f t/ b4 i Hon_ IT-t 5-paA7N\ Y / e »» E rgcps NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 49 OLD SOUTH STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 584-4030 GEORGE d O'BRIEN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Equal Housing Opportunity H. MoDONALD HOUSE FORSANDER APIS JOAN A.TOBIN MANOR WALTER SALVO HOUSE FRANK J CAHILL APIS BRIDGE STREET HOUSE STATE STREET HOUSE HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS FLORENCE HEIGHTS LEASED HOUSING PROGRAMS Acit. Mr. Peter McErlain Health Agent City of Northampton City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. McErlain: March 15 , 1991 I am in receipt of your order of March 12, 1991 regarding the presence of a light cockroach infestation in Apartment 14D Hampshire Heights, and the copy of the order to the tenant of Apartment 14D Hampshire Heights regarding the unsanitary condition of her apartment unit. As a result of your report we have scheduled Rest-In-Peace, Inc, a professional exterminator based in East Longmeadow, to spray the entire building on Tuesday, March 26, 1991. They will do their work in the morning. We will notify the tenant, and the other tenants of building 14 of the appointment next week. Since your orders draw a causal relationship between the presence of roaches and the unsanitary condition of the unit you inspected, would it be possible for the Board of Health to again inspect the unit just prior to the spraying? This unit was professionally sprayed in August of 1989 and again in November of 1990. Our budget situation is such that the consistant use of professional exterminators is prohibitive, and we would like to re-call the exterminator for the same unit only when we can be assured that the tenant is doing his/her part to keep a clean house, one which does not contribute to the problem. Would you please let me know of your willingness to check out Apartment 14D prior to the spraying (maybe on the morning. of the 26th) as soon as possible. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerrely, Jon Hite Deputy Director i BOARD OF HEALTH OHN T.JOYCE,Chairman ETER C.BENNY.MD. MICHAEL R.PARSONS ?ETER 1.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 1413)5866950 Ext.213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: i 18C Hampshire Heights , Bridge Road, Northampton , MA 01060 DATE: April 12 . 1991 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: L ‘‘,V- Ll ( Northampton Housing Authority ATM: George O' Brien, Director 49 Old South Street `;orthamptonr MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Belinda J . Aldrich 18C Hampshire Heights_ Northampton_, MA 01060 This is an important legal document . It may affect your rights . You may obtain a translation of this form at lsto e um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos . Podem adquirir ulna tradbao deste documento de : Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait affecter cos droits . Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Quest() e un documento legale sui suoi diritti . Lei pub modulo a: Este es un direchos . importante . Potrebbe avere effectto ottenere una traduzione di questo documento legal importante . Puede que afecte sus Ud . Puede adquirir una traduccien de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument . To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie : Northampton Board of Health City hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel ( 413 ) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 18C Hampshire Heights , Northampton ( assessor ' s map 18D parcel 38 . 1 , for compliance with Chapter 11 of The State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health , safety , and well-being of the occupants . Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter I1 of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within FOURTEEN DAYS __.. of the receipt of this order: REGULATION VIOLATION REMEDY 410 . 550 Cockroach infestation noted in Exterminate the premises at apartment. 18C Hampshire Heights , and continue followup treatment , if neeeded , until cockroach problem has been controlled . If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office . Very truly yours , David E. Rochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury . CERTIFIED ORDB '. t P 890 359 834 Name of Complainant Address /2t <M'.' ��fJC yl 7 f Tel ,� I 2, Nature of Complaint �i( tL..-i�-C E.A.- — 6 rocr Nar/ n /1mb/en e/77t/ 44'94 &poke / Cforteratp■ • BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date Vrn Time - " IL C1. LP 55. E ♦ir �-/� v uncle: Location of Premises Owner Address Occupant Taken by Pu fj Referred 2 . i.n �MpY Date of inspection //77/7/ Time d:<_sFrei NOME INSPECTOR'S REPORT /4z/97 7Y:L.r "} '7N,5"c '4J -piRSR 4tac-6 Peoeew roNfogsYo Action Taken 19 24YA`"' "r' L -tiLL,�s✓G ' L Inspector —Printed on Recycled Paper— i± 9P, ertA BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Nome of / � Complainant / Address /G Date Time a.ft Nature of Complain cation or Pifhmuses demur Address Occupant sease , Tel. (-5,-ea d?7/L pss � . f-dld c , e/fl L5 FARO 4, cw ea* Taken by Referred to Date of inspection c/z elf i Time P-iq° n"' .aa or ,'r<artrrps✓frk aurop ore ppebr. /a✓rgano INSPECTOR'S REPORT „r,..,arm i,r?.S{rz„ FioAl- 12/1a a lit,-,f Z or r 4.c r I/GOA PCORJf4 Ns rw([6' d.0,21( SM£rtlD[aV 9Y;oil//ShT-PAr'ie h'bGLYf'E£ihlG Alr Action Taken ✓ER8?Z nut, TO T.MPn'Vt wifon)ANS u/7NIJJ e lam X,S IlicleJI/JL —Printed on Recycled Paper— M' Name of Cornplainan Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD JJJJ�� � Dati2L /me Nature of Complaint Location of Premises Owner Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection Referred to Time INSPECTOR'S REPORTMGDM./Tp :?t/€i,Y'v /0.9Gii L1'f7S:ALol/J A✓O rei) • i0/„/1l /K:aeon% Ent .vricW FOR Etinec BOA1,Ns- G/!ct StllEVV6E Action Taken ii! Inspector —Printed on Reacled Paper— a OCr IORTHAMPTON IOUSING IUTHORITY 9 OLD SOUTH STREET IORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 B4-4030 OMOROI E.O'BRIEN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Equal Housing Opportunity JOSEPH H. McDONALD HOUSE HAROLD J.PORSANDER APTS JA TEALOOUSE WR SALVO HOUSE FRANK J.CAHILL APTS BRIDGE STREET HOUSE STATE STREET HOUSE HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS FLORENCE HEIGHTS LEASED HOUSING PROGRAMS Mr . A Mrs. Thomas Ford 17-B Hampshire Heights Northampton, Ma. 01050 Dear Mr . & Mrs . Ford: March 11 , 1992 You were notified in early March that the Housing Authority would be spraying your apartment for cockroaches on March 11 , 1992 and that there would be no excuses for you not being prepared. Detailed instructions for what needed to be done by you to prepare for the spraying were included in the notification letter . When the exterminator and Warren Jones came to your apartment, the only room that was prepared for spraying was the kitchen . I could excuse the lack of preparation of the remainder of the apartment as a misunderstanding were it not for the fact that your negligence seems to be a regular pattern of behavior . The exterminator informed me that your apartment did not meet minimal sanitation requirements , that your two bedrooms were locked and could not be entered , and that due to clutter in the remainder of the apartment , it would have been impossible for him to spray because he could not even move around . He also informed me that you have a serious cockroach infestation problem in your apartment . I have notified the Board your apartment and the exterminator concerning conditions he found in As we have discussed, your the condition of your apartment . We will be spraying again on March 30 , 1992 . This letter is your official notification to be ready for spraying at that time . If you are not ready, the Housing Authority will seek ccurt action against you. of Health of the condition of has appended a signed affidavit your apartment . behavior is inexcusable as is S 'ft��e.11, Jon Hite IORTHAMPTON IOUSING 1UTHORITY 9 OLD SOUTH STREET IORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 84-4030 GEORGE J.O'BRIEN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Equal Housing Opporlunity JOSEPH H. McOONALD HOUSE HAROLD J. FORSANDER APTS JOAN A.TOBIN MANOR WALTER SALVO HOUSE FRANK J. CAHILL APIS BRIDGE STREET HOUSE STATE STREET HOUSE HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS FLORENCE HEIGHTS LEASED HOUSING PROGRAMS 414. Mr . Charles & Susan Francis 5-B Hampshire Heights Northampton, Ma. 01060 March 11 , 1992 Dear Mr. & Mrs . Francis , You were notified in early March that the Housing Authority would be spraying your apartment for cockroaches on March 11 , 1992 and that there would be no excuses for you not being prepared. Detailed instructions for what needed to be done by you to prepare for the spraying were included in the notification letter. Despite more than adequate prepared for spraying. This is three years that your apartment sanitation and cleanliness, was exterminator arrived. notice, your apartment was not at least the third time in the last , which we have cited for its lack of not prepared for spraying when the The exterminator informed me that your apartment did not meet minimal sanitation standards and that you clearly have a roach problem. The Northampton Housing Authority has notified the Board of Health of the condition of your apartment and the exterminator has appended a signed affidavit concerning the conditions he found in your apartment. As we have discussed, your behavior is inexcusable as is the conditon of your apartment. We will be spraying again on March 30 , 1992. This letter is your official notification to be ready for spraying at that time. If you are not ready, the Housing Authority will seek court action against you. ii Sincere Y, /d -Jon Hite Deputy Director NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 49 OLD SOUTH STREET NORTHAMPTON. MA 01060 584-4030 GEORGE J.O'BRIEN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Equal Housing Opportunity JOSEPH H. McDONALD HOUSE HAROLD J. POMANDER APTS JOAN A.TOBIN MANOR WALTER SALVO HOUSE FRANK J.CAHIL APTS BRIDGE STREET HOUSE STATE STREET HOUSE HAMPSHIRE HE OHTS FLORENCE HE OHIS LEASED HOUSING PROGRAMS March 11 , 1992 Mr . Albert Weibel 17-C Hampshire Heights Northampton, Ma. 01060 Dear Mr. Weibel This morning when the exterminator and Warren Jones came to your apartment to spray for roaches , your apartment was not prepared for spraying . You refused to allow them to spray any area other than the junction of one wall and according to the exterminator the sanitation in your apartment was poor. I have notified the Board of Health concerning the situation of roach infestation in Building 17 and of your lack of cooperation. The Housing Authority, therefore, will not be responsible for any roach infestation in your apartment . We will be spraying again on March 30 , 1992 . This letter is your official notification to be ready for spraying at that time . If you are not ready, the Housing Authority may seek court action against you. 5ihcerely, Jon Hite 1 Deputy Director NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 49 OLD SOUTH STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 584-4030 GEORGE 4.O'BRIEN EXECUTIVE DtRECTOR Equal Housing Opportunity JOSEPH H. McDONALD HOUSE HAROLD J.FORSANDER APTS JOAN A.TOBIN MANOR WALTER SALVO HOUSE FRANK J CAHILL APTS BRIDGE STREET HOUSE STATE STREET HOUSE HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS FLORENCE HEIGHTS LEASED HOUSING PROGRAMS 414, Ms. Sherri Barnes 17-D Hampshire Heights Northampton, Ma. 01060 Dear Ms . Barnes: March 11 , 1992 When the exterminator and Warren Jones came to your apartment this morning to spray for roaches you refused to admit them claiming that you had spoken to someone in the Office who told you it would be O . K. not to have your apartment sprayed. I spoke with everyone who works in the front office. They claim that you never called. When you and I spoke on Friday , March 6 , 1992 , I told you that your apartment must be sprayed and suggested that you and your son would be safe from any residue from any chemical used and that you might consider spending a few hours at the library or at a friend' s house while the spraying took place . I have notified the Board of Health of your refusal to allow us to spray. The Housing Authority, therefore, will not be responsible for any roach infestation in your apartment . We will be spraying again on March 30, 1992 . This letter is your official notification to be ready for spraying at that time . If you are not ready, the Housing Authority may seek court action against you. Sincerely, // — r` Jon Hite Deputy Director uOR'HAMPTON JUSING JTHOPITY OLD SOUTH STREET JRTHAMPTON, MA 01060 4-4030 oEORaE J.O'BRIEN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR foal Housing Opportunity JOSEPH H. LFORSANDER HOUSE ALHUSE WALTER SALVO O FRANK) CAHILL APTS BRIDGE STREET HOUSE HAMPSHIRE LORENCE HEIGHTS LEASED HOUSING PROGRAMS Mr. Peter MoErlain, Director Board of Health City Hall Main Street Northampton, Ma. 01060 11 , 1992 Dear Mr . McErlain: I am writing to ask your help in allowing the Housing Authority to meet its obligations to er-,4 — to roaches in Building 17 at "Hampshire Heights" . Ten days ago we were notified by the tenant in Apartment Last week we notified 17-A of a growing roach problem in his unit. � be .act' the four ( 4 ) residents of Building 17 that we would spraying for roaches one the morning of March + 11 , 1992 . Extermina ion was to be performed by Mr . Ken Mageau of Orkin. Pest Control . Mr . Mageau came into the Office early this afternoon and informed me that Apartments 17-B/C and D could not be done by him . I am particularly concerned about Apartment 17-B which has had an ongoing problem which the tenants refuse to improve . standards in Last summer Mr . Kochin and I found housekeeping star.. -.. that unit to be less than satisfactory. The Department of Social Services has asked for our^ assistance in this matter. The condition in the apartment is one of total clutter . The tenants have extreme difficulty keeping the apartment clean and throwing away unnecessary refuse. I have suspected a serious roach problem for over a year and each time we have attempted to spray the apartment we have been stonewalled by the residents who tonly partially prepare the apartment and are uncooperative a.+ best . signed f fidat attached is a copy of the Mr . Mageau' s sig..,, af. i...... .e is at Laurie and Ford. notice we sent t.. the tenants, L. ie ..II.. Tom It is the Housing Authority' s intention that this building be exterminated and that conditions in the apartment be improved D W Li I-(KJ (D O Dr L,. •Y n 47 W' P. W rt $ o 0 rt 3 rt O. (u :S W rt N S £ P. 0• N S M O W 0 O Y ■Y (p DI 0 CD or 't' O 0- 0 O :1 0 0 `0 0 1-..t D D 1 L. Di- 'Y W O M 0 0 G W D 0 a �a L. O M rt W . i SL ". W N e. D `• P. W rt P. T' P. W :r a N G N N D•W C V,• 'S KJ 0 £ w D H D £ 0 5 M :C L. L,. 0 L,• 0 W W D 4L H W "`' 7S (D a rt n (r W rd N O F [a a 0 f0 W W L. 9 N O a :Y Y D rt (D W CD M rt L Li W N ro D 1 L,. ( N rt ,Y 'i 0 ((] O K) L' KJ DC L•. VI,- + L,. 0 0 .+ � 'J f0 F, O (D [D .+ " rt rt ft 0 £ co K1 '1 M L, W (' 0 K; i1 co PI O 1 (D O t 0 .J 1 S,) rt a O '1 'i 0 .0 S' 'Y rT r . fD L,. O a aW N '. CD yrt W .r N. D co 'i 4; ` (L 3 'J f0 D y '- L.K1 O t SL rt rt G (0 J fD s rr P. D S: 0 . Np P. W P 3 W "' rt L, 0 :Y 'e 0' W 3 W D W' 71 m t L. a rt 3 D Li 71 D N 71 W 0 :r (r L. :1 47 W Cu p N rt 1 W rt :J 3 'O W 0 rt r ID CD rt CD :i 0 0 e. 0, - S CL C rt rt T1 ' 0 W rt :Y 0 0 rt (D W P. rt L. f0 n (r V. 0 W 0 V. L,. rt 0 O 0 N Sr :r rt 0 0 W kJ rt :J H. ;1 r+ j O F5 a L,.cl 0 W rt G O.T1 rt 'r L. W £ 0 0 0 0 W `Y C 47 rt 0 rt 0 W D u. 0 (Y :0 '1 :Y 0 e^ (D 0 D et ;r :1 W 0 rt (D 'J i V• • rt •'+` L, ,1 0 rt(M ro. '•• p r ,i (1 " D W O G N O SJ 0 0 n :Y 0 0 4:03 1 0 rt (D ..4 0 (L H. 3 ,) J L•. '1 0 O L. SL rt 0 L. 'l ' `i '?. W or •. 0:3' ti :C (D rt Li I :J W L-, .1 L, + r co (r O a O D 0 rt D ' �J (1 () V• rt P. IU L £ _ „. IL N D 'f L.. O N r1 r1 N 47 f ^ N P. (D `S n f; It N L. •Y '-' a 1 0 "' :C L,. 71 0 a CJ rt rt N tic f N 3 .• C (Y 0 L•• D W et CD :J 0 'r'd 3 rt :1 or W O rt ;Y '1 (t1 0 '1 W t 0 •Y G 0 (D N rt • :r rt () '1 0 0 (D :r N (u JO t1 N. O L. N O N W W p C7 (D y N •SL fU y ro DJ Dr (D M (7 G) 'i K K1 rt 4 7 h) rt �S f7 D Cr 'Y O i•. O N ,s a O (D 0 O� 'O (D W 0 0 U1 W L,. 'S (7 :r W N W r•. W rt £ rt U) £ 0 rt 'i W O O f) G DO 1 s - 'S rt r+ L,. et 'S W P. o rt W i O ° rt 3 D W 3 ', H. L1 i7 m 0 W L. 0 :1 11 D P. G O i; art :1 D H 0 :J CV L.. O W 67 D N L,. LS a 0 T :C D KJ 4. P. r1 CD :Y £ N D ;1 0 pd. rt SL D 7 D 'f W :J 0'T1 rt✓,' L,• O t W n 71 "C Lt \N N EJ :1 :1 rt D D 47 W T rt F a r+ :1 :1 :C O rt r1 :Y M O q D (1 SL :1 L7 �' rt KJ II (1 0 0 • "' 0 0 W L7 ■C C D Y e L•• D . .(, N y :" W 61 J Lf rt r0 D (0 S f0 O ri rt O 'f G :C N W (D D 0; D it O '1 O Y W 1 O P. • 0 .f W1 0 0 ,D + .Y e: L,. 'S 00 WW N . r0 0 aKJ 0 W W O rt 00 00 0 0 M 3 3 0 0W W SO DO W ( p • r+ 0 ar+ D rt O e G O D DO 0 rt 1 Y T G rtr rh W 0 r L . 717 1-, 0 T D S 0 Pt O W (J rt N 0 Cr (Y O 0 ' n I I< S 'h a £ rt rt M 0 a N 0 O O D P. KJ L. V. rt rt L. 0 (D 0 4. D • C V. .. 0 W L,• DIC V. D V. L,• D L7 L,• M r L. W C (1 0 W .Y o 1 rt Vr• N 0 CL O 9 ;Y a a D N Cr 0 1 O 0 It ` L,. r1 (Q O 1 C (D 0 lD O . P. 3 O D . W 0 CD • 0 . M Cr (D 0 a 0 0 W N 0 . W r t ( :J 'C ( 0 D KJ r.0 O rte; W (p (0 W 0 d it ri, 0 y rt ry 3 L. h SL fW L. S 0 Y l0 rt D D M rt 0 tr D lD 0 3 N C r+ 0 D O N N T W Y '' W• . yW O 4 0 0 D (Y ( : VS ID Ck rt M N O N r L . 1 'C 3 H 7 :Y 4,. N f M D P. W a r+ rt ' Ki D rt P. 0 W W L•• P. (D W a L.DO 0 0 (0 L] O (D are 0 . tl 3 L. H. '1 D r H (1 W TJ S V. rt 0 K q 0 V. 0 D 0 D Lr• co O 7F. 0 -.i 0 W 'tI 3 O W D "C 7(] 0 W D (174. iv' n O W )1 rt rt co D D i I C 4; J 0 N 0 L1 D O 'i Dr . D L. O tI 0 W rt T1 O O (7 O 0 W O 0 iv W rt 0 0 0 r+ £ DI 0 Dr 0 V 0 'Y O 0 (DD ' Dr '1 O S • L. r+'0 0 L . 0 W ` CD 3 01 0 P. L. F 0 S 0 O r rt CD C S 0 W art W a D ID rt •g rt P H . L• W O t O 0 Ps . J W Co D D r El O • e D D ( J a 0 D N rt �e 0 p 3 P. 0 l rt O O N rt it 3 rt (D H a 0 'i M 0 W 0 Or e' ' D t C N a 0 'S 3 0 L,. 0 0 10 e f : Y 4- J T 0 rt G £ 0 W T e :1 (] t 1 rt D DI rt r N W O D £ L H• W .1 0 S t . 0 et C L . iD N W lD y "' D S W C f rt a ; Ft rt a 0 p rt 1 rt r+ 0 L,.01 W ( 0 N rt W 0 ?p. a C L,. 0 r et rt L,. O a 'Y • (J' L. V. art (Y v, N W W O rt a H. 0 O G D L,. :Y D G P £ Lr et rt 0 - 0 0 O 'Vr 0 C 0 S N' O 0 W w N 0 F. W 'i Lv if rD D O .'Y 3 N a rt a 0 N D (D 0 a W Cl 0 a• d N I, KEN MAGEAU, AM A LICENCED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR. I WORK FOR ORKIN PEST CONTROL AND AM UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY. ON MARCH 11, 1992 I WAS SCHEDULED TO SPRAY BUILDING 17 AT HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS TO ELIMINATE A ROACH PROBLEM. THIS IS PART OF A REGULAR MAINTENANCE PROGRAM INSTITUTED BY THE NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY. WHEN I WENT TO SPRAY APARTMENT 17B I FOUND THAT THE KITCHEN WAS PREPARED FOR TREATMENT. THERE WAS NO PREPARTAION OF THE CLOSETS AND THE BEDROOM DOORS WERE LOCKED. THE APARTMENT WAS CLUTTERED TO THE POINT THAT I COULD BARELY WALK AROUND IT. I FOUND THAT THE APARTMENT HAD A HEAVY ROACH INFESTATION PROBLEM AND POOR SANITARY CONDITIONS. THIS APARTMENT WAS NOT, IN MY OPINION IN A CONDITION WHERE I COULD MEET THE OBLIGATIONS OF MY CONTRACT, NOT COULD I PERFORM MY JOB PROPERLY TO ELIMINATE THE SERIOUS ROACH INFESTATION. APARTMENT 17C WAS NOT PREPARED FOR EXTERMINATION, AND THE TENANT ONLY ALLOWED ME TO SPRAY THE JOINT WHERE THE WALL AND FLOOR JOIN ABUTTING 17B. THE SANITARY CONDITIONS IN THE APARTMENT WERE POOR. APARTMENT 17D REFUSED TO ALLOW MW TO SPRAY THE APARTMENT CLAIMING THAT SHE WAS PREGNANT AND HAD A SICK CHILD. APARTMENT 17 B AND C SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH FOR THE POOR CONDITIONS AND THE LACK OF PREPARATION RESULTING FROM POOR HOUSEKEEPING. APARTMENT 5B WAS SO CLUTTERED THAT IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO SPRAY. THE TENANT HAD NOT PREPARED IN ADVANCE AND ONLY BEGAN TO MOVE THINGS FROM THE APARTMENT WHEN I ARRIVED. MARCH 11, 1992 PEST CONTROL World% Largest Orkin Extermina ing Company,Inc. ANOTHER ROLLINS SERVICE 88-904-0 Rev.12/85 PREPARATION INFESTATION SANITATION t S CD ,.� Ellall 110 a ■N arts N L T d N G S P inr QO/ (;Ir 74- M Ma il ° 1111 it rdariallinallillill *ftvy Pad I oYtf 'MEM • I NM & IM III III IM c Im amt rot in �J floc_ MI ot, rI ME is . offr ■ .R' Orkin Extermina ing Company,Inc. ANOTHER ROLLINS SERVICE 88-904-0 Rev.12/85 PEST CONTROL v Words Largest MARCH 2, 1992 20 ALL TENANTS : ON _ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 , 1992 STARTING AT 10: 45A.M. ]RCN PEST CONTROL WILL BE ON SITE TO EXTERMINATE ALL ROACHES RESIDING :N YOUR APARTMENT. IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK YOUR COOPERATION IN SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: (1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE AARTMENS_ ROM FISH TANKS(3) COVER AND DISCONNECT FILTER (4) REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS YOUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL Orkm Exter..na^rn e Comc2nv, n . PEST CONTROL Worlds Largest MARCH 2, 1992 TO ALL TENANTS : ON . .WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 STARTING AT 10: 45A.M. CRKIN ?EST CONTROL WILL BE ON SITS TO EXTERMINATE ALL ROACHES RESIDING IN YOUR APARTMENT. IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK YOUR COOPERATION IN SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: ( 1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. (3) COVER AND DISCONNECT ?T_LTER SYSTEMS FROM FISH TANKS ( 4) REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS YOUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL LC.uNrke an \ on", Yov -to -'t r€9a-vt -cos- Co-e_ vNe wSe S . "Y( /Ott- PEST CONTROL Worlds Largest I H MARCH 2 , 1992 '0 ALL TENANTS : )N . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 , 1992 STARTING AT 10: 45 M ,L ROACHES RESIDING RKIN PEST CONTROL WILL BE ON SITE TO EXTERMINATE• 0 :N Y▪ OURRAPARTM_EE.NT .I APARTMENT. NROR ORDER IRED ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK YOUR COOPERATION ( 1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. TANKS (3) COVER AND DISCONNECT FILTER SYSTEMS FROM FSHOTA5 (4) REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR AT LEAST 2 YOUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED . THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL 'orla's Largest MARCH 2, 1992 '0 ALL TENANTS : 7N . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 STARTING AT 9: 30A.M. !RCN PEST CONTROL WILL BE ON SITE TO EXTERMINATE ALL ROACHES RESIDING N YOUR APARTMENT. IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK YOUR COOPERATION V SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: (1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN ;ND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. (3) COVER AND DISCONNECT FILTER SYSTEMS FROM FISH TANKS (4) REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS YOUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANE YOU ORRIN PEST CONTROL \-ea.L.2- SPANISH CLEANOUT EL EXTERMINDOR ESTARA EN SU APARTMENTO EL DIA ENTRE LAS HOPI DE Y LAS SIGUIENTES PREPARACIONES PARA EL =ONTROL DE INFESTACION DEBEN SER COMPLETADAS ANTES DE SU LLEGADA. LA COOPERACION DE TODOSLOS RESIDENTES IN ESTE CASO SON DE SUMA IMPORTANCIA. APARTMENTOS QUEE NO ESTEN PREPARADOS APRSOPIADAMENTE, NO RECIBIRAN EL MEJOR TRATAMIENTO POSIBLE. POR FAVOR NOTIFIQUE A LA OFICINA SI USTED NO VA A ESTAR EN SU HOGAR. NONSOTRC TENEMOS LA INTENCION DE ENTAR A TODAS LOS APARTAMENTOS. ENTRAREMOS A LOS APARTAMENTOS CON UN REPRESENTANTE SI LAS PUERTAS ESTAN CERRADAS Y NO HAY NADI EN SU HOGAR Y USTED NO HA HECHO NINGUN ARREGLO CON LA OFICINA 1 . TODO MUEBLE DEBE SER REMOVIBIDO DE LA PARED DE UNAS 6 A 12 PULGADAS PARA ASI FACILITAR EL TRATMIENTO. 2. LAS GAVENTAS, DE LOS TOCADORES DEBEN SER SACADAS Y PUESTAS ENCI , A DE LA CAMA. 3. ES MANDATORIO QUE TODAS LOS ART ICULOS SEAN SACADOS DE LOS GAVINITES, TABILLAS, Y DEBAJO DEL FREGADERO, YA QUE ESTOS SON RINCONES DONDE LAS CUCARACHAS INFESTAN. SI ESTAS AREAS NO SON LIMPIADAS, APROPIADAMENTHE, NUESTRA ADMINISTRACION NO SERA RESPONSABLE POR DANOS 0 DESTRUCCION DE ARTICULAS QUE NO HAIAN SIDO REMOVIDOS A LA HORA DEL TRATAMIENTO. 4. TODO DEBER SER SACADO DE LA PARTE SUPERIOR DE GAVINETES, MESAS ECT, PARA EVITAR CONTAMINACION. 5. TOALLA, TOALLAS FACIALES, CEPILLOS SE DIENTES Y ARTICULOS PERSONALES DEBEN SER SACADOS Y PUESTOS EN LA BANERA 0 DUCHA U CUBIETOS PARA ASI FACILITAR APLICACION 6. TODO LAVADO 0 LIMPIEZA DEBE DE HACERSE ANTES DE EL HOMBRE LLEGUE A SU APARTMENTO. 7. TODAS LA AREAS FUMIGADAS NECESITARAN DE 2 A 3 HORAS PARA SECARSE. B. PEERIODICOS, PAPELES SON RECOMENDADOS PARA LAS TABILLAS DESPUES DE FUMIGAR. 9. TODO ACUMULAMIENTO 0 TRATAMIENTO EN EXCESO PUEDE SER SECADO CON UN PANO 0 PAPEL SECO. 10. 5I USTED TIENE LAVADORA DE PLATO, USE LA DESPUES DEL TRATAMIENTO UNA VEZ PARA LIMPIARLA. I1 . PUEDE ABRIR LAS VENTANAS PARA QUE ENTRE AIRE A SU APARTAMENTO. 12. NINOS PRE-ESCOLARES NO DEBEN DE PERMANECER EN EL AREA MINSTRAS EL TECNICO DE SERVICIO ESTE FUMIGANDO SU APARTAMENTO. 13 . CLOSETS DEBEN DE STAR LIMPIO DE TODD ARTICULO 0 ROPA. 14. EXCESO DE POLVO QUE CAIGA FUERA DEL AREA DONDE EL EXTERMINADOR PUSO DEBE SER LIMPIADO LO MAS PRONTO POSIBLE. APLICACION DE ESTOS QUEMICOS ES DE ACUERDO CON LAS LEYES Y REGLAS ESTATLES Y FEDERALES. I OUT NOTICES NOTICES Tu Rub RESIDENTS following preparation for pest control service must be implemented prior to arrival . The cooperation of all residents in this matter is extremely rtant. Apartments not properl7 prepared will not receive the best possible tment. se notify the office if you're not going to be in your home . We have the ntion of entering all the apartments. We will enter your apartment with a esentative if the doors are closed and there is no one home and you have not fied the office. 1. All furniture must be 12 - 18" away from the wall to facilitate baseboard treatments. 2. Bureau or dresser drawers should be pulled out and placed on bed. 3. It is MANDATORY THAT ALL ITEMS be removed from the kitchen cabinets, shelves , pantry, and under kitchen sink. These are the places that roaches may infest. If these areas are not cleaned out, Management will accept no responsibility for damage or destruction of items which will be removed at the time of treatment. 4. All counter tops should be cleared off to avoid contamination. 5. All towels , face cloths , tooth brushes and personal articles should be removed from in and around vanity. Place in bathtub or shower stall , and cover. This must be done to allow for a more effective application. 6 . Any washing or cleaning should be done before the Pest Control Operator arrives . 7 . All treated areas should be given 2 to 3 hours to dry. 8 . Shelf paper or newspaper is recommended to cover shelf areas after treatment . 9 . Any excessive run-off or puddling of chemicals may be wiped up with a dry cloth or paper towel . 10. If you have a built-in dishwasher, run it through one cycle after treatments . 11. Feel free to open your windows and air out your apartment. 12. Pre-school children should not be in the immediate area while the service technician is treating the premises. 13. Closets must be emptied out . 14. Excess powder must be wiped off all exposed surfaces. PLICATION OF THESE CHEMICALS IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS AND PEST CONTROL World's Largest 1C,( 10 t ALL TENANTS: MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1992 AROUND 1 : 15P.M. :IN PST WINL ORDER NTOI ACCOMPLISH RTHISTTASK LYOUR C RESIDING COOPERATION SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: (1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. (3) COVER AND DISCONNECT FILTER SYSTEMS FROM FISH TANKS (4) REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS DUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED. ccp 1-1 MARCH 16, 1992 THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL Orkin Esterminatioa Company. Inc. RNDTNER ROLLINS SERVICE till" PEST CONTROL Worlds Largest MARCH 16 , 1992 I{\1u, Vt C-Ci lj� LP 1 ALL TENANTS : 4 - MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1992 AROUND 1 : 45P.M. iN PST CONTROL IKYOUREAPAR MENT. WINL ORDER NTOl ACCOMPLISH THIS TTASK L YOUR COOPERATION RESIDING ION I SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: ( 1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. (3) COVER AND DISCONNECT FILTER SYSTEMS FROM FISH TANKS (4) REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS TOUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL OrKin Exrer.^ina^.nc •rrroanv. PEST CONTROL MARCH 16, 1992 v World's Largest �c\ iz L.0 c Ccs flt3 6434 ALL TENANTS : J . MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1992 AROUND 2 : 00P.M. YIN PEST CONTROL WILL BE ON SITE TO EXTERMINATE ALL ROACHES RESIDING YOUR APARTMENT. IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK YOUR COOPERATION SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: (1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. DISCONNECT(3) COVER AND (4) REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR AT LEA F ST 2S TANKS HOURS OUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL Orkin Exrerminanng�Jrroanv. :no. PEST CONTROL World's Largest MARCH 16, 1992 \Ixt+ 1.■40)el lc, H -+ ALL TENANTS : MONDAY., MARCH 30, 1992 STARTING AT 2 : 15P.M. KIN YOUREAPARTMENT. WINL ORDER NTOI ACCOMPLISH�THIST � TASK YOUR COOPERATION ION SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: (1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. (3) COVER AND DISCONNECT FILTER SYSTEMS FROM FISH TANKS (4) REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS OUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL Orkin Exterminating CCTO°nv. Inc. PEST CONTROL World's Largest MARCH 16, 1992 J1e Q r ‘ (190.r OrS \ ) )_) (-a ALL TENANTS : MONDAY, MARCH 30 , 1992 STARTING AT 2: 30P.M. KIN PEST CONTROL WILL BE ON SITE TO EXTERMINATE ALL ROACHES RESIDING YOUR APARTMENT. IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK YOUR COOPERATION SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: ( 1) PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. (2) REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. (4) COVER OUTSIDE SYSTEMS FROM FOR AT LEAST 2 TANKS HOURS REMAIN OUR ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL Orkin Externnattne Ocmosny. inc Rni i INS <:ovir. Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date 3//742-Time a nJ J (tLNC/ p ?Q S . /c9S; �� �a �(J,G/i c,[ (���b Tel Nature of Complaint /( Ir&i /( i� biz ) -- GCTS sic/c Fna.Y) ni9c0FI ES ' l - Location of Premises Owner v � H/F Address Occupant Taken by Referred t Date of inspection n INSPECTOR'S REPORT CALCED my? • 1- 77E - - Hr WILL CU.tiTner cvMP141ti4vr; /N✓M7047t air Action Taken 7 = A ,a- Inspec 6r , u Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD pp Date *Iitne U Tel Nature of Complaint mat. &K Location of Premises / 7 .D Owner Address Occupant Taken by rd-t--tc - Q /N� Referred to Date of inspection 7 / Time ' "./ '" INSPECTOR'S REPORT Na //e/477,,V Nar1D - CA) Fie'M1T MEH /5 9T>572'ei 'y 18) KMC /1CSR + 2-11-ms-N+..7 OWNA'Pr CcA'SPn77 )CEUtEac dahk' e.0 Rr`rn SFVr A ✓rote».0/ 7e'er$. enee]ar,1c� "1"k &fines,,It Vs av) Action Taken ND /JtPaNf'&214/re)— 1-10Z- ■ —Printed on Recycled Paper— BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD _.-.�, *I-�J-, =/ \J1 Name of Complainant Address Nature of Complaint Location of Premise �,, Owner —� 1 I "^'"` Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection 9- 8-9L Referred to Time �n••,3oAM INSPECTOR'S REPORT � p*O°Simr9 sw y Pte• Action Taken 2 'llaif 40• 72NNq S,4vT %-/A -9y I� —Printed on Recycled Palver- BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date 7� Time/ .�JC%i1g7 Complainant A_Elo(7,W/ / /i✓ / /9 7fre/j;Name of i Address /-77)�7-fA _C % �?Tel wt Nature of Complaint / /.r '° J C reOAct 1//#ffF?_ .tA..Nr /J& // 0 /N /. c E c &O/» . tontre eimir,62/0,,a/A .ii/vg Location of Premises Owner Address Occupant // Taken by Referred to Date of inspection Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT Action Taken Inspector —Printed on Recycled Paper— BOARD OF HEALTH Mill T.JOYCE,Chairman ETER C.KENNY.M.D. IICHAEL H.PARSONS ETER J.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01080 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14131 53 6-8950 Ext.213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: i 5B Hampshire Heights, Bridge Road, Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: September 10, 1992 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Northampton Housing Authority c/o Jonathan Hite 49 Old South Street Northampton, MA 01060 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Susan Francis 5B Hampshire Heights, Bridge Road Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto 4 um documento legal muito importante que poderb afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. Il pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme A: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avers effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub' ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel 4: (413) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 5B Hampshire Heights , Northampton (assessor's map 18D parcel 38 .) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within TWENTY FOUR HOURS of the receipt of this order: REGULATION VIOLATION . . REMEDY 410.550 Severe cockroach infestation in Exterminate premises on an ongoing basis until cockroach infestation is under control. Apartment. It must be noted that poor housekeeping and insanitary condition of this apartment greatly contributes to the severity of the cockroach infestation. The tenant, Susan Francis, has been ordered in the past to clean up the , premises she occupies and to continue to maintain said premises in a sanitary condition. This is not being done at the present time. Very truly firs David E. Koch Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certfied under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTFIED ORDER : P 749 251 644 1 1 4N 11 8.1 m p S N N -C N I: N A +. N Ca d 2 + N. ga � 5 N 4) P . p C) +' i A 0 of s: v [: K .r 0 i + T ` 0 1 CZ +) C-1 Fl .. i 0 N m O M a) f4, S: Cl 0 41 f: O +; 41 rH C) aj u r [n v U O + y O N ) O .s - 0 Cl 'ir n1 '.1 0 0 0 A 4) s: O) - O f: v •tr 0 +) 0 +) 0 41 CO +) .1-1 11 41 -, 0 C) 0 01 Cl • [5 no 0 4) a) 11 ,ti 0 0 4: o S: U U 0 £1 0 � i 0 i) c: 41 O rJ S: 0 4) O E. • h.: 0 is l 0 41 ,6 F t 0 t' ✓'al a ..i N •.-1 0 C) ,, O 0 .i t t ,I 4a W:r - +) +) O n ..-1 F .,i ( 0) 0 41 " N (1 : ' S, 41 O .i 3 F) +) 0 0 O + -1 -kJ r O aSdO) . .'a .r O O E: O ,r ±, F. + .V .0 I ,14 IL• 0 0 sal ,-r +) E to O rl 0 a) 04 n1 +) + O [ O : • 01 0 W S, N 0 44 al 1 c O • a, c , S1 1 1-4 01 y 1 n .. p a . .p 01 N al m 0 4 C r0 0 41 O 4: v 0) 01 4: Y . .i 1 '1 Y 0 Y F+ .r 0 a S F. £ C. 0 y 0 41 Y 41 O C .r N 0 +'t F. O 4 ' ' 0 O O CS. W I CC > [L W>• H t v 4v: s: m �i z1: .; ro s v �n rn n3 +C) in 0 . r Ao i 0 4, � o 4 , C > e Fa +) ..r O Y 0 v .i i O N 0 A U r'1 a to Fr v + 01 O ' m : N nU i al 0 ) 0 t: I : u S f FL m F [: +) O) 0 4C _ Pl ti, n1 E: 1,11,11.i W 1 coo ) F: .V .N al WC r ri Y C) 'V f n ) v + N ( 3 a V •..i n N ✓ 0 0 U) • On ft)N ') F (L: "r 0).Cr 0 fi Fa O m + F N + 4 0 Y m 0 O x P .r� an +) s: • as +) 0 '5 (' a Y a C) O G1 Ca) ) h F rn■ i S 0 0 N M $' O C +) E 4O, 0 IZ,, 0 t O l W+;aro WI 2J P ot M 4 + O ri ..V 0 C: ci O A O E a Cw • r tU Fi P; 4) Y 4, [1 0 O O n 0 -i P + '0 n 0 " ✓ b-r 0 D. Ili A 0 +1 ✓ , O O ' N E: 41 ) N 0 N E: 0 :„ O .0 " 05 0 0 [Y+4) a .i v . 6 +) tS: W O 3 o +) O 0 +) •. 0 0 1 X ✓ N ,1 I: Jr" �i 3 0 0 0 j) . l S4 0 O) 0 U U Ti i 0 i f: 0 N Y ) t, + 0 +) 0 0 .,v 0 S' 7 . 4) 0 ,-1(0 S: J I S: 0 F, .0 Al R1 .-r 63 v O •.V .1, U F O t + 3 vp: p .i N I-1 o i r 41 O A 0 C C) O O `; A5 Oci F y i O) rz W 0 A 4, A ., 0 rz 0 4 O J O 4, + a) t0 .7.,° C4 o U O 11 "V t. tF a, w p s tz F- O al + , 0) O h: r1 •- Q CS 1 F. o5 o R1 o - rI N to . N Q Sy m Rf .l 11 +, O . 1 : . P ; GO) 0 O O SU Sa 0 Fr n .r C a .., . ni a (L S, O 44 .l 41 7i y A O F. t t. O 4) _v, 0. Z " C) r +) E ni 5: n1 ro a ...1 F (5 ..1 4 ? N Fl a) v F• o a. +t): o) IC; v : a .•r `i za Cq r +) F Ill C+ 6 (n F.1 ,i 0 O F. W s: w E4 71 ›•• CS ) N U U N s U P C N , 1 t E 0 05 0 v 0 4 U"i C S : O C1 O n1 O 0 n1 I). n5 41 4 .i 4 Si 41 O +) Ni'•4 ° S u. N O +' 4:j))>I (F P d +F. s C4. i) F. i3 SX Cl Nw O W OO O h s NI o 1) (L SJ @ G '<' i (L 01 $ O N rt V. { rt it W ° ? N O PI CLP O D O ( rt V•c[ O S G rf P. F 0 S N a5 V. 1 PC3 't V. C) 1-11 0 Icl M tD CI 0 r+ P ro . n N IT. " ,oi rr tJ O 43 G, p 0-Ri N 1° 'Y [i O r+ 41 r+ f.. ;Y (0 4 �1 41 U r+ fD 'Y p f., W t fY rt H H O rt [1 N () r+ ; fj P t 61 tt I'D 70 W b Cl („1,1, t O 1 ID J ft 3. tD _ ;t {D N r J :Y P. t1 r+ <1 N f) rt .J L9 ,f G t.. tD rt 0 ft (. rt (D 1-• 0 t rt it N rt to O D, C) ct 14 O r+r0 fJ r+ [1 r1 t [o t K) O t..'O N G Y . Y CI O O T t" p T3 N V. u y N s {D rt O N 40 W s vi r3 SJ LO t0 f) 0 (p it 5 O �D 1 LD 3 O 0 P3 p D V'^C 0 co Q, rt O O I., CD pi O - u r+ tD N+ rt tf O N'K + V) t(? p O {J P �3 N tD < qy m.. ,,, `Y 4 Q to G f,. V. rl. tY col- rt rt N O W 4c...T W N O `O t (D F_, N rT 0 [D .. 1..• 1. 1 W RJ N Iy V. O 41 rD (D fD O V. r1 . rt Pc v 0 *LC) 1 ri (y 6,1 t_d P. t y j Sl ! ft H f Y N t f) 4 9 { triP. i 0 (Cr) C J)G D if N N 4 O Z [.. . W KS rt f) rt - rt ( + O (D 7 D tY 0 rod N l P " l M [ . 5 D ; + N 1-1' r+ r+ N 11 f CD .i f [i O N y W t. C D T O CD (3'' S � V. m N f y N N CO N r . N 4 O ID O V. 3 O 0 N ". O 0 D b N O O tD [' 0 ' tit "t N rt N _ y 13 G r3 r+ i. i+ O t in 0 N tl W .Y i J 4 p N i t•• fD 4 y S 4, it 0 0 V. •• 3 [). V «1 O rt rH 13 r '1 O Y C 01 � I p t N C➢ C i 0 s 1 V ti n r0 it d O i rt r 3 (D 3 T G (D D f{x 1 O 3 ciao 0 it it W Si V' W :Y 0 CY 0 tl 'I t. o W . y rD [ C) P' � * t PI P. 4 £ o t) rT ' y J p T f. f q r1, y ° 4. it f. G [C N < rt O n ,+ [ . f CO O co S; P. r 'Y ^ N 3 y f N . CI 'F 0 fo et r+ 7 P. N It . <; rt x i . W N r < re PY rt T (D ' CI (D rt O [D 1-:,' N (D V. 11/3 O ro ftl rt M N h O O r N N (U Y O Y (L D, .Y n -r rt tp co tC s vi f . f) 61 W tof ry i3 3 l O L ft r+ I i T., ry ' P. rt c V [ p 6 < tY O CD O Y p O ,t N N N 11 ( 4 O m O 5 r N PY rt N O + f.. r "1 f 1 V' P CY 0 0 [ N ( O V. 0 0 3 t SN t 0 3 Ll1 n W ty l,V] i CD O t4 rt y G { [ . n < i U N J SL rT 0 ,t ,T .n N p W : s ro P it V. CD rt f I .+ p Co j N O O U? rt O 0, 3Y a H. W F O f„ f• I < 1 Y . N V. N O t {J r+ p N 10 1 O P. O 31 11 0 ,33 O . O t 0. (. . .n co r5 41 V. $ SL LY t1 t1 i N . , ( rt 0 P 0 rt t rt 11 ft 0 W y• W _ ,[ r f J CD O y W rY 1 ' rt to , ; o N W O V. s G1 [ q N ( N r O P T N r+ S r co O 3 rt 'C W G 31 11 0 N O O, rt O N G ro it F :Y t. O rt O O rJ rT 1), • ,Y P. N 3 ) 'r t' it PS t fJ y CY SD i [ O V {l_ rt O 1 N t(3 )3 n0 0 r+ W SL N S P t O 31 4) CY O W (t 0 G ,e t(? 0 O p 6 P ( 111 0 W ' f 'G O :) SL CD N 011 P W H W • fD O V rt 31 y 2 31 O D C (D CD Y t+ P O s Pi O t it 5 rJ 'cc N P. J :3 q o W [J 'O (a , . S O fr) 0 CD L t0 `' KS . W i O 0 r 11 ✓ rt < .n O irt hO � ( .1 ' • N `Y f. a G O 3 A W 2 O S P 2 rt � rt s O 0' IC rr D N ", t< D F -G I 31 1 O ,+ • (31 r 1 O O 1 tI 0 m O 3 0 tD O n 0 t .m _" ❑ _ ; P, rS '0 fP 0 D t) Tr . n = ti U W ) a ri , . f m ,t t rt ? it U co it t 0 s 0 1 t.. - 3 CD iIr- 0C) ., (D C 0 -P11 „ U L m 0 0 K t: 0 rt rs rr G —iq PP • AFFIDAVIT OF KENNETH R. MAGEAU MY NAME IS KENNETH R. MAGEAU. I M EMPLOYED BY ORKIN PEST INC . AS A SALES INSPECTOR . I HAVE WORKED IN THE PEST CONTROL INDUSTRY FOR SEVENTEEN ( 17 ) YEARS AND AM LICENSED BY THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS AS A COMMERCIAL CERTIFIED APPLICATOR, LICENSE NUMBER 20375 . I HAVE EXTENSIVE EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE PEST CONTROL FIELD. I AM UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE EXTERMINATION SERVICES TO THAT AGENCY. tON JUNE RE 25 , 19 S2' , I WAS ASSIGNED TO EXTERMINATE AT APARTMENT 5-B, WHEN I ARRIVED, THE APARTMENT WAS PREPARED FOR THE EXTERMINATION SERVICE . UPON ENTERING THE APARTMENT , THE GENERAL SANITARY CONDITIONS WERE APPALLING . THE KITCHEN COUNTERS WERE FULL OF DRIED FOOD AND THE FLOORS HAD PILES OF DRIED FOOD SWEPT INTO CORNERS. THE CABINETS WERE IN THE SAME CONDITION. THE APARTMENT SMELLED OF DECAYING FOOD AND FILTH. THE LIVING ROOM CARPET WAS COVERED WITH DEBRIS FROM. END TO END. THE STAIRWAY TO THE SECOND FLOOR WAS SO FILTHY WITH A STICKY SUBSTANCE THAT YOU LEFT FOOTPRINTS ON THE STAIR TREADS . A PILE ON THE SECOND FLOOR LANDING , SWEPT POSSIBLY A RABBIT OF FECAL MATTER FROM SMALL ANIMAL, THE BATHROOM WAS DISGUSTING IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. THE BEDROOMS , WHILE PREPARED FOR EXTERMINATION, WERE ALSO DIRTY. IN THE NORMAL COURSE OF OUR EXTERMINATION , WE ALSO TREAT THE NOT MAKE IT BECAUSE OF CLUTTER, INJ I COULD URY. ALL ROOMS IN THE APARTMENT WERE TREATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY BUT , IN MY PROFESSIONAL OPINION, THE CONDITION OF THIS APARTMENT IS A BREEDING GROUND FOR ROACHES AND THE CLUTTER WITHIN THE APARTMENT OFFERS A HARBOURAGE FOR ROACHES IN THEIR REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE. THE ROACH INFESTATION WAS HEAVY IN EVERY ROOM OF THE APARTMENT . THIS SPRAY THIS UNIT . THERGENERALT TO CONDITIONS HAVE REMAINED THE SAME EACH AND EVERY TIME. THE DATES OF THE TREATMENTS WERE 3-11-92 ; 3-30-92 ; AND 6-25-92 . ON MARCH 30 , 1992 , I WAS ACCOMPANIED TO 5-B "HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS" FOR OF HEALTH AUTHORITY. I ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE STATEMENT IS TRUE AND REPRESENTS MY OBSERVATIONS AS A PROFESSIONAL, AND LICENSED, PEST CONTROL OPERATOR. AND SIGNED BEFORE ME, _-- A NOTARY PUBLIC OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MAS ACHU ETTS MY COMMISSION EXPIES: /9 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainant 4NoNymo✓S Date 9-/?At Time(a') Address Tel Nature of Complaint A/f/G//OOR ccihCEhito AQO✓r /^'EEF/1/ZE oT c->pnaren/ /MP Cc]4, 7ZXs Ar /',4 nps4/ext-//NSArc Location of Premises /✓AA96'fhfhen Owner /Y ftl' ! rAiiZij/IN ?lb ) Address c74 S-Pt ZeU% Occupant MK /PIPS 7f/On7/9 S TerU Taken by /-p7/rr Date of inspeetkm Referred t Time /.'/o pM INSPECTOR'S REPORT 092-1-LO/✓/P - /A" n°£Gs/✓ef, C W OF L ETIER . - -/093 AP/20/417-nip /7 7,' ,57,G 194 StnvlctS f02/ttS137nhte Action Taken 1 finds/tic —Printed on Recycled Paper— SE/2 fa 5EF '° V991 X61 T d3S page 2 There should be much concern here there is a very problem with this family, this isn't the type of serious p s in some side where a child of this age complex is gays inaso to fighting going aide alone due to the foot this oo lsz le way my concern of rnouble for chit this she ends outside d by herself an for the ngilshould ihappe toddler e o at t't nowg by what to d -She oconld be in the wrong p what EO do•- time. I urge you to please do something about this problem with this family. I have lived innthiis. Somslex forand some time now and I see what is going on as trying to help these children from any danger that is not needed to them. I really can't believe the =p88 allows this family to live like thief knowing there are children involved. say there not doing there Sob to protect the children. ch at fault if something should happen help Who would be have tried my best to try to these children not me I and nothing gets done about it. very concerned neighbor Northampton Board Of Health Dept. 212 Main St. NA 01060 Northampton, r ^^ -1 .;tPP 1 81992 LlurS�c ❑ i56 To Whom it May Conoerns ing to your office in concern of a family, I as xrittat the address of 17 - Hampshire Hts., that is living ingocated on Bridge 3d., Northampton, MA 01060. Apartments, The tenant's names are of Mr. 3 Mrs. Thomas ommaas Fo 1- nd toddler,with and them- infant.lives their concern is first of all for thedleo, mal 1- ild that abused by phe two small children that are being having the children living in a situation The isn' t necessary. The apartment in which that isn' t nin isn't fit to be living in. situation does live in isn tole family Mrs. Ford clean the apartment on a go ditty for Nchorer MT.They the parent's let the apartment B o chore. imt ioking up after the ohlldren d days at a t time without p or themselfa. dishes pile up, dirty They the parent's let tup dishes pile dirty corehr, and dirty diapers pile don't bath theme_lfs on routine. The more room• The they bath the children onla daily the routine nor en they diapers Ton parent's also let trash bags pile family has a dog and two oats apartment for days filled with trash and dirty from the infant. Alen, living in the apartment which is filled with fleas and smells of urine very bad• to the Housing Authority ton DSS, and the only thing that i have called on this family clean u the happen and to the sly is notified and they meppens is the fcmiy mess. But in couple cme of then report ofd this faamily.back and nothing reE New someone has to email a thisenahere Is elean't u we hhbar. tare two very'. know or or have a say in the matter and this isn't okay. PLEASE, lets get something done with this situation St is to late. The poor little child ei todd- ler now,is outs herself without any lea is outsfae by she thinks this is okay not this isnanyfbetter.the child, s knowing F HEALTH :E.Chairman ES, M.D. PARSONS EBLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH T0: Norma Valentine 4C Hampshire Heights Northampton,MI101060 FROM: David E.Kooken,Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health SUBJECT: Heusi n in ectlon at 4C Ham!shire Hel hts for Hoorn Code Violations. 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14131 5856950 Ext.213 To whom it may concern: Inspection was made on November 4,1992 at the conditions were noted at this time: and the tenants do their At the request of Norma Valentine,a housing too Housing Authority residence Opoledabode. Thee. While s do dir 11t Controlcokroaches,. Whtkthelycomple best to control cockroaches,unfortunately complete extermination o Probably not possible cause a periodic delnpneu problem In the ongoing Cellar is doesstophere. investigation, damwere produced showing (2) ent. ole tier was no periodic ding at the time of investig apartment. Al Also,rust gains along areas areas of the basement wall and concrete flooring were prior reflooding.indicating Lino, Into the area.showed spotty chipping plaster and some observed s imelou er wall prior eaa around seepage degree of chronic dampness. (3) Some outer wall areas aroond aparlmeat windows mold accumulation. This would also indicate some da9 problems such seems to do Its best la attempting to maintain the premises there.. However,P It should be noted that the residences at Hampshire e Heights b re old and the Northampton Housing ;Whinny as those noted above do ethl In varying deg There are two average siZB bedrooms In the apartment patment whlch are occupied for sle eping purposes s by five es (a) adults (h) 1 seven year old I 1 four year old (d) 1 tour month old Conditions at somewhat overcrowded at this time. i situation complicated ipe fact that the oldest boy irlma who, on mila , . This gg substantiated by letter sham to me from Dr.Paul F. MD,Springfield,Mte who also suggested that the present living environment could have adverse effects on the boybecause snof as does Dr.Walker,that In light of r the above ito a three and facts,I would also strongly eoOdes Dr. a bedroom that this family and present living environment. be relocated to a three bedroom apartment where the oldest ° himself and where general conditions are better then please contact me at the Northampton If anyoneshould bare any questions regarding Board of Health office. cc: Marla A.Crux BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date 1�/(-7& Time Name of �q �i�/�-N' Complainant TS Tel �fC Pn 25/21,fft Address Vri2 .0i�y = Gi=ll Pa Nature of Complaint Snee1,1ON WOt/�OG/� �ti09 G Location of Premises Owner Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT PA2eNA N/s0 cU"0 L/ Nup 4 Action Taken Referred to AV)t/ p/IGlirf,Ni /staMIL p1 AP Orin %WuRah:we° 'U vt0�1' CT RFCUrMf.✓t7 I?+eh nyHY1SLt! n9MF_ Otvf5> !I%Wo liA/ E AIA�L'19I' am) wired.) 6EYFkR ai.ENC ° / Inspecto Time Z :r7) N tins oMrPNfss;,rcm,c t/'ttrNa cerrn" S N✓r /0- 5-7E- /r/V-104 A' SeUa- NE,�vz S�4sFreUnal z l8 s3^4e n ( yt)D » C$ tr /kV/<—Printed on Reacted PaPet- MloSreieePF"0 /75t /t11) f/OUS//rG s- Nlilt , +:t p• �Yy( eN -CU- c? c.CE,q .CN-cCL OE lNFES'A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U APnRT"fvTC cL D (A. . •PnRE=CCP .cL ci N TCIICSL 5'R EN SEM CCNPAS SIGif(ENTE* OE SU,. . . . AcA. i L RAc: _ -TE C ANTE* £FaRACI 41PC i",7ArAntENTC RCS/8LEE-. _S N PaEPA cs (N E$ CASO �_ OE SS LLEGADA, nq s RAIICS APRSCP'ACAMEN�OE SUVA SIRAN•yZ �• NO R£C(BfRAN e� E�'CS U'`�CTIF[CUE A (LA crrcrmA sr YASUAMCGAR YN EO REr FENTAR NTET SCCSS OS p RTAME.VSTAR EN sU hNCSA. ! . TCDO ,'S E8 cNC NA NECNO NI NGUN ARREGLo =N Sj A CF C 45 yV NO h P�ULGAOAS PARAEAS1 PAC L 8 CTRATNIE.TTO. OE UNAS 6 Z. us cavE.vrss. of A Iz 3. SCI, A OE' S. CAM TCCA0CRES CE3EN cc; sacacA5 Y PVESrAS GAVr TC CLE:TOpCS ANTICS-CS -=CN l t Mp HOQNOE LAS. E'A..O' CE' FRECA . YA CC LOS saw NCN 0 `�Lt j S. AP 'rAO,UtEN rNFESr. ITI •gj 5 SERA s(DO a u A. E:•QVIpCE A O Opa_,w CIGUV atAA INlS '?ACICN MC TCDCO�Ei gE4 7RAT.Uf1ENTC_ C/C.i3 CUE NQ NA1AN qA S. % P' EVIrAR � N NACICN �PE.RlCa OE GAVINE;e TCA r r.-. - e G8tyEA. T OLAS .A q G CT.RILLCS SE 0fEYTes AS ASI FACILITt T ° Y ARTICULCS . 6. Tr;Da LAVA - - AR AiV IGGIpA� LA BAn p. a- - U.:am A ZU .asA of o. OE3E p .E AN pub 2` E MA e 7. TCOAS LA AR TES act NC7paE . _ a. Pf0 E:S FClMICyipAS NE�SfTARAN a OE FUMIGAR. PAPeL�sT REpNEN0A0C5 PAR z ; 3 f'lCAAS PARR SECARSE. • TC0O aCju ALAS Ti81Lry5 OESPUES UN IC. S�(AU3 r EyE LyE-J 7taiAMIENT0 E"! CC_O PUCE sE; SECiCC pN II .t . PUECE RNTO UNA v AOOOEINPf R,y.. u OE=xjES or_ E: PARA I1 PUEO PRE R LAS VETTANA:. PARR CUE ENTRE A BLARES IRE A sU APa EL IC . `ET$ pr=NE SE¢VIC O ORTE RUNIGANDON U PERT :M AREA NeT7.a5 Es, E_ 14* E, Ca_C OE AR LIMPT A ARTAM£NTO. DE ar• , C -O OE %CDC ART. �„:C ■ L� CUE CA:CA C:ILC C RCPa. �LE'.a ' L aew. __ 1)L-AlcUra c7 OUT NOTICES Ad }3 l +i 4 NOTICES TO ALL RESIDENTS OLLOWING PREPARATION FOR PEST CONTROL SERVICE MUST BE IMPLEMENTED PRIOR THE COOPERATION OF ALL RESIDENTS IN THIS MATTER IS EXTREMELY S RT. AAPPARTMENTS NOT PROPERLY PREPARED WILL NOT RECEIVE THE HEST POSSiBl TAT. W£ HAVE THE MENT. t NOTIFY THE OFFICE IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE IN YOUR HO YOU HAVE - THE APARTMENTS. WE WILL ENTER RNY HOME ANDMENT WITS :SENT TI EN IF DOORS ARE CLOSED AND THERE IS :SENTATIVE IF OFFICE. iOTIF2ED� T� TO FACILITATE ALL FUgNITUR£ MUST BE 12-18" AWAY FROM THE WALL BASEBOARD TREATMENTS. BE PULLED OUT AND PLACED ON BED.' ITEMS BE REMOVED FROM THE KITCHEN CABINETS, BUREAU OR DRESSER DRAWERS SHOULD THE PLACES THAT IT IS MANDATORY AND ALL ITEMS /KITCHEN SINK. THESE ARE MANAGEMENT RHACVES.MAYT INFEST. UNDER THESE AREAS ARE NOT CLEANED OUT,ROACHES MAY NNF OR DESTRUCTION OF ITEMS WILL ACCEPT BE RESPONSIBILITIES TI FOR DAMAGE CONTAMINATION. WHICH WILL BE REMOVED AT THE D OFF TO AVOID CONTAMIN ALL COUNTER TOPS SHOULD BE CLEARS PERSONAL ARTICLES SHOULD BE PLACE IN BATHTUB AR IC SHOWER STALL, ALL VEDE FROM A=RTAR UND V NITY. LAC EFFECTIVE B HO ER STALLION. AND COD R. II AND AROUND VANITY.ALLOW FOR A MORE THIS MUST BE DONE TO ALL ,�£ PEST CONTROL OPERATOR AND COVER. BE DONE BEFORE �Y WASHING OR CLEANING SHOULD ARRIVES. 3 HOURS TO DRY. ALL TREATED AREAS SHOULD BE GIVEN 2 TO SHELF PAPER OR NEWSPAPER IS RECOMMENDED TO COVER SHELF AREAS AFTER TREATMENT. PALS MAY SE WIPED UP ` A ) ANY EXCESSIVE RUN-OFF OR PUDDLING OF CgpMT A BUILT-IN DISHWASHER' RUN IT THROUGH ONE CYCLE AFTER DRY CLOTH OR PAPER TOWEL. 0) TREATMENTS. TO OPEN YOUR WINDOWS AND AIR OUT YOUR APARTMENT. THE L2) F�PRE-SCHOOL NOT BE IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA 'HIS L2) SERVICEOTL CHILDREN SHTRED SERVICE TECIU:IICIAN IS TREATING THE PREMISES. 13) CLOSETS MUST BE EMPTIED OUT. 14) EXCESS POWDER MUST BE WIPED OFF ALL EXPOSED SURFACES. . AFTON Jon Hite Y Executive Director Equal Housing Opportunity H SCREED TON,MA 01060 FAX 586-6105 :NRIN AS . CECILE CLARK 1B-D HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS S NORTHAMPTON, NOVEMBER 12 , 1992 loup6W MoDondd Haae li fO p Tobin M WJkr Savo Home Frank lg OSma Hovae Slate SII 'Have leneie'a Have Wmp001e Haghv Flaena Haghv Used Having Nogrnm Dear Ms. Clark: As you know the Housing Authority has instituted a more thorough extermination process. that your Apartment was to be adequate notice you were either You were recently notified to your not re y earlier today. Despite not ready or refused to allow the exterminator access apartment. 28 , 00 representing the lease find a bill for 9uthcr00 for the Attached please Housi g actual cost to the Northampton extermination that you would not allow. s committed to a planned roach Hampshire Heights" and we are willing The Housing Authority to pay is of this is program. the costs of this p you to Pay the costs to play games • however , pay the Office that We will not , t exterminator . you did had would be unable and could have the hei notified you would be unable to accommodate not . cc: Board of Health Srerely, V� l r(Il- on Hite Executive Director MPTON Jon Hite ITY Executive Director Equal Housing Opportunity PHSrREET TON,MA 01060 FAX 586-6105 S . VIVIAN ORTIZ 8-C HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS ORTHAMPTON• NOVEMBER 12 , 1992 Joseph H.McDonald House Herold loan A.T Manor Walser Salvo Huse Prank I.Cahill Apartments Bridge Street House Smite Street Haase Jessie House Hampshire Heights Leased Bow og Programs )ear Ms. Ortiz: As you know the Housing Authority has instituted a more thorough extermination process. You were recently notified that your Apartment was to be sprayed ear ore Despite adequate notice you were either n refusaed to allow the exterminator access to your ready or apartment. Attached please find a bill for $ resenting the Authority for the 25 . 00 re actual cost to that Northampton ooud not allow. extermination that y Authority is committed to a planned roach The Housing "Hampshire Heights" and we are willing to pay program this is ro ram. to pay the costs of this p 9 We will not , you had adequate however , pay the costs to play games . tYo and could have notified the Office you wouuld ld b b notice unable ablle e to accommodate the exterminator . You did not . cc: Board of Health Surely, on H/e Executive Director MFTON ITY fH STREET TON,MA 01060 FAX 586.6105 S . ROSE VICK 8-B HAMPSHIRE HEIGHTS ORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 Jon Hite Executive Director Equal Housing Opportunity NOVEMBER G2 , 1992 Joseph H.McDonald House Harold 1.Pomades Apts. loan A.Tobin Manor Waller Salvo Hoare Fmk 9 Cahill tre Apartments House State Street Howe lwiea Howe Harlwalhbe Heighu lsud Housing Heights )ear Ms . Vick: more As you know the Housing Authority has instituted a thorough extermination process. to be recently notified that your Apartment was You were sprayed ear Despite adequate notice you were teoityher r ore refusaed to allow the exterminator access not ready the apartment . 25 . 00 representing please find a bill for A Authority for the Attached p actual cost to the Northampton twop ton Housing extermination that you u would not allow. is committed to a planned roach illing Authority hire Heights" and we are The Housing "Hampshire extermination program at extpry:.• costs of this program. you to pay the to play games . that however , pay the costs the Office We will not , could have notified had would be notice and you would be unable to accommodate the exterminator . You did not . cc: Board of Health Sincerely, oil Mite dxecutive Director LIPTON Jon Hite I Y Executive Director Equal Housing Opportunity ;STREET ON,MA 01060 FAX 586.6105 3. ANTONIA MARTINEZ TS 3-A HAMPSHIREAHEI H TS DRTHAMP.ON, NOVEMBER 12 , 1992 Imev b H.McDoodd Hmue Harold 1.Ponaedm Apts. lom A.Tobiu Mmn water Sd b Hmue Fmk I.Cdgill Apamm se Sage Sa«t House SWeSVea Hmue leuies Hmue Hampduro Haghu Amme Huighu Leased Housing psogmms ear Ms. Martinez: n Authority has instituted a more As you know the Housing :borough extermi nation process. Apartment was to be notified that your Ap Despite adequate notice you were either You were recently to your not earlier today not ready or refused to allow the exterminator access apartment . Attached please find a bill for 25 . 00 representing the or actual cost to the Northampton Housing Authority for the extermination that you would not allow. The Housing Authority is committed to a planned roach extermination program at "Hampshire Heights" and we are willing to pay the costs of this program. We will not , however , pay the costs to play games . You had adequate notice and could have notified the office that you wouuld ld be be unable to accommodate the exterminator . You did not. Board of Health ✓ Sincerely, n Hite Executive Director NOVEMBER 13 , 1992 PEST CONTROL World's Largest ;L TENANTS: LUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1992 BETWEEN 12: 30P.M. AND 3 : 00P.M. N PST CONTROL OUREAPARTMENT. W IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH RTHISTTAS L YOUR CCOOPERAT RESIDING BE ON COOPERATION SEVERAL MATTERS IS REQUIRED: PLEASE REMOVE ALL ARTICLES FROM THE REMOVE ALL PETS FROM THE APARTMENT. COVER AND DISCONNECT FILTER SYSTEMS REMAIN OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT FOR T R ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE ABOVE MATTERS IS (1) (2) (3) (4) C - U KITCHEN AND BATHROOM CABINETS. FROM FISH TANKS LEAST 2 HOURS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED THANK YOU ORKIN PEST CONTROL C\ aura ane ,1 `\ONCV\Gr,1 1 \- cmo1\G \I T�iJ\C iLh ovi�Z - Scrceck-h PcOeun Name of Complainant Tel. Address Ham shire Heights very dirty and s No hot water, water ilr it. The called r` - no one has even Nature of Complaint " ' 1 & 4 days ago d the Nous ing Authority water Erma one apt. is backing up into the other. L'ocatton o remises Nous ing Authority S$N-91780 fON'/ ft Owner BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Marta Bou Iris Soto Date 02-23-9time 10_40 AM Apt. 1011 Apt. 10N -� Address Occupant Taken by (,, ca.9 rA Zico NNA /t s At' IA/N) MifeP • - Time sv <uN Date of inspection/ COMP+a Nr Carol a, YESrjeaj 11H�'' vice eu7 Pee'Mw .-.H�t�/ocHd✓5 INSPECTOR'S REPORT MANT Ar twatsifisr l540117AWA MR /PTA- e✓i u- ¢�cr Bn rK no l4oA/tOOF HE9trl/ - cdh Referred to Action Taken 71c" Cow/ /N t' Inspector //ocsif' 7Fae7S 0.• —Printed on Recycled Paper- BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainan Address Nature of Complaint B 7 sweWE, --- • cnurzs P1O r Location of Premises -.U/t%-.ft///a, `-fi%S) 62424EE /WP yjOiD 50c4J.,1 EE f,/�f 7'- tt93 Time /'3U Date's Tel /dm �c'i1 65- d. p .WG 7!97!0 Owner Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection B INSPECTOR'S REPORT �'JEN% C Pnr✓EL o✓ tL itCr toO:f t/Az., RJD QETricv wo 0�rue fb VTC+✓Hfio •Mat LMK t"1 $,,r.c•aad pppfll a✓AUS MO G6)unlb t&Pt YST Fill/ Aire Pat' Referred to Time Action Taken ' Aif2 igi .a2r err Fn u cff7— /L/Piut9 SEAT /C-A"-13 &S M Inspe Hae c (zc>)ccrr" —Printed on Recycled Paper— EALTH Cha4man , M.D. RSONS JUN.H.aith Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 110 MAIN STREET 01060 14101 566-6950 Erb 310 CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY :DER TO S OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN )DE "MINIMUM STANDARD d N• am o MA 0 • ' • BC Ham shire a •h ATE: October 28 1993 thorit Nort am ton Nouain RDER ADDRESSED TO: ATTN: Jonathan Hite 49 O d Sout St set North on MA 0 060 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Sonia°onto am•s e N legal document. It may affect your rights. This is an important sla of this form at: You may obtain a translation Ieto 6 documento legal muito imp ortante que poderd erecter os seas dire reitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deate documento e: important document legal. Il pourrait cette Le affecter vos est t ouvez obtenir tine traduction de effecter vos d:�oits. Vous p forme a: ale importante. Potrebbe avers e tctto sui un documento pub ottenere una tradusione di q Ue suoi diritti. Lei leg modulo a: Pue clue erects sus el importante. de uete forma us Este ea . documento legal direchos Ud. Puede adq uirir una traducci6n To mote miec wplyw na twoje up dokument. teo dokumentu w ofisie: jest weans legalny skac tlumacsenie rawnienia. Moaesa uzy Health Northampton Board of City Nall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA x214 Tel 1: (413) 586-6950 Northampton Board of Health acted the premises at has H s e Northampton (assessor's mapQ- e ' ht cal 38 ) ' for compliance with Chapter II of The State litary Code. p violations that the inspections revealed i sted letter will certify bean which are serious enough of the seed below, the health, safety, and well-being terially impair cupants. of the Massachusetts Chapter III, Section 127 Code you are moral authority of happ of the State Sanitary and Chapter II effort to correct the eneral Laws, good faith FOURTH N DAYS correct the receipt illo ordvioiationskwithin to allowing f this order: TION • .1 (1) Basement wash basin faucet will not shut off using handles. light is not (2) Bathroom lig operational at this time. 00 & (1) Shower/tub left wall panel 04 is loose and wall behind is note Tub/wall juncture and waled.. juncture points are noticauulkehed j uallowing water to enter r behind panels, anels while showering. (2) Upper bathroom walls and ceiling with excessive accumu- lation of mold 8 mildew. VIDE maLUX (1) Repair/replace faucet so as to stop water from running constantly. otherwise (2) Replace bulb or repair light so as to othe he operational. (1) Repair hole in wall and loose wall panel . Caulk all juncture points between tub, walls, and window. (2) Clean upper walls and ceiling and refinish in an approved manner. you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of 1th office. yJ tll trru ,yours, rid B. Rocha litary Inspector rthampton Board of Health is inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties ' perjury iRTIFIED NAIL P 149 375 582 • BOARD OF HEALTH 1t) CITY HALL om. COMPLAINT RECORD Date/ e y3 Time /SoP.n \ . Name of (/,5 Act•.-14../•.-14../ .t.0--Complainant 0,4 2 l7M 'r 'E SOS Tel. Address . .rc .,51/7 WWDAA) •.• Nature of Complaint •B - � apo BMA/.o IT . F¢fEc7/;VG f{PfJ%' ?'a0 7pp#T Location of Premises r Al 's / r art 9,1[64 IV Owner - Ar 0:()A4 Address F ap C5 Occupant %� •eferred to Taken by Li 2L.' d.13 _Time 4c PM Date of inspection _ , . � INSPECTOR'S REPORT -1 5D>V• - —i ` 7f07407c7 Mt Nom,µ/ ,pNE: 'r. ...• e ter NML gM._ : I Dia . )1.4 Off ;.MDCO 4 c D•o ;91 U•ED✓°soPr' Aiiii Action Taken , / Inspector kaisav1 to Nov33 • —Printed on Reacted PaPer—