43 Complaint Info 2013 City of Northampton Mail - discontinued home heating oil tanks Page l of l Daniel Wasiuk<dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov> discontinued home heating oil tanks 2 messages Ed Smith<esmith @northamptonma gov> at To Louis Hasbrouck<Iasbrouck @northamptonma ov> Man May 20,2013 at 2 35 PM <Ilepine @northamptonma gov> g .Fire Prevention<firepevenban @northamptonma gov>,Larry Lepine Cc:Merridith O'Leary<moleary@northamptonma gay>,Daniel Wasiuk<dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov> Can someone tell me what if anything is the proper way to discontinue use of home heating oil tanks? Daniel and I(were in the basement of a duplex(43 Summer)and although the furnaces now run an natural gas, it appears the old oil tanks are in place and the filler pipes/caps are unmarked out side. What should we look for in this situation? thanks,Ed Edmund Smith Health Inspector Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street.Northampton MA 01060 (413)587-1339 Regular Schedule Monday&Wednesday 8-4 30.Tb day 8-12 noon. Ed Smith<esmith @northamptanma.gov> To:Fire Prevention<fireprevention @northamptonma.gav> Cc:Daniel Wasiuk<dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov> ok,thanks!I'll advise the owner when we write the orders to correct. Ed On Tue,May 21,2013 at 3:05 PM, Fire Prevention<fireprevention @northamptonmagov>wrote' Hi Ed, Tue,May 21,2013 at 3:12 PM If they are no longer in use they would be considered abandoned and would need to be checked to make sure all product is removed and then the tanks would need to be removed and disposed of at a tank yard. A permit with the fire department must also be obtained to do this work. In addition the fill and vent pipes would have to be removed. Larry From:Ed Smith[mailto:esmith @northamptonma.goy] Sent: Monday, May 20,2013 2:36 PM To: Louis Hasbrouck; Fire Prevention; Larry Lepine Cc: Merridith O'Leary; Daniel Wasiuk Subject:discontinued home heating oil tanks �..i ndJt-,. laws niwc.,i�nnmaml https://mail.google.corn/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=6523 edbe9e&view=pt&search=inbox&th=13 e... 5/22/2013 City of Northampton Mail -43 Summer Street r Page 1 of 3 Daniel Wasiuk<dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov> 43 Summer Street 2 messages Edmund Smith <edmdsmith @icloud.com> Mon, May 20, 2013 at 1:50 PM To: Dwasiuk <Dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov>, esmith @northamptonma.gov Vermiculite type insulation, friable pipe insulation, old furnace gasketing and insulation Sent from my iPhone 3 attachments photo 1.JPG 718K photo 2.JPG 516K https://mail.google.com/mail/o/0/?ui=2&i k=6523 cdbe9e&view=pt&search=inbox&th=13 e... 5/21/2013 City of Northampton Mail - 43 Summer Street Page 2 of 3 photo 3.JPG 600K Ed Smith <esmith @northamptonma.gov> Mar To: Daniel Wasiuk <dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov> Here are the pictures I took of the insulation at 43 Summer Street. I would definitely refer this to Brian Bordeau Shultz (x.2210) at MA DEP(413.784.1100)_ my notes of corrections needed at the house: -loose handrail at front entrance, refer door swing issue to Building - mouse droppings in kitchen (owner must treat, including eliminating harborage) -discontinued door out of laundry that is still operable needs to be secured under direction of Building (let them issue) -the loose ceiling boards weren't a big deal but might as well have the owner secure them -laundry venting-patch old hole, new installation needs metal piping or flexible hose - I agree about all the pest penetrations in the storage off the laundry and the gaps by the exterior door to stora -laundry plumbing vent(above storage -appears to be missing rubber boot) - I'm mailing Building about the discontinued oil tanks in the basement(I'll copy you)(do they need decommiss -possible asbestos is the biggest concern - unsecured basement access (from parking area side)(landlord can have the only key -tenant will access frorr Ed [Quoted ten hoiden) Sent from my Phone Edmund Smith Health Inspector Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street, Northampton MA 01060 (413)587-1339 Regular Schedule. Monday &Wednesday. 8-4.30; Thursday 6-12 noon 3 attachments https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=6523cdbe9e&view=pt&search=inbox&th=13e... 5/21/2013 City of Northampton Mail - 43 Summer Street Page 3 of 3 • or photo 1.JPG 718K photo 2.JPG 516K photo 3.JPG 600K hops://mail.googte.com/mail/u/0/7ui=2&ik=6523cdbe9e&vie pt&search=inbox&th=13e... 5/21/2013 City of Northampton Mail - Email About Meter Page 1 of 3 Email About Meter 2 messages Daniel Wasiuk<dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov> Sondra Hope Berner<sondra_hope @yahoo.com> Reply-To: Sondra Hope Berner<sondra_hope @yahoo.com> To: "dwasiuk @northamptonma.gay' <dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov> Hi Daniel, Mon, May 20, 2013 at 11:00 AM Here's the email about the meter. As you saw, they never put any mouse traps in the basement. In the second paragraph, Mauryne is referring to when I was expecting to be gone in Boston for only a weekend and ended up having to stay a month unexpectedly when my dog was diagnosed with cancer. If you have any questions, please let me know! Thank you so much for all your time and effort! Best. Sondra Forwarded Message From: Mauryne Vandusen <mvandusen @cainemitter.corn> To: Sondra Hope Berner<sondra_hope @yahoo.cam> Sent:Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:42 AM Subject: RE: Urgent Matters Hi Sondra, Regarding the heat.yes. the studio is on your meter(not the entire barn)and, as stated in your (ease,you are given a 550/month credit to cover that. It has been an unusually cold winter here, and despite your not being in the apartment,the heat still needs to he on-and we appreciate that you did that while you were away so there was no damage to pipes. I am away from my apartment(which is smaller than yours)50% of every month and set my thermostat to 55 but my last gas bill was also almost$400. It's annoying but that is the cost of heating old homes today. Regarding the mice. I am sorry you are having a problem. We have not had a problem in the office this winter-no droppings, no noise, no sign of mice at all-so it seems the problem is confined to your apartment. Mice are very common in old houses in cold weather. I do know when you did not answer my email to you in December regarding the heat in the apartment, and we noticed a bad smell coming from the apartment. I entered and found rotting food in several rooms. There were oranges green with mold and bananas that had oozed out of their skins on your dining room table which I cleaned up.The smell and the bugs on the fruit actually had me gagging. I also saw uncovered food on the coffee table. which I did not clean up. You were away a long time at that point and that may be when the mice first found their way into the apartment. We will put traps in the basement- although we see no evidence of droppings down there. I suggest you put food in airtight containers then just keep setting traps until the problem resolves. I have had very good luck with the Ortho Home Defense Max traps in my apartment. You could also use poison if you have places to put it that do not endanger the dogs. Hopefully that plus no accessible food and wanner weather will take care of the problem. https://mail.google,com/mail/W0/?ui=2&ik=6523edbe9e&view=pt&search=inbox&th=13e,,, 5/21/2013 City of Northampton Mail - Email About Meter Page 2 of 3 With the melting of the snow there is significant dog waste in the yard. Please remember that you are to clean up after your dogs promptly. Thank you, Mauryne Maurync Van Duscn Caine Mitter& Associates ins andusen zi cainem ittercom 413-586-1993 From: Sondra Hope Berner[mailto:sordra h caho Sent: Monday, March 25,2013 3:14 PM To:Mauryne Vandusen Cc: MUM Subject: Urgent Matters Hi Mauryne, First, I couldn't remember whether the gas for the barn was on my apartment's meter or not?The reason I ask is because my gas bills have been exorbitant, despite the fact that I've spent a great deal of time in Boston for Boomer's cancer treatment. One bill was upwards of$400, despite the fact that I had not been home for a single day of the billing period. I've spoken to the gas company and they say that it was a direct meter reading, so it was accurate, I'm just having trouble understanding how this is possible. There has to be some explainable reason for this. I, as a single person who is away a lot, cannot possibly generate a $400 gas bill. Second, there is a HUGE mouse infestation in the entire house. I have gone ahead and bought multiple products at the hardware store to remedy this,yet it only seems to be getting worse. There are mouse droppings throughout my kitchen, despite having no food left out and after the upstairs office is empty you can hear them running, scratching and chewing in the space between my ceiling and the upstairs floor. This has to be dealt with I had company over the weekend and people were shocked at the size of the problem. Please let me know how you will resolve this. Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation in both of these matters. Please respond to me about these two issues as soon as possible. Sondra Daniel Wasiuk <dwasiuk @northamptonma.gov> To: Sondra Hope Berner<sondra_hope @yahoo.com> Good morning Sondra, Tue, May 21, 2013 at 8:41 AM Thanks for the information. Let me gather together my inspectional information in conjunction with Ed's findings I also want to see what the Building Inspector may find, but I can start on the report this week. In addition to the violations noted in your dwelling unit, there is the issue with asbestos in the basement. I will be researching this more during the week in order to provide an appropriate corrective action https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=6523edbe9e&view=pt&search—inbox&th=13e... 5/21/2013 City of Northampton Mail - Email About Meter Page 3 of 3 4- response. Plan on receiving a copy of the report sometime next week(after Memorial Day). Should anything else come up, I will contact you. Thanks. Daniel Wasiuk Northampton Health Dept. ]Quoted text hidden] Daniel Wasiuk Health Inspector Northampton Health Department 413-587-1217 office dwa si a k@ n ortha m pion ma.gov hops://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=6523cdbe9e&view=pt&search=inbox&th=13e... 5/21/2013 93 uV rl pert 3 31B-030-001 Complaint Detail Report Complaint 0: CT-2013-000202 Status: BOH-open Paneled on:zkn May 02,2013 p CIS N: 5961 Violator: °" °i Address: 43 SUMMER ST IMap: 316 Address: ("I Date Recvd.: May-02-2013 Time Recvd.: 12:20 PM Block: 030 R v Category: Housing Lot: OW Type: !! CeoTMS Module: Board of Health ± District: URA Trade: ~ Recorded By: Heather McBride Zoning: URC(100)/ Structure:Conventional SCr ENdP Description: Complaint: Severe rodent Infestation front door opens out and has no landing Comments: Inspector Assigned to Complaint: Camases Contact Type Date 'rime Name Phone Rest Time Io Reach Recorded By Response sailer May-02-2013 12:20 PM Sandra Berner (908)616-29470 Heather McBride Actions Taken Geol'MS Module Status Date Time Response Type Action Taken Comments Board of Health RFPLRRAI. GeoTMS®2013 Des Laurie's Municipal Solutions, Inc. 1 • _, # 1 � d BOARD OF HEALT CITY HALL i COMPLAINT RECORQ% 1 W Date r WSW W ime:W Wee Pe, TM GErIP Ty•e: Name of Complainant: .• 0 ' ' • / 1i atna� Address: �jon'c>'a �r,vLY e " /`� 69162 f G . &CC v� NATURE Nc OF COMPLAINT: kt\-- 00o( d /t S 'mit-RI- ( e Location: ('j 5 &Atmf s( + Owner: / f•"}-„4_"C� U..: `J'F� `u` ,1�_Uoc e'CT- Address: ..5C -; i-: t,W1 1Tel: Taken by: '7(Ai Date of Inspection: 5 I io Ii--. 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LG-uts.1. 7 yaw. ex, -W4 dDe lS 550 S 0 P .r• 5 S W NRa .;e r tc.e bN 1s O res u eJ lion report is signed and certified Signature or Occupant's Representative Signature [ion Date : *indicates that this housing inspection has s)rev aleck the pons which may endanger or materially impair ealth,safety,and well-being of any person(s) Citation and Description of Violation Esser.Esq, Kent., Esq. CrurareLega1 Assistant O I l N E n--- ES LAW OFFICES THIS IS A TRANSMISSION BY FACSIMILE DATED: TO: Fox: May 13,2013 Daniel,Health Inspector 413.587.1221 FROM: Julia Curran for Lisa G. Kent,Esq. Telephone: 413-774-7085 Fax: 413-772-2555 Pages(Including cover): 4 Please find the lease for Sondra Berner. desser@ esser-law.com Ikentc'esser-law.corn jcurran@esser-law.com files transmitted with it may contain confidential and/o e��i privileged material This is intended yfoatryf persons or and intio only the person or entity ny which it el+�e upon this information byp dissemination ieother or anther use intended or taking recipient is prohibited If noli&the sender than and delete this material from aall known records. 117 in error,please 117 Main Street,PO.Box MB•Greenfield,2ssei 01302 3 V• De-413_7 74.7085 •Fax:4:3.772.2555 M 2; 1�F•4; Dralp 11tb'd 3tl1-tlbl-b3tlb rt.ucic urriue 1tlG`J Lease Agreement :rty Location: 43 Summer Street,In Floor,Northampton,MA 01060 MA 01060 'foe&Elizabeth Caine,43 Summer St.,2n°Floor,Northampton, lord: Ns: Paul LaChance&Sondra Berner . Lease Term is 12 months staring 9/1/12 and ending 8/31/13. Term Base Rent is$15,000 payable in equal installments of$1,250 by start of business on 7th the 7th d rho each month.There is no further grace period.Payments later than start of business on the 7 day month will incur a$10 per day late fee. 3. ModiScations:The tenant will not paint or make modifications to the apartment without the Landlord's consent.Picture bangers are allowed but not the adhesive kind.Tenant will not install waterbeds,onsent washing machines,clothes dryers,space heaters or air conditioners,etc.,without the Landlords Charcoal grills are not allowed.Tenants arc not allowed to change or install locks without consent of most be given to the Landlord it any lock change is approved. the Landlord. A duplicate key refrigerators,showers 4. Maintenance and Repair:The Tenant is regained to keep all toilets,sinks,stoves, } The Landlord or bathtubs in a clean,sanitary condition and make sure the facilities are.used rprop�. alterations dl rd DT i make improvements repairs become required by of the Landlordlunless otherwise agreed on. or improvements will become the property 5. Entry by Landlord:The Landlord has the right to enter the leased premises,with p�r�The make necessary repairs or improvements or to show property to prospective tenants or p Landlord may enter the rental without proper notice only nl i the Case appears of emer abandoned,such or by court broken water pipe,broken heating system order. 6- Tenant Responsibility: Tenant is responsible for anyone he/she causes to be on the premises.Tenant will not allow any excessive noise or activity premises by an act of negligence by Tenant or their vitees.All Landlord for signing this damage done l g the preen persons signittg ties least arc legally responsible for all obligations of"Tenant"under this lease. 7. Casualty: If a substantial part of building is damaged by fire ar other casualty tendering it unfit for habitation,this lease may be abated in proportion or cancelled by either party. In case of fire or other casualty,the Tenant must look to his own insurance company if his/her property is damaged.Tenant assumes liability for'ass due to theft or accident unless loss is due to landlord's negligence guests may be kept on the premises without landlords 8, Animals:No animals of consent is giver their lord may revoke permission if animal becomes a problem. consent.Even after consent is given.Landlord 331-861^6339 5/2312 2 11:11:53 3 reutx UhrlLe. £tZ riAtaz. v4 the unit for any ton a than a ntnaut Subletting:Tenant shall not sublet the unit in part or in whole.Anyone other tbanthc Tcnantnamed on 2 week this lease,their spouse,or children are not allowed m occupy temporary visit,or the landlord may charge Tenant appropriately for extra wear and tear: • 0.Additional Ptvisions:Landlord may issue additional rules and conditions for the safety and comfort of- all Tenants.All Tenants must comply with these additional provisions as part of thelcase. - When aTenant is properly trying to assert legal rights.Landlord will not • '.!.threaten and em Reprisals:reprisals,such as rent increase or eviction,except as required bylaw . threaten or attempt epos 12.Default: If Tenant is unable to pay the required rent,abandons the unit,or does not.comply with any -- Obligations under this lease,Landlord may terminate the lease.At that point.Tenant is required to pay - Landlotd all rent payable for the time remaining in the lease.Landlord may 9nd=Mbar suitable fee Tenant to reduce damages,but Landlord is to be fully compensated.including court costs and attorney' shall notify the Tenant 60 days before the expiration of this lease as to whether s. specifying any changes in terms.Should the Tenant occupy the dwetling- 13.Renewal:The Landlord a e tenancy the Term pi renewed,without t otice by either party,he/she does so as a month to month Tenant only. after the Tame eayibes, ted by either party with a 30 day notice prior to next rent date. Such tenancy may be terming Y either shall be in writing.Tenant will send notices tolandlord's�'g 14,Notices: All notices by party has been as listed on page na 1.Landlord will send r Agent t Tmanton the to show m prospective renters. has been given,the Tenant gives the Landlord r Agent pe[mi 15.Vacating:Upon termination of this lease,Tenant shall st a liver all nitrmthe all per anal property,and leave the premises clean and damage free.Tenant 16.Deposits: A security deposit of S1250 was received on 10/8/11. SECURITY DEPOSIT MAY NOT BE USED AS LAST MONTH'S RENT. arking Provisions: 1. Parking is for 2 ems only:Subaru Forester and Acura TSX.Any change in Tenant's ear ownership must be reported to the landlord.Any additional vehicles must be reported to landlord. 2. Tenant parking is the last two spots on the west side of the parking lot adjacent to the grass. 3. The parking of 1 motorcycle is allowed but it must be parked on the grass on the west side of the lot adjacent,t,o,T-'e',tt,a.,a,t�spyar parking. clue F-it egve ti`lel �attu)4 1. d `:Ore s a of$50 per month for any month- - . Additional Provisions: 1. 1 dog(Boomer)is allowed. Additional dogs wil+mean a su the additional dog is present for over 24 hours. 2. All dog waste will be removed immediately and disposed of properly. Akan into consideration in the 3. Tenant is aware that gas in the ban is on their meter and that has been -. . rent amount: 4. No smoking is the apartment. -de ""`` "*", 5. All trash must be put in plastic bags and Put in the can by the bans No loose items may be_put in the can.No trash maybe kept on porch or any:common areas of Me building. ant's rent includes: washer,dryer. d maintenance,snow removal,household trash removal,.stove,refrigttator, tlisbwasher, ,am's teat does not include: g,hot water,electricity,cooking 7uel,garbage disposal,microwave. d that any violation of this Lease could result in termination by Landlord with notice at eviction• re uaderstan required,Uwe acknowledge previously reuSving&blank Statement of Condition hen a re acknowledge Deposit is vio tenant lead law notification where applicable. - >n. Uwe adawwlcdSe Previ°us1Y receiving aul La tint Name 45-56-6072 Tenant S =ant Email !nA eL�1.LSt�- 7enont Signature Date Sondra Berner Print Name 220-25-7296 Tenant Social Security Number _69(to _ corn Tenant Email CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Sal STAFF. 4ierndrth O'Leary.RS Dhector-Daniel itbsmN. CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code, Chapter II, Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation 105 CMR 410.00 Note: This is an important legal document that might affect us your r rights. os William loom. Hargraves-Cynthia Suopis. PhD Inspector-Edmund Smith.Inspector-Jenntf r Bromn.A�, P'urse Chair Joanne Levin, MD-Sucanne Smith, MPH, MD- Este es un documento legal importante q p COPY FILE O May 28, 2013 43 Summer Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Property Owner/Manager. Northampton. MA on May 10 and May 20,2013. An authorized inspection was made by a designee of the Northampton Health Department of your property located at 43 Summer Street, the are hereby period RDERED to result rrectt these violations l wit against the noted time limit. Failure to comply within You have a right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be made by you in time, and place of the cted. If and r qh es right to inspect all writing, and filed within 7 days after the violation has been corrected. If you request a hearing, all parties will be informed of the date,t and copy all records concerning the matter to be heard. The petitioner has the right to be represented at the hearing. Sincerely, Daniel Wasiuk, Health Inspector City of Northampton Health Department Cc'. Sondra Berner, Occupant FILE COPY 105 CMR 410 State Sanitary Code II Regulation$ 500 480 Description Handrail for front door stairs leading to porch is loose. Front storm door located on porch has a door handle/latch which is in disrepair and the door is loose. All entry doors leading from outside to dwelling unit need to bec quipped d with locking eha g unit is not posted. X 11 Conditions I may I endanger or impair health safety or well-bei Compliance ! Re- Date II Inspection Days from inspection date Violation Corrected Yes!No 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, I owners responsibility I 550 1 Evidence of rodent infestation observed. Rodent feces found and cabiinetsrof thenkitchen. drawers III 500 Counter top"splash guard located near sink is in disrepair(loose,cracked). 350 I Kitchen sink faucet exhibits water leakage. 1 I )om 500 II Protective cover for heater is in disrepair (loose,cracked). om 500 dry 500 II lm room 500, 480 150, 500 Phone line conn not in good reonnection to wall is loose Wleas are not properly sealed allowing entering for penetrations. Door leading to adjacent storage room is not weathertight and lacks appropriate working locking system. Toilet is not secure to the floor area (loose) II paint found d exhibits a shower/ttub king p 500, 504 30 days, owners responsibility I 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners I y/ responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners I responsibility I 30 say owners responsibility V 30 days, 500 Many penetr: < s and large holes are found owners II along ceiling, wall, = tl floor areas. responsibility 30 days, I Door leading to dwelling unit from basement is 1 owners 500, 501 not weathertight I responsibility 30 days, Water flowing from bathroom faucets exhibit owners 180, 350 i °rusty"reddish laced type water. II responsibility II 30 days, Suspected Asbestos-type material located on I owners \353 I basement plumbing is not in good repair and not responsibility free from defects (cracks, tears and pipe as) Vermiculate type insulation, insulation,fibrous form material, and old furnace gasketing and insulation noted. Owner is to have I Ibasement area inspected by a licensed asbestos abatement professional to ascertain conditions 30 days, Occupant im•anent all s paymentrfo gas Iused in the owners Occupant'mdicates payment I responsibility 1 Occupant is not made for the gas that ryes the garage/studio has been io a paying serves the garagelstudlo and indicates a"cross- metering" situation is occurring. Note: I Tenant/Owner Lease Agreement and other I 1 30 days, factual information have been reviewed. owners Discontinued home heating oil tanks found in II responsibility basement are considered abandoned and need ito be removed. Note: Tanks need to be checked III i to ensure all product is removed and tanks need Ito be disposed of at a tank yard. Also, a permit i I from the Northampton Fire Department must be obtained to do this work per order of Northampton Fire Prevention. JULY 2,2013 at 10am CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salioom, Chair—Joanne Levin, MD —Suzanne Smith, MPH. MD William Hargraves —Cynthia Suopis. PhD STAFF. A/enidoh 0 Leary,R.Uvenn.-Damel n'as uk.Inspector-Edmond Smnh. Invlunor-Jens f r Brown R.V.Surse CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code, Chapter II, Minimum CM a St d rds of Fitness for Human Habitation Note: This is an important legal document that might affect your rights. Este es un documento legal importante que podria afectar sus derechos. July 12, 2013 43 Summer Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Property Owner/Manager. An authorized re-inspection was made by a designee of the Northampton Health Department of your property located at 43 Summer Street, Northampton. MA on July 9, 2013. You are hereby ORDERED to correct these violations within the noted time limit. Failure to comply within the allotted time period may result in a criminal complaint against you. writing,vandr to hearing Board of been tcorrected request If you must equest a hearing, all affected parties alllrecorde concerning the be place of petitioner has thand ght to right to and copy the hearing. Sincerely, Daniel Wasiuk, Health Inspector City of Northampton Health Department Cc: Sondra Berner, Occupant Ad03 3111 FILE COPY a 105 CMR410 State Sanitary Code Regulation mon as Description Compliance Date Conditions may I endanger or Days from I impair health, I inspection date Isafety or 480 I All entry doors leading from outside to dwelling j I 14 days, unit need to be equipped with locking owners mechanisms. I responsibility I I 1 well-being hen 550 II Evidence of rodent infestation observed. Rodent I Ifeces found on floor areas and within drawers and cabinets of the kitchen. II 14 days, owners I responsibilit Re- Inspection Violation Corrected Yes/No • r som t ble glum 180. 350 Water flowing from bathroom faucets exhibit � "rusty"reddish laced type water. 14 days. owners responsibility )) stns rial 353 Suspected Asbestos-type material located on basement plumbing is not in good repair and not free from defects(cracks, tears and looseness). Vermiculate type insulation, friable pipe insulation, fibrous form material, and old furnace gasketing and insulation noted. Owner Is to have basement area inspected by a licensed asbestos abatement professional to ascertain conditions and implement all necessary remedial measures. 14 days, owners responsibility ng of is 354 Occupant indicates payment for gas used in the garage/studio is not made by the owner. Occupant has been paying for the gas that serves the garage/studio and indicates a"cross- metering" situation is occurring. Note- Tenant/Owner Lease Agreement and other factual information have been reviewed. 14 days. owners responsibility ne ig Oil iks 602 Discontinued home heating oil tanks found in basement are considered abandoned and need to be removed. Note: Tanks need to be checked to ensure all product is removed and tanks need to be disposed of at a tank yard. Also, a permit from the Northampton Fire Department must be obtained to do this work per order of Northampton Fire Prevention. I 14 days, owners responsibility Reinspection Date: • August 20, 2013 at 10am f CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair—Joanne Levin, MD—Suzanne Smith. MD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary, RS, Director—Daniel Wasiuk, Inspector—Edmund Smith. Inspector—Jennifer Brown.RN Nurse 'gust 21, 2013 'omas P. Caine Barrett Place arthampton, MA 01060 oar Property Owner/Manager: ease consider this a letter of compliance for a violation notice sent to you by the Northampton Health apartment dated July 12, 2013 for property located at 43 Summer Street, Northampton, MA. au are the owner/manager of record and are therefore responsible for maintaining the property in accordance ith state and local law. This office will continue to monitor the property to ensure it continues to be cleaned, iaintained and does not represent any public health and safety threat. You are mandated to do the same. hank you for your cooperation. incerely, aniel Wasiuk .ealth Inspector, Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph(413) 587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221