27 Municipal Water Availability MUNICIPAL SEWER AVAILABILITY Locatio Northampton Streets Department 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 587-1570 27 Spruce Lane Inquiry Made By: Date of Inquiry: James M. Harrity, Jr. 413-585-8025 05-21-02 Municipal Sewer Main in Front of Location: Yes No Size of Sewer Main: Material: Age: Depth of Sewer Main: Size of Service Connection: Comments: A corresponding"sewer entrance fee"shall he paid prior to making any connection to the municipal sewer system. Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Streets Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All work shall conform to Northampton Streets Department specifications. 0/ Joseph mas, Superintendent Streets Department cc: Ned Huntley, Asst. City Engineer Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector Q, PROPOSED SEPTIC LEACHING SYSTEM I&QV opt_.bvry / SEPTIC/ TANK SILT FEI LIMIT OF 1 x- 100 110.00 102 103 104- 105 - _ 106 -- 107- PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING GARAGE TIMBER RETAINING WALL SILT FENCE LIMIT OF WORK �.y ,. . � 11 / I ,)_---A-71 - ----Alce / ' /'/w � / / W5 / /EXISTIt&, r- ' GULV�RT�k_= - _ /_/_:-..-C -i w3 __ _ __ MUNICIPAL WATER AVAILABILITY Northampton Water Department 237 Prospect St. Northampton, MA 01060 587-1098 Location: 27 Spruce Lane Inquiry Made By Date of Inquiry: J James M. Barrity, Jr. 413-585-8025 05-21-02 Municipal Water Main in Front of Location: Yes X No Size of Water Main: 8" Approximate Street Pressure: Material: D•I Age: 1987 68 Size of Service Connection: PSI Comments: The Water Department cannot guarantee adequate water pressure during peak demand times at elevations above 320 feet. A corresponding "water entrance fee" shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal water system. Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Water Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All work shall conform to Nort, . pton Water Department specifications. es Borowski, Superintendent of Water cc: Ned Huntley, Asst. City Engineer Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector