104 Complaint Records BOARD OF HEALTH CITY Hrfl V COMPLAINT I�CG11n 11 Date:c9-5-75er ITime: IMap: 7/6' Parcel:/� Name of Complainant U)oc_c<./2e _ Address: /DV _Z¢-C-S ret - /7 -r-Lcccta n-- N Wer/ Tel:524 35/0 2 q-3/9/ NATURE F COMPLAINT: �['' ,,,yyy��/ • TSB 2i mon,Ths) 'Y ( t ,e,2cigiar oM'I.YL��AL/ GAS ,S. Fn✓w r EA r PO.nx n Pr wtn f-ylX TIC/! Olrto/v` 4IF /4/!fHvIC W' i/°N,('(/C f/EN it- CNI/nv.a.F_ ' Location: ickall ' II Owner: �/j_¢,v //tic/.-tceo Address: 0 Sy 79_6.0L-o-E cif 6mw/C6//r4- I Tel:SSC-(/53G Taken by: Date of Inspection: 'Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: z-m IPfr>cr•) C4ure ronrWi.,,.,- -.SHE PUuwtZC C M. Escv,N- cerri-r:re /era//•iLEt • 17.'01I4 c Ott EP N•KEW (6 INN rC /H (mo - JrsrREr ny « lS2e>, r0 IVEEDbD X€Mlzs r,?t ) LHO- - - ScNXOr/2n, /Ms /-:-//// N - .wnusac teH R76tif arc IS eva/c/ £142OCP ro /n9/cE - ) .--nisknree Ss.✓NS ie-.Pr 2:/R tv£aw£sns/ Action Taken: //i Inspector Signatur _A1IV0t'itl (' Navy Advocate Spmgfietd Advocate 87 Sand Street Hash,MA 01038 vww.valvorate.rom Fax Hertford Advocate 100 Constitution Plea Hartford CT 06103. nvvv:taitlardadvacae.carn To: Nyin1 p NoiNitu Floc Jill &510 Phone: geal New Haven Advocate 1 Largxfied Draw New Haven.CT 06511. www.nathrei natlwcffi.cam Faifield County Weekly Westchester County Weekly One Dock Street,Se Floor Stamford,CT 06802 MOW. amogdvcom From: I L(t j lidILi Q4 Pages: 1 Data: ZI� CC: Io9 Ski Dear Ginny; Since no one has called to inquire about the delinquency of my rent this month,I want to contact you to explain. I have been waiting nearly three months now for some simple,but important repairs to be done in my apartment,meanwhile the list has grown longer. I have been told on several occasions that the problems would be fixed.So far, Tye managed to get the bathroom sink unclogged and a piece of plastic to cover the front door.Meanwhile,my heating bills are conning in excess of$250 because of the poor insulation,broken doors and gaps in the structures of the front and side door.Frankly,I am angry and frustrated. I personally have sacrificed more than a handful of weekends to clean out,paint and generally repair the place after the last tenants moved out(subsequently increasing the value of the space for future rentals, no doubt.) The following is a list of the repairs we neeer ccompleta; 1.bathroom light fixture is broken. 2.tub is stopped up 3.bathroom faucet is broken 4.No heat in bedroom w/brick chimney 5.front doors are both broken 6.outside door won't close 7.doors need weather stripping Please inform me as to the progress of this matter.Thank you. Sincerely, aX NAME: aX NUMBER: DAB TIME 3-FEB 18: 14S LAST TRANSACTION REPORT FOR HP FAX-700 SERIES ADVOCATE CLASSIFIEDS 1 413 247 5077 REMME_ELLAME—AND-S114303 413 584 6570 VERSION: 01. 03 DATE: 09—FEB-98 TIME: 18:16 DIRAT ION EG RESULT DI ACNOST IC 0:00:46 1 OK Ss4140100100 S=FAX SENT I=POLL IN(FAX RECEIVED) 0=POLLED OUT(FAX SENT) 0 PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY SF1FCT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS 14D41. 0 PRINT MANU ALLY. PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON. THEN PFCSS ENTER. AX NAME: AX NUMBER: DATE TIMF LAST TRANSACTION REPORT FOR HP FAX-700 SERIES ADVOCATE CLASSIFIEDS 1 413 247 5077 REMOT FAX MA IMRFR 7-FEB 13:30 S 413 584 6570 VERSION: 01. 03 DATE TIN£: 17-FEB-98 13:31 OUBATION PG RESULT DIAGNOSTIC 0:00:46 1 OK 553140100100 S=FAX SENT I=POLL IN(FAX RECEIVED) O=POLLED OUT(FAX SENT) ▪ PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY. 4FI FCT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS MENU. O PRINT MANUALLY. PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON. THEN PRESS ENTER. Advocate NVeckI■ Vagary Advocae 87 School 87 Sdnal Street Fitt MA01038 W W vrvailevetlwwle.cam W L g gi rwfitlatluocetacam Fax Ha6atl Advocate 100 Cat Plaza Hata,CT 08103. wvetaM0f83188hoe8181aan New Haven Advocate 1 langMnri Mee New Haven,CT06511 Fairfield County Weekly Westchester CotrayWeeldy One Dock Street 1800r Stambrtl,CT 06902 wwwtairaeldweellvcan To: •i'/^t,� ltr:lll/lt1 Frown ¶)JJ � Lt JVI0 Fare Sb4 CGS Page. Phone: D : Z�11 �'�6 Fam 1-413.247-5077 Phone: 1-800-442-4286,In MA 413-247-3181 VUrgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle To Whom It May Concern; I need to make you aware about the status of our rent. I have left more than 10 messages over three months about the problems with our apartment at 104 State St. I have also sent three faxes and spoken directly with several people there. So far no one has contacted me.I have decided to set up an escrow account in hopes of finally getting those repairs done. The rent is available in full upon completion of these repairs. If no attempt is made to begin repairs by 2/19/98, 1 will hire a professional to begin repairs and use the money from the escrow account in order to pay them. I have been and will continue to be responsible and cooperative teient. I have decided to open the escrow account only after exhausting every other avenue. Again,here are the problems; 1.front inside door glass 2.outside door(does not close) 3.tub is stopped up(plumbing problem according to BOB) 4.bathroom cold water faucet does not work 5.bathroom light is broken(new bulbs do not work) 6.furnace in small bedroom(no heat at all) 7.side door has big gaps and needs weather stripping