131 Complaint Record 2007 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Time 031111111® Name o Co plainant: re' - Address: th! , /524911 (� NATURE OF COMPLAINT: g7'? Tel: Vel Ci' CiLU / / / Ge(v � � �' �1 %�� 0 Owner: _i_ / Address: rewits ozzIA Aye � � A'Q Date of Inspection: INSPECTOR'S R • ha,o,,,,ok. �• • i o9„ C Action Taken: aati 3OARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS E KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH,CHAIR XANTHI SCRIMGEAUR JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF t J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health leczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse September 25, 2007 Bruce M. Weinraub 130 Coles Meadow Road Northampton, MA 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01080 RE: Complaint— 131 State Street-Chapter 2 Violations I, 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 Dear Mr. Weinraub, Yesterday I received a telephone call from your tenant, Ms. Tanya Fernando, expressing a concern about the security status of her apaitulent. She stated that there are several windows in her apartment that do not close properly and line up with the locks,therefore,not being able to lock and be secured. Also, she stated that she is now seeing mice droppings on her kite countertop in the morning and has a mice infestation problem. Please look into this matter and correct these items by September 30,2007. Also, please call me at 413-587-1213 or on my cell phone at 413-563-6680,as soon as possible, regarding this complaint and keep me informed of your actions and intentions to resolve this matter. For your information, you can find a copy of the State Sanitary Housing Code, Chapter 2, on our department website at: http://www.mass.gov/Eeohhs2/docs/dph/regs/105cmr410.pdf Also,please feel free to email me if you with to communicate with me in this way in regards to your property located at 131 State Street.My email address is emathieu@northamptonma.uov Please, it is imperative that you call me as soon as you can to discuss this complaint. I am awaiting your call. Sincerely, Ernest J. Mathieu,RS, MS, CHO Director of Public Health EMAIL: emathieuanorthamptonma.gov cc: Tanya Fernando 131 State Street Northampton, MA 01060 .. ..T 998 09/25/07 8:53:30 AM RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD CARD CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS EFFECTIVE DATE OF VALUE: JANUARY 1, PARCEL ID: 310-147-001 131 STATE ST PLOT: LIVING UNITS: 1 CLASS: R - 102 CARD #: 1 OF 1 NEIGHBORHOOD ID: 10.00 FINAL VALUE FLAG: MAN OVERRIDE CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS OONAGH C BRUCE M & LAND DATA - ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 131ASX C DOHERTY TYPE SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND1 VALUE PRIOR COST CURRE Ni 131 STATE ST #1 PRIME SITE 6880 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 LAND 174,300 BLDG 179,000 111,600 250,000 TOTAL 179,000 285,900 250,000 SALES INFORMATION DEED BOOK: 8348 DEED PAGE: 165 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.158 TOTAL LAND VALUE: DATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED DATE: 20050718 LAST UPDATE/COST: 20070925 19991213 LAND • BLD 152,000 0 9604 LAND * BLD 90,000 0 LAST UPDATE/COST: 20070925 ADDITION DATA X DATE: Lower Level First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Area 84 DATA COLLECTION INFORMATION OFP 36 OFP FrBay 28 INFORMATION CODE: ENTRY * SIGN Bsnnt FrBay 42 DATARCOLLEN ORURCE: 1sFr 1sFr 242 DATA COLLECTOR: Bsmnt IsFr lsFr 20 DATE: Bsmnt 1sFr F/ON 18 DWELLING INFORMATION STYLE: CONVENTIONAL YEAR BUILT: 1900 STORY HEIGHT: 1.00 ATTIC: NONE Basement: FULL TOTAL ROOMS: 6 TOTAL BEDROOMS 2 FULL BATHS: 2 ADDITIONAL DWELLING INFORMATION 13 7 Half Baths: ADDITIONAL FIXTURES: a7s 6 BASEMENT WALLSE(#[PRBI FRAME BRICK TRIM: X EXTERIOR WALLS: UNFINISHED AREA: STONE TRIM: X 725 BB ar./s GROUND FLOOR AREA: REMODELING DATA 1Co TOTAL LIVING AREA: 1344 FINISHED BASEMENT LIVING AREA:: ee X YEAR REMODELED: BASEMENT RECREATION AREA: X MASONARY FIREPLACE STACKS/OPENINGS: / KITCHEN REMOD(Y/N) METAL FIREPLACES: BATH REMODEL (Y/N) 1493 A/C: BASIC HEATING SYSTEM: STEAM FUEL TYPE: OIL QUALITY GRABS: PHYSICAL CONDITION AVERAGE C 13 13 MONO/O ND/DE ESIRABILIiY/UT ICI iY AV AV INTERIOR/EXTERIOR SAME OUTBUILDINGS & YARD ITEMS PERMIT DATA 2 7 4 83 RG 1E OT' YR93S01 Z'1 51 ZZ209 LRD PCONO DATE PURPOSE PRICE 9605 80,000 ADO APi B 38987 NOTES: 19 19 ADD AND REMODEL AUXILIARY APT 9 AND ROOF FY 98 amore :rnie Mathieu :rom: oonagh Doherty [oonaghcdoherty @hotmail.com] Tent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 3:38 PM fo: Ernie Mathieu; oonaghcdoherty@hotmail.com Subject: 131 State Street-Chapter 2 violations Page 1 oft ;ar Mr. Mathieu: 2 got your letter today about windows and mice at the 131 State Street apartment. I'll address the issue of ndows first. We really want Tanya to be happy with the apartment, and of course we want the windows to ark. It is important that our unit be up to code and in good condition. inya did let us know that she was having trouble with a couple of the windows, and we told her that we would t a repairperson in to see the windows and fix them if necessary. I think it was Monday 9/24, but it may have ten Sunday 9/23, when we called Tanya to let her know we had scheduled a repairperson to see to the indows this morning, 9/26, at 9:30 AM. Yesterday, she called me back and told me she could not be available that time, and that we were not allowed into the unit without her. The lease does provide that we can have :cess to make repairs with 24 hours notice, but I didn't want to push this with her. Her tone gets very ;pleasant very quickly, and I didn't want her to start yelling at me. Tanya said she was available later in the 3y, but unfortunately our repairperson had other jobs lined up and could not change the appointment. /e called Tanya back last night, and asked her when she would be available, so we could set up another ppointment with a repairperson. She would not give us a time, and her tone was very unpleasant. She kept aying we had to fix the windows today - but not until 11:00. he also mentioned - for the first time -that there were mice. We had heard nothing of this before. o made house at 112:30. Two of the sassh windows in the kitchen havoe stiff, older catches.look Bruce WD-40'd vthem, Ind we were able to lock the windows, but the catch seems to be a little stiff for Tanya to handle easily herself, .o we will have the repairperson come in and replace the stiff catches, and check all the other windows to be ;ure they are not stiff, and that Tanya can manage. There is a small living room on the first floor, and the vindow in that room sometimes slips open. I am pretty sure it slips open only when it is not locked with the .atch, but whatever the detail on that, of course Tanya should have windows that work well and the repairman Nill see to that, as well. 3ecause of Tanya's resistence to scheduling with us, we have just agreed with her that we will give her the repairman's number, and she can schedule directly with him at a mutually convenient time. Now the mice. Again, the first time Tanya mentioned mice was last night. This morning we bought some Diacon mouse poison, which is what I use myself at this time of year when mice are seeking a winter home. I have always found it to be very effective. We offered it to Tanya, but she did not want to take it. She said she didn't want a dead mouse to get trapped in the house, and the solution she offered was or.us to fill I rackst want gaps her to (not that I have noticed any in the house) with steel wool soaked with peppermint Again, getting upset with me, so I just said I'd check with someone and get back to her tonight about what to use for mice. I strongly feel that we should either use mouse poison or - if worst comes to worst, and the poison is not effective fumigate, because if the mice are not dealt with they may multiply. I want the apartment to be up to code. Again,Tanya seems resistant to that. I am going to leave the Diacon on her porch tonight, along with a note asking her to use it. I think you should know,just so that you have the full picture, that Tanya has been in our unit since August 15, and we have not found her to be a very cooperative tenant so far. For example, the day she arrived, she called and stated that the unit was dirty, and that we had not touched up the paint, and that she was going to stay in a 10/3/2007 Page 2 of2 el and call cleaners, and then deduct the cost from the first months rent. She wanted to deduct$847. The t had been professionally previously, have s of i also have bills ti the painter who we arranged would do touch up at her request. In the end shedid pay the full first months t. re is another example of Tanya's lack of cooperation: we have escrowed the first months rent and security posit as required by law, but Tanya will not give the bank the information necessary to add her name to the :ount. now your job is just to enforce compliance with the sanitary code, and I am sorry to burden you with all this ormation, but I want a mouse, we are ryngot to deal with hit immediately. Unfortunately Tanya has not nbeen very cooperative dso fare is hope that all goes well from now on. Please feel free to call me at 413-586-6184 or 413-320-3630 for an date, or if you have any questions. rank you for your time, and again I apologize for taking up so much of it. ncerely, onagh Doherty. :xplore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! 10/3/2007 Page 1 of 1 :role Mathieu rrom: oonagh Doherty [oonaghcdoherty @hotmail.comj Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 8:10 AM ro: Ernie Mathieu; oonaghcdoherty @hotmail.com Subject: 131 State Street :at: Mr. Mathieu: vanted to update you about our efforts to get the windows seen to and the mouse or mice eliminated. ednesday evening, I dropped diacon mouse poison off on Tanya's porch, and placed it between the screen door id the front door. I left Tanya a phone message with the number of our repair person,Tim Mclrney, and a quest that she use the diacon, and if that is not effective, we can schedule fumigation. I called Tim and viewed with him that Tanya would be contacting him to schedule a visit at their mutual convenience. Thursday wrote to Tanya and reviewed all this in writing -with Tanya I feel documentation is necessary. In the letter, pointed out that since she will not let anyone enter the unit unless she is present, she will need to make herself iailable for the repair. I also mentioned that, since we have been cited for mice, it is a requirement of the oard of con, and if that hat fails, fumigate. Ia asked lher to call us right awaytif oil and she has anly more problems. She try wool will work, She has our ome number and my cell. Je checked in with Tim yesterday, and Tanya has not called him yet. She has not called us either. ,t this point, I feel quite worried. Tanya has sent us a certified letter, and has called you, apparently requesting hat you cite us for failing to make repairs, but at the same time, she seems to be actually blocking our efforts to ix the problems she reports to you. plan to call Tanya today and check in with her. would really appreciate the chance to review this situation with you. You asked us to correct the problems by September 30, but how can we, if Tanya won't let anyone in when she isn't there, won't give us times she is available, and, after she has agreed to contact the repairperson directly to schedule a time, fails to do it? She 31so has indicated that she doesn't want to use mouse poison. [ will try and reach you on Monday. You can also reach me at home, 413-586-6184 or 320-3630, my cell. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Oonagh C. Doherty Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Check it out! 1 0/3/2007 rnie Mathieu 'rom: Ernie Mathieu lent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 1:12 PM ro: 'oonagh Doherty' Subject: RE: 131 State Street attachments: Code Housing Standards.doc :tober 11,2007 rage I uiL ,.ar Ms. Dorothy, lank you for your response. This morning I received a call from your tenant,Tanya Fernando, stating at your repair person has been to her apartment and that all of the windows now lock easily and that re is satisfied with the windows. She also said that the holes in the cabinets(where the mice droppings ere)were covered. She has not seen any more droppings or mice a feels that the mice problem no ,nger exist. You have now complied with all of my requests and all repairs are completed. or future reference I have attached the state sanitary code for housing code in word form for you erusal. Also, for your information, there is a very good website that an Attorney, A. Joseph Ross,J. 1.,who is located in Boston, has that is worth looking at. Many other landlords who have looked at it ave said it was helpful to them. Es website by J.Ross for Housing information is: www.attomeyross.com 'rint this out and follow these directions before you open the website. After you open the site the home )age has a table of categories to click on. Click onto "Law Info". There are many helpful documents sere. I suggest that you click onto:" How to be a landlord and avoid legal trouble". You should also :heck out the other documents on this page. GOOD LUCK! Ernie Mathieu 5871213 (Direct Line) From: oonagh Doherty [mailto:oonaghcdoherty@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 3:58 PM To: Ernie Mathieu; oonaghcdoherty @hotmail.com Subject: 131 State Street Our tenant Tanya Fernando has finally called me back. She was away this week, she says and will be leaving again tomorrow and will be away until 10/8. For that reason she will not be available so the repai she caln come and repair the windows until after 10/8. She has called him and has left him a message, and arrange a time with him. She says she feels safe meanwhile since the windows are locked. Tanya says she spoke to you, and that you told her that you had instructed me not to use mouse poison. Is that true? Her solution is the use of have a heart traps and stuffing crevices s with s eell no 1,and she says afoo that( ie the steel wool) we will have to move the stove and major appliances 10/11/2007 rageL UrL stence, none of this - including the placing of have a heart traps should we use those -can happen until she is k from her next trip, which will be Monday 10/8. She says she has not seen any signs of mice since last =_k. I am giving you all these dates so you can see that Tanya's schedule and lack of cooperation has vented us from complying immediately. ave called Minuteman Pest Control on Conz Street and spoke to Laura. They told me that, while blocking 3e, obvious holes is a good idea, you cannot mouseproof a house by stuffing steel wool, especially not a plex like ours. Mice can squeeze through a gap the width of a dime. As I recall, they used the word )peless.' It would be especially hopeless to try and mouseproof one side of a duplex. If we call them out to :erminate mice, they will be using mouse poison -that's what the professionals use. hecked the sanitary code. It says that: "extermination shall be accomplished by eliminating the harborage Ices of insects and rodents, by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food or eeding ground, by poisoning, spraying,fumigating, trapping or by any other recognized and legal pest id its mination free from all rodents, skunks, cockroaches llc and insect infestation and shall be responsible for it terminating them." -ead that to mean that we, the responsible owners, not only have the obligation to get rid of the mice or ouse, but may do so by any recognized and legal pest elimination method that yo we u choo5e, such as�se ning. ie experts use poison, and I think we should too. Since we have been told by y -oblem, we have to do it. If I trusted Tanya at all, I would be fine using have a heart traps, and trying to deal ith this gently. However,Tanya has threatened to withold rent from the minute she stepped in the house, and le reported fin about I he legal failing ie orders of the Board of Health (fines etc) are potentially so se ousthatI don't want to use ineffective half ieasures. lasically, what I need to know from you is this: 1) Did you tell me not to use mouse poison, and did you tell Tania that I am not supposed to use mouse poison o eliminate the mice? Is it the position of the Board of Health that we cannot use poison to get rid of the mice? s it the position of the Board of Health that Minuteman, if called in cannot use poison to eliminate the mice? ;2) If I do agree to use have a heart traps only, at Tanya's insistence, are agreeing you are not going to cite or mne us for noncompliance if the have a heart traps do not solve the problem? ;3) Since Tanya won't let anyone do anything about the mice until after 10/8, do you agree that we cannot be blamed for the delay? Please let me know. Thanks. 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